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Beams on Elastic Foundations

Beams on Elastic Foundations

In the problems involving beams previously considered, support was

provided at a number of discrete locations, and the beam was usually
assumed to suffer no deflection at these points of support.

We now explore the case of a prismatic beam supported continuously

along its length by a foundation, itself assumed to experience elastic
deformation. We shall take the reaction forces of the elastic
foundation to be linearly proportional to the beam deflection at any

This simple analytical model of a continuous elastic foundation is

often referred to as the Winkler model.

• The foregoing assumption not only leads to equations amenable to
solution but also represents an idealization closely approximating
many real situations.

• Examples include a railroad track, where the elastic support

consists of the cross ties, the ballast, and the subgrade;
concrete footings on an earth foundation; long steel pipes
resting on earth or on a series of elastic springs; ship hulls; or
a bridgedeck or floor structure consisting of a network of
closely spaced bars.

General Theory
• Let us consider a beam on elastic foundation subject to a variable loading, as
depicted in Fig. 9.1.

• The force q per unit length, resisting the displacement of the beam, is equal to –
kv. Here v is the beam deflection, positive downward as in the figure.

• The quantity k represents a constant, usually referred to as the modulus of the

foundation, possessing the dimensions of force per unit length of beam per unit
of deflection (for example, newtons per square meter or pascals).

Figure 9.1. Beam on elastic (Winkler) foundation.

• The analysis of a beam whose length is very much greater than its depth and width serves
as the basis of the treatment of all beams on elastic foundations. Referring again to Fig.
9.1, which shows a beam of constant section supported by an elastic foundation, the x
axis passes through the centroid, and the y axis is a principal axis of the cross section. The
deflection v, subject to reaction q and applied load per unit length p, for a condition of
small slope, must satisfy the beam equation:

For those parts of the beam on which no distributed load acts, p = 0, and Eq. (9.1) takes the

It will suffice to consider the general solution of Eq. (9.2) only, requiring the addition of a
particular integral to satisfy Eq. (9.1) as well. Selecting v = eax as a trial solution, it is
found that Eq. (9.2) is satisfied if
where A, B, C, and D are the constants of integration.

In the developments that follow, the case of a single load acting on an infinitely long beam is
treated first.

The solution of problems involving a variety of loading combinations will then rely on the
principle of superposition.

Infinite Beams

• Consider an infinitely long beam resting on a continuous elastic foundation,

loaded by a concentrated force P (Fig. 9.2).

Figure 9.2. Infinite beam on an elastic foundation and loaded at the origin.

• The variation of the reaction kv is unknown, and the equations of static

equilibrium are not sufficient for its determination.

• The problem is therefore statically indeterminate and requires additional

formulation, which is available from the equation of the deflection curve of
the beam. Owing to beam symmetry, only that portion to the right of the load
P need be considered.
• The two boundary conditions for this segment are deduced from the fact that as
x → ∞, the deflection and all derivatives of v with respect to x must vanish. On
this basis, it is clear that the constants A and B in Eq. (9.4) must equal zero.
What remains is

The conditions applicable a very small distance to the right of P are

where the minus sign is consistent with the general convention adopted in Section
1.3. Substitution of Eq. (a) into Eq. (9.5) yields

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