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Gangstalking is a total weaponization of the Federal Government of

the United States. It is obvious that not all United States citizens
experience gangstalking because the country is not "up in arms." 
People who experience this thuggish, federally financed, ill-
conceived, poorly implemented national security protocol are called
targeted individuals.  
The idiots that participate in this thuggery are called
Gangstalking is the name given to a military industrial complex
product that was earmarked through congress post 9/11 using
national security legislation as its vehicle. 
The earmarking of gangstalking was made possible by congressional
representatives who sign off on national security legislation without
reading the entirety of the legislation beforehand. The reason that
congressional representatives do not read these bills from cover-to-
cover is because these bills are anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000
pages in length. They simply don't have the time or the willpower to
read the bill through.  
In these lengthy draconian pieces of national security legislation,
there are inserts that are not necessarily a part of the main political
philosophy of the bill. These inserts are called "earmarks." 
Earmarks are legalized along with the main portion of the bill even
though most United States politicians do not review them. These
earmarks could literally be authorizing anything, including crimes
like gangstalking and no-one, even the president of the United
States, would ever see them.  
Gangstalking is one of these earmarks having been materialized.
Gangstalking is obviously a civilian-based community policing,
citizen oriented community policing, deputized U.S. citizen, self-
policing neighborhood type of protocol that allows United States
citizens to act as their own police units. The result is a bunch of
uncouth, knuckleheaded, surly, confused, violent, hostile, petty,
loudmouthed, clumsy annoying fools going from place to place
looking for people to use their ignorant, useless, thuggish, irritating
"domination tactics" on, to see how the person reacts to them. 
These idiotic, buffoonish, and stooge-like people are mobilized by
clandestine federally directed gangstalking units towards various
targeted individuals in any given area. The targeted individuals are
"pointed at' by these useful dummies so that other gangstalkers will
know who to mobilize against. The way the stalker points at you will
vary; it isn't always as simple as them pointing their finger at you.
Whatever they do is pre-arranged or staged. They could do
something like walk near you and intentionally drop coins on the
floor in front of you, bend over and pick them up, and that act will
"mark" the targeted individual, letting other stalkers know who to
mobilize themselves against.  
They (the stalkers) may engage in a form of street theater, which is
a pre-arranged form of attention-craft, in which they do, say, or
wear unusually loud or attention-grabbing clothing and act in such
a way so as to bring as much attention to themselves as possible.
This is often done in front of targeted individuals so as to catch
them off guard and to alert other gangstalkers in the area to the
targeted individual's immediate location.  
The United States is not at war with another country right now.
There are no third-world countries for it to invade. No false flag
operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no
more excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries,
and most recently the military junta of Afghanistan kicked America
out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North
Korea, or Russia for fear of getting decimated. 
The American military industrial complex, that was the financial,
economic, and political beneficiary of every American war since the
Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory
geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it
was the root cause of the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Persian
Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various
other world-wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in.  
The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry"
which is the capacity for the United States to spend billions of
taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the
name of "national security." The companies that produce these war
machines and sell them to the United States federal government
reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock
performance. The contracts that these war companies reap are
courtesy of the congress, many of whom obviously get kickbacks
from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard. 
Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the
world, the military industrial complex is wearing thin. With fewer
war machines being sold to the United States federal government
for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining
and their stock performances are waning. With so many members
of congress with personal and political investments in the success
of the military industrial complex, "something had to be done."  
Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared
war on its own citizens. Why? Simple. Because it can't declare war
anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of money
for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in
that particular industry. Why lose out on the guaranteed profits of
an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year anyhow? 
Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared,
unannounced, unnecessary war (also called covert war) which
stimulates its military industrial complex once again. The war
machines needed for gangstalking campaigns against targeted
persons who are deemed "undesirable," "subversive," or "violent" by
some American federal law enforcement/military industrial
database or record-keeping mechanism, namely as a foolhearted
pretext to prosecute gangstalking campaigns against them, cost the
taxpayers billions of dollars, and generates huge revenues for the
war machine makers the same as if the United States decided to
find a reason to, and invade a country like Sri Lanka, to stimulate
its military industrial complex. 
Gangstalking is a United States citizen's own personal false flag
operation against them. Like the Gulf of Tonkin, which was this
country's excuse for invading Vietnam, or "Weapons of Mass
Destruction" which was its reason for invading the Persian Gulf, or
"The War on Terrorism," its reason for invading Iraq and the Levant,
the targeted individual being secretly, clandestinely, covertly, and
unconstitutionally labeled a "threat to national security," a
"dangerous person" a "lone wolf" "strange" "unusual" "troublesome"
"subversive" "unpatriotic" "a hindrance to American progress,"
"violent or potentially violent," "dead to rights," or maybe no reason
is given at all by this government other than this person "needs to
be watched, surveilled, and disrupted." These are the pretexts for a
gangstalking campaign, a revenue generator for the military
industrial complex. 
Gangstalking : The Millennial Bloodbath 
Gangstalking Technology Terminology :  

Secret deep state black operations work through the black market and use military grade
electromagnetic stealth weapons and a network of automated spy satellites to protect these
operations that include politicians, fortune 500 companies, secret societies, and criminal networks.
Their crimes include assassinations, drug trade, espionage, human trafficking, and torture. The
frequency control grid is not only constantly affecting and programming the masses, but it is also
affecting and programming each individual to construct a simulation of technocratic singularity.
Artificial Intelligence Algorithm, TYLER, Global Neural Network, Frequency Control Grid, DWAVE
Quantum Computing, 5G, DNA Biometrics Collection, Biocoded Resonance Frequencies, Biorhythm
Hacking, DARPA N3 Nanotechnology, Graphene Oxide, Smart Dust, Hydrogel, Extremely Low
Frequencies ELF, Very Low Frequencies VLF, Scalar Wave Boosting Process, Ultrasonic Sound
Frequency Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Stealth Weapons, Pulse Modulated Scalar Wave Lasers,
VIRCATOR, Gyrotron, Raytheon Raven Claw, Direct Electromagnetic Pulse Generators DEMPGs, High
Amplitude Radio Media HARM Biocommunications Network, Modulated Electromagnetic Spectrum
Deception MEDS, Remote Neural Monitoring RNM, Remote Neural Link RNL, EEG Cloning, EEG
Heterodyning, Electronic Brain Link, Brain to Computer Interface, Brain to Brain Interface, Brain
Mapping, Mind Uploading, Thought Amplifying Mind Interface TAMI, Whole Brain Emulation WBE,
Electron Resonance Spin ESR, Track Telemetry and Command Satellites TT&C, Black Satellites,
Internet Of Things, Neural Data Mining, Carnivore, Echelon, Tempest, Stingray, Satellite Constellation,
Thunderbolt, Dirt box, Project Pogo, Project Zephyr, Sentient World Simulation, Social Automation
Systems, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Synthetic Telepathy, Signals Intelligence SIGINT, Radiation
Intelligence, Secret Police Force, Advanced Surveillance Systems, Surveillance Role Players, DOD
Special Operations, No Touch Torture, Beast System, Crypto Currency, Social Credit System, Torture
Takedown Program, Hive Mind Technology, Mass Mind Control.    
Local Gangstalking Terminology : Synchronization, Synchronized Vehicular Obstruction of Movement,
Email interception, text message interception, cellular ping interception, Synchronized public service
vehicles, biological attacks, germ warfare, food contamination, the attempted murder mechanism, the
murder by proxy mechanism,  computer hacking, cellular device hacking, burglary, breaking-and-
entering, cable television interception, gaslighting, noise harassment, derived provocations, repeat
stalkers, animal harassment, biohazard exposure, synchronized obstruction of movement, synchronized
space crowding, vehicular damage, derived traffic tickets, vandalism of one’s home, robbery, aggravated
assault, assault with a deadly weapon, poor legal representation, poor medical care, fake 911 calls,
derogatory records, derogatory record keeping, COINTELPRO, Operation Hoodwink, Open-air terrorism,
domestic terrorism, pork barrel projects, earmarks, misappropriation of taxpayer resources, interception
of internet uploads, social media blacklisting, shadow banning, cyber trolling, cyber attacks, simple theft,
destruction of clothing, intentional disease exposure, door-to-door salesman harassment, cyber stalking,
scent harassment, rigged stoplights, provocations and instigation in parking lots, damage to electronics,
destruction of personal property, inheritance robbing, divorce instigation, the instigation of marital
infidelity, mail tampering, derived mail theft, bank account tampering, jewelry theft, personal property
theft, the deletion of reservations [ bus, plane, restaurant ], derived placebo medications [ for pain
etc…], collisions [ automobile and pedestrian ], sex harassment, excessive spam and junk mail, wrong
mail deliveries, religious institution sabotage [ at church, seminary,  Sunday school etc ], excessive visits
from door-to-door churches, animal sickness [if the targeted person has a pet]  code word harassment,
strangers [ saying the target’s name ] in the streets, malls, stores, etc so the TI can hear it. Contaminated
OTC medication, Contaminated prescription medication, hostile beachgoers [at the beach] derived
police encounters [from fake 911 calls and instigated police attention], provocations and 911 calls,
intellectual property theft, copyright infringement, congressional intrigue, congressional bill inserts,
legislative bribery, ill-bred religious references by stalkers, hostile street beggars, hostile and annoying

(Reposted )

{ The representatives of the governmental entities that constitute United States politicians are
politically, socially, and economically inept.

The gang-stalkers that they have not only enabled, but deputized and rewarded for their behavior are
useless idiots.

Political ineptitude is the root cause of gangstalking, stealth legislation is the lifeblood of gangstalking,
useful idiots are the soldiers of gangstalking, apathetic, degenerate, and deleterious use of
governmental processes sustain gangstalking.

The United States if America does not have a constitution, the United States lacks a Supreme Court
mechanism, the United States of America has no internal value as a sovereign nation or as an entity that
can better mankind, rather it is a $32,478,997,230,654.75 war monkey that viciously and preemptively
attacks its own citizens and has had forever established itself as a defective governmental product.

The “reasons” that a targeted person is made a target are made up. Gangstalking is a database-driven
money-making enterprise in which a person’s gangstalking campaign is designed to generate revenues
for particular industries, most obviously the military industrial complex, and to a lesser degree, various
other industries.

The United States of America is for sale. Every piece of legislation it passes is designed to generate
revenues for various industries, minting millionaires of the chiefs of those industries who neither care,
or want to know what their dealings, or how their dealings affect the health of the country or the
lifeblood of its citizens.

There are no evidentiary proceedings that precede a person being placed into a gangstalking campaign.

What’s more, I highly suspect, and do not doubt in the slightest, that the same slimy, weak, cowardly,
narcissistic, lying, cheating, and inbred political elements that have pounded gangstalking into the
American legal code are attempting to, and may have succeeeded in, influencing other unsuspecting
countries around the world to flush similar protocols through their respective federal, territorial, state,
and local legislatures.

That’s what gangstalking is, and that’s what the United States of America is, a political debacle, a power-
brokering farce, and a sociologically maniacal declaration of the hatred that festers in mankind.

No input from the American voters, no congressional discourse, no debate on the Senate floor, no
televised discussions from the press, no newspaper stories on its implementation, no State or local
debates from Governors or mayors, no constitutional discussions from the Supreme Court of the United
States, just hundreds of billions of USA taxpayers money being poured into a draconian, ill-adviser,
cowardly, unconstitutional, unnecessary, bigoted, exterminationist hate-protocol, that the congress of
the United States of America lacks the faculty, fortitude, and capacity to effectively identify,
acknowledge, and eradicate.

There are no doubt private interests, military industrial complex, and church elements present in
gangstalking, these interests have conspired to enable the stuffing of as many national security earmarks
as possible through Congress so as to strengthen, hide, and prolong this “blank check” of destruction
that has been afforded to DOD and DOJ interests over the past 60 years probably and the past 20 years

If this program has merits, value, or character of any kind other than a bunch of underachieving power-
mad, haters having USA authority to wage private wars in people, then again I say, Cowards!!! Show me
your faces! }

The projects and designated disasters enabled by gangstalking are the result of several
conjectures that have made their way into several congressional budgets, national security bills,
and other federal, state and local legislation. The bills are thousands of pages long and contain
malicious gestures that threaten to undermine the fabric of American society and end its
democracy and invalidate its status as a constitutional republic. Gangstalking is designed by
born clowns who don't like where the country is going socially or economically, and decide to
implement a shadow government and shadow army, with drivers chasing gangs and the gang
members themselves, respectively.  Targeted individuals, myself included, are very serious
about our experience with this incendiary program and its destructive and highly intrusive
nature. The line item veto is the only way to destroy this appalling unconstitutional harassment
known as gangstalking. 
An #earmark is a #stipulation sometimes #wasteful or #harmful, and sometimes #unconstitutional, that
is #tagged onto a #congressional bill. #earmarks often go #undetected and cannot be #deleted.' Rather,
the entire bill must be #rejected, #stagnating the #process. #Gangstalking was #earmarked into the
#American #legal #code under the #guise of a #national #security, #police , #infrastructure #private
#security, or other such bill. #Congress doesn't read the #bills it signs into law, and sometimes
thousands of #earmarks are #legalized along with the bill and go totally #undetected. 

How does the infamously brutish and wasteful American military industrial complex factor into

The military industrial complex is a system of purchases (trillions of dollars per-decade) made by the
United States federal government to aerospace, defense, and military equipment manufacturing firms.
These payments are in exchange for military equipment such as F-16 helicopters F-22 Raptor fighter jets,
army tanks, stealth bombers, RPGs, M-16 assault rifles, grenade launchers, cluster bombs, nuclear
warheads, body armor, Kevlar, military uniforms, Naval destroyers, satellite and communication
systems, radio communication modules, information systems and database management systems,
ammunition, mortar and related munitions, elephant knives and similar pointed objects, army bases and
facilities, naval aircraft carriers and facilities, air-force bases and facilities, demolition equipment, boot
camp training modules, recruiting protocols, test-taking mechanisms and test-score storage modules,
global positioning system protocols and equipment, architectural and base-building costs,
transportation, military police and related protocols, military lawyers, payments made out for lawsuits,
military jailing and incarceration holding facilities and related costs, maintenance of military websites
and related world-wide-web presences, the production and marketing of Department of Defense related
merchandise, training modules for terrestrial, aircraft, and naval vehicles, DOD recreational and
extracurricular on-base activities, commercial advertising and marketing for television, radio, and online
recruiting methods, stingray and other location devices, the acquisition and retention of plain-clothes
operatives and confidential informants, electronic and communication-based information technology
monitoring systems are all a part of of the military industrial complex. Various firms throughout the
country sell these equipment and technological items to the United States Federal government in the
interest of "national security."

The military industrial complex is a part of the "war industry." The government does long term contracts
with manufacturers of these military industrial items. The taxpayer pays for these war machines
whether the United States is at war or not. The firms that profit from these contracts with the USA
federal government, profit the same way that any for-profit company profits. The more revenues that
these military industrial firms raise, the more profits, and the more profits, the more money in the
pockets of those commandeering the military industrial ship.

No doubt there are US politicians that profit from these lucrative deals with military industrial suppliers,
probably through illicit kickbacks, and wars, whether they be with foreign countries, or the USA's own
citizens, as is the case in gangstalking, drive the sales of these military industrial objects to the United
States federal government at the expense of the taxpayer.

WW1, WWII, The Korean War, The Cold War, The Vietnam War, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Persian
Gulf War, The Iraq War, the war against Mid-eastern militant groups such as ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, etc...,
all generated billions of dollars for the producers of military industrial equipment which was used by the
DOD to fight these wars, conflicts, and skirmishes, creating multi-millionaires of the primary sellers of
the war machines many times over.

The United States is not fighting any major wars now and hasn't for over a decade. The military
industrial complex and its contract-loving money-collectors are hungry; they're hungry for another
military conflict so as to have a need to sell the USA billions of more dollars in military equipment.

Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements. Gangstalking is

very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war against every targeted
individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via vehicle, pedestrian and other
personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance, airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-
boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals concerning the targeted individual's whereabouts,
interception of cellular phone pings, emails, text messages, phone calls, and voice mails, staying in
constant contact using satellite, internet-based, cellular based, and human capital based means with
various local, state, and federal law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement auxiliaries concerning how
to contain the targeted individual and etc.... Many of the participants of gangstalking including the law-
enforcement and semi-law-enforcement elements do not know that they are participating in clandestine
military industrial street-stalking and disruption protocols.

Gangstalking is the new American norm. The buffoonery that constitutes the simpleminded American
governmental protocol has permeated the Executive branch of the United States government (including
the office of the President of the United States) the Federal Reserve System, Congress, the Department
of Defense (DOD), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the United States Treasury, and the executive
(Gubernatorial) offices and state legislatures of all fifty states, as well as the mayoral offices and city
councils of every city, town, municipality, township, and village in the entirety of the country.  
Every household in the United States has been, to the delight of the ultra-expensive, tax-payer draining,
ultra-secretive, ultra-thuggish military industrial complex, exposed to gangstalking and participates in it
to some degree. The DOD and the DOJ have clandestine "national security" protocols that involved
plainclothes deputized United States citizens (gangstalkers) that under the direction of the DOD and DOJ
coerced the use of signals that gangstalkers could use with each other to indicate that they are
"connected" to the gangstalking mechanism, and as a way to clandestinely communicate with each
other to the detriment of targeted individuals who are not "linked in" to the communication network.
Gangstalkers continually mark targeted individuals as "suspicious" using a system of hand gestures,
verbal cues, vehicular maneuvers, noise harassment, color coding, sound-making, and other annoying,
intrusive, apish, and brutish communication methods. 
The protocols, domination tactics, acts of explicit annoyance to another, implicit acts of ignorance, scent
harassment, intentional aggravation, and acts of outright violence are all a part of the federally enabled
earmarked national security protocol known as gangstalking.  
Every neighborhood, personal residence, business district, church, office building, workplace, retail
store, public facility, municipal beach, public park, municipal recreation center, public property,
municipal complex or structure, public swimming pool, municipal library, grocery store, convenience
store, hardware store, elementary, middle, and high school, college and university, amusement park,
movie theater, pub and tavern, nightclub, gentlemen's club, five-star restaurant, fast-food restaurant,
buffet-restaurant, concert, mom-and-pop store, warehouse, and gas station is a stronghold for
gangstalking and derivative thuggery. 
Even information technology firms and big data firms are loaded to the hilt with gangstalking
practitioners that actively, willingly, and intentionally sabotage the digital progress of targeted
individuals who either don't know, don't understand, or refuse to participate in the verbiage, physical
gestures, or other tomfoolery that gangstalkers use to identify one another.   
People learn gangstalking in different ways. The first gangstalkers, the ones that received deputization
from the federal government circa 2004, learned directly from DOD sources in a "top secret"
environment, under the auspices of "national security research."  
Laymen and laywomen, which make up the majority of the United States population,  learn how to
gangstalk targeted persons via word-of-mouth, by observation of other gangstalkers, and by
experiencing light gangstalking themselves, by other gangstalkers as a gangstalking training module. 
Once a targeted individual is tracked, identified, marked as suspicious, and engaged by one of these
annoying buffoons, other buffoons can follow suit if they so choose. Targeted individuals have been
entered in a clandestine or "confidential" DOD or DOJ (or both) database as "subversive" or "a threat to
national security" or "a threat to the public peace." Privately-owned, private investigatory firms are
involved in the sense that they have the ability to collect data on targeted individuals that can be
accessed and processed by " Fusion Centers " that can communicate remotely, through electronic
means with DOD and DOJ sources.  
The official governmental protocols for the initial selection of a targeted individual for processing,
surveillance, covert psychological evaluation, sabotage, and disruption are secret and not disclosed to
the American public. The reason that this process is secret is because it is unconstitutional, unseemly,
unpatriotic, idiotic, despotic, politically heretical, buffoonishly corrupt, treasonous, traitorous,
murderous, hateful, violent nonsensical, anthropologically stupid, detrimental to civilization, a boon to
humanity, biased, grotesque, and cowardly. 

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