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Lulu the Lioness – Activity Introduction and Lion Relationship Notes

Watch the following video and follow along with the class discussion, answering the following
questions. Save this document for reference under Biology>Unit 1 folders.

Video: Female with Cubs -

1. What role(s) do male and female lions play within their prides?

a. Males:

b. Females:

2. Why are lions critical for the balance of life within their habitat? (What is their role in
the ecosystem?)

3. Do male or female lions mostly complete this role (in #3)?

4. How are cubs raised within prides (who raises them/ at what point do they leave the
pride/ do all leave the pride at some point)?

5. If the pride is taken over by a new leader (or leaders), what happens to the…

a. Females?

b. Males?

c. Cubs?

Anything else interesting to add?

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