APsychosocial Perspectiveabout Mental Healthand Leagueof Legendsin Brazil

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A Psychosocial Perspective about Mental Health and League of Legends in


Article · August 2021

DOI: 10.5753/jis.2021.1896


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6 authors, including:

Luiz Paulo Carvalho José Antonio Suzano

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Silas Lima Filho Flávia Maria Santoro

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)


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Journal on Interactive Systems, 2019, 6:1, doi: 10.5753/jis.2019.xxx
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A Psychosocial Perspective about Mental Health and

League of Legends in Brazil
Luiz Paulo Carvalho [ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | luiz.paulo.carvalho@ppgi.ufrj.br ]
José Antonio Suzano [ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | jose.suzano@matematica.ufrj.br ]
Ingrid Gonçalvez [ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | ingridtfaria@gmail.com ]
Silas Pereira Filho [ Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro | silaslfilho@gmail.com ]
Flávia Maria Santoro [ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | flavia@ime.uerj.br ]
Jonice Oliveira [ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | jonice@dcc.ufrj.br ]

Every month, millions of users worldwide play the online digital game League of Legends, which also contains a
server dedicated to the Brazilian region. Social oppression by race, skin color, sexual orientation, among others,
occurs within the game and is reported constantly. We analyzed, quantitatively and qualitatively in this paper,
possible indicative of depressive disorder and its relationship with the interactions and social identities of its play-
ers, using an online questionnaire as a basis. Through the analysis of 604 responses, we define quantitative hy-
potheses and qualitative syntheses related to different social factors of the game. League of Legends has a negative
influence on the mental health of socially peripheral players, and the qualitative analysis exposes specific and
widespread cases of oppression or discrimination. We present a discussion on ethics, a possible collusion with
oppression and proposals for mitigation or solution.

Keywords: League of Legends, Mental Health, Psychometrics, Social Oppression, Ethics

Virtual social interactions are not detached from the so-

1 Introduction cio-material reality perceived by the players involved with
the game because we are biopsychosocial creatures. Thus,
League of Legends (LoL) is an online digital game of the
these interactions affect, varying in degree and extent, peo-
genre MOBA (Massive Online Battle Arena) developed and
ple, even those who are exclusively spectators (Bogost,
published by the company Riot Games, USA based 1. Riot
2007). LoL toxic and degraded social atmosphere motivated
Games last published official figures related to its player
us to our goal of measuring and understanding how social
base in 2016, and during the decade-long anniversary event,
oppression influences the mental health of the players, spe-
in 2019, they informally exposed the number of eight million
cifically the depression (Del Porto, 1999) , based on the at-
simultaneous players around the world (Goslin, 2019). Sev-
tributes of their identity: gender, sexual orientation, skin
eral media vehicles estimate values for the number of active
color and region where they live.
players monthly in the game, ranging from eighty and one
Based on a questionnaire published on Online Social
hundred million players (Marchetti, 2017). In a conservative
Networks (OSN) which received hundreds of responses, we
estimate, LoL has more monthly players than the number of
seek to analyze the several hypotheses listed in Section 3,
citizens in France, the twentieth country with the largest pop-
focusing on the identity and mental health of respondents
ulation in the world, with sixty-seven million people 2.
from a quantitative and qualitative psychometric approach
A server is dedicated to Brazil, named as “region”, the
(Hutz et al., 2015). Quantitatively, considered the oppres-
BR server 1. There is no official communication record of
sion, can depressive disorders be traced to its players by so-
Riot Games showing data related to BR server’s players,
cial influence regarding LoL experiences? Qualitatively,
only estimates or informal speculations are found. Players
how are direct and indirect factors perceived?
are randomly matched with other, unknown ones, and inter-
Focusing on depressive disorders, the psychometric arti-
act as allies or opponents to achieve the objective of the
fact selected to measure the influence on mental health was
game. Player’s expectations include entertainment, competi-
the Center for Epidemiological Scale - Depression (CES-D)
tion, and fun, but not social oppression.
(Radlof, 1977), adapted to the specific context of this re-
LoL is a game full of toxic social interactions and oppres-
search. This study does not intend to diagnose depressive
sions among its players, such as LGBTphobia, racism, ma-
disorders based on its psychometric results. Social interac-
chismo, xenophobia, among others (Carvalho et al., 2018;
tion in LoL is one of the elements that make up the experi-
Almeida et al., 2019; Flores and Real, 2018). Social toxicity
ences of its players and their respective mental health. It is
is not a behavior unique to the Brazilian scenario, behaviors
not possible to objectively state that LoL is a determining
such as flaming and cussing, are also widely perceived on
factor for consolidating depressive disorders in its players,
U.S. and European servers (Denzer, 2020).

1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Legends. Available in 01/01/2021

2 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/. Available in 01/01/2021
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

through their social identities and the multifaceted complex- people with a specific skin color, where everyone is explic-
ity of the reality they experience, but there is a dialogical and itly identified as such, there is no skin color discrimination.
environmental psychic communication relationship (Wei et Other discriminations are possible, however, color discrimi-
al., 2012; Stetina et al., 2011). We intend to identify associ- nation is incompatible with that community.
ations between social identities and depressive disorders in a The discrimination addressed in this work is social. The
quantitative, statistical way, and qualitative, interpretive action of discriminating itself is an act based on principles,
way. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other works values, and traditions not categorically intrinsic to the “so-
that collectively garner so much participation, the plurality cial” aspect. For example, suppose that as a LoL match pro-
of approaches, completeness of coverage, and analysis of gresses, a female player in the support position decides to
LoL social interactions in the Brazilian context. dedicate his attention and functional potential to a specific
In Carvalho et al. (2018), we detail how social interaction teammate: (i) or this may be a strategic discriminatory deci-
takes place within the LoL interface. Regarding the game- sion seeking his team's victory, balancing his skills une-
play, dynamics, and mechanics of the game, Wikipedia venly; (ii) or this may be a discriminatory social decision,
page1 and the LoL website 3 present what is needed. underestimating the female player who, even though she is
This work is structured as follows, Section 2 presents the the strongest and who offers the greatest chance of victory if
theoretical foundation; Section 3, methodology, method, and assisted, is perceived as a woman and, by this player, as “in-
hypotheses of the research; Section 4, quantitative survey re- ferior”; (iii) or the two previous options, however (ii) is un-
sults; Section 5, qualitative survey results; Section 6, further conscious.
discussion, Section 7, conclusion. Linked to prejudice and discrimination, and the focus of
this work, there is social oppression. Oppression is “the act
2 Theoretical Foundations of imposing on […] others […] a label, role experience, or
set of living conditions that is unwanted, needlessly painful,
This Section presents the concepts and definitions that guide and detracts from physical or psychological well-being […]
this paper. (such as) demeaning hard labor, degrading job roles, ridi-
cule, and negative media images and messages that foster
2.1 Prejudice, Discrimination and Oppression and maintain distorted beliefs” (Hanna et al., 2000).
David and Derthick (2017) and Benuto et al. (2020) provide Other characteristics, definitions, and specificities of op-
the conceptual bases of this Section. The terms covered here pression are ostensibly detailed by David and Derthick
are not consensual in the State of the Art, but we adopt them (2017). Oppression has two components: power, and privi-
from these authors. lege. Oppression as an act is a rational, conscious, deliberate,
“Prejudice refers to the attitudes, feelings, or affective and objective; the phenomenon of oppression, on the other
components of our perceptions about members of certain so- hand, is complex and multifaceted. For example, individuals
cial groups. The emotions or affect we attach to certain from social groups have difficulty identifying or feeling em-
groups may be positive or negative and may be conscious or pathy related to oppression directed at other social groups,
nonconscious” (David and Derthick, 2017). Prejudices are e.g., confusing oppression with “humor” or being confused
internalized psychosocial natural phenomena, not always ra- about the nuances of speech.
tionalized. They are associated with the individual or collec- As we will see in Section X, related to the qualitative
tive values, and when considering contextual power and analysis, when a player says, “a woman's place is in the
privilege relationships, neutrality is impossible. kitchen”, “you are a black, dirty monkey”, or “gays deserve
“Discrimination is the behavior that results from a per- death” there is a discursive emptying related to any subjec-
son’s stereotypes and prejudices. In other words, when one’s tivity or intention other than social oppression, there is no
actions are driven by biased beliefs and attitudes against a room to interpret otherwise. In this sense, it is pertinent to
certain group of people, then one is discriminating against stress the term “violence”. In discursive practice, conceptu-
that particular group” (David and Derthick, 2017). ally, violence and oppression are close terms. Therefore, we
Discrimination is an externalized, rationalized social will consider violence as a critical stage in the effectiveness
phenomenon. It is reflected on concrete actions, even if of the phenomenon of oppression. For example, as one of the
through symbolic interaction, based on prejudices or mental testimonies collected, when a male player threatens to rape a
models, known as formed concepts or constructs. Like prej- female player, this is oppression configured as symbolic vi-
udice, neutrality is impossible in the practice of discrimina- olence that can result in a physiological socio-material im-
tion. While prejudice can be reduced in operation at the level pact, such as crying, loss of sleep or appetite; or recovering
of the senses, in the unconscious, or subconscious; discrimi- memories of traumatic experiences.
nation necessarily operates at the level of perception, associ- Prejudice and discrimination cross between social
ating meanings with structured contexts. That is, discrimina- groups. Considering oppression as based on power and priv-
tion is rational, a certain set of mental associations encour- ilege through a hierarchy, pseudo-phenomena such as “re-
ages one person to contextually discriminate against another. verse racism” or “misandry” is inconceivable in the social
For example, in a community context entirely composed of matrix.

3 https://leagueoflegends.com/en-us/. Available in 01/01/2021

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Figure 1: The potential consequences of oppression on marginalized peoples (David and Derthick, 2017)

Discriminating against a white person as “sour milk” the platform. Rosenquist et al. (2011) use the CES-D to ex-
does not promote tension or alteration of power or privilege, plore and identify, over 32 years, nuances of depression
this white person may, selfishly and imaginary, feel “socially through the personal data of users on social networks, such
oppressed”, this is an invalid categorization. Despite not set- as scattering and influence factors among members.
ting up a scenario of social oppression, other phenomena are The measurement based on epidemiological studies of
plausible, such as feeling offended. Often, people in advan- population depressive symptomatology can be performed
tageous positions of power or privilege do not recognize or through the CES-D scale (Jonhson, 2015), which differs
perceive their social conditions, holistically alienated from from the other scales for clinical diagnostics situations
the social context in which they participate or are inserted. and/or the evaluation of the severity of the disease through-
That is, their collective and empathic conscience is passively out treatment (Radlof, 1977). It is an example of psycholog-
oppressive, by disregarding other social groups in a situation ical psychometric testing, highly consistent and approved in
of inferior power and privilege and bringing the protagonism test-retest. Psychometrics is the field of psychology that
of the oppression phenomena to themselves. make use of measuring instruments that do not try to quan-
Figure 1 shows an associative model between historical tify a human being, but a specific aspect, useful in comparing
or contemporary oppression and its consequences on the life the effectiveness of interventions among professionals (Del
and well-being of marginalized groups. Porto, 1999).
2.2 Depressive Disorders and Psychometrics 2.3 Depressive Disorders and Psychometrics
Virtual social interactions that are not pleasurable or Social toxicity in LoL is the main object of analysis of
loaded with negative effects culminate in mental patholo- several Brazilian studies (Carvalho et al., 2018; Almeida et
gies, such as depressive disorder (Hutz et al., 2015). Depres- al., 2019; Flores and Real, 2018; Ratan et al., 2015; Araújo,
sion, as a symptom, is part of the clinical picture of Post- 2019; Carvalho and Rocha, 2018; Medrado and Mendes,
Traumatic Stress Disorder, given the diagnoses referring to 2020). It is relevant to contextualize how certain specific so-
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders cial interactions of this system occur. As related in the stud-
(DSM-5); as a syndrome, it presents alteration of sleep, ies above, the four types of social discrimination most per-
mood, appetite; insensitivity to pleasure; apathy; melancholy ceived and recorded in player communications are:
(APA, 2014).
• Gender, specifically when gender aspects are used as
Identifying symptoms is essential to reach depressive
objects of an offense; not restricted to the female sex,
people, or else someone who indicates some potential to de-
men are also victims with arguments such as, e.g.,
velop the pathology (Hutz et al., 2015). The challenge in this
“playing like little girls”.
paper is to measure depressive symptoms or behaviors asso-
ciated with LoL players and their social identities. The CES- • Race/skin color, although no element objectively
D questionnaire is presented as a solution found and recom- shows the player's skin color. There are offenses as-
mended in the literature (Jonhson, 2015), being used in sev- sociated with this aspect, in the connotative expecta-
eral studies. tion of offending the race/skin color associating it
DeChoudhury et al. (2013) use CES-D to measure the with negative elements.
level of depression in Facebook users, correlating the score • Sex life/LGBTphobia, depending on the position in
with other variables, e.g., language patterns, behavior within the game or the champion (character) a player can be
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

read and labeled as LGBT+, e.g., for occupying a sup- negative effect of social oppression is inherent to the indi-
portive position. vidual who experienced, directly as a victim or indirectly as
• Region of origin/xenophobia, occurrences perceived a spectator, the episode. When considering the expectation
as offense or injury are often associated with the Mid- involving an online digital game dissociated from the expe-
west, North, and Northeast regions of Brazil and their rience of oppression, added to all the external factors, it is
sociocultural characteristics. perceived as understandable that the parties respond to these
episodes by taking care that they do not happen again. That
2.3 Communication inside League of Legends is, a positive functionality to victory is given up, communi-
cation, in exchange for preventing potential negative social
Considering the medium, two forms of communication are
interactions, oppression.
enabled: by voice and by text. Çakir's (2020) text provides a
comprehensive technical explanation related to communica- In this sense, the mechanisms to deal with socially toxic
tion and muting. situations made available by the game are more harmful to
the victim’s psyche, not the oppressor.
Simply put, text communication is a feature implemented
since the game’s release. The player can communicate by The game features mechanisms for players to report sit-
text with his friends, from the friends’ list, in the lobby with uations they find wrong or uncomfortable for verification,
his allies, in the match, and on the post-match screen with all such as oppression. Many community members do not see
the other players. Voice communication was launched in these mechanisms as effective (Carvalho et al., 2018). If the
2018, relatively recent compared to text and less used. Un- player receives the maximum penalty, permanent ban from
like text, a player can disable voice communication entirely. his account, he can still create another account and continue
playing on the same day inclusive. Although they argue that
The game offers the functionality of muting other play-
this is a valid solution 4, there is no guarantee that this op-
ers, the communications of this muted player are not exposed
pressive player will not return to the game and repeat nega-
to those who muted him. LoL recommends silencing a toxic
tive attitudes with other players or, in the worst-case scenario
player as soon as a negative interaction occurs 4. The contro-
possible (with incredibly low probability), be recombined
versy arises from the point that the player asks himself “if
with the same players who reported him and repeat the same
I'm being targeted, why do I need to punish myself by taking
an action, like muting, and the toxic player gets away with
it?”, seems like a values reversal, a moral recoil. The victim Considering the case of female players and how the so-
is then double punished for being offended or oppressed; and cio-technical aspects are currently in place, there is a propen-
for being obliged to mute the oppressor; not ensuring the end sity for silencing instead of guaranteeing a voice, even if its
of toxicity and weighing on the victims the perception that numerical quantity grows (Medrado and Mendes, 2020).
they are subtracted from one aspect of his communication in Voice, in this sense, goes beyond the traditional communi-
the game, and the aggressor, in turn, does not (Carvalho et cation, any expression of elements perceived as the feminine
al., 2018). is at risk of oppressive side effects.
After experiencing a situation of oppression, the victim
then assumes that a priori, these acts will happen again in 3 Research method and methodology
future matches (Almeida et al., 2019; Flores and Real, 2018),
as a result, she/he will silence everyone at the beginning of We applied the questionnaire methodology specifically
designed to the health fundamentals and context (Jonhson,
her/his matches, opponents or allies. This act is not only
2015), to analyze the hypotheses, build the adapted CES-
problematic due to the negative expectation of a digital
D form (Radlof, 1977) and collect relevant data.
game, but also impairs communication with his team. Con-
After analyzing the social scenario of oppression in the
sciously or unconsciously, the player gives up communica- game context, the research followed these steps: 1. Survey of
tion and, even if communication helps achieve victory, hypotheses; 2. Preparation of the questionnaire, adapting the
preemptively avoids possible toxic social interactions. The questions of the CES-D; 3. Publicization and dissemination;
player restrains herself/himself, while oppressors remain 4. Structuring, treatment, and standardization of collected
freely expressing themselves. At last, she/he perceives the data; 5. Statistical analysis of the data; 6. Evaluation and val-
experiences and social experiences she/he is choosing not to idation of hypotheses based on the data analyzed; 7. Qualita-
live, aiming to avoid oppression through silencing and feel- tive or mixed analysis of discursive responses; 8. Consolida-
ing “detached”, distressed that she/he could be building tion of discussion and contributions.
friendships or positive connections.
As Schulman (2016) points out: “The traumatized per-
3.1 Identity categorization
son’s sense of their ability to protect themselves has been Based on the recurrent categories of oppression, we aim to
damaged or destroyed. They feel endangered, even if there collect the following data: gender, skin color, sexual orien-
is no actual danger in the present because in the past, they tation, and geographic region of origin. This data builds the
have experienced profoundly invasive cruelty and they know respondent’s identity.
it is possible.” (Schulman, 2016). The subjectivity of the

4 https://lol.garena.com/news/general--how-handle-negative-players-mute-report-and-stay-positive. Available in 01/01/2021

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Figure 2: SDT schematic (Sidanius and Pratto, 1999)

We use Sidanius and Pratto’s (1999) Social Dominance The subjective reaction is individual, disconnected from the
Theory (SDT), where the social identity of a better position structural relationship of today's society as a whole. For ex-
in the social hierarchy is occupied by the player who identi- ample, during a game the phrase “you are a horrible man,
fies as male, white skin color, heterosexual sexual orienta- and you are a shit who will never get a job” is addressed to a
tion, and coming from the South or Southeast regions. Any male player, subjectively this interaction can start an intense
deviant attribute characterizes it as socially peripheral, po- emotional multi-causal process that results in sadness and
tentially a target of oppression, even as a spectator, capable crying; however, objectively, this does not mean that men
of feeling it directly or indirectly. are harmed in terms of power or privilege to access the ma-
Two categories are perceived: individual and group- jority and the best jobs.
based hierarchies. Five categories of identity are established Two ways allow Player A to perceive Player B's personal
in this research, and id.4 being the identity that adds all the data within the game: (i) if B announces, without an effective
social dominant attributes. The social group of peripherals is guarantee that B is being sincere; (ii) if A induces, for exam-
composed of id.3, id.2, id.1 and id.0, each identity being a ple, “if Player B's nickname is ‘Maria’, then player B is a
group in itself. woman”. As discrimination is independent of groups hierar-
Like a cone of five overlapping floors, id.4 is at the top chy complexity increases, a woman can oppress another
and the rest neatly below. Viewed from above, like a circle, woman without either of them knowing that they are, in fact,
id.4 is central and id.0 corresponds to the most external an- women. What would be a materially invalid phenomenon is
nulus, that is, the most peripheral and removed from the so- viable due to the game anonymity. Anonymity, per se, is not
cial position in the hierarchy. An individual whose sum of causally related to the problem. Suppose a women’s volley-
his attributes add up to 4, the maximum, is grouped in id.4 ball match, it is absolutely unlikely that one player will un-
and so respectively to the other identities. derestimate the technical quality of the other, discriminating
For instance, a player who identifies himself as a man, against her just for “being a woman”.
black, heterosexual, and from the northern region is catego-
3.2 Quantitative and qualitative analysis
rized as id.2 and grouped with the others of the same cate-
gory. Oppression of skin color or region of origin will be Table 1 presents the hypotheses of this research, based on
more likely to affect their mental health. Figure 3 graphically the phenomena in (Carvalho et al., 2018; Almeida et al.,
presents the SDT scheme. 2019; Flores and Real, 2018; Ratan et al., 2015; Araújo,
Oppression does not occur “top to bottom”, it cuts across 2019; Carvalho and Rocha, 2018; Medrado and Mendes,
individuals and groups. That is, id.4 is not responsible for all 2020). The hypotheses are statistically analyzed, through
the oppression present in the game, despite that, its position quantitative approaches, detailed in Section 4. Section 5 pre-
of social power and privilege immunizes it from socio-mate- sents the synthesis by the qualitative approach of the discur-
rial consequences external to the game, considered the Bra- sive and open responses, quantitative analyzes are used as
zilian macro-context. An id.4 individual can still perceive support, when appropriate, configuring a mixed approach.
oppression, be touched, be moved, and, for example, cry.
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

Table 1: Research hypotheses, based on CES-D and their identities enon (Jonhson, 2015). The original form has twenty ques-
tions, ranging in four options and each with a specific
H. 1 Dominants have lower scores compared to peripherals. weight, from 0 to 3: 0, “seldom or almost never”; 1, “once or
H. 1.1 Males have lower scores compared to non-males. a few times”; 2, “several times”; 3, “almost always”. To
Heterosexuals have a lower score compared to non-het- equate the measurement picture because it is only an aspect
H. 1.2
erosexuals. of the respondents’ reality, we did not delimit time and make
H. 1.3 White has lower scores when compared to non-whites. the feedback more flexible. Examples of adapted questions
South and Southeast regions have a lower score com- are, “My sleep was restless” to “That the game affected my
H. 1.4 sleep”; “Willingness to cry” to “Willingness to cry because
pared to the Midwest, North, and Northeast regions.
Playing time increases the score of peripherals com- of what I witnessed in the game”. Considering the contextual
H. 2 and conceptual transferability requirements, this adapted
pared to dominants.
Muting increases the peripheral scores compared to questionnaire can be reused.
H. 3
dominants. Considering the conceptual association, the twenty ques-
The perception of oppression increases the periph- tions of the original CES-D, seventeen were imported and
H. 4
eral scores when compared to dominants. adapted, using the same score. Thus, while the traditional
CES-D ranges from zero to sixty points (4 × 20); this adapted
3.3 Questionnaire and adapted CES-D CES-D ranges from zero to fifty-two points (4 × 17).
The online questionnaire method, through the Google Forms The qualitative analysis is indirectly related to the hy-
system, collected the data. All identity issues accompany the potheses, complementing the research by entering the path
option “I prefer not to declare” and “Others”. The question- of “how” the phenomenon occurs. Types and categories are
naire begins with the Free and Informed Consent Form and extracted and analyzed, and specific and unique testimonies
its details, respecting the principles of ethical scientific re- can be surgically scrutinized. The qualitative questions are
search (Diener and Crandall, 1978). Relevant survey data is (i) “Does the number of hours played per day change de-
available online 5 and partially presented here. pending on something?”; (ii) “Was I (or others said I was)
The following personal data were collected for evalua- toxic, negative?”; (iii) “Freely, how do you feel about social
tion of H1 and its related data: (i) first and last name, anon- interactions in League of Legends? How would you describe
ymized regarding data protection; (ii) biological sex, we them?”; (iv) “If you could send one, and only one, a sugges-
chose not to use the construct “gender” aiming at simplicity tion for improvement to the game team that would be imme-
and objectivity, respecting the respondents’ freedom of self- diately obeyed, which would it be?”; (v) “If you have suf-
identification; (iii) skin color, we chose not to use the con- fered or observed a case of oppression or social discrimina-
struct “race” because of the cultural complexity that this in- tion in League of Legends, can you report it here? If reliving
terpretation could generate; (iv) sexual orientation, with a the memory of the event is unhealthy, you can answer ‘I pre-
plural list of possible options, in addition to “Heterosexual” fer not to report’”.
and “Homosexual”; (v) State, specifically to determine the 3.4 Publicization and dissemination
region from which the respondent comes from; (vi) Sum-
moner name, omitted in regard of data protection. The questionnaire was published and made available be-
We understand that these constructs are not restricted tween 06/04/2019 and 17/04/2019, using the Online Social
only to those listed by us, we insert the option “Others” so Network Facebook as a medium of dissemination. We se-
that respondents express freely and spontaneously according lected groups dedicated specifically to LoL to get partici-
to their self-identification subjectivity (Butler, 2004). pants, the three most relevant had approximately twenty-five
For H2, H3, H4 were collected: (vii) playing time, where thousand, eighty thousand, and two hundred thousand mem-
we consider respondents who have already experienced the bers. During the call for participation, they were also asked
game and how much they play/ have played; (viii) muting, to indicate acquaintances and share the questionnaire, in a
how the respondent maintains communication in the game; snowball style (Jonhson, 2015).
(ix) perception of oppression, if the respondent perceived op- 3.5 Data processing and normalization
pression and, if so, how it occurred; (x) type of oppression,
within a predefined list of oppressions types, the respondent The data was structured and organized in a table, followed
could select how many and which ones he perceived. by the treatment and normalization (Gideon, 2012). The rec-
We used the psychometric approach to measure the spe- ords of respondents who did not consent of the use of their
cific influence of the game focusing on depressive disorders answers for research were discarded and normalized the
in the players, based on the CES-D (Radlof, 1977). The CES- “Other” entries e.g., in sex figured the answer “Não-
D was adapted to the game context, to contextualize and con- binário”, a respondent filled the “Other” field with “Não-bi-
duct the respondent to the measured validity of the phenom- nario” (without an accent in a), normalized for the option
“Não-binário” 6. All fields left empty or inseparable from

5 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g5XWeQBUjg5PFyIqDf7SB7wPUkmvENRH/view?usp=sharing. Available in 01/01/2021

6 The Brazilian context is the essence of this research, in Brazilian Portuguese. In this way, we value the fidelity of data and speech or
discourse phenomena without answers translations. In the specific need associated with the primary scope of the research, the respective
free translation into English will be provided.
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other options listed have been invalidated and normalized to 3.8 Summary of contributions and findings
“I prefer not to declare”.
The four main attributes were replaced by either 0 or 1 to The synthesis of both quantitative and qualitative results will
construct the identities, If the answer was “Male”, “White”, be presented in a separate Discussion section. The correlated
“Heterosexual”, or some State of the Southeast or South re- research contributions and findings will then be presented.
gion, the value was converted to 1; any other, 0. If the re-
spondent’s answers add up to four points, their identity is 4 Quantitative results
socially dominant; if it varies between zero and three, from
the most to least peripheral, its identity is socially peripheral. In this Section, we present the quantitative results, followed
by data related to the respective hypotheses, discussed and
CES-D responses were converted to equivalent numeri-
cal values. Questions seven, eleven, and fourteen were in- deepened in Section 6. We traditionally rounded the CES-D
calculations to integers. The database containing the ques-
versely proportional in value, i.e., the values are inverted in
the opposite direction. tionnaire answers is available online for reproducibility, rep-
lication, and verification 7.
3.6 Statistical and hypothesis analysis Table 7 summarizes the data associated with H2, H3, and
H4, considered the proportion of data compared to its iden-
Arithmetic and statistical techniques were used for data in-
tity population and compared to the general population, aim-
ference (Agresti et al., 2017), such as sums, chained percent-
ing at the better quantitative perception of the phenomena.
ages, means, distribution functions, and graphs were elabo-
Inconsistent or numerical and comparatively abnormal data
rated for a multidimensional visualization of the data.
is configured in bold and italics.
The data are fully exposed and considered as collected
and treated, statistically significant or not (Wasserstein et al., We instrumentalize the mathematical notation CES-D to
2019). In this work, this topic is pressing, involves socially express the operation of the specific mean CES-D. That is,
peripheral and marginalized identities and a reality fraction, the id.1 CES-D is the mean CES-D of all individuals grouped
in the context of digital games. For example, women are al- as id.1. We identify socially dominant, id.4, as “dominant”;
ready socio-culturally estranged from this universe (Fox and and socially peripheral, id.3, id.2, id.1, as “peripheral”.
Tang, 2014). On one of the few occasions Riot Games ex-
4.1 Overall results
posed player-related data in 2012, it accounted for more than
90% of its players as men (IGN, 2012). This portion of the After data treatment and normalization, 604 valid records
population has a low possibility of achieving statistical sig- were achieved through the answers.
nificance compared to the whole (Agresti et al., 2017), but it Table 2: Overall results
cannot be neglected or forgotten (Wasserstein et al., 2019).
The sample population that scored 0 in the identity sum All Dom. Per. id. 3 id. 2 id. 1
were disregarded as they totaled only 3 of the 607 respond- Qty. 604 164 440 214 164 62
ents (0.49%), the best approach to deal with this group is a Qty. % 100 27.2 72.8 35.4 27.1 10.2
qualitative and in-depth, due to its specificity (Jonhson,
CES-D 16 15 17 16 17 19
2015). The homogeneity of statistical analyses tends to pro-
Above general
portional consistency related to the number of samples of the CES-D (16) %
49.0 43.3 51.1 45.3 52.4 67.7
population (Agresti et al., 2017), i.e., id.1 contain 62 individ-
Below general
uals (≅10% of the total population), this small value results CES-D (16) %
51.0 56.7 48.9 54.7 47.6 32.3
in a greater variance of statistical results, but still valid.
Highest CES-D 44 38 44 44 42 37
3.7 Qualitative, mixed, and in-depth analysis Smallest CES-D 3 4 3 5 3 5

Hypotheses lead us to an objective perception of reality,

Table 3: Detached results by identity
framed in the boundaries that data and reach allowed
(Recker, 2013). From this point on, we intend to examine the
multiple realities and plural interpretations that discursive, Qty. Qty. % CES-D
open, or complementary questions can offer to the research, Male 513 84.93 16
even quantitative. (Gideon, 2012; Bhattacherjee, 2012; Mer- Non-male 91 15.07 19
riam and Tisdell, 2015; Locke, 2019).
Heterosexual 389 64.40 16
At this stage, the intention is to deepen the analysis of the
Non-heterosexual 215 35.60 18
phenomenon. Based on categorization, typification, and la-
beling, we build a systematic structured analysis, which can White 358 59.27 16
enrich the quantitative assessment or present other views. Non-White 246 40.73 17
South/Southeast 428 70.86 17
Other regions 177 29.14 16

7 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRVbpjKx52d_lD6HfgpXVFCDtm2ysrAhpkX_fKmACh87oyc-pAYSYn-

GLUPy-tAmwg/pubhtml. Available in 01/01/2021. To research fidelity, the answers are as originally elaborated, in Brazilian Portuguese.
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

Table 2 presents the overall results. In addition to the pe- directed to another player(s)”; N, “Yes, not directed at any-
ripheral. the groups that compose it were included. A partic- one in particular”; O, “All previous ‘Yes’ options”.
ipant who identified himself as “Female”. “White”. “Bisex- This analysis is subjectively sensitive, based on the as-
ual” and “MG” scored 2, part of this specific group that com- sumption that the perception of oppression is mostly inherent
poses peripheral identities, id.2. Table 3 highlights results by to identity phenomena interpreted by the recipient (Grace,
identity, peripheral and dominant attributes. 2012). For example, racist communication can go unnoticed
Table 4 shows a comparison between the CES-D and the for a white man, because of the distancing from his experi-
proportion of individuals of a given identity category who ential social place. Thus, the quantitative validity of data due
are above and below it. The higher the above value, the to an essentially subjective apprehension of the respondent
worse; the higher the value below, the better. For example, is not determinant of the phenomenon. However, we seek an
of the 348 white respondents, 53.07% scored CES-D lower interpretation from the data.
than the overall population (16), indicating that more than 4.5 Type of perceived oppression
half of this group has a better result in comparison.
Table 4: Proportional results by identity, population comparison This question complements H4. All respondents who per-
ceived oppression were indicated to answer a question indi-
Average GENERAL CES-D cating what the category of perceived oppression was, from
a predefined list. The respondent could select from one to all
Above Below
eight available options:
Male 46,39% 53,61%
Non-masculine 63,74% 36,26% • “LGBTphobia”, related to life/sexual orientation.
Heterosexual 46,02% 53,98% • “Racism”, related to skin color or race.
Non-heterosexual 54,42% 45,58% • “Sexism”, related to sex or gender.
White 46,93% 53,07% • “Fatphobia”, related to the shape of the body.
Non-White 52,03% 47,97%
• “Ageism”, concerning age or life stage.
South/Southeast 47,66% 52,34%
• “Xenophobia”, related to the origin/place of origin.
Other regions 52.27% 47.73%
• “Financial situation”, financial condition subjec-
4.2 Playing time tively seized by the receiver.
• “Linguistic prejudice”, related to linguistic varia-
The columns A, B, C, D, E, F in Table 7 come from the an- tion, spelling, grammar.
swers to the question “On average, how much have you
played League of Legends in the last month?”. Exposes the Table 5: Types of oppression and their occurrence, by population
relationship between CES-D, identities and playtime, with
peripheral subgroups. Header letters mean: A, “I haven't Population perceiving oppression [393]
played anything in the last month”; B, “Almost nothing, less Qty. of perceived types of
Qty. Qty. % CES-D
than an hour a day and not every day”; C, “A little, between oppression
one hour and two hours a day”; D, “Reasonable, between Noticed 1 type of oppression 92 23,41 17 (16,93)
two and three hours a day”; E, “A lot, between three and four Noticed 2 types of oppression 79 20,10 17 (17,05)
hours a day”; F, “Very much, more than four hours a day”. Noticed 3 types of oppression 84 21,37 18 (17,81)
4.3 Mute Noticed 4 types of oppression 59 15,01 18 (17,58)
Noticed 5 types of oppression 41 10,43 18 (18,22)
The columns G, H, I, J of Table 7 come from the answers to
the question “Considering most of the time, have you Noticed 6 types of oppression 20 5,09 19 (18,65)
blocked communication in the game this past month?”. It Noticed 7 types of oppression 7 1,78 20 (20,14)
sets the relationship between CES-D, the identities and the Noticed 8 types of oppression 11 2,80 21 (21,00)
silencing behavior, with peripheral subgroups. Header letters
mean: G, “I played with all communication open”; H, Table 6: Types of oppression and their occurrence, by oppression
“Muted who says something I do not like or is not cool”; I,
“I muted the enemy team”; D, “Muted everybody”. Population perceiving oppression [393]
4.4 Oppression Qty. Qty. %

The columns K, L, M, N, O of Table 7 come from the an- Sexism 264 67.18
swers to the question “At League of Legends, on any screen Racism 233 59.29
(match, lobby, home screen, etc.) have you noticed any op- LGBTphobia 213 54.20
pression or social discrimination in the last month?”. It sets Xenophobia 138 35.11
the relationship between CES-D, the identities and the per- Linguistic 107 27.23
ception of oppression, with peripheral subgroups. Header Fatphobia 98 24,94
letters mean K, “No”; L, “Yes, directed at me”; M, “Yes, Ageism 77 19.59
Financial 70 17,81
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

As a self-declared response, it is associated with the cap- Of the dominant, 101 (61.59%) of 164 respondents per-
ture of meanings of the respondent and his interpretation of ceived at least one oppression; peripheral, 292 (66.36%) of
reality (Grace, 2012). Of the 604 respondents, 393 (65.07%) 440. Dominants who perceived one or two oppressions had
have answered validly in this question. Table 5 presents data a CES-D value of 14, peripheral in the same parameters, 18.
from this category, e.g., 79 respondents who perceived 2 dif- Table 6 shows the amount of specific oppression perceived
ferent types of oppression (e.g., sexism and ageism) re- by the respondents, and its proportion based on the total pop-
sulted in 17 in CES-D scale. ulation that perceived oppression (393).

Table 7: Quantitative data related to play time, muting and oppression, by identities

Playing time Mute Oppression

Qty. 23 100 101 175 126 79 239 253 25 87 202 33 200 39 130

% All (604) 3,8 16,5 16,7 28,9 20,8 13,0 39,5 41,8 4,1 14,4 33,4 5,4 33,1 6,4 21,5
CES-D 18 17 15 16 17 18 16 17 16 18 14 19 17 17 19
Qty. 6 30 29 44 34 21 70 68 6 20 63 2 65 11 23

% Pop. (164) 3,6 18,2 17,6 26,8 20,7 12,8 42,6 41,4 3,6 12,2 38,4 1,2 39,6 6,7 14,0
% All (604) 0,9 4,9 4,8 7,2 5,6 3,4 11,5 11,2 0,9 3,3 10,4 0,3 10,7 1,8 3,8
CES-D 12 15 14 15 16 16 14 15 17 16 13 15 15 14 20
Qty. 17 70 72 131 92 58 169 185 19 67 140 31 135 29 108

% Pop (440) 3,8 15,9 16,3 29,7 20,9 13,1 38,4 42,0 4,3 15,2 31,8 7,0 30,6 6,5 24,5
% All (604) 2,8 11,5 11,9 21,6 15,2 9,6 27,9 30,6 3,1 11,0 23,1 5,1 22,3 4,8 17,8
CES-D 20 17 16 16 17 19 17 17 16 18 14 20 17 18 19
Qty. 4 37 37 65 40 31 79 92 9 34 80 9 66 11 48
% Pop (214) 1,8 17,2 17,2 30,3 18,6 14,4 36,9 42,9 4,2 15,8 37,3 4,2 30,8 5,1 22,4

% All (604) 0,6 6,1 6,13 10,7 6,6 5,1 13,0 15,2 1,4 5,6 13,2 1,4 10,9 1,8 7,9
CES-D 23 18 15 15 16 18 16 16 16 18 15 20 16 18 18
Qty. 12 23 23 51 36 19 66 62 7 29 47 15 48 12 42
% Pop (164) 7,3 14,0 14,0 31,1 21,9 11,5 40,2 37,8 4,2 17,6 28,6 9,1 29,2 7,3 25,6

% All (604) 1,9 3,8 3,8 8,4 5,9 3,1 10,9 10,2 1,1 4,8 7,7 2,4 7,9 1,9 6,9
CES-D 18 16 15 17 18 20 17 17 16 18 14 19 18 16 19
Qty. 1 10 12 15 16 8 24 31 3 4 12 7 21 5 17
% Pop (62) 1,6 16,1 19,3 24,1 25,8 12,9 38,7 50,0 4,8 6,4 19,3 11,2 33,8 8,0 27,4

% All (604) 0,1 1,6 1,99 2,4 2,6 1,3 3,9 5,1 0,5 0,6 1,9 1,1 3,4 0,8 2,8
CES-D 23 18 19 16 20 20 19 20 16 14 15 20 20 22 18
* Bold and italic styled data showed negligible amounts relative to their respective populations, being quantitatively inexpressive.

Table 7 summarizes the structured data related to the is-

sues addressed in Sections 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. The proportion
4.6 Hypothesis evaluation
is compared with the group itself and with the entire popula- 4.6.1 H1: Dominants have lower scores when compared
tion (604), also analyzing the CES-D for that group and the to peripherals
answer to the specific question, indicated in the heading. For
example, consider column F, which is related to playing Through the data in Table 1, we confirm H1. There is no
time, and indicates the answer “Very much, more than four CES-D form comparative absolute result to be used as a uni-
hours a day”. Both peripheral and dominant, comparing in- versal parameter of comparison (Radlof, 1977), so the an-
tra-group, have close results (13.1 and 12.8), even so, periph- chor value was the comparison based on CES-D of the pop-
eral present CES-D 19, and dominant CES-D 16. ulation (16). The screening of depressive disorder is 2 points
more expressive for peripheral (17) than dominant (15).
The value for peripherals worsens as it distances itself
from the dominants, with 16 for id.3, 17 for id.2, 19 for id.1.
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

In addition to being confirmed, the hypothesis is attenuated behavior for the peak of the curve is to occur as close as pos-
to id.1, with a difference of 4 points for dominant. Id.3 is sible to 0 on the X-Axis, Figures 3 and 4 show how the val-
equal to the overall CES-D (16), we can assume that this ues between 10% and 15% more distant on the X-Axis are
group partially enjoys the social privileges of the dominant in greater quantity as the identity becomes more peripheral.
identities, does not reaching them, and do not presenting a The lines representing each social group should approach
worse result than the general population, such as id.2. The an overlap. Even if a problematic number of players were
distancing from dominance is proportional to the chance of away from the 0, Y-axis, social groups would still expose
being affected by negative social interactions. social experiences related to depressive disorder behaviors
For an id.1 player, the likely trend is a higher score, i.e., nearby, and even if inadequate it would nullify the hypothe-
tracking for depressive disorders due to LoL interactions. It sis of social inequality. We can naively believe that "all lines
is perceived that, as identity deviates from dominance, the must overlap", however, by doing so, we would neglect that
greater is the population quantity below the general CES-D there is already a reality external to the game and that there
number (16). Analyzing the entire population, the data ex- is no solid border between intra-game and extra-game. In
press a positive reality (49% above, 51% below), while for this research, the distances between the lines in Figures 3 and
id.1 this reality is significantly different, much worse (67.7% 4 exposes that social inequality, and the consequent problem,
above and 32.3% below). This information shows the im- are explicitly observable.
portance of analyzing social groups for their differences and
specificities, not as a single homogeneous set. The overall
picture is positive, while for a sub-group it is negative.
A peripheral, id.3, holds the highest CES−D (44). The
largest CES−D of a dominant is 6 points lower, 38. Among
the worst value, these included, of the CES-D scale of pe-
ripheral and dominant, are five peripherals, ranging from 38
to 44.
Figure 3 exposes the relationship between social identi-
ties and respective CES-D, represents the sum of identity
population with certain CES-D in comparison to the CES-D
obtained. It is observed that the dominant peak occurs before
the others, 7.9% of dominant score 9; 8.8% of id.3 score 13; Figure 3: CES-D linear graph by social identity
9.1% of id.2 score 17; 11.2% of id.1 score 16. As identity
moves away from social dominance, the most perceptible
and expressive is the influence of LoL on depressive disorder
Figure 4 graphically displays a smoothing of the lines by
grouping the CES-D values in groups of three for better vis-
ualization of behaviors. At this point, a deepening of the per-
ceived phenomenon in Fig. 1 and 2 is relevant. We could
assume that the best possible scenario is such as the Y-Axis
marks 100% ordered to the value 0 of the X-Axis, where no
player would have any point traced to depressive disorders
as the CES-D points out.
At a high level, two factors build the behavior of this
graph data (Adams, 2014): (i) game external, where there is Figure 4: CES-D linear graph by social identity (groups of 3)
a dialogical relationship between identity subjectivity and
the universe of the player’s external experiences within the
game; (ii) gameplay, in a healthy way the game brings the
player closer to their mental limits, a portion of frustration
and shock of expectations enriches the experience of play-
ing, related to mental health. Using LoL as an example, feel
like crying because they cannot reach higher levels in com-
petitive positions, or “raise their rank or elo”; it is a phenom-
enon, if not frequent, healthy when considering the compet-
itive and social category of experience (Adams, 2014).
The problem occurs when, due to in-game experience,
different identities present CES-D values vastly different, Figure 5: Probability density function by identity
exposed in Figures 3 and 4. The experience of playing tends
proportionally to depressive disorder as its identity has fewer The Gaussian distribution is another way to graphically
dominant social attributes. Not only that, the best graphical represent the quantitative behavior, as shown in Figures 5
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

and 6, the density and accumulated distribution functions are Regarding gender, the CES-D difference between male
divided by identities (Agresti et al., 2017). The dominant has and non-male is the largest between peripheral and domi-
its CES-D peak before the others. The more peripheral, the nant, 3 points. The male population CES-D (16) is equated
curve’s peak will shift to the right and assume greater values. with the general population (16), exposing that it is not
The interquartile range moves to intervals with higher values enough just to identify as “male” to equate to the dominants
when we analyze a more peripheral identity. (15).
Ranging from 0 to 17, we always have fewer peripheral Table 4 points out this specific attribute as the one with
identity individuals than the dominant identity. From 18 on- the greatest significant difference for the general average
wards, this relationship inverts, as we increase the CES-D (16), 63.74% of non-male players score less than the overall
value, the greater the chance of being peripheral. average. 53.61% of males are below, demonstrating that the
Figure 6 shows the probability of finding a certain CES- scenario is psychically healthier for this group.
D value in each identity. In CES-D 16: 35% for id.1; 47% for Not only non-masculine CES-D is higher, as most indi-
id.2; 47% for id.3 and 56% for the dominant identity. As id.4 viduals in this population are below the overall average.
curve is earlier than the others, shows us that its image is a Quantitatively, gender was the worst identity result among
smaller interval. This means that id.4 assumes lower CES-D all four attributes analyzed.
values than the others, just as id.3 assumes lower values than Regarding sexual orientation, quantitative behavior re-
id.2 and id.1 and so on. sembles H.1.1 analysis, attenuated. The difference in the
non-heterosexual population CES-D (18) is 2 points higher
than that of the heterosexual population (16). Again, we re-
alize that it is not enough just to identify as “heterosexual”
to equate them and the dominants (15). Most non-heterosex-
uals CES-D, 54.42%, are generally positioned higher than
heterosexuals, and heterosexuals are lower than non-hetero-
sexuals (53.98%).
Regarding skin color, quantitative behavior resembles
the analysis of H.1.1 and H.1.2, attenuated. The difference
of the non-white population CES-D (17) is 1 point higher
than that of the white population (16). Again, we realize that
it is not enough just to identify as “white” to equate to the
Figure 6: Distribution function by identity
dominant CES-D (15). Most Non-white CES-D, 52.03%, are
4.6.2 H1 Correlated hypotheses (H1.1 to H1.4) higher than white ones, and white ones are lower than non-
whites (52.34%).
We confirmed H1.1, males have lower scores compared to Figure 7 exposes a comparison between all identities in a
non-males; confirmed H1.2, heterosexuals score lower box chart (Agresti et al., 2017), enabling a statistical com-
when compared to non-heterosexuals. parison between all social attributes.
We refute H1.3, whites have lower scores when com- Despite the difference by approximation, H.1.3 is not sta-
pared to non-whites; refute H1.4, South and Southeast re- tistically significant (p = 0.180), being refuted. Variance is
gion has lower scores when compared to Midwest, North, inconclusive to the phenomenon. Without approximation,
and Northeast. they differ by 0.8 points on the CES-D scale.

Figure 7: Boxplot chart of Identity and Attributes by CES-D average

Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

Regarding region of origin, the difference in the Mid- 4.6.4 H3: Muting increases the peripheral scores com-
west, North, and Northeast regions population CES-D (16) is pared to dominants
1 point less than in the South and Southeast (17). Neverthe-
less, the proportion compared with the general average fol- Through the data in Table 7, H3 is refuted/not significant.
lows the other H1 correlated hypothesis, the majority identi- Unlike the playing time, each column must be analyzed
fied in the Midwest, Northeast, and North regions (52.27%) separately. Column G points to players who play with all
score higher CES-D then the other ones, and vice versa communication enabled from both their team and the enemy
(52.34%). Again, it is not enough to identify yourself from team. Enabled communication does not significantly influ-
the Midwest, North, and Northeast regions to equate to the ence the CES-D result.
dominant CES-D (15). Table 7 and Column H points to players who have si-
As H.1.4 refuted, the ideal scenario would be that the two lenced one or some allies or opponents. Follows the same
values were equated with each other and with the overall behavior observed in Column G, except for id.1. In the case
mean (16). Future studies may deepen this specific hypothe- of id.1 the CES-D is 1 point greater than their identity CES-D
sis, considering that it destones from the commonly estab- (19), and the difference between players who mute someone
lished social perception, such as xenophobia. for players who keeps all communication enabled is 11.2%,
4.6.3 H2: Playing time increases the score of peripherals the largest difference between H and G Columns of all iden-
tities. We fully disregarded the results of Table 7 and Col-
compared to dominants
umn I due to quantitative inexpressiveness.
Through the data in Table 7, H2 is confirmed. Regarding Table 7 and Column J, disregarding id.1 due to inexpres-
Table 7 and Column A, the respondent has played or plays, siveness, points to a problematic phenomenon. Players who
but has not played in the last month. These respondents have mute everyone else (including allies) present worse CES-D.
not been exposed to the game and its aspects for a month or Thus, silencing all other players negatively influences men-
more, yet we consider this category valid, for its experience tal health. This data contradicts the common sense of “not
and relationship with the game. Considering the values of the seeing the messages of others will preserve my psyche”. The
generally dominant CES-D (12) and peripheral (20), we no- amount of the population that silences all other players is
ticed that not playing was psychically beneficial for domi- proportional to its position in the identity hierarchy, this data
nant, not necessarily for peripherals. In this case, we as- points out that dominant (12.2%), when compared to the
sumed that the traumas and negative interactions were ex- other players, are more comfortable with open and free com-
pressive to the point of even a month later, the player still munications, different from id.2 where 17.6% of its popula-
present remnants of experiences and negative memories that tion opts for this decision. This was the only significant di-
influence his mental health, pointing to depressive disorders. mension of H3, if analyzed separately.
Table 7 and Column B explain that playing up to an hour Comparing with the general population CES-D (16), (i)
a day and not every day has a worse result compared to play- dominant identities are not negatively influenced by the mut-
ing between one and two hours every day, Column C, for all ing act, on the contrary, liberated communication positively
identities. We assume that the experiences, although few, of affects the mental health of this population (14); (ii) periph-
this group, are negatively significant because they are punc- erals, together, silence others (42%) instead of using
tual and concentrated, i.e., the limited experience of only one all communication released (38.4%).
or two matches, approximately one hour, is negative. 4.6.5 The perception of oppression increases the periph-
Table 7 and Columns C, D, E, F expose that, regardless eral scores when compared to dominants
of identity, there is a worsening in the CES-D proportional to
playing time and inversely proportional to the identity posi- Through the data in Table7, H4 is confirmed.
tion, the more peripheral and longer playing time, the greater Table 7 and Column K reinforces an obvious conclusion,
the tracking for depressive disorders. According to this re- players who do not perceive any oppression, whatever it is,
sult, the best option for mental health is to play between one present a better CES-D then those who perceive any kind of
and two hours every day. Disregarding id.1, which presented oppression, whether for dominant or peripherals. LoL expe-
inconsistent data in Columns A, C, D; all other identities pre- rience without toxic social interactions positively impacts on
sented lower results than the general average (16) in Column
the CES-D results. Table 8 shows the comparison related to
C. Even the dominant had an improvement in the score, of
the identity population or group and general group.
less than 1, when compared to their own CES-D (15). Table 7 and Column L indicate that peripherals that per-
In all cases, playing four hours or more pointed to worse ceive oppressions solely directed to the present CES-D (20)
results when compared to the identity’s CES-D. The impact 3 points higher than the peripherals grouped (17). Although
of playing time is less expressive in dominant, in the worst only two dominants declare that they perceived oppression
case, the CES-D (16) is equivalent to the overall population solely directed to them, the two have CES-D equated with
CES-D (16). the dominant group (15) and lower than the overall popula-
tion (16). Even identifying as “victims of oppression”, this
phenomenon did not affect them as much as it affected the
peripherals in the same situation.
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

Table 8: Data indicating better CES-D results without oppression symbolic and non-concrete universe of discourse, e.g., re-
frame them as “jokes”; and invalidating their negative value
CES-D Comparison All Dom. Per. Id.3 Id.2 Id.1 to the psyche of those affected. Thus, effectively perceiving
Without oppression 14 13 14 15 14 15 situations of oppression as so sums up a shock of reality.
There is a socio-cultural and affective paradigmatic change,
Identity (specific)* -2 -2 -3 -1 -3 -4
impacting them more than a social group dealing concretely
General (16) -2 -3 -2 -1 -2 -1 with this conflicting identity phenomenon since its emanci-
Group (15 and 17) -2 -3 -2 -3 -2 pation and apprehension. This is an explanation that differ-
*As shown in Table 2: All, 16; Dom., 15; Per., 17; id.3, 16; id.2, entiates the CES-D result from column O to K, L, M, N; all
17; id.1, 19. presented values equivalent to the dominant CES-D (15) and
lower than the general column CES-D (16). Concrete social
Table 7 and Column M point to players who have noticed oppression affects these dominants.
oppression directed only at others. Results indicate that per- 4.6.6 Amount of perceived oppression
ceiving oppression directed at others does not influence the
mental health of the dominant, matching that of its popula- CES-D proportional growth related to the amount of oppres-
tion CES-D (15), the share of dominants who perceive op- sion is noticeable. Regardless of whether it is dominant or
pression directed to others (39.6%) is higher than peripheral peripheral, having perceived at least one oppression equates
(30.6%). Unexpectedly, id.3 who perceive oppression pre- to peripheral CES-D (17), and from this point on the results
sented CES-D 1 point lower compared to the peripherals worsen, reaching CES-D 21, significantly higher for players
group CES-D (17). Considering solely this detached and iso- who perceive eight oppressions listed in the options when
lated data, we suppose that perceiving oppression against compared to peripheral CES-D (17), 4 points higher.
others is a positive phenomenon for id.3 mental health. As a Table 6 exposes the worst picture for non-male, non-
quantitative analysis is plausible, qualitatively it is not white and non-heterosexual identities, since more than 50%
sound. It is an indication for future work. of respondents who perceived some oppression perceived
Concerning Column N of Table 7, it is noticed that dom- these, being the most frequent. The results in Section 4.6.2
inant non-directed oppressions, without specific targets, pre- are in line with this reality. Attributes pointing to the greatest
sent positive results (14) with 1 point less than that of CES-D amount of oppression are traceable to the results in Table 2.
of their group (15). In alignment with theories about empa- 4.6.7 Hypotheses formal evaluation
thy and indirect somatization (Grace, 2012), peripherals who
perceive this phenomenon present higher CES-D (18) then H1, H2, H3, H4 were statistically evaluated. We conducted
the overall population (17). After highlighting and analyzing an analysis of variance (ANOVA), F test, and significance
in-depth the data of id.2 we were not able to interpret why level of p < 0.05. The table with detail of the analyses are
their CES-D (16) to be so low, 3 points, when compared to available online 8, only H3 was refuted (p = 0,304). Consid-
that of its specific population CES-D (19), this result seems ering the correlated hypotheses of H1, H1.1 and H1.2 are
incoherent when compared to the other peripheral ones. One statistically confirmed; H1.3 and H1.4, statistically rejected
possible explanation may be in the number of respondents (p = 0.180 and p = 0.709).
(12), more likely that for them non-directed oppressions are
ineffective, and this indicator was incidental; less likely, 5 Qualitative analysis
considering the literature, that they act as distraction or en-
tertainment. Each subsection details a specific issue, the quantitative an-
alyzes used in this part of the research serve as a basis for
Table 7 and Column O expose that overall oppression has
qualitative ones. Subjectivity, and intended breadth of depth,
a greater negative influence on dominants compared to pe-
are incompatible with numerical generalizations.
ripherals. In this case, peripherals have a worsening of 2
points CES-D, 19 to 17, and dominant have a significant 5.1 “Does the number of hours played per day
worsening of 5 points, 20 to 15. The more peripheral the change depending on something?”
identities, the larger the respective population that perceives
all the options of oppression (Id.3, 22.4%; Id.2, 25.6%; Id.1, The pre-determined options for this question aim to analyze
27.4%). variations in player behavior related to playing time. As they
do not capture all the complexity of possible actions, it sup-
We interpret the higher CES-D value for the dominant
ports the perception of Section 4.2. Significant discrepancies
ones when compared to peripherals from the reasoning of
are motivations for specific analyzes of the phenomenon.
conscientious impact (Grace, 2012). Dominant identities (i)
Variations with significant amounts of responses showed a
are not used to living with concrete oppressions in their am-
CES-D value of at most 2, both for identity and social group.
biances; (ii) are not instructed or aware to recognize oppres-
Therefore, we disregard the option of deepening each option,
sions, especially subtle; (iii) they are positively elected to the
specific discrepancies will be pointed out on a case-by-case
basis. For example, as shown in Table 2, the overall CES-D

8 https://cutt.ly/pdxHAkp. Available in 01/01/2021

Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

is 16, the categories listed below remained in an interval be- scenario closer to the category of “beneficence”, while con-
tween 14 and 18, quantitatively meaningless. cretely it is a “hooking” mechanism (Eyal, 2014).
“Weekend/holiday/free days I play more”: most se- This option was selected by 39.40% (238) respondents.
lected option, 68.54% (414) respondents. This is a quantita- In this specific category there is a pattern to tension, id.4
tive normal behavior across social groups, id.4 (68.29%) on (31.71%); id.3 (40.19%); id.2 (41.46%); id.1 (51.61%).
the one hand, on the other id.1 (74.19%); 5.9% difference 19.90% difference between the two ends. The CES-D
between the two ends. change was only about 1 in some social groups, meaningless.
“Working/week/busy days I do not play”: selected by Not being the scope of this work, this option can mean
30.63% (185) respondents. In this option, we noticed a dis- economic inequality, added to social inequality. We feel re-
crepancy between id.4 (25%) and id.1 (35.48%), 10.48% dif- sponsible for presenting a brief interpretation of these values.
ference. We interpret as id.1 they are less likely to enjoy days Cosmetic elements (skins), non-functional, are sociocul-
considered traditionally busy, or business day, when com- turally perceived in the LoL community as prestige, they
pared to dominant ones. 28.18% (22) id.1 selected this op- convey a certain value associated with the player. And there
tion, their CES-D improved by 2 points, 19 to 17. is a dialogical relationship between the economic and social
“I play/want to play as a profession or e-sport com- aspects, as respondent #477 points out is synonymous with
petitor, I play much more”: This was the least selected op- social status and privilege.
tion, by 5.13% (31) respondents. The number of respondents The game has its currency, “Riot Points” (RP), purchased
did not allow us to make a significant quantitative assess- with real money. The class of skins openly available for pur-
ment. All CES-D values, of all social groups, is worse com- chase and more expensive is called “Ultimate”, reaching a
pared to those present in Table 2. We interpret that it is due price of 3,250 RP. In February 2021, a package with 2,800
to pressure, the exhaustive number of consecutive matches, RP costs R$54.50. That is, to acquire an ultimate skin, for a
and the excess of continuous social interactions within the character, the player needs to pay around R$60. For a person
game. It is fitting to deepen this category of players in spe- in a precarious economic situation, who only has a reasona-
cific, focused research. ble computer and internet, which are also paid, and plays
“I play more when I am with my friends”: This option LoL, participate in an event and aiming for its rewards is a
was selected by 44.21% (287) respondents. This is quantita- way to acquire a status object that potentially gives him pres-
tive normal behavior across social groups, presenting only a tige and positive visibility in the community, offering him a
5.27% difference between the two ends, id.4 (46.34%) and socially positive experience.
id.1 (51.61%). Phenomenologically, for an external viewer, this phe-
“If I am alone, I do not play”: This option was selected nomenon can cause strangeness. For players immersed in the
by 14.24% (86) respondents. This is quantitative normal be- community, the universe, and the game itself, this prestige is
havior across social groups, presenting only a 4.94% differ- analogous to that of displaying an expensive watch or brace-
ence between the two ends, id.4 (12.80%) and id.1 (17.74%). let, or the results of a nice treatment in the hairdresser or
“If I start to lose, I stop for a while, or that day”: This manicure. Some of us, authors and also LoL players, have
option was selected by 29.30% (177) respondents. This is already seen positive social interactions related to cosmetic
quantitative normal behavior across social groups, present- effects, directed at us, by us, or third parties.
ing only a 5.16% difference between the two ends, id.3 For someone in a precarious economic situation, events
(27.10%) and id.1 (32.26%). and awards are a possibility to make a positive social impres-
“‘I want to win’, so I insist on playing until I win... or sion. And this is supported by our data and by the Brazilian
give up”: This option was selected by 15.73% (95) respond- socio-material reality (IMDS, 2020), to the dominants, this
ents. We did not observe a behavioral pattern in the results, effect may not be psychologically expressive, or they can
id.4 (12.20%); id.3 (12.15%); id.2 (22.56%); id.1 (19.35%). simply pay (or have someone pay for them) the price that the
All social groups worsened CES-D in this category, 2 points game charges; while for peripherals the option is to “con-
more. Only respondents from id.1 maintained the same CES- quer” this effect through their own time and effort, to enjoy
D (19). this same prestige and socially perceive themselves as
Not being the scope of this work, this option can mean “something more”.
gambling addiction and be a summative factor to the result. Ferreira et al. (2020) associate the phenomenon of ac-
“When there is an event in the game, I play more”: quiring cosmetic elements to the Fear of Missing Out
Awards events are an award-winning and gamification initi- (FoMO), i.e., players would like to enjoy the same rewarding
ative within the game. The more they play or perform the experiences that others enjoy. Players in a precarious eco-
“missions”, the more and better the prizes are. Some players nomic situation will use events as a means of inclusion.
perceive this practice as “company altruism” since they “are “I give breaks between matches, I do not play without
not paying anything” for the object in question. A speech stopping”: selected by 18.05% (109) respondents. In this
commonly found through the community is, paraphrased, option, we noticed a discrepancy between id.4 (21.95%) and
“don't complain, they are already giving you [the specific id.1 (11.29%), 10.66% difference.
award] for free” reifying the time, effort, and dedication of Disregarding the result of id.1, with a small number of
the players involved (Boscagli, 2014). That is, it brings the only 7 (11.29%) respondents, the CES-D results had an in-
significant variation. A possible mechanism to alleviate
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

toxic or negative social interactions may be to take a break not, and mainly affect themselves. The difference in the re-
between matches, a behavior most reported by dominants. sult between columns 0 and 3 in Table 9 for peripherals is
twelve, for dominant it is eight. Besides, it is invalid that
The qualitative and quantitative impact of the answers to dominants "project oppression that they have suffered", po-
this question was little, the population discrepancies did not tentially this social group presents sociopathic or ethically
exceed 11% of the interval between extremes and the CES- perverse and immoral individuals. These individuals bene-
D variance did not exceed 2. Superficially, the values of the fit/are insensitive to the social consequences that their sym-
number of respondents can expose particular phenomena by bolic oppression and aggression cause (Sidanius and Pratto,
themselves, and can be extended to detail in future works, 1999; David and Derthick, 2017).
e.g., analyzing the outcome of players who intend to be pro- Table 9: CES-D based on declared toxicity
fessional players, or formally detailing the association be-
tween participating in-game events and the ambition for pos- 0* 1* 2* 3*
itive social interaction through “rewards”. Overall (604) 357 168 55 24
Overall % 59.11 27.81 9.11 3.97
5.2 “Was I (or others said I was) toxic, nega- CES-D 15 17 20 24
tive?” id. 1 (62) 39 13 8 2
As a complement to the CES-D evaluation questions, we in- id. 1% 62.90 20.97 12.90 3.23
tend to discover the complement of the thesis of this re- CES-D 17 20 18 34
search. Instead of analyzing the influence of social interac- id. 2 (164) 103 41 13 7
tions on CES-D, analyze the respondents' perception of their id. 2% 62.80 25.00 7.93 4.27
interactions and their respective CES-D. That is, to think of CES-D 16 18 21 28
the player as an active agent, which influences the CES-D of id. 3 (214) 125 59 22 8
the others. id. 3% 58.41 27.57 10.28 3.74
Table 9 involves the question “Was I (or others said I CES-D 15 18 20 24
was) toxic, negative?”, And its results are groundbreaking. id. 4 (Dom. 164) 90 55 12 7
As expected, similar to a negative exponential function, most id. 4 (Dom.) % 54.88 33.54 7.32 4.27
players pointing out that they did not feel or remember their CES-D 13 16 21 19
interactions as toxic, and less than 10% stated explicitly that Per. (440) 267 113 43 17
they were almost always toxic. Per. % 60.68 25.68 9.77 3.86
For peripherals and each of the identities that compose it, CES-D 15 18 20 27
CES-D is significantly proportional to the perceived fre- * 0: I did not feel or do not remember; 1: Once or a few times; 2:
quency of its toxicity. The value follows the behavior of Ta- Many times; 3: Almost always.
ble 2, perceiving itself as toxic almost always affects CES-
D of id.1 (34) more than id.3 (24). The results increase de- Positively, not feeling or remembering toxic interactions
pending on the response and how far away from the domi- has a significant positive CES-D influence. All social
nants. groups, including the dominant, benefited.
In contrast, dominants had a lower CES-D and an im- We allocate this analysis as mixed because there is the
provement between perceiving themselves as toxic some- indeterminacy of causality, the subjectivity, and CES-D of
times (21) or almost always (19). At first, one can suspect an the individuals’ influences this behavior or vice versa. Are
inaccuracy of the result “almost always”, only 7 (4.26%) an- individuals toxic and project toxicity to the environment or
swers, however, the quantitative behavior of all other social is the environment toxic and project toxicity to individuals?
groups is consistent and numerically similar. Certain domi-
nants are aware that they are almost always toxic, and this 5.3 “Freely, how do you feel about social inter-
does not significantly impact their CES-D. Analyzing these actions in League of Legends? How would you
seven separately, four of them appear not to be influenced by describe them?”
the moral epistemic responsibility of their social interac-
tions, presenting CES-D results remarkably close to or below This is a discursive and open question. After treatment and
the dominant social group as a whole (15), the other three normalization, 392 valid responses were analyzed. Table 10
score CES-D significantly higher (22, 25, and 29). In the shows the quantitative analysis of this issue. The vast major-
same category, of all individuals of the other identities (17), ity of players feel that social interactions in the game are neg-
only one id.2 and one id.3 presented CES-D lower than their ative, the sum of all other options is less than “negative”. The
respective social groups. exclusively positive responses occurred to a lesser extent.
Psychological recoil is objectively worse for peripherals Dualistic responses point to ambiguous interpretations, both
when compared to dominant ones. Analyzing from the per- positive and negative. Neutral responses omitted valuation,
spective of Schulman (2016), the peripherals project in their as did respondent #29: “Normais” (Normal).
social interactions the oppressions and symbolic aggressions Although the data considered is only a sample (386) of
that they suffer in the game, added to external factors. This the total data (604), the intention is comparative by general-
projection affects other players, who may be peripheral or ization. As expected, players with positive perceptions had
better CES-D compared to their respective social groups,
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

shown in Table 2. The other dimensions showed a maximum analysis exposed, using an unfair categorical imperative is to
variance of 2, disregarding the result from “neutral” to dom- disregard the factors of oppression external to the game, this
inant, with an insignificant amount. For the dominant, per- line of action reinforces the feeling of discrimination and op-
ceiving negativity does not affect the CES-D of their social pression that players flee when resorting to the game. Con-
group, which may indicate apathy or insensitivity. sidering only this hypothetical isolated episode, punish both
Table 10: CES-D based on social interaction feelings players equally is unfair and harmful to the psychosocial
health of player A, who dared to react.
Negative Positive Dualistic Neutral Twenty-one players prioritize playing with colleagues,
Overall (386) 211 51 79 45 and most of them classify social interaction in the game, in
CES-D (16) 17 14 16 16 general, as negative. Several players avoid interactions in
fear of negative experiences, regardless of the scenario, re-
Dom. (94) 52 14 17 11
inforcing the defense mechanisms against oppression
Dom. % 55.32 14.89 18.09 11.70 pointed out by Schulman (2016).
CES-D (15) 15 12 16 12
5.4 “If you could send one, and only one, sug-
Per. (292) 159 37 62 34
gestion for improvement to the game team that
Per. % 54.45 12.67 21.23 11.64
would be immediately obeyed, which would it
CES-D (17) 18 15 16 17
After analyzing all the responses, we coded and catego- This is a discursive and open question. After treatment and
rized the central ideas and concepts associated with social normalization, 463 valid responses were analyzed. Table 11
interaction to extract knowledge from the responses, gener- shows the quantitative analysis of this issue.
ating perceptions of reality. As qualitative contributions, Table 11: Improvement suggestion type by social group quantity
quantitative parameters are secondary or inconsiderable. The
Tech. Social Org. Irrel. Pun.
question title points to a deterministic direction, however,
the analysis respected the respondents’ spontaneity and au- All (647) 273 181 22 66 105
tonomy of testimony. All % 42.19 27.98 3.40 10.20 16.23
The most common discrimination is explicitly against fe- id. 1 (46) 26 22 1 6 16
males or elements of femininity, reinforcing the quantitative id. 1% 56.52 47.83 2.17 13.04 34.78
hypotheses. Women “hide” their gender to communicate as id. 2 (128) 68 57 11 20 35
a defense mechanism to prevent oppression or gender dis- id. 2% 53.13 44.53 8.59 15.63 27.34
crimination, thus jeopardizing their healthy identity. Female id. 3 (169) 107 58 7 24 37
nicknames, explicit or not, present an objective risk of op- id. 3% 63.31 34.32 4.14 14.20 21.89
pression, aimed at women or men using female nicknames, id. 4 (120) 72 44 3 16 17
for example, respondent #390 uses a nickname that contains id. 4% 60.00 36.67 2.50 13.33 14.17
“Juuh” (we omit the entire nickname to preserve privacy) he
is a man, and his name is Junior, even so, he reports being a For this categorization, we dialogue with the concept of
target of gender oppression constantly, others conjecture that Stair and Reynolds (2018), dividing them into Technical, So-
he is a woman and popularly “Juuh” is an alias for Juliana. cial, and Organizational. Initially, we thought that peripheral
There is a negative dialogical relationship when the op- players would favor social improvements, Table 11 shows
pressed respond similarly. This negative dialogical relation- that this premise has been refuted. All social groups pointed
ship of toxic interactions generates what we call “asymmet- out, in greater quantity, technical improvements.
ric punishment”. When the player who was initially op- An answer could be framed in more than one category,
pressed is punished, the company justifies this with a speech for example, “improving the punishment system” was la-
that encourages docile and crooked civility. beled as technical, as it involved system improvement; and
A hypothetical example, when player B calls player A social, as it involves punishment. On the other hand, “pun-
“dirty nigger”, player A addressing B: “and you are an ass- ishing more” is just social. Certain responses were labeled
hole”, some testimonies from players aligned with A’s situ- “irrelevant”, as the response was explicitly deviated from the
ation indicate that they were punished. In this case, we per- objective, for example, “delete Yasuo”, where a player sug-
ceive false discursive symmetry and the use of an unfair cat- gests that a playable character he dislikes be excluded from
egorical imperative of the company to punish the oppressed the game.
party. It is reprehensible for one player to offend the other as The occurrences of solutions associated with punishment
an “asshole” during a match, only (i) they are two different were worrisome, we structured a specific column for this in-
weights aimed at individuals of different identities, compar- formation in Table 11. Since CES-D calculations did not re-
ing racial injury with a neutral offense is morally incoherent veal any significant variance, we omitted this information
and encourages a sense of impunity, where the oppressed is associated with these responses.
expected to be “civilized” and “to follow the moral guide-
lines of the game”, even though he did not trigger the sce-
nario that, as a result, punished him; (ii) as the quantitative
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

As in Carvalho et al. (2017), many respondents (16.23%) to 2 points associated with Machismo and PNR, reinforcing
explicitly perceive that “punishment” or “improving punish- how negative these influences are.
ment system” will improve the game. On the other hand, less Table 12: CES-D based on oppression report type
than five respondents indicated constructive, educational, or
rewarding solutions; or greater graphic and explicit social di- All Dominant Peripheral
versity, that is, non-thin bodies, non-stereotyped women, Qty. CES-D Qty. CES-D Qty. CES-D
black characters, among others. Several instances of “asym-
Racism 62 17 23 14 39 18
metric punishment”, exactly as perceived in Section 5.3.
Machismo 86 18 15 14 71 19
We were surprised by the number of respondents point-
ing to punitive solutions. There is a sense of impunity on the PNR 58 19 4 17 54 19
part of the players towards the company, where many feels All 293 18 56 16 208 18
that their reports of hate speech or negative behavior do not
result in anything. This brings us to another numerical dis- We did a specific analysis only with oppressions and re-
crepancy in the categories, few players associate the system lated identities, for example, CES-D related effect on white
and the company (organizational aspect). Riot Games man- (dominant) and non-white (peripheral) based on racism re-
ages, controls, maintains, and makes decisions about the port. As expected, non-men and non-whites who reported
game, the players focus on the system and the community, oppressions associated with their identities showed a marked
leaving Riot Games with the smallest share of responsibility. worsening at CES-D. Regarding reported racism: whites, 16;
5.5 “If you have suffered or observed a case of and non-whites, 19. Regarding reported machismo: men, 16;
non-men, 20. We believe, in a complementary way, that if
oppression or social discrimination in League PNRs were reported they would worsen this inequality.
of Legends, can you report it here?” Qualitatively, oppressions lead players to cry; women are
This is a discursive and open question. After treatment and oppressed even if their performance in-game is good, and
normalization, 264 valid responses were analyzed. Table 12 men who play with or defend them are offended; low game
shows the quantitative analysis of this issue. performance and specific nicknames are triggers for oppres-
Each testimony was coded and categorized according to sion; some cases were so impressive that they date back
a type of oppression addressed in this research. We comple- many years; several players accommodated with the offenses
ment the question by indicating to respondents who had had and discrimination, all peripheral, “it’s all right”, “I’m used
expressively negative experiences that they might not detail, to it”, “it’s a reflection of how it is out of the game”; a female
in order not to relive the experience, and answer “I prefer not player was threatened with rape by a player who identified
to respond” (PNR). Of the 264 respondents, we obtained 293 himself as fourteen years old; streamer oppressing female
types of negative interactions. Some answers correspond to players in real-time during a live broadcast. Finally, a domi-
more than one category, for example, #77: “That Northeast- nant player (#501) reported “once a group with several gays
erners were starving trash and that blacks deserved to die.” started cursing me for having a hetero nickname and playing
classified as “racism” and “xenophobia”. with a hetero champ”, even though he explicitly said that he
did not consider this discrimination, illustrates the dichot-
We inserted, regardless of quantity, machismo, and
omy of speech effects.
LGBTphobia, considering that the hypotheses of the quanti-
tative analysis indicated statistical significance in the rela- Again, reports of “asymmetric punishment”; feeling of
tionship between these oppressions and CES-D. We selected impunity, that Riot Games protects, ignores, or connives op-
a 10% floor of 293 (29) to include other types, then we con- pressors. On the positive side, some, even if few, players be-
sidered racism (62) and PNR (58). All other types did not lieve that their complaints worked; some players denounce
reach the floor, including neutral offenses. LGBTphobia had oppressors even for cases not directed at them; players de-
an insignificant number of occurrences (21) and was disre- fend each other; several dominants have some degree of
garded from the quantitative analysis. awareness of the socially peripheral situation of their peers.
Considering the CES-D values in Table 12, it makes 5.5.1 A concrete and recent case
sense for dominants to experience explicit oppression that
In one of the groups where the questionnaire was released,
does not affect their CES-D, including those directed at
we extracted this spontaneous testimony 9 , from February
themselves and their friends. Despite the impressive reports
13, 2021. A group member, homosexual, exposing an
of racism and machismo witnessed, the CES-D of these play-
LGBTphobia case in a match. Figure 8shows the scenario,
ers had a minimal variance from the dominant ones in gen-
all possible forms of identification were anonymized to pre-
eral (15). Dominants who preferred not to report, on the
serve the privacy of those involved.
other hand, presented worse CES-D by 2 points (17). The
overall and peripherals analysis showed a worsening of up The dialogue is simple, the oppressor and the oppressed
are from the same team. The oppressor: “a good faggot is a
dead faggot [...] burned yet, this shit race” and a member of

9 “Can anyone tell me if the best way to report a hate speech is to report in game or by sending a ticket? Because when things like this

happen (and a lot), I get extremely bad ... Reporting doesn't solve anything and when I send a print, only a bot answers me. It is very sad
and discouraging.” (free translation)
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

the opposing team replies: “look at the bright side of being

gay”. One of the oppressed teammates, playing with cham-
pion Caitlyn, tries to intervene by asking the other players in
the match to report the oppressor, announcing that he only
curses and disturbs the others.

Figure 9: Commentary about the oppression report

Some players point out that they silence everyone else,

others indicate that if you do not insist on being served by a
human actor (even if there is no guarantee that this will hap-
Figure 8: A real, concrete, and explicit oppression example pen) your report will be ignored and forgotten by an algo-
rithm, one player pointed out who excluded the game be-
In the comments section, players express controversial cause of that.
testimonies, while some say that the reporting system works
without much certainty, others are completely skeptical and
indicate clear impunity, whether from the game or the com- 6 Discussion
pany. Figure 9 shows one of the longest testimonies 10 , In this section, we discuss ethical issues, collusion with op-
aligned with the answers to the questionnaire. pression, and proposals for mitigation or possible solutions.

10 “I don't send a ticket anymore because it's no use (at least for me), because it never happens anything. I'm pissed off at how much
Riot ignores it. I responded the homophobic guy, who spoke several absurdities, even involving racism in the middle. I responded by say-
ing that ‘I was really a fag and if he didn’t like it, let him kill himself with his own prejudice’. Gold tip angels, if u tell the person to kill
himself, even with his own prejudice (what for me would be right in this situation) results in a ban for yourself. I took 10 days of suspen-
sion for that. And the homophobic received what? Riot's flowers, obviously. And what pissed me off was that they closed my ticket be-
cause yes. I opened the chat to talk to ‘a human’, which was probably the same thing as a robot, who answered that I was right, that I
shouldn’t answer these things and blah blah blah (that ready text that everyone who does denounces should already have received), that I
couldn’t tell the homophobic/racist to kill himself, that my punishment would continue and that if the guy’s complaint ticket had been
closed, he couldn’t do anything else. He made me want to write suggesting that they put a swastika on Riot's logo soon, since homopho-
bia, racism and machismo are free for them. But send your ticket, I hope it falls into the hands of someone who applies the punishment
and that this guy gets screwed.” (free translation)
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

6.1 Is this topic ethically debatable? uates oppressive social values (Carvalho et al., 2020), an ex-
ample is a communication from a company manager: “Di-
Some elements about the results of this research can be ques- versity should not be a focal point of the design of Riot
tioned ethically. The practice of oppression, per se, is mor- Games' products because gaming culture is the last remain-
ally abhorrent and unquestionably harmful to society. This ing safe haven for white teen boys”. In this way, it makes
section is grounded on the field of Computational Ethics sense for action guidelines to assess social oppressions that
(Barger, 2008; Johnson, 2008) and Cyberethics (Spinello, aim to annul humanity, the rights or dignities of minorities
2020), limited to the debate on social interactions from the to be judged with the same weight as neutral, even banal,
perspective of an IS (Stair and Reynolds, 2018). We bring offenses.
three lines of ethical thought to debate this issue: Kantian Privately, a player sent a snippet of the responses he ob-
categorical imperative, relativism, and utilitarianism. tained when reporting oppression 12:
Ideally, Riot Games handles cases of oppression by the “Pode confiar que vou dar o meu me-
categorical imperative. However, it generalizes to negative lhor olhando e cuidando do caso e vou me
social interactions, that is, neutral offenses (e.g. asshole, certificar de que as medidas cabíveis sejam
sucker, twat, motherfucker, among others) and social op- tomadas nesse caso. Mas por questão de pri-
pressions (e.g., fagot, nigger, bitch, mental, daft cow, among vacidade, não vou poder te falar a respeito
others) are considered inappropriate conduct of the same do que pode acontecer com a conta de ter-
magnitude. And reactions to oppression are assessed in the ceiros, por mais que eu entenda que a gente
same way, as we noted in Section 5, so if someone says: “you fique curioso. Eu também jogo, sabe? A
bastante tempo, na verdade... e desde que
are a woman and you deserve to be raped” and they reply:
comecei a jogar, sei que muita gente diz que
“you are an asshole, don't say that”, both are punished. Does o report in game não ajuda em nada, que
this mean that the oppressed have carte blanche to offend não adianta, e eu entendo perfeitamente
others? No, we will go into that in more depth in Section 6.2. isso. Mas ó, bota um pouquinho mais de fé
On the other hand, considering the amount of players, the nele, porque ele ajuda sim, mesmo não
company can't evaluate each case timely. This generalization sendo 100% perfeito. E claro, sempre que
is clear in the Terms of Service 11, in item 7, “User Rules”, você precisar, tem aqui a equipe do suporte,
and sub-item 7.1, “Can I troll, flame, threaten or harass peo- então lembre-se de que você não está sozi-
nho. Então reporta no final do jogo, mesmo
ple while using the Riot Services? (No. If you do, we might
que decida mandar um ticket, ok?”.
take action such as banning your account.)”, there is a list of
behaviors that result in “disciplinary measures “, the word- From the discursive and open responses, we realize that
ing of item 5 says: “Transmitting or communicating any con- the players are tired, disappointed, and frustrated with “try-
tent which we reasonably believe to be offensive to players, ing to understand” that reporting help. The proportion of re-
including language that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, ports of impunity or feelings of impunity are proportionally
abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually much higher than reports of effective action. At the same
explicit, or racially, ethically, or otherwise objectionable;”. time, it allows us to question why oppressive players “de-
serve” privacy? That is because for those who oppress a
If the account, by the respective user, promotes social op-
guarantee of preservation and for those who are oppressed, a
pression, as the text says they are subject to disciplinary
sense of injustice remains?
measures and even banning, at the discretion of Riot Games.
If Riot Games, through its algorithm or dedicated human Thinking in a utilitarian way, the game already had a sys-
team, wishes (i) nothing will happen, (ii) a temporary pun- tem called The Tribunal 13. In it, the players evaluated the
ishment will be defined, (iii) or the account will be perma- complaints and applied verdicts. It was established in 2011
nently banned. Through the reports extracted from the ques- and ended in 2014, with no possibility of an expected return.
tionnaire responses, observing communications in commu- The utilitarian bias presents two barriers, a specific and a
nities dedicated to League of Legends through the Internet, traditional one. The specific one is anonymity, we will illus-
and through the literal interpretation of these aforementioned trate for better reasoning, assuming that a player is the target
terms, we realize that the ethical bias followed by the com- of racism, there is no way to guarantee that he is, outside the
pany is realistically relativistic. game universe, black. If we consider that racism affects only
Moral relativism dictates that all, or more than one, ethi- blacks, if the oppressed player is Latino, his self-identifica-
cal point of view is valid. This is a plausible interpretation tion can be, make matters worse put into question. Tradition-
considering that Riot Games itself is a company that perpet- ally, utilitarianism operates by the maxim: “an action is mor-
ally right if the consequences of that action are more favora-
ble than unfavorable to everyone” (Fieser, 2020). That is, as

11 https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service. Available in 01/01/2021.

12 “You can trust that I will do my best looking and taking care of the case and I will make sure that the appropriate measures are
taken in this case. But for privacy reasons, I will not be able to tell you about what can happen to the third-party account, as much as I
understand that we are curious. I play too, you know? It's been quite a while, actually ... and since I started playing, I know that a lot of
people say that report in game doesn't help at all, that it doesn't help, and I understand that perfectly. But look, put a little more faith in
him, because he does help, even though he is not 100% perfect. And of course, whenever you need it, there is the support team here, so
remember that you are not alone. So, you report at the end of the game, even if you decide to send a ticket, ok?” (free translation)
13 https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/The_Tribunal. Available in 01/01/2021
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

we have quantitatively observed in this research, the proba- This is an example of the scalability issue. How to deal
bility of women being harmed is exceedingly high. with a demand incompatible with the human resources avail-
The morally correct action must also do everything pos- able to assess, considering the complexity and time con-
sible not to generate suffering or pain for the unfavorable. sumption of each complaint? Complexity because a case can
Since most players are not oppressed, it makes no difference be valid and true or not; considered a human task, Riot
to make decisions with potentially drastic consequences. Games cannot have such a large team exclusively dedicated
However, the current state of the scenario exposes that mild to analyzing complaints, and proportionately resolving them.
decisions favor oppressors, or result in soft permissive situ- We stressed the non-functional requirement of scalability
ations of unscrupulous moral self-negotiation, e.g., “even if associated with the reporting system as conniving oppres-
I practice oppression the maximum punishment, I will re- sion by considering that (i) it is sickly, morally, and socially,
ceive is a warning, chat suspension, or temporary suspension to overlap the integral technical functioning of the game
in the game ... “. It is an objective optional situation, to purge above the recurrent phenomena of oppression on the plat-
the phenomenon through its promoters and only then, by di- form, as more than this research exposes, the company itself
rect consequence, benefit those who are likely to suffer op- has registered; (ii) even if it is impossible to reach some hu-
pression. Forwarding possible approaches through the logic man resources capable of properly evaluating all reports, it
of the majority falls into utilitarian traps. is possible to invest part of the profit to increase this amount
Three different scenarios can occur involving an oppres- significantly, specifically for this purpose. Just as it is im-
sion trigger. In the first, player A tries to oppress player B possible to cover all complaints, it is impossible that Riot
and player B responds by offending player A; in the second, Games, with annual billionaire profits (Swan, 2020), will not
player A tries to oppress player B and player B responds by be able to hire human resources for this problem.
trying to oppress player A; in the third, player A offends How Riot Games, specifically in League of Legends,
player B and player B tries to oppress player A. Regardless deals with player reports is unknown information, which the
of who is peripheral or dominant, the determination is an- company does not objectively disclose. What is known em-
nulled by anonymity, leaving only the inadmissible attempt pirically? Reported players, even for hate speech, are not im-
to oppress. Whatever the scenario, the tolerance for oppres- mediately banned for this. Players who reproduce oppression
sion must be nil, resulting in a permanent ban. Offenses through the player's nickname are required to change it, even
should be subject to disciplinary measures, mild when react- if it is hate speech, for example, “Tranny Killer”. Some play-
ing to oppression, harsh when spontaneous and discon- ers speculate about a “report score”, and that certain fuzzy
nected. parameters make you increase or decrease it. If players who
Any objective attempt at oppression is unacceptable re- reproduce social oppression remain active months after be-
gardless of the speaker. It is worth remembering that toxic or ing explicitly reported, this assessment is a quantitative as-
negative social interactions are subjectively apprehended by sessment. So, the “report score” is valid.
the recipients, and it is ideal that it be consulted in the case If we consider that there is a quantitative “report score”,
of third parties reporting it. For example, using the afore- the next absurd step is to ask: how many times should a
mentioned scenarios, player C feels overwhelmed by an at- player say (based on respondent #390) “Perdeu a lane porque
tempt at undirected oppression, even though players A and é menina, lugar de mulher é lavando a louça” 14 to be pun-
B were absent from reporting, speech negatively affected the ished? And if we consider that the report depends on “luck”
viewer. Even though A and B might have been joking with to be evaluated by a human actor, and not an algorithm, is
each other, if it got to cause discomfort in another player then moral luck? (Fieser, 2020). The premises indicate a tolerance
it was inappropriate in any way. of Riot Games towards social oppression. There is an option
to send a print screen directly to the technical support, clearly
6.2 Collusion with oppression exposing the oppression, and after a few days realizing that
In this Section, we address the issue of scalability, i.e., how the reported player still is active and playing.
Riot Games deals with cases of oppression, regarding the ap- And even after this, the oppressor continues to divide the
plicable legislation. game with you and there is a probability of being combined
A curious case (Gach, 2020) related to the SARS-CoV-2 with you in any game. If you request explanations, you will
pandemic started in 2020. A player with the surname Corona not receive them. Why? It is up to Riot Games to define dis-
changed his nickname to “Corona”, the system flagged his ciplinary measures and punish players as it wishes, regard-
nickname and asked him to change. Before that, his nick- less of the psychosocial damage that may have been caused
name was “Squid Corona”. The player in question was called to you. The game is connected with the current national re-
Joao Corona and, in Spanish, Corona means crown. As one ality and applicable criminal laws.
commentator points out, the game team preferred to neglect Most of the social oppressions denounced or reported by
the player’s subjectivity, linguistic specificity, and create an the players in this research, such as racism, sexism, and
imbroglio of weeks to resolve (Gach, 2020). After almost a LGBTphobia, are punishable by law in Brazilian territory 15.
month of discussion with the game team, his nick was white- Whatever terms the game presents to agree are not above the
listed. Other offensive nicknames like “CoronaComin4U” law, that is, it is not exclusively up to Riot Games in its terms
and “ChinaVrs.” were seen. of service, as discussed in Section 6.1, to define “disciplinary

14 “She lost the lane because she’s a girl, a woman’s place is doing the dishes” (free translation).
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

measures”. If Riot Games evaluates any case without a “zero Players would be paired with others of the same, or close,
tolerance” principle, as we know it does, it indicates conniv- rank. As a negative aspect, this proposal encourages ostra-
ance and consent in the permanence of this player in its net- cism; as a positive aspect, it allows everyone to continue
work, co-opts with the social oppression. playing and only associates close social profiles. Neutral
In Brazil, there are police stations specialized in virtual players remain close to zero, like those who exempt them-
crimes 15, such as oppression carried out in the cyberspace selves from communication by their own choice; and so-
sphere. It is the player's right to denounce and monitor the cially active players vary in either positive or negative. Play-
denunciation of oppression, even if it occurs in a digital ers who remain on the positive spectrum will have access to
game. This scenario is simplified considering that the BR additional features, such as the blue essence shop, and re-
server is dedicated to Brazil, so the spatial scope remains na- wards.
tional. Reward players not only for their skill or technique per-
Analyzing the answers to the three discursive and open formance during matches but also for the social assessment
questions, we often perceive a scenario of apathy, consent, of their match mates.
or inaction. This is one of the unpleasant findings of this sur- Create a partnership system between veterans and new-
vey, while players expect Riot Games to punish “more and bies, rewarding both for playing together and sustaining a
better” oppressors, forget that there are laws and that hate learning bond. Social interactions can be very harmful to
speech is a crime, inside or outside the game. If anonymity novice players, who, when accompanied, can better resist
is problematic, if Riot Games is exempt from responsibility these scenarios. This ratio presents a con widely criticized
for communication in its games, if the investigation and the by the community, veteran players who create accounts to
process will be arduous, none of this is a hindrance for the play games with newcomers and take advantage of their in-
player, as a person and citizen, to assert the rights and duties experience. It is up to the system and its game quality stand-
involving the society in which it participates. ard recognition algorithms, then, to validate if the pair is
composed, in fact, by a veteran and a novice.
6.3 Thinking about solutions and mitigation Create a new game mode, collective training. Many com-
Technically, it is necessary to dissociate the phenomenon plaints of oppression or offense come from players trying to
and the game. Riot Games is indirectly responsible for ac- learn and being the target of toxicity from others. Two of the
tions within the scope of its system. In this sense, we believe most famous modes are “Normal” and “Ranked”. Many
that Riot Games can provide a gaming environment that is players use Normal mode to test new champions and do not
more than anti-oppression, which also combats social op- necessarily play “to win”; while others resort to this mode to
pression. If it is up to us to list a villain or the cause of these escape the Ranked one and, competitively, try to win. The
problems, it would be incomplete to address the entire bur- collective training mode would be open to everyone, already
den on Riot Games. Also, the people who make up Riot with the premise of tests and training; while the Normal
Games collectivized represent the actor with the greatest in- mode would be restricted to being played only with champi-
fluence in this ecosystem, as the owner of the game, it has ons that the player shows a reasonable mastery score.
more power and privilege to promote a positive impact. Increase the number of human actors involved in the
In this Section, we dialogue with the Ethics of Resistance analysis and evaluation of reports, with less generic and so-
perspectives (Christians, 2007; Samuel, 2013; Klikauer, cially critical criteria, considering the socially unequal real-
2014; Alakavuklar e Alamgir, 2018) to think about the di- ity external to the game.
rections. We see Riot Games as an ally against the phenom- Promote categorically engaged and targeted campaigns,
enon of social oppression, aware of how the power and social for example, bringing Riot Games LGBTQ +, women, and
privilege external to the game go through it and are present black employees to engage players and demonstrate that
internally and externally. We analyzed the responses of the there is a concrete concern with diversity.
questionnaire, as the voice of the respondents and LoL play- Allow players to follow up on their complaints in case of
ers. We summarize the implicit and explicit referrals, struc- negative or toxic social interactions, setting out the conclu-
tured below. The intention is to build an atmosphere that is sion and justifying the verdict. If possible, encouraging rec-
positive and inclusive and, at the same time, intolerant of op- onciliation and exchange of ideas. Often players “let them-
pression, injustice, social inequality, and exclusion. selves be carried away by the moment” and do not think
The scope of this section is to provide insights on the im- about the consequences of their actions, encouraging (but not
provement to healthy social interactions. Therefore, the ob- dictating) dialogue allows both parties to a common ground
jective is to propose possible alternatives, direct or indirect, about feelings and affections.
for solutions and mitigation to problems exposed in this re- Concretely, the Ethics of Resistance despises illusions of
search through social interactions that harm the players’ false principles, values, and traditionalisms. For this same
mental health. reason, no solution involves “educating” or “humanizing”
From the responses to the questionnaire, we extracted oppressors, because this is not and should not be directly the
three proposals. In the first, as well as the already well-es- goal of a digital game like LoL. Indirectly this objective
tablished rank (“elo”) mechanism associated with playing should be primary because if the game enables social phe-
skill, all players would have a social rank or moral rank.

15 https://new.safernet.org.br/content/delegacias-cibercrimes. Available in 01/01/2021.

Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

nomena like this in its functionalities, there is a co-responsi- even so, their CES-D values are worse compared to domi-
bility from the service management. If the games did not pre- nant ones.
sent text or voice chat, for everyone and without the option If a social group perceives oppression, even if only one
to enable them, the phenomenon would be radically miti- category of it, there is a significant negative impact on the
gated. Otherwise, communication would be impaired. CES-D result, getting worse as more categories of oppres-
If Riot Games do not implement a concrete, objective, sion are perceived. As expected, players who did not per-
and constructive attempt to improve social interactions, the ceive or do not perceive oppression present positive and
recommendation is that players boycott the game and look healthy results, when compared to the other, in the CES-D.
for similar ones. There are already many available. The be- In the end, we ethically discussed the scenario about re-
longing intention is a strong emotional motivation, it is ra- search and the way that Riot Games deals with the issue, em-
tionally harmful to remain in a virtual environment where phasizing how unacceptable and morally abhorrent the prac-
the entity that has the power and privilege to promote so- tice of social oppression is; then we reflect on possible inter-
cially positive changes neglects non-dominants. pretations of connivance to oppression, and clarifying that
regardless of the speaker, dominant or peripheral, there is no
7 Conclusion tolerance for social oppression; we ended by pointing out,
bringing proposals from the questionnaire's answers, possi-
Collecting data through an online questionnaire, from a ble ways to mitigate or solve the problems explained by this
quantitative psychometric analysis using a CES-D based ap- research. We believe that the phenomenon of oppression has
proach and a mixed/qualitative textual analysis we associate no single culprit. The actor in this network with more power
social oppressions and phenomena/behaviors of the League and privilege, symbolic or concrete, to make exemplary de-
of Legends game with depressive disorder and social identi- cisions is Riot Games itself.
ties, from a scheme of social hierarchy. We reiterate the in- Concerning reproducibility and generalization, the re-
tersectional perception of Rebhein (2018), where power search can be reproduced for different games that have social
structures are produced and reproduced by identity elements, interaction; still considering LoL, repeat the method on serv-
in this work we use gender/sex, sexual orientation, skin ers other than BR or repeat the same search considering an-
color, and region of origin. We reiterate the need to analyze other time parameter. As a research with a sociocultural bias,
the reproduction of inequity through the interaction of dif- the generalization is restricted to the Brazilian context and
ferent dimensions of power, by the Social Dominance The- the temporality of the research, the findings, and contribu-
ory (Sidanius and Pratto, 1999). tions of this research can be transferred, through punctual
The research revolves around eight hypotheses, four of evaluation, to multiplayer, online games that enable social
which were correlated hypotheses related to the first hypoth- interaction by voice or text chat and have the report function-
esis, associating depressive disorder symptoms with specific ality. For example, the other product in Riot Games’ game
social groups. We conclude that, in a broader sense, LoL and portfolio, Valorant. Despite being another style, First Person
its social interactions are more harmful to peripherals when Shooter, it fits the specific criteria.
compared to dominant ones. The more distant, peripherally, As for the limitations of this research, we list the small
the identity is of social dominance, the more susceptible it is number of respondents of id.1 and id.0, having already been
to worse depressive symptoms. Playing time and perception a challenge to raise these; closed scope in the Brazilian real-
of oppression have a worse impact on peripherals when com- ity, on the BR server; the impossibility of making a quanti-
pared to dominant ones. Muting is not significantly influen- tative association between the number of players of the BR
tial to psychosocial inequality, despite the negative results server (Brazilian population that plays LoL) with the sam-
specifically associated with the practice of muting all other pling of the research, considering that Riot Games does not
players in the match. disclose related data.
Mixed/qualitative analyzes complement the research and Possible future work includes further analyses of the data
deepen the phenomenon exposed by the hypotheses, show- present in the database, from another group of identities, and
ing how they occur. From coding and categorization, we per- multivariate analyses; conducting other questionnaires to
ceive occurrences in common and after analyzing them one collect other data; an in-depth and qualitative study of totally
by one, we highlight the most impressive ones. Most players peripheral social identities (id.0) with emphasis on their spe-
view social interactions in the game as negative and some cific experiences in LoL.
only have positive experiences playing with friends. The
suggestion of punishment is prevalent in the players’ percep-
8 Acknowledgments
tion so that the game improves. Machismo and racism are
the most reported oppressions, and even though racism was This study was funded by the Coordination for the Improve-
not considered statistically significant in the quantitative ment of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Fi-
analysis, this qualitative view underscored how harmful this nancial Code 001.
type of oppression is. This is an extended version of the paper “League of Leg-
Players who identify as non-masculine and non-hetero- ends e Saúde Mental, uma Perspectiva Social Brasileira”
sexual present significantly worsening mental health when published on the Health Track at the XIX Brazilian Sympo-
compared to males and heterosexuals. Skin color and region sium on Games and Digital Entertainment. Awarded as the
of origin were not significantly influential in this analysis, Health Track best article.
Presenting the new SBC journal template Viterbo et al. 2019

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