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How much work is done on a gas, if a certain fluid in a closed system initially
having a volume and pressure of 3 ft3 and 200 psia, respectively, undergoes a friction
less process during which the product pV14 remains constant.


Given P = 200 Psi

V1 = 3 Ft3
= 3 x 1728 anch
= 5189 inch3

therefore , P2 = 40 psi

PV 1.3 = constant

P1v1 1.3 =
P2V2 1.3
= �1�1
V2 1.3 �2

= 200 �5184

= V2 = 17878.6 inch 3
�2�2 − �1�1
Work done = 1−�

40 � 17878.6 − 200 � 5184

= 1 −1.3

= 1072186.6

Work done = 121140.82 N-m

This work is done by the system

24. Compute the total work done by a gas system shown in figure below following
expansion processes:


PB = PA 50 bar = 50 x 10 5 Pa

VA = 0.3 m3 VB = 0.6 m3
VC = 0.9 m

Work done in process A-B = area under the graph

= 50x105 ( 0.3 - 0.6 )
A - B = 15 J

While B - C ( Poly tropic Process

PB VB 1.7 = PC VC 1.3

50x105 x 0.6 1.3 =

PC X ( 0.9) 1.3

PC = 29.5x105 Pa


�� ��− �� �� 50�105 �0.6 − 29.5x105 �0.9

B-C= �−1
= 1.3 − 1

Co B - C = 1.15x106 J
25. A mass of 1.5 kgm of air is compressed in a closed system from 0.1 MPa to 0.7
MPa for which pvc. The initial air density is 1.16 kg/m³. Compute the work done by
the piston to compress the air. Express your answer in KJ.


Mass of air (m) = 1.5 kg

Initial Pressure ( P1 ) = 0.1 MPa = 0.1x106 N/M2
Final Pressure ( p2 ) = 0.7 MPa = 0.7x106 N/M2
Density of air 1.16 kg/m3

Law PV = Constant

Work Done = ?

We known that the formula for work done of a compressor

(PV = Constant ) Isothermal Process

Workdone = P1V1 ln ( �2 )

Where V1 = Initial Volume

���� (�)
Gas law Density = ������ (�)

� 1.5
V1 = ����
= 1.16

V1 = 1.293 m3

Work done = P1V1 ln �2

W = 0.1 x 106 x 1.293 x ln 0.7�106

W = -251606.18 J

W = -251.61 KJ
26. A mass of gas is compressed from 0.080 MPa, 0.1m³ to 0.4 MPa, 0.03m³.
Considering that the pressure and volume are related by pV" = c, compute the work
done by the gas system in KJ.


Initial Pressure ( P1 ) = 80kPa

Initial volume ( V1 ) = 0.1 m3
Final Pressure ( P2 ) = 0.4 MPa = 400 kPa
Final Volume ( V2 ) = 0.03 m3

As p-V relation pVn = c

P1 V1n = P2 V2N

Taking log e both side

ln p1 + n ln V1 = ln p2 +lnV

�1 �2
N ln �2
= ln �1

�� �2/�1 �� 400/80 1.60944
N= �� �1/�2
= �� 0.1/0.03
= 1.20397
= 1.3367 = 1.34

�1 �1 − �2�2
Work done (W) = 1.34 − 1
= -11.764 kJ

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