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Mapeh reviewer for my labidabs

MUSIC: 1st quarter ( lesson 1 and 2 )

Lesson 1: Impressionism
- Impressionis was a movement in visual arts, like painting
- Originated in paris in the late 19th century
- The term was later applied to music of early 20th century composers who were turning
away from the late romantic orchestral music
- Visual arts was soon followed by analogous styles in other media that became known as
“Impressionist music and Impressionist Literature”
- At the start of 20th century there were several new styles of music developing.
- Those movements took place between 1890-1920
- Impressionism was heavily influenced by both Impressionist art and French symbolist
“Impressionism in music”
 Tone color – characteristic that allows us to differentiate the sound of one instrument to
another: Another name for tone color is timbre (pronounced tam-ber)
 Ambient music – a style of gentle, largely electronic instrumental music with no
persistent beat, used to create a mood or atmosphere. Genre of music that puts an
emphasis on tone and atmosphere. Used to evoke “atmospheric”, “visual” or
“unremarkable” quality
 Fluidity – comes from the alterations done to the rhytyhm of the work. Written in such a
way as to hide the beat or pulse

 CLAUDE DEBUSSY ( Achille-Claude Debussy)

- He was born in 1862 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Near Paris, France

- One of the well - known figures of impressionism in music
- He was a French composer
- Made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in his native France in 1903
- He was among the most influential composers of the late 19 th century and early 20th
- His use of non-traditional scales and chromaticism influenced many composers who
- He helped the musical world transition by writing pieces filled with bold harmonies, new
musical forms, and rich orchestrations
- When he was 7 he moved into his parentala aunt’s to avoid Franco-Prussian War
- His aunt paid a local musician to give him piano lessons
- He enrolled in elite Paris Conservatoire, when he studied composition, theory, harmony,
and piano until his early 20s
- In 1884, Debussy received the prestigious Prix de Rome
- Debussy’s early compositions reveal the influence of Richard Wagner, who composed
during the Romantic era of music, which lasted from around 1820 to 1900
- Wagner is best known for his operas
- Debussy’s music is noted for its sensory content and repeated usage of atonality
- While developing his own unique style, Debussy also found himself drawn to other
cultures and composers
- He attended the Paris World Fair in 1889 ( where he heard an Indonesian Gamelan)
- The ensemble gave Debussy the idea to look outside Western music for his inspiration
- Debussy was a hasty and opinonated man who lived as passionate life, filled with
rumors and dramatic relationships with many women
- Debussy suffered through many bouts of depression before dying from cancer in 1918

 Some of Claude Debussy’s musical piece

- Clair de Lune
- La Cathédrale Engloutie
- Jardins sous la pluie

 Maurice Ravel ( Joseph-Maurice Ravel)

- Died in Paris, France on December 28,1937

- a French composer, pianist and conductor

- He is often associated with impressionism with his elder contemporary
(Claude Debussy)
- in the 1920s and 30s, Ravel was globally regarded as France’s greatest living composer
- he was born to a music-loving family
- after he leave the conservatoire Ravel found his own way as a composer, developing a
style of a great clarity, incorporationg elements of baroque, neoclassism, and in his late
works, jazz.
- He likes to experiment with musical form
- His best known work, Bolero (1928)
- Ravel continued to study at the consevatoire until his early 20s
- He composed some of his most rewoned works ( Pavane for a Dead Princess;1899) (Jeux
d’eau 1901) also known as fountains or playing water ( The String Quartet 1903 played
in F major) (The Sotaine;circa 1904) (solo piano;the Mirrors 1905) and (The Gaspard de
la unitr;1908)
- Ravel was commissioned by Sergey Diaghilev to create the ballet Daphnis et Chloé
(nacomplete nya noong 1912)
- Eight years later, in 1920, he completed La Valse ( piece na may varying credits as a
ballet and concert work)

Ravel and Debussy

- 1900 they came to be known as Les Apches (“The Hooligans”) a name coined by Viñes to
represent them as “artistic outcasts”
- Among the enthusiasms of the Apaches was the music of Debussy
- Ravel had known Debussy slightly since 1890s (their friendship continued for more than
10 years)
- André Messager conducted tge premiere of Debussy’s opera

 Ravel’s Musical piece

- Bolero
- Daphnis et Chloé
- Pavane for a Dead Princess

 Lesson 2 ( Expressionism )
- Originated in visual arts and was then applied to other arts including music
- Can be regarded as a reaction to the unearthly harmony of impressionism
- Modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the
beginning of the 20th century
- Developed as an avant-garade style before First World War
- Remained popular during the Weimar republic particularly in Berlin
- Wide range of arts, including expressionist, architecture, painting, literature, theatre,
dance, film and music
- Painters such as Matthias Grünewald and El Greco are sometimes termed expressionist,
the term is applied mainly to 20th century works
- Expressionist emphasis on individual perspective

MUSIC: 2nd quarter (lesson 4 and 6)

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