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© Islāmic Da‘wah Academy

Ṣalāt & Salām
4th Edition: Sha‘bān 1443/ March 2022

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Islāmic Da‘wah Academy

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ISBN: 1 907182 32 7
Our beloved Nabī Muḥammad s is the most
beloved to Allāh S and has the highest rank from
all of the Prophets. It is for this reason that Allāh
S has stated:
Verily Allāh and His angels send ṣalāt on the
Nabī: O Believers, send ṣalāt (Blessings of
Allāh) on him and salām (greetings). (33:56)
What greater honour can there be for Rasūlullāh
s than the fact that Allāh S Himself sends ṣalāt
upon him.
The countless favours of Rasūlullāh s upon his
followers and his love and affection for them
demand that they send ṣalāt and salām upon him
abundantly asking Allāh S to honour His beloved
Rasūl s with His choicest mercies, blessings and
greetings forever.
Sayyidunā Ubay ibn Ka‘b t reports that “I asked,
‘O Rasūlullāh, I would like to recite much ṣalāt

upon you, how much of the time that I have set
aside for du‘ā shall I use for it?’ Rasūlullāh s
replied ‘As much as you wish.’ I said, ‘Then I
shall use one quarter thereof.’ Rasūlullāh s said,
‘It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond that,
it shall be even better for you.’ I said, ‘In that case
I shall make it a half of the time.’ Rasūlullāh s
said, ‘It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond
that, it shall be even better for you.’ I said, ‘I
shall make it two-thirds of my time.’ Rasūlullāh
s replied, ‘It is as you wish, and if you increase
beyond that it, shall be even better for you’. I
said, ‘O Rasūlullāh s, I make the intention now
that I shall set aside all the time of du‘ā for ṣalāt
upon you.’ Rasūlullāh s replied, ‘In that case all
your worries shall be removed and your sins shall
be forgiven.’” (At-Tirmidhī, Aḥmad, Al-Ḥākim)
Benefits of Ṣalāt and Salām
Hereunder are some of the benefits one will
receive through reciting ṣalāt and salām:
1. Allāh S will send ten mercies upon the

one who recites ṣalāt `alan nabī once upon
Rasūlullāh s.
2. Allāh S will forgive ten of his sins.
3. Allāh S will raise his rank ten times.
4. Allāh S will grant him ten rewards.
5. The reciting of ṣalāt `alan nabī before du‘ā
increases the hope of its acceptance.
6. It will bring the intercession of Rasūlullāh s.
7. It is a cause of forgiveness.
8. It brings the Pleasure of Allāh S.
9. It will bring the reciter nearer to Rasūlullāh s
on the Day of Qiyāmah.
10. It will remove all his worries in this world and
the Hereafter.
Forty Aḥādīth on Ṣalāt and Salām
There are numerous compilations of ṣalāt and
salām which our respected elders, ‘Ulamā and
pious predecessors used to recite. In this booklet
we present from Shaykhul-Ḥadīth Ḥaḍrat
Mawlānā Muḥammad Zakariyyā v’s ‘Virtues
of Ṣalāt ‘alan Nabī’, forty ṣalāt and salām which

Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānwī v has
obtained from the aḥādīth of our beloved Nabī
s; twenty-five refer to ṣalāt and fifteen refer
to salām, thus making it a collection of forty
In a ḥadīth Rasūlullāh s has said, “Whoever
conveys forty aḥādīth on matters of religion to
my Ummah, Allāh will raise him as a faqih (a
person with sound Dīnī knowledge) and on the
Day of Qiyāmah I shall be an intercessor for him
and a witness on his behalf” (Al-Bayhaqī)
Note: From the twenty-five ṣalāt, most of them
are ṣalāt-e-Ibrāhīmī (Durūd-e-Ibrāhīmī) which
is the most virtuous form of ṣalāt ‘alan Nabī
taught by Nabī s himself.
How often should one recite
1. If possible, daily.
2. Every Friday.
3. Take it with you to Ḥaramayn Sharīfayn and
recite daily as many times as possible.
Readers are humbly requested to remember this

humble servant of Dīn, his parents and all those
who assisted in the printing of this booklet in
their du‘ā. May Allāh S enlighten our hearts
with the love of His Rasūl s and give all of us
the guidance to follow the Straight Path. Āmīn.

(Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā) Muhammad Saleem Dhorat

Ramaḍān Al-Mubārak 1414 / February 1994

In this new edition, a few changes have been made

in the wording of some formulae to be consistent
with the sources.


Rasūlullāh s said, ‘My intercession will become incumbent for
the person who reads this durūd.’ (Al-Mu‘jamul-Kabīr)
Rasūlullāh s said, ‘One who reads this durūd at the time of the
adhān, Allāh will accept his du‘ā.’ (Majm’auz-Zawā’id)
Rasūlullāh s said, ‘Whoever does not possess any wealth to
give as charity should read this durūd in his du‘ā, for indeed
this durūd is charity for him.’ (Al-Ḥākim)

Rasūlullāh s said, ‘Whoever recites this durūd, then on the Day
of Qiyāmah, I will give testimony of his Īmān and intercede for
him.’ (Al-Adabul-Mufrad)
A Comprehensive Du‘ā
Sayyidunā Abū Umāmah t addressed Rasūlullāh
s saying: ‘O Rasūlullāh s! You have supplicated
by means of many du‘ās, from which we cannot
remember everything.’
Rasūlullāh s then said: ‘Shall I not guide you to
that which encompasses all of them? You should
say’: (He then taught the following du‘ā)

O Allāh, we ask You for all those good things for which
Your Nabī Muḥammad s asked You, and we seek
refuge with You from all those evils that Your Nabī
Muḥammad s sought refuge from. You are the only
one who can be turned to for help, and for You is only
to convey (the message of truth). There is no power (to
do good deeds) or ability (to avoid evil deeds) except
with the help of Allāh. (At-Tirmidhī)

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