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Student name: Âu Ngọc Diệu – 10.

4 Thuc Hanh High School – Grade 10

Unit 5: Technology and You

A. READING (textbook pp.54-55)
No. New word Meaning & example(s) Derivative(s) & Notes
Technology (n) [U] machinery/equipment based on modern knowledge about science & computers ______________ (a) (The recent versions of iPhone don’t have
nɑːlədʒi/ The boat is equipped with the latest ______________. much ______________ change.)
(a) (device) using electricity (Do you prefer paperback books or ______________
Electronic (a)(n) ______________ (adv) /ɪˌ
trɑːnɪkli/ (With computers, information
2 ones?)
trɑːnɪk/ can be stored _____________.)
(n) ______________: the study of electric currents in electronic equipment
Miraculous (a) = wonderful, wondrous; very surprising, lucky and unbelievable ______________ (n)[C] = wonder (of an act, event, thing)
rækjələs/ Wolverine in X-men has a ______________ power of self-healing. ______________ (adv)
(1) ~ ___ _______ sth = able to do sth (You are _____ ___ talking to foreigners.) _____________ (n): the ability to do sth; (2) ______________ (adv)
Capable (a) (2) = skilled (He is a _________ manager. Everyone in the company respects him.) Examples: 1. He manages the company very ______________.

keɪpəbl/ ≠ ______________ (a) = unable Everyone respects him.
 ~ ___ _____ sth = unable to do sth (The deaf are ________________.) 2. You have the ___________ to talk/of talking to foreigners.
Calculate (v) to use numbers to find out a total of sth = _______ sth _____ (phr.v) = to estimate ______________ (n): (the act); ______________ (n) (a device)

kælkjuleɪt/ We haven’t really ______________ the cost of the vacation yet. ______________ (a) /ˈ
Accuracy (n) the quality of being correct or true; ≠ ______________ (n) ________________ (a) ≠ __________________ (a)

ækjərəsi/ He shot apple with great/pinpoint ______________. ___________________ (adv) ≠ __________________ (adv)
______________ (v) /kəˈ mjuːnɪkeɪt/
__________________ (a): (1) relating to communication; (2) able to
talk easily ≠ _________________ (a): not willing to talk;
Communicator (n) the activity or the way of expressing ideas and feelings or exchanging information
7 ___________________ (n)
keɪʃn/ Human has two ways of ______________: verbal one and non-verbal one.
Examples: 1. Many sea creatures use ultrasound to
______________ ________ their kinds.
2. He is not _______________. He is a poor ______________.

VOCABULARY TASK 1. MULTIPLE MATCHING: The words in column A appear in the reading text (p.54-55). Match them and 5 more vocabulary in task 1 (textbook, p.55)
with their correct definitions in column B.
1. device (n)[C]   A. a computer file that contains text
2. appropriate (a)   B. the information stored by a computer
3. storage (n)   C. = memorandum; an official note
4. data (pl.n)   D. = gadget; a machine or a special way to do sth
5. document (n)   E. = suitable
6. memo (n)   F. the space where things can be kept

Compiler: TRINH THUC NGUYEN 1|Page

Unit 5: Technology and You Thuc Hanh High School – Grade 10
VOCABULARY TASK 2. GAP FILLING: Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. Change the word form if necessary.
electroni calculat miraculou capabl
device communication accuracy
c e s e

1. It is impossible to predict the weather ______________. 5. It was a miraculousness that no one was seriously injured after the tragic accident.
2. Sony is one of the well-known Japanese electronic giants. 6. Many couples make themselves miserable by not ______________ with each other.
3. Don’t give me that ______________ look. I know what you are up to. 7. The present Vietnamese government is ______________ of solving the flooding
4. The phone call was just a ______________ to keep his girlfriend from leaving. situation of HCMC during raining season.

B. SPEAKING (textbook p.56)

No. New word Meaning & example(s) Derivative(s) & Notes
______________ (v) (The paper ______________ us
= info (inf); facts or details about sb/sth ______________ the project schedule.)
______________ (n)
1  ~ ______________/______________ sb/sth (The paper contains ______________ (a): giving useful info

______________ ______________ the project schedule.) ≠ ______________ (a): not giving enough info
______________ (n) (person)
2 _________ (v) /stɔːr/ to keep sth somewhere (Lots of data are ___________ in a computer's memory.) ______________ (n) (I put unused things ____ __________.)

C. LISTENING (textbook pp.57-58)

No. New word Meaning & example(s) Derivative(s) & Notes
______________ (a) unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem; ≠ ______________ (a): calm ______________ (v)(n) (the act); ______________ (n) (the person)

wɜːrid/ Asian parents are constantly ______ ______________ their children. ______________ (a): causing anxiety = ______________ (a)
______________ (n): the fact of using computers
______________ (n) an electronic machine that can store, organize, find & change the information
2 ______________ (v): (1) to provide computer(s) to do the work of
pjuːtər/ The information is stored _____ ______________.
sth; (2) to store information on a computer  ______________ (n)
______________ (v) = turn down (phr.v); to say that you will not do something _________________ (n) (the act)
fjuːz/ I asked for his help, but he flatly (~/help) ________ ______________ me. _________________ (n): sb saying no to obey the law
___________ (v)(n) (n) a reason to explain or defend your behavior (No ________ ___ your lateness) ________________ (a): forgivable
skjuːs/ (v) to forgive (Please ______________ me ______ being so late today.) ≠ _________________ (a): unforgivable

D. WRITING (textbook pp.59-60)

No. New word Meaning & example(s) Derivative(s) & Notes
_______________ (n) (the person)
[C, usually plural] a statement telling someone what they must do
_______________ (n) __________ (v) (He ________ the team (do) ________ the task.)
1 The teacher gives the students (~/do) ______________________ the task.
strʌkʃən/ _______________ (a): providing instruction
_____ the teacher’s _______________, the students do the task.
_______________ (a) = informative

Compiler: TRINH THUC NGUYEN 2|Page

Unit 4: Special Education Thuc Hanh High School – Grade 10
(of machine/business) = function; to work (Solar panels only _______ in sunlight.) _______________ (n) (the act)
_______________ (v)
2 (medical) to cut open sb’s body to remove/repair diseased parts. (Surgeons are the _______________ (n): a person who operates equipment or a

ones who _______________ on people’s body part to cure a disease.) machine
_______________ (n) a sudden serious, dangerous situation that needs immediate action to deal with it
mɜːrdʒənsi/ This exit door should only be used _____ a(n) _______________.

E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (textbook pp.60-61)

Relative clauses with WHICH, WHO, and THAT
 USAGE: WHO, WHICH, THAT are r__________ p__________. They all follow a noun to add more detail(s) to it. After them is a complete clause (S + V.) However,
 WHO is used for h__________; e.g.__________________________________________________________________________________
 WHICH is used for t__________; e.g.__________________________________________________________________________________
 THAT is used for both __________ and __________, but __________ be used after a __________ (,) or after a __________.
 Describe an action happened at an i__________ time in the p__________ (or the exact time is not important)
(+) S + _____/_____ + ________________.
e.g. (You/ever/be) ______________________ to Korea?
 Describe a situation that b__________ in the past and lasts to the p__________.
(–) S + _____/_____ + NOT + _______________.
e.g. Tony (work) ______________________ for this company since 2000.
 Describe a p__________ event that has an obvious r__________ in the p__________.
(?) _____/_____ + S + ________________? e.g. I (not/sleep) ______________________ a bit last night. I am exhausted now.
 With s__________ form: e.g. She is the nicest woman I (ever/know) ______________________.

S + _______/_______ + __________ + __________. (+) S + _______/_______+ __________ + __________ + __________.
(–) S + _______/_______ + NOT + __________ + __________. (–) S + _______/_______+ NOT + ________ + ________ + __________.
(?) _______/_______ + S + __________ + __________? (?) _______/_______ + S + ________ + __________ + __________?

 TIME EXPRESSIONS: since, for already, just, recently, yet, ever, never, so far, for ages, until, up to now, as soon as

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