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Letter of Engagement for


ACC YE 31 May 2024
In Relation To Proposal #LFUK313
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313


INTRODUCTION SAMPLE TEXT REPLACE .............................................................................................. 3

SCOPE SAMPLE TEXT REPLACE ............................................................................................................ 4

TERMS AND CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 8

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES ..................................................................................................................... 16

PRIVACY NOTICE .................................................................................................................................... 27

AGREEMENT OF TERMS ........................................................................................................................ 33


DIRECTORS: Ivanna Shevlyakova and Oleg Degtyarev

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 2 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313


Dear Vladimir Davydenko,

We are pleased to accept the instruction to act as your accountant and we are writing to confirm the
terms of our appointment and we accept you to be the Nominated Person for VLAD'S EMPORIUM

The purpose of this letter, is to set out our terms for carrying out the work and to clarify our respective

We are bound by the ethical guidelines of ACCA, and accept instructions to act for you on the basis

that we will act in accordance with those ethical guidelines. A copy of these guidelines can be viewed at
our offices on request or at

To ensure that we provide you with the best quality service we like to ensure that all our clients know
who will be in charge of their affairs.

The principal in charge of your assignment will be Ivanna Shevlyakova. Please feel free to contact
us on INSERT YOUR PHONE NUMBER HERE at any time, particularly if you have any queries on the
service that is being provided, or have any queries on other services that may be of interest.

The person responsible for the day-to-day aspects of this assignment will be Ivanna Shevlaykova.
Please feel free to call on 02079071460 at any time, particularly if you have any queries on specific
aspects of the work that we are completing or need to provide us with further information.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 3 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313



We are acting for all directors of VLAD'S EMPORIUM LIMITED as required.
Any change to the nominated person should be notified to us in writing and will not be effective
until acknowledged by us in writing. By signing this engagement letter you confirm and warrant
that the Nominated Person set out above is authorised to give instructions and information to
us on your behalf and to receive our advice and work product on behalf of you.
This engagement includes all of the services outlined in the Fees Section of your Proposal

This engagement covers the specific piece of work mutually agreed and as detailed above . We will not
deal with any earlier work unless you specifically ask us to do so and we agree.
In conducting this engagement, information acquired by us in the course of completing this job is
subject to strict confidentiality requirements. That information will not be disclosed by us to other
parties except as required or allowed for by law, or with your express consent.


We have set out the agreed scope and objectives of your instructions within this letter of engagement.
Any subsequent changes will be discussed with you and where appropriate a new letter of
engagement will be agreed. We shall proceed on the basis of the instructions we have received from
you and will rely on you to tell us as soon as possible if anything occurs which renders any information
previously given to us as incorrect or inaccurate. We shall not be responsible for any failure to advise
or comment on any matter that falls outside the specific scope of your instructions. We cannot accept
any responsibility for any event, loss or situation unless it is one against which it is the expressed
purpose of these instructions to provide protection.

The advice that we give can only be as good as the information on which it is based. In so far as that
information is provided by you, or by third parties with your permission, your responsibility arises as
soon as possible if any circumstances or facts alter, as any alteration may have a significant impact on
the advice given. If the circumstances change therefore or your needs alter, advise us of the alteration
as soon as possible in writing.

As directors of the company, you are required by statute to prepare accounts (financial
statements) for each financial year, which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
company and of its profit or loss for that period. In preparing those accounts you must:
Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently.
Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent.
Prepare the accounts on the going concern basis unless it is not appropriate to presume
that the company will continue in business.

You have engaged us to prepare the accounts on your behalf.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 4 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

It is your responsibility to keep proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy
at any particular time the financial position of the company. It is also your responsibility to
safeguard the assets of the company and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention of and
detection of fraud and other irregularities with an appropriate system of internal controls.

You are responsible for determining whether, in respect of the year concerned, the company
meets the conditions for exemption from an audit set out in section 477 of the Companies Act
2006, and for determining whether, in respect of the year, the exemption is not available for any
of the reasons set out in section 478 of the Companies Act 2006.

You are also responsible for making available to us, as and when required, all the company’s
accounting records and all other relevant records and related information, including minutes of
management and shareholders’ meetings.

You will also be responsible for:
Providing records of all receipts and payments of cash.
Providing records of invoices issued and received.
Reconciling balances with bank statements.
Providing details of the following: stocks and work in progress; fixed assets; amounts owing
to suppliers; amounts owing by customers; and accruals and prepayments.

Our work will not be an audit of the accounts in accordance with International Standards on
Auditing (UK and Ireland). Accordingly we shall not seek any independent evidence to support
the entries in the accounting records, or to prove the existence, ownership or valuation of assets
or completeness of income, liabilities or disclosure in the accounts. Nor shall we assess the
reasonableness of any estimates or judgements made in the preparation of the accounts.
Consequently our work will not provide any assurance that the accounting records are free from
material misstatement, irregularities or error.
As part of our normal procedures we may request you to provide written confirmation of any
oral information and explanations given to us during the course of our work.
We have a professional duty to compile accounts that conform with generally accepted

accounting principles. The accounts of a limited company are required to comply with the
disclosure requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and applicable accounting standards.
Where we identify that the accounts do not conform to accepted accounting principles or
standards, we will inform you and suggest amendments be put through the accounts before
being published. We have a professional responsibility not to allow our name to be associated
with accounts that may be misleading. In extreme cases, where this matter cannot be resolved,
we will withdraw from the engagement and notify you in writing of the reasons.

Should you instruct us to carry out any alternative report it will be necessary for us to issue a
separate letter of engagement.


We will not be carrying out any audit work as part of this assignment and accordingly will not
verify the assets and liabilities of the company, nor the items of expenditure and income. To
carry out an audit would entail additional work to comply with International Standards on
Auditing so that we could report on the truth and fairness of the financial statements. We would
also like to emphasise that we cannot undertake to discover any shortcomings in your systems
or irregularities on the part of your employees.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 5 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

If an audit of the accounts is required, you will need to notify us in writing. Should our work
indicate that the company is not entitled to exemption from an audit of the accounts, we will
inform you. If we decide to undertake an audit assignment at your request, a separate
engagement letter will be required.

To ensure that anyone reading the accounts is aware that we have not carried out an audit, we
will attach to the accounts a report stating this fact.

The intended users of the report are the directors. The report will be addressed to the directors.

Once we have issued our report we have no further direct responsibility in relation to the
accounts for this piece of work. However, we expect that you will inform us of any material event
occurring between the date of our report and that of the annual general meeting that may

affect the accounts.

You may request that we provide other services from time to time. We will issue a separate
letter of engagement and scope of work to be performed accordingly.

Because rules and regulations frequently change you must ask us to confirm any advice already
given if a transaction is delayed or a similar transaction is to be undertaken.

Our fees will be charged in accordance with your fee schedule. Please review this to ensure you
understand the basis of our charge and our payment terms. Our fees for all other work are based on
time spent. We can provide you with an estimate for each assignment before it commences if you so
wish. If it is necessary to carry out work outside the agreed work outlined in this letter it will involve
additional fees. These fees will be computed on the basis of time spent by principals and our staff, and
on the levels of skill and responsibility involved. A full list of the time spent and the charge out rates
used is available on request.
Invoices are payable in full, due upon completion of work, and as per the above service schedule.

We specifically draw your attention to paragraphs 36 to 41 of our standard terms and
conditions that set out the basis on which we limit our liability to you and to others. You should
read this in conjunction with paragraphs 56 and 57 of our standard terms and conditions that
exclude liability to third parties. These are important provisions which you should read and
consider carefully.

There are no third parties that we have agreed should be entitled to rely on the work done
pursuant to this engagement letter.

All original documents obtained from the client arising from the engagement shall remain the
property of the client. However, we reserve the right to make a reasonable number of copies of
the original documents for our records.

Our engagement will result in the production of financial statements, tax returns and supporting
documents in electronic format. Ownership of these documents will vest in you. All other
documents produced by us in respect of this engagement will remain the property of the firm.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 6 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

The firm has a policy of exploring a legal right of lien over any client documents in our possession
in the event of a dispute. The firm has also established dispute resolution processes.


Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 7 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313


The following pages set out the terms and conditions under which we agree to act. These terms and
conditions (as updated from time to time) form part of the letter of engagement between us. They
should be considered in conjunction with the following documents provided to you, to which you have
also agreed.:

1. The scope
2. The individual schedules of services
3. The privacy notice

4. The Proposal LFUK313

These terms and conditions shall remain in force unless and until they are replaced by updated terms
and conditions.

Applicable Law
Our engagement with you and the provision of the services provided are governed by the law and
practice of England & Wales. Accepting the letter of engagement and these terms confirms both of
our agreements that the courts of England & Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or
dispute over any matter in respect of the engagement.

Client Money
Client money is money in any currency or form that we receive from a client or hold for a client which is
not immediately due to us in accordance with our agreement. Fees paid in advance for agreed
services to be provided are not client money and will not be required to offset these against our fees.

Investment Advice, Funding & Consumer Credit


Investment business is regulated under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

If you are seeking advice on investments, including insurances, we may have to refer you to someone
who is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority or licensed
by a Designated Professional Body as we are not authorised to give such advice. We will account to
you for any commission which we may receive in accordance with the rules of our professional body.

Commissions Received Excluding Investment Business Commissions

From time to time we or another connected business may receive a commission or other benefit
because of an introduction to another professional or a transaction arranged for you.

If this occurs, we shall account to you for the commission, which means you will be notified in writing of
the terms and payment of the commission or benefit.

You agree that we can retain such commissions or benefits.

Data Protection
We will comply with the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018 as
amended by the Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc.) (EU Exit)

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 8 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Regulations 2020 which merge the previous requirements of the Data Protection Act with the
requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) when dealing with your
personal data.

GDPR provides that: Personal data only includes information relating to natural persons who:

1. can be identified or who are identifiable, directly from the information in question; or
2. who can be indirectly identified from that information in combination with other information.

This will include but is not limited to a name, identification number, location data and an online

When providing accountancy services we will usually be acting as a controller under the regulations. We

will be controllers as we will make decisions about processing activities when providing the agreed
service to you.

We may act as a processor when providing certain services such as payroll. In this case you would be
the controller and we would act on your instructions.

We ensure that we comply with the principles as set out in the GDPR (for more information see when collecting and processing data. These principles are:

1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

2. Purpose limitation
3. Data minimisation
4. Accuracy
5. Storage limitation
6. Integrity and confidentiality
7. Accountability
In order to comply with these principles we will:

Provide you with a privacy notice which should be read in conjunction with the letter of engagement,
schedules of services and these terms and conditions

Ensure that the information that we collect and process is limited to that necessary for:

1. Providing the agreed services

2. Complying with legal and regulatory obligations
3. Contacting you with details of other services (where consent has been given)
4. Other legitimate reasons necessary to protect against claims or disciplinary action.

In order to comply with the regulations of our professional body our files may be subject to review by a
professional body, regulator or another qualified third party to ensure our continued compliance with
those regulations.

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

We are supervised by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for anti-money laundering compliance. We are
required to obtain information to identify and verify our clients. This may be done by requesting the
information from you and/or by making searches of appropriate databases designed for the purpose.

We will not usually be able to start working for you until such time as this information is received.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 9 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Bribery Act 2010

In accordance with the requirements of the Bribery Act 2010 we have policies and procedures in place
to prevent the business and staff from offering or receiving bribes.

Conflicts of Interest
Where there is a conflict of interest in our relationship with you or in our relationship with you and
another client we will notify all parties and where possible apply appropriate, agreed safeguards to
protect the interests of all parties.

Where suitable safeguards cannot be applied we may be unable to provide further services.

We reserve the right to act for other clients whose interests are not the same as or are adverse to

yours, subject, of course, to the obligations of confidentiality referred to below.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

We are required by our professional body to have professional indemnity insurance.

Details about the insurer and the territorial coverage can be provided on request at our offices by
appointment or via email.

We aim to provide an excellent service at all times. However should you be dissatisfied in any way
please contact Ivanna Shevlyakova. This may be done by writing to 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182
Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD, or by telephoning this office, or by emailing Ivanna
Shevlyakova at


In accordance with our code of ethics all communication between us is confidential. Information will not
be disclosed unless authorised by you (for a specific item or generally via the privacy notice) or where
required by law or regulation.

All staff working on your affairs will be bound by our client confidentiality and security terms and

When we cease to act for you a disengagement letter may be issued. This will ensure that our
respective responsibilities are clear and agreed.

Should we be unable to contact you we may issue a disengagement letter to your last known address
and cease to act.

Each of us may terminate this engagement by giving not less than 30 days notice in writing to the
other party, except where you fail to cooperate with us or we have reason to believe that you have
provided us or HMRC with misleading information, in which case we may terminate this engagement

Termination shall be without prejudice to any rights that may have accrued to either party prior to

We shall also have the right to terminate this engagement and cease to work for you in the event that

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 10 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

you fail to pay our invoices or if you fail to provide us with complete timely or accurate information to
enable us to carry out the services we have agreed to perform for you.

In the event of termination of this engagement we will endeavour to agree with you the arrangements
for completion of the work in progress at the time, unless we are required for legal or regulatory
purposes to cease work immediately. In that event, we shall not be required to carry out further work
and shall not be responsible or liable for any consequences arising from termination.

At the time of termination of this engagement (for whatever reason) we will invoice you for all work
carried out to the point of termination (in so far as not already invoiced) at our normal hourly rates.

Our engagement with you will cease once we have completed all work that we have agreed to perform
for you under this engagement.

Once our engagement with you has terminated or ceased (for whatever reason) we shall owe you no
further duties to act for you or to advise beyond the date of termination or cessation of the

We will communicate with you and any agreed third party by a secure method as agreed.

If you have provided us with your email address, we shall accept that as your authorisation to
communicate with you by email, unless you withdraw that authorisation. Where you have agreed to
receive electronic communications you acknowledge:

1. Although we take all reasonable care there is a risk of non-receipt, delays, misdirection or
interception by a third party
2. Although we use up to date virus protection software to reduce the risk you are responsible for
virus checking any emails and attachments
3. However careful parties are there is a risk associated with electronic communication which you
accept in return for speed and efficiency.

In order to ensure that communication is effective you are required to notify us promptly of any

change of postal or email address.

Fees, Payment Terms & Timetable

We will usually provide you with a fixed fee or hourly rate based quotation for each specified piece of
work, such quotation will be set out in Proposal LFUK313 in respect of that work. We shall never provide
a fixed fee quotation in respect of professional work to be undertaken more than one year ahead of
the date of the quotation.

Unless agreed to the contrary, any estimate of our fees or a fixed fee quotation does not include any
disbursements, or the costs of any third party, which shall be added to our invoices.

Where information is provided later than agreed in the key dates schedule an additional fee may be
charged to ensure that the deadline for completion and submission of the information is met.

Any work to be carried out beyond that in a fixed fee quotation will be charged at our normal hourly
rates, details of which are available on request. We reserve the right to increase our hourly rates at
reasonable intervals (at least annually), without notice. Please contact us at any time if you would like
the current list of hourly rates.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 11 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Where the quote for the work is dependent on the volume of transactions, for example employee
numbers or number of invoices, a regular review will be undertaken for any changes and the fee will be
updated accordingly.

Any fees quoted or estimated are stated exclusive of VAT, which shall be added to our invoices if and
when VAT is chargeable.

We may request from you one or more payments on account of our fees and disbursements.

Invoices for our fees will be issued to you at appropriate intervals in accordance with the agreement
and payment plan.

Our fees are due for payment within payment in advance days of the date of issue of the relevant


We may agree to spread payment of your fees by way of monthly payments – by standing order or
direct debit – over a period of up to one year. Any monthly standing order or direct debit agreed
between us will be calculated with the expectation that your payments will be sufficient to settle the
invoiced amount upon completion of the assignment to which the standing order or direct debit
relates. Where, during the course of an assignment, it becomes necessary to revise the estimate of
fees, we shall explain the revised estimate to you in writing, and require you to amend the monthly
standing order or direct debit accordingly.
In any situation where our fees are expected to be paid by a third party (eg by an insurance provider
in relation to an HMRC investigation), until those fees have been paid in full, you shall remain liable for
our fees.

We reserve the right to suspend or stop work on your affairs entirely where any fees due from you
remain outstanding payment in advance days after the issue of the relevant invoice. We intend to
exercise these rights only where it is reasonable and fair to do so.

We reserve the right to charge interest on all late payments. Where applicable this will be charged
under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

In respect of a client that is not a natural person, where that client is unable or unwilling to settle our
fees, or where fees are overdue (as described above), we shall seek payment from the natural person
(or parent entity) who gave us instructions on the client's behalf, and we shall be entitled to enforce
any fees due against them.

If you do not accept that an invoiced fee is fair and reasonable you must notify us within 30 days of
receipt, failing which you will be deemed to have accepted that payment is due.

Our fees will usually be increased in accordance with annual inflation.

In so far as permitted to do so by law and professional guidelines, we reserve the right to exercise a
lien over all funds, documents and records in our possession relating to all assignments undertaken for
you until all outstanding fees and disbursements are paid in full.

We will assist in implementing advice only where this has been agreed in writing.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 12 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Advice given is valid at the time it is given. If you are implementing plans yourself at a later date you
need to confirm that there have been no changes in any relevant facts or to laws and regulations that
will impact on the validity of the advice.

Advice given orally should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing.

Advice given by a non-principal should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing by a principal.

Any advice given is for the use of the addressee of the engagement letter only. We accept no
responsibility to any party who is not a party to this agreement.

Any advice given to you should not be passed to a third party without our express permission.

Any advice can only be used for the purpose for which it is given.

Delivery of Our Services
You agree to provide full and accurate information necessary for us to advise in relation to your
affairs. We will rely on the information and documentation being true, correct and complete, and will
not, (unless agreed otherwise in writing) audit the information or those documents. We are not
responsible for any inaccuracies in the information provided to us by you or third parties, and our
advice is based on that information.

If we ask for information to be provided to us by a specific date, we shall not be responsible for any
losses arising if you provide information after that date, for example, in relation to the completion of
tax returns, even if you provide the information prior to the filing deadline for the return.

We strongly recommend that you instruct us sufficiently in advance so that we have time to give
properly considered advice prior to any deadline.
If you delay in providing information to us, such that we are unable to provide the agreed services, we
may seek to resign from the engagement.

You authorise us to approach such third parties as may be appropriate for information that we

consider necessary to perform the engagement

When dealing with HMRC on your behalf we are are required to be honest and to take reasonable care
to ensure that your returns are correct. To enable us to do this, you are required to be honest with us
and to provide us with all necessary information in a timely manner. For more information about ‘Your
Charter' for your dealings with HMRC, visit
To the best of our abilities, we will ensure that HMRC meet their side of the Charter in their dealings
with you.

You confirm that we may contact HMRC to advise them of any errors that we consider to be material
that we identify in your reported tax affairs without your prior written consent (although we will, of
course, advise you of such action).

Intellectual Property Rights

We will retain all copyright in any document we prepare for you unless the law specifically provides

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 13 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Internal Disputes
Our client is the business. If there is a dispute between the owners and/or managers of the business
we will continue to communicate with the Nominated Individual, but will copy in all persons whose email
details have been provided to us.

If conflicting advice, instructions or information are received from different individuals at the client, we
will refer all matters to the board of directors/partnership/LLP/spouses (as appropriate)and will take
no further action until the client has confirmed the course of action to be taken as an entity.

Limitation of Liability
We will provide our services with reasonable care and skill. Our liability to you arising from the services,

whether arising in contract, tort, breach of statutory duty or otherwise is limited to 100% of the fees,
multiplied by 1x. We shall not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, including, loss of
profit, loss of goodwill, loss of business opportunity or loss of anticipated saving.

We will provide our services with reasonable care and skill. Our liability to you is limited to losses,
damages, costs and expenses directly caused by our negligence or wilful default.

Exclusion of Liability Relating to Non Disclosure or Misrepresentation

We will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or expense incurred or sustained if
information material to the service we are providing is withheld or concealed from us or
misrepresented to us. This applies equally to fraudulent acts, misrepresentation or wilful default on the
part of any party to the transaction and their directors, officers, employees, agents or advisers.

This exclusion shall not apply where such misrepresentation, withholding or concealment is or should (in
carrying out the procedures which we have agreed to perform with reasonable care and skill) have
been evident to us without further enquiry beyond that which it would have been reasonable for us to
have carried out in the circumstances.

Limitation of Third Party Rights

The advice and information we provide to you as part of our service is for your sole use and not for
any third party to whom you may communicate it unless we have expressly agreed in the engagement
letter that a specified third party may rely on our work. We accept no responsibility to third parties,
including any group company to whom the engagement letter is not addressed, for any advice,
information or material produced as part of our work for you which you make available to them. A
party to this agreement is the only person who has the right to enforce any of its terms and no rights
or benefits are conferred on any third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

Exclusion of Liability for Loss Caused by Others

We will not be liable if losses, penalties, interest or additional tax liabilities are caused by the acts or
omissions of any other person or due to the provision to us of incomplete, misleading or false
information or if they are caused by a failure to act on our advice or a failure to provide us with
relevant information.

In particular, where we refer you to another firm for advice on matters outside the remit of our
engagement, even if connected or related to the engagement, who you then instruct directly, we
accept no responsibility in relation to the work carried out by that firm and will not be liable for any

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Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

losses caused by them.

Indemnity for Unauthorised Disclosure

You agree to indemnify us and our agents in respect of any claim, including but not limited to any claim
for negligence, (such indemnity to extend to all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses,
including but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation
and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and including payment
at our usual rates for the time spent by us in defending it, and all and other reasonable professional
and management costs and expenses) arising out of any unauthorised disclosure of our advice and
opinions, whether in writing or otherwise.

Limitation of Aggregate Liability

The Engagement Letter specifies an aggregate limit of liability, and that sum shall be the maximum
aggregate liability of this firm, company or LLP, its principals, partners, directors, members,
subcontractors or members, agents, consultants and employees (and of any former principals,
partners, directors, members, subcontractors agents, consultants and employees) to all persons to
whom the Engagement Letter is addressed and also to any other person that we have agreed with
you may rely on our work.

You have agreed that you will not bring any claim of a kind that is included within the subject of the limit
against any of our principals, partners, directors, members, subcontractors, agents, consultants,
subcontractors or employees on a personal basis, or any former principals, partners, directors,
members, agents, consultants, subcontractors or employees.

Period of Engagement & Termination

The start date our responsibility for assignments commences will be set out in the key dates table
within the engagement letter.

Where no start date has been added in the key dates table or agreed in any other way, then the
service will commence from the start date stated in the engagement letter (May 2023) or the date

you sign and return it to us, whichever is the later. Except as stated in the engagement letter, we will
not be responsible for periods prior to the start date.

When notice is given by either party the date that our responsibility for the service ends will be set out
in the disengagement letter. (Please see ‘Disengagement' above for more details).

Retention of Papers
We will return documents that belong to you when the assignment is complete unless specifically
agreed with you. If we continue to hold records for you we will agree how they should be treated when
we cease to act.

Agreed Further Services

We will carry out such further additional services beyond those listed in the Schedules as we may
agree with you in writing. Such additional services will be subject to our usual hourly rates and the
terms of this Engagement letter and terms and conditions. Any advice given under this clause may only
be relied upon if confirmed by us in writing.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
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Proposal #LFUK313

Here are the individual terms related to the specific services you have signed up for.

Cloud Software Initial Setup and Training

The following schedule sets out our respective responsibilities for work undertaken in respect of cloud
software initial set up and training for the entity.

Our Responsibilities
We will provide you with the agreed cloud based accounting software for use in your business.

We will agree the set up and chart of accounts with you.

We will complete the initial set up of the cloud based system.

We will provide training on the use of the system to the agreed members of staff.

We will provide technical support to enable use of the software for an additional fee, if agreed.
Annual Accounts and Corporation Tax Return (Basic)
The following schedule sets out our respective responsibilities for work undertaken in respect of the
preparation of the non-audited accounts and company tax return of your entity.

Your Responsibilities

Non-Audited Accounts

You are responsible for making available to us, as and when required, all the entity’s accounting
records and all other relevant records and related information, including minutes of management and
shareholders’ meetings.

You will also be responsible for:

Maintaining records of all receipts and payments of cash.

Maintaining records of invoices issued and received.
Reconciling balances with the bank statements.
Preparing details of the following (where applicable) at the period-end: stocks and work in
progress; fixed assets; amounts owing to suppliers; amounts owing by customers; and accruals
and prepayments.

Company Tax Return

You are also legally responsible for:

ensuring that the CTSA (Corporation Tax Self Assessment) return (including XBRL tags and

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
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Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

iXBRL file) is correct and complete

filing or approve for filing any returns by the due date
paying tax on time.

Failure to do this may lead to penalties and/or interest.

Legal responsibility for approval of the return cannot be delegated to others. The nominated individual
agrees to check that the forms that we have prepared for you are complete before they approve

To enable us to carry out our work, you agree:

that all returns are to be made on the basis of full disclosure of all sources of income, charges,

allowances and capital transactions
to provide full information necessary for dealing with the company’s affairs; we will rely on the
information and documents being true, correct and complete and will not audit the information
or those documents
to authorise us to approach such third parties as may be appropriate for information that we
consider necessary to deal with the company’s affairs
to provide us with information in sufficient time for the company’s CTSA return to be completed
and submitted by the due date/selected date following the end of the tax year. In order that we
can do this, we need to receive all relevant information by the agreed date. Where feasible, we
may agree to complete your return within a shorter period but may charge an additional fee for
so doing
to provide information on matters affecting the company’s tax liability for the accounting period
in respect of which instalments are due at least four weeks before the due date of each
instalment. This information should include details of trading profits and other taxable activities
up to the date the information is provided, together with estimates to the end of the accounting
to provide us with information on advances or loans made to directors, shareholders or their
associates during an accounting period, and any repayments made or write-offs authorised at
the latest within three months of the end of the relevant accounting period.

You will keep us informed of material changes in circumstances that could affect the tax liabilities of
the company. If the directors are unsure whether the change is material or not, please let us know so
that we can assess its significance.

The work carried out within this engagement will be in respect of the company’s tax affairs. Any work to
be carried out for the directors on a personal basis will be set out in a separate letter of engagement
or schedule of service.

Where you wish us to deal with HMRC communications you will forward to us all communications
received from HMRC. These must be provided in time to enable us to deal with them as may be
necessary within the statutory time limits. It is essential that you let us have copies of any
correspondence received because HMRC is not obliged to send us copies of all communications issued
to you.

Our Responsibilities
Non-Audited Accounts

We will not be carrying out any audit work as part of this assignment and accordingly will not verify the

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
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Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

assets and liabilities of the company, nor the items of expenditure and income. To carry out an audit
would entail additional work to comply with International Standards on Auditing (UK) so that we could
report on the truth and fairness of the financial statements. We would also like to emphasise that we
cannot undertake to discover any shortcomings in your systems or irregularities on the part of your

If an audit of the accounts is required, you will need to notify us in writing. Should our work indicate that
the entity is not entitled to exemption from an audit of the accounts, we will inform you. If we decide to
undertake an audit assignment at your request, a separate engagement letter will be required.

We will attach to the accounts a report in line with the guidance issued by our professional body and
the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB) which explains what work has been done
by us, the professional requirements we have to fulfil and the standard to which the work has been

carried out. You can obtain further information from our professional bodies website on:

The technical guidance for the work, and

The related ethical and other professional requirements.

To ensure that anyone reading the accounts is aware that we have not carried out an audit, we will
refer to this in the report.

The intended users of the report is the addressee (for example the directors).
Once we have issued our report we have no further direct responsibility in relation to the accounts for
that financial year.

Company Tax Return

For the purpose of the delivery of the company’s tax return, we will use commercial software to apply
XBRL tags to items in the accounts as we consider appropriate for the purposes of submission, for tax
purposes, of the accounts in iXBRL via the Government Gateway.

We will, to the extent we consider necessary, manually amend or apply tags where the software has
not applied automatic tagging or where we consider any automatic tagging to have been


We will provide you with copies of the iXBRL information, which will show the tagging applied, for your

We will prepare the company’s corporate tax self-assessment (CTSA) return. After obtaining written
evidence of the approval of the nominated director, we will submit it to HMRC.

We will prepare the corporation tax computation and supporting schedules required for preparation of
the company tax return from accounts, information and explanations provided to us on your behalf.

We will tell you how much tax the company should pay and when. Where instructed by you, we will
advise on the interest and penalty implications if corporation tax is paid late. Where taxable losses are
involved, we will advise you of the options available and, where appropriate, we will initiate repayment

We will inform you if instalment payments of corporation tax are due for an accounting period and the
dates they are payable. We will calculate the quarterly instalments that should be made on the basis
of information supplied by you by the date agreed.

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office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
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We will advise you as to possible tax return-related claims and elections arising from information
supplied by you. Where instructed by you, we will make such claims and elections in the form and
manner required by HMRC. Ad hoc queries by way of telephone and email enquiries are not routine
compliance and may result in additional fees.

Registration as an Employer (PAYE)

The following schedule sets out our respective responsibilities for work undertaken in respect of
assisting you with registering as an employer.

You must register before the first payday. It can take up to 5 working days to get your employer PAYE
reference number so you need to provide information as soon as you know that you will need to
register. You cannot register more than 2 months before you start paying people.

Your Responsibilities
To enable us to complete the registration you agree to provide the following information:

The type of business

Where applicable the number of partners or directors
The business name, registered address and phone number
the trading name, if this is different
the type of business activity
the unique taxpayer reference (UTR)
the company registration number (where applicable)
where applicable the names and National Insurance numbers of all company directors and
business partners
the name, email address and a telephone number HMRC of the main contact
a postal address for correspondence, if this is different to the business address

the date of their first payday, or when you first provide expenses or benefits if this is earlier
how many people you are employing - or expect to employ in this tax year
whether you will be using any subcontractors in the construction industry
whether you will be operating an occupational pension scheme

Once the application has been completed you agree to read and sign the completed document so that
the registration can be submitted.

Notify us of the PAYE reference number when received to enable us to sign up as your agent and to
submit your payroll.

Our Responsibilities
We will:

Complete the registration application for your approval

Submit the application on your behalf
Assist with any queries.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 19 of 33
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Proposal #LFUK313

Registration for Pensions

The following schedule sets out our respective responsibilities for work undertaken in respect of the
auto enrolment set up requirements for your entity.

Your Responsibilities
You are legally responsible for:

ensuring that you operate an eligible scheme

You are responsible for choosing an eligible scheme and for regularly reviewing that it meets the
automatic enrolment qualifying criteria, and we recommend that you take appropriate independent

Our Responsibilities
We can, where required, provide advice to you regarding your choice of a pension scheme but we are
not authorised to provide specific advice to your employees. You are responsible for choosing a
pension scheme that meets the automatic enrolment qualifying criteria and we recommend that you
take appropriate independent advice.

We can assist you by:

providing factual information about pension schemes

helping you to compare schemes
referring you to a specialist adviser
referring you to guidance issued by The Pensions Regulator on pension scheme selection.

We will help you to establish which category each worker falls into, whether entitled worker, eligible

jobholder or non-eligible jobholder.

We will prepare and send to you a notice to send to each non-eligible jobholder that sets out certain
information about opting into an automatic enrolment scheme and what this means for them. If the
non-eligible jobholder chooses to opt in, you will enrol them onto the scheme on receipt of an opt-in
notice. We will assist you in this process if requested. We will send information to the pension scheme
about those non-eligible jobholders who choose to opt in.

We will prepare and send to you a notice to send to each entitled worker, giving them information
about joining a pension scheme and what it means for them. This includes new starters and those
becoming eligible to be enrolled by age or earnings. They do not need to be automatically enrolled but
have the right to opt in. You will arrange membership to a scheme for those entitled workers who
choose to join and complete a joining notice. This can be a different scheme to the one used for auto-
enrolment. We will assist you in this process where requested.

We will prepare a notice for you to give to the eligible jobholder telling them that they have been
enrolled, setting out what that means for them and also detailing their right to opt out (and to opt back
in again) where requested. You must re-enrol eligible jobholders every three years. We recommend
that you establish a process for this review.

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office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 20 of 33
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Proposal #LFUK313

We will, on receipt of the scheme information from you and the pension provider, assist you when you
make your declaration of compliance to The Pensions Regulator where requested.

Ad hoc queries by way of telephone and email enquiries are not routine compliance and may result in
additional fees.

Payroll Service: Fixed Salary Employees

The following schedule sets out our respective responsibilities for work undertaken in respect of the
payroll for fixed salary employees for your entity

Your Responsibilities
You are legally responsible for:

ensuring that the data in your payroll submissions is correct and complete
ensuring, where appropriate, that the national minimum wage has been paid
making any submissions by the due date
paying tax and NIC on time.
Failure to do this may lead to penalties and/or interest.

Employers cannot delegate this legal responsibility to others. You agree to check that submissions that
we have prepared for you are correct and complete before you approve them.

You are responsible for maintaining your employees’ information, including any changes to the
employees’ bank account details.

To enable us to carry out the work you agree:

that all information required to be delivered online is submitted on the basis of full disclosure

to provide full information necessary for dealing with your payroll affairs and workplace pension
scheme contributions. we will rely on the information and documents being true, correct and
complete and will not audit the information or those documents;
to agree the names of the persons authorised by you to notify details of changes in employees
and in rates of pay.
to advise in writing of changes of payroll pay dates and workplace pension scheme contribution
to notify at least 5 working days or such other period as agreed prior to the payroll pay date of
all transactions or events that may need to be reflected in the payroll for the period, including
details of:
all new employees (including full names, address, date of birth, gender, national insurance
number) and details of their remuneration packages
all leavers and any termination payments
all changes to remuneration packages
all pension scheme changes
all changes to benefits and expenses reportable under an existing payrolling benefits and
expense online service registration
information necessary to enable us to calculate statutory payments, ie, statutory sick pay,

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
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Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

statutory maternity pay, statutory adoption pay, statutory paternity pay, statutory
shared parental pay, statutory parental bereavement pay;
irregular and/or ad hoc payments and the dates to be paid;
to approve/provide the data required to complete:
in-year FPS by at least 5 working days prior to payroll pay dates so that they can be
submitted on or before payday, or as agreed with us
in-year EPS by at least 5 days prior to 19th of the month following the tax month
final FPS (or EPS when applicable) for the year at least 5 days prior to 19 April following
the end of the tax year
EYU within 5 days.
to authorise us to approach such third parties as may be appropriate for information that we
consider necessary to deal with your affairs.

You will keep us informed of material changes in circumstances that could affect the payroll. If you are
unsure whether the change is material or not, please let us know so that we can assess its significance.

Where you wish us to deal with HMRC communications you will forward to us all communications
received from HMRC. These must be provided in time to enable us to deal with them as may be
necessary within the statutory time limits. It is essential that you let us have copies of any
correspondence received because HMRC is not obliged to send us copies of all communications issued
to you.
Our Responsibilities
We will:

prepare your UK payroll for each payroll period to meet UK employment tax requirements
calculating the pay as you earn (PAYE) deductions including at the Scottish rate of income
tax if applicable
calculating the employees’ national insurance contributions (NIC) deductions
calculating the employer’s NIC liabilities

calculating statutory payments – for example, statutory sick pay and/or statutory
maternity pay
calculating reclaims of statutory payment – for example, maternity payments
calculating employee and employer pension contributions for employees and workers who
are members of workplace pension schemes (including those who are auto-enrolled) on
the basis of the information your provide
claiming employment allowance
calculating, if appropriate, apprenticeship levy
calculating other statutory and non-statutory deductions
submitting information online to HMRC under real-time information (RTI) for PAYE.

rely on the information and documents being true, correct and complete, and will not audit the
information or those documents
process any changes only if notified by the individuals agreed
prepare and send to you the following documents before the time of payment through the
payroll or due date for delivering information to HMRC:
payroll summary report showing the reconciliation from gross to net for each employee
and all relevant payroll totals

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office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
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Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

the data included within each full payment submission (FPS) for taxable pay and payrolled
benefits for each employee:
a payslip for each employee unless not required
a P45 for each leaver
a report showing your PAYE and NIC liability student loan and apprenticeship levy and due
date for payment
a report showing pension contributions payable in respect of each employee to the
respective workplace pension scheme(s) of which they are members and the due date(s)
for payment.
submit FPSs online to HMRC after the data to be included therein has been approved by you.
FPSs must reach HMRC normally on or before the payday. You must ensure that the data
provided is complete and accurate, and your attention is drawn to your legal responsibilities as

set out above.
for each tax month prepare, where appropriate, an employer payment summary (EPS) from
the information and explanations that you provided. (Examples of EPS data include statutory
payments, employment allowance, Construction Industry Scheme deductions, apprenticeship
levy allowance allocated to the PAYE scheme, apprenticeship allowance payable to date and
confirmation that no payments were made to employees.)
submit EPSs to HMRC after the data to be included therein has been approved by you. (EPSs
must reach HMRC by the 19th of the month following the tax month to which they relate). You
must ensure that the data provided is complete and accurate, and your attention is drawn to
your legal responsibilities as set out above.
at the end of the payroll year:
prepare the final FPS (or EPS) and submit this to HMRC after the data to be included
therein has been approved by you. (The final FPS (or EPS) for the year must reach HMRC
by 19 April following the end of the tax year.) You must ensure that the data provided is
complete and accurate and your attention is drawn to your legal responsibilities as set
out above
prepare and send to you form P60 for each employee on the payroll at the year-end so
that you can give them to employees by the statutory due date of 31 May following the

end of the tax year

submit national insurance number (NINO) verification requests as appropriate to verify or obtain
a NINO for a new employee.
only deal with the nominated person within the organisation and will only accept changes from
this person. Any enquiries from individual employees concerning their wages or other payroll
details will be referred back to that responsible person.

We will deal with any online secure messages sent to us by HMRC in respect of your payroll, for
example, code number notifications, student loan repayment notices, and generic notification notices.
Anything that you receive in your PAYE online account should be forwarded to us for action.

Ad hoc queries by way of telephone and email enquiries are not routine compliance and may result in
additional fees.

Auto Enrolment
The following schedule sets out our respective responsibilities for work undertaken in respect of the

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 23 of 33
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Proposal #LFUK313

auto enrolment requirements for your entity.

Your Responsibilities
You are legally responsible for:

ensuring that your payroll and pensions records are correct and complete
making payment of pensions contributions on time.

You will keep and retain the records required by law. These include:

records about jobholders and workers, eg name, date of birth, national insurance number, gross
earnings, contributions, gender, address, status within the pension scheme, opt-in notice, opt-

out notice and joining notice
records about the pension scheme, eg employer pension scheme reference, scheme name and
address, and other information in respect of specific pension schemes.

You must retain these records for six years except for requests to leave the pension scheme, which
must be kept for four years.

You are responsible for choosing an eligible scheme and for regularly reviewing that it meets the
automatic enrolment qualifying criteria, and we recommend that you take appropriate independent
You are responsible for providing all relevant information to the trustees or managers of the pension
scheme within the statutory period.

You are responsible for the monitoring of workers’ age and earnings, and agree to advise us on any
change in categorisation or status of your workers.
You are responsible for monitoring opt-in and opt-out requests and where workers with the right to
opt in or opt out exercise that right. If required and requested by you, we will assist you in providing
appropriate information for you to provide to the jobholder.

You are responsible for providing the required statutory information to your workers. This includes
writing to new starters and those becoming eligible to be enrolled by age or earnings within six weeks
of them meeting the age or earnings criteria.

You will enrol all eligible jobholders into an eligible pension scheme on the appropriate date.

You are legally responsible for:

choosing your re-enrolment date from within a six-month window, which starts three months
before the third anniversary of your automatic enrolment staging date and ends three months
after it
assessing your job holders, including those enrolled into the scheme and those you will put back
into the scheme.

You are required within five calendar months from the start of your legal duties and thereafter when
re-enrolling eligible jobholders to make a declaration of compliance with The Pensions Regulator.

To enable us to carry out our work, you agree:

to provide full information necessary for dealing with your workers’ pensions; we will rely on this
information and documents being true, correct and complete, and will not audit the information

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 24 of 33
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0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

or documents
to agree with us the name(s) of the person(s) authorised by you to notify us of changes in
employees and in rates of pay. We will process the changes only if notified by that (those)
to advise us in writing of changes of payroll pay dates
to notify us at least 5 working days prior to the payroll date of all transactions or events that
may need to be considered in relation to auto-enrolment obligations for the period, including
details of:
all new workers and details of their remuneration packages
all leavers and details of termination arrangements for all workers
changes in categorisation or status of your workers
all opt-in and opt-out requests from your workers

all remuneration changes for all workers
all pension scheme changes.

You will keep us informed of material changes in circumstances that could affect the pension scheme,
workers and deductions. If you are unsure whether the change is material or not, please let us know so
that we can assess its significance or otherwise and to seek your authority to approach such third
parties as may be appropriate for information that we consider necessary to deal with your affairs.

Where you wish us to deal with them you will forward to us all communications received from The
Pension Regulator. These must be provided in time to enable us to deal with them as may be
necessary within the statutory time limits. It is essential that you let us have copies of any
correspondence received because The Pension Regulator is not obliged to send us copies of all
communications issued to you.

Our Service to you

As part of the preparation of your UK payroll, we will:

calculate the deductions to be made from each worker’s pay

calculate the contribution you as an employer are obliged to make to the scheme

process through the payroll any refunds from the scheme

load the pension contributions files to the pension provider once the payroll has been approved

We will include the pension payments on the following documents:

the payroll summary report showing the reconciliation from gross to net for each employee and
all relevant payroll totals
the payslips for each employee (unless payslips are not required)
a report showing your total pension contributions (employees and employers) and due date for

We can, where required, provide advice to you regarding your choice of a pension scheme but we are
not authorised to provide specific advice to your employees. You are responsible for choosing a
pension scheme that meets the automatic enrolment qualifying criteria and we recommend that you
take appropriate independent advice.

We can assist you by:

providing factual information about pension schemes

helping you to compare schemes

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 25 of 33
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Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

referring you to a specialist adviser

referring you to guidance issued by The Pensions Regulator on pension scheme selection.

We will help you to establish which category each worker falls into, whether entitled worker, eligible
jobholder or non-eligible jobholder.

We will prepare and send to you a notice to send to each non-eligible jobholder that sets out certain
information about opting into an automatic enrolment scheme and what this means for them. If the
non-eligible jobholder chooses to opt in, you will enrol them onto the scheme on receipt of an opt-in
notice. We will assist you in this process if requested. We will send information to the pension scheme
about those non-eligible jobholders who choose to opt in.

We will prepare and send to you a notice to send to each entitled worker, giving them information

about joining a pension scheme and what it means for them. This includes new starters and those
becoming eligible to be enrolled by age or earnings. They do not need to be automatically enrolled but
have the right to opt in. You will arrange membership to a scheme for those entitled workers who
choose to join and complete a joining notice. This can be a different scheme to the one used for auto-
enrolment. We will assist you in this process where requested.

We will prepare a notice for you to give to the eligible jobholder telling them that they have been
enrolled, setting out what that means for them and also detailing their right to opt out (and to opt back
in again) where requested. You must re-enrol eligible jobholders every three years. We recommend
that you establish a process for this review.

We will, on receipt of the scheme information from you and the pension provider, assist you when you
make your declaration of compliance to The Pensions Regulator where requested.

Ad hoc queries by way of telephone and email enquiries are not routine compliance and may result in
additional fees.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 26 of 33
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0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313


Contact Details
The Data Protection officer is Ivanna Shevlyakova, who can be contacted about anything to do with
your personal data and data protection, including to make a subject access request, using the following

Email address:

Postal address: 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD
Telephone number: 0207907u00a7460

The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires
organisations that process personal data to meet certain legal obligations. We are a data controller
within the meaning of the Act and we process personal data.

We are committed to complying with the requirements of the DPA and GDPR. As a result we confirm
that personal information we process will only be held (or otherwise processed) to the extent
necessary in order to provide the agreed professional services and for any other purpose specifically
Information Collected
We are entering into a contract with you and will be processing data in order to fulfil our contractual
obligations. In order to provide the agreed services we need to collect, retain and process personal
data about you. This data is needed in order to:
Take you on and retain you as a client according to the provisions of UK laws and professional
regulations (eg anti-money laundering requirements).
Prepare and file accounts and tax returns

Provide advice on tax and national insurance liabilities

Provide ad hoc advice.

If the information required is not provided, we may not be able to provide the required services which
would trigger the disengagement provisions in the terms and conditions.

The personal data that we will collect and process will include:

Names and addresses

Email addresses
Telephone numbers
Information held by HMRC
Information required to prepare tax returns
Information required to prepare your accounts
Correspondence between us

How Information is Collected

We collect information that is supplied about you from:


Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 27 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

A spouse/partner
Your organisation
Electronic ID verification providers
Other third parties (eg banks, investment managers etc) as authorised by you.

How Your Information is Used

We may use information we hold about you:

to provide services under the contract in force between us

to contact you about other services we provide which may be of interest to you if you have
consented to us doing so.

to meet other legal and regulatory requirements.
for other legitimate interests.

We will retain records based on our retention policy so that we can defend ourselves against potential
legal claims or disciplinary action which can be brought within statutory time limits.

We may also use information from other people or organisations when carrying out these activities.

There is no automated decision-making involved in the use of your information and therefore no
automatic data portability.
Where we use subcontractors they will comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Lawful basis for processing personal data

Personal data may be processed on a contract basis under the engagement letter and provision of
services agreements.

Personal data may be processed on a consent basis when meeting clients' wider expectations of
my/our professional relationship.

Personal data may be processed on the legal obligations and/or public interest bases in order to
comply with legal requirements.

Personal data may be processed in order to further our legitimate interests.

Transferring Personal Data Outside the United Kingdom (UK)

We will not transfer the personal data we collect about you outside of the UK.

Information Which May be Given to Others

In order for us to provide the agreed services, we may provide personal data about you to:

other third parties you require us to correspond with (for example, finance providers, pension
providers (including auto-enrolment) and investment brokers.
subcontractors who are bound by the same professional and ethical obligations as the principals
and employees of the practice
an alternate appointed by us in the event of incapacity or death. Details of the name and
address of this individual will be provided on request.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 28 of 33
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0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

tax insurance providers

professional indemnity insurers
our professional body or an external reviewer in relation to quality assurance.

We need to give information to these other parties in order to fulfil our contractual obligations to you
and therefore it is not possible to opt out of the provision of information to these parties. If you ask us
not to provide information we may need to cease to act.

If the law allows or requires during the period of our contractual arrangements or after we have
ceased to act we may give information about you to:

the police and law enforcement agencies

courts and tribunals

the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

In addition, after we have ceased to act we may give information about you to:

our professional indemnity insurers or legal advisers where we need to defend ourselves against
a claim
our professional disciplinary body where a complaint has been made against us in order to
defend ourselves against a claim.
your new advisers or other third parties you ask us to give information to.
Data Security
We have put in place appropriate and proportionate security measures to address the risk of personal
data being lost, used, altered or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to personal data to
those who have a business need to access it, and who will only process the personal data on our
Nevertheless, no data transmission over the internet, or any other network, can ever be regarded as
wholly secure, and we have in place measures to deal with any suspected breach of data security.
Those measures include policies and procedures, which are periodically reviewed to ensure they are

effective and fit for purpose.

Retention of Information
When acting as a data controller and in accordance with recognised good practice within the tax and
accountancy sector we will retain all of records relating to you as follows:

Where tax returns and accounts have been prepared it is our policy to retain information for
seven years from the end of the tax year to which the information relates.
Where ad hoc advisory work has been undertaken it is our policy to retain information for seven
years from the date the business relationship ceased.
Where we have an ongoing client relationship permanent information (the data supplied by you
and others which is needed for more than one year's tax and accounts compliance) including, for
example, capital gains base costs and claims and elections submitted to HMRC, are retained
throughout the period of the relationship but will be deleted seven years after the end of the
business relationship unless we are asked to retain it for a longer period by our clients.
Under the Money Laundering Regulations (MLR 2017) personal data must normally be destroyed
within specified time limits but where contractual agreement is in place this is taken as
agreement under Regulation 40 (5) MLR 2017 to retain records for the longer period of seven

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 29 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Requesting Information Held About You (the Right to Access)

Requests to see records and other related information that the firm holds about you are known as
‘subject access requests' (SAR). We have set out further details on SARs below.

Requests in Writing
Please provide all requests in writing to the individual at the top of this notice.

To help provide the information on a timely basis you may need to provide copies of id and proof of

Asking someone else to make a subject access request on your behalf

You can ask someone else to request information on your behalf – for example, a friend, relative or

solicitor. We must have your authority to do this. This is usually a letter signed by you stating that you
authorise the person concerned to write to for information about you, and/or receive our reply.

When We Won't Release Information

The law allows us to refuse your request for information in certain circumstances – for example, if you
have previously made a similar request and there has been little or no change to the data since the
original request.

The law also allows us to withhold information where, for example, release would be likely to:
prejudice the prevention or detection of crime
prejudice the apprehension (arrest) or prosecution of offenders
prejudice the assessment or collection of any tax or duty
reveal the identity of another person, or information about them.
Where we are unable to consent to your request we will set out the reasons in writing.

Putting Things Right (the Right to Rectification)

Should information you have previously supplied to us be incorrect, please inform us immediately so

we can update and amend the information we hold.

Deleting your Records (the Right to Erasure)

In certain circumstances it is possible for you to request us to erase your records and further
information is available on the ICO website ( If you would like your records to be erased,
please inform us immediately and we will consider your request. In certain circumstances we have the
right to refuse to comply with a request for erasure and if applicable we will supply you with the
reasons for refusing your request.

Restrictions on Processing (the Right to Restrict Processing and the

Right to Object)
In certain circumstances you have the right to ‘block' or suppress the processing of personal data or to
object to the processing of that information. For further information refer to the ICO website
( Please inform us immediately if you want us to cease to process your information or
you object to processing so that we can take the appropriate action.

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 30 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Withdrawal of Consent
Where you have consented for us to contact you with details of other services we provide we may
continue to process your data and contact you for that purpose after our contractual relationship
ends. You may withdraw consent for the firm to contact you in relation to details of other services we
provide at any time during the performance of the contract or thereafter. We will then cease to
process your data but only in connection with contacting you with details of other services we provide.
Note that the withdrawal of consent does not make the other bases on which we are processing your
data unlawful. We will therefore still continue to process your data under the terms of our contract
and for other reasons set out in this privacy notice.

Obtaining and Reusing Personal Data (the Right to Data Portability)

The right to data portability only applies:

to personal data an individual has provided to a controller;

where the processing is based on the individual's consent or for the performance of a contract;
when processing is carried out by automated means

You may be able to request your personal data in a format which enables it to be provided to another
organisation. We will respond to any requests made without undue delay and within one month. We
may extend the period by a further two months where the request is complex or a number of
requests are received but we will inform you within one month of the receipt of the request and
explain why the extension is necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our processing of personal data, you can complain to
us as set out in the terms and conditions. If you are dissatisfied with the response, then you can refer
to the ICO.

Information Commissioner's Office


Wycliffe House
Water Lane

You can also complain to our professional body - as set out in the terms and conditions.

Privacy Notice Confirmation

I have read, understand and accept the basis on which my information will be dealt with as set
out in the privacy notice provided.
I agree to your appointed alternate having access to my records in the event of your illness or
permanent incapacity.
I understand that you will communicate or transfer data with me using any or all of the following:
Post/Hard-copy documents
Password-protected emails
Encrypted emails
Unencrypted emails (without attachments)

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 31 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

Secure Portals
Cloud-based software
I accept the risks of you corresponding with me by email that is not encrypted or password


Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 32 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |
Letter of Engagement in relation to
Proposal #LFUK313

The terms set out in this engagement letter, along with our terms and conditions and all schedules of
services, shall take effect immediately upon you signing the confirmation or upon the commencement
of work, whichever is earlier.

We will terminate the engagement should our sign on procedures not be satisfactorily
completed in a reasonable timescale.
You or we may vary or terminate our authority to act on your behalf at any time without
penalty. Notice of variation or termination must be given in writing.
If this letter is not in accordance with your understanding of the scope of our engagement or

your circumstances have changed, please let us know.

The terms of this engagement letter and documents supplied with it form the entire contract between
us and will be effective for future years unless we advise you of any change.

Please confirm your agreement to:

The terms of this letter

The scope of the assignment
The attached schedules of service
The standard terms and conditions
The Proposal LFUK313
The Nominated Individual is authorised to give instructions and information and to receive advice
and work produced on your behalf

by signing this letter.

Once it has been agreed, this engagement letter will remain effective until it is replaced, amended or
we cease to act for you.

We look forward to acting for you.


Yours sincerely,

Ivanna Shevlyakova

Law Firm UK Limited is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company with registered
office and trading address of 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7PD and Limited Company number 04666118 | Accountants and Business Page 33 of 33
Advisors | a. 2nd Floor Queens House, 180 - 182 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PD | t.
0207907u00a7460 | e. |

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