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Soft body armour development by silica particle

based shear thickening fluid coated p-aramid

Abhijit Majumdar, Animesh Laha, Debarati Bhattacharjee, Ipsita Biswas &

Sanjeev Verma

To cite this article: Abhijit Majumdar, Animesh Laha, Debarati Bhattacharjee, Ipsita
Biswas & Sanjeev Verma (2019): Soft body armour development by silica particle based
shear thickening fluid coated p-aramid fabrics, The Journal of The Textile Institute, DOI:

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Published online: 20 Apr 2019.

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Soft body armour development by silica particle based shear thickening fluid
coated p-aramid fabrics
Abhijit Majumdara, Animesh Lahaa, Debarati Bhattacharjeeb, Ipsita Biswasb and Sanjeev Vermab
Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India; bTerminal Ballistics Research Laboratory, Ballistics Test
Facility, Chandigarh, India


Soft body armour panels using p-aramid (Technora) fabrics with three different levels of thread den- Received 31 January 2018
sities were developed in this research. Shear thickening fluid (STF) was synthesized using silica nano- Accepted 22 March 2019
particle (100 nm) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). Fabrics were coated with 60% (w/w) STF to improve
their resistance against low-velocity bullets (165 m s1). For neat fabrics, all the bullets fired from 0.3800
Aramid; ballistic evaluation;
calibre revolver pierced the multilayer fabric panel. However, impact energy absorption increased with body armour; composite
the increase in thread density in fabric. After coating with shear thickening fluid, panels having four materials; fibre technology;
layers of fabric stopped all the bullets fired. It was possible to reduce the weight of panel by 23% after shear thickening fluid (stf)
the STF treatment whilst ensuring bullet stoppage.

1. Introduction Majumdar (2016) found that STF coated plain woven fabric
with thread density of 30  30 per inch yielded the highest
Multiple layers of high-performance fabrics are used to pre-
impact resistance during low-velocity (6 m s1) drop tower
pare soft body armours (Srivastava, Majumdar, & Butola,
impact testing. However, there is no reported research
2012). Researchers working in the area of armour materials
which dwells on the synergistic effect of woven fabric struc-
are relentlessly trying to reduce the weight of armour with-
ture and STF reinforcement for the development of soft
out compromising with safety of the wearer. Use of high-
body armour materials.
performance fibres like aramid (Kevlar, Technora, Twaron,
etc.) and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene or
UHMWPE (Dyneema, Spectra, etc.) and selection of proper 2. Experimental
fabric structure (weave and thread density) are essential for
2.1. Materials
this (Bajaj and Sriram, 1997; Sockalingam, Chowdhury,
Gillespie, & Keefe, 2017). Researchers have coated the fabric Plain woven fabrics with three different thread densities
with natural rubber (Ahmad, Ahmad, Salleh, & Samsuri, (25  25, 30  30 and 35  35 per inch) were manufactured
2008; Hassim, Ahmad, Ahmad, Samsuri, & Yahya, 2012) using Technora yarn of 720 denier. The areal densities of
and shear thickening fluid (STF) (Hassan, Rangari, & these fabrics were 160, 187 and 228 g m2, respectively.
Jeelani, 2010; Kang, Kim, & Hong, 2012; Wagner & Brady, Colloidal silica having 100 nm diameter was obtained in
2009) to enhance the energy absorption during impact. water suspensions (40% w/w). STF (60% w/w) was synthe-
Shear thickening fluid is a non-Newtonian fluid consisting sized using silica and PEG of 200 molecular weight (Mw).
of a dispersed phase like silica nano-particles and a disper- Measured amount of silica and PEG were mixed and kept
sion medium like polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Lee & in a sonication bath for 6 h to synthesis STF. To reduce the
Wagner, 2006; Srivastava, Majumdar, & Butola, 2011). viscosity and ensure uniform penetration of STF into
Numerous studies have been conducted to select the suit- the fabric, the former was diluted using ethanol in 4:1
able weave for ballistic applications. Some of them con- (v/v) ratio.
cluded that weaves like matt and satin, having longer float STF coating was done using Mathis Lab Padder as shown
of yarns, are suitable for ballistic applications (Chitrangad, in Figure 1. STF was kept at the nip of two rubber coated
2000; Chu & Chen, 2010; Tapie, Shim, & Guo, 2015). On rollers. Fabric was passed through the nip of the rollers. A
the other hand, Shimek and Fahrenthold (2012) concluded constant nip pressure of 2 bar was maintained so that the
that satin and plain weaves are better for ballistic applica- entire width of the fabric is coated with STF. STF coated
tions. Park, Kim, Baluch, and Kim (2014) reported that five fabrics were dried for 40 min in hot air oven to evaporate
layers of STF coated Kevlar fabric have same energy absorp- ethanol. The panels made up of three and four layers of fab-
tion capacity as the eight layers of neat Kevlar. Laha and ric were stitched together in 2  2 inch diamond pattern.

CONTACT Abhijit Majumdar Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 110 016, India.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 The Textile Institute

2.2. Testing 3.2. Rheological study of STF

Scanning electron micrographs of silica particles and STF Figure 4 presents the relationship between shear rate and
coated fabrics were taken using scanning electron micro- viscosity of STF at different temperature ranging from 0 to
scope (SEM, ZEISS EVO 50). Rheological characterization 30  C. Initially viscosity reduces with the increase in shear
of STF was carried out using Anton Parr MCR 051stress rate implying shear thinning. However, viscosity increases
controlled rheometer having parallel plate geometry. During abruptly when the shear rate crosses the critical shear rate.
the measurement, temperature was varied from 0 to 30  C The critical shear rate and peak viscosity are 28.1, 47.1, 123
and shear rate was varied from 1 to 1000 s1. and 207 s1 and 63.9, 29.9, 9.7 and 6.3 Pa s at 0, 10, 20 and
Low-velocity ballistic testing of all the fabric panels was
carried out using a 0.3800 calibre revolver . The average
impact velocity of the bullets was 165 (±10) m s1 . The
ballistic test set-up is shown in Figure 2. The pre and
post impact velocities of the bullet were determined by
chronograph 1 and 2, respectively. The impact energy
absorbed by a fabric panel was calculated from the differ-
ence in kinetic energies of the bullet before and after the
impact. Post impact velocity was not recorded by chrono-
graph 2 in case the bullet was stopped by the fabric panel.

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Surface morphology
Figure 3a shows the scanning electron micrographs of silica
particles which are spherical in shape. The diameter of
silica particle is around 100 nm. Figure 3b depicts a filament
of Technora yarn after being coated with STF. It is visible
that the silica particles are distributed in clusters over
the filament. Figure 1. Coating of fabrics with STF.

Figure 2. Ballistic testing set-up.

Figure 3. Scanning electron micrographs of (a) Silica particles and (b) STF coated Technora filament.

30  C, respectively. So, critical shear rate increases and peak per inch increased the energy absorption by around 71%
viscosity reduces with the increase in temperature. (from 33.5 to 57.4 J) whereas increase in weight of the panel
was around 17% (from 160 to 187 g m2). Upon further
increase in thread density to 35  35 per inch, energy
3.3. Ballistic evaluation absorption risen by around 20% (from 57.4 to 69 J) whereas
Table 1 shows the ballistic evaluation results of neat and increase in weight of the panel was around 22% (from 187
STF coated fabric panels. First set of ballistic evaluation was to 228 g m2). As the fabric with thread density of 30  30
carried out on neat and STF coated fabric panels made up per inch is already having very firm structure, further
of three layers of plain woven fabric having thread density increase in thread density does not enhance the energy
of 30  30 per inch. Five bullets were fired on each panel. absorption significantly. Though, energy absorption was
The energy of the impacting bullet was 156 J. Energy increasing with the thread density, none of the neat fabric
absorbed by the fabric panel was calculated in case of bullet panels was able to stop even a single bullet (Table 1). After
penetration. Otherwise, a bullet stop was recorded. The STF coating, all the three panels, irrespective of the fabric
panel having three neat fabric layers absorbed 35.1 J energy. thread density, were able to stop all the bullets (five out of
All the five bullets pierced through the panel. After STF five). This is indicated by ‘NP’ or ‘no perforation’ in Figure
treatment energy absorption increased by 42.2% (from 35.1 5b. Therefore, STF coated fabric panels were able to absorb
to 49.9 J). Moreover, this panel was able to stop three out of the entire energy of the impacting bullets. Although the
five bullets fired on it. Thus the panel made up of three neat fabric panel with thread density of 35  35 per inch
layers of STF coated fabric was not capable of ensuring absorbed the highest energy (69 J), it was not good enough
complete ballistic protection. to stop the bullets. After STF treatment, synergistic effect of
For the next set of trials, plain woven fabrics having fabric structure and shear thickening ensured eventual stop-
three different thread densities (25  25, 30  30 and page of bullets. It is important to note here that STF treat-
35  35 per inch) were used and four layers of fabric were ment increased the mass of the fabric by around 10%.
stitched together to prepare the panel. Areal density of one Therefore, panels prepared with STF coated fabrics having
layer of fabric was 160, 187 and 228 g m2, respectively. The thread density of 25  25 per inch was 23% lighter in weight
panel made from fabric having thread density of 25  25 per as compared to panels prepared with neat fabrics having
inch absorbed the lowest amount of energy (33.5 J). Energy thread density of 35  35 per inch. More importantly, the
absorption increased concomitantly with the increase in former was able to stop all the bullets.
thread density in fabric. As thread density increases, fabric
becomes firmer due to more number of crossover points 4. Conclusions
between two sets of yarns i.e. warp and weft. Besides, more
number of yarns come into the contact with the bullet and Ballistic evaluation of plain woven aramid fabrics with three
thus they enhance the energy absorption during impact. different thread densities have been carried out. Panel made
Increase in thread density from 25  25 per inch to 30  30 up of three layers of neat fabric having 30  30 per inch
thread density was unable to stop bullet (165 m s1). After

Figure 4. Rheological behaviour of 60% (w/w) STF. Figure 5. (a) Bullet and (b) STF coated fabric panel.

Table 1. Low-velocity ballistic test results.

Neat fabric STF coated fabric
No of bullet No. of bullet
Panel description Areal density/layer (g m2) Energy absorbed (J) stopped/total shots Energy absorbed (J) stopped/total shots
Three layer (30  30) 187 35.1 0/5 49.9 3/5
Four layer (25  25) 160 33.5 0/5 Not recorded 5/5
Four layer (30  30) 187 57.4 0/5 Not recorded 5/5
Four layer (35  35) 228 69.0 0/5 Not recorded 5/5

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Acknowledgement Park, Y., Kim, Y. H., Baluch, A. H., & Kim, C. G. (2014). Empirical
study of high velocity impact energy absorption characteristics of
The authors are grateful to Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory shear thickening fluid (STF) impregnated Technora fabric.
(TBRL), Chandigarh, India, for the financial support and technical International Journal of Impact Engineering, 72, 67–74.
assistance in this research work (Grant no: TBRL/CARS/61/2014). Shimek, M. E., & Fahrenthold, E. P. (2012). Effects of weave type on
the ballistic performance of fabrics. American Institute of
Aeronautics Astronautics Journal, 50, 2558–2568. doi:10.2514/
Disclosure statement 1.J051708
Sockalingam, S., Chowdhury, S. C., Gillespie, J. W., & Keefe, M.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
(2017). Recent advances in modeling and experiments of Kevlar bal-
listic fibrils, fibers, yarns and flexible woven textile fabrics – A
review. Textile Research Journal, 87, 984–1010. doi:10.1177/
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