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Gawkers, Stalker's, and likeminded idiots might speculate as to why a targeted individual like myself

harnesses the power of the world-wide-web to communicate ideas about gangstalking.

The answer is simple. Gangstalking campaigns are staged to be 24/7 disruption spectacles that are to
endure for the duration of the targeted individual's life. After the targeted individual dies, his corpse is
defiled by federally directed, corrupt, weaselly county coroners. The coroner can be bribed by thuggish
government affiliated third parties to inject the target's dead body with drugs such as fentanyl, heroin,
cocaine, methamphetamines, crystal meth etc..., in order to give off the impression to the toxicologists
that the targeted individual was a "dope-head," or other undesirable. "Drugs in the system" will go on the
dead person's death certificate and the deceased's name is forever smudged.
Targeted individual's organs can and are removed from their dead body by corrupt coroners or funeral
parlor directors and sold on the black market. County Coroners Offices, and funeral parlors have, for
years, gone into business with the black market and found ways to extract a deceased person's eyes, ears,
nose, tongue, hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, brain, genitals, limbs, etc... and sell them at retail value
to organ harvesters who themselves sell them to street doctors/physicians, "human trophy" collectors,
occult ritualists, rich cannibals, and other interested third parties who wish to purchase a dead person's
limbs or organs. To take a dead targeted individual's body, and further insult the deceased by
incorporating black-market activity to the deceased's legacy, is American federal thuggery at its best.
Things things happen to a targeted individual whether they like it or not. I have been a targeted individual
for 22 years. I came to the realization just seven years ago, after sixteen years of the disruption,
destruction, slander, sabotage, violence, hostility, and obstruction that a targeted individual faces.
Whether or not I post my experiences and assertions about gangstalking on the internet my gangstalking
campaign will continue. The Congress of the United States is too cowardly, lazy, inept, self-absorbed, and
apathetic to do anything about it. Earmarks and the military industrial complex are legal and the line-
item-veto is illegal. That fact in itself shows the incompetency and hopeless corruption of the United
States governmental mechanism.
Posting these ideas online allows the world-at-large to see, that derived, federally enabled thuggery exists
here in the United States, and that the United States' legislative, legal, and congressional, buffooneries
have not gone unnoticed.
America is $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own Federal Reserve System. This debt has come from
wasteful, deleterious, criminally insane and criminally negligent, civil rights legislative nightmares like
gangstalking, degenerately executed war adventures, and unnecessary, economy destroying, bravado-
filled world-wide military expenditures.
{ Gangstalkers are set up by federally regulated perpetrators to take credit for a targeted individual's work
or enterprise as well. When a targeted individual is somewhere typing for example, a gangstalker will
typically stroll past within the hour and sit somewhere in the general vicinity of the targeted individual
with a computer of his own, gesturing and looking suspiciously at the targeted individual, almost as if to
give off the impression to other stalkers nearby, that he is giving the targeted individual ideas or direction
in his endeavor. Gangstalkers, the federally funded group of useful idiots, oftentimes hack targeted
individual's' computers and steal files from them, so as to commit intellectual property theft against them,
so as to steal their original ideas and sabotage their endeavor or otherwise discredit it. }
{ This is an excerpt of the American Constitution, a document that has been voided and nullified by the
Congress of the United States of America by signing off on poorly conceived, earmark laden, and hastily
passed national security legislation post 9/11/01.

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