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JULY 2022

A. Short-Answer Type
Answer these questions in 3-5 sentences each.
1. What is the main point of the essay? In which paragraph/s is this point established? (5
2. What purpose do the functions of swearing, from Pinker's book, serve in relation to
David's main point? (5 pts)
3. What mode of development does David use to expand on his main point? (5 pts)
4. What is the purpose of mentioning health conditions such as "dementia and "aphasia"
(8-9)? (5 pts)

B. Essay
Answer the question with a 3-5 paragraph essay. (50 points)

In this 2016 essay, Randy David notes that the use of swearing in the last election resulted in
establishing “instant rapport”. Do you feel that this justifies the use of impolite language in that
context, or is it outweighed by the way swearing ‘summons the deepest emotions and the most
divisive resentments’? Provide at least three supports for your stand, with one original
illustrative example for each support. Cite relevant quotes from the text in your discussion.
Your answer will be scored based on the following criteria:

(25) Task Fulfillment and Content (Response satisfies the required task and content.)
(15) Organization (Ideas are logically sequenced; response exhibits smooth transition.)
(10) Mechanics (Response shows strong grammatical control; follows conventions.)

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