Gangstalking 6232023

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Gangstalking is the new American norm.

The buffoonery that constitutes the simpleminded American

governmental protocol has permeated the Executive branch of the United States government (including
the office of the President of the United States) the Federal Reserve System, Congress, the Department
of Defense (DOD), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the United States Treasury, and the executive
(Gubernatorial) offices and state legislatures of all fifty states, as well as the mayoral offices and city
councils of every city, town, municipality, township, and village in the entirety of the country.

Every household in the United States has been, to the delight of the ultra-expensive, tax-payer draining,
ultra-secretive, ultra-thuggish military industrial complex, exposed to gangstalking and participates in it
to some degree. The DOD and the DOJ have clandestine "national security" protocols that involved
plainclothes deputized United States citizens (gangstalkers) that under the direction of the DOD and DOJ
coerced the use of signals that gangstalkers could use with each other to indicate that they are
"connected" to the gangstalking mechanism, and as a way to clandestinely communicate with each
other to the detriment of targeted individuals who are not "linked in" to the communication network.
Gangstalkers continually mark targeted individuals as "suspicious" using a system of hand gestures,
verbal cues, vehicular maneuvers, noise harassment, color coding, sound-making, and other annoying,
intrusive, apish, and brutish communication methods.

The protocols, domination tactics, acts of explicit annoyance to another, implicit acts of ignorance, scent
harassment, intentional aggravation, and acts of outright violence are all a part of the federally enabled
earmarked national security protocol known as gangstalking.

Every neighborhood, personal residence, business district, church, office building, workplace, retail
store, public facility, municipal beach, public park, municipal recreation center, public property,
municipal complex or structure, public swimming pool, municipal library, grocery store, convenience
store, hardware store, elementary, middle, and high school, college and university, amusement park,
movie theater, pub and tavern, nightclub, gentlemen's club, five-star restaurant, fast-food restaurant,
buffet-restaurant, concert, mom-and-pop store, warehouse, and gas station is a stronghold for
gangstalking and derivative thuggery.

Even information technology firms and big data firms are loaded to the hilt with gangstalking
practitioners that actively, willingly, and intentionally sabotage the digital progress of targeted
individuals who either don't know, don't understand, or refuse to participate in the verbiage, physical
gestures, or other tomfoolery that gangstalkers use to identify one another.

People learn gangstalking in different ways. The first gangstalkers, the ones that received deputization
from the federal government circa 2004, learned directly from DOD sources in a "top secret"
environment, under the auspices of "national security research."

Laymen and laywomen, which make up the majority of the United States population, learn how to
gangstalk targeted persons via word-of-mouth, by observation of other gangstalkers, and by
experiencing light gangstalking themselves, by other gangstalkers as a gangstalking training module.

Once a targeted individual is tracked, identified, marked as suspicious, and engaged by one of these
annoying buffoons, other buffoons can follow suit if they so choose. Targeted individuals have been
entered in a clandestine or "confidential" DOD or DOJ (or both) database as "subversive" or "a threat to
national security" or "a threat to the public peace." Privately-owned, private investigatory firms are
involved in the sense that they have the ability to collect data on targeted individuals that can be
accessed and processed by " Fusion Centers " that can communicate remotely, through electronic
means with DOD and DOJ sources.

The official governmental protocols for the initial selection of a targeted individual for processing,
surveillance, covert psychological evaluation, sabotage, and disruption are secret and not disclosed to
the American public. The reason that this process is secret is because it is unconstitutional, unseemly,
unpatriotic, idiotic, despotic, politically heretical, buffoonishly corrupt, treasonous, traitorous,
murderous, hateful, violent nonsensical, anthropologically stupid, detrimental to civilization, a boon to
humanity, biased, grotesque, and cowardly.

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