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ATHE L4 Extended Diploma in Business

and Management

Unit code J/617/1149

Customer Relationship Management

Tareq Ahmed Ranjbari

Registration No.
BML3+BML4/4Yr IFC+GRAD Pathway/T1178

I would like to take this moment to thank Nest Academy of Management Education, Dubai
for providing me a platform to improve my skills and be confident that failing is just another
part of learning. I would like to thank my lecturers for giving me the essential knowledge to
help me with my profession and career. A special appreciation and recognition to my
classmates and seniors for sharing their experiences and ideas with me. Lastly, I would like to
thank my professor for being there whenever I required help. Each person has given in their
bit and has made my improvement and learning experience worthwhile.
Activity 1

AC 1.1

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy concentrated on structure

and maintaining positive connections with Customers to drive deals growth and increase
client fidelity. The ultimate thing of CRM is to deliver a substantiated and effective client
experience that drives growth and fidelity. (Peelen and Beltman, 2013)

Several crucial features of CRM help achieve these pretensions.

1. Customer Data operation: The capability to collect, store, and manage client data is
critical to effective CRM. This includes demographic data, purchase history,
preferences, and other applicable information.

2. Sales robotization: This involves automating deals processes similar as supereminent

generation, lead shadowing, and deals soothsaying. This helps deals brigades to
concentrate on closing deals rather than on executive tasks.

3. Marketing robotization: Marketing robotization enables marketers to automate

colourful marketing tasks similar as lead nurturing, dispatch marketing, and social
media marketing. This allows marketers to shoot targeted dispatches to Customers at
the right time and with the right content.

4. Customer Service and Support: furnishing excellent client service and support is a
crucial element of successful CRM. This includes timely responses to client inquiries,
effective issue resolution, and furnishing substantiated gesture.

5. Analytics and Reporting: Analytics and reporting tools enable businesses to track
and measure the success of their CRM enterprise. This includes tracking client
satisfaction situations, client retention rates, and deals growth.

Let's take the illustration of Amazon and examine how they use the crucial features of CRM
in their association.

 Customer Data operation: Amazon collects vast quantities of data on its customers,
including purchase history, browsing gesture, and preferences. They use this data to
give individualized product recommendations and targeted advertising.
 Sales robotization: Amazon uses sophisticated algorithms and robotization tools to
manage its vast force and fulfillment network. This enables them to process orders
and give fast delivery times to Customers snappily and efficiently.

 Marketing robotization: Amazon utilizes dispatch marketing and targeted advertising

to promote products to Customers grounded on their browsing and purchase history.
They also use social media marketing and influencer hook-ups to increase brand

 Customer Service and Support: Amazon is well- known for its exceptional client
service, which includes24/7 support, fast and free shipping, and easy returns. They
also use chatbots and AI- powered tools to give fast and effective client support.

 Analytics and Reporting: Amazon leverages big data and analytics tools to track client
gets and preferences, as well as to measure the success of their CRM enterprise. This
enables them to continuously ameliorate their products and services to more meet
client requirements.


Overall, the crucial features of CRM are concentrated on perfecting client connections
through better data operation, deals and marketing robotization, client service and support,
and analytics and reporting. By using these features, businesses can deliver a more
individualized and effective client experience that eventually drives growth and fidelity.
AC 1.2

Effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can give multitudinous benefits to

businesses, including:

1. Increased client satisfaction and fidelity: by furnishing substantiated and effective

client gesture, businesses can ameliorate client satisfaction and increase fidelity,
which can lead to reprise business and positive word- of- mouth recommendations.

2. Advanced deals and profit: By exercising CRM tools and strategies, businesses can
more understand client requirements and preferences, which can help them to knitter
their immolations and increase deals profit. (Kumar et al.,2018)

3. Streamlined deals and marketing processes: robotization of deals and marketing

tasks through CRM tools can save time and increase effectiveness, allowing deals
brigades to concentrate on closing deals and marketers to concentrate on creating
engaging content.

4. More client perceptivity and analytics: CRM tools can help businesses to collect
and dissect client data, furnishing precious perceptivity into client gesture and
preferences that can inform unborn marketing and deals sweats.

5. Advanced collaboration and communication: CRM systems can ameliorate

communication and collaboration between different brigades within a business,
similar as deals, marketing, and client service, enabling them to work together more
effectively to deliver an exceptional client experience. (Parvatiyar and Sheth, 2016)


Taking example of some well- known companies have served from good client Relationship

 Increased client satisfaction and fidelity: Apple is known for its exceptional client
service, which includes substantiated backing and support for Customers. This has
helped the company to maintain high situations of client satisfaction and fidelity,
leading to reprise business and positive word- of- mouth recommendations.

 Advanced deals and profit: Salesforce, a leading CRM software provider, uses its
own CRM system to manage its deals and marketing sweats. This has enabled the
company to increase deals profit and ameliorate client accession rates by furnishing a
more individualized and effective deals experience for Customers.

 Streamlined deals and marketing processes: Coca- Cola uses a CRM system to
automate its deals and marketing processes, which has helped to save time and
increase effectiveness. This has enabled the company to concentrate on developing
engaging content and juggernauts that reverberate with its customers, driving
increased deals profit.

 More client perceptivity and analytics: Amazon utilizes its vast quantities of client
data to inform its marketing and deals sweats. By assaying client gesture and
preferences, Amazon can give individualized product recommendations and targeted
advertising that drives increased deals profit.

 Advanced collaboration and communication: Airbnb use a CRM system to enable

effective communication and collaboration between its client service, deals, and
marketing brigades. This has helped the company to deliver a harmonious and
individualized client experience that drives client satisfaction and fidelity.


In conclusion, effective client Relationship Management (CRM) is essential for businesses

looking to succeed in moment's client- centric business. By fastening on erecting positive
connections with Customers, businesses can ameliorate client satisfaction, increase fidelity,
and drive deals growth. By exercising CRM tools and strategies to collect and dissect client
data, streamline deals and marketing processes, and ameliorate collaboration between
different brigades, businesses can gain precious perceptivity into client gesture and
preferences and deliver exceptional client gesture that drive success and growth.
AC 1.3

Quality Management Systems (QMS) are a set of processes, programs, and procedures
designed to ensure that a company's products or services meet or exceed client prospects.
Some exemplifications of QMS include:

1. Total Quality Management (TQM): TQM is a operation approach that focuses on

nonstop enhancement and the elimination of waste in all aspects of a company's
operations. It involves a commitment to quality at all situations of the association and
a focus on meeting or exceeding client prospects.

An illustration of a company that uses TQM is Toyota, which has a strong focus on
nonstop enhancement and a commitment to quality in all aspects of its operations.

2. ISO norms: ISO norms are a set of transnational norms designed to ensure the quality
of products and services. Companies can come pukka to these norms by witnessing an
external inspection of their processes and procedures. ‘

An illustration of a company that uses ISO norms is Apple, which has achieved ISO
9001 instrument for its quality operation system.

3. Balanced Scorecard: The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic operation tool that helps
companies to align their strategy with their pretensions and objects. It involves
shadowing and measuring crucial performance pointers across different areas of the
association, similar as finance, client service, and operations. (Niu and Li, 2019)

An illustration of a company that uses the Balanced Scorecard is Coca- Cola, which
uses the tool to track and measure performance across its global operations.

Benefits of QMS on CRM

 Advanced client satisfaction and fidelity: QMS can help to ameliorate the quality of a
company's products or services, reducing the liability of client complaints and
perfecting overall client satisfaction and fidelity.

 Increased effectiveness and productivity: By barring waste and inefficiencies in their

processes, companies can ameliorate their effectiveness and productivity, allowing
them to give better client gesture and support.
 More perceptivity and decision- making: QMS can give precious data and
perceptivity into client gesture and preferences, helping companies to make further
informed opinions and knitter their immolations to meet client requirements.

Downsides Of QMS on CRM

 High costs of perpetration and conservation: Implementing and maintaining a QMS

can be precious, especially for lower businesses, which may not have the coffers to
invest in similar systems.

 Implicit for over-reliance on criteria: While criteria can be helpful in measuring and
perfecting performance, over-reliance on criteria can occasionally lead to a narrow
focus on short- term pretensions at the expenditure of long- term client connections.

 Resistance to change enforcing: a QMS can occasionally meet resistance from

workers who may be resistant to change or may not see the value in the system.


Overall, the impact of QMS on CRM can be significant, as it can help to ameliorate the
quality of a company's immolations, increase client satisfaction and fidelity, and drive growth
and success in a competitive business. still, companies must precisely consider the costs and
implicit downsides of enforcing a QMS and ensure that they aren't immolating long- term
client connections for short- term earnings.

AC 2.1

One crucial process of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the collection and
processing of client information. (Ngai et al., 2009) This process involves several ways:

1. Relating the data to be collected: Companies must first determine what types of data
they need to collect in order to effectively manage client connections. This might
include demographic information, purchase history, preferences, and other applicable

2. Collecting client data: Once the data has been linked, companies must collect it
through colourful channels similar as checks, forms, online relations, and client

3. Storing and processing client: data Companies must also store the collected data in a
centralized database or client Relationship operation system, making it fluently
accessible to workers who need it.

4. Assaying client data: Companies must dissect the collected data to gain perceptivity
into client gesture, preferences, and needs. This analysis can help identify openings to
ameliorate products or services and knitter marketing sweats to specific client parts.

5. Developing client- concentrated systems: Grounded on the analysis of client data,

companies can develop systems that are client- concentrated, including client service,
product development, and marketing.

6. Furnishing IT support: IT support is essential in managing client data and

developing client- concentrated systems. Companies must ensure that their IT
structure is equipped to handle the collection, storehouse, and processing of large
quantities of client data.

To achieve effective client Relationship Management (CRM) within a business, the ensuing
process is necessary (Buttle, 2016):

 Relating client Needs: It's important for businesses to understand the requirements
and prospects of their customers. This can be achieved through colourful styles
similar as client checks, feedback forms, and data analysis.
 Developing a client- Centric Culture: The entire association should be aligned with a
client- centric mindset, where workers prioritize client requirements and wants in all
aspects of business operations.

 Collecting and assaying client Data: Collecting and assaying client data is pivotal in
understanding client gesture and preferences. This data can help businesses conform
their products and services to meet client requirements and ameliorate the overall
client experience.

 Furnishing Excellent Client Service: furnishing excellent client service is essential in

erecting strong client connections. This can include24/7 support, tone- service
options, and substantiated backing.

For illustration, Facebook was blamed for the Cambridge Analytica reproach, where the
data of millions of druggies was gathered without their concurrence for political advertising.
also, Google was blamed for using particular data for targeted advertising without druggies'
unequivocal consent. To avoid similar review, businesses must ensure that they're transparent
about how they collect and use client data and give Customers with options to control their
data. also, businesses must balance personalization with sequestration to maintain trust and
make strong client connections.

In conclusion, effective CRM requires a comprehensive process that prioritizes client

requirements and prospects. While the process may face review, businesses can alleviate
these enterprises by being transparent about data operation and prioritizing client
AC 2.2

The part of internal staff is pivotal in achieving effective client relationship operation (CRM).
Below are some ways in which internal staff can be useful in achieving effective client

1. Furnishing proper client: training Internal staff can give Customers with training on
how to use the association's products and services effectively. This can ameliorate
client satisfaction and reduce the number of support inquiries. (Chen and Popovich,

2. Listening to client feedback: Internal staff can collect client feedback and give
perceptivity to other departments. This feedback can be used to ameliorate products
and services, as well as client engagement strategies.

3. Uniting with other departments: Internal staff from different departments can unite
to ensure that CRM objects are aligned with the association's overall pretensions. This
collaboration can help to produce a flawless client experience across all touchpoints.

4. Furnishing individualized service: Internal staff can use client data to give
individualized service and recommendations. This can ameliorate client satisfaction
and retention.

Below are the places of internal staff in achieving effective client relations gesture:

 Senior Management: Senior operation plays a critical part in setting the vision and
strategy for CRM in the association. They need to prioritize client- centricity and
allocate coffers to support CRM enterprise.

 IT directors: IT directors are responsible for enforcing and maintaining the

technology structure that supports CRM, similar as client databases, client analytics
software, and client engagement platforms.

 Functional directors: functional directors oversee the day- to- day conditioning of the
association, and they need to ensure that functional processes are align with CRM
objects. They should also give acceptable coffers to support CRM conditioning.

 Frontline workers: Frontline workers, similar as deals representatives and client

service representatives, are the primary point of contact with Customers. They need to
be well- trained and equipped with the necessary tools and information to give
excellent client service.

 Marketing Teams: Marketing brigades are responsible for developing and executing
client engagement strategies that support CRM objects. They need to produce targeted
juggernauts that reverberate with Customers and align with overall CRM pretensions.


Overall, effective CRM requires a cooperative trouble from all internal staff, from elderly
operation to frontline workers. Each department and labour force must play their part in
creating a client- centric culture and delivering exceptional client gesture. By working
together, internal staff can achieve CRM objects and make long- term client connections.
AC 2.3

The part of external stakeholders is critical in achieving effective client relationship operation
(CRM). (Ryals and Payne, 2016)

Below are some ways in which external stakeholders can contribute to the success of CRM:

1. Customers: Customers are the most important external stakeholders in achieving

effective CRM. They give precious feedback and perceptivity that can help
associations ameliorate their products, services, and client engagement strategies. By
prioritizing client satisfaction, associations can produce a pious client base and
increase their profit.

2. Suppliers: Suppliers can contribute to effective CRM by furnishing high- quality

products and services on time. This can help associations meet their customers’
requirements and prospects and maintain their character for trust ability and quality.

3. Partners: mates can help associations achieve effective CRM by furnishing

reciprocal products or services that enhance the client experience. For illustration, a
trip agency can mate with a hostel chain to offer Customers a complete trip package.

4. Controllers: Controllers play a part in icing that associations misbehave with laws
and regulations related to client sequestration, data protection, and consumer rights.
By complying with these regulations, associations can make trust with their customers
and avoid legal issues that can damage their character.

5. Assiduity associations: Assiduity associations can give guidance and support to

associations in achieving effective CRM. They can offer stylish practices, training,
and networking openings that can help associations ameliorate their client
engagement strategies and stay over- to- date with assiduity trends.

As an illustration of the part of external stakeholders in achieving effective CRM, Amazon

has partnered with UPS to give expedited and dependable delivery services for its customers.
UPS is responsible for delivering a significant portion of Amazon's packages, and the two
companies have banded to optimize the delivery process and ensure that packages arrive on
time and in good condition. This cooperation has allowed Amazon to give a superior client
experience by offering fast and dependable shipping, which is critical for online shoppers
who value convenience and speed. By partnering with UPS, Amazon has been suitable to
streamline its logistics operations and enhance its CRM strategy by furnishing a high position
of client service.


Overall, the part of external stakeholders is pivotal in achieving effective CRM. By uniting
with Customers, suppliers, mates, controllers, and assiduity associations, associations can
produce a client- centric culture, ameliorate client satisfaction, and increase their profit.)

AC 3.1

Loyalty schemes are selling programs designed to incentivize Customers to continue copping
from a business by offering prices, abatements, or other benefits in exchange for their
fidelity. They're intended to increase client retention, encourage reprise purchases, and make
stronger connections between businesses and their customers. (Han and Nguyen, 2019)

Different loyalty schemes are used by businesses to incentivize reprise purchases and
encourage client fidelity. Some common types of loyalty schemes include:

 Points- based programs: Customers earn points for each purchase, which can be
redeemed for prices similar as abatements, free products, or exclusive offers.

 Tiered programs: Customers can earn different situations of prices grounded on their
position of spending or fidelity. For illustration, a client who spends a certain
quantum or makes a certain number of purchases may qualify for a advanced position
of prices.

 VIP programs: Customers who meet certain criteria, similar as high spending or
long- term fidelity, may be invited to join an exclusive program that offers fresh
gratuities and benefits.

Loyalty programs generally collect a range of information about Customers, including:

 Purchase history: loyalty programs track Customers' purchase history to understand

their preferences and buying gesture. This information can be used to conform
elevations and offers to individual Customers.

 Demographic information: loyalty programs may collect demographic information

similar as age, gender, and position to more understand their client base and target
elevations and offers to specific groups.

 Feedback and reviews: Some loyalty programs may encourage Customers to give
feedback and reviews on products and services, which can help businesses ameliorate
their immolations and client experience.

There are several popular loyalty schemes in the UAE, including:

 Emirates Skywards: This loyalty program is offered by Emirates Airlines and allows
Customers to earn and redeem points for breakouts, upgrades, hostel stays, and other
prices (Au, 2019).

 Etisalat Rewards: Etisalat, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the

UAE, offers this program. Customers can earn points for using Etisalat services and
redeem them for abatements, free services, and other prices.

 ADNOC Rewards: This program is offered by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
(ADNOC) and allows Customers to earn points for copping energy and other products
at ADNOC stations. Points can be redeemed for energy, groceries, and other prices.


Overall, loyalty schemes can be an effective tool for businesses to ameliorate client retention
and encourage reprise purchases. By collecting and assaying data through loyalty programs,
businesses can more understand their customers and develop targeted marketing strategies to
enhance their client connections.
AC 3.2

Associations to inform their business decision making by relating client preferences,

perfecting their marketing juggernauts, and developing new products or services that meet
client requirements use the information gained through loyalty programs. By using client data
to make informed opinions, associations can increase their profit, ameliorate their client
experience, and make stronger connections with their guests.

then are some exemplifications of popular fidelity programs used by different associations
and how they use the collected information effectively:

 Starbucks Rewards: This loyalty program is offered by Starbucks and allows guests
to earn points for purchases that can be redeemed for free drinks, food, and other
prices. Starbucks uses the data collected through its fidelity program to epitomize its
marketing juggernauts, offer customized recommendations to guests, and identify
trends in client gesture.

 Sephora Beauty Insider: This fidelity program is offered by Sephora and allows
guests to earn points for purchases that can be redeemed for beauty products and other
prices. Sephora uses the data collected through its fidelity program to epitomize its
product recommendations and marketing dispatches, identify trends in client gesture,
and ameliorate its force operation.

 Hilton Honours: This fidelity program is offered by Hilton hospices and allows
guests to earn points for stays that can be redeemed for free nights, upgrades, and
other prices. Hilton uses the data collected through its fidelity program to epitomize
its marketing dispatches and offers, identify trends in client gesture, and ameliorate its
guest experience.

 Amazon Prime: This fidelity program is offered by Amazon and allows guests to
admit free shipping, streaming of pictures and television shows, and other benefits for
a periodic figure. Amazon uses the data collected through its fidelity program to
epitomize its product recommendations and marketing dispatches, ameliorate its force
operation, and identify trends in client gesture. (Gummesson, 2008)

Overall, these associations use the data collected through their fidelity programs to ameliorate
their client experience, drive reprise purchases, and make stronger connections with their
guests. By offering prices and benefits in exchange for fidelity, they're suitable to incentivize
guests to continue doing business with them while also collecting precious data and
perceptivity about their preferences and gesture.

AC 4.1

Etihad Airways is a Flight Carrier Services operative from the United Arab Emirates and
one of the leading air carrier services in the world. The flight carrier was incorporated in July
2023, while initiated its operations in the month of November the same year (Hardiman,
2021). The airways are known for numerous flights that it has each day connecting various
parts of the world. Alongside, it is known for its exceptional client service, and its CRM
process plays a significant part in achieving this character. The airline uses a variety of
systems to support its CRM process, including a client relationship operation system, a client
service operation system, and a fidelity program.

The CRM system used by Etihad Airways allows the airline to collect and store client data,
including client preferences, trip history, and feedback. This data is also used to epitomize the
client experience, give targeted marketing juggernauts, and identify areas for enhancement.
The client service operation system enables the airline to manage client inquiries and
complaints efficiently, icing a high position of client satisfaction.

One of the downsides of Etihad's CRM process is that it can be time- consuming and
resource- ferocious to collect and dissect client data. also, some guests may be reluctant to
give information, which can limit the effectiveness of the fidelity program and other aspects
of the CRM process.

 Etihad Airways uses a comprehensive CRM process to ensure high situations of client

 The airline uses systems similar as the Etihad Guest fidelity program to collect and
dissect client data.

 Staff places are easily defined, with a focus on furnishing individualized service and
creating positive client gesture.

 Etihad has enforced service programs that prioritize client satisfaction and aim to
resolve any issues snappily and efficiently.

 The airline uses quality marks similar as Net protagonist Score (NPS) to measure
client satisfaction and identify areas for enhancement.
 Etihad's client service is generally of a high quality, with a focus on furnishing
individualized service and addressing client requirements and enterprises.

 Data on client satisfaction is regularly collected and anatomized to inform business

decision timber and ameliorate the client experience.

 Downsides of the systems used by Etihad include implicit sequestration enterprises

related to the collection and use of client data, as well as the eventuality for
specialized glitches or system failures that could impact client satisfaction.


Overall, Etihad's CRM process and systems have multitudinous benefits, including increased
client satisfaction, fidelity, and profit. By using data to epitomize the client experience and
ameliorate service quality, the airline is suitable to maintain its position as a leader in the
aeronautics assiduity. still, it's important for Etihad to continually estimate and upgrade its
CRM process to ensure that it's meeting the changing requirements and preferences of its
AC 4.2

To ameliorate the being CRM process of Etihad Airways, the following implicit
advancements can be suggested:

 Preface of a CRM software system: Etihad Airways could consider enforcing a new
CRM software system that would allow for better shadowing and analysis of client
data. This would enable the airline to give further individualized gests and offer
targeted elevations to its guests, performing in increased client satisfaction and

 Enhanced client service programs: Etihad Airways could concentrate on perfecting

its client service programs to produce a further client- centric culture within the
association. This could involve training staff to be more compassionate and
responsive to client requirements, as well as empowering them to make opinions that
profit the client.

 Working towards honoured quality norms: Etihad Airways could work towards
achieving honoured quality norms similar as ISO 9001 or the EFQM Excellence
Model. This would give a frame for icing that client requirements are met constantly
and would help to identify areas for enhancement within the CRM process.

 Preface of a CSR department: Etihad Airways could consider creating a

Commercial Social Responsibility (CSR) department that would be responsible for
managing the airline's social and environmental impact. This would demonstrate the
airline's commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices, which
would help to make trust and fidelity among guests who partake these values.

In conclusion, Etihad Airways can ameliorate their CRM process by enforcing new software
systems, introducing riddle shoppers, working towards honoured quality norms, and
establishing a CSR department. These advancements can lead to increased client satisfaction,
fidelity, and eventually, bettered business performance.
AC 4.3

Improving staff engagement is necessary for Etihad Airways as it can lead to increased hand
satisfaction and provocation, performing in better performance, increased productivity, and
bettered client service. Engaged workers are more likely to go over and further for guests,
which can lead to increased client fidelity and eventually, advanced gains for the company.

To ameliorate the part of staff in promoting CRM in Etihad Airways, the following
advancements can be suggested:

1. Recruiting the right staff: The airline can concentrate on hiring workers with the
right station and chops that align with the company's values and client- centric

2. Training: Etihad Airways can give regular training to its workers on client service,
communication chops, conflict resolution, and problem- working to enhance their
performance and promote a client- centric culture.

3. Clear vision and charge: The airline can ensure that its staff understands the
company's vision and charge, which can help them align their conduct with the
association's pretensions and objects.

4. Applicable access to client data: Etihad Airways can give its staff with applicable
access to client data to enable them to offer substantiated and acclimatized services to
guests, enhancing their experience.


Perfecting the part of staff in promoting CRM can have a significant positive impact on the
client experience and overall business performance. By retaining the right staff, furnishing
training, and icing access to client data, associations like Etihad Airways can enhance their
CRM process and make lasting client connections. These sweats can affect in increased client
satisfaction, fidelity, and profitability.
AC 4.4

Here is a stage- by- stage perpetration plan for the suggestured advancements for Etihad

Improvement 1- Preface of a CRM software system

 Conduct exploration on the available CRM software systems in the request and elect
the most suitable bone for Etihad Airways.

 Develop a plan for the perpetration of the CRM software system, including a timeline
and budget.

 Train the staff on the new system and insure that they're comfortable using it.

 Apply the new system and cover its performance regularly to ensure that it's meeting
the anticipated targets.

 Collect client feedback on the effectiveness of the new system and make necessary
advancements grounded on the feedback.

Improvement 2- Enhanced client service programs

 Conduct a client service inspection to identify areas that bear enhancement.

 Develop a client service training program for all staff members, emphasizing the
significance of empathy, responsiveness, and problem- working chops.

 Empower the staff to make opinions that profit the guests, similar as offering refunds
or complimentary upgrades.

 Examiner client feedback on the effectiveness of the new programs and training
program and make necessary adaptations.

Improvement 3 Working towards honored quality norms

 Elect a honored quality standard similar as ISO 9001 or the EFQM Excellence Model
that's suitable for Etihad Airways.

 Develop a plan to work towards achieving the named quality standard, including a
timeline and budget.
 Train the staff on the named quality standard and the conditions for compliance.

 Apply the necessary changes to achieve compliance with the named quality standard.

 Cover the compliance regularly and make necessary advancements grounded on the
feedback entered.

Improvement 4 preface of a CSR department

 Develop a plan for the creation of a CSR department, including the places and
liabilities of the department.

 Recruit staff for the CSR department who are knowledgeable and passionate about
sustainability and social responsibility.

 Train the staff on the significance of CSR and the impact it can have on the business
and society.

 Develop a CSR strategy that aligns with the company's vision and values.

 Cover the effectiveness of the CSR department and the impact of the CSR enterprise
on the business and society, and make necessary advancements grounded on the
feedback entered.

Overall, the below advancements can be enforced coincidently or successionally grounded on

the coffers and precedences of Etihad Airways. It's important to cover the progress of each
enhancement regularly and make necessary adaptations to insure that they're effective in
achieving the asked issues.

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