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Journal of Applied Microbiology 2005, 98, 1400–1409 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02564.

Microbiology of pressure-treated foods

M.F. Patterson
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Northern Ireland and Queen’s University, Belfast, UK

2004/0950: received 16 August 2004, revised and accepted 10 December 2004

1. Summary, 1400 5.3 Bacterial endospores, 1402

2. Introduction, 1400 5.4 Viruses and prions, 1404
3. High-pressure processing equipment, 1401 5.5 Vegetative bacteria, 1405
4. Fundamental effects of pressure on microbial cells, 1401 5.6 Yeasts and moulds, 1405
4.1 Effect of pressure on cell membranes, 1401 6. Extrinsic factors affecting the sensitivity of micro-
4.2 Effect of pressure on cell morphology, 1401 organisms to pressure, 1405
4.3 Effect of pressure on biochemical reactions, 1402 6.1 Effect of substrate, 1405
4.4 Effect of pressure on genetic mechanisms, 1402 6.2 Effect of temperature, 1406
5. High pressure inactivation of micro-organisms, 1402 7. Pressure treatment to improve the microbiological quality
5.1 Inactivation kinetics, 1402 of foods, 1406
5.2 Pressure injury, 1402 8. References, 1407

logically safe and with an extended shelf-life. One food

technology that has the potential to meet these demands is
High hydrostatic pressure has the potential to produce high high pressure processing. High pressure processing, also
quality foods that are microbiologically safe and with an known as high hydrostatic pressure or ultra-high pressure
extended shelf-life. Micro-organisms vary in their response processing, uses pressures up to 900 MPa (c. 9000 atmos-
to high pressure. Bacterial spores are the most resistant group pheres, c. 135 000 pounds per square inch) to kill many of
and they cannot be significantly inactivated by pressure the micro-organisms found in foods, even at room tempera-
alone. Combination treatments using high pressure and heat ture. These pressures are immense. A mid-range food
have been proposed as a method of producing shelf-stable processing pressure of 500 MPa is equivalent to the weight
low acid foods. Viruses are less resistant than bacterial spores of three elephants on a strawberry.
and their infectivity can be abolished without destroying their The idea of using high pressure in food processing is not
ability to elicit antibodies, leading to the possibility of vaccine new. The first report of high pressure being used as a food
production. Yeasts, moulds and vegetative bacteria vary in preservation method was by Hite (1899). He reported that
their response to pressure, depending on factors such as milk kept sweet for longer after a pressure treatment of c.
species, strain, processing temperature and substrate, and 600 MPa for 1 h at room temperature. Hite et al. (1914)
these are reviewed in the paper. A knowledge of how these also reported that while pressure could be used to extend
factors interact is necessary in order to select the optimum the shelf-life of fruits, it was less successful with vegeta-
processing conditions for foods. A number of pressure- bles. He concluded that fruits and fruit juices responded
treated foods are already commercially available and these are well to high pressure because the yeasts and other
discussed in the paper. organisms having most to do with decomposition are very
susceptible to pressure. Vegetables, however, he aban-
doned as hopeless due to the presence of spore-forming
bacteria that survived the pressure treatment and could
Consumers in the 21st century are demanding high quality grow in the low acid environment. The problem of
foods that are free from additives, fresh tasting, microbio- pressure resistant spores still remains one of the challenges
for the technology today. Much experimental data has been
Correspondence to: Margaret Patterson, Agricultural, Food and Environmental
Science Division (Food Microbiology Branch), Agriculture and Food Science Centre,
produced over the last 100 years but it was not until the
Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX, Northern Ireland, UK early 1990s that the first commercial food applications
(e-mail: of the technology were seen. There are considerable
ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology

engineering problems involved in repeatedly generating

and containing the immense pressures in a vessel suitable
for food products. However, within the last 25 years a
range of specialist high pressure vessels, based on those There is much published research on the changes induced
used routinely in the production of polymers, ceramics and by pressure treatment of microbial cells, including altera-
artificial diamonds, became available and reopened the tions in the cell membrane, cell morphology, effects on
possibility of commercial production of pressure-treated proteins, including enzymes and effects on genetic mech-
foods. anisms of micro-organisms (for reviews see Hoover et al.
This paper will review how high pressure can be used to 1989; Smelt et al. 2001). However, despite this effort, the
improve the microbiological safety and quality of foods, mechanisms of microbial inactivation are still not fully
including the problem of spore-forming bacteria and understood (Pagán and Mackey 2000).
commercial food applications of the technology will also be
4.1 Effect of pressure on cell membranes
The cell membrane is generally acknowledged to be a primary
3. H I G H - P R E S S U R E P R O C E S S I N G
site of pressure damage in micro-organisms (Morita 1975;
Ulmer et al. 2000; Casadei et al. 2002). Evidence of physical
A typical pressure treatment system consists of a pressure damage to the cell membrane has been demonstrated as leakage
vessel, the pressure transmission fluid (usually water) and of ATP or UV-absorbing material from bacterial cells subjected
one or more pumps to generate the pressure. It is to pressure (Smelt et al. 1994) or increased uptake of fluores-
traditionally a batch process and pressure vessels used cent dyes such as propidium iodide that do not normally
for commercial food production having capacities of 35– penetrate membranes of health cells (Benito et al. 1999).
350 l. Stationary phase cells are normally more pressure resistant than
Food packages are loaded into the vessel, the top is exponential-phase cells. Mañas and Mackey (2004) have
closed and the pressure transmission fluid is pumped into proposed that exponential-phase cells are inactivated under
the vessel from the bottom. Once the desired pressure is high pressure by irreversible damage to the cell membrane. In
reached, pumping is stopped, valves are closed and the contrast, stationary-phase cells have a more robust cytoplasmic
pressure can be maintained without further need for membrane that can better withstand pressure treatment. This
energy input. The pressure is transmitted rapidly and proposal was based on the fact that exponential-phase cells
uniformly throughout the pressure fluid and the food. The showed changes in their cell envelopes that were not seen in
high pressure is applied in an isostatic manner so that all stationary-phase cells. These changes included physical pert-
parts of the food are subjected to the same pressure at urbations of the cell envelope structure, a loss of osmotic
exactly the same time, unlike heat processing where responsiveness and a loss of protein and RNA to the
temperature gradients are established. As it is equal from extracellular medium. Loss of membrane functionality result-
all sides, the pressure does not significantly affect the ing from pressure treatment has also been described by
product shape. The pressure is released after the desired Wouters et al. (1998), who reported that in Lactobacillus
treatment time and the food packages can be unloaded. In plantarum, pressure treatment at 250 MPa reduced F0F1
the case of liquids, such as fruit juices, the whole vessel ATPase activity. The ability to maintain a DpH was also
can be filled with the juice, which itself becomes the reduced and the acid reflux was impaired.
pressure transmission fluid. After treatment, the juice can
be transferred to an aseptic filling line, similar to that used
4.2 Effect of pressure on cell morphology
for UHT (ultra-high pressure treatments) liquids. A series
of these vessels can work in sequence, with a vessel filling The cell wall is less affected by high pressure than the
with juice, a vessel pressurizing and another emptying, all membrane and generally no morphological changes can be
operating simultaneously, so the overall system can become observed in prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes by observation
semi-continuous. under a light microscope. However, intracellular damage can
High pressure equipment suitable for food use is special- be observed using electron microscopy. Ritz et al. (2001),
ized and the capital equipment cost is relatively high, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), reported that
although running costs are relatively low. Typically a bud scars appeared on the cell surface of Listeria mono-
commercial vessel can cost £500 000 to over £1 million, cytogenes after a 10 min pressure treatment at 400 MPa in
depending on its size. It is likely that these costs would citrate buffer. Similarly, Park et al. (2001) studied the effect
reduce if the use of the technology grows and more vessels of pressure on the ultrastucture of L. viridescens. Nodes on
are sold. cell walls of organisms treated at 400 MPa and above for
ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98, 1400–1409, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02564.x
1402 M . F . P A T T E R S O N

5 min at 25C were observed using SEM. Transmission not always form a straight line relationship (first-order
electron micrographs indicated empty cavities between the kinetics). Often there is an initial linear decrease in numbers
cytoplasmic membrane and the cell wall after this treatment. followed by a decrease in the rate of kill leading to a
pressure-resistant tail. Studies have shown that when this
tail population is isolated, grown and again exposed to
4.3 Effect of pressure on biochemical reactions
pressure, there is no significant difference in pressure
High pressure treatment favours biochemical reactions that resistance between it and the original culture (Metrick et al.
lead to a volume decrease while it can inhibit or retard 1989). Such tails are also found with heat processing but the
reactions that lead to a volume increase. Most biochemical phenomenon seems to be more pronounced with high
reactions result in a volume change and are therefore affected pressure processing. The tailing effect is not fully under-
by pressure. Studies carried out on volume changes in stood. It may be because of inherent phenotypic variation in
proteins have shown that the main targets of pressure are pressure resistance in some cells. Experimental conditions,
hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions while hydrogen such as the substrate and growth conditions, may also be a
bonding, which stabilizes the a-helical and b-pleated sheet factor. Tailing phenomena can make calculation of pressure
forms of proteins, is not significantly influenced by pressure D-values difficult and have to be taken into account when
(see Heremans 2001 for detailed review). Enzymes vary doing challenge studies designed to optimize processing
greatly in their ability to withstand pressure. Certain micro- conditions for various foods.
bial enzymes, such as Bacillus subtilis a-amylase, can withstand
pressures of 500 MPa (Suzuki and Kitamura 1963), while
5.2 Pressure injury
others, such as L. monocytogenes phosphoglucomutase and
aconitase, are inactivated by 200 MPa (Simpson and Gilmour A high pressure treatment may not always completely
1997a). However, in the latter case, L. monocytogenes was little inactivate micro-organisms but rather may injure a propor-
affected at this pressure treatment, suggesting that the tion of the population. Recovery of the injured cells will
inactivation of these enzymes was not critical to survival. In depend on the conditions after treatment and this has
addition, there was no relationship between pressure resist- implications for microbiological enumeration. Compounds
ance of the 13 enzymes studies and the pressure resistance of such as sodium chloride added to plating media can act as
the three L. monocytogenes strains included in the study. selective agents and inhibit growth of injured cells. Using
Covalent bonds are generally unaffected at the pressures used selective agars can, therefore give inaccurate estimates of
in food processing. This means that many of the components numbers of survivors (Patterson et al. 1995).
responsible for the sensory and nutritional quality of foods, such
as flavour components and vitamins, are not destroyed by high
5.3 Bacterial endospores
pressure. This is an important benefit for the food industry.
Micro-organisms vary in their response to pressure
(Table 1). Bacterial endospores can be extremely resistant
4.4 Effect of pressure on genetic mechanisms
to high pressure, just as they are resistant to other physical
Nucleic acids are relatively resistant to high pressures and as treatments such as irradiation and heat, and can survive
the structure of the DNA helix is largely the result of treatments of more than 1000 MPa (for a review see Smelt
hydrogen bond formation, it is also stable under pressure. 1998). There can be significant variation between spores of
However, the enzyme-mediated steps involved in DNA rep- different species and also between strains of the same
lication and transcription are disrupted. It has been reported species. Clostridium botulinum spores are among the most
that pressure causes a condensation of nuclear material in pressure resistant, especially nonproteolytic type B (Reddy
L. monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium (Mackey et al. et al. 2001). However, relatively low pressures (below
1994) and L. plantarum (Wouters et al. 1998). Chilton et al. 200 MPa) can trigger spore germination (Gould and Sale
(1997) postulated that at elevated pressures, DNA comes into 1970). This has led to the suggestion that spores could be
contact with endonucleases that cleave the DNA. killed by applying pressure in two stages. The first pressure
treatment would germinate the spores while the second
treatment, at a higher pressure, would kill the germinated
5. HIGH PRESSURE INACTIVATION OF spores (for a review see Heinz and Knorr 2001). This
MICRO-ORGANISMS process could be repeated several times leading to the idea
that pressure cycling between relatively low and then high
5.1 Inactivation kinetics
pressures could be one way of overcoming the problem of
High pressure inactivation of micro-organisms is complex, spore resistance. However, the extent of the inactivation can
and plotting the log of surviving numbers against time does be highly variable (Heinz and Knorr 2001) and a small
ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98, 1400–1409, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02564.x

Table 1 Sensitivity of selected micro-organisms to high hydrostatic pressure

Treatment (log10 units
Micro-organism Substrate conditions of reduction) Comments Reference

Spore-forming bacteria
C. botulinum type Sorensen phosphate 827 MPa/5 min/ 5 Reddy et al. 1999
E spores (Alaska) buffer 50C
(0Æ067 mol l)1,
pH 7Æ0)
C. sporogenes spores Chicken breast 680 MPa/80C/ 2 Level of inactivation Crawford et al. 1996
20 min increased if spores
were subsequently
irradiated to 3 kGy
B. stearothermophilus Water 600 MPa/5 min/ 5 Hayakawa et al. 1994
70C · 6 cycles
C. sporogenes, Meat emulsion 621 MPa/98C/ >5 (C. sporogenes) Method relies on adiabatic Wilson and Baker
B. subtilis, 5 min >9 (B. subtilis) heating occurring. 2001
B. stearothermophilus >10 (B. stearothermophilus) Product temperature
spores peaked at 29Æ4C
HIV-1 Culture medium 550 MPa/25C/ Infectivity titre reduced Otake et al. 1997
10 min by 4log10 units
Foot and Mouth Culture medium 250 MPa/ Infectivity titre reduced Treated virus, although no Ishimaru et al. 2004
Disease virus )15C/1 mol l)1 by >4log10 units longer infective, can still
urea/60 min elicit neutralizing antibody
production in rabbits.
Gives the possibility of
novel method of viral
vaccine production
Feline calicivirus Tissue culture 275 MPa/21C/ 7 log 10 tissue culture Kingsley et al. 2002
medium 5 min infectious dose for 50%
of the cultures was
completely inactivated
Hepatitis A Tissue culture 450 MPa/21C/ >6log10 reduction in Kingsley et al. 2002
medium 5 min plaque-forming units
Sea water 450 MPa/21C/ <2log10 inactivation
5 min
Poliovirus Tissue culture 450 MPa/21C/ No reduction in Kingsley et al. 2002
medium 5 min plaque-forming units
Hamster-adapted Hamster brain 700–1000 MPa/ Increase in survival rate Garcı́a et al. 2004
scrapie agent homogenate 60C/2 h of hamsters following
infection (47%) and
delayed onset of disease
in those that were infected
(from 80 to 153 d)
Vegetative bacteria
Campylobacter jejuni Pork slurry 300 MPa/25C/ 6 Shigehisa et al. 1991
10 min
Salmonella Strained baby 340 MPa/23C/ <2 Metrick et al. 1989
Senftenberg food 10 min
Escherichia coli UHT milk 600 MPa/20C/ <2 Pressure-resistant strain Patterson et al. 1995
O157:H7 Poultry meat 15 min 3
NCTC 12079

ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98, 1400–1409, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02564.x
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Table 1 (Continued)

(log10 units
Micro-organism Substrate Treatment conditions of reduction) Comments Reference

Staphylococcus aureus UHT milk 600 MPa/20C/15 min 2 Patterson et al. 1995
Poultry meat 3
Listeria monocytogenes UHT milk 375 MPa/20C/15 min <1 Most resistant of three Patterson et al. 1995
Poultry meat 2 strains studied
Vibrio parahaemolyticus Oysters 300 MPa/10C/3 min 5 Most resistant of Cook 2003
O3:K6 10 strains studied
Lactobacillus helveticus Ewe’s milk 500 MPa/10C/10 min 3 Gervilla et al. 1997b
Pseudomonas fluorescens Ewe’s milk 450 MPa/10C/10 min 4 Gervilla et al. 1997b
Yeasts and moulds
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pork slurry 300 MPa/20C/10 min 2 Shigehisa et al. 1991
Byssochlamys nivea Grape juice, aw ¼ 0Æ97 700 MPa/70C/30 min 4 Butz et al. 1996
ascospores Bilberry jam, aw ¼ 0Æ84 <1

proportion of each spore population seems to remain does appear that viruses can vary significantly in their
resistant to pressure-induced germination (Gould 1973). response to treatment (Table 1). Polio virus in tissue
Another approach to the problem of the pressure culture medium appears to be relatively resistant with
resistance of bacterial spores is to combine high temperature 450 MPa for 5 min at 21C giving no reduction in plaque-
along with pressure treatment. There have been many forming units (PFU). The same treatment conditions with
reports indicating that this can be very successful (Heinz hepatitis A resulted in a 6log10 PFU ml)1 stock culture
and Knorr 2001). This approach is now being actively being reduced to undetectable levels (Kingsley et al. 2002).
considered for the commercial production of shelf-stable However, treatment in sea water increased the pressure
foods and is the subject of a number of patents designed to resistance of hepatitis A virus, suggesting a protective
achieve the commercial sterilization of foods that have a pH effect of the salts. Feline calicivirus, a Norwalk virus
greater than 4Æ5. One such patent describes a process surrogate, (Kingsley et al. 2002) and human rotavirus
involving two or more cycles of high heat (>70C) and high (Khadre and Yousef 2002) were more pressure sensitive
pressure (>530 MPa) with a pause between the cycles than hepatitis A when treated in tissue culture medium.
(Mayer 2000). The temperature, pressure level, treatment There are also reports that HIV-1 is relatively sensitive to
time and time interval between the cycles can be varied pressure with 400–600 MPa for 10 min at 25C resulting
depending on the product but are designed to give greater in 4–5log10 reduction in viable particles when treated in
than the equivalent of a 12D process for C. botulinum. These tissue culture medium (Otake et al. 1997), although
treatments use an initial temperature of below 100C and different strains varied in their pressure resistance. Foot
rely on the fact that adiabatic heating occurs when the and mouth disease virus (FMDV) is also relatively
product is pressure treated. Adiabatic heating results from sensitive to high pressures. A treatment of 250 MPa at
the work of compression during pressure treatment leading )15C and 1 mol l)1 urea for 1 h destroyed FMDV
to an increase in the temperature of food. The extent of the infectivity but maintained the integrity of capsid structure.
temperature increase varies with the composition of the food The treated virus could also elicit neutralizing antibody
but is normally 3–9C/100 MPa. The overall treatment production in rabbits. These results suggest that high
conditions are less severe than conventional retorting. This pressure could be a safe, simple, cheap and reproducible
results in shelf-stable products which are of higher quality in method of producing viral vaccines (Ishimaru et al. 2004).
terms of texture, flavour and retention of nutrients than Evidence is emerging that high pressure may have some
those obtained by conventional processing (Master et al. effect on prions. Garcı́a et al. (2004) used hamster-adapted
2004). scrapie strain 263k to infect hamsters intracerebrally.
Pressure treatment of the prions to >700 MPa at 60C
for 2 h significantly increased survival rate of the animals.
5.4 Viruses and prions
Further work still needs to be done but the early work
There is relatively little information on pressure inactiva- suggests the possibility of producing safe products for
tion of viruses compared with other micro-organisms but it specialized, high added-value markets, such as baby foods.
ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98, 1400–1409, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02564.x

5.5 Vegetative bacteria 6.1 Effect of substrate

In general terms Gram-positive bacteria tend to be more The chemical composition of the substrate during treatment
resistant to pressure than Gram-negatives and cocci are can have a significant effect on the response of micro-
more resistant than rod-shaped bacteria (Table 1). It has organisms to pressure. Certain food constituents such as
been suggested that the cell membrane structure is more proteins, carbohydrates and lipids can have a protective
complex in Gram-negative bacteria, making it more sus- effect (Simpson and Gilmour 1997b). Inactivation data
ceptible to environmental changes caused by pressure obtained using buffers or laboratory media, therefore,
(Shigehisa et al. 1991). However, there are many exceptions should not be extrapolated to real food situations where a
to these general rules. Certain strains of Escherichia coli more severe pressure treatment may be needed to achieve
O157:H7, for example, can be exceptionally pressure the same level of inactivation. For example, a treatment of
resistant. Benito et al. (1999) reported that an E. coli 375 MPa for 30 min at 20C in phosphate buffer (pH 7Æ0)
O157:H7 strain isolated from a major hamburger patty gave a 6log10 inactivation of a pressure-resistant strain of
outbreak in the US showed less than a 1log10 reduction E. coli O157:H7. However, the same treatment gave a
when treated in laboratory medium at 500 MPa at <45C 2Æ5log10 reduction in poultry meat and only 1Æ75log10
for 30 min. This strain was also more resistant to heat, acid, reduction in milk (Patterson et al. 1995). Cations, such as
oxidative and osmotic stresses than a pressure-sensitive Ca2+, can be baroprotective and this may explain why many
strain. However, other studies with pathogens such as micro-organisms appear more pressure resistant when
Salmonella, have shown only a weak, or no correlation, treated in certain foods, such as milk (Hauben et al. 1998).
between pressure resistance and resistance to other stresses A low water activity protects micro-organisms against the
(Sherry et al. 2004). effects of pressure (Palou et al. 1997). Oxen and Knorr
(1993) reported that reducing aw of the medium from 0Æ98–
1Æ0 down to 0Æ94–0Æ96 resulted in better survival of
5.6 Yeasts and moulds
Rhodotorula rubra when it was subjected up 200–400 MPa
Yeasts are generally not associated with food-borne disease for 15 min at 25C. However, the nature of the solute is
but are important in spoilage, especially in acidic foods. important. At the same aw, cells were more pressure
They are relatively sensitive to pressure (Table 1) and this is sensitive in glycerol than in monosaccharides and disaccha-
one reason why pressure treatment of fruit products to rides. Trehalose is reported to confer most protection (see
extend shelf-life is particularly successful. review by Smelt 1998).
There is relatively little information on the pressure The pH of acidic solutions decreases as pressure increases
sensitivity of moulds but it has been shown that vegetative and it has been estimated that in apple juice, there is a pH
forms are relatively sensitive, while ascospores are more drop of 0Æ2 U per 100 MPa (Heremans 1995). To date, the
resistant (Butz et al. 1996; Voldrich et al. 2004). The effect pH change which occurs during pressure treatment cannot
of pressure on preformed mycotoxins is thought to be be measured directly in solid food, but methods have been
limited as the treatment has little effect on covalent bonds. developed for in situ pH measurement during pressure
However, one study reported that patulin, a mycotoxin treatment of liquids (Hayert et al. 1999; Stippl et al. 2004).
produced by several species of Aspergillus, Penicillium and When the pressure is released, the pH reverts to its original
Byssochlamys, was found to be degraded by pressure (Brůna value but it is not known whether these sudden changes in
et al. 1997). The patulin content in apple juice decreased by pH affect microbial survival in addition to the effect of
42, 53 and 62% after 1 h treatment at 300, 500 and pressure. It is known that pH and pressure can act
800 MPa, respectively, at 20C. An explanation for this was synergistically leading to increased microbial inactivation.
not given. Linton et al. (1999) has shown that initial pH had a
significant effect on inactivation rates of E. coli O157:H7 in
orange juice. As pH was lowered, the cells were more
susceptible to pressure inactivation and sublethally injured
cells failed to repair and died more rapidly during subse-
quent storage of the juice.
High pressure is no different from other physical preserva- Food additives can have varying effects on microbial
tion methods in that its effectiveness against micro-organ- resistance to pressure. Pressure has been used to sensitize
isms is influenced by a number of factors. These all interact Gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella, as well as Gram-
and contribute to the lethal effect and therefore have to be positive bacteria such as L. monocytogenes to nisin and
considered when designing process conditions to ensure the lysozyme (Kalchayanand et al. 1998; Masschalk et al. 2001).
microbiological safety and quality of pressure-treated foods. The combination of high pressure and nisin was also used to

ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98, 1400–1409, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02564.x
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increase the inactivation of B. cereus spores in cheese jam after processing is necessary due to browning and
(López-Pedemonte et al. 2003). However, in this case the flavour changes caused by enzymatic activities. These
pressure treatment conditions were relatively severe. The products have a shelf-life of around 30 d and have superior
treatment (60 MPa at 30C for 210 min to germinate sensory quality compared with those prepared in a conven-
the spores followed by 400 MPa at 30C for 15 min to tional manner (Ludikhuyze and Hendrickx 2001).
kill the vegetative cells) was carried out in the presence of Fruit juices are normally processed at 400 MPa or greater
1Æ56 mg l)1 nisin in the cheese. This resulted in approx. for a few minutes at 20C or less. This can significantly
2Æ4log10 inactivation of the spores. reduce numbers of yeasts and moulds and so extend shelf-
Pediocin AcH also works synergistically with pressure. A life for up to 30 d. Pathogens, such as E. coli O157:H7 can
combination of 345 MPa for 5 min at 50C in the presence also be destroyed by this treatment (Linton et al. 1999;
of 3000 AU ml)1 pediocin AcH gave at least a 7log10 Ramaswamy et al. 2003). Pressure-treated orange and
inactivation of a range of bacteria including L. monocyto- grapefruit juices have been available in France since 1994,
genes, Salm. Typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli while pressure-treated apple juice is available in Italy.
O157:H7 L. sake and Pseudomonas fluorescens. This level of Pressure treatment of vegetable products is problematic
inactivation could not be achieved by pressure alone because of their relatively high pH along with the possibility
(Kalchayanand et al. 1998). Similarly, the combination of of survival and growth of pathogenic spore-forming organ-
high pressure with other antimicrobial agents such as isms. However, one of the most successful pressure-treated
lacticin 3147 (Ross et al. 2000), lactoperoxidase (Garcia- foods in the USA is guacamole. Its market share continues
Graellis et al. 2003) and carvacrol (Karatzas et al. 2001) can to grow and is reportedly based on the consumer preference
work synergistically to enhance the kill of micro-organisms, for the fresher taste of guacamole processed in this manner
including pathogens. compared with heat-treated or frozen products. Treatment
of around 500 MPa for 2 min is sufficient to extend shelf-
life from 7 to 30 d at refrigeration temperatures. Challenge
6.2 Effect of temperature
studies with a variety of pathogens have shown that this
Temperature during pressure treatment can have a signifi- treatment is sufficient to give a 5log10 reduction in numbers
cant effect on microbial survival. Increased inactivation is (Parnell 2003) and the process has been approved by the US
usually observed at temperatures above or below 20C Food and Drug Administration.
(Takahashi et al. 1992). Sliced cooked ham and other delicatessen meat products,
High temperatures (>70C) can be particularly effective in in flexible pouches, can be successfully treated using
helping to achieve high pressure sterilization, as discussed 500 MPa for a few minutes. The sensory properties of
above. The combination of elevated temperatures (<50C) ham are preserved, and shelf-life can be extended to 60 d
with pressure has also been suggested as a practical way to under chilled storage. Cooked delicatessen products have a
overcome the problem of pressure resistant strains of risk of postprocessing contamination from pathogens such as
vegetative cells. Patterson and Kilpatrick (1998) reported L. monocytogenes. High pressure treatment as a final
approx. a 6log10 inactivation of a pressure-resistant E. coli preservation step, after packaging, can give additional
O157:H7 in poultry mince and a 5log10 inactivation in milk microbiological safety assurance. During challenge studies
using a treatment of 400 MPa at 50C for 15 min. Neither a treatment of 500 MPa can cause a 5log10 reduction in L.
heat nor pressure alone could achieve this level of inactivation. monocytogenes in dry-cured ham (Minerich and Krug 2003).
Refrigeration temperatures can also enhance pressure Pressure-treated cooked and vacuum-packaged ham is
inactivation. Gervilla et al. (1997a) reported that ewes milk available in Spain and in the USA.
pressurized at 450 MPa at 2C for 15 min was more effective Another example of commercially successful pressure-
at inactivating L. innocua than the same treatment at 25C but treated foods available in the USA are oysters. The initial
less effective than the pressure treatment at 50C. aim of the pressure treatment was to eliminate Vibrio spp.
from oysters, which are often eaten raw or only lightly
cooked. Vibrio spp. are relatively sensitive to high pressure,
although there can be species variation (Cook 2003). Typical
treatments of 250–350 MPa for 1–3 min at ambient tem-
perature are used commercially without significantly affect-
Pressure-treated fruit jams and sauces first became com- ing sensory quality. An additional benefit of pressure-treated
mercially available in Japan in the early 1990s. Treatment of oysters is the mechanical shucking effect it causes, releasing
fruit jams with around 400 MPa for up to 5 min at room the adductor muscle from the shell (He et al. 2002). For this
temperature can significantly reduce the number of micro- reason, a heat shrink plastic band is placed around each
organisms, especially yeasts and moulds. Refrigeration of the oyster prior to processing so that the shell is kept shut until
ª 2005 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98, 1400–1409, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02564.x

the meat is required. The main processor of pressure-treated Brůna, D., Voldřich, M., Marek, M. and Kamarád, J. (1997) Effect of
oysters in the USA uses a trademark plastic gold band and high pressure treatment on patulin content in apple concentrate. In
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