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How to get genomes at one ten-thousandth

© 2008 Nature Publishing Group

the cost
Jeffery A Schloss
The NHGRI’s Advanced DNA Sequencing Technology program is spearheading the development of platforms that will
bring routine whole-genome sequencing closer to reality.

I n 2001, when it was clear that initial sequenc-

ing of the human genome would soon be com-
pleted, the National Human Genome Research
Institute (NHGRI) of the US National Institutes
of Health (Bethesda, MD, USA) undertook a
formal planning process for the next phase of
genomics research1,2. Two high-level planning
meetings flanked a series of ten topical work-

National Human Genome Research Institute

shops that, through the involvement of more
than 600 scientists and other participants, iden-
tified several significant emerging themes and
opportunities for genomics research for the
next one to two decades. The outcome of this
process was a bold plan3 that included a list of
‘technological leaps’ that seemed so far off at the
time as to be almost fictional. Among these was
the reduction of the cost of DNA sequencing
by four to five orders of magnitude to enable
NHGRI Advanced DNA Sequencing Technology Development Grantee Meeting held in San Diego
sequencing of an individual human genome in March 2007. NHGRI hosts annual meetings for investigators to encourage information exchange,
for $1,000 or less. On the fourth anniversary partnerships and brain storming to solve critical challenges for next-generation sequencing
of the first grant awards focused on that goal, platforms.
it is timely to take stock of the considerable
progress that has been achieved, the challenges
that remain and the opportunities that have art was Sanger sequencing with capillary array years to reduce costs 100-fold, from $10.00 to
been (and would be) enabled by vastly cheaper electrophoresis (CAE). As implemented at $0.10 per finished base pair6. The solicitations
sequencing technology. large-scale sequencing centers supported by the also addressed a key issue in determining the
NHGRI5 or elsewhere, Sanger CAE was capable true meaning of sequencing by cost by linking
Aims of the program of producing a high-quality draft of a mamma- it to a measurable standard of sequence qual-
Beginning in 2004, the NHGRI’s DNA sequenc- lian genome sequence for about $10 million. ity. The ‘gold standard’ for genomic sequencing
ing technology goals were addressed in a series The solicitations described the NHGRI’s chal- was 99.99% accuracy with essentially no gaps7,
of grant solicitations4 that comprised a two- lenge to the scientific community to develop but experience showed that this was achievable
phased approach. At that time, the state of the technologies that would reduce the cost by only with a considerable amount of manual
approximately four orders of magnitude—to intervention. So, although the ultimate goal
Jeffery A. Schloss is Program Director, about $1,000—in ten years, with an intermedi- remained the production of extremely accu-
Technology Development Coordination, ate five-year goal of reducing the cost by two rate sequence, the program goal was framed as
Division of Extramural Research, National orders of magnitude, or about $100,000. Such the automatic generation of sequence data at
Human Genome Research Institute, US a trajectory represented a twofold acceleration least as good as the high-quality draft sequence
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, in the rate at which sequencing costs had been of the mouse genome at that time, specifically
Maryland 20892, USA. reduced since the beginning of the Human with respect to coverage, per-base quality and
e-mail: Genome Project, during which it took about ten contig length8.

nature biotechnology volume 26 number 10 OCTOBER 2008 1113


The research community has responded suring changes in forces on DNA molecules as tion requires high resolution, speed, sensitiv-
enthusiastically to the initial and subsequent they increase in length by sequential addition ity with low noise, color discrimination and
calls for proposals; more than 160 grant appli- of nucleotides, as oligonucleotide probes bind width of field. Ensemble methods require
cations have been submitted to date. In a total or are released as a function of degree of match maintenance of synchrony and signal strength
of five rounds of research grant awards, the or mismatch, or as DNA is pulled through the among large numbers of templates.
NHGRI has committed more than $100 million limiting circumference of a chemical ring17; Although each of today’s next-generation
to 50 research teams. The funded projects have and finally, use of changes in stretching force sequencing systems has been optimized with
ranged from testing the feasibility of new ideas to sequentially release DNA molecules from a varying degrees of success around the current
to developing systems, and they have combined surface depending on their length. state of the art for each of these challenges, fun-
© 2008 Nature Publishing Group

fundamental research with engineering. The As a consequence of support from NHGRI damental innovations to meet these or other
proportion of awards was initially greater for and additional support from other sources, underlying technology challenges could result
those that addressed the nearer-term goal. several of these projects show great prom- in significant performance improvements,
With the enormous progress that has been ise. Recent grant solicitations18 have explic- including longer read length, lower miscall
made toward the $100,000-genome goal, the itly encouraged new approaches, such as the rate and faster data collection. For nanopore
balance in NHGRI funding has, more recently, development of additional physical, chemical, sequencing, challenges include reliable and
shifted toward technologies for the $1,000 biochemical, spectroscopic or microscopic reproducible pore fabrication, sensor and elec-
genome. Although some technologies were measurements that can sequentially read out tronics integration, control of the motion and
funded at the outset for a 10-year development nucleotide identity along a DNA strand. orientation of DNA as it traverses the sensor,
period to achieve a $1,000 genome, it is pos- and the key challenge of concepts and methods
sible that, with innovation, improvement and Community insights to distinguish between the bases.
optimization, some $100,000-genome technol- An integral feature of this research grant Among the grantees are individuals and
ogies may ultimately achieve costs substantially program has been the annual investigators’ groups who understand subsets of these chal-
lower than their initial goal. The research has meetings. Designed to encourage information lenges that are most relevant to their own
produced a rich collection of published results approach. A clear articulation of those chal-
and intellectual property, as is evident from the lenges in discussions at these meetings should
program’s bibliography9. Wider dissemination of help the grantees, individually and as a group,
to refine their strategies and make more rapid
discussion of the challenges progress. Equally important is the potential to
Several approaches to achieving the technol- resulting from such discussion increase the opportunity for other scientists
ogy goals are being pursued. Public abstracts of and engineers, who do not currently study
will be essential for galvanizing
the $100,000- and $1,000-genome technology sequencing technology but have relevant
grants are available from the NHGRI (http:// progress. knowledge or ideas, to contribute their exper- ). Sequencing tise to overcoming those challenges. For this
by synthesis and sequencing by ligation pre- reason, the wider dissemination of discussion
dominate among the $100,000-genome grants, sharing, and engendering a judicious mix of of the challenges resulting from such discus-
and nanopore approaches predominate among collaboration and competition, these meetings sion will be essential for galvanizing progress
the $1,000-genome projects. These are the sub- have focused on discussions of progress and (for example, see p. 1146).
ject of articles in this issue (p. 1135; p. 1146; shared understanding of the state of the art
p. 1117) and have been reviewed else- and of real or apparent roadblocks and pos- Looking forward
where10–12. sible solutions. Investigators have discussed the Since the program began in 2004, several
Other funded approaches include miniatur- availability of resources and expertise. Several new sequencing platforms have been com-
ization and integration of Sanger sequencing partnerships have been established, for exam- mercialized and put into use in laboratories
sample preparation, capillary array separation ple, between investigators who have particular worldwide. NHGRI provided grant sup-
and detection (for example, ref. 13); real-time technical expertise, have developed a particular port toward the development of the systems
monitoring of the DNA polymerase–directed chemistry or have worked on a crucial compo- from Roche/454 (Basel; http://www.454.
nucleotide incorporation reaction by observ- nent with others for whom that might solve a com/enabling-technology/index.asp)19 and
ing fluorescence at the polymerase site or in the technical hurdle. Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA, USA;
reagent flow downstream of the enzyme (for At this year’s meeting, attendees identified
example, refs. 14,15 and several key barriers to accelerated develop- mk/get/SOLID_KNOWLEDGE_LANDING
technology.html); monitoring of sequential ment of vastly less expensive technologies. For ). Those systems and the Illumina/Solexa sys-
interactions of the protein synthetic machinery example, for sequencing by synthesis, crucial tem (San Diego;
as it traverses an mRNA molecule, to read out control of surface chemistry is required to pages.ilmn?ID = 250)20 have been imple-
nucleic acid sequence; sequencing by hybrid- ensure efficient and stable binding of tem- mented in NHGRI-supported and many
ization, in which libraries of very short oligo- plates while minimizing nonspecific binding, other laboratories and sequencing centers,
nucleotides are sequentially annealed to DNA particularly of fluorescent species. Fluorescent and feedback from these expert users has
templates16, their individual locations recorded labeling of nucleotides must be accomplished stimulated numerous system improvements.
using fluorescence or other detection means, with attention to fluorescence yield and pho- NHGRI also provided grant support for the
and the positional information used in combi- tostability of the dyes, high synthetic yield more recently introduced Helicos system
nation with known oligo sequences to support and methods for purification of the labeled (Cambridge, MA; http://www.helicosbio.
the determination of the template sequence; nucleotides, and polymerase compatibility, com), for which there is less experience
extraction of sequence information by mea- among many other concerns. Optical detec- among research laboratories.

1114 volume 26 number 10 OCTOBER 2008 nature biotechnology


Although the throughput and quality of out from active DNA polymerase molecules14,15 a major challenge will be personalized medi-
data produced by current ‘next-generation’ and nanopore sequencing (p. 1146)—is already cine, in which genomes of very large numbers
technologies are substantial, they come with beginning to offer evidence of the potential of individuals must be routinely sequenced at
tremendous bioinformatics challenges. One is to read thousands of bases and to reread the a data quality substantially higher than that
simply the large amount of data that must be same template for the purpose of increasing offered by current technology, and sequence
collected, stored and analyzed. Another more data quality25–27. There remains considerable information must be interpreted in a way
complex issue is sequence assembly. By the time uncertainty as to whether and when these tech- that is relevant to an individual’s health and
the original Human Genome Project sequenc- nologies will become available as practical tools, wellness. The prospect of sequencing tech-
ing goals were completed, the Sanger CAE tech- although Pacific Biosciences (Menlo Park, CA, nologies that would enable individuals to be
© 2008 Nature Publishing Group

nology was able to produce individual reads of diagnosed and treated in large part on the
700–900 base pairs in length, with accompany- basis of detailed knowledge of their own
ing error metrics on each base. Bioinformatics The ultimate goal of the NHGRI genetic inheritance is momentous. And for
tools for assembling and analyzing those reads the technology and biomedical communi-
are now rather well established21. For the new
and its sequencing technology ties, the enabling $1,000 genome presents
technologies, however, the nature and format development program is of the challenge of a lifetime.
of the read data differ substantially from those course not simply to produce ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of Sanger CAE data, and the read length is
significantly shorter22. Widely accepted qual- better technology, but to I thank NHGRI colleagues, advisors and grantees
for insights that have contributed so substantially to
ity metrics, although being developed, are improve human health through the development of this program, and M. Guyer for
not yet available, and the significantly shorter valuable comments on the manuscript.
reads require that many more reads and much technology. 1.
higher depth of coverage are used to assemble 2.
3. Collins, F.S. et al. Nature 422, 835–847 (2003).
a sequence of acceptable quality. Some of the 4.
sequencing laboratories have found that com- USA) has projected that its zero-mode wave- 003.html
bining data from more than one of the new guide confinement system for detection of sin- 5.
6. Service, R.F. Science 311, 1544–1546 (2006).
technologies yields the highest sequence qual- gle DNA molecules28 will be available in 2010. 7.
ity per cost; even so, additional bioinformatics Thus, both the challenges and the promise are 8. Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium. Nature 420,
520–562 (2002).
work is needed to develop and optimize these substantial.
approaches using multiple data types. The diffi- The ultimate goal of the NHGRI and its GTPPubs&Patents.pdf
culties in handling next-generation data will be sequencing technology development pro- 10. Shendure, J. et al. Nat. Rev. Genet. 5, 335–344
reduced as recently introduced paired-end read gram is of course not simply to produce bet- 11. Bayley, H. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 10, 628–637
protocols become routinely established, more ter technology, but to improve human health (2006).
effective algorithms and methods (for example, through technology. The program is based on 12. Zwolak, M. & Di Ventra, M. Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 141–
165 (2008).
refs. 23,24) are developed and implemented, the conviction that acquiring vastly greater 13. Blazej, R. et al. Anal. Chem. 79, 4499–4506 (2007).
and the characteristics of the underlying data amounts of highly accurate DNA sequence 14. Korlach, J. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105,
improve through ongoing protocol and tech- information at very low cost will become a 1176–1181 (2008).
15. Bashford, G. et al. Opt. Express 16, 3445–3455
nology improvements by the vendors, users and crucial step on the path toward improved (2008).
research community that lead to increased read health. The Human Genome Project has laid 16. Lizardi, P. Nat. Biotechnol. 26, 649–650 (2008).
17. Ashcroft, B.A. et al. Small 4, 1468–1475 (2008).
length, read mapping and per-base read quality. the groundwork and offered the first returns 18.
These improvements will result from a complex on the promise of genomic medicine. Since 008.html
interplay of refinements in nucleotide chem- the initial human genome sequence was pub- 19. Margulies, M. et al. Nature 437, 376–380 (2005).
20. Bentley, D.R. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 16, 545–552
istry, polymerase activity, fluorescence and its lished, an explosion of information, enabled (2006).
detection, surface chemistries and image analy- in large part by recent improvements in 21. International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium.
sis, and base-calling software (see p. 1125). sequencing technologies that were stimulated Nature 431, 931–945 (2004).
22. Mardis, E. Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 9, 387–
The next generation of sequencing technolo- by the NHGRI technology development pro- 402 (2008).
gies is here today and is being used to produce gram, are revealing new insights into human 23. Brockman, W. et al. Genome Res. 18, 763–770
large amounts of biomedically relevant data22. sequence variation and its relations to dis- (2008).
24. Zerbino, D.R. & Birney, E. Genome Res. 18, 821–829
What does the future hold? Technologies even ease, the functional elements of the human (2008).
beyond those of the next generation are being genome, and the composition of microbial 25. Korlach, J. et al. Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids
27, 1072–1083 (2008).
actively developed. A vital need for these even communities in the environment and in our 26. Williams, J.G.K. et al. Nucleic Acids Res. published
newer technologies will be longer read length. bodies, to list a few examples22. These and online, 22 August 2008 (doi:10.1093/nar/gkn531)..
Although there will be further improvements many other areas of research that hold great 27. Gershow, M. & Golovchenko, J.A. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2,
775–779 (2008).
to today’s next-generation platforms, investiga- promise will build on the increasing availabil- 28. Foquet, M. et al. J. Appl. Phys. 103, 034301–1–
tion of technologies—such as real-time read- ity of sequence information. Beyond research, 034301–9 (2008).

nature biotechnology volume 26 number 10 OCTOBER 2008 1115

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