1st Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007 November 2 ...

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1st Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007 · November 2 – 10

November 2 – 10
Jakarta 2007
1st Asian Choir Games

Selamat Datang

The Idea of Asian Choir Games

Ide Tentang Asian Choir Games

Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs

Juri dan Pembicara Seminar


Evaluation System
Sistem Evaluasi


Q Qualification Round
Babak Kualifikasi

AO Asian Open

AC Asian Choir Championship

4 Legend · Legenda

in cooperation with
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia
Royalindo Convention International, Jakarta
Jakarta International Expo
INTERKULTUR Indonesia, Bandung

Supported by
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia

Minister for Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia

President of the Asian Choir Games

Günter Titsch
President of INTERKULTUR, Germany

Honorary Presidency
Director General for Cultural Value Arts & Film
Senior Advisor to Minister for Institutional Relations, Department of Culture and Tourism
Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia: Miranda Goeltom
President Director of Jakarta International Expo: Siti Hartati Murdaya

Artistic Directors
Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß, Germany; Gábor Hollerung, Hungary; Christian Ljunggren, Sweden; Tommyanto Kandisaputra, Indonesia

Indonesian Artistic Committee

Tommyanto Kandisaputra; Elfa Secoria; Aida Simanjuntak Swenson; Catharina Leimena

Organization Committee
Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Director for the Arts
Vice-President INTERKULTUR, Germany: Jürgen Lahmeyer
Project Director International: Thomas Schüle, INTERKULTUR, Germany
Project Director National: Evita Nursanty, Royalindo Convention International
Marketing Director of Jakarta International Expo: Ralph Scheunemann



Patronage, Honorary Presidencies and International Choir Olympic Council
Bimbingan, Kehormatan Kepresidenan dan Dewan International Choir Olympic 8

Organisation of the Asian Choir Games and Team

Organisasi Asian Choir Games dan tim 24

Participating Countries, Regions, Choirs

Negara-negara, daerah paduan suara yang berpartisipasi 32

Welcome to Jakarta
Selamat Datang di Jakarta 38

First Words
Kata Pembuka 48



The Choir Olympic Idea
Ide Tentang Choir Olympic 60

Symbols of the Asian Choir Games

Simbol Asian Choir Games 64

Choir Olympic Ceremonial Music

Musik Upacara Choir Olympic 66

6 Table of Contents · Daftar isi




Qualifikation Round
Babak Kualifikasi 128

Asian Open 170

Asian Choir Championship 228


Table of Contents · Daftar isi 7

Patronage and
Honorary Presidencies

Bimbingan dan
Kehormatan Kepresidenan

Jero Wacik
Minister of Cultural and Tourism
Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata

Choir development in many places in the world I wish this opportunity could be the benefit for
shows great improvement such as in Indonesia. Indonesia as a way to promote the beautiful and
Since the implementation of Choir Olympic or unique cultural diversities in Indonesian Vocal
World Choir Games, several groups from In- art as well as promoting the tourism aspects.
donesia always participating and gain Champion, Besides that, this event also gave new concept
Gold, Silver, and Bronze prizes. This fact become in Cultural Art context to the youth. Not only to
one of several reasons why Indonesia was given express our nation’s cultural art but also expres-
a chance to be the household of “1st ASIAN sing other country’s which is will be presented
Choir Games 2007“ by several choirs from several Asian pacific
„1st ASIAN Choir Games 2007“ is an Asian-
Pacific Choir Competition which is hold for the We warmly greet and support the held of this
first time and Interkultur Foundation (IF) German event and give the highest appreciative to all
entrust the honor to be the household of this singers, supportive musician, the organizers and
big event to Indonesia. This is a great honor for all peoples involve in this event.
Indonesia and we have to work it as good as we Congratulation to all of you.
can. Besides, we have to let this important event
become one way to establish and developing
Music in Asia, especially choral world in the
coming years.

10 Patron of the Asian Choir Olympics Jakarta 2007 · Pendukung dari Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007
Perkembangan paduan suara di berbagai dan menjadikan even penting ini secagai memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi kepada
belahan dunia menunjukkan kemajuan upaya pembinaan dan pengembangan seni para penyanyi, para musisi pendukung,
yang pesat, dernikian pula di Indonesia. musik Asia, khususnya dunia paduan suara panitia pelaksana serta fihak-fihak lain
Sejak penyelenggaraan Choir Olympic atau di masa mendatang. yang terlibat dalam acara ini.
World Choir Games, beberapa grup dan Saya berharap kesempatan ini dapat di- Selamat berapresiasi.
Indonesia selalu turut berpartisipasi dan marfaatkan sebagai sarana memperkenal-
memperoleh penghargaan Champion, Gold, kan keragaman budaya pada seni suara di
Silver, dan Bronze. Hal ini merupakan salah Indonesia, yang indah dan unik sekaligus
satu pertimbangan mengapa Indonesia promosi pariwisata. Di samping itu, perge-
diberikan kesempatan untuk menjadi tuan laran ini juga memberikan wawasan dalam
rumah “1st ASIAN Choir Games 2007“ konteks apresiasi seni budaya kepada
generasi muda, tidak hanya
Kegiatan „1st ASIAN Choir Games 2007“ mengapresiasikan seni budaya bangsa
merupakan kegiatan Kompetisi Paduan sendiri tetapi juga seni budaya bangsa lain
Suara Tingkat Asia-Pasifik yang baru akan yang akan disajikan oleh beberapa kelom-
dilaksanakan untuk pertama kalinya dan pok paduan suara dari beberapa negara
Indonesia telah mendapat kepercayaan Asia Pasifik.
dari Interkultur Foundation (IF) Jerman
sebagai penyelenggara. Kepercayaan ini Kami menyambut baik dan mendukung
harus dijalankan dengan sebaik-baiknya diselenggarakannya kegiatan ini, serta

Patron of the Asian Choir Olympics Jakarta 2007 · Pendukung dari Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007 11

Günter Titsch
Germany · Jerman
President of · Presiden INTERKULTUR Foundation
President of the · Presiden Choir Olympics

I cordially welcome all of you – singers and association INTERKUTUR (Registered Associati-
choral conductors – at the Asian Choir Games on). Their numbers are constantly growing. The
2007 in Jakarta. The Choir Olympic idea „Taking successes of Asian, and not least Indonesian
part is the greatest honour,“ on which this new choirs, have been enormous wherever they have
event is also based, is the most successful idea performed. Regarded from this point of view,
in the international choral movement of the past our idea of a worldwide choral community falls
few decades. Over a thousand choirs from over on very fertile soil indeed here in Indonesia and
90 countries have followed it since the beginning in Asia in general. Thus our motto „Singing
in 2000 in Linz (Austria). The number of singers together brings nations together“ will stand over
who have so far attended the Choir Olympics this event as an essential aim; the events and
and World Choir Games is incomparably larger. competitions will take place in this spirit. I would
All these figures show that people are interes- now like to take this opportunity to express my
ted in making music together and in peaceful heartfelt gratitude to our Indonesian partners and
competition, wherever they sing in the world. the Indonesian government for their tremendous
We regard this basis of our work as a model for support. In equal measure, my thanks go to the
human coexistence in general. numerous helpers on location and everywhere
The fact that our ideas have borne ever more in the world who have worked hard to make the
fruit during the past years is shown by the realisation of this choral festival possible.
realisation of this first international event limited I wish us and all of you successful Asian Choir
to one single continent – the Asian Choir Games. Games in Jakarta.
Asian countries have meanwhile been guests in
large numbers at the various MUSICA MUNDI
competitions and festivals of the promotional

12 President of INTERKULTUR · Presiden INTERKULTUR

Saya menyambut hangat anda semua hidup berdampingan bagi manusia secara (Menyanyi bersama membawa bangsa-
– para penyanyi dan conductor paduan umum. bangsa bersatu) menjadi dasar dan tujuan
suara – pada kompetisi Asian Choir Games Fakta bahwa gagasan tersebut telah utama dari acara ini; acara dan kompetisi
2007 di Jakarta. berkembang bahkan berbuah selama Asian Choir Games 2007 ini akan berada
Gagasan Choir Olympic yaitu “Taking part beberapa tahun terakhir ini, ditunjukkan dalam semangat moto tersebut.
is the greatest honour” (Keikutsertaan dengan terealisasinya even internasional Saat ini saya ingin mempergunakan
merupakan kehormatan tertinggi) menjadi pertama yang terbatas dalam satu benua kesempatan ini untuk berterima kasih se-
dasar dari acara ini, merupakan gaga- ini yaitu the Asian Choir Games. Nega- dalam-dalamnya kepada partner-partner
san tersukses dalam lingkup pergera- ra-negara Asia sejauh ini telah menjadi dari Indonesia dan pemerintah Indonesia
kan paduan suara internasional dalam peserta dengan jumlah terbesar dala untuk dukungan yang luar biasa. Selain
beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Lebih dari berbagai macam kompetisi dan festival itu saya juga sangat berterima kasih pada
ribuan paduan suara dari lebih dari 90 MUSICA MUNDI yang dipromotori oleh bantuan yang begitu besar yang telah
negara telah mengikutinya sejak mulanya asosiasi INTERKULTUR (Asosiasi terdaftar). diberikan di Indonesia dan dimanapun
pada tahun 2000 di Linz (Austria). Jumlah Jumlah mereka terus bertambah. Ke- diseluruh dunia pada mereka yang telah
penyanyi yang sejauh ini telah hadir di suksesan paduan suara Asia dan paduan bekerja keras mewujudkan festival paduan
Choir Olympics dan World Choir Games suara dari Indonesia yang tidaklah sedikit, suara ini.
sangat tak tertandingi banyaknya. Semua telah dikenal dimanapun mereka tampil. Saya ucapkan semoga kita semua dan
ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak Berdasarkan hal tersebut, gagasan kami anda sekalian sukses dalam Asian Choir
orang yang tertarik untuk membuat musik mengenai komunitas paduan suara dalam Games di Jakarta.
bersama-sama dan dalam kompetisi yang lingkup dunia jatuh pada lahan yang
damai dimana mereka menyanyi dalam sangat subur yaitu disini di Indonesia
lingkup dunia. Kami menghormati dasar dan di Asia pada umumnya. Moto kami,
pekerjaan kami ini sebagai suatu contoh “Singing together brings nations together”

President of INTERKULTUR · Presiden INTERKULTUR 13


Dr. Mukhlis Pane

Director General for Cultural Values, Art and Film
Direktur Jenderal Nilai Budaya, Seni dan Film

The undertaking of „the 1st Asian Choir Games Besides that, the First ASIAN Choir Games 2007
2007“ organised by the Department of Culture is expected to function as a forum to introduce,
and Tourism, carried out by Interkultur Germany understand, and appreciate the richness of art
in cooperation with PT Royalindo Expoduta. and culture in the Asia and Pacific region, which
constitutes a strategic activity in endeavoring at the end will enrich our appreciation towards
enhancement of national culture, particularly in the cultural treasures of nations.
the art of music and singing. On this occasion I would like to extend cordial
Activities of the Asia Pacific choir competition thanks and highest appreciation to all participa-
which is for the first time implemented in Indone- ting vocal groups, Interkultur Germany and PT
sia is expected to be executed in a best possible Royalindo Expoduta and all parties involved in
way and will be continued in the years to come. this undertaking.

Actually not all Asia Pacific countries participate Wish you good luck in the competition.
in sending a choir group at this first undertaking,
but we expect participants will increase in time.

14 Patron of the Asian Choir Olympics Jakarta 2007 · Pendukung dari Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007
Kegiatan „the 1st Asian Choir Games 2007‘ Pada penyelenggaraan pertama memang Dalam kesempatan ini saya ingin menyam-
diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Kebu- belum semua negara di Asia Pasifik ikut paikan urcapan terima kasih serta mem-
dayaan dan Pariwisata yang dilaksanakan berpartisipasi mengikutsertakan grup berikan apresiasi yang tinggi kepada para
oleh Interkultur Jerman bekerjsama dengan paduan suaranya, namun kami berharap di peserta paduan suara, Interkultur Jerman
PT. Royalindo Expoduta. merupakan kegia- masa mendatang peserta akan meningkat dan PT. Royalindo Expoduta serta pihak-pi-
tan yang strategis dalam upaya pembangu- jumlahnya hak lain yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini.
nan budaya bangsa, khususnya di bidang
seni musik dan seni suara. Selain itu, „First ASIAN Choir Games 2007“ Selamat berkompetisi.
ini diharapkan dapat menjadi ajang untuk
Kegiatan kompetisi Paduan Suara memperkenalkan, memahami, dan meng-
Tingkat Asia-Pasifik yang baru perta- hargai kekayaan seni budaya yang ada
ma kali dilaksanakan di Indonesia ini di Asia Pasifik, yang pada akhirnya akan
diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan dengan memperkaya apresiasi kita akan khasanah
sebaik¬baiknya dan dapat berkesinambun- budaya bangsa-bangsa.
gan di tahun-tahun mendatang.

Patron of the Asian Choir Olympics Jakarta 2007 · Pendukung dari Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007 15

Miranda S. Goeltom
CEO – Nusantara Symphony Orchestra

I am pleased to offer my congratulation and unite our cultural differences and step forth in
support to The 1st Asian Choir Games. building new relationships between nations. We
I am honored that the Nusantara Symphony will celebrate our diversity in a mutual respect for
Orchestra has been invited to be the residence each country‘s musical contributions.
orchestra for this very special musical event. We have embarked on a very challenging
We invite you to enjoy the traditional Indonesian venture by performing in the presence of this
music compositions wonderfully presented in distinguished international audience. We now
orchestral form to complete this memorable join together in these historic steps towards the
evening. dream we all hold for the unity and brotherhood
This event is an opportunity for all of us to see which resonates in the artistic and musical
and hear the performances of other musical potential of our musicians.
talents in Asia, and enables synergetic growth for
all participants. This opportunity does not stop
here – we will yield new relationships through
our musical talents and we will bring the art of
music to new heights.
The 1st Asian Choir Games is more than just
a performance venue. It is a chance for us to

16 Patron of the Asian Choir Olympics Jakarta 2007 · Pendukung dari Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007
Saya sangat bahagia memanjatkan ucapan musik kita dan kita akan membawa seni
selamat dan dukungan saya untuk The 1st musik kepada level yang baru. The 1st Asian
Asian Choir Games. Saya merasa sangat Choir Games lebih dari acara penampilan
terhormat bahwa Nusantara Symphony semata melainkan kesempatan untuk kita
Orchestra telah diundang sebagai orkes sekalian untuk dapat menyatukan perbed-
tuan rumah dalam acara musik special ini. aan kebudayaan kita dan melangkah maju
Kami mengundang anda untuk menikmati dalam membangun hubungan antar Nega-
komposisi musik tradisional Indonesia yang ra-negara yang baru. Kita akan merayakan
secara mengagumkan ditampilkan dalam keberbedaan kita dalam rasa saling meng-
bentuk orkestra untuk melengkapi malam hormati kontribusi musik antar Negara-ne-
yang tak terlupakan ini. Acara ini merupa- gara. Kita telah memperoleh pengalaman
kan kesempatan bagi kita semua untuk yang sangat menantang dengan tampil di-
menyaksikan dan mendengar penampilan depan pemirsa internasional yang istimewa
bakat-bakat musik di Asia dan memung- ini. Kita saat ini bersama-sama bergabung
kinkan pertumbuhan yang sinergi bagi dalam langkah-langkah bersejarah menuju
setiap partisipan. Kesempatan tersebut impian kita semua untuk persahabatan dan
tidak berhenti sampai disini saja – kita akan persatuan dalam potensi artistic dan musik
membawa hubungan baru melalui bakat dari musisi-musisi kita.

Patron of the Asian Choir Olympics Jakarta 2007 · Pendukung dari Asian Choir Games Jakarta 2007 17

Dra. S. Hartati Murdaya

President Director Jakarta International Expo
Direktur utama Jakarta International Expo

Dear participants and distinguished guests, The Jakarta International Expo is a multi-purpose
the Jakarta International Expo is honored to venue and a melting-pot, which brings together
welcome you to Jakarta and to have you here Indonesia’s modern and traditional performing
for this exciting event. We feel very fortunate that arts and artists, providing a venue where they
the very First Asian Choir Games is organized in can interact with each other and also with their
Indonesia, and especially in Jakarta. foreign counterparts.

Furthermore, we would like to extend our thanks We hope this First Asian Choir Games will stimu-
to the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Indone- late, develop and strengthen the Choir commu-
sia, Mr. Jero Wacik, and Inter Kultur, the Interna- nity in Indonesia and also for all the participating
tional Organizer of The First Asian Choir Games countries. And I wish to thank all the individuals
2007 for having organized it in Indonesia and and organizations involved in making The First
Indonesia is privileged to have been one of the Asian Choir Games a success.
top six prize winners in the World Choir Games
in the past, and now as the host, we hope all Have a great competition, and good luck to all
of your experiences here are as memorable as the participants! Thank you.
ours, in participating in previous Choir events.

18 Organisation Committee · Komite Organisasi

Salam sejahtera dan selamat datang di harap akan adanya perkembangan dan
Jakarta kepada para undangan dan peserta peningkatan hubungan dalam komunitas
yang terhormat, Sebagai tuan rumah, paduan suara di Indonesia dan juga di ne-
Jakarta International Expo dengan gem- gara-negara peserta lainnya. Dan tak luput
bira menyambut kedatangan para hadirin melalui kegiatan kebudayaan ini kiranya
sekalian. dapat mempererat hubungan antar bangsa.

Kami bangga bahwa Asian Choir Games Kami juga menghaturkan terima kasih ke-
2007 pertama kali dapat terselenggara di pada semua pihak yang telah ikut berperan
Indonesia khususnya Jakarta. Sebagai ve- serta dalam membantu kesuksesan akan
nue yang multi fungsi, Jakarta International terselenggaranya acara Asian Choir Games
Expo juga merupakan tempat bertemunya 2007 ini.
berbagai suku bangsa dan budaya Indone-
sia, baik tradisional maupun modern serta Akhir kata, kami mengucapkan selamat
kebudayaan masyarakat Internasional. berkompetisi dan semoga sukses !
Dengan diselenggarakannya event Asian
Choir Games 2007 ini, kami sangat ber-

Organisation Committee · Komite Organisasi 19


Tommyanto Kandisaputra
Artistic Director, Chairman INTERKULTUR Indonesia

Welcome to the Asian Choir Games 2007! world through singing. Nowadays, by the success
Welcome to Jakarta! partnership between INTERKULTUR Foundation
I’m very proud and glad to welcome all of you. and Indonesian Government, represented by
However, the important things is that God had Indonesia Art and Cultural Department to hold
helped all of us until finally we met here in The 1st Asian Choral Games 2007 in Jakarta,
Jakarta to gather and sing together. The 1st Indonesia had prove its active role world widely
Asian Choir Games is a very important event to through Choral singing. In accordance with the
choral music in Indonesia as well as in the world. motto of Musica Mundi “Singing bring nations
This event is the first and the biggest internatio- together”, we gather to create and foster an
nal choral competition in Asia Pacific area after International friendships and partnerships due
World Choir Games. Besides, it is held here in to a better world. I congrats the success of the
Indonesia. As a country that is very rich in variety implementation of the 1st Choir Games 2007 in
of cultural tradition, Indonesia had succeeded in Jakarta. I’m greetings the magnificent partner-
performing it existence in the world’s stage espe- ships to anyone connected to this great event.
cially in choral music. In choral world, Indonesia Furthermore, Thanks to Indonesian Government
had known internationally through many ways and everyone who make this 1st Asian Choir
such as Indonesia choir achievement in many Games happen in Jakarta – Indonesia.
competition, exhibitions and friendship concerts Finally, to all choral music lovers, especially to
in many countries. Moreover, the richness of singers and musicians, hope you all have a heart
such unique and exotic tradition in singing is an throbbing experience. I’m sure that all of you
unending power of attraction. Through singing will get all the deep togetherness experience
we could build art and culture to express human in singing and brought home the unforgettable
nobleness as well as to show the noble of In- memories.
donesian culture. Through many ways, Indonesia
had proved itself as a qualified country which
able to dig it variety to become the treasure to
be proud of, in aim to the peaceful and united

20 INTERKULTUR Foundation Indosensia

Selamat datang di Asian Choir Games eksotik dalam menyanyi menjadi daya tarik keberhasilan penyelenggaraan The 1st
2007! Selamat datang di Jakarta! yang tidak ada habisnya. Asian Choir Games 2007 di Jakarta. Saya
Saya sangat bangga dan bahagia me- Melalui menyanyi kita membangun rasa memberikan selamat atas kerja sama yang
nyambut Anda sekalian karena banyak seni dan budaya untuk mengekspresikan luar biasa dari berbagai pihak yang terlibat
sekali alasan. Namun beberapa hal yang keluhuran manusia. Sekaligus, menunjuk- dalam pekerjaan besar ini. Terimakasih
penting adalah karena Tuhan menolong kita kan keluhuran budaya bangsa Indonesia. kepada pemerintah Indonesia dan semua
sekalian, sehingga pada akhirnya bertemu Melalui berbagai karya, bangsa Indonesia orang yang memungkinkan The 1st Asian
di Jakarta, berkumpul dari berbagai tempat telah mampu membuktikan sebagai bangsa Choir Games 2007 ini terlaksana di Jakarta,
yang jauh untuk bernyanyi bersama. yang mampu menggali keragaman menjadi Indonesia.
The 1st Asian Choir Games adalah acara kekayaan yang membanggakan, memu- Pada akhirnya, kepada semua pencinta
yang sangat penting bagi kalangan musik puk kehidupan rukun dan bersatu melalui musik paduan suara, khususnya kepada
paduan suara di Indonesia dan dunia. Kare- menyanyi. penyanyi dan musisi, selamat menikmati
na acara ini merupakan kompetisi paduan Sekarang ini, dengan berhasilnya kerja peristiwa musik yang mendebarkan hati
suara internasional terbesar di kawasan sama antara INTERKULTUR Foundation kita sekalian. Saya yakin Anda sekalian
Asia Pasifik yang pertama setelah World dengan pemerintah Indonesia – dalam hal akan memperoleh semua pengalaman
Choir Games, dilaksanakan di Indonesia. ini diwakili oleh Departemen Kebudayaan bersama yang dalam melalui menyanyi,
Sebagai negara yang kaya dengan kera- dan Pariwisata Indonesia untuk menyeleng- dan membawa pulang kenangan yang tak
gaman budaya tradisi, Indonesia telah garakan The 1st Asian Choir Games 2007 di akan terlupakan.
berhasil menunjukkan eksistensinya di Jakarta, Indonesia membuktikan berperan
pentas dunia dalam bidang musik paduan aktif di dunia internasional melalui seni
suara. Pamor Indonesia dalam dunia padu- menyanyi paduan suara.
an suara secara internasional diakui karena Sesuai dengan motto yang didengungkan
banyak hal. Baik karena prestasi paduan oleh Musica Mundi “Singing bring nations
suara Indonesia dalam berbagai kompetisi, together”, kita sekalian berkumpul, memu-
ekhsibisi ataupun konser-konser persaha- puk persahabatan dan kerja sama interna-
batan di berbagai negara. Maupun, karena sional untuk dunia yang lebih baik.
kekayaan tradisi Indonesia yang unik dan Saya mengucapkan selamat untuk

Blindtext Register Blindtext Register linksbündig Blindtext Register Blindtext Register linksbündig rechtsbündig Blindtext Register Blindtext Register linksbündig 21

Argentina Chile
Prof. Alejandro Daniel Garavano Waldo Aranguiz Thompson

Armenia China
Prof. Tigran Hekekyan Dapeng Meng
Günter Titsch
Australia China (Macao)
Prof. Dr. Ronald Smart Maria Vanessa Leao

Austria Chinese Taipei

Vice President:
Prof. Fritz Hinterdorfer Prof. Dirk DuHei
Christian Ljunggren
Belgium Congo
Jean-Pierre van Avermaet Ass. Prof. Kua Nzambi Toko

Benin Croatia
Honorary Presidency:
Felix Nassi Branko Stark
Prof. Paul Wehrle
Botswana Cuba
David Slater Prof. Maria Felicia Pérez
Zhang Changping
Brazil Czech Republic
Naomi Munakata Alexander Vacek
Dr. Walter Scheel
Bulgaria Denmark
Prof. Emil Yanev Steen Lindholm

Canada Estonia
Don James Aarne Saluveer

22 International Choir Olympic Council · Dewan Choir Olympic

Finland Japan Norway Singapore
Kari Turunen Kenji Otani Kåre Hanken Jennifer Tham

Germany Jordan Peru Slovenia

Prof. Gert Frischmuth Shireen Abu-Khadar Prof. Abel Gonzales Valenzuela Karmina Šilec

Great Britain Kenya Philippines South Africa

Pamela Cook Boniface Mganga Jonathan Velasco Ludumo Magangane

Guatemala Latvia Poland Sweden

Fernando Archila Prof. Imants Kokars Prof. Richard Zielinski Fred Sjöberg

Hungary Lithuania Portugal Switzerland

Dr. Gábor Baross Prof. Vytautas Misˇkinis Luis Cipriano Hansruedi Kämpfen

Iceland Malta Puerto Rico
Kittiporn Tantrarungroj
Thorgerdur Ingólfsdottir Rev. John Galea Dr. Luis A. Olivieri
India Mexico Republic of Korea Olufade Adesondji
Prof. André de Quadros Prof. Gerardo Rábago Palafox Prof. Jung-Sun Park
Pinar Alpay
Indonesia Mozambique Romania
Tommyanto Kandisaputra Lupwhishi F. Mbuyamba Voicu Popescu Uganda
Michael Eduard Mukisa
Israel Namibia Russia
Aharon Harlap Ernst van Biljon Prof. Vladimir Zhivov
Dr. Gene Brooks

Italy New Zealand Serbia & Montenegro Vietnam

Prof. Giovanni Acciai Karen L. Grylls Prof. Aleksandar S. Vujič Pham Hong Hai

International Choir Olympic Council · Dewan Choir Olympic 23

Organisation of the
Asian Choir Games
and Team

Asian Choir Games
dan tim

Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiss (Germany · Jerman)

Music Pedagogue, Choral Conductor
Pendidik Musik, Conductor paduan suara

Profesor dalam bidang Conducting paduan

Professor of Choral Conducting at the former suara di the former Pedagogical College
Pedagogical College Zwickau and conductor Zwickau dan conductor dari paduan suara
of the college choir; Artistic director of MUSICA College tersebut; Artistic Director dari
MUNDI choir festivals and competitions and the festival-festival dan kompetisi-kompetisi
World Choir Games MUSICA MUNDI dan the World Choir Games.

Gábor Hollerung (Hungary · Hungaria)

Pendiri dan conductor dari the Dohnányi
Orchestra Budafok dan the Budapest
Founder and conductor of the Dohnányi Orches- Academic Choral Society; Music Director
tra Budafok and the Budapest Academic Choral dari the Honvéd-Ensemble, conductor tamu
Society; Music Director of the Honvéd-Ensemble, pertama dari the Jerusalem Symphony
first guest conductor of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra; Salah satu pendiri dan Artistic
Orchestra; Co-Founder and artistic director of the Director dari festival-festival dan kompetisi-
MUSICA MUNDI choir festivals and competitions kompetisi MUSICA MUNDI dan the World
and the World Choir Games Choir Games.

26 Artistic Directors · Pengarah Artistik

Christian Ljunggren (Sweden · Swedia)
Choral Conductor · Conductor paduan suara

Former President of the Swedish Choral President pertama dari the Swedish Choral
Directors Association and KörSAM, the joint Directors Association and KörSAM, anggota
committee of the Swedish Choral Organisations; dari komite the Swedish Choral Organisa-
Secretary General of the International Federation tions; Sekretaris Umum dari the Internatio-
for Choral Music (IFCM) from 1997 to 1999; nal Federation for Choral Music (IFCM) dari
Artistic director of the MUSICA MUNDI choir 1997 sampai 1999; Artistic Director dari
festivals and competitions and the World Choir festival-festival dan kompetisi-kompetisi
Games MUSICA MUNDI dan the World Choir Games.

Tommyanto Kandisaputra (Indonesia)

Music Cultivator, Music Director, Conductor
Pembina Musik, Music Director, Conductor

Pendiri dan Pimpinan dari Bandung Choral

Society; Pendiri, Conductor dan Artistic
Founder and President of Bandung Choral So- Director dari Studio Cantorum Choir dan
ciety; Founder, Coductor and Artistic Director of Orchestra; Pimpinan dari INTERKULTUR
Studio Cantorum Choir and Orchestra; Chairman Indonesia; Pengajar, pembicara dan penga-
of INTERKULTUR Indonesia; International and mat paduan suara baik dalam skala nasio-
national Choral Clinician, Speaker and adjudica- nal maupun internasional; Penasihat Artistic
tor; Artistic Advisor of Church Choral Symposium dari Church Choral Symposium di Indonesia
in Indonesia, 2003, 2005, 2007 pada tahun 2003, 2005 dan 2007

Artistic Directors · Pengarah Artistik 27



Vice President IT-Service

Jürgen Lahmeyer Sebastian Ferstl

Project Director Jury Secretaries

Thomas Schüle Réka Ortutay
Erika Vastag
Accommodation & Board,
Transport, Tourism Technical Assistance
Stefan Timmerberg Attila Baló
Zsuzsanna Lahmeyer István Pankotai

Artistic Management Design Programme Book

Verena Andel Janine Kunze
Michael Appelt


President IT-Service
Tommyanto Kandisaputra Leonardo

Project Director Finance

Ramli Andrianto Nainggolan Fatmawati Djunaedi

Artistic Management Technical assistance

Letisia F. Iskandar Janet Widura
Roy Napitupulu
Acomodation & Board Tourism
Cynthia Desiree

28 Organisation Team · Organisasi Tim

Participating Countries,
Regions, Choirs

daerah, paduan suara
yang berpartisipasi


China Eastern Orchestra The Revelations Cebu Chamber Singers

Hu Ludo Nawala Cebu

Voices in Harmony Coro de Sta. Cecilia

Nugegoda Quezon City

RUSSIA · RUSIA Hail Mary the Queen Children‘s Choir

Quezon City
Nakhodka MALAYSIA Lyceum of the Philippines
University Chorale
Dithyrambic Singers Manila
Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
Mandaue School for the Arts
REP. OF KOREA · KOREA SELATAN Kuala Lumpur Sai Baba Chinese Choir Children‘s Choir
Kuala Lumpur Mandaue City
Namchun Cheon Girls‘
Middle School Trinity Choir Muar Chong Hwa Old Student OICT Chorale
Seoul Association Choir Olongapo City
Johor Bahru
Olongapo Youth Choir
Muar Viva Chorus Society Choir Olongapo City
Muar Johor
THAILAND Polytechnic University of the
The Young K.L. Singers Philippines Chorale
The Voices Bangkok Kuala Lumpur Manila

32 Participating Countries, Regions and Choirs · Negara-negara, daerah, paduan suara yang berpartisipasi
Sonus Juventus Angel Voice Diani Choir
Baguio City Riau Jakarta Barat
The Himig Singers
Davao City Angel‘s Voice Elfa Music School (EMS) Children Chorus
Kupang Bekasi
The Southridge Boys‘ Choir
Muntinimpa City Auscultate Medici Elfa Music School (EMS)
Jakarta East-West Chorus
Xavier University Bekasi
Glee Club Bahana Choir
Cagayan de Oro City Jakarta
Elfa Music School (EMS) Jazz Youth
Benedictio Chorale Choir
Menado Bekasi

INDONESIA Bethabara Male Choir (BMC) Elfa Music School (EMS) Teenager Voices
Ambon Bekasi
Abdi Siswa Choir
Jakarta Barat Bitung City Chorale Elfa‘s Big Band Voices
Bitung Bekasi
Adventist Junior Chorale
Jakarta Calvary Singers Elfa‘s Male Vocal Ansamble
Manado Bekasi
Allegra Children Choir
Bandung Citra Cemara Choir Bandung (CCCB) Gema Chandra Cendrawasih University
Bandung Choir
Andalaswara Abepura

Participating Countries, Regions and Choirs · Negara-negara, daerah, paduan suara yang berpartisipasi 33


Gema Sangkakala Children Choir Harmoni Antarea Choir LPPD Manokwari Papua Barat
Manado Jakarta Kab. Manokwari

Gema Sangkakala Youth Choir Hati Suci Children Choir Madania Choir
Manado Jakarta Pusat Bogor

Getsemani Sakobar Choir HKBP Menteng Choir Manado State University Choir (MSUC)
Manado Jakarta Tondano

Getsemani Sakobar Male Choir Imanuel Wanea Male Choir Marachristy Choir
Manado Manado - Sulut Ambon

Gita Inspirasi Tomohon Indosat Vocal Club (Indosat Choir) Mazmur Chorale
Tomohon Jakarta Kupang

Gita Serafim Choir Isen Mulang II Choir Militia Christy

Tangerang Palangkaraya Minahasa

Glorificamus Dei Children Choir Jiang Xia Le Ling Chorus Medan Minsel Choir
Tangerang Medan Minahasa Selatan

GMIM Lahai-Roi Manado Male Choir Jinggaswara ITENAS Musafir Children Choir
Manado Bandung Manado

GPDI Mixed Chamber Choir Little Candles Choir Nafiri - SDN Tembok Dukuh I Surabaya
Manado Jakarta Surabaya

34 Participating Countries, Regions and Choirs · Negara-negara, daerah, paduan suara yang berpartisipasi
Nineteen Choir Paduan Suara Sanggar Seni Romamti - Ezer Motet
Jakarta Selatan Maliuntinuvu Palu Tomohon
North Sulawesi GMIM Male Choir SAG (Sinode Am Gereja-gereja)
Manado Paduan Suara Simfoni Kasih Manado
Paduan Suara Anak Bandung Sanctus Flux Choir
Bandung Polo Palo Hulondalo Jakarta
Paduan Suara Anak Hazael HKBP Schola Cantorum Riau Kompleks PT.
Menteng President University RAPP
Jakarta Jakarta Pangk. Kerinci

Paduan Suara Anak Surabaya PS Agape (SMA Negeri 1 Balikpapan) SD Kristen IPEKA Tomang
Surabaya Balikpapan Jakarta

Paduan Suara Kidung Kasih PS El-Shaddai USU Sekolah Global Jaya Choral Ensemble
Bekasi Medan Jakarta

Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas PS Immanuel Universitas Methodist Skylark Chorus

Hasanuddin Medan Jakarta
PS Mahasiswa Universitas Gajah Mada SMP Santa Laurensia
Paduan Suara POUK Riau Kompleks (PSM UGM) Tangerang
PT. RAPP Yogyakarta
Pangk. Kerinci Smukiez Choir
Puspasari Choir / SDN Pacarkembang Jakarta
III/194 Surabaya

Participating Countries, Regions and Choirs · Negara-negara, daerah, paduan suara yang berpartisipasi 35


Sola Gratia SMA Negeri 1 Medan Timutiwa Voice of YPJ / SMP YPJ Kuala Kencana
Medan Jakarta Kuala Kencana

Spensix Choir Toraya Choir Vox Angelorum Choir

(PS SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya) Rantepao Jakarta Barat
Uccellini Children Choir Vox Coeleistis Choir ITN Malang
St. Chronicles Choir, Bandung Malang
St. Thomas 1 High School Medan
Medan Univoiced Choir Y2K Choir
Manado Bekasi
Studio Cantorum Choir
Jakarta Timur Vajra Gita Nusantara Yahya Christian School Children Choir
Jakarta Bandung
Swara Darmagita Choir
Gunadarma University Voca Erudita (Student Choir of Yahya Christian School Youth Choir
Depok Sebelas Maret Solo University) Bandung
Swara Jogja Choir Yerusalem Male Choir
Yogyakarta Vocalista Angels Manado
Swarna Gita PSKD Choir Yin He Choir Surabaya
Depok Voice of Soul Choir Surabaya
Syaloom Karombasan Youth (SKY) Choir Zionist Choir Manado
Manado Voice of Nazareth Choir Manado

36 Participating Countries, Regions and Choirs · Negara-negara, daerah, paduan suara yang berpartisipasi
Welcome to Jakarta

Selamat Datang
di Jakarta

• About Indonesia that holds a myriad of fish, coral species and

Consisting of more than 17,000 islands, the vast marine mammals.
Indonesian archipelago spans 5,120 km across A cultural heritage passed on through genera-
the equator, positioned between the Asian and tions offers a wealth of traditional arts and crafts.
Australian continents. Four-fifths of the area is Batik, wooden carvings, weavings, silverworks
sea with the major islands of Sumatera, Java, and many other traditional skills produce exquisi-
Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. Islands in tely beautiful items. Indonesia‘s multi-racial and
Indonesia are inhabited by nearly 242,000,000 multi-religious culture mean festivals steeped
people who represent approximately 300 ethnic in traditions are celebrated throughout the year.
groups. Those groups that exist harmoniously Frequently featured in these events are dances,
give birth to a potpourri of cultures and fascina- wayang theatres and other performing arts.
ting people. The major ethnic groups are: Batak,
Manado, Papua, Minangkabaunese, Malay, • Music in Indonesia
Javanese, Sundanese, Maduranese and Ambon- Because of the profound diversity, the notion of a
nese. Arab, Chinese and Indian immigrants have single, unified „Indonesian culture“ is problematic,
also settled in regions throughout the country, and it is difficult to make meaningful generaliza-
particularly in the coastal cities. tions about the nation‘s music. Instead of using
Geographically, Indonesia‘s landscape is greatly one lens, then, to explore the vibrant world of
varied. Java and Bali have the most fertile music in Indonesia, one must glance at the com-
islands and rice fields are concentrated in these plex relationships between religion, language,
two regions, whereas Sumatra, Kalimantan, technology, ethnicity, history and culture.
Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua are still largely The relationship between religion, spiritual practi-
covered with tropical rainforest. Open savannah ce and music in Indonesia is a very important
and grassland characterize Nusa Tenggara. one. The spread of Islam throughout Indonesia,
The lowland that comprises most of Indonesia beginning in the 15th century, brought the
has a characteristically tropical climate with abun- religion‘s music to the archipelago. Music is also
dant rainfall, high-temperatures and humidity. intertwined in the spiritual practice of the four
Rainy Indonesia‘s tropical climate and unique other official religions of Indonesia: Christianity
geographical character provide shelter for flora (divided into Catholicism and Protestantism),
and fauna that are as diversely rich as its land Hinduism and Buddhism. There remain much
and people. The warm tropical waters of the more than mere remnants of animist beliefs and
archipelago nurture a rich marine environment practices in many areas of Indonesia, although

40 Welcome to Jakarta · Selamat Datang di Jakarta

• Indonesia
Terdiri dari lebih dari 17.000 pulau, ke-
pulauan Indonesia terbentang sepanjang
5.120 km dan dilewati garis katulistiwa
serta terletak diantara benua Asia dan
Australia. Empat per lima dari daerahnya
adalah laut dan beberapa pulau yang
terbesar adalah Sumatera, Jawa, Kaliman-
tan, Sulawesi dan Papua. Sekitar 6.000
dari pulau-pulau di Indonesia didiami
oleh hampir 242,000,000 penduduk yang
memiliki hampir 300 kelompok etnis.
Kelompok tersebut hidup berdampingan
secara harmonis melahirkan bunga rampai
kebudayaan serta masyarakat yang men-
gagumkan. Suku-suku yang besar antara
lain: suku Batak, Manado, Papua, Minang-
kabau, Melayu, Jawa, Sunda, Madura, dan karakteristik iklim tropis dengan banyak- banyak keahlian tradisional lainnya yang
Ambon. Imigran dari Arab, China dan India nya curah hujan, temperatur dan kelem- menghasilkan barang-barang kerajinan
juga bermukim di daerah-daerah di seluruh baban yang tinggi. Iklim Indonesia dengan yang sangat indah.
nusantara, biasanya di kota-kota pesisir curah hujan yang tinggi serta karakter
pantai. geografis yang unik menyediakan tempat • Musik di Indonesia
Secara geografis, daratan Indonesia sangat berlindung bagi penduduknya serta flora Dikarenakan oleh keanekaragaman terse-
beraneka ragam. Jawa dan Bali memiliki dan fauna yang sangat kaya dan beraneka but, ide untuk mempersatukan “kebuda-
tanah yang paling subur dan sawah ter- ragam. Kepulauan dengan perairan hangat yaan Indonesia” menjadi suatu problem,
konsentrasi di kedua daerah ini, sedangkan menjadi lingkungan laut yang sangat kaya dan sangatlah sulit untuk membuat suatu
Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku bagi beribu-ribu ikan, spesies koral dan pengertian yang general tentang musik
dan Papua dipenuhi oleh hutan hujan mamalia laut. nasional. Untuk mengeksplorasi dunia
tropis. Padang rumput luas dan sabana Kekayaan budaya yang diwariskan dari musik Indonesia yang semarak tidak dapat
memenuhi Nusa Tenggara. generasi ke generasi berupa kekayaan dilakukan dari satu sisi saja tetapi haruslah
Bagian dataran rendah yang terdapat di tradisi seni dan kerajinan tangan. Batik, dilihat berdasarkan relasi yang kompleks
sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia memiliki ukiran kayu, tenunan, kerajinan perak dan antara agama, bahasa, teknologi, etnis,

Welcome to Jakarta · Selamat Datang di Jakarta 41


the national government does not recognize may continue to flourish, despite the lack of
any of these forms as a declarable religion. attention it receives in surrounding areas. The Eu-
Certain kinds of instruments, including gongs, ropean cultural influence on music in Indonesia
flutes, percussion instruments and lutes, are is an essential one to note. The style of „national“
found throughout the archipelago, unconfined music is based on European musical idioms, in
by regional boundaries. The use of such natural part because attempts to establish the music of
materials as bamboo and wood in the fashioning any particular ethnic group in Indonesia as „na-
and construction of these and other instruments tional“ have been unsuccessful. Patriotic songs,
is widespread, as is the appearance of bronze then, including Indonesia‘s national anthem
gongs, pots and especially in Java and Bali bars. „Indonesia Raya“ („Great Indonesia“), Christian
Vocal music plays an intensely significant role church hymns and popular music all employ
throughout the regions of Indonesia, and it takes European music concepts. There are also many
various forms long historical narratives, courting musical hybrids, like the popular keroncong, that
and love songs, devotional praise melodies and combine elements from the European music
children‘s songs in different areas of the country. tradition with regional styles and musical ideas.
Many musical ensembles in Indonesia are made Music in modern Indonesia is constantly chan-
up of series of pot gongs (also called gong- ging: urban popular music continues to grow in
chimes), accompanied by drums and traditional popularity and new musical forms, genres and
gongs. These ensembles can be found throug- ideas develop. At the same time, individuals and
hout the archipelago, from Sumatra to Flores. communities continue to participate in traditions
While cross-regional similarities clearly exist in of music-making that have long been important
both instrumental and vocal music, it is essential parts of their social, political and religious lives.
to remember that diversity of style, form, context
and cosmology is the hallmark of the various • Choral Life in Indonesia
strains of music found in this vast archipelago. Indonesia is a country which is very rich in
Indonesia‘s expansiveness is fragmented by the natural resources, human resources and
seas, straits and oceans that separate one island cultural aspects. Indonesia got more than 3000
from another, and there has been little ac- traditional languages. Every tribe has their own
ceptance of or appreciation for the music of one traditional customs and its own way of clothing.
region by members of another area, partially as Besides, every one of them also has different
a result of this segmentation. Inside an individual cuisines, dancing and singing art.
region, though, a given musical or dance form The wealth of customs is an inexhaustible

42 Welcome to Jakarta · Selamat Datang di Jakarta

sejarah dan kebudayaan. Indonesia terbuat dari rangkaian periuk gaya dan ide musik daerah.
Relasi antara agama, praktek spiritual dan gong (disebut juga sebagai lonceng gong), Musik modern Indonesia berubah secara
musik merupakan hal yang paling penting diiringi dengan drums dan gong tradisio- konstan: pembaharuan musik pop tumbuh
di Indonesia. Penyebarluasan Islam di nal. Ensemble tersebut dapat ditemukan terus-menerus melalui pengembangan
Indonesia dimulai pada abad 15 yang juga diseluruh Indonesia, dari Sumatra hingga popularitas, bentuk musik baru, aliran, dan
membawa musik religius ke kepulauan Flores. Sedangkan kesamaan antar daerah ide. Di saat yang bersamaan, individu dan
Indonesia. Musik juga saling terkait dengan sangat jelas terdapat di kedua musik vocal masyarakat juga terus berpartisipasi dalam
praktek spiritual dari 4 Agama lainnya dan instrument, sangat penting untuk tradisi pembuatan musik yang telah lama
yang diakui di Indonesia yaitu: Kristen diingat bahwa keragaman gaya, bentuk, menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan
(dibagi menjadi Katolik dan Protestan), konteks dan kosmologi merupakan suatu sosial, politik dan keagamaan mereka
Hindu dan Budha. Selain itu juga masih ciri dari keanekaragaman nada yang dapat
banyak terdapat penganut kepercayaan ditemukan di kepulauan yang luas ini. Paduan Suara di Indonesia
animisme dan keyakinan lainnya di banyak Bentang kepulauan Indonesia dibatasi oleh Indonesia adalah Negara yang sangat
wilayah Indonesia, walaupun pemerintah laut, teluk dan samudra yang memisahkan kaya dengan sumber daya alam, manusia
Negara tidak mengakui sebagian besar dari satu pulau dengan pulau lainnya. Didalam dan aspek-aspek kebudayaan. Indonesia
bentuk-bentuk keyakinan tersebut sebagai wilayah-wilayah itu sendiri, bentuk musik memiliki lebih dari 3000 bahasa daerah.
agama yang resmi. dan tarian juga terus berkembang wa- Setiap suku memiliki tradisi dan gaya
Jenis alat musik tertentu, seperta gong, laupun daerah sekitarnya tidak terlalu berpakaian mereka sendiri. Selain itu setiap
flute, instrument perkusi dan kecapi terda- memperhatikannya. Pengaruh kebudayaan suku tersebut memiliki masakan, tari-tari-
pat diseluruh kepulauan Indonesia. Materi Eropa dalam musik di Indonesia cukup an dan seni menyanyi yang juga berbeda
alam seperti bamboo dan kayu sebagai kuat. Gaya musik “nasional” berdasarkan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Kekayaan
bahan dasar pembuatan alat musik dikenal pada corak khas Eropa, sebagian dikarena- budaya menjadi suatu sumber yang tidak
di setiap daerah, demikian juga dengan kan keinginan untuk menghasilkan musik akan habis digali dan dieksplorasi dengan
adanya gong dan periuk yang terbuat dari dari kelompok etnis tertentu di Indonesia tujuan untuk mencapai seni menyanyi yang
tembaga, terutama di wilayah Jawa dan sebagai musik “nasional” tidak dapat signifikan dalam penampilan paduan suara
Bali. Musik vocal memainkan peran yang tercapai. Lagu-lagu patriotik termasuk lagu di panggung dunia. Kekuatan daya tarik
sangat signifikan disepanjang wilayah In- kebangsaan “Indonesia Raya”, Himne-him- seni menyanyi di Indonesia adalah kekaya-
donesia serta mengambil berbagai macam ne dari Musik Gereja Kristen dan musik pop an melodi, ritme dinamis dan harmoi yang
bentuk separta narasi panjang, pantun dan mengambil konsep-konsep musik eropa. menarik. Teknik menyanyi di beberapa
lagu-lagu cinta, melodi-melodi pemujaan Terdapat juga banyak musik campuran, daerah sangatlah berbeda antara satu den-
dan lagu anak-anak di berbagai wilayah seperti Keroncong yang menggabungkan gan yang lainnya tergantung pada filosofi
kepulauan. Banyak ensemble musik di elemen musik tradisional eropa dengan dan gaya hidup mereka sendiri. Walaupun

Welcome to Jakarta · Selamat Datang di Jakarta 43


source to dig and explored in aim to reach a choirs. Moreover, there are many Voice building
significant singing art in choir performances in institution and society in several cities in In-
the world’s stage. The power of attraction of donesia which aim is to developing vocal quality Indonesian National festival
singing art in Indonesia is its richness of melody, and music activity such as in Jakarta there and competitions:
a dynamic rhythm and an attractive harmony. are Susvara Studio Vokal, Elfa Music School, 1. National Sacred Choir Competition
Singing technique in several districts is totally Y2K Music School, Purwacaraka music Studio, (PESPARAWI) organized by Indonesian
different between one to another depend on Jakarta Choral Society and The Resonanz Music Department of religion, holds every 3 years
their own philosophy and their daily way of life. Studio; whether in Bandung there is Cantabile in many provinces in Indonesia in rotation.
Although they are in a side by side area, their Music Studio and Bandung Choral Society, in 2. National Sacred Choir Competition for
way to express the performing art could be very Riau and Manado there are Riau Choral Society Student (PESPARAWI MAHASISWA)
different. For example, singing art in Sundanese, and Manado Choral Society. organized by Department of Education
Betawi (Jakarta) and Java and Bali are different Reminding that Indonesia is a very large holds every 2 years in many provinces in
one to another. archipelago, choir building is very difficult to hold Indonesia in rotation.
Until now, the development of choir in Indonesia as well as it has to be nationally. Only a small 3. ITB Choir Festival & Competition holds
was urged by many festivals and competitions number of singers, conductors or choristers that every 2 years, organized by Institute Tech-
which are held by many institutions, government could involved in choir activities in Indonesia. nology Bandung.
department, Churches, schools, music organiza- Furthermore, there are several prominent Music 4. Parahyangan Choir Competition organized
tions and social community. Some of the biggest figure in Indonesia who had been taken a great by Universitas Parahyangan Bandung,
events were held in North Sulawesi which role Indonesian Choral development such as holds every 2 years since 2001.
annually have a Choir Competition for Male, Catharina W. Leimena, E.L. Pohan, Binsar
Female and Mix Youth Choir participated by more Sitompul, Nortier Simanungkalit, Ronald Pohan, National Choral symposium in Indonesia:
than 150 – 200 Choirs and more than 10.000 Sudjoko, Liliek Soegiarto, Franz Haryadi and 1. Symposium on Church Choral Music, orga-
– 15.000 choir singers and conductors were in- Alfred Simanjuntak. nized by Bandung Choral Society, holds
volved in these events. Besides that, choir events every 2 years since 2003.
also flourished in Java, Maluku and Papua. The 2. National Workshop on Church Choral
rest, many choirs tries to keep developing by Music, organized by Medan Choral Society,
performing their own concerts. holds every 2 years since 2006.
Music education in Indonesia is not well expan-
ding yet. Besides flourish in formal education, And many other workshops, seminars, short
it’s mostly flourishing in informal one like music courses and symposiums made by churches,
courses or workshops which is made by each schools, PESPARAWI institutions and many
schools, churches, music communities and more in national and local area.

44 Welcome to Jakarta · Selamat Datang di Jakarta

Kompetisi dan Festival paduan suara
1. Pesparawi Nasional yang diorganisir
oleh Departemen kKeagamaan In-
mereka hidup di wilayah yang bersebe- suara di beberapa kota di Indonesia yang donesia yang diadakan tiap 3 tahun di
lahan, cara mereka untuk mengekspresi- bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kualitas propinsi yang berbeda secara bergilir.
kan seni pertunjukan dapat sangat jauh vocal dan aktifitas musik seperti contohnya 2. Pesparawi Nasional untuk pelajar se-
berbeda. Contohnya seni menyanyi di suku di Jakarta ada Susvara Studio Vokal, Elfa kolah dan universitas yang diorganisir
Sunda, Betawi (Jakarta) dan Jawa serta Music School, Y2K Music School, Purwaca- oleh Departemen pendidikan Indone-
Bali berbeda satu dengan lainnya. raka music Studio, Jakarta Choral Society sia yang diadakan setiap 2 tahun di
Sampai sekarang, perkembangan paduan dan The Resonanz Music Studio; lalu di propinsi yang berbeda secara bergilir.
suara di Indonesia didorong oleh banyak Bandung ada Cantabile Music Studio dan 3. Festival dan kompetisi paduan suara
diadakannya festival-festival dan kompe- Bandung Choral Society, di Riau dan Ma- ITB yang diadakan tiap 2 tahun dan
tisi-kompetisi yang diadakan oleh banyak nado ada Riau Choral Society dan Manado diorganisir oleh Institut Teknologi
institusi, departemen pemerintah, gereja, Choral Society. Bandung.
sekolah, organisasi musik dan kelompok- Mengingat bahwa Indonesia merupakan 4. Kompetisi paduan suara Parahyan-
kelompok sosial. Beberapa yang terbesar suatu Negara kepulauan yang luas, pem- gan yang diorganisir oleh Universitas
diselenggarakan di Sulawesi utara dimana bentukan paduan suara sangat sulit untuk Parahyangan Bandung dan diadakan
setiap tahunnya menyelenggarakan kom- diadakan sacara nasional. Hanya sedikit tiap 2 tahun sejak 2001.
petisi paduan suara untuk Male, Female dari penyanyi, conductor atau penyanyi
and Mix Youth Choir diikuti oleh lebih dari paduan suara yang dapat terlibat dalam Simposium paduan suara Nasional di
150-200 paduan suara serta lebih dari aktifitas paduan suara di Indonesia. Indonesia:
10.000-15.000 orang penyanyi paduan Selain itu, juga terdapat beberapa tokoh 1. Symposium on Church Choral Music,
suara. Selain itu, even paduan suara juga penting yang sangat berperan dalam yang diorganisir oleh Bandung Choral
bertumbuh di Jawa, Maluku dan Papua. perkembangan musik Indonesia seperti Society dan diadakan tiap 2 tahun
Banyak juga paduan suara yang mengem- Catharina W. Leimena, E.L. Pohan, Binsar sejak 2003.
bangkan diri mereka dengan mengadakan Sitompul, Nortier Simanungkalit, Ronald 2. National Workshop on Church Choral
konser mereka sendiri. Pohan, Sudjoko, Liliek Soegiarto, Franz Music, yang diorganisir oleh Medan
Pendidikan musik di Indonesia belum ber- Haryadi dan Alfred Simanjuntak. Choral Society dan diadakan tiap 2
kembang dengan baik. Selain berkembang tahun sejak 2006.
di pendidikan formal, kebanyakan lebih
berkembang melalui jalur informal seperti Serta banyak bermunculan workshop-
kursus dan workshop yang diadakan oleh workshop, seminar-seminar, kursus-kur-
sekolah-sekolah, gereja-gereja, komunitas sus pendek dan symposium yang dibuat
musik dan paduan suara. Banyak bermun- oleh gereja-gereja, sekolah-sekolah,
culan Institusi dan kelompok pembinaan lembaga-lembaga PESPARAWI dan
banyak lagi di wilayah nasional maupun

Welcome to Jakarta · Selamat Datang di Jakarta 45


The Nusantara Chamber Orchestra (NCO) was United States and Gabor Hollerung from Hunga-
established in 1988. At present the foundati- ry. With increasing experience as a unified group
on is chaired by Pia Alisjahbana and the NSO of players, the Nusantara Symphony Orchestra
management team under Miranda S. Goeltom as expanded to include various musical groups and
the CEO and Aida Swenson as executive director individual musicians, both Indonesian and foreign
to run daily operation. musicians, to facilitate in improving the quality
and range of repertoire of their performances.
Under the baton of Hikotaro Yazaki as the guest As a result of their vast musical achievements
principal conductor and music director and in the past two decades, NSO has participated
Edward Van Ness as the residential conductor,the in concerts across the world, representing
Nusantara Symphony Orchestra has developed Indonesia’s growing appreciation for superior and
into an orchestra that is managed with high pro- high quality music, thus becoming a cherished
ficiency; the orchestra members are among the gem in Indonesia’s classical music scene. As one
most talented Indonesian musicians, with a large of Indonesia most renowned orchestras, NSO
number of members under permanent contracts has received various honorable invitations to per-
and participating in regular rehearsals. With a form abroad. Such invitations included the Asia
wide and diverse repertoire, NSO also demons- Orchestra Week in the Osaka Symphony Hall and
trates their excellence and quality in their music Tokyo Opera City Hall in Japan on 4-6 October
playing, whether it be in a Baroque classical 2005, as well as a joint concert with one of the
genre, light classical music, contemporary and orchestras in Bangkok-Thailand in September
modern music, jazz, or traditional Indonesian folk 2007. In addition, during Asia Orchestra Week
music. While the orchestra performs on a regular in Japan, NSO has performed with the Century
basis, the orchestra’s principal players, the NSO Orchestra from Osaka from Japan, the Tasma-
soloists, also performs chamber concerts and nian Symphony Orchestra from Australia, the
smaller individual recitals. Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra from Korea, and
the Guongzhou Symphony Orchestra from China.
In the years of their development, the Nusantara Ultimately, NSO has established itself among
Symphony Orchestra performed several concerts classical enthusiasts, not only in Indonesia, but
conducted by guest conductors such as Adidhar- among numerous foreign countries, and thus
ma, Lim Yau from the Singapore Symphony has successfully captured broad international
Orchestra, Theo Ollof and Peter Bansberg from recognition.
The Netherlands, and Louis Stewart from the

46 Nusantara Symphony Orchestra

The Nusantara Chamber Orchestra (NCO) Nusantara Symphony Orchestra juga 2007. Pada Asia Orchestra Week di Jepang,
didirikan pada tahun 1988 dibawah Yaya- bekerja sama dengan berbagai grup dan NSO tampil bersama Century Orchestra
san Nusantara yang sekarang dipimpin oleh musisi, baik dari Indonesia maupun ber- Osaka dari Jepang, Tasmanian Symphony
Ibu Pia Alisjahbana dan Miranda S. Goeltom bagai negara, yang diundang untuk konser Orchestra dari Australia, Daejeon Philhar-
dengan Aida Swenson sebagai executive bersama NSO. Dalam tahun mendatang monic Orchestra dari Korea, dan Guongz-
director. Dibawah pimpinan Hikotaro Yazaki NSO tengah merencanakan untuk konser di hou Symphony Orchestra dari dari Cina.
sebagai guest principal conductor- music negara-negara lain. NSO telah mengukuhkan dirinya di tengah
director dan Edward C. Van Ness sebagai para pecinta musik klasik, bukan hanya di
residential conductor, Nusantara Symphony NSO telah menerima banyak penghargaan. Indonesia, tapi juga sukses mendapatkan
Orchestra dipersiapkan secara profesional Sebagai salah satu orkestra terbaik di pengakuan internasional.
yang anggotanya terdiri dari musisi-musisi Indonesia, NSO telah menerima berbagai
terbaik Indonesia yang sebagian besar ada- undangan untuk tampil di luar negeri. Un-
lah musisi permanent NSO. Dengan reper- dangan tersebut, antara lain Asia Orchestra
toar, mulai dari jaman Barok hingga musik Week di Osaka Symphony Hall dan Tokyo
masa kini, NSO tidak hanya memainkan Opera City Hall di Jepang pada tanggal
musik klasik, tetapi juga memainkan musik 4-6 Oktober 2005 dan diundang untuk
Jazz, Broadway dan musik kontemporer bergabung dengan salah satu orkestra di
Indonesia lainnya. Bangkok-Thailand pada bulan September

Nusantara Symphony Orchestra 47


• Saying it in Bahasa Indonesia English Indonesia

How do you do? Apa kabar?

Good morning Selamat pagi
Good afternoon Selamat siang
Good evening Selamat malam
Goodbye Selamat tinggal
Bon voyage Selamat jalan
Fine Baik
Welcome Selamat datang
You Anda, Kamu
We Kita / Kami
He / She Dia
They Mereka
QUESTIONS Can you help me? Boleh tolong saya?
How do I get there? Bagaimana cara kesana?
How far? Berapa jauh?
How long will it take? Berapa lama?
How much (price)? Berapa harganya?
What is this / that? Apa ini / itu?
What is your name? Siapa nama anda?
When? Kapan?
Where? Di mana?
Why? Kenapa? Mengapa?
Go down Turun
Turn Belok
Right / Left Kanan / Kiri
Front / Behind Depan / Belakang
North / South / East / West Utara / Selatan / Timur / Barat
Up Atas
Down Bawah

48 First Words · Kata Pertama

English Indonesia


A lot Banyak
Beach Pantai
Beef Daging sapi
Chicken Ayam
Cold Sejuk
Crab Kepiting
Drink Minum
Eat Makan
Excuse me Maafkan saya
Exit Keluar
Female Perempuan / Wanita
Fish Ikan
Fruit Buah
Have Ada
Hot Panas
I am sorry Saya minta maaf
Male Pria / Laki-laki
Meat Daging
Money Uang
No Tidak
Please Tolong / Silahkan
Pork Daging babi
Shop Toko
Thank you Terima kasih
Toilet / WC Kamar Kecil
Wait Tunggu
Want Ingin / Mau
Water Air
Yes Ya

First Words · Kata Pertama 49


The First International Choir Competition of other choirs according to their level of artistic
Budapest, which was launched in 1988, achievement. The artistic committee of the
was the start of one of the largest and most foundation places emphasis on the presence
successful series of cultural events in Europe. of the highest level of choral performers as well
The name of these novel choir competitions as on the presence of the greatest diversity
and festivals, MUSICA MUNDI, has meanwhile of choral performers in all competitions. This
become known throughout the world for its new type of competition has been copied by
high artistic and organisational standards and numerous newly launched competitions in the
has become a concept for the choir-orientated last few years. With the idea to organize the
public, with enthusiastic followers all over the Choir Olympics biennial, INTERKULTUR Foun-
world. These events are organized by the non- dation has opened a door to new impulses and
profit organisation INTERKULTUR Foundation. perspectives for the national and international
The Foundation’s biggest success so far, was choral movement.
to bring the antique Olympic idea to the choral
world. The Choir Olympics 2000 in Linz (Austria) • The Pedagogical Concept
were the start of a Choir Olympic movement, The MUSICA MUNDI events are not just
which continued a success story 2002 in Busan competitions and international choir festivals,
(Korea), 2204 in Bremen (Germany) and 2006 they gain their competence and lasting effect on
with the World Choir Games in Xiamen (China). its participants more and more by pedagogical
offers. In consultation rounds, for example, the
• The Idea choirs have the chance to work together with
Meanwhile MUSICA MUNDI has become the the international jury and to get advice on their
symbol for a unique artistic idea, which consists current level of achievement, competent peda-
of a new interpretation concerning the execution gogical and artistic information and suggestions
of choir festivals: In comparison to the merito- as to how to interpret the chosen piece.
rious traditional choir competitions, where only In connection with that conventions, seminars
those choirs which belong to the international for conductors, composer portraits and lectures
elite compete, the MUSICA MUNDI competitions are being offered at the MUSICA MUNDI events.
are open for the first time to all choirs. Choirs Friendship and encounter concerts reinforce
from all over the world that are interested in this big emotional effect of the international
gaining international festival and competition choir-meetings organized by INTERKULTUR
experience, can compare themselves with Foundation. >>>

52 Connecting Bridges – INTERKULTUR Foundation · Jembatan Penghubung Badan INTERKULTUR


Kompetisi paduan suara Internasional Choir Olympic, yang kemudian dilanjutkan suara. Paduan suara-paduan suara dari
pertama yang diselenggarakan di Budapest dengan rangkaian kesuksesan pada tahun seluruh dunia yang tertarik untuk mendapat-
pada tahun 1988 merupakan awal mula dari 2002 di Busan (Korea), tahun 2004 di Bre- kan pengalaman mengikuti kompetisi dan
rangkaian kegiatan kebudayaan di Eropa men (Jerman) dan tahun 2006 dengan World festival Internasional dapat membandingkan
yang terbesar dan tersukses. Kompetisi dan Choir Games di Xiamen (China). diri dengan paduan suara-paduan suara lain
festival paduan suara ini dinamakan MUSICA berdasarkan tingkat pencapaian artistiknya.
MUNDI yang kemudian dikenal di seluruh • Gagasan Artistic Committee dari badan INTERKULTUR
dunia sebagai suatu event yang memiliki Sementara itu MUSICA MUNDI telah menjadi menempatkan penekanan pada adanya
standard artistic dan organisasional yang sebuah simbol ide artistik yang unik, yang penampilan level tertinggi dari suatu paduan
sangat tinggi dan telah menjadi sebuah kon- di dalamnya terdapat interpretasi baru suara sebaik adanya keragaman terbesar
sep bagi masyarakat paduan suara dengan sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan festi- dari tiap paduan suara di semua kompetisi.
pengikut yang sangat antusias di seluruh val-festival paduan suara: Dibandingkan Tipe berkompetisi yang baru ini telah diikuti
dunia. Event ini diorganisir oleh sebuah dengan kompetisi-kompetisi paduan suara oleh banyak kompetisi baru pada beberapa
organisasi non profit bernama INTERKULTUR tradisional yang inspirasional, dimana hanya tahun terakhir ini. Dengan gagasan untuk
Foundation. Sejauh ini, kesuksesan terbesar paduan suara-paduan suara yang terga- mengorganisir the Choir Olympics dua
dari INTERKULTUR Foundation ini adalah bung dalam elit internasional tersebut yang tahun-an, INTERKULTUR Foundation telah
membawa ide dasar Olimpiade ke dunia berkompetisi, Kompetisi MUSICA MUNDI membuka pintu pada harapan/impuls dan
paduan suara. The Choir Olympics 2000 di merupakan kompetisi paduan suara yang sudut pandang baru bagi pergerakan paduan
Linz (Austria) merupakan awal pergerakan pertama kali terbuka untuk semua paduan suara nasional dan internasional. >>>

Connecting Bridges – INTERKULTUR Foundation · Jembatan Penghubung Badan INTERKULTUR 53


• The Competitions • Konsep Pedagogi Mereka menawarkan atmosfir yang unik,

There are various categories for all choir types Event MUSICA MUNDI tidak hanya berupa kondisi berkompetisi yang baik, kontak-
and choir levels in different degrees of difficulty, kompetisi-kompetisi dan festival-festival kontak artistic yang intensif, beragam
with and without compulsory pieces. They offer a Internasional saja, mereka mempero- program konsultasi dan wokshop serta
unique atmosphere, good competitive conditions, leh kompetensi mereka serta semakin kesempatan berlatih dengan penampil-
intensive artistic contacts, various consultation memberikan efek/pengaruh-pengaruh penampil internasional.
programs and workshops, as well as practice yang bertahan pada partisipannya melalui Lebih dari 200 ahli dan choirmaster-choir-
opportunities with international performers. More bidang pedagogi. master pemimpin dari seluruh penjuru
than 200 experts and leading choirmasters from Sebagai contoh, pada putaran konsultasi, dunia menjamin kompetensi dengan level
all over the world guarantee a high level of quali- paduan suara-paduan suara mendapat kualifikasi yang tinggi dalam semua event
fied competence in all MUSICA MUNDI events. kesempatan untuk bekerja sama dengan MUSICA MUNDI.
juri internasional dan mendapatkan saran
• Locations of Festivals sehubungan dengan tingkat pencapaian • Lokasi Penyelenggaraan Festival
and Competitions saat itu, kompetensi pedagogi dan infor- dan Kompetisi
So far MUSICA MUNDI events have been taken masi serta saran artistik seperti bagaimana Sejauh ini event-event MUSICA MUNDI
place in the People’s Republic of China, Austria, menginterpretasikan karya pilihan paduan telah diselenggarakan di Republik Rakyat
Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, suara tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal China, Austria, Czech Republic, Jerman,
Malta, Republic of Korea, Sweden and USA. tersebut, seminar-seminar untuk conductor, Hungaria, Israel, Italy, Malta, Korea, Swedia,
gambaran mengenai komposer-komposer dan USA.
• The Participants dan pembicara juga ditawarkan dalam
In total, 4.300 choirs with 200.000 active event-event MUSICA MUNDI. Konser-konser • Peserta
singers from 90 countries have taken part in encounter dan persahabatan juga digelar Secara total, 4.300 paduan suara dengan
the MUSICA MUNDI competitions to date. It is untuk memberikan efek emosional yang 200.000 penyanyi aktif dari 90 negara
interesting to note that over half of the partici- besar dari pertemuan paduan suara ter- telah berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi MUSI-
pants have been children and youth of under 25 besar yang diorganisir oleh INTERKULTUR CA MUNDI hingga saat ini.
years of age. Foundation. Menarik dan penting untuk dicatat bahwa
lebih dari setengah dari para peserta ada-
• Kompetisi-kompetisi lah anak-anak dan remaja di bawah usia
Ada berbagai jenis kategori untuk berbagai 25 tahun.
tipe dan level paduan suara dengan derajat
INTERKULTUR Foundation is member of the kesulitan yang berbeda, dengan ataupun INTERKULTUR Foundation merupakan ang-
German UNESCO Commission. tanpa karya-karya lagu yang diwajibkan. gota dari German UNESCO Commission.

54 Connecting Bridges – INTERKULTUR Foundation · Jembatan Penghubung Badan INTERKULTUR


For the past 20 years, the MUSICA MUNDI com- Sudah 20 tahun, kompetisi Musica Mundi
petitions have been amongst the most innovative menjadi event yang paling inovativ di dalam
events in the international choral scene. Nearly dunia paduan suara. Hampir 4500 paduan
4,500 choirs have sung at the competitions, suara telah tampil didalam kompetisi dima-
where they were evaluated by first-rate interna- na mereka dinilai oleh juri-juri internasinal
tional juries and awarded gold, silver and bronze dan mendapatkan diploma dan Medali
diplomas and medals. emas, perak dan perunggu. Dengan latar
With this background in mind, INTERKULTUR has belakang tersebut, INTERKULTUR telah
created the MUSICA MUNDI World Ranking List. membuat daftar MUSICA MUNDI World
An impressive overall comparison of all choirs Ranking List“ Impresi dari seluruh paduan
that have ever participated in the competitions is suara yang telah berpartisipasi di kompe-
thus made possible. Based on this world ranking tisi ini telah membuat semuanya menjadi
list, individual lists are then made which reflect kenyataan. Berdasarkan daftar dunia dari
the situation in different areas of choral music. MUSICA MUNDI tersebut, dibuat urutan
yang menunjukkan keadaan choral musik
disetiap daerah.

• Top 25 Pos Choir Conductor Country Points

Overall Standings 1 Jauniešu Koris KAMĒR Māris Sirmais Latvia 1221
2 University of Louisville Cardinal Singers Kent Hatteberg USA 1173
3 Inner Mongolia Guangdian Choir Wu Ren China 1150
4 Nyíregyházi Pro Musica Kamarakórus Dénes Szabó Hungary 1138
5 Guangdong Experimental Middle School Choir Ming Jing Xie China 1131
6 Taipei Male Choir Tien-ming Tang Chinese Taipei 1116
7 Cantemus Children's Choir Dénes Szabó Hungary 1111
8 Victoria Junior College Choir Nelson Kwei Singapore 1104
9 Magnificat Gyermekkar Budapest Valéria Szebellédi Hungary 1093
10 Elfa's Singers Elfa Secioria Indonesia 1081
11 Stellenberg Girls Choir André van der Merwe South Africa 1074
11 University Choir of Stellenbosch André van der Merwe South Africa 1074
13 Shtshedrik Marianna Sablina Ukraine 1071
14 Coral San Justo Silvia Francese Argentina 1065
15 VICTORIA CHORALE Singapore Nelson Kwei Singapore 1060
16 Calmus Ensemble Ulrich Barthel & Ludwig Böhme Germany 1056
17 Kearsney College Choir Angela Stevens South Africa 1051
18 CÄCILIA Lindenholzhausen Matthias Schmidt Germany 1043
19 Kamerny Khor Lipetsk Igor Tsilin Russia 1042
19 Korallerna Eva Svanholm Bohlin Sweden 1042
21 Pilgrim Mission Choir Jae-Joon Lee Rep. of Korea 1037
22 Gyeong Ju YWCA Children's Choir In Ju Kim Rep. of Korea 1035
23 Kammerkoret Hymnia Flemming Windekilde Denmark 1034
24 Elfa's Singers Elfa Secioria & Paulus Henky Yoedianto Indonesia 1033
25 Music Project Altmark West Sebastian Klopp Germany 1032
The complete World Ranking List is available on the internet at www.musica-mundi.com As at January 2007

56 MUSICA MUNDI World ranking list

Cat. Pos. Choir Conductor Country Points • Top 10
1 University of Louisville Cardinal Singers Kent Hatteberg USA 1173 Individual Categories
2 Victoria Junior College Choir Nelson Kwei Singapore 1104
Mixed Choirs

3 Calmus Ensemble Ulrich Barthel & Ludwig Böhme Germany 1056
4 Kamerny Khor Lipetsk Igor Tsilin Russia 1042
5 Kammerkoret Hymnia Flemming Windekilde Denmark 1034
6 Music Project Altmark West Sebastian Klopp Germany 1032
7 Cantus Animae Fumiya Amamori Japan 1025
8 Western Michigan University Chorale Joe Miller USA 1023
9 Sofia Vokalensemble Bengt Ollén Sweden 1015
10 Kongliga Teknologkören Fredrik Winberg Sweden 984
1 Voci Nobili Høgskolen I Bergen Maria Gamborg Helbekkmo Norway 1008
2 Tokyo Ladies Consort "Sayaka" Ko Matsushita Japan 1006
Female Choirs

3 Shen Zhong Girl's Philharmonic Choir Liu Mei China 999

4 Dongdaemun - Gu Ladies' Choir Sung-Bo Yoon Rep. of Korea 990
5 La Cappella Karin Eklundh Sweden 987
6 Spring Ladies Danxia Ni China 986
7 Kvindelige Studenters Sangforening Anne Karin Sundal Norway 984
8 Hjo Kyrkas Ungdomskör Mats Bertilsson Sweden 975
9 Ceglédi Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium Leánykara Judit Lédeczi Hungary 954
10 Dívčí Pěvecký Sbor SPgŠ Kromĕříž Jan Štĕpánek Czech Republic 952
10 Sempre Balanssi Ognian Vassilev Finland 952
1 Taipei Male Choir Tien-ming Tang Chinese Taipei 1116
2 CÄCILIA Lindenholzhausen Matthias Schmidt Germany 1043
Male Choirs

3 Den Norske Studentersangforening Thomas Caplin Norway 1025

4 Cantabile Limburg Jürgen Faßbender Germany 1021
5 Westerwälder Vocalisten Hubertus Weimer Germany 966
6 Voices Unlimited Moritz Guttmann Austria 963
7 Brikcius Ensemble Ignacio Ibarz & Jaime Carbajo Spain 954
8 Gradski Zbor BRODOSPLIT Vlado Sunko Croatia 952
9 Béla Bartók Male Choir Támas Lakner Hungary 941
10 DelicaTon Freigericht e.V. Willy Trageser Germany 935
1 Inner Mongolia Guangdian Choir Wu Ren China 1150
Pop, Jazz, Gospel

2 Elfa's Singers Elfa Secioria Indonesia 1081

3 Elfa's Singers Elfa Secioria &
Paulus Henky Yoedianto Indonesia 1033
4 AUP Ambassadors Chorale Arts Society Ramon Molina Lijauco Jr. Philippines 1026
5 Daltrocanto a cappella quintet Fabio Ferrari Italy 985
6 New Spirit Gospel Choir Linus Kraus & Andreas Peters Germany 979
7 Shenzhen Senior High School Choir Xizhen Wang China 976
8 Dekoor Close Harmony Johan Rooze Netherlands 975
9 Crenshaw Elite Choir Iris Stevenson USA 958
10 Gema Sangkakala Wenny F. O. Pantouw &
Tommyanto Kandisaputra Indonesia 954
1 Nyíregyházi Pro Musica Kamarakórus Dénes Szabó Hungary 1138
Children’s Choirs

2 Magnificat Gyermekkar Budapest Valéria Szebellédi Hungary 1093

3 Stellenberg Girls Choir André van der Merwe South Africa 1074
3 University Choir of Stellenbosch André van der Merwe South Africa 1074
5 Gyeong Ju YWCA Children's Choir In Ju Kim Republic of Korea 1035
6 Cantamus Girls' Choir Pamela Cook Great Britain 1028
7 Okazaki High School Choir Satoko Kondo Japan 1023
8 Kodály Iskola Miraculum Gyermekkara László Durányik Hungary 978
9 New Zealand Secondary Students' Choir Elise Bradley New Zealand 977
10 Bányai Júlia Ének-Zenei Tagozatos Általános Iskola Ágnes Tóth Hungary 968
As at January 2007

MUSICA MUNDI World ranking list 57

The Idea of the
Asian Choir Games

Ide Tentang
Asian Choir Games

The concept of calling into being an event like All participants should celebrate this amazing fes-
this, taking the Olympic ideal into the arts, arose tival of music, as music is the common language
from the dream to peacefully unify singing of the world.
people and nations connected by song ain a fair After the big success of the Choir Olympic idea
competition. In this way, the union of nations, in the world and the great events 2000 in Austria
also in the arts, can be effectively and illustratively (Linz), 2002 in South Korea (Busan), 2004 in
demonstrated and continuously challenged. Germany (Bremen) and 2006 in China (Xiamen)
The idea should inspire people to experience, many people all over the world discussed the
through the power of singing together, the possibility to transform this idea to a single
strength of interaction which is able to challenge continent or a region. Choral singing in Asia
personality and community equally, no matter is fascinating varied and the choral scene in
on which artistic level one is working – whether Indonesia one of the most interesting. Therefore
singing for pleasure or reaching for artistic stars. the organisers are proud to present the idea
The Asian Choir Games is an international choir of the Choir Olympics on the 1st Asian Choir
festival. To experience this event means first, to Games in the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta.
be present, to compare oneself with others, and
to experience the common power of singing.

62 The Choir Olympic Idea · Ide Tentang Asian Choir Games

Konsep dari event seperti ini, berasal dari – baik menyanyi sebagai suatu kesenangan 2004 di Jerman (Bremen) dan tahun 2006
seni ideal olimpiade yang bangkit dari suatu maupun berusaha mencapai peringkat di Cina (Xiamen) banyak orang di seluruh
mimpi dimana orang-orang bersama-sama artistic yang tinggi. The Asian Choir Games dunia membicarakan kemungkinan untuk
bernyanyi dan bangsa-bangsa terhubung adalah festival paduan suara internasional. mentransformasi gagasan ini (World Choir
melalui nyanyian dalam suatu kompetisi Dengan mengikuti event ini, yang pertama Olympic) dalam lingkup satu benua atau
yang adil. Dalam hal ini kesatuan bangsa- adalah untuk menampilkan, untuk mem- daerah yang lebih sempit. Paduan Suara di
bangsa, juga dalam seni, dapat didemons- bandingkan satu dengan yang lainnya dan Asia sangat beraneka ragam dan pertun-
trasikan secara efektif dan gamblang serta untuk mengalami kekuatan dari menyanyi jukan paduan suara di Indonesia adalah
terus menerus tertantang. itiu sendiri. salah satu yang paling menarik. Oleh
karena itu penyelenggara dengan bangga
Ide tersebut haruslah dapat menginspirasi Seluruh peserta harus merayakan festival mempersembahkan gagasan Asian Choir
orang-orang untuk memperoleh pengala- musik yang luar biasa ini, sebagaimana Games yang pertama untuk diadakan di
man, melalui kekuatan menyanyi bersa- musik adalah bahasa universal. Ibukota Negara Indonesia, Jakarta.
ma-sama, kekuatan berinteraksi yang- Setelah kesuksesan besar gagasan Choir
mana dapat menantang kepribadian dan Olympic di dunia dan event-event luar
kemasyarakatan secara seimbang, tidak biasa pada tahun 2000 di Austria (Linz),
peduli pada level mana seseorang berada tahun 2002 di Korea Selatan (Busan), tahun

The Choir Olympic Idea · Ide Tentang Asian Choir Games 63


• Gong • Medail and Trophy

One important symbol of the this event is the The concept of the 1st Asian Choir Games
Asian Choir Games Gong . This gong is not only medal and trophy is a simplified of the World
sound to announce the beginning of an event. Choir Games’s medal which is the wave of the
It is also the symbol to call together the singers sound. The 5 unending circles symbolize the 5
from Asia to celebrate the Asian Choir Games. continents that unites to the idea of Asian Choir
Every time the Gong symbolise the power of Games: ”World Peace“, ”Singing Together Brings
people, its sound connects humankind to follow Nations Together“
one goal: the whish of freedom. Its sound should
go through the Asian Countries to announce the
main idea of the Asian Choir Games: Singing
together brings nations together.

• Flag
The flag of the Asian Choir Games is as the
Leonardo World Choir Games flag the most important sym-
designed the Medals and Trophies bol of this event. It shows the logo with its five
perancang medali dan trophy intertwined semi-circles and the name (slogan
One of the highlights of the opening ceremony
on November 2nd will be the procession of
the flag into the hall, which is mat with prolon-
ged applause of thousands of visitors, and the
ceremonious hoisting of the flag while playing the
choir playing the festive ceremony music.

64 Symbol of The Asian Choir Games – The Gong · Simbol Asian Choir Games – Gong
• Gong • Bendera • Medail dan Trophy
Satu simbol yang penting dari Asian Choir Bendera Asian Choir Games merupakan Konsep medali dan trophy dari the 1st Asian
Games adalah “Gong”. Gong ini tidak hanya bendera dengan simbol World Choir Games Choir Games adalah penyederhanaan dari
dibunyikan untuk menandakan pembukaan yang adalah hal yang sangat penting dari medali World Choir Games yaitu gelombang
suatu acara. Tetapi juga digunakan untuk event ini. Bendera ini memperlihatkan suara. Bentuk 5 buah lingkaran melam-
memanggil seluruh penyanyi dari Asia un- lambang setengah lingkaran yang saling bangkan 5 benua yang bersatu untuk satu
tuk merayakan Asian Choir Games. Setiap menjalin dan juga namanya (slogan trade- ide dari Asian Choir Games: ‘Peramaian
kali, “Gong” melambangkan kekuatan ma- marked) Dunia’. ‘Menyanyi bersama membawa
nusia, suaranya menyatukan umat manusia Salah satu dari acara yang dinanti-nantikan bangsa-bangsa bersatu’
untuk mengikuti satu tujuan: kebebasan dari acara pembukaan pada tanggal 2 No-
bersuara. Suara ini harus dikumandang- vember adalah prosesi bendera ke dalam
kan ke seluruh Asia untuk menyerukan hall yang diiringi ribuan riuh tepuk tangan
gagasan utama dari Asian Choir Games dari para pengunjung dimana sementara
yaitu Menyanyi Bersama Mempersatukan acara penaikan bendera dilaksanakan para
Bangsa-bangsa. paduan suara memainkan musik yang
begitu meriah.

Symbol of The Asian Choir Games – The Gong · Simbol Asian Choir Games – Gong 65

• Fanfare • Fanfare
The Choir Olympic Fanfare by Frigyes Hidas Fanfare Choir Olympic oleh Frigyes Hidas
(Hungary), used in every event of the World (Hungaria), digunakan pada setiap acara
Choir Games and also in the Asian Choir Games World Choir Games dan juga pada Asian
and the ceremonial music by Karl Ernst Sasse Choir Games dan musik tema oleh Karl
(Germany) was chosen to be the official Choir Ernst Sasse (Jerman) dipilih menjadi Musik
Olympic music. Karl Ernst Sasse also composed Olympic Choir yang resmi. Karl Ernst Sasse
the Choir Olympic Hymn and Jerry Jordan (USA) juga mengarang lagu Olympic Choir Hymn
wrote the text. dan Jerry Jordan (USA) menulis liriknya.
Elfa Secioria
• Asian Choir Games Song • Lagu Asian Choir Games
For the first Asian Choir Games the organisers Untuk Asian Choir Games yang perta-
are proud to present the new Asian Choir Games ma, para penyeleggara dengan bangga
Song: Asia Aura. One of the most well-known mempersembahkan Lagu tema Asian
Indonesian composers, Elfa Secoria, wrote this Choir Games yang baru : Asia Aura. Salah
song as an important symbol of the event. He satu composer ternama Indonesia, Elfa
himself is familiar with the Choir Olympic Idea be- Secioria, menulis lagu ini sebagai simbol
cause he took part in the Choir Olympics/World yang penting dari event ini. Beliau sendiri
Choir Games from the first beginning. Moreover, sangat familiar dengan gagasan Choir
his very famous ensembles every time won the Olympics karena telah mengambil bagian
greatest laurels in all competitions. They always dalam Choir Olympics/World Choir Games
became the Choir Olympic Champions. dari awal. Selain itu ensemble-nya yang
terkenal acap kali mendapatkan rangkaian
kemenangan yang luar biasa dalam setiap
kompetisinya. Mereka selalu menjadi juara
Olympic Choir.

66 Hymn and Asian Choir Games Song · Hymn dan lagu Asian Choir Games

From east side of the earth

from deserts to mountains
from the country side, to the town
gathered to join the games.

We bring the pride of nations

along with our singing hearts
we bring vivid glimpses of cultures
along with harmony of the music.

Let´s seize the moment, in a lifetime

when we could be more
than we thought we could be
and we lay all in our hands
prove ourselves, trully up to be the best.

Let´s face together, the moment

of truth, when it could be more
and we´ll feel that our dreams
are just a heart beat away
Lyrics: Yana Julio show to the world.

68 Asia Aura
Asia Aura 69

70 Hymn of the World Choir Games

Hymn of the World Choir Games 71

72 Hymn of the World Choir Games

Hymn of the World Choir Games 73
Adjudicators and
Seminar Chairs

Juri dan
Pembicara Seminar

Dr. Khunying Malaival Boonyaratavej (Thailand)

Former conductor of the „Bangkog Festival Conductor yang pertama dari „Bangkok Festival Choir“,
Choir“, the winner of the Music Association pemenang dari penghargaan „the Music Association
of Thailand Gold Award in 1996 and 1997. of Thailand“ pada tahun 1996 dan 1997. Dianugerahi
Granted Doctor of Philosophy (Music), Honoris gelar „Doctor of Pilosophy (Music), Honoris Causa
Causa Mahidol University in 2004. President of Mahidol University pada tahun 2004. Presiden dari
the Thailand choral Association. „Thailand Choral Association.“

Choral conductor, composer, arrangeur

Conductor paduan suara, komposer,
pengarangang lagu

Dwiki Dharmawan (Indonesia)

Frequently performed in international musical Panggung musik Internasional seperti di Amerika,
events such as in the US, Europe, China, Japan, Eropa, China, Jepang, Australia, , Venezuela, Malaysia,
Australia, Venezuela, Malaysia, Singapore and Singapura dan masih banyak lagi. Menaransemen
many more. Arranging music for the Garin’s films, musik untuk film-film karya Garin Nugroho, seperti
among them ‘Cinta Dalam Sepotong Roti’ (win- ‘Cinta Dalam Sepotong Roti’(memenangkan piala Citra
ning the Citra Trophy for Best Music Arrangement untuk Aransemen MusikTerbaik di ajang FFI 1991)
in FFI 1991). Member of the music committee in Secara aktif terlibat dalam berbagai organisasi yang
Artist, musician, composer, music director
Seniman, musisi, kompser, music the Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. berhubungan dengan seni dan menjadi anggota dari
komite musik Dewan Kesenian Jakarta.

Prof. Dirk DuHei (Chinese Taipei)

Artistic director of Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. Artistic director dari Taipei Philharmonic Chorus
Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation. Director dari Taipei Philharmonic Foundation
Professor of the music department at Chinese Professor dari departemen musik di Chinese Cultural
Cultural University and president of the Taiwan University dan presiden dari Taiwan Federation for
Federation for Choral Music. Choral Music.

Choral conductor
Conductor paduan suara

76 Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs · Juri dan Pembicara Seminar

Pham Hong Hai (Vietnam)
Conductor of the Orchestra and Choir of the Conductor dari Orchestra and Choir of the Vietnam
Vietnam National Opera and Ballet (VNOB). Vice National Opera and Ballet (VNOB). Wakil dari General
general director and artistic director of the VNOB. Director dan Artistic Director dari VNOB. Conductor
Conductor of orchestras and choirs in all big dari orkestra dan paduan suara di semua kota besar
cities of Vietnam as well as in other countries di Vietnam juga di negara-negara lain seperti Jepang,
such as Japan, France, Laos, Thailand, China, Perancis, Laos, Thailand, Cina, Hongkong.

Tony Dong-Hyun Kim (Rep. of Korea)

Studied in the USA (University of Southern Menuntut ilmu di USA (University of Southern Califor-
California), former conductor of the Korean- nia), conductor yang pertama dari the Korean-Ame-
American Youth Choir and guest conductor of rican Youth Choir dan conductor tamu dari Seoul city
the Seoul city Children’s Choir, Korean Christian Children’s Choir, Korean Christian men’s Choir dan
men’s Choir and Kwangju City Chorale. Director- Kwangju City Chorale. Menjabat sebagai pimpinan dari
ships of Kwangju City Chorale and Myung-sung Kwangju City Chorale dan Myung-sung Church Choir,
Church Choir, Teacher at the Seoul City College pengajar di Seoul City College dan Kidok Musik School,
and Kidok Musik School, Head editor at the kepala editor di Korean Church Music Journal Conductor
Korean Church Music Journal

Daud Kosasih (Indonesia)

Education Manager Era Musika Music School. Manajer Pendidikan di Era Musika Music School. Music
Music Director Gloria Methodist Church Jl. Director di Gereja Methodist Gloria Jl. Thamrin Me-
Thamrin Medan, Chairman of Medan Choral dan. Pemimpin Medan Choral Society, Conductor dari
Society, Conductor of Methodist-2 Chamber Methodist-2 Chamber Choir Medan, Methodist-2 Vocal
Choir Medan, Methodist-2 Vocal Ensemble, Ensemble, Methodist-3 High School Choir dan Era Musi-
Methodist-3 High School Choir and Era Musika ka Ladies Choir
Ladies Choir.
Composer, conductor, pianist
Komposer, conductor, pianis

Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs · Juri dan Pembicara Seminar 77


Nelson Kwei (Singapore · Singapura)

Advisory Board member for choral development, Anggota Dewan Penasehat untuk perkembangan pa-
Singapore. Artistic Committee Member of IFCM duan suara, Singapura. Anggota Artistic Committee dari
Asia-Pacific Regional Choral Symposium, 2001. IFCM Asia Pacific Regional Choral Symposium, 2001.
Conductor of several choirs in Singapore. Conductor dari beberapa paduan suara di Singapura.

Choral conductor, singer

Conductor paduan suara, penyanyi

Catharina W. Leimena (Indonesia)

Graduatde of the Conservatorium of Giuseppe Penerima beasiswa pemerintah Itali ini berhasil lulus dan
Verdi, Milano, Italy, Vocal Lecturer at Institut Ke- mendapat „Diploma per il canto artitico“ dari Conservatori-
senian Jakarta for major Music & Performing Arts um Musik Giuseppe Verdi , Milan Italia. Dosen vokal di Ins-
Principle of Gita Svara, Centre for Vocal Music titut Kesenian Jakarta, Jurusan Seni Pertunjukkan, Kepala
Education in Jakarta. Founder and President Sekolah Gita Svara, sebuah Pusat Pendidikan Musik Vokal
Director of Susvara Opera Company, produce di Jakarta, Pendiri dan Direktur Susvara Opera Company,
several of Opera performances at Gedung yang mementaskan berbagai pergelaran Opera di Gedung
Jury, voice lecturer
Juri, pengajar vokal Kesenian Jakarta. Kesenian Jakarta.

Chifuru Matsubara (Japan · Jepang)

Conductor of the Finnish Radio Chamber Choir Conductor dari Finnish Radio Chamber Choir dan
and Helsinki University Male Choir 1978-1994, Paduan suara pria Helsinki University 1978 – 1994,
guest conductor of the Estonian Philharmony conductor tamu untuk Estonian Philharmony Chamber
Chamber Choir, Estonian National Male Choir, Choir, Estonian National Male Choir, Polish Chaber Choir
the Polish Chamber Choir and the Latvian Radio dan Latvian Radio Choir. Kepala conductor dari Tokyo
Choir. Chief Conductor of the Tokyo Philharmonic Philharmonic Chorus sejak tahun 1997.
Chorus since 1997.
Choral conductor
Conductor paduan suara

78 Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs · Juri dan Pembicara Seminar


Marusya Nainggolan (Indonesia)

General secretary of Yayasan Karya Cipta Sekretaris umum Yayasan Karya Cipta Indonesia (YKCI),
Indonesia (YKCI), Leader of Music Committe and Ketua Komite Musik dan Sekertaris Harian Dewan
Secretary of Jakarta Daily Art Council. Director Kesenian Jakarta. Direktur Gedung Kesenian Jakarta.
of Jakarta Cultural Center. Member of the jury in Menjadi Juri di Kompetisi-kompetisi Musik dalam
many Music Competition in different Music Genre genre musik yang berbeda-beda baik vocal, instrument
in Vocal, Instrument and Choir. maupun paduan suara.

Pianist, composer
Pianis, komposer

Ester Gunawan Nasrani (Indonesia)

Dean and Founder of Music Faculty in Sekolah Dekan dan Pendiri Fakultas Musik Sekolah Tinggi
Tinggi Injili Indonesia at Yogyakarta, Minister Teologia Injili Indonesia di Yoyakarta, Minister of Music
of Music in Gereja Pemberita Injil Indonesia dari Gereja Pemberita Injil Indonesia 1991 – 1997, Ke-
1991 – 1997, Chairman of Liturgy and Music tua Departemen Ibadah dan Musik Gabungan Gereja2
Department in the federation of Baptis Churces in Baptis Indonesia 2002-2004, Dosen Musik di Institut
Indonesia 2002 – 2004, Music Lecturer at Injili Teologia Reform Injili di Jakarta 2002, Rektor Cantata
Reform Theologia Institute Jakarta 2002, Head Institute of Arts 2005 – 2007
Choral leader, music educator, singer
Pemimpin paduan suara, pendidik of Cantata Institute of Arts 2005 – 2007
musik, penyanyi

Avip Priatna (Indonesia)

Conductor and music director of Parahyangan Conductor dan music director dari Paduan Suara Uni-
Catholic University Choir, Batavia Madrigal versitas Katolik Parahyangan, Batavia Madrigal Singers,
Singers, Jakarta Chamber Orchestra, Founder Jakarta Chamber Orchestra, Pendiri The Resonanz Mu-
of The Resonanz Music Studio in Jakarta, Vocal sic Studio di Jakarta, Pengajar Vokal di The Resonanz
teacher at The Resonanz Music Studio, Artistic Music Studio, Artistic Director dari Kompetisi paduan
Director of Parahyangan University National Choir suara Universitas Katolik Parahyangan.

80 Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs · Juri dan Pembicara Seminar

Prof. André de Quadros (India)
Director of the school of music at Boston Director dari sekolah musik di Boton University dan ar-
University and artistic director of the Tanglewood tistic director dari „the Tanglewood Institute.“ Anggota
Institute. Board member of IFCM and chairman Dewan dari IFCM dan chairman dari IFCM Multicultural
of the IFCM Multicultural and Ethnic Commission. and Ethnic Commission. Editor dari sei-seri paduan sua-
Editor of the choral series „Music of Asia and the ra „Music of Asia and the Pacific“ yang diterbitkan oleh
Pacific“ published by Earthsongs and „Songs of Earthsongs dan „Songs of the World“ yang diterbitkan
the World„ published by Hinshaw Music. olehHinshaw Music.
Conductor, music educator
Conductor, pendidik musik

Susanna Saw (Malaysia)

Tutor and choir director at the Malaysian Institute Pembimbing dan director paduan suara di „Malaysian
of Arts and University of Malaya’s Music Faculty Institute of Arts“ dan „University of Malaya’s Music
choir Founder the Young Singers Choral Festival Faculty Choir“. Perintis dari „Young Singers Choral
in 2003 Established the Young Choral Academy Festival“ pada tahun 2003. Mendirikan „Young Choral
in Kuala Lumpur, a venue for choral music and Academy“ di Kuala Lumpur, sebuah acara untuk musik
young Malaysian composers. paduan suara dan komoser-komposer muda Malaysia.

Conductor and music educator

Conductor dan pengajar musik

Prof. Dr. Ronald Smart (Australia)

Retired principal of the conservatorium of music, Pensiunan kepala sekolah dari „Conservatorium
Sydney University. Guest conductor of Gu- of Music, Sydney University“. Conductor tamu dari
angzhou and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestras „guangzhou dan Shenzhen Symphony Orchestras“
as well as principal guest conductor of the juga sebagai pimpinan conductor tamu dari Shanghai
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Member of the Symphony Orchestra. Anggota dari artistic committee
artistic committee of three international music dari 3 kompetisi musik internasional.
Music educator, performing artist,
Pengajar musik, performing artist,

Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs · Juri dan Pembicara Seminar 81


Branko Stark (Croatia)

Composer of vocal and instrumental works Komposer dari karya-karya vokal dan instrumen yang
granted with several prestigious awards. Trainer dianugrahi beberapa penghargaan yang bergengsi. Pe-
in the field of phonopedagogy, for singers, choir latih lapangan dari phonopedagogy untuk penyanyi-pe-
conductors, actors, voice therapists, phoneticians nyanyi, conductor paduan suara, aktor, therapist vokal,
and rhetoricians. Founder of the international phonetician, dan rhetoricians. Pendiri dari „International
societies of Phonia, of the Croatian Association of Societies of Phonia“, dari „Croatian Association of
Choral Conductors and of the Vocal Academy. Choral Conductors dan dari „Vocal Academy“.
Composer, conductor, vocologist and
Komposer, conductor, vocologist dan

Aida Swenson (Indonesia)

Graduate of the Westminster Choir College, Prin- Lulus dari Westminster Choir College, Princeton
ceton University, USA, where she received her University, USA dimana ia mengambil bidang Church
degree in Church Music and Choral Conducting Music dan Choral Conducting dengan beasiswa dari
with a scholarship from the World Council of World Council of Churches. Ketua 1 LPPN ( Lemba-
Churches. Chairman of the Foundation for the ga engembangan dan Pesparawi Nasional), Anggota
Development of Choral Music in Indonesia LPPN penasehat di Institut Musik Gereja Indonesia (Yamuger).
Member of Board of Advisors of the Indonesian Pendiri, konduktor dan direktur musik Paduan Suara
Conductor, choir leader, music clinician
Conductor, pemimpin paduan suara, Institute of Church Music. Anak – Remaja Indonesia, Cordana Choir.
pengajar musik

Christian Izaac Tamaela (Indonesia)

Music teacher (dosen) at the Fakultas Theologia Dosen Musik Gereja di Fakultas Theologia UKIM (dan di
UKIM in Ambon, Moluccas. Leader of Sang- beberapa Fakultas lain) di Ambon, Maluku. Pemimpin
gar Seni Musik „Hanu Siwalima“ in Ambon, Sanggar Seni Musik „Hanu Siwalima“ di Ambon, Ma-
Moluccas. Chief of Music Course at the Fakultas luku. Ketua Kursus Musik Gereja di Fakultas Failsafat
Theologia UKIM in Ambon, Moluccas. Chief of UKIM, Ambon, Maluku, Ketua Bidang Kesenian pada
Sector of Art at the Moluccas Province Culture Lembaga Kebudayaan Provinsi Maluku.
Music teacher
Pengajar musik

82 Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs · Juri dan Pembicara Seminar

Jonathan Velasco (Philippines)
Conductor of the Ateneo Chamber Singers, the Conductor dari „Ateneo Camber Singers“, „Philippine
Philippine Chamber Choir and the AILM Chorale Chamber Choir“ dan „AILM Chorale“, kepala conductor
Principal conductor of the World Youth Choir in dari „World Youth Choir“ pada sesi musim panas tahun
1996 summer session and 2001/2002 winter 1996 dan pada sesi musim dingin tahun 2001/2002.
session. Clinician and juror in many countries pengajar klinik`dan juri di beberapa negara di seluruh
throughout Asia, North America and Europe. Asia, Amerika Utara dan Eropa.

Choral conductor, clinician

Conductor paduan suara, pengajar

Hanoch Tanatty (Indonesia)

Graduated from Asian Institute for Liturgy and Tamatan Asian Institute for Liturgy and Music (AILM)
Music (AILM) Manila, Juror , PESPARAWIN Nati- Manila, Juri PESPARAWI Nasional, Dosen Hymnology
onal, Lecturer of Hymnology and Church Music and Musik Gereja pada Sekolah Tinggi Teologi GKI
in Sekolah Tinggi Teologi GKI Izaak Samuel Kijne, Izaak Samuel Kijne, Jayapura, Menjabat Ketua Bidang
Jayapura, Leader of Church Choir Bulding and Pembinaan dan Pelatihan Paduan Suara Gerejawi pada
Training in LPPD of Papua Province LPPD Provinsi Papua

Choral conductor, lecturer

Conductor paduan suara, pengajar

Tommyanto Kandisaputra (Indonesia)

Founder and President of Bandung Choral So- Pendiri dan Pimpinan dari Bandung Choral Society.
ciety. Founder, Coductor and Artistic Director of Pendiri, Conductor dan Artistic Director dari Studio Can-
Studio Cantorum Choir and Orchestra. Chairman torum Choir dan Orchestra. Pimpinan dari INTERKULTUR
of INTERKULTUR Indonesia. International and Indonesia. Pengajar, pembicara dan pengamat paduan
national Choral Clinician, Speaker and adjudica- suara baik dalam skala nasional maupun internasional.
tor. Artistic Advisor of Church Choral Symposium Penasihat Artistic dari Church Choral Symposium di
in Indonesia, 2003, 2005, 2007 Indonesia pada tahun 2003, 2005 dan 2007
Music Cultivator, Music Director, Conductor
Pembina Musik, Music Director,

Adjudicators and Seminar Chairs · Juri dan Pembicara Seminar 83

02 FridayNovember 03 Saturday November 04 Sunday November 05 Monday November 06 TuesdayNovember

Bromo I + II
09:30 9:30
General Jury Meeting All Jurors
Hall D2
10:00 10:00 – 12:00
Award Ceremony
10:30 10:30 – 13:00
Championship Cat. 1
Seminar Room (Children’s Choirs)
11:00 11:00 – 12:00
Seminar Room
Workshop 1 11:00 – 12:00
Working with young voices
11:30 Workshop 2
Rehearsal Technique
12:00 12:00 – 14:30
Qualification Cat. 1
(Children´s Choirs)
12:30 Qualification Cat. 5
(Mixed Vocal Ensembles)
12:00 – 15:30
13:30 Qualification Cat. 21
Qualification Cat. 11 Semeru (Competition Hall I) Seminar Room Seminar Room
14:00 (Male Vocal Ensembles) 2:00 pm
14:00 – 6.30 pm
– 18:30 14:00 – 15:00 14:00 – 15:00
Asian Choir Championship
Championship Cat. 1 Cat. 1
Qualification Cat. 4 (Children´s Choirs Workshop 3 Workshop 4
(Mixed Youth Choirs) (Children’s Choirs) Gesture & Hand Development Repertoire for
14:30 Lawu (Competition Hall II)
2:00 pm – 6.00 pm specific Programmes
Asian Open Cat. 21
15:00 Information desks (Folklore) Lawu
15:00 14:00 – 18:30 15:00 – 19:30
Announc. of the results Cat. 1
Asian Open Cat. 21 Championship Cat. 21
(Folklore) (Folklore) Seminar Room
15:30 15:30 – 16:30
Semeru Workshop 5
16:00 Information desks 15:30 – 18:30 Baroque Music
16:00 Announc. of the results Cat. 21, 11, 4
Championship Cat. 2
Semeru (Youth Choirs, equal voices) Seminar Room
16:30 16:30 – 19:30 Championship Cat. 4 16:30 – 18:30
Asian Open Cat. 1 (Mixed Youth Choirs) Workshop 6
(Children´s Choirs) Championship Cat. 5 South-East &
17:00 (Mixed Vocal Ensembles) East-Asian Repertoire
Asian Open Cat. 2
(Youth Choirs, equal voices)
17:30 Asian Open Cat. 5
(Mixed Vocal Ensembles)

18:00 Lawu
17:00 – 19:30
Asian Open Cat. 4
18:30 (Mixed Youth Choirs)
Asian Open Cat. 11
19:00 (Male Vocal Ensembles)

Hall D2 Hall D2
19:30 19:30 19:30
Opening Ceremony Prizegiving Concert
Closing Part I
20:00 Opening Part II



86 Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007

07 Wednesday 08 Thursday
November November 09 Friday November 10 Saturday
November > Informations
Please look

09:30 – 12:30 09:30
Qualification Cat. 7
(Mixed Choirs) Seminar Room Hall D2
Qualification Cat. 15 10:00 – 11:00 10:00 – 12:00 10:00
(Musica Sacra) Workshop 8 Award Ceremony
Qualification Cat. 16 South-East-Asian Repertoire
(Music of the Religions)
Seminar Room
Semeru 11:00 – 12:00 11:00
11:00 – 12:00 Workshop 9
Qualification Round Cat. 19 Vocal Sound
(Gospel & Spiritual) 11:30
Qualification Round Cat. 20
(Popular Choir Music)

12:30 am Information desks 12:30

Announcement of the results Cat. 19, 20

13:00 Information desks

Announc. of the results Cat. 7, 15, 16 13:00


Seminar Room Semeru Semeru

14:00 – 15:00 14:00 – 20:00 14:00 – 16:30 Subjects to alterations! 14:00
Please look for the obliging
Workshop 7 Championship Cat. 18 Asian Choir Championship Cat. 20 schedules for every choir and the
Music of the 19th Century (Jazz) (Popular Choral Music) announcements on the information
Championship Cat. 19
(Gospel & Spiritual) Lawu
Semeru The real duration of the Competitions
15:00 – 17:00 14:00 – 19:30 15:00
in the Asian Open and the Asian
Asian Open Cat. 19 Lawu Championship Cat. 6 Choir Championship depends on
(Gospel & Spiritual) 14:00 – 20:30 (Mixed Chamber Choirs) the number of qualified choirs in
Championship Cat. 15 Championship Cat. 7 the category. 15:30
Asian Open Cat. 20
(Popular Choir Music) (Musica Sacra) (Mixed Choirs)
Championship Cat. 16 Championship Cat. 17
(Music of the Religions) (Musica Contemporanea) 16:00
15:00 – 15:00
Asian Open Cat. 6 Semeru 16:30
(Mixed Chamber Choirs) 17:30 – 16:30
Asian Open Cat. 7 Championship Cat. 12
(Mixed Choirs) (Male Chamber Choirs) 17:00
Asian Open Cat. 10 Championship Cat. 13
(Female Choirs) (Male Choirs)
Championship Cat. 14
Asian Open Cat. 13
(Male Choirs) (Large Male Choirs)
17:30 – 20:30
Asian Open Cat. 15
(Musica Sacra)
Asian Open Cat. 16 19:00
(Music of the Religions)
Hall D2
19:30 19:30
Prizegiving Concert &
Closing of the
Asian Choir Games 20:00



Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007 87


02 Friday · Jumat
2 November 2007
Opening Ceremony
19:30, Hall D2

03 Saturday · Sabtu
3 November 2007
Qualification Cat. 1 (Children‘s Choirs)
12:00 – 14:30, Semeru
15:00 Information desks, Announcement of the results Cat. 1

Qualification Cat. 21 (Folklore)

Qualification Cat. 11 (Male Vocal Ensemble)
Qualification Cat. 4 (Mixed Youth Choirs)
12:00 – 15:30, Lawu
16:00 Information desks, Announcement of the results Cat. 21, 11, 4

Asian Open Cat. 1 (Children‘s Choirs)

Asian Open Cat. 2 (Youth Choirs (equal voices))
Asian Open Cat. 5 (Mixed Vocal Ensembles)
16:30 – 19:30, Semeru

Asian Open Cat. 4 (Mixed Youth Choirs)

Asian Open Cat. 11 (Male Vocal Ensembles)
17:00 – 19:30, Lawu

Sunday · Minggu Workshop 1: Working with Young Voices

04 4 November 2007 “Melatih dan berproses dengan suara-suara yang masih belia“
11.00 – 12.00, Seminar Room
Presenter: Aida Swenson

Championship Cat. 1 (Children’s Choirs)

14:00 – 18.30, Semeru

Asian Open Cat 21 (Folklore)

14:00 – 18.30, Lawu

88 Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007

Monday ·Senin Championship Cat. 1 (Children’s Choirs)
05 5 November 2007 10.30 – 13.00, Semeru

Workshop 2: Rehearsal Technique

“Teknik-teknik membuat latihan paduan suara menjadi menarik dan efektif”
11.00 – 12.00, Seminar Room
Presenter: Nelson Kwei, Branko Stark
Leader: Prof. André de Quadros

Workshop 3: Gesture & Hand Development

“Pengembangan gesture dan tangan bagi seorang conductor dalam memimpin
paduan suaranya”
14.00 – 15.00, Seminar Room
Presenter: Prof. André de Quadros
Leader: Susanna Saw

Championship Cat. 21 (Folklore)

15:00 – 19.30, Lawu

Championship Cat. 2 (Youth Choirs (equal voices))

Championship Cat. 4 (Mixed Youth Choirs)
Championship Cat. 5 (Mixed Vocal Ensembles)
15:30 – 18.30, Semeru

Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007 89


Tuesday · Selasa Award Ceremony

06 6 November 2007 10:00 – 12:00 , Hall D2

Workshop 4: Choosing Repertoire for Specific Programs

“Memilih repertoire yang tepat untuk program-program khusus”
14.00 – 15.00, Seminar Room
Presenter: Jonathan Velasco
Leader: Nelson Kwei

Workshop 5: Baroque Music

“Memberikan pengayaan tentang musik era Baroque dari berbagai aspek”
15.30 – 16.30, Seminar Room
Presenter: Branko Stark

Workshop 6: Southeast Asian Repertoire & East Asian Repertoire

“Memperkenalkan kebudayaan beberapa negara Asia melalui berbagai repertoire
menarik (Asia Tenggara) dan Korea (Asia Timur)”
16.30 – 18.30, Seminar Room
Presenter: Nelson Kwei, Jonathan Velasco, Hong Hai Pham, Chifuru Matsubara , Tonny Kim

Closing Part I & Opening Part II

Prizegiving Concert
19:30, Hall D2

90 Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007

Wednesday · Rabu Qualification Cat. 7 (Mixed Choirs)
07 7 November 2007 Qualification Cat. 15 (Musica Sacra)
Qualification Cat. 16 (Music of the Religions)
09:30 – 11.30, Lawu
13:00 Information desks, Announcement of the results Cat. 7, 15, 16

Qualification Round Cat. 19 (Gospel & Spiritual)

Qualification Round Cat. 20 (Popular Choir Music)
11:00 – 12.00, Semeru
12.30 Information desks, Announcement of the results Cat. 19, 20

Workshop 7: Music of the 19th Century

“Musik dari abad 19”
14.00 – 15.00, Seminar Room
Presenter: Prof. André de Quadros, Branko Stark
Leader: Chifuru Matsubara

Asian Open Cat. 19 (Gospel & Spiritual)

Asian Open Cat. 20 (Popular Choir Music)
15:00 – 17.00, Semeru

Asian Open Cat. 6 (Mixed Chamber Choirs)

Asian Open Cat. 7 (Mixed Choirs)
Asian Open Cat. 10 (Female Choirs)
Asian Open Cat. 13 (Male Choirs)
15.00 – 17.00, Lawu

Asian Open Cat. 15 (Musica Sacra)

Asian Open Cat. 16 (Music of the Religions)
17.30 – 20.30, Lawu

Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007 91


Thursday · Kamis Workshop 8: Southeast Asian Repertoire (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand)

08 8 November 2007 “Memperkenalkan kebudayaan beberapa negara Asia Tenggara melalui berbagai
repertoire menarik dari Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Thailand”
10.00 – 11.00, Seminar Room
Presenter: Christian Tamaela, Susanna Saw, Khunying Malaival
Leader: Prof. André de Quadros

Championship Cat. 18 (Jazz)

Championship Cat. 19 (Gospel & Spiritual)
14:00 – 20.00, Semeru

Championship Cat. 15 (Musica Sacra)

Championship Cat. 16 (Music of the Religions)
14:00 – 20.30, Lawu

92 Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007

Friday · Jumat
Workshop 9: Building a Beautiful Vocal Sound
09 9 November 2007
“Bagaimana membentuk vokal yang indah dan sehat”
10.00 – 11.00, Seminar Room
Presenter: Nelson Kwei
Leader: Hong Hai Pham

Championship Cat. 20 (Popular Choral Music)

14:00 – 16.30 , Semeru

Asian Choir Championship Cat. 6 (Mixed Chamber Choirs)

Asian Choir Championship Cat. 7 (Mixed Choirs)
Asian Choir Championship Cat. 17 (Musica Contemporanea)
14:00 – 19.30, Lawu

Championship Cat. 12 (Male Chamber Choirs)

Championship Cat. 13 (Male Choirs)
Championship Cat. 14 (Large Male Choirs)
17.30 – 19.30, Semeru

Saturday · Sabtu Award Ceremony

10 10 November 2007 10:00 - 12:00, Hall D2

Closing of the Asian Choir Games 2007 - Jakarta

19:30, Hall D2

Subjects to alterations! Please look for the obliging schedules for every choir and the announcements on the information desks.
The real duration of the Competitions in the Asian Open and the Asian Choir Championship depends on the number of qualified
choirs in the category.

Schedule · Jadwal Asian Choir Games 2007 93


1st Competition – Asian Open

• all lay or amateur choirs with limited experience at national and international
Recommended for:
choral competitions or which are taking their first step in this direction
• the artistic committee (application)
Admitted by:
• the decision of the jury in the qualification round
Jury: Five international jury members
Evaluation system: MUSICA MUNDI evaluation system (30 points)
Number of points: 0.5 – 10.49 10.50 – 20.49 20.5 – 30
Bronze Diplomas levels I – X Silver Diplomas levels I – X Golden Diplomas levels I – X
“Winner of the Asian Open” for the best choir with a Golden Diploma in each category

2nd Competition – Asian Choir Championships

• all lay or amateur choirs which have already had sufficient national and international competitive experience and have
Recommended for:
proven their level of achievement there, or offer proof of a comparable artistic level
• the artistic committee
Admitted by:
• the decision of the jury in the qualification round
Jury: Seven international jury members
Evaluation system: Choir Olympic evaluation system (100 points)
Number of points: 40 – 59.99 60 – 79.99 80 – 100
Bronze Medals Silver Medals Gold Medals
“Champion of the Asian Choir Games” for the best choir with a Gold Medal in each category

Qualification Round (Optional)

• all choirs wishing to obtain a decision by an international specialists’ jury, on the spot, as to which competition they
Recommended for:
may participate in
Compulsory participation for: • all choirs which have not previously obtained a satisfactory decision concerning participation in the competition
Jury: Three international jury members
Evaluation system: 10-point system
Number of points: 1 – 5.99 6 – 10
Participation at: Asian Open Asian Choir Championships

Participation at the Event Without Competing

• for choirs, orchestras, cultural and dance groups of all kinds from all over the world
• professional ensembles are especially welcome
Encounter concerts
Performance Special concerts*
possibilities: Gala concerts*
Central events*
* Corresponding quality is assumed, based upon the decision of the artistic directors

96 Possibilities of Participation · Kemungkinan Berpartisipasi

Kompetisi I – Asian Open
• semua pihak ataupun paduan suara amatir dengan pengalaman yang terbatas dalam kompetisi paduan suara nasional
direkomendasikan bagi:
dan internasional atau yang baru pertama kali mengikuti kompetisi
• artistic committee (pendaftaran)
ditentukan oleh:
• keputusan juri pada babak kualifikasi
Juri: lima orang juri internasional
Sistem evaluasi: sistem evaluasi MUSCA MUNDI (30 point)
Jumlah points: 0.5 - 10.49 10.50 – 20.49 20.5 – 30
Bronze Diploma levels I – X Silver Diploma levels I – X Golden Diploma levels I – X
“Winner of the Asian Open” untuk paduan suara terbaik yang memperoleh: Golden Diploma di setiap kategori.

Kompetisi II – Asian Choir Championship

• semua pihak ataupun paduan suara amatir yang telah memiliki pengalaman yang cukup dalam kompetisi paduan
direkomendasikan bagi: suara nasional dan internasional serta telah membuktikan tingkat keberhasilan mereka dalam kompetisi-kompetisi ter-
sebut, atau dapat memberikan bukti untuk kualitas level artistic yang sebanding.
• artistic committee (pendaftaran)
ditentukan oleh:
• keputusan juri pada babak kualifikasi
Juri: tujuh orang juri internasional
Jumlah points: 40 – 59.99 60 – 79.99 80 – 100
Bronze Medals Silver Medals Gold Medals
„Champion of the Asian Choir Games“ untuk paduan suara terbaik yang memperoleh: Gold Medals di setiap kategori.

Babak Kualifikasi (Optional)

• semua paduan suara yang ingin mendapatkan keputusan dari juri internasional spesialis, secara langsung, untuk me-
direkomendasikan bagi:
nentukan kompetisi yang dapat mereka ikuti.
Partisipasi wajib bagi: • semua paduan suara yang belum memenuhi persyaratan keikutsertaan sehubungan dengan partisipasi dalam kompetisi.
Juri: tiga orang juri internasional
Evaluation system: 10-point system
Jumlah points: 1 – 5.99 6 – 10
Keikutsertaan dalam: Asian Open Asian Choir Championships

Partisipasi dalam acara tanpa mengikuti kompetisi

• bagi paduan suara, orkestra, semua jenis kelompok kebudayaan dan tarian dari seluruh dunia
• Ensemble profesional yang diundang secara khusus.
Konser persahabatan
Konser khusus*
Kesempatan Tampil:
Konser Gala*
Acara-acara Umum*
* Kualitas dari peserta tidak ditentukan melainkan didasarkan oleh keputusan Artistic Director

Possibilities of Participation · Kemungkinan Berpartisipasi 97


I Organisation and Artistic Requirements

1) Categories
The 1st Asian Choir Games are held in 21 different categories. The requirements for the programme in each category
are identical in the “Asian Open” and the “Asian Choir Championships”.

Basic Information:
• The announcement was deliberately designed to give each choir the chance to express its own traditions and strengths.
A programme is expected that reflects the choir music activities of the different countries.
• At the same time, the Choir Olympic Ideal includes the hope that choirs take an interest in cultural and musical
traditions in Asia and elsewhere in the world and will perform at least one piece that does not have its origins in
their native cultural circles.
• The dramaturgy of the overall programme should be given careful, thorough consideration.
• For the children and youth categories, the character and degree of difficulty of the programmes shall
correspond with the age of the singers.

1 Children’s choirs, S(S)A(A) (girls and boys) 8 Female Vocal Ensembles

2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices, S(S)A(A) (girls and boys) 9 Female Chamber Choirs
3 Young Male Choirs, T(T)B(B) 10 Female Choirs
4 Mixed Youth Choirs, SA(T)B, (including Mixed Boys’ Choirs) 11 Male Vocal Ensembles, (CT)T(T)B(B)
5 Mixed Vocal Ensembles 12 Male Chamber Choirs, T(T)B(B)
6 Mixed Chamber Choirs 13 Male Choirs, T(T)B(B)
7 Mixed Choirs 14 Large Male Choirs, T(T)B(B)

Number of pieces: 4
Duration of the programme: maximum pure singing time – 20 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: Categories 1–4: Two pieces can be performed with original instrumental accompaniment.
Categories 5–14: One piece can be performed with original instrumental accompaniment.
Programme: • one piece by a composer from the country, language area or cultural environment
of the participating choir
• one piece by a composer who does not come from Asia or the Pacific Region
• one piece by a composer who is alive at the time of application
• one piece of the choir’s own choice
Only original compositions are permitted.

98 Announcement · Penjelasan

1) Kategori
Asian Choir Games yang pertama diselenggarakan dengan 21 kategori yang berbeda. Persyaratan lagu dalam setiap
kategori serupa antara “Asian Open” dan “Asian Choir Championships”.

Informasi dasar:
• Ketentuan dirancang untuk memberi kesempatan pada tiap paduan suara untuk mengekspresikan tradisi dan kelebihan
masing-masing. lagu diharapkan dapat mencerminkan aktivitas musik paduan suara dari negara yang berbeda-beda.
• Pada saat yang bersamaan, sesuai gagasan Choir Olympic yang menyertakan harapan bahwa paduan suara dapat me-
nitikberatkan pada kebudayaan dan musik tradisional di Asia dan tempat-tempat lain di dunia dan akan menampilkan
sekurang-kurangnya satu karya yang bukan berasal dari lingkungan kebudayaan asli mereka.
• Dramaturgy dari keseluruhan lagu harus dipertimbangkan dengan sangat hati-hati.
• Untuk kategori anak-anak dan remaja, karakter dan tingkat kesulitan lagu harus disesuaikan dengan usia para penya-

1 Children’s choirs, S(S)A(A) (anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan) 8 Female Vocal Ensembles
2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices, S(S)A(A) (anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan) 9 Female Chamber Choirs
3 Young Male Choirs, T(T)B(B) 10 Female Choirs
4 Mixed Youth Choirs, SA(T)B, (termasuk Mixed Boys’ Choir) 11 Male Vocal Ensembles, (CT)T(T)B(B)
5 Mixed Vocal Ensembles 12 Male Chamber Choirs, T(T)B(B)
6 Mixed Chamber Choirs 13 Male Choirs, T(T)B(B)
7 Mixed Choirs 14 Large Male Choirs, T(T)B(B)

Jumlah lagu: 4
Durasi: maximum pure singing time – 20 minutes
Instrument pengiring: Kategori 1-4: Maksimal 2 lagu yang boleh diiringi dengan iringan original instrument
Kategori 5-14: Satu buah lagu boleh diiringi dengan iringan original instrument.
Lagu: • Satu karya dari komposer negara sendiri maupun daerah sekitar yang mempunyai ba-
hasa yang sama atau lingkungan budaya daerah dari kelompok peserta.
• Satu karya dari komposer yang bukan berasal dari kawasan Asia Pasifik.
• Satu karya dari komposer yang masih hidup pada saat pendaftaran kompetisi ini.
• Satu karya pilihan dari peserta sendiri.
Hanya komposisi asli yang diijinkan.

*maximum pure singing time: waktu maksimal menyanyi murni

Announcement · Penjelasan 99

15 Musica Sacra
This category focuses on the Christian sacred vocal music from past to present.

Number of pieces: 4
Duration of the programme: maximum pure singing time – 20 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: A maximum of two pieces can be performed with original instrumental accompaniment.
Programme: • one piece of sacred music by a composer born before 1807
• one piece of sacred music by a composer born between 1807 and 1873
• one piece of sacred music by a composer who is alive at the time of application
• one piece of sacred music of the choir’s own choice
Only original compositions are permitted.

16 Music of the Religions


This category is to reflect music of all the different religions, churches and denominations.
Programmes shall include typical song and music practice.

Number of pieces: 4
Duration of the programme: maximum pure singing time – 15 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: Instrumental accompaniment is permitted for all pieces.
Use of sound recording is not permitted.
Programme: pieces of the choir’s own choice

17 Musica Contemporanea (contemporary music)


This category is to allow you to gain an insight into the composition work of the 20th and 21st century
and the immediate present.

Number of pieces: 4
Duration of the programme: maximum pure singing time – 20 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: A maximum of two pieces can be performed with original instrumental accompaniment.
Programme: • one first performance (A declaration that the piece will be performed for the first time
at the 1st Asian Choir Games 2007 has to be attached to the application form.)
• one piece by a composer who is alive at the time of application for participation and
comes from the country of the participating choir
• one piece by a composer who is alive at the time of application and does not come
from the language or cultural area of the participating choir
• one piece of the choir’s own choice by a composer born 1950 or after
Only original compositions are permitted.

100 Announcement · Penjelasan

15 Musica Sacra
Kategori ini difokuskan pada musik vokal sakral Kristiani dari segala jaman.

Jumlah lagu: 4
Durasi: maximum pure singing time – 20 menit
Instrumen pengiring: Maksimal 2 lagu yang boleh diiringi dengan iringan original instrument
Lagu: • Satu karya musik sakra dari komposer yang lahir sebelum tahun 1807
• Satu karya musik sakra dari komposer yang lahir di antara tahun 1807 – 1873
• Satu karya musik sakra dari komposer yang masih hidup pada saat pendaftaran kompetisi ini.
• Satu karya pilihan kelompok peserta sendiri.
Hanya komposisi asli yang diijinkan.

16 Music of the Religions
Kategori ini bertujuan untuk merefleksikan semua jenis musik dari berbagai agama yang berbeda, gereja-gereja dan de-
nomisasi. Program harus mengikutsertakan lagu dan musik yang menjadi ciri khas denomisasi tersebut.

Jumlah lagu: 4
Durasi: maximum pure singing time – 15 menit
Instrumen pengiring: semua lagu boleh diiringi.
Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan musik pengiring dalam bentuk rekaman.
Lagu: karya pilihan kelompok peserta sendiri.

17 Musica Contemporanea (contemporary music)
Kategori ini memungkinkan kita mendapatkan pendalaman karya komposisi dari abad 20 & 21 sampai sekarang

Jumlah lagu: 4
Durasi: maximum pure singing time – 20 menit
Instrumen pengiring: Maksimal 2 lagu yang boleh diiringi dengan iringan original instrument
Program: • Penampilan perdana (pernyataan bahwa karya ini akan ditampilkan untuk pertama
kalinya di The 1stst Asian Choir Games 2007 harus disertakan pada formulir pendaftaran)
• Satu karya dari komposer yang masih hidup saat ini dan berasal dari negara peserta.
• Satu karya dari komposer yang masih hidup saat ini dan tidak berasal dari negara
• Satu karya bebas dari komposer yang lahir pada tahun 1950 atau setelahnya.
Hanya komposisi asli yang diijinkan.

Announcement · Penjelasan 101


18 Jazz

Number of pieces: 4
Duration of the programme: maximum pure singing time – 15 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: All pieces can be accompanied.
Programme: Jazz pieces of the choir’s own choice of different character

Improvisation of the vocalists are desirable but not compulsory. Instrumental solos have to be kept within limits, as only the
performance of the choir will be evaluated. Instrumentalists are to be organised by the choir. Amplification of the voices is
permitted. Equipment suited to the respective venues will be made available on-site. Any use of sound recording is not

19 Gospel & Spiritual

Number of pieces: 4
Duration of the programme: maximum pure singing time – 15 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: All pieces can be accompanied.
Programme: pieces of the choir’s own choice

Instrumental accompaniment including electric or electronic instruments with their own amplification are permitted. The
amplification of voices and instruments is permitted. Suitable equipment is provided at the location of the competition. Any
use of sound recording is not permitted.

20 Popular Choir Music

In this category, titles of the pop, rock and light entertainment music shall be brought to the stage, which represent the
current musical trends as well as popular music genres of the 20th century and the style and content of which do not fit
into the Jazz or Folklore categories.

Number of pieces: 4
Duration of the programme: maximum pure singing time – 15 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: All pieces can be accompanied.
Programme: pieces of the choir’s own choice

Instrumental accompaniment including electric or electronic instruments with their own amplification are permitted. The
amplification of voices and instruments is permitted. Equipment suited to the respective venues will be made available
on-site. Choreographies are permitted. Parts of the instrumental accompaniment can be sound recording.

102 Announcement · Penjelasan

18 Jazz

Jumlah lagu: 4
Durasi: maximum pure singing time – 15 menit
Instrumen pengiring: semua lagu boleh diiringi.
Lagu: komposisi pilihan sendiri dengan karakter yang berbeda-beda

Improvisasi vokalis diperbolehkan tetapi tidak diwajibkan. instrument Solo harus dibatasi karena hanya penampilan paduan
suara saja yang akan dievaluasi. Pemain instrument diatur oleh paduan suara. Diperkenankan menggunakan amplifier baik
untuk instrumen maupun suara penyanyi, Peralatan yang sesuai akan disediakan di lokasi pertandingan. Tidak diperkenan-
kan menggunakan rekaman musik.

19 Gospel & Spiritual

Jumlah lagu: 4
Durasi: maximum pure singing time – 15 menit
Instrumen pengiring: semua lagu boleh diiringi
Lagu: karya pilihan kelompok peserta sendiri.

Instrumen pengiring termasuk alat musik elektrik maupun elektronik dengan amplifier diperkenankan. Diperkenankan meng-
gunakan amplifier baik untuk instrumen maupun suara penyanyi. Peralatan yang sesuai akan disediakan di lokasi pertandin-
gan. Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan musik dalam bentuk rekaman.

20 Popular Choir Music
Dalam kategori ini, lagu pop, rock dan musik ringan boleh dipentaskan, yang mewakili tren musik saat ini seperti jenis
musik popular abad 20, gaya serta isinya menyerupai kategori Jazz atau kategori lagu daerah (folklore).

Jumlah lagu: 4
Durasi: maximum pure singing time – 15 menit
Instrumen pengiring: semua lagu boleh diiringi
Lagu: karya pilihan kelompok peserta sendiri

Instrumen pengiring termasuk alat musik elektrik dan elektronik amplifier diperkenankan. Diperkenankan menggunakan am-
plifier baik untuk instrumen maupun suara penyanyi. Peralatan yang sesuai akan disediakan di lokasi pertandingan. Koreo-
grafi diperbolehkan. Sebagian dari instrument iringan boleh merupakan rekaman.

Announcement · Penjelasan 103


21 Folklore

Number of pieces: not defined

Duration of the programme: maximum pure performing time – 15 minutes
Instrumental accompaniment: Piano accompaniment and traditional instruments are permitted.
Programme: folklore of the choir’s own choice

The content of movements and singing have to be coherent. Main emphasis must be put on the vocal part, each part of the
programme should contain vocal and choreographic parts.
Instrumental accompaniment may also be sound recording. The performance in traditional costumes typical of the country is
desirable. In case sheet music is not available, a short description for the jury written in English is requested.

104 Announcement · Penjelasan

21 Folklore

Jumlah lagu: tidak ditentukan

Durasi: maximum pure performing time – 15 menit
Instrumen pengiring: iringan piano dan instrument tradisional diperbolehkan
Lagu: karya pilihan kelompok peserta sendiri

Gerakan dan nyanyian harus seimbang. Perhatian harus lebih dititik beratkan pada segi vokal, setiap bagian program harus
terdiri dari vokal dan koreografi. Musik pengiring dapat berupa rekaman suara. Penampilan dengan kostum tradisional dae-
rah diharapkan. Apabila partitur musik dari karya yang dibawakan tidak tersedia, peserta diminta menyerahkan penggamba-
ran singkat mengenai isi lagu dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk penilaian juri.

Announcement · Penjelasan 105


(2- 6 Nov) or the 2nd part (6-10 Nov)

with instrumental accompaniment
Maximum duration of programme

Category is held in the 1st part

in minutes (pure singing time)

Maximum number of pieces

Amplification of voices and

of the Asian Choir Games

instruments is permitted
Number of category

Number of singers
Name of category

Number of pieces
Age limit
1 Children’s choirs, S(S)A(A) (girls and boys) 8 – 16 - 20 4 2 - I
2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices S(S)A(A) (girls and boys) 12 – 19 - 20 4 2 - I
3 Young Male Choirs T(T)B(B) 14 – 24 - 20 4 2 - I
4 Mixed Youth Choirs, SA(T)B, (including Mixed Boys’ Choirs) 8 – 24 - 20 4 2 - I
5 Mixed Vocal Ensembles 18 and older max. 12 20 4 1 - I
6 Mixed Chamber Choirs 18 and older min. 13, max. 36 20 4 1 - II
7 Mixed Choirs 18 and older min. 37 20 4 1 - II
8 Female Vocal Ensembles 18 and older max. 8 20 4 1 - I
9 Female Chamber Choirs 18 and older min. 9, max. 30 20 4 1 - II
10 Female Choirs 18 and older min. 31 20 4 1 - II
11 Male Vocal Ensembles, (CT)T(T)B(B) 18 and older max. 8 20 4 1 - I
12 Male Chamber Choirs, T(T)B(B) 18 and older min. 9, max. 30 20 4 1 - II
13 Male Choirs, T(T)B(B) 18 and older min. 31, max. 59 20 4 1 - II
14 Large Male Choirs T(T)B(B) 18 and older min. 60 20 4 1 - II
15 Musica Sacra - - 20 4 2 - II
16 Music of the Religions - - 15 4 4 - II
17 Musica Contemporanea (contemporary music) - - 20 4 2 - II
18 Jazz - - 15 4 4 Yes* II
19 Gospel & Spiritual - - 15 4 4 Yes* II
20 Popular Choral Music - - 15 4 4 Yes* II
21 Folklore - - 15 free all - I

S – Soprano, A – Alto, CT – Countertenor, T – Tenor, B – Bass

* In these categories amplification can be provided according to the amount of singers for a single voice or a group of sin-
gers. At any rate, choirs which take part in these categories have to hand in with their application form clear instructions
for the stage indicating the technical requirements of their performance.

106 Announcement · Penjelasan

Kategori diadakan pada bagian I (2-6
Durasi maksimum program dalam

Nov) atau bagian II (6-10 Nov)

menit (pure singing time)

Jumlah maksimum lagu

instrument ygdiijinkan
Amplifikasi suara &
Jumlah Penyanyi
Nomor kategori

dengan iringan
Nama kategori

Jumlah lagu
Batas usia
1 Children’s choirs, S(S)A(A) (laki-laki dan perempuan) 8– 16 thn - 20 4 2 - I
2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices S(S)A(A) (laki-laki dan perempuan) 12– 19 thn - 20 4 2 - I
3 Young Male Choirs T(T)B(B) 14– 24 thn - 20 4 2 - I
4 Mixed Youth Choirs, SA(T)B, (termasuk Mixed Boys’ Choirs) 8– 24 thn - 20 4 2 - I
5 Mixed Vocal Ensembles 18 thn keatas max. 12 20 4 1 - I
6 Mixed Chamber Choirs 18 thn keatas min. 13, max. 36 20 4 1 - II
7 Mixed Choirs 18 thn keatas min. 37 20 4 1 - II
8 Female Vocal Ensembles 18 thn keatas max. 8 20 4 1 - I
9 Female Chamber Choirs 18 thn keatas min. 9, max. 30 20 4 1 - II
10 Female Choirs 18 thn keatas min. 31 20 4 1 - II
11 Male Vocal Ensembles, (CT)T(T)B(B) 18 thn keatas max. 8 20 4 1 - I
12 Male Chamber Choirs, T(T)B(B) 18 thn keatas min. 9, max. 30 20 4 1 - II
13 Male Choirs, T(T)B(B) 18 thn keatas min. 31, max. 59 20 4 1 - II
14 Large Male Choirs T(T)B(B) 18 thn keatas min. 60 20 4 1 - II
15 Musica Sacra - - 20 4 2 - II
16 Music of the Religions - - 15 4 4 - II
17 Musica Contemporanea (contemporary music) - - 20 4 2 - II
18 Jazz - - 15 4 4 Ya* II
19 Gospel & Spiritual - - 15 4 4 Ya* II
20 Popular Choral Music - - 15 4 4 Ya* II
21 Folklore - - 15 Bebas semua - I

S – Soprano, A – Alto, CT – Countertenor, T – Tenor, B – Bass

* Dalam kategori ini amplifikasi dapat disediakan sesuai dengan jumlah penyanyi untuk single voice atau grup penyanyi. Pa-
duan suara yang mengikuti ketegori ini harus menyertakan instruksi yang jelas pada formulir pendaftaran mereka untuk
penataan panggung berkaitan dengan kebutuhan teknis untuk penampilan.

Announcement · Penjelasan 107


II Competition Rules

1) Participation:
All lay or amateur choirs of any kind from Asia and the Pacific region are entitled to take part provided they observe the num-
ber of persons, the scorings and the age limits of the respective category. Its members, with exception of the conductor, must
be amateurs, e.g. they must not earn their living by professional singing. A choir may perform with several conductors.

2) Multiple Participation:
a) All categories: Every choir may participate in a maximum of 3 categories per part of the Asian Choir Games
under reserve of organisational necessities. If the maximum of performances of one choir is not possible due to organi-
sational reasons, the application fee for the categories rejected will be refunded. Single choir members are allowed to par-
ticipate in different groups.
b) Categories 1–14: Choirs may generally participate in only one of these categories.
c) Categories 15–21: In these categories multiple participation is possible independent of whether
the choir has registered for one of the categories 1–14.

Summary of Possibilities of Participation

Category Remarks

Participation possible in
1 – 14
only one of these categories. Altogether,
participation is possible in a
You can choose among these categories maximum of 3 categories.
15 – 21
independent of a participation in categories 1-14.

d) Each conductor is allowed to conduct only one choir per category.

3) Programmes for the participation in several categories:

When a choir takes part in several categories, then all their titles to be performed in the categories have to be

4) Age limit:
In categories with age limits a maximum of 10% of the members of a choir may exceed the age limit. In case of doubt the
organisers reserve the right to check the age of the singers.

5) Accompaniment:
Accompaniment means that at least one instrument with a definite pitch is used. In categories, in which a cappella pieces
are demanded, a maximum of three instruments without definite pitch can be used.

108 Announcement · Penjelasan


1) Keikutsertaan:
Seluruh lapisan paduan suara amatir yang berasal dari wilayah Asia dan Pasifik yang telah mendaftar harus menyerahkan
jumlah peserta, partitur lagu dan batasan umur peserta sesuai dengan kategori yang dipilih. Para anggotanya, kecuali con-
duktor, harus amatir ( tidak bermata pencaharian sebagai penyanyi ). Suatu paduan suara dapat tampil dengan beberapa con-

2) Multiple Participation:
a) Untuk semua kategori: Setiap paduan suara diperbolehkan untuk berpartisipasi maksimal dalam 3 kategori. Apabila pen-
ampilan maksimal dari suatu paduan suara tidak memungkinkan sehubungan dengan alasan organisasional, biaya pen-
daftaran akan dikembalikan. Anggota perorangan dari paduan suara diperbolehkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam kelompok
b) Untuk kategori 1-14: Paduan suara-paduan suara hanya diperkenankan untuk mengikuti satu dari kategori yang ada.
c) Untuk kategori 15-21: Pada kategori ini paduan suara diperkenankan untuk memilih lebih dari satu kategori walaupun
paduan suara tersebut telah mendaftar untuk salah satu dari kategori 1 – 14.

Ringkasan dari kemungkinan keikutsertaan

Kategori Catatan

Hanya dapat mengikuti satu

1 – 14
dari kategori-kategori ini Secara keseluruhan, keikutsertaan
hanya dimungkinkan untuk
Anda dapat memilih di antara kategori-kategori ini diluar maksimal 3 kategori
15 – 21
keikutsertaan dalam kategori 1 – 15

d) Setiap conduktor hanya boleh memimpin satu paduan suara per kategori.

3) Lagu untuk keikutsertaan dalam beberapa kategori:

Jika sebuah paduan suara ikut serta dalam beberapa kategori, maka semua lagu yang dibawakan dalam kategori-kategori
tersebut harus berbeda-beda (tidak boleh ada lagu yang sama).

4) Batasan umur:
Pada kategori-kategori yang mencantumkan batasan umur, jumlah anggota yang boleh melebihi batas umur maksimal 10%.
Jika ada keraguan, penyelenggara berhak memeriksa keabsahan umur penyanyi.

5) Musik pengiring (Accompaniment):

Instrumen pengiring berarti minimal menggunakan satu alat musik yang mempunyai nada mutlak. Dalam kategori lagu a-ca-
pella, dapat menggunakan maksimal tiga instrumen yang tidak mempunyai nada mutlak.

Announcement · Penjelasan 109


6) Original Compositions:
The use of original compositions means that a piece must be performed in accordance with the scoring of the parts as the
composer has (probably) left it. Pieces that have been composed until the end of the era of baroque can be performed in va-
riations of scorings that correspond with the original musical material. The arrangement of a piece is permitted if it has led
to a new composition. The artistic direction reserves the right to reject compositions.

7) Original Accompaniments:
In categories, in which only original accompaniments are permitted, any reductions in orchestration or transcriptions of other
instruments that were not planned by the composer are excluded from the competition.

8) Pure Singing Time:

Pure singing time is the duration of the performed pieces excluding applause or going onto or leaving the stage.

9) Programme Changes:
Once the artistic directors have examined a proposed programme, the programme is then sent back a final time to the re-
spective choir for confirmation. The choir must respond within fourteen days (date of delivery to organisers). If no response
arrives, the programme is taken as confirmed. After that, neither titles nor running order may be changed. Changes taken with-
out informing the organisers result in disqualification.

10) Order of Performances:

The order of performances within a category will be arranged at random except for organisational necessities
(e.g. multiple performances).

11) Scores:
The following pieces have to be handed in of every piece to be performed in the competition:
Asian Open: 5 scores
Asian Choir Championships: 7 scores
Scores submitted must conform to internationally recognised sheet music standards (five lines of notes). Scores which do not
bear the titles, names of composers etc. printed in the Roman alphabet must bear a transcription into the Roman alphabet
(clear handwritten notes suffice).
One score remains with the organiser after the competition. The scores can be collected from the organiser after the award
presentation ceremony. Scores that were not collected will not be sent by mail. No scores have to be handed in for encoun-
ter or friendship concerts.

Note: Please note that choral pieces, if they have already been published, may only be sung using the original scores or aut-
horized copies. The use of unauthorized copies or handwritten copies is not allowed.

12) Changes of Key:

In case of changes of the keys printed in the scores the jury has to be informed in writing prior to the competition.

110 Announcement · Penjelasan

6) Komposisi asli:
Menggunakan komposisi asli berarti karya tersebut harus dibawakan sesuai dengan partitur yang dibuat oleh komposernya.
Karya-karya yang dibuat sampai akhir jaman Barok dapat ditampilkan dengan variasi partitur lagu yang berbeda dengan ma-
teri lagu yang asli. Aransemen lagu diperbolehkan jika lagu tersebut termasuk komposisi baru.
Artistic Direction berhak untuk menolak suatu komposisi lagu tidak memenuhi persyaratan diatas.

7) Musik pengiring Asli:

Dalam kategori-kategori di mana hanya iringan musik asli diperbolehkan, reduksi orkestrasi atau transkrip alat musik lain yang
tidak ditulis oleh komposernya tidak dapat digunakan dalam kompetisi.

8) Waktu menyanyi murni:

Pure Singing time adalah durasi penampilan lagu tidak termasuk tepuk tangan (applause) dan durasi waktu masuk-keluar

9) Perubahan lagu:
Setelah program lagu yang diajukan diperiksa oleh artistic directors, program akan dikirimkan kembali pada pendaftar untuk
konfirmasi. Paduan suara harus memberi respon dalam kurun waktu 14 hari (dari hari pengiriman ke organisasi). Apabila tidak
ada respon yang diterima, program dianggap telah disetujui. Sesudah itu, segala perubahan tidak diperkenankan. Judul atau-
pun urutan lagu tidak dapat diubah lagi, peserta yang melakukan perubahan tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya akan didis-
kualifikasi oleh penyelenggara.

10) Urutan penampilan:

Urutan penampilan dalam tiap kategori akan diatur secara acak kecuali untuk keperluan yang bersifat organisasional (con-
tohnya: bagi peserta yang harus tampil lebih dari satu kali)

11) Partitur:
Jumlah partitur lagu yang akan ditampilkan pada saat kompetisi yang harus diserahkan:
Asian Open: 5 rangkap partitur per lagu
Asian Choir Championships: 7 rangkap partitur per lagu
Partitur yang diserahkan harus sesuai dengan standar partitur musik yang telah diakui secara internasional (5 baris paranada).
Partitur yang tidak memiliki judul, nama komposer, dll serta tidak tertulis dalam alphabet latin , diharuskan menyertakan pen-
jelasan dalam alphabet latin (tulisan tangan yang cukup jelas diijinkan). Satu rangkap partitur akan disimpan oleh penye-
lenggara setelah kompetisi. Partitur-partitur itu dapat diambil kembali dari penyelenggara setelah upacara pemberian
penghargaan. Partitur yang tidak diambil kembali tidak akan dikirimkan kembali melalui jasa pos kepada peserta. Untuk kon-
ser persahabatan tidak perlu menyerahkan partitur lagu.
Catatan: Harap diperhatikan bahwa partitur lagu yang telah dipublikasikan hanya boleh dinyanyikan dengan menggunakan
partitur asli atau copy yang telah diautorisasi. Penggunaan copy lagu yang tidak diotorisasi atau copy lagu yang ditulis tan-
gan, tidak diperkenankan.

Announcement · Penjelasan 111


13) Use of Amplification:

In categories 18 – 20 the amplification of voices and instruments is permitted. The technical basic equipment will be provi-
ded by the organiser. Each choir that takes part in such a category has to hand in clear instructions for the stage indicating
the technical requirements of their performance with their application form. If these instructions have not been received, the
organisers will not accept responsibility for the carrying out of such instructions.

The adequate realisation of technically complex requirements (for example the use of headsets or separate
microphones for each singer and so on) cannot be guaranteed.

14) Instruments and Instrumentalists

With the exception of piano, drums and double bass instruments will not be placed at disposal by the organiser.
Each choir has to hand in with its application form the information indicating which instruments (piano, drums,
double bass) are needed for their performance. These instruments are made available only for the performance in the com-
Instrumentalists as well have to be organised by the choirs themselves, the organiser is not responsible for that.

III. Jury and Evaluation

1) General regulations
1) A jury consisting of internationally acknowledged choral experts from all over the world
will evaluate the competition.
2) The decisions of the jury can not be contested.

2) Evaluation in the Asian Open

1) The jury will consist of 5 members.
2) The Asian Open are evaluated according to the MUSICA MUNDI evaluation system.
In this round the performance of every single piece and the overall performance respectively will be evaluated accor-
ding to the following criteria:
a) Intonation
b) Sound quality of the choir
c) Fidelity to the score (in general categories),
Interpretation practice (categories Jazz & Popular Choral Music),
Authenticity (in folklore categories)
d) Overall artistic impression

112 Announcement · Penjelasan

12) Perubahan Nada Dasar:
Jika hendak mengubah nada dasar dari yang tertulis di partitur, hal ini harus diberitahukan oleh peserta secara
tertulis kepada juri sebelum kompetisi.

13) Penggunaan Amplifikasi:

Pada kategori 18-20 penggunaan amplifikasi untuk suara dan iringan diperbolehkan. Perlengkapan teknis dasar akan dis-
ediakan oleh penyelenggara. Setiap paduan suara yang mengikuti kategori ini harus menyerahkan instruksi yang jelas men-
genai tata letak peralatan panggung yang juga mencantumkan kebutuhan teknis yang diperlukan untuk penampilan mereka
bersama dengan formulir pendaftaran. Jika keterangan ini tidak diterima, penyelenggara tidak bertanggung jawab atas ke-
tidaksesuaian tata letak peralatan. Penyelenggara tidak menjamin pengadaan kebutuhan teknis yang kompleks (misalnya
penggunaan headsets atau mikrofon terpisah untuk masing-masing penyanyi, dll)

14) Alat Musik pengiring dan pemain musik (Instruments dan instrumentalists)
Terkecuali piano, alat musik drums dan double bass tidak akan ditempatkan di panggung oleh penyelenggara. Setiap paduan
suara harus menyerahkan informasi mengenai instrument yang dibutuhkan pada saat penampilan (piano, drums, double
bass) bersama dengan formulir pendaftaran. Alat musik ini hanya disediakan bagi yang tampil di kompetisi. Pemain musik
harus disiapkan sendiri oleh paduan suara, panitia tidak bertanggung jawab untuk penyediaan pemain musik.


1) Peraturan Umum
1) Dewan juri terdiri dari para ahli dalam bidang paduan suara dari seluruh dunia yang diakui secara internasional akan
mengevaluasi kompetisi ini.
2) Keputusan dewan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

2) Evaluasi pada Asian Open

1) Dewan juri akan terdiri dari 5 orang.
2) Asian Open akan dievaluasi berdasarkan sistem evaluasi MUSICA MUNDI. Pada babak ini penampilan untuk setiap lagu
dan penampilan secara keseluruhan akan dinilai berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria sebagai berikut:
a) Intonation (Intonasi)
b) Sound quality of the choir (Kualitas suara dari paduan suara)
c) Fidelity to the score (Kesesuaian dengan partitur) (pada kategori umum)
i.Interpretation practice (Intepretasi praktis) (kategori jazz dan musik popular)
ii.Authenticity (Keotentikan) (kategori lagu daerah)
d) Overall artistic impression (impresi artistik secara keseluruhan)

Announcement · Penjelasan 113


3) In categories where the number of pieces is determined the jury will evaluate every single piece according to criteria
a) intonation and c) fidelity to the score or interpretation practice or authenticity and they will evaluate the overall per-
formance according to criteria b) sound quality of the choir and d) overall artistic impression.
4) First the jury will decide whether a choir has qualified for a diploma or not. Choirs receiving no diploma will get a certifi-
cate of participation. Choirs that have qualified for a diploma will be given 1 to 30 points.
5) The final result is made up of the average of all given points or by the average of the intermediate results
respectively. Example of a score sheet:

a) b) c) d)
1 Piece 1 25 22
2 Piece 2 27 26
3 Piece 3 23 25
4 Piece 4 26 24
Intermediate result
Criteria a) and c) = average of 1– 4 25,25 26 24,25 24
Criteria b) and d) = points given for the overall performances
Total score 24,88

In category 21, for which the number of pieces is not determined, the jury will evaluate only the overall performance ac-
cording to the above mentioned criteria.

a) b) c) d)
1 Piece 1
2 Piece 2
3 etc.

21 22 19 20
Total score 20,5

6) In case a choir exceeds the maximum pure singing time of the respective category, their final score
will be reduced.
7) Each choir will receive their scores in written form.

114 Announcement · Penjelasan

3) Pada kategori yang jumlah lagunya sudah ditentukan, juri akan menilai setiap lagu berdasarkan kriteria a) Intonation (In-
tonasi) dan c) Fidelity to the score (Kesesuaian dengan partitur) atau Interpretation practice (Intepretasi praktis) atau Au-
thenticity (Keotentikan), dan para juri akan menilai penampilan keseluruhan berdasarkan kriteria b) Sound quality of the
choir (Kualitas suara dari paduan suara) dan Overall artistic impression (impresi artistik secara keseluruhan).
4) Pertama-tama juri akan memutuskan apakah sebuah paduan suara memenuhi kualifikasi untuk mendapatkan diploma
atau tidak. Paduan suara yang tidak mendapatkan diploma akan mendapat sertifikat keikutsertaan. Paduan suara yang
memenuhi kualifikasi untuk mendapatkan diploma akan diberi nilai antara 1-30.
5) Hasil final didapat dari rata-rata nilai secara keseluruhan atau diambil dari nilai tengah dari nilai-nilai yang diberikan
Contoh lembar penilaian:
a) b) c) d)
1 Lagu 1 25 22
2 Lagu 2 27 26
3 Lagu 3 23 25
4 Lagu 4 26 24
Hasil rata-rata nilai
kriteria a) dan c) = rata-rata nilai dari lagu 1– 4 25,25 26 24,25 24
Kriteria b) and d) = angka diberikan berdasarkan penampilan secara keseluruhan
Nilai Total 24,88

Pada kategori 21, di mana jumlah lagu tidak dibatasi, juri hanya akan menilai penampilan secara keseluruhan berdasar-
kan kriteria yang telah disebutkan di atas.

a) b) c) d)
1 Lagu 1
2 Lagu 2
3 dst

21 22 19 20
Nilai Total 20,5

6) Apabila paduan suara melebihi batas waktu menyanyi yang telah ditentukan pada kategori yang diikuti, maka nilai total
akan dikurangi.
7) Setiap paduan suara akan menerima nilai mereka secara tertulis.

Announcement · Penjelasan 115


3) Evaluation of the Asian Choir Championships

1) The jury will consist of 7 members.
2) The evaluation of the Asian Choir Championships is based on the Choir Olympic evaluation system. In this round, perfor-
mances of every single piece will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
I) Technical Evaluation
a) Intonation
b) Sound quality of the choir
II) Artistic Evaluation
c) Fidelity to the score (in general categories)
Interpretation practice (categories Jazz & Popular Choral Music)
Authenticity (in folklore categories)
d) Overall artistic impression
3) Each juror will give a maximum of 10 points for each single piece according to criteria a) and c) and for the
overall performance according to criteria b) and d) respectively. Using the points given, an intermediate average is deter-
mined for the overall technical evaluation (I) and for the overall artistic evaluation (II). The final score given by each indi-
vidual juror is made up of the total of these intermediate average figures.
4) The final result is made up of the total of all final scores of each of the jurors. The lowest and highest figure will be dis-

a) b) c) d)
1 Piece 1 9 9
2 Piece 2 8 9
3 Piece 3 7 8
4 Piece 4 9 8
Criteria a) and c) = average of 1– 4
8,25 8 8,5 9
Criteria b) and d) = score of the overall performances
Intermediate result of technical and artistic evaluation
8,13 8,75
(Average of column 1. and 2. as well as column 3. and 4.)
Total number of points given by one juror:
(= total of all intermediate results)

The juror gives 16.88 points, which are used for the overall evaluation. In this example, the following results were given
and count as follows:

Juror 1 Juror 2 Juror 3 Juror 4 Juror 5 Juror 6 Juror 7

16,88 17,54 15,34 18,01 16,21 14,01 17,67

The scores of Juror 4 (highest score) and Juror 6 (lowest score) are disregarded. From the remaining scores the total score
will be determined. In this case the choir will be awarded a Gold Medal with a total of 83.64 points.

116 Announcement · Penjelasan

3) Evaluasi pada Asian Choir Championships
1) Dewan juri terdiri dari 7 orang.
2) Sistem penilaian untuk Asian Choir Championship didasarkan pada sistem penilaian Choir Olympic. Pada babak ini, pen-
ampilan dari setiap lagu akan dinilai berdasarkan kriteria berikut:
I) Evaluasi Teknik
a) Intonasi
b) Kualitas suara dari paduan suara
II) Evaluasi Artistik
a) Kesesuaian dengan partitur (pada kategori umum)
Intepretasi praktis (kategori jazz dan musik popular)
Keotentikan (kategori lagu daerah)
b) impresi artistik secara keseluruhan
3) Setiap juri akan memberi maksimal 10 point untuk setiap lagu menurut kriteria a) dan c) dan untuk penampilan secara
keseluruhan berdasarkan pada kriteria b) dan d). Dengan menggunakan poin yang diberikan, ditentukan rata-rata nilai ten-
gah untuk evaluasi teknik secara keseluruhan (I) dan untuk evaluasi artistik keseluruhan (II). Nilai akhir (final score) yang
diberikan oleh masing-masing juri diambil dari total rata-rata nilai tengah ini.
4) Hasil akhir (final result) diambil dari total nilai akhir dari masing-masing juri. Angka terendah dan tertinggi yang diberikan
oleh juri pada nilai akhir akan dianggap tidak ada.

a) b) c) d)
1 Lagu 1 9 9
2 Lagu 2 8 9
3 Lagu 3 7 8
4 Lagu 4 9 8
Kriteria a) dan c) = rata-rata drai nilai lagu 1– 4
8,25 8 8,5 9
Criteria b) dan d) = nilai diberikan berdasarkan penampilan secara keseluruhan
Nilai tengah dari evaluasi teknikal dan artistik
8,13 8,75
(rata-rata dari kolom 1 dan 2, sebagaimana di kolom 3 dan 4)
Total point yang diberikan oleh 1 orang juri
(hasil total dari semua nilai tengah)

Juri tersebut memberikan nilai 16.88, yang akan digunakan untuk evaluasi keseluruhan. Pada contoh ini, hasil akhir yang
diberikan dan dihitung adalah sebagai berikut:

Juri 1 Juri 2 Juri 3 Juri 4 Juri 5 Juri 6 Juri 7

16,88 17,54 15,34 18,01 16,21 14,01 17,67

Nilai dari Juri 4 (nilai tertinggi) dan Juri 6 (nilai terendah) akan dibuang. Dari nilai yang tersisa, nilai akhir akan ditentu-
kan. Pada kasus ini, paduan suara memperoleh Gold Medal dengan total nilai 83,64.

Announcement · Penjelasan 117


In category 21, for which the number of pieces is not determined, the jury will evaluate only the overall performance ac-
cording to the above mentioned criteria.

a) b) c) d)
1 Piece 1
2 Piece 2
3 etc.

Score for the overall performances 6 8 7 6

Intermediate result of technical and artistic evaluation
(Average of column 1. and 2. as well as column 3. and 4.) 7 6,5

Total score given by one juror: (total of all intermediate results) 13,5

5) In case a choir exceeds the maximum pure singing time of the respective category,
their final score will be reduced.
6) Each choir will receive their scores in written form.

4) Evaluation of the Qualification Round

1) The jury will consist of 3 members.
2) The evaluation of the Qualification Round is based on the MUSICA MUNDI evaluation system.
3) The choirs will be given 1 – 10 points for the overall performance.
4) The final result is made up of the average of all given points.
5) Only the final result will be announced officially.
6) Each choir will receive their scores in written form.
7) Qualification: Choirs with a final result between 1 – 5,99 points will perform in the Asian Open
Choirs with a final result between 6 – 10 points will perform in the Asian Choir Championships

118 Announcement · Penjelasan

Pada kategori 21, di mana jumlah lagu tidak dibatasi, juri hanya akan menilai penampilan secara keseluruhan berdasar-
kan kriteria yang disebutkan di atas.

a) b) c) d)
1 Lagu 1
2 Lagu 2
3 dst

Nilai penampilan secara keseluruhan 6 8 7 6

Nilai tengah dari evaluasi teknikal dan artistik
(rata-rata kilom 1 dan 2 serta kolom 3 dan 4) 7 6,5

Total angka yang diberikan oleh 1 orang juri (=total keseluruhan dari nilai tengah) 13,5

5) Jika peserta tampil melebihi waktu dari yang ditetapkan pada kategori yang diikuti, maka nilai akhir akan dikurangi.
6) Setiap paduan suara akan menerima nilai secara tertulis.

4) Evaluasi pada Babak Kualifikasi

1) Dewan juri terdiri dari 3 orang.
2) Babak kualifikasi akan dievaluasi berdasarkan sistem evaluasi MUSICA MUNDI
3) Paduan suara akan diberi nilai 1 – 10 untuk penampilan secara keseluruhan
4) Nilai akhir diambil dari nilai rata-rata dari seluruh nilai yang diberikan
5) Hanya nilai akhir yang akan diumumkan secara resmi.
6) Setiap paduan suara akan menerima nilai mereka dalam bentuk tertulis.
7) Kualifikasi: Paduan suara dengan hasil akhir antara 1 – 5,99 akan tampil di Asian Open
Paduan suara dengan hasil akhir antara 6 – 10 akan tampil di Asian Choir Championships

Announcement · Penjelasan 119

IV Prizes and Awards

1) Asian Open
1.1 Diplomas
Choirs will be awarded Bronze, Silver and Golden Diplomas at levels I – X according to their score:

Diploma Level Points

I 0,5 – 1,49
II 1,5 – 2,49
III 2,5 – 3,49
IV 3,5 – 4,49
V 4,5 – 5,49
Bronze Diploma
VI 5,5 – 6.49
VII 6,5 – 7,49
VIII 7,5 – 8,49
IX 8,5 – 9,49
X 9,5 – 10,49
I 10,5 – 11,49
II 11,5 – 12,49
III 12,5 – 13,49
IV 13,5 – 14,49
V 14,5 – 15,49
Silver Diploma
VI 15,5 – 16,49
VII 16,5 – 17,49
VIII 17,5 – 18,49
IX 18,5 – 19,49
X 19,5 – 20,49
I 20,5 – 21,49
II 21,5 – 22,49
III 22,5 – 23,49
IV 23,5 – 24,49
V 24,5 – 25,49
Golden Diploma
VI 25,5 – 26,49
VII 26,5 – 27,49
VIII 27,5 – 28,49
IX 28,5 – 29,49
X 29,5 – 30,00

1.2 Winner of the Asian Open

Winner of the Asian Open is the choir with the highest score above 20.50 points in each category. In case of equal scores
or if the difference between the scores of two choirs is less than 0.1 point the jury will take a vote on the category win-
ner. If no choir has achieved a score above 20.50 points (Gold I), then there will be no Winner of the Asian Open in that

120 Announcement · Penjelasan


1) Asian Open
1.1 Diplomas
Peserta akan dianugerahi bronze, silver dan golden diploma pada level I-X berdasarkan nilai mereka:

Diploma Level Points

I 0,5 – 1,49
II 1,5 – 2,49
III 2,5 – 3,49
IV 3,5 – 4,49
V 4,5 – 5,49
Bronze Diploma
VI 5,5 – 6.49
VII 6,5 – 7,49
VIII 7,5 – 8,49
IX 8,5 – 9,49
X 9,5 – 10,49
I 10,5 – 11,49
II 11,5 – 12,49
III 12,5 – 13,49
IV 13,5 – 14,49
V 14,5 – 15,49
Silver Diploma
VI 15,5 – 16,49
VII 16,5 – 17,49
VIII 17,5 – 18,49
IX 18,5 – 19,49
X 19,5 – 20,49
I 20,5 – 21,49
II 21,5 – 22,49
III 22,5 – 23,49
IV 23,5 – 24,49
V 24,5 – 25,49
Golden Diploma
VI 25,5 – 26,49
VII 26,5 – 27,49
VIII 27,5 – 28,49
IX 28,5 – 29,49
X 29,5 – 30,00

1.2 Pemenang Asian Open

Kategori pemenang pada Asian Open adalah paduan suara dengan nilai tertinggi diatas 20,50 poin. Jika ada 2 paduan
suara yang memperoleh nilai yang sama, atau dengan perbedaan nilai kurang dari 0,1 poin maka juri akan memilih den-
gan cara mencari suara terbanyak untuk menentukan pemenangnya. Jika tidak ada kelompok yang mendapatkan nilai
di atas 20,50 poin (Emas I) maka tidak ada pemenang dalam kategori tersebut.

Announcement · Penjelasan 121


2) Asian Choir Championships

2.1 Medals
At the Asian Choir Championships choirs will receive medals according to their final scores.

Certificate / Medal Points

Certificate of “Successful Participation in the Asian Choir Championships” 1 – 39.99
Bronze Medal 40 – 59.99
Silver Medal 60 – 79.99
Gold Medal 80 – 100

2.2 Champion of the Asian Choir Games

In each category of the Asian Choir Championships the best choir that has received a Gold Medal will be
awarded the title “Champion of the Asian Choir Games.” The title can be given to only one choir in each
category. In case of equal scores the jury will decide which choir will be the Champion of the Asian Choir Games.

122 Announcement · Penjelasan

2) Asian Choir Championships
2.1 Medali
Pada Asian Choir Championships para peserta akan mendapatkan medali berdasarkan nilai akhir.

Sertificate / Medali poin

Sertifikat “Successful Participation in the Olympic Competition” 1 – 39.99
Medali perunggu 40 – 59.99
Medali perak 60 – 79.99
Medali emas 80 – 100

2.2 Champion of the Asian Choir Games

Dalam setiap kategori pada Asian Choir Games, peserta terbaik yang menerima Medali Emas akan dianugerahi gelar
“Champion of the Asian Choir Games”.
Gelar ini hanya diberikan pada satu paduan suara saja. Jika ada dua peserta mendapat nilai yang sama maka juri yang
akan memutuskan peserta mana yang akan mendapatkan gelar “Champion of the Asian Choir Games”.

Announcement · Penjelasan 123


Qualification Round

Babak Kualifikasi

Category · Kategori 01
Category 01 Children´s Choir
Children‘s Choirs
Indonesisch 01 Indonesisch
Semeru (Competition Hall I)

03 November 2007

1:00 pm

Glorificamus Dei Children Choir

Conductor: Patricia Grace
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Tangerang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Paul Widyawan: Cublak-cublak suweng
2. Paul Widyawan: Diru-diru dina
3. Daud Kosasih: Nyanyikanlah Nyanyian Baru Bagi Tuhan
4. Jay Althouse: A New Alleluia

Nafiri – SD Negeri Kebon

Dukuh Surabaya
Conductor: Jacob Gah & Ria Andarianinga
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Surabaya
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. Banyuwangi: Bang Cilang – Cilung
2. Trad. Madura: Wa‘ Ronjungan
3. A.T. Mahmud: Di Mata Mama ada Bintang
4. Trad. Poland : Zwadivetska

Paduan Suara Anak Surabaya
Conductor: Moses Petta
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Surabaya
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Alan Menken, arr. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Under the Sea
2. Agastya Rama Listya: Pujilah Tuhan dengan Bersorak
3. Mary Linn Lightfoot: Pie Jesu
4. Anthony J.P. arr. Mozes Petta: Hura Popatapo

SD Kristen IPEKA Tomang

Conductor: Dermawan Hia & Monique Natasha
Founded / Dibentuk: 2003/2004
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Dave & Jane Perry: Gloria
2. Lodovico Viadana: Exultate justi
3. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Lift Thine Eyes
4. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Kerabban Sape

Q 133

Yahya Christian School

Children Choir
Conductor: Thimotius Korban
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Bandung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. West Java, arr Thimotius Korban: Bubuy Bulan
2. Roger Emerson, arr. Mervyn Warren: Joyful, Joyful
3. Trad. Spiritual, arr. by Kirby Shaw: Joshua!
4. Bonar Gultom, arr. Thimotius Korban: Arbab

Conductor: Zinaida Kuleshova
Founded / Dibentuk: 1992
City / Kota: Nakhodka, Primorskyi Region
Country / Negara: Russia / Rusia

Programme / Program:
1. Evgenij Krylatov: Prekrasnoe dalyoko
2. Trad. (Russia): U nashej beryozi
3. attributed to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Alphabet
4. Trad. (Russia): Kalinka


Category · Kategori 04

Mixed Youth Choirs

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

03 November 2007


Yahya Christian School Youth Choir

Conductor: Thimotius Korban
Founded / Dibentuk: 2007
City / Kota: Bandung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Christian Izaac Tamaela: Toki Gong Sambil Manari, Haleluya
2. John Rutter: Angels‘ Carol
3. N. Simanungkalit: Surat-surat Paulus
4. Negro Spiritual, arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker: Deep River

Lyceum of the Philippines

University Chorale
Conductor: Nicanor Infante
Founded / Dibentuk: 1998
City / Kota: Manila
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Tagalog), arr. Fidel Calalang Jr.: Magtanim ay di biro
2. Alberto Grau: Kasar mie la Gaji
3. Alejandro Consolación: Alleluia
4. Clement Janequin: Le Chant des Oyseaux

Voices in Harmony
Conductor: Ruwani Seimon
Founded / Dibentuk: 1996
City / Kota: Nugegoda
Country / Negara: Sri Lanka / Srilanka

Programme / Program:
1. Dilup Gabadamudalige: Enna apey peththay
2. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Ed Lojeski: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
3. Ruwani Seimon: Say, Please, Say
4. Irving Gordon, arr. Paul Langford: Unforgettable

Q 139

Category · Kategori 07

Mixed Choirs
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


Kuala Lumpur Sai

Baba Chinese Choir
Conductor: Kim Boon See & Stanley Cheong Heen Lup
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Kuala Lumpur
Country / Negara: Malaysia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Chinese), arr. Stanley Cheong: Fo Fa Sheng
2. J.S.Bach, arr. Bennet Williams: Bourée for Bach
3. Huang Chen Wen, arr. Stanley Cheong: Hong Dou Xiang Si
4. Besig Besig: Flying Free


Category · Kategori 11

Male Vocal Ensembles

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

03 November 2007


The Revelations
Conductor: Sanjeev Jayaratnam
Founded / Dibentuk: 1994
City / Kota: Nawala
Country / Negara: Sri Lanka / Srilanka

Programme / Program:
1. Piyal Perera, arr. Sanjeev Jayaratnam:
Venwela giyath (Even if parted)
2. George H. Jones: Hymn to Zeus
3. Paul Simon, arr. Deke Sharon: Still Crazy After All These Years
4. Gene Pitney, arr. David Wright: Hello Mary Lou


Category · Kategori 15

Musica Sacra
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


Harmoni Antarea Choir

Conductor: Michiel Karatem & Anna Sembiring
Founded / Dibentuk: 1998
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Joseph Haydn: Tantum ergo
2. Randall Thompson: Alleluia
3. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Psalm 43 : Richte mich, Gott
4. Michiel Karatem: Kyrie Eleison-Gloria

Paduan Suara Kidung Kasih

Conductor: Godlief Soumokil & Agung Matulapelwa
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Bekasi
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Henry Purcell: Thou Knowest, Lord
2. Anton Bruckner: Locus iste
3. John Rutter: O, Clap Your Hands
4. Godlief Soumokil: Yesus Kristus Sumber Perdamaian

Lyceum of the Philippines
University Chorale
Conductor: Nicanor Infante
Founded / Dibentuk: 1998
City / Kota: Manila
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Claudio Monteverdi: Cantate Domino
2. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt
3. Trond Kverno: Ave maris stella
4. Ryan Cayabyab: Gloria

The Revelations
Conductor: Sanjeev Jayaratnam
Founded / Dibentuk: 1994
City / Kota: Nawala
Country / Negara: Sri Lanka / Srilanka

Programme / Program:
1. René Clausen, arr. Robert Scholz: All That Has Life & Breath
2. Franz Biebl: Ave Maria
3. Franz Schubert: Salve Regina
4. Peter Cornelius: Reqiuem aeternam

Q 151

Category · Kategori 16

Musica of the Religions

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


Kuala Lumpur Sai Baba

Chinese Choir
Conductor: Kim Boon See & Stanley Cheong Heen Lup
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Kuala Lumpur
Country / Negara: Malaysia
Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Chinese), arr. Cheong Stanley:
Bai Yun Qing Qing De Piao
2. Trad. (Chinese), arr. Cheong Stanley:
Wo Suo Xiang Wang De Shi Ni De Ai
3. Dato‘ J. Jagadeesan: arr. Cheong Stanley: I Will Love You
4. Trad. (Chinese), arr. Cheong Stanley:
Sai Gei Wo Men De Xi Yue


Category · Kategori 19

Gospel & Spiritual

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

07 November 2007


The Revelations
Conductor: Sanjeev Jayaratnam
Founded / Dibentuk: 1994
City / Kota: Nawala
Country / Negara: Sri Lanka / Srilanka

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Mark Hayes:
He‘s Got the Whole World in His Hands
2. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Kirby Shaw: Wade in the Water
3. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Sanjeev Jayaratnam: Steal Away
4. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. André J. Thomas: Swing Down, Chariot


Category · Kategori 20

Popular Choir Music

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

07 November 2007


Conductor: Augustinus Bambang Jusana & Sandy Julianton
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Melly Goeslaw Indah
2. Consuelo Velazquez / Kirby Shaw: Besame mucho
3. Sally Pigawahi: 50 Thanun Lagi
4. Guruh Soekarno Putra, arr. Arif SK Mahadaya Cinta

Sonus Juventus
Conductor: Gomi Lao
Founded / Dibentuk: 1992
City / Kota: Baguio City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Ryan Cayabyab: Liman dipang tao
2. James Horner/Will Jenings: My Heart Will Go On
3. Vehnee Saturno, arr. Arnold E. Zamora:
Minsan lang kitang iibigin
4. Improvisation on Madonna: Crazy for You

President University
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:

Q 163

Category · Kategori 21

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

03 November 2007


PS Mahasiswa Universitas
Gajah Mada
Conductor: Antonius Yudi Novianto
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Yogyakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Singgih Sanjaya: Nyanyian negriku

PSM Universitas Hasanuddin

Conductor: Anshari Sanusi
Founded / Dibentuk: 1998
City / Kota: Makassar
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Doni Patteiselano: Dongang-Dongang
2. Doni Patteiselano: Mappadendang
3. Y.K.Parantean arr. Herman Simeala: To Mepare

Swara Jogja Choir
Conductor: Setyo Watjono
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Yogyakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Ki Nartoosabdo : Lesung Jumengglung
2. Made Taro: Meplalian
3. C. Harjasoebrata: Montor-Montor Cilik

Lyceum of the Philippines

University Chorale
Conductor: Nicanor Infante
Founded / Dibentuk: 1998
City / Kota: Manila
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Ruben Federizon: Tinig Ng Lupa
2. Francisco F. Feliciano: Pok Pok Alimpako
3. Trad. (Philippines), arr. Fabian Obispo: Chua-ay

Q 167

Voices in Harmony
Conductor: Ruwani Seimon
Founded / Dibentuk: 1996
City / Kota: Nugegoda
Country / Negara: Sri Lanka / Srilanka

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Sri Lanka): Dhanno bugunge
2. Trad. (Sri Lanka): Sanda wata run tharu
3. Trad. (Sri Lanka): Mee amba vanaye
4. Trad. (Sri Lanka): Na na na na na na!


Asian Open

Category · Kategori 01

Children‘s Choirs
Semeru (Competition Hall I)

03 November 2007


Puspasari Choir
(SDN Pacar Kembang 3 Surabaya)
Conductor: Theis Watopa
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Surabaya
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. M. Iswanhari: Sinten Numpak Sepur
2. Titik Puspa, arr. Paul Widyawan: Pantang Mundur
3. Trad. (American), arr. Kavin Riehle: Shenandoah
4. Trad. (Biak), arr. A. Samori: Ruri Seranden

Swarna Gita PSKD Choir

Conductor: Welfrietz Goeltom & Adelina Situmeang
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Depok
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Emily Crocker: Shenandoah
2. Kirby Shaw: Besame Mucho
3. Arr. Welfrietz Goeltom: Naik Delman
4. Formen Goeltom: Sigulepong


Category · Kategori 02

Youth Choirs of Equal Voices

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

03 November 2007


Spensix Choir
(PS SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya)
Conductor: Theis Watopa & Julia Adema Riana Purba
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Surabaya
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Dodi & Yovi Kahitna: Lajangan
2. Arr. Nordian / Andong Trad. (Banyuwangi): Eluk Eluk Lumbu
3. Arr. Stephen Hatfield Trad. (Mexico): Las Amarillas
4. Arr. Theis Watopa : Rujak Uleg

Namchun Cheon Girls‘ Middle

School Trinity Choir
Conductor: Kyung-Hee Lee
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Seoul
Country / Negara: South Korea

Programme / Program:
1. Woon-Young Na: The Lord is my Shepherd
2. Jung-Sun Park: Dal-a Dal-a (Moon song)
3. Lajos Bárdos: Cantemus!
4. Ji-Hoon Park: Dorisi Gok (a Chinese bellflower)


Category · Kategori 04

Mixed Youth Choirs

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

03 November 2007



Conductor: Mija Ruma Klara & T. C. Sumaryati
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Yogyakarta), arr. Mourdiana:
Padang Mbulan Ndawah Jaranan
2. Trad. (Betawi), arr. Joy T. Niw: Ondel-ondel
3. Trad. (Zulu), arr. Stephen Harfield: Jabula Jesu
4. Trad. (Batak), arr. Ronald Pohan: Sin Sin Sibatumanikam

Sekolah Global Jaya

Choral Ensemble
Conductor: Ria Sinuraya & Ray Jeffryn
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Ria Sinuraya: Tak Tong Tong
2. Melly Goeslaw, arr. Ria Sinuraya: My Heart
3. Joyce Eilers: Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
4. Irving Berlin, arr. Philip Kern: I Love a Piano

Polytechnic University of the
Philippines Chorale
Conductor: Roderick C. Capobres & Jonathan Jarin
Founded / Dibentuk: 2007
City / Kota: Manila
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Lucio San Pedro: Magsiawit Kayo Sa Panginoon
2. Oscar Escalada: Follow the Sun
3. Ryan Cayabyab: Buligi
4. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Moses Hogan: Battle of Jericho

OICT Chorale
Conductor: Janice Javier-Llemos & Roland M. Fronda
Founded / Dibentuk: 2007
City / Kota: Olongapo City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Fabian Obispo: Mamayog Akun
2. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Bob Burroughs: Everytime I Feel the Spirit
3. Verne dela Pena: Isang matandang panalangin
4. Alessandro Scarlatti: Exultate Deo

AO 183

The Southridge Boys‘ Choir

Conductor: Sebastian L. Trinidad
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Muntinimpa City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. James Swu: Haleluya
2. Alejandro Consolación: Pange Lingua
3. Arr. Kiry Shaw: Plenty of Room
4. Lucio San Pedro: Vocalise


Category · Kategori 05

Mixed Vocal Ensembles

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

03 November 2007


Coro de Sta. Cecilia

Conductor: Christopher Borela
Founded / Dibentuk: 1996
City / Kota: Quezon City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Santiago Suaréz: Katakataka
2. Oscar Escalada: Tangueando
3. Ryan Cayabyab: Gloria
4. Thomas Morley: Hard by a Crystal Fountain


Category · Kategori 06

Mixed Chamber Choirs

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


Muar Chong Hwa Old

Student Association Choir
Conductor: Lim Bee Ping
Founded / Dibentuk: 1998
City / Kota: Johor Bahru
Country / Negara: Malaysia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Malaysia): Tanah Pusaka
2. Trad. (China), arr. Cai Yi Wen: Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai
3. Nelson Kwei: Bai Fang Chun Tian (Visiting spring)
4. Sally K. Albrecht / Jay Althouse: Just a Single Voice

Cebu Chamber Singers

Conductor: Dennis Gregory Sugarol
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Cebu
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Eudenice Palaruan: Gapas
2. Anton Bruckner: Os justi
3. James Swu: Haleluya!
4. Roy Delarmente: Ilay Gandangan

Xavier University Glee Club
Conductor: Faustino Tarongoy Jr & Catalina Gaite
Founded / Dibentuk: 1975
City / Kota: Cagayan de Oro City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Ralph Hoffmann: Kyrie
2. Randall Z. Stroope: Amor de mi alma
3. Nilo Belarmino Alcala II: Kaisa-isa Niyan
4. Ralph Hoffmann: Tigmo sa dagat

AO 193

Category · Kategori 10

Female Choirs
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


Paduan Suara Simfoni Kasih

Conductor: Utami Kartiko & Juul Tomasoa
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Michiel Karatem: Gempa dan Gelombang Tsunami
2. Simon / Garfunkel: Bridge Over Trouble Water
3. Godlief Soumokil: Hatiku Kini Berkata
4. Trad. (Betawi), arr. Godlief Soumokil: Sirih Kuning


Category · Kategori 13

Male Choirs
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


Imanuel Wanea Male Choir

Conductor: Hermant Ika Sinapa & Denny Lumendek
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Roland Pohan: Haleluya! Pujilah Tuhan
2. Roland Pohan: Kulayangkan Mataku ke Gunung-Gunung
3. Thomas Tallis: If Ye Love Me
4. Trad. Spiritual arr. William L.Dawson: Soon Ah Will Be Done


Category · Kategori 15

Musica Sacra
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


PS Agape
(SMA Negeri 1 Balikpapan)
Conductor: Jantje Roring
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Balikpapan
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Jerry Silangit: Marilah Kita Muliakan
2. Jerry Silangit: Bermazumurlah Bagi Tuhan
3. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Richte mich, Gott
4. Heinrich Schütz: Psalm 100

LPPD Manokwari Papua Barat

Conductor: Eddy Imbiri & Rishard Alfons
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manaokwari
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Ave verum corpus
2. Anton Bruckner: Locus iste
3. Ronald Pohan: Alleluya Puji Tuhan
4. Ronald Pohan: Aku Melayangkan Mataku ke Gunung-gunung

Coro de Sta. Cecilia
Conductor: Christopher Borela
Founded / Dibentuk: 1996
City / Kota: Quezon City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Johann Sebastian Bach: Sicut locutus est
2. Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger: Abendlied
3. John Rutter: Et misericordia
4. Javier Busto: O magnum mysterium

Paduan Suara Immanuel

Universitas Methodist Indonesia
Conductor: Halomoan Tampubolon
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Medan
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Sicut cervus
2. Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria
3. Rene Clausen: Set Me as a Seal
4. Piotr I. Tchaikovsky: O Praise the Lord

AO 205

Paduan Suara Sanggar

Seni Maliuntinuvu Palu
Conductor: Maurits Kamudi
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Palu
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. William Byrd: Sing Joyfully
2. Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger: Abendlied
3. Christian Tamela: Toki Gong
4. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Moses Hogan: Elijah Rock

Sanctus Flux Choir

Conductor: Fernando Jomini Udampoh & Florencia Lalimbat
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Daud Kosasih: Haleluyah Puji Tuhan
2. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Above All Praise and Majesty
3. Hans Leo Hassler: Cantate Domino
4. Gustav Holst: Nunc dimittis


Category · Kategori 16

Music of the Religions

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

07 November 2007


Little Candles Choir

Conductor: Roberto Sahertian & Helen Jaquline
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Wolyar Kauntu: This Woderful Day
2. John Rutter: A Clare Benediction
3. Nurdin Nainggolan: Nyanyikanlah Nyanyian Baru bagi Tuhah
4. Hay Malaotte, arr. Kenneth Dewning:
The Lord‘s Prayer, Our Father

Gita Serafim Choir

Conductor: Yanti Pattiwael & Fransheina Wihelmina Tuyu
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Tanggerang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Martin G. Schneider, arr. Godlife Soumokil: Gereja Bagai Bahtera
2. Rudolf R. Pantou, arr. Godlife Soumokil: Lirih Terdengar
3. Godlife Soumokil: Bukan karena upahmu
4. Godlife, arr. Godlife Soumokil: Yesus Kristus sumber perdamaian


Category · Kategori 19

Gospel & Spiritual

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

07 November 2007


Citra Cemara Choir Bandung

Conductor: Nathanael Ahimsa
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Bandung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Jester Hairston: Amen
2. Arr. Hall Johnson: Ain‘t Got Time to Die
3. Arr. André J. Thomas: Keep Your Lamps!
4. Arr. Moses Hogan: Great Day

Sanctus Flux Choir

Conductor: Fernando Jomini Udampoh & Florencia Lalimbat
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Jack Halloran: Witness
2. Arr. Moses Hogan:
My Soul‘s Been Anchored in the Lord
3. Arr. Moses Hogan: The Battle of Jericho
4. Arr. Moses Hogan: Elijah Rock

Cebu Chamber Singers
Conductor: Dennis Gregory Sugarol
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Cebu
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan: Battle of Jericho
2. Arr. Paul Hart: Deep River
3. Arr. Bob Chilcott: Ev‘ry Time I Feel the Spirit
4. Ryan Cayabyab: Our Father

AO 215

Category · Kategori 20

Popular Choir Music

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

07 November 2007


Auscultate Medici
Conductor: Revy Anandita & Tommy Nugraha K.
Founded / Dibentuk: 1998
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Elton John, arr. Mac Huff: Circle of Life
2. John Rutter: The Music Always There With You
3. Andrew Lloyd Webber: Amigos Para Siempre (Friend For Live)
4. Elton John: Can You Feel the Love Tonight

The Young K.L. Singers

Conductor: Tracy Wong Wei Wen
Founded / Dibentuk: 2002
City / Kota: Kuala Lumpur
Country / Negara: Malaysia

Programme / Program:
1. Lin Yu Zhong, arr. Ng Shyh Poh: Melody
2. Man Bai, arr. Ng Shyh Poh: Kau ilhamku
3. Hassan / Nawawi, arr. Tracy Wong: Sinaran
4. Michael Verapan, arr. Wong Shuen Da:
One Thousand Million Smiles


Category · Kategori 21

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

04 November 2007


Conductor: Asnam Rasyid & Rivo Ayudi Kurnia
Founded / Dibentuk: 1995
City / Kota: Padang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Muskan Syarief, arr. Asnam Rasyid: Ginyang Mak Taci (Medley)
2. Ardoni Yonas arr. Asnam Rasyid: Pacu Kudo

Gema Chandra Cendrawasih

University Choir
Conductor: Ronald Samay & Jerry Dimara
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Papua
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Yohanes Yewum: Woj ngguk kom

Madania Choir
Conductor: Eri Susandri & Yuli Priyanto
Founded / Dibentuk: 2002
City / Kota: Bogor
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Syamsu R. Ikhwan: Lir Ilir
2. Arr. Eri Susandari: Soleram
3. Arr. Eri Susandari: Keroncong Kemayoran

Swara Darmagita Choir

Conductor: Mahdari Nur & Ida Bagus Putu Yogi
Founded / Dibentuk: 1989
City / Kota: Depok
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Indonesia), arr. A Bambang Jusana: Yamko Rambe
2. Trad. (Indonesia), arr. Yossie Abdullah: Tarek Pukat

AO 223

Conductor: Donny Soemarsaid
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. Betawi, arr. Widya Kristianti: Jali-Jali
2. Trad. Batak, arr. L. Sugiarto: Sigulempong
3. Trad. Jawa Barat, arr. Sambas Mangundikarta: Manuk dadali

Vajra Gita Nusantara

Conductor: Paulus H. Yoedianto
Founded / Dibentuk: 1992
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Abdul Ajib: Warung Pojok
2. Trad. Indonesia, arr. Beny Cobra: Bubuy Bulan
3. Arr. Sambas Mangundikarta: Manuk Dadali

Yin He Choir Surabaya
Conductor: Sophia Lestiawati
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Surabaya
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Sophia Lestiawati & Luke Lestiono: Tanduk Majeng
2. Arr. Sophia Lestiawati & Luke Lestiono: Pajer laguh

Muar Viva Chorus Society Choir

Conductor: Siew Chong Soon & Keng Soon Chew
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Muar Johor
Country / Negara: Malaysia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (An-hui), arr. Cheng Yi: Feng-yang Song
2. Trad. (Gui-zhou), arr. Yang Hongnian: Du Shu Lang
3. Trad. (Baram), arr. Chong Pek Lin: Lane
4. Trad. (Malaysia): Geylang Si-Paku Geylang

AO 225

The Southridge Boys‘ Choir

Conductor: Sebastian L. Trinidad
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Muntinimpa City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Philippines), arr. Abrio Lino: Kayo mungay daun
2. Trad. (Ilocano), arr. Lucio San Pedro: Pamulinawen
3. Arr. Eudy Palaruan: Linggisan
4. Antonio Regalario: Bagbagto

Isen Mulang II Choir

Conductor: Ari Cahyani, Emanasi Trikora
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Kalimantan Tengah
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Gere Massal: Oh Ading Koh


Asian Choir

Category · Kategori 01

Children‘s Choirs
Semeru (Competition Hall I)

04 November 2007


Adventist Junior Chorale

Conductor: Bremen Simson Pangaribuan
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Ronald Pohan: Menyongsong Hidup Baru
2. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Lift Thine Eyes
3. Lodovico Viadana: Exultate justi
4. Arr. Philip Kern : Anything Goes

Allegra Children Choir

Conductor: Yohana Peni & Jodi Yulianto
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Bandung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Stephen Paulus: Sing Creations Music On
2. Ernani Aguiar: Salmo 150
3. Wayland Rogers: The Truly Great
4. Ivan Yohan: Pentatonic Halelujah

Angel‘s Voice
Conductor: Max Jacob Bolla & Hijayas U. Mode
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Kupang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. David larson, arr. Ro Ogura: Hotaru Koi
2. Samuel Barber: To be Sung on the Water
3. Veljo Tormis: Kadrilaulud
4. Max J. Bolla: Nina Noi

Diani Choir
Conductor: Diani Sitompul & Juanita Pakpahan
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Victor Nadapdap: Kami Anak-anak Indonesia
2. Jerry Silangit: Bermazmurlah Bagi Tuhan
3. Richard Rogers: Gaudeamus Domino
4. Trad. Indonesia, arr. Diani Sitompul: Keroncong Kemayoran

AC 233

Elfa Music School (EMS)

Children Chorus
Conductor: Paulus Henky Yoedianto
Founded / Dibentuk: 2000
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Giuseppe Verdi: Hymn to the Virgin
2. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Javanese Medley
3. Arr. Ro Ogura: Hotaru Koi (Ho Fire Fly)
4. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Sundanese medley

Gema Sangkakala Children Choir

Conductor: Steven Reynold Mait & Stenly Lumendek
Founded / Dibentuk: 1987
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. Spiritual arr. Steven Griffin: Little Lamb
2. Giuseppe Verdi: Hymn to the Virgin
3. Melly Goeslaw arr. Stevano Samuel Ape: Bunda
4. Pekka Kostiainen: Jaakobin pojat

Hati Suci Children Choir
Conductor: Paulus Wangga & Rio Argi
Founded / Dibentuk: 1994
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Giuseppe Verdi: Laudi alla Vergine Maria
2. Franz Schubert: Psalm 23 – Gott ist mein Hirte
3. George Oldroyd: Spring, The Sweet Spring
4. Arr. Tarida Hutauruk: Dirimu Satu

Musafir Children Choir Manado

Conductor: Terry Tambun
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Christi Cary Miller: My Name is Music
2. Trad. Manahasa arr. Hendrik Apelia: Sumikolah
3. Ibu Sud, arr. Hendrik Apelia : Tanah Airku
4. Trad. Sangihe arr. Hendrik Apelia: Dala Tampa

AC 235

Nineteen Choir
Conductor: Boy Natanael Naffi
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Samuel Barber: To Be Sung on the Water
2. Arr. Moses Hogan Trad. (Spiritual): Music Down in My Soul
3. John Rutter: My True Love Hath My Heart
4. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Yamko Rambe Yamko

Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota:
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:

Schola Cantorum Riau
Kompleks PT RAPP
Conductor: Jhonny Steven Tanjung
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Pekanbaru – Riau
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. John Rutter: Angel‘s Choral
2. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Elijah - Lift Thine Eyes
3. John Rutter: For the Beauty of the Earth
4. Michiel Karatem: Setelah Allah Menciptakan

SMP Santa Laurensia

Conductor: Cornelius Selo Atmanto
Founded / Dibentuk: 2002
City / Kota: Tangerang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Thomas Weelkes: Four Hands, Two Necks, One Wreathing
2. Pedro Vilarroig: Campañas de Madrid
3. Gabriel Fauré: Maria, mater gratiae
4. Arr. Cornelius Selo Atmanto: Dayuang Palinggam

AC 237

Uccellini Children Choir

Conductor: Yoseph Anto & Jessica Amanda Lunel
Founded / Dibentuk: 1996
City / Kota: Bandung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Thomas Weelkes: The Nightingale
2. Benjamin Britten: A Ceremony of Carols - Deo Gracias
3. Ignatius Bambang Sugiharto: Terimalah Mimpi Kami
4. Arr. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Keraban Sape

Vocalista Angels Klaten

Conductor: Yason Christy Pranowo
Founded / Dibentuk: 1997
City / Kota: Klaten
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Poedji Soesila Harojasoebrata: Montor-montor Cilik
2. Carl Bohm: Stille wie die Nacht (Calm is the night)
3. Oscar Escalada: Mudanzas
4. Dani Mamegah: Ratu Sejagad

Y2K Choir
Conductor: Agus Kurnia Wibowo & Wahono Pudjo Priyono
Founded / Dibentuk: 2000
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. Indonesia (Madura): Karaban Sape
2. Richard Hammerstein, arr. Rihard Rogers: Climb Every Mountain
3. Trad. Indonesia (Javanese): Jaranan
4. R. Soetedjo: Selayang Pandang

Mandaue School for

the Arts Children‘s Choir
Conductor: Dennis Gregory Sugarol
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Mandaue City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. James Swu: Ampeu shelo
2. Alejandro Consolación: Pater Noster
3. Joy Nilo: Kaisa-isa niyan
4. Lee R. Kesselman: Akakomborerwa

AC 239

Category · Kategori 02

Youth Choirs of Equal Voices

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

05 November 2007


Angel Voice
Conductor: Ambar Bawono Wisnubroto & Linda Silalahi
Founded / Dibentuk: 1999
City / Kota: Riau
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. John Rutter: God Be in My Head
2. Jacobus Gallus: Benedictus
3. Michael Este: How Merrily We Live
4. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Keraban Sape


Category · Kategori 04

Mixed Youth Choirs

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

05 November 2007


Benedictio Chorale
Conductor: Vecky Batas
Founded / Dibentuk: 2001
City / Kota: Malalayang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Christian Tamaela: Toki Gong
2. Craig Courtney: Sanctus
3. Rene Clausen: A Jubilant Song
4. Arr. Warren Martin: Great Day

Calvary Singers
Conductor: Michael Dumais & Sonny Loho
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. Spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan: The Battle of Jericho
2. Geonyong Lee: Sanctus
3. Anton Bruckner: Locus Iste
4. Daud Kosasih: Mari Muliakan Nama Tuhan

Elfa Music School (EMS)
Conductor: Paulus Henky Yoedianto
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Paris Barantai
2. Thomas Weelkes: Nightinggale, the Organ of Delight
3. Thomas Morley: Sing We and Chant It
4. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Batak Medley

Gema Sangkakala Youth Choir

Conductor: Ivan Larry Besouw
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Hyo-Won Woo: Gloria
2. György Orbán: Daemon Irrepit Calidus
3. Daud Kosasih: Setiap Pagi Rahmat - Mu Baru dan Segar
4. Ying Hong Nien, arr. Ling-Tam Jing: Magnificent Horses

AC 247

Sola Gratia SMA Negeri 1 – Medan

Conductor: Huger Saragih & Leo Semanjuntak
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Medan
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. G. Pierluigi da Palestrina: Sicut cervus
2. Sergei Rachmaninov: Bogorodhitse Devo, raduisya
3. Ronald Pohan: Lentera Kehidupan
4. Brent Pierce: Hosanna in excelsis


Conductor: Jan Rohtuahson Sinaga
Founded / Dibentuk: 1993
City / Kota: Medan
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Vytautas Miškinis: Kyrie
2. Eric Whitacre: Lux aurumque
3. Daud Kosasih: Rindu Kepada Kediaman Allah
4. Rodolfo Delarmente: Dum belle

Syaloom Karombasan Youth
(SKY) Choir
Conductor: Swingly Wicliff Sondak
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota:
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Adriano Banchieri: Contrappunto bestiale alla mente
2. Earlene Rentz: Alleluia Fanfare
3. Anthony Leach: Walk Together Children
4. Arr. Alexander Parengkuan: Si Patoka‘an

AC 249

Category · Kategori 05

Mixed Vocal Ensembles

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

05 November 2007


The Himig Singers

Conductor: Aldwin Curambao & Alvin E. Aviola
Founded / Dibentuk: 1988
City / Kota: Davao City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Fabian Obispo: Chua-ay
2. Claudio Monteverdi: Che, se tu sé il cor mio
3. Joel Navarro: The Lord is my Shepherd
4. Francisco F. Feliciano: Pok Pok Alimpako


Category · Kategori 06

Mixed Chamber Choirs

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

09 November 2007


GPDI Mixed Chamber Choir

Conductor: Alexander Parengkuan
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Geenyong Lee: Sanctus
2. Trad. (American), arr. James Erb: Shenandoah
3. Arr. Alexander Parengkuan: Si Patokaan
4. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Moses Hogan: My Soul‘s been
Anchored in the Lord

Jinggaswara ITENAS
Conductor: Vina Lusiani
Founded / Dibentuk: 1987
City / Kota: Bandung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Ivan Yohan: Take O Take Those Lips Away
2. György Orbán: O, Mistress Mine!
3. Vytautas Miskinis: 5 „When I…“ – When I Give...
4. Javier Busto: Pater noster

Manado State
University Choir (MSUC)
Conductor: Swingly Sondak & Stevine Tamahiwu
Founded / Dibentuk: 2002
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Gai Bintang
2. György Orbán: Daemon irrepit callidus
3. Arr. Moses Hogan, Trad.:
My Soul‘s Been Anchored in the Lord
4. Woo Hyo Won: Gloria

AC 257

Mazmur Chorale Kupang

Conductor: Jimmy Mourits Ronald Sine
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Kupang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Moses Hogan: Elijah Rock
2. Rene Clausen: A Jubilant Song
3. Arr. Ronny Loppies: Jangan Undur-ee
4. Arr. Apolinaris Tukan: Biarlah Yang Bernafas Memuji Tuhan

Paduan Suara Pouk Riau

Kompleks PT RAPP
Conductor: Tony Hasudungan Siagian
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Pekanbaru - Riau
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trads. Melaya arr. Ronald Pohan: Rentak 106
2. Jacet de Mantua: Alleluia Surrexit Dominus
3. Anton Bruckner: Locus iste
4. John Rutter: For the Beauty of the Earth

The Voices Bangkok
Conductor: Kittiporn Tantrarungroj
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Bangkok
Country / Negara: Thailand

Programme / Program:
1. Inchai Srisuwan: Phra Meet Taa (Full of Grace)
2. Javier Busto: O magnum mysterium
3. György Orbán: Mundi renovatio
4. Arwin Tan: Bal-Laygi

AC 259

Category · Kategori 07

Mixed Choirs
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

09 November 2007


Minsel Choir
Conductor: Denny Pogalin & Verna Kasenda
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Minahasa Selatan
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Ernani Aguiar: Salmo 150
2. Daud Kosasih: Mari Muliakan Nama Tuhan
3. Gustav Holst: Nunc dimittis
4. Trad. Spiritual, arr. William L. Dawson: Ain‘t a That Good News


VOX Angelorum Choir

Conductor: Henry E.P. Soetjipto
Founded / Dibentuk: 1997
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Daud Kosasih: Bejana Hidup
2. Selga Mence: Ik r¯tiņu s¯kas rikšas
3. Daud Kosasih: Haleluya Puji Tuhan
4. Rihards Dubra: Gloria Patri

Dithyrambic Singers
Conductor: Ian Lim Kean Seng
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Kuala Lumpur
Country / Negara: Malaysia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Malaysia), arr. Juliette Lai: Suriram
2. Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria
3. Samuel Barber: Anthony O Daly
4. Arwin Tan: Bal Laygi

AC 263

Category · Kategori 12

Male Chamber Choirs

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

09 November 2007


Yerusalem Male Choir

Conductor: Dikson Bawengket & Heskiel Manutty
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Amerika), arr. Rolf Lukowsky: Shenandoah
2. Daud Kosasih: Haleluya! Puji Tuhan
3. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. William L. Dawson: Soon Ah Will Be done
4. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Moses Hogan: Evry time I feel the spirit


Category · Kategori 13

Male Choirs
Semeru (Competition Hall I)

09 November 2007


Bethabara Male Choir (BMC)

Conductor: David Sahuburua & Dominggus Sahuburua
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Ambon
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Jesu dulcis memoria
2. Ronald Pohan: Mazmur 121
3. Arr. William L. Dawson: Soon ah Will be Done
4. Trad. (Spiritual): Nobody Knows

GMIM Lahai-Roi Manado

Male Choir
Conductor: Samuel Poeloe & Dalita Ayub
Founded / Dibentuk: 1997
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (America), arr. Rolf Lukowsky: Shenandoah
2. Daud Kosasih: Aku Hendak Memuliakan Tuhan
3. Franz Schubert: Die Nacht
4. Hans Leo Hassler: Cantate Domino


Category · Kategori 14

Large Male Choirs

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

09 November 2007


Getsemani Sakobar Male Choir

Conductor: Perry Rumengan & Peter Tungka
Founded / Dibentuk: 1989
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Thomas Tallis: If Ye Love Me
2. Perry Rumengan: Iman Pengembara
3. Arr. William L. Dawson: Soon-Ah Will Be Done
4. Perry Rumengan: Gloria

North Sulawesi GMIM

Male Choir
Conductor: James Pulus & Malchi Sikape
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Pontas Purba: Tuhan Berapa Lama Lagi
2. Hans Leo Hassler: Cantate Domino
3. Arr. Hans Weiß-Steinberg, Trad. (Spiritual): Wade in the Water
4. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. W. L. Dawson: Soon All Will be Done


Category · Kategori 15

Musica Sacra
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

08 November 2007


Gita Inspirasi Tomohon

Conductor: Alvin Damar
Founded / Dibentuk: 2003
City / Kota: Tomohon
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Thomas Tallis: If Ye Love Me
2. Anton Bruckner: Locus Iste
3. A. Simanjuntak: Mazmur 51
4. Randall Thompson: Good Tidings to the Meek

Manado State University

Choir (MSUC)
Conductor: Swingly Sondak & Stevine Tamahiwu
Founded / Dibentuk: 2002
City / Kota: Tondano
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan, Trad. (Spiritual): Elijah Rock
2. Tomas Luis de Victoria: O Magnum Mysterium
3. Pau Casals: O Vos Omnes
4. Lee Geon Yong: Sanctus

Paduan Suara El-Shaddai USU
Conductor: Rudolf Nababan & Horas Simangunsong
Founded / Dibentuk: 1996
City / Kota: Medan
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Tu es Petrus
2. Charles V. Stanford: Beati quorum via
3. Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria
4. Daud Kosasih: Halleluya, puji Tuhan

Paduan Suara POUK Riau

Kompleks PT RAPP
Conductor: Tony Hasudungan Siagian
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Pekanbaru – Riau
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. John Rutter: God Be in My Hand
2. Jacobus Gallus: Omnes de saba venient
3. Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger: Abendlied
4. Thomas Attwood: O God, Who by the Leading of a Star

AC 279

Romamti – Ezer Motet

Conductor: Alfiano A. Silahoy
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Tomohon
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Alejandro Consolación: Alleluia
2. William Byrd: Ave verum corpus
3. Anton Bruckner: Os justi
4. Johannes Brahms: Grand Onto Me the Joy of Thy Salvation

Univoiced Choir
Conductor: Joudy DJ. Aray & Fanny Kalensang
Founded / Dibentuk: 2007
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Sicut cervus desiderat
2. Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria
3. Ernani Aguiar: Salmo 150
4. Javier Busto: Laudate pueri

Voice of Soul Choir
Conductor: Frans Selvus Kawuwung & Yuvi Karauwan
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Thomas Tallis: If Ye Love Me
2. Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria
3. John Rutter: O Be Joyful in the Lord
4. Noble Cain: Chillun‘ Come On Home

Vox Angelorum Choir

Conductor: Henry E.P. Soetjipto
Founded / Dibentuk: 1997
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Francisco Guerrero: Ave, virgo sanctissima
2. Charles V. Stanford: Beati quorum via
3. Ananda Sukarlan: Psalm 148
4. Antonius Priyanto: Gloria

AC 281

Zionist Choir Manado

Conductor: Steve Wilben Macquarie Supit & Ognerius
Matius Siolemba Tindoilo
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Jack Halloran: Witness
2. Parde G.B. Martini: Jerusalem Surge
3. Rene Clausen: Set Me As a Seal
4. Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger: Abendlied

Hail Mary the Queen

Children‘s Choir
Conductor: Maria Theresa Vizconde-Roldan & Jude Roldan
Founded / Dibentuk: 1999
City / Kota: Quezon City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina
2. Francesco Durante: Pleni sunt coeli
3. Xabier Sarasola: Pater noster
4. Gabriel Fauré: Tantum ergo

Olongapo Youth Choir
Conductor: Jenivee Tolentino & Roland Fronda
Founded / Dibentuk: 1946
City / Kota: Olongapo City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Lodovico Viadana: Exultate justi
2. Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria
3. Excelsis Betil: Glong-ngo-ko
4. Trad. (Spiritual), arr. Moses Hogan: Elijah Rock

North Sulawesi GMIM

Male Choir
Conductor: James Pulus & Malchi Sikape
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Thomas Tallis: If Ye Love Me
2. Franz Schubert: Gott ist mein Hirt (Psalm 23)
3. Vytautas Miškinis: Cantate Domino
4. Arr. Moses Hogan, Trad. (Spiritual): Ev‘ry Time I Feel The Spirit

AC 283

Category · Kategori 16

Music of the Religions

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

08 November 2007


Bitung City Chorale

Conductor: Swingly Sondak & Oktovilla Bawotong
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Bitung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. arr. Tom Fettke: I Will Rejoice
2. arr. Tom Fettke: With My Whole Heart
3. arr. Tom Fettke: As the Deer
4. arr. Don Hart: Give Thanks

Mandaue School for the

Arts Children‘s Choir
Conductor: Dennis Gregory Sugarol
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Mandaue City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. James Swu: Ampeu shelo, he-o
2. Fr. Rudy Villanueva: Gloria
3. Joy Nilo: O magnum mysterium
4. Excelsis Betil: Aleluya

Calvary Singers
Conductor: Sony Loho
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. B. Gultom: Persaudaraan Yang Rukun
2. Winfield Weeden: Berserah Kepada Yesus
3. Allah Sumber Kuatku
4. Darlane Zschech: Shout to The Lord

AC 287

Category · Kategori 17

Musica Contemporanea
Lawu (Competition Hall II)

09 November 2007


Dithyrambic Singers
Conductor: Ian Lim Kean Seng
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Kuala Lumpur
Country / Negara: Malaysia

Programme / Program:
1. Nelson Kwei: Potong Padi
2. Ralph Hoffman: Kyrie
3. René Clausen: All That HAth Life & Breath
4. Ng Shyh Poh: Yao Yuan Zhi Guo (A land far away)

Hail Mary the Queen

Children‘s Choir
Conductor: Maria Theresa Vizconde-Roldan & Jude Roldan
Founded / Dibentuk: 1999
City / Kota: Quezon City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Jude Roldan: Halina‘t umawit
2. Michael Bojesen: When I am afraid
3. Ramon Santos: Tong dogodong
4. James Swu: Ampeu she-lo he-o!


Category · Kategori 18

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

08 November 2007


Elfa‘s Male Vocal Ansamble

Conductor: Elfa Secioria
Founded / Dibentuk: 2000
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Broadway Medley
2. Irving Berlin, arr. Elfa Secioria: Dancing Cheek to Cheek
3. Robert Mellin, arr. Elfa Secioria: My One And Only Love
4. Beatles, arr. Elfa Secioria: Beatles Medley

Elfa Music School (EMS)

Jazz Youth Choir
Conductor: Elfa Secioria
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Beyond the Sea / Let‘s Fallin Love Medley
2. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Tico-tico
3. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Misty / Moonlight in Vermount Medley
4. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Night in Tunesia


Category · Kategori 19

Gospel & Spiritual

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

08 November 2007


Bahana Choir
Conductor: Yusuf Sukimin & Susan Tioanda
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Jack Halloran: Witness
2. Arr. Anthony Leach: Walk Together Children
3. Arr. Moses Hogan: Ride on King Jesus
4. Arr. Andre J. Thomas: I Open My Mouth

Gema Sangkakala Youth Choir

Conductor: Ivan Larry Besouw
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Jack Halloran: Witness
2. Arr. Moses Hogan: I‘m Gonna Sing
3. Arr. Moses Hogan: Didn‘t My Lord Deliver Daniel
4. Hall Johnson: Ain‘t Got Time to Die

Bitung City Chorale
Conductor: Swingly Sondak & Oktavilla Bawotong
Founded / Dibentuk: 2006
City / Kota: Bitung
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Harry T. Burleigh: My Lord, What A Morning
2. Jack Halloran: Witness
3. Arr. Moses Hogan: My Soul‘s been Anchored in the Lord
4. Arr. Moses Hogan: Elijah Rock

GMIM Lahai-Roi Manado

Male Choir
Conductor: Samual Poeloe
Founded / Dibentuk: 1997
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Eva Toller: Deep River
2. Arr. Stephen Hatfield: Heaven Somewhere
3. Arr. William L. Dawson: Soon-Ah Will Be Done
4. Arr. Moses Hogan: Ev‘ry Time I feel the Spirit

AC 299

Militia Christy
Conductor: Victor Haminuddin & Rommy Rotinsulu
Founded / Dibentuk: 2001
City / Kota: Minahasa
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan: The Battle of Jericho
2. Arr. Moses Hogan: Great Day
3. Arr. Harry T. Burleigh: My Lord What a Morning
4. Arr. Jack Halloran: Witness

Romamti – Ezer Motet

Conductor: Alfiano A. Silahoy
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Tomohon
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan: Elijah Rock
2. Arr. Moses Hogan: My Soul‘s Been Anchored in the Lord
3. Arr. Moses Hogan: The Battle of Jericho
4. Andrae Crouch, arr. Johnny Mann: Take Me Back

Studio Cantorum
Conductor: Fatmawati Djunaidi
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. William L. Dawson: Ain-a That Good News!
2. Arr. Andrew Pryce Jackmann: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
3. Arr. Linda Twine: Sit Down Servant
4. Arr. Bob Chilcott: Ev‘ry Time I Feel the Spirit

Voice of Nazareth Choir

Conductor: Ronie M.M. Porajow
Founded / Dibentuk: 2003
City / Kota: Manado
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan: Down By The River Side
2. Arr. Robert Shaw: If I Got My Ticket, Can I Ride?
3. Arr. Warren Martin: Great Day
4. Arr. Moses Hogan: My Soul‘s Been Anchored in the Lord

AC 301

Hail Mary the Queen

Children‘s Choir
Conductor: Maria Theresa Vizconde-Roldan & Jude Roldan
Founded / Dibentuk: 1999
City / Kota: Quezon City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan: Music Down in My Soul
2. Arr. Moses Hogan: Didn‘t My Lord Deliver Daniel?
3. Arr. Jude Roldan: Every Time I Feel the Spirit
4. Arr. Brian Trant: Steal Away

Olongapo Youth Choir

Conductor: Jenivee Tolentino & Roland Fronda
Founded / Dibentuk: 1946
City / Kota: Olongapo City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan: Battle of Jericho
2. Arr. A. Robert / P. Shaw: John Saw Duh Numbuh
3. Arr. Kirby Shaw: Down by the Riverside
4. Arr. Norman Lube: Wade in the Water

The Voices Bangkok
Conductor: Kittiporn Tantrarungroj
Founded / Dibentuk: 2005
City / Kota: Bangkok
Country / Negara: Thailand

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Moses Hogan: Didn‘t My Lord Deliver Daniel?
2. Arr. Moses Hogan: Music Down in My Soul
3. Joseph Jennings: Way Over in Beulah-lan‘
4. Ryan Cayabyab: St. Michael Mass – Lamb of God / Our Father

SAG (Sinode Am Gereja-gereja)

Conductor: Steven Chan Damal
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota:
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Heritage: Swing Low Sweet Chariot
2. Damaz Steven: Oh Happy Day
3. Arr. William Dawson: Ain‘t a That Good news
4. Arr. Hall Johnson: Aint Got Time to Die

AC 303

Category · Kategori 20

Popular Choir Music

Semeru (Competition Hall I)

09 November 2007


Elfa‘s Bigband Voices

Conductor: Elfa Secioria
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Bekasi
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Burt Bacharah Pieces
2. William Paul arr. Elfa Secioria: I Won‘t Last A Day Wthout You
3. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Stevie Wonder Pieces
4. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Latin Medley

Elfa Music School (EMS)

Teenager Voices
Conductor: Elfa Secioria
Founded / Dibentuk: 2007
City / Kota: Bekasi
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Summer Time
2. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Crazy Little Things Called Love
3. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Open Arms
4. Arr. Elfa Secioria: This Love

Jiang Xia Chorus – Medan
Conductor: Wijaya Yusup & Daud Kosasih
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Medan
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Morris Albert, arr by Chuck Cassey: Feelings
2. Hou De Jiang Tian: Lung De Cuan Ren
3. Ajie Bandi, arr. Jusup Wijaya: Damai tapi Gersang
4. Gu Yue: Na Lu Wan Cing Ge

Manado State University

Choir (MSUC)
Conductor: Swingly Sondak
Founded / Dibentuk: 2002
City / Kota: Tondano
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Anna Abeleda Piquero: From The Distance
2. Jose. L. Blasco: My Heart Will Go On
3. Kiss the Girl
4. Anna Abeleda Piquero: We Will Rock You

AC 307

SAG (Sinode Am Gereja-gereja)

Conductor: Steven Chan Damal
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota:
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Steven Damal: Valentine
2. Arr. Steven Damal: New York
3. Arr. Steven Damal: I Wanna Dance Somebody
4. Arr. Steven Damal: All at Once


Category · Kategori 21

Lawu (Competition Hall II)

05 November 2007


Elfa Music School (EMS)

Conductor: Paulus Henky Yoedianto
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Bekasi
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Bungong Jeumpa
2. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Minang Medley
3. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Sundanese Medley
4. Arr. Elfa Secioria: Yamko Ramber Yamko

Toraya Choir
Conductor: Idris Ary & Ida Ibrahim
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Rantepao
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Indon.), arr. Tiku Rari / Idis Ary: Pa‘teinde

Marachristy Choir
Conductor: Branckly Egbert Picanussa &
Founded / Dibentuk: 2002
City / Kota: Ambon
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Arce Souripet: Mako-Mako
2. Branckly E. Picanussa: Mae O Nita Mone Elake

Skylark Chorus
Conductor: Rodayanta Suryantho
Founded / Dibentuk: 1995
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Betawi), arr. Binsar Sitompul: Cente Manis
2. Trad. (Kalimantan), arr. Budi Prabowo: Cik-cik Periuk
3. Trad. Indonesia , arr. Hesty Moeradi: Bungong Jeumpa

AC 313

Smukiez Choir
Conductor: Paulus Chandra & Hestiono Moeradi
Founded / Dibentuk: 1986
City / Kota: Jakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Betawi), arr. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Wak Wak Gung
2. Trad. (Sundanese), arr. Hestiono Moeradi: Gado-gado Jakarta
3. Trad. (Betawi), arr. Hestiono Moeradi: Cing Cang Keling

Voca Erudita (Student Choir of

Sebelas Maret Solo University)
Conductor: Redi Sabtono & Wahyu Purnomo
Founded / Dibentuk: 1987
City / Kota: Surakarta
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Anjar Ani, arr. Wahyu Purnomo: Walang Kekek
2. Anjar Ani, arr. Wahyu Purnomo: Ojo Dipleroki
3. Anjar Ani, arr. Wahyu Purnomo: Ondel-ondel

Vox Coeleistis Choir ITN Malang
Conductor: Supriyanto Harmanie
Founded / Dibentuk: 1997
City / Kota: Malang
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Amril Huda: Umbul-Umbul Belambangan
2. Budi Susanto Yohanes: Seblang subuh

Voice of YPJ /
SMP YPJ Kuala Kencana
Conductor: Robert Takasengsengan
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota: Kuala Kencana
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Fak-Fak), arr. Robert Takasengsengan: Jeh Siangga
2. Trad. (Mimika), arr. Robert Takasengsengan: Wanako Mendo
3. Trad. (Asmat), arr. Robert Takasengsengan: Yaco Pomane

AC 315

Y2K Music School

Conductor: Agus Kurnia Wibowo & Wahono Pudjo Priyono
Founded / Dibentuk: 2000
City / Kota: Bekasi
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Mollucas Folktune: Goro-Gorone
2. Trad. (North Sumatra): Sik Sik Sibatu manikam
3. Trad. (Papua): Yamko Rambe Yamko
4. Trad. (West Java): Es Lilin

Mandaue School for

the Arts Children‘s Choir
Conductor: Dennis Gregory Sugarol
Founded / Dibentuk: 2004
City / Kota: Mandaue City
Country / Negara: Philippines / Filipina

Programme / Program:
1. Joy Nilo: Bongbongtit
2. John Pamintuan: Buwa-buwa ni utu
3. Fr. Rudy Villanueva: Kondansoy
4. Trad. (Philippines): Sinulog

SAG (Sinode Am Gereja-gereja)
Conductor: Steven chan Damal
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota:
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Steven Damal: Ama Mey Minawuta
2. Steven Damal: Sambo Genggona

Polo Palo Hulondalo

Conductor: Kristaung Demetsius & Paris F Mello
Founded / Dibentuk:
City / Kota:
Country / Negara: Indonesia

Programme / Program:
1. Trad. (Indon.), arr. Rusdin Palada: Polo Palo
2. Trad. (Indon.), arr. Rusdin Palada: Binthe Biluhuta
3. Umar Djafar: Hulondalo Lipu u

AC 317
Participation in the
festival without

Keikutsertaan dalam
festival tanpa bertanding

China Eastern Orchestra

Conductor: Wang Tianyi & Jiang Miao
Founded / Dibentuk: 1990
City / Kota: Hu Ludo
Country / Negara: China

Programme / Program:
The fishing boat sings a night
Ship song in black Su
Going Happily To Nadamu
Beating the tiger
March Radetzky

Choir Index

Indeks Paduan Suara


Countries and Regions · Negara dan Daerah

Choir City / Kota (Category · Kategori) Page · Halaman

China Eastern Orchestra Hu Ludo 320
Raduga Nakhodka (Q 01) 134
Namchun Cheon Girls‘ Middle School Trinity Choir Seoul (AO 02) 178
The Voices Bangkok Bangkok (AC 06) 259, (AC 19) 303
The Revelations Nawala (Q 11) 146, (Q 15) 151, (Q 19) 158
Voices in Harmony Nugegoda (Q 04) 139, (Q 21) 168
Dithyrambic Singers Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur (AC 07) 263, (AC 17) 290
Kuala Lumpur Sai Baba Chinese Choir Kuala Lumpur (Q 07) 142, (Q 16) 154
Muar Chong Hwa Old Student Association Choir Johor Bahru (AO 06) 192
Muar Viva Chorus Society Choir Muar Johor (AO 21) 225
The Young K.L. Singers Kuala Lumpur (AO 20) 218
Cebu Chamber Singers Cebu (AO 06) 192, (AO 19) 215
Coro de Sta. Cecilia Quezon City (AO 05) 188, (AO 15) 205
Hail Mary the Queen Children‘s Choir Quezon City (AC 15) 282, (AC 17) 290, (AC 19) 302
Lyceum of the Philippines University Chorale Manila (Q 04) 138, (Q 15) 151, (Q 21) 167
Mandaue School for the Arts Children‘s Choir Mandaue City (AC 01) 239, (AC 16) 286,(AC 21) 316
OICT Chorale Olongapo City Olongapo City (AO 04) 183
Olongapo Youth Choir Olongapo City (AC 15) 283, (AC 19) 302
Polytechnic University of the Philippines Chorale Manila (AO 04) 183
Sonus Juventus Baguio City (Q 20) 162
The Himig Singers Davao City (AC 05) 252
The Southridge Boys‘ Choir Muntinimpa City (AO 04) 184, (AO 21) 226
Xavier University Glee Club Cagayan de Oro City (AO 06) 193
Abdi Siswa Choir Jakarta Barat (AO 04) 182
Adventist Junior Chorale Jakarta (AC 01) 232

324 Choir Index · Indeks Paduan Suara

Countries and Regions · Negara dan Daerah
Choir City / Kota (Category · Kategori) Page · Halaman

Allegra Children Choir Bandung (AC 01) 232

Andalaswara Padang (AO 21) 222
Angel Voice Riau (AC 02) 242
Angel‘s Voice Kupang (AC 01) 233
Auscultate Medici Jakarta (AO 20) 218
Bahana Choir Jakarta (AC 19) 298
Benedictio Chorale Menado (AC 04) 246
Bethabara Male Choir (BMC) Ambon (AC 13) 270
Bitung City Chorale Bitung (AC 16) 286, (AC 19) 299
Calvary Singers Manado (AC 04) 246, (AC 16) 287
Citra Cemara Choir Bandung (CCCB) Bandung (AO 19) 214
Diani Choir Jakarta Barat (AC 01) 233
Elfa Music School (EMS) Children Chorus Bekasi (AC 01) 234
Elfa Music School (EMS) East-West Chorus Bekasi (AC 04) 247, (AC 21) 312
Elfa Music School (EMS) Jazz Youth Choir Bekasi (AC 18) 294
Elfa Music School (EMS) Teenager Voices Bekasi (AC 20) 306
Elfa‘s Big Band Voices Bekasi (AC 20) 306
Elfa‘s Male Vocal Ansamble Bekasi (AC 18) 294
Gema Chandra Cendrawasih University Choir Abepura (AO 21) 222
Gema Sangkakala Children Choir Manado (AC 01) 234
Gema Sangkakala Youth Choir Manado (AC 04) 247, (AC 19) 298
Getsemani Sakobar Male Choir Manado (AC 14) 274
Gita Inspirasi Tomohon Tomohon (AC 15) 278
Gita Serafim Choir Tangerang (AO 16) 210
Glorificamus Dei Children Choir Tangerang (Q 01) 132
GMIM Lahai-Roi Manado Male Choir Manado (AC 13) 270, (AC 19) 299
GPDI Mixed Chamber Choir Manado (AC 06) 256
Harmoni Antarea Choir Jakarta (Q 15) 150
Hati Suci Children Choir Jakarta Pusat (AC 01) 235
HKBP Menteng Choir Jakarta (Q 16)
Imanuel Wanea Male Choir Manado – Sulut (AO 13) 200
Indosat Vocal Club (Indosat Choir) Jakarta (Q 20) 162
Isen Mulang II Choir Palangkaraya (AO 21) 226

Choir Index · Indeks Paduan Suara 325


Countries and Regions · Negara dan Daerah

Choir City / Kota (Category · Kategori) Page · Halaman

Jiang Xia Le Ling Chorus Medan Medan (AC 20) 307

Jinggaswara ITENAS Bandung (AC 06) 256
Little Candles Choir Jakarta (AO 16) 210
LPPD Manokwari Papua Barat Kab. Manokwari (AO 15) 204
Madania Choir Bogor (AO 21) 223
Manado State University Choir (MSUC) Tondano (AC 06) 257, (AC 15) 278, (AC 20) 307
Marachristy Choir Ambon (AC 21) 313
Mazmur Chorale Kupang (AC 06) 258
Militia Christy Minahasa (AC 19) 300
Minsel Choir Minahasa Selatan (AC 07) 262
Musafir Children Choir Manado (AC 01) 235
Nafiri - SDN Tembok Dukuh I Surabaya Surabaya (Q 01) 132
Nineteen Choir Jakarta Selatan (AC 01) 236
North Sulawesi GMIM Male Choir Manado (AC 14) 274, (AC 15) 283
Paduan Suara Anak Bandung Bandung (AC 01) 236
Paduan Suara Anak Hazael HKBP Menteng Jakarta (Q 01)
Paduan Suara Anak Surabaya Surabaya (Q 01) 133
Paduan Suara Kidung Kasih Bekasi (Q 15) 150
Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar (Q 21) 166
Paduan Suara POUK Riau Kompleks PT. RAPP Pangk. Kerinci (AC 06) 258, (AC 15) 279
Paduan Suara Sanggar Seni Maliuntinuvu Palu Palu (AO 15) 206
Paduan Suara Simfoni Kasih Jakarta (AO 10) 196
Polo Palo Hulondalo Gorontalo (AC 21) 317
President University Jakarta (Q 20) 163
PS Agape (SMA Negeri 1 Balikpapan) Balikpapan (AO 15) 204
PS El-Shaddai USU Medan (AC 15) 279
PS Immanuel Universitas Methodist Medan (AO 15) 205
PS Mahasiswa Universitas Gajah Mada (PSM UGM) Yogyakarta (Q 21) 166
Puspasari Choir / SDN Pacarkembang III/194 Surabaya Surabaya (AO 01) 174
Romamti - Ezer Motet Tomohon (AC 15) 280, (AC 19) 300
SAG (Sinode Am Gereja-gereja) Manado (AC 19) 303, (AC 20) 308, (AC 21) 317
Sanctus Flux Choir Jakarta (AO 15) 206, (AO 19) 214

326 Choir Index · Indeks Paduan Suara

Countries and Regions · Negara dan Daerah
Choir City / Kota (Category · Kategori) Page · Halaman

Schola Cantorum Riau Kompleks PT. RAPP Pangk. Kerinci (AC 01) 237
SD Kristen IPEKA Tomang Jakarta (Q 01) 133
Sekolah Global Jaya Choral Ensemble Jakarta (AO 04) 182
Skylark Chorus Jakarta (AC 21) 313
SMP Santa Laurensia Tangerang (AC 01) 237
Smukiez Choir Jakarta (AC 21) 314
Sola Gratia SMA Negeri 1 Medan Medan (AC 04) 248
Spensix Choir (PS SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya) Surabaya (AO 02) 178
St. Chronicles Choir, St. Thomas 1 High School Medan Medan (AC 04) 248
Studio Cantorum Choir Jakarta Timur (AC 19) 301
Swara Darmagita Choir Gunadarma University Depok (AO 21) 223
Swara Jogja Choir Yogyakarta (Q 21) 167
Swarna Gita PSKD Choir Depok (AO 01) 174
Syaloom Karombasan Youth (SKY) Choir Manado (AC 04) 249
Timutiwa Jakarta (AO 21) 224
Toraya Choir Rantepao (AC 21) 312
Uccellini Children Choir Bandung (AC 01) 238
Univoiced Choir Manado (AC 15) 280
Vajra Gita Nusantara Jakarta (AO 21) 224
Voca Erudita (Student Choir of Sebelas Maret Solo University) Surakarta (AC 21) 314
Vocalista Angels Klaten (AC 01) 238
Voice of Soul Choir Jakarta (AC 15) 281
Voice of Nazareth Choir Manado (AC 19) 301
Voice of YPJ / SMP YPJ Kuala Kencana Kuala Kencana (AC 21) 315
Vox Angelorum Choir Jakarta Barat (AC 07) 262, (AC 15) 281
Vox Coeleistis Choir ITN Malang Malang (AC 21) 315
Y2K Choir Bekasi (AC 01) 239, (AC 21) 316
Yahya Christian School Children Choir Bandung (Q 01) 134
Yahya Christian School Youth Choir Bandung (Q 04) 138
Yerusalem Male Choir Manado (AC 12) 266
Yin He Choir Surabaya Surabaya (AO 21) 225
Zionist Choir Manado Manado (AC 15) 282

Choir Index · Indeks Paduan Suara 327




Photos · Foto-foto:
Fotostudio A&A Körner, Werdau · Germany
Ulrich Manthe, Hansapress · Germany

Editorial Committee · Panitia editorial:

Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiss
Verena Andel
Ramli Andrianto Nainggolan
Letisia. F. Iskandar

Design · Disain:
Janine Kunze, Appelt Mediendesign, Germany
Michael Appelt, Appelt Mediendesign, Germany

Printhouse · Percetakan:
Harapan Prima Printing

Am Weingarten 3
D-35415 Pohlheim
phone: +49 (0)6403 956525
fax: +49 (0)6403 956529

330 Imprint

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