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1 Warm up
Look at these pictures of working dogs. Who are they helping, and how?

1 2

3 4

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2 Watch for main idea

Watch this short news report about some working dogs.

1. Who are the dogs helping?

R/ Dogs help people, in the control and detection of the covis 19 virus. Even if they are

2. How are the dogs helping?

R/ Through their powerful sense of smell, the dogs are trained to detect the COVID 19 virus and in
this way, a control is carried out with the flow of people at the airport.

3 Vocabulary

These words were used in the report. Read the sentences and match the words in bold with their

Group 1
1. My instructor taught me how to drive a car. a. an amount
2. Police found a large quantity of drugs at the house. b. a teacher of a practical skill
3. The government is promising to deliver better c. produce something that you have
education. promised

4. Doctors have clinically demonstrated that this d. relating to scientific

medicine helps most people. tests and experiments

Group 2

1. She’s a volunteer with a group that helps animals. a. a feeling of illness that a particular
disease causes

2. You have ketchup on your face! Use this napkin to wipe b. a person who gives their time to
it off. work without receiving any
3. Coughing and sneezing are symptoms of a cold. c. the ability to notice and record small

4. Scientists use machines which have strong sensitivity d. use a cloth to remove dirt
to make predictions about the weather.

4 Watch for detail

Watch the report again and answer these questions.

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1. How many dogs and instructors are training for the tests?

R/ 2 dogs and 2 instructors

2. How quickly can the dogs deliver the result of the test?

R/ In a matter of a few seconds

3. How much sensitivity does this test have?

R/ It requires a lot of sensitivity, since the canine must perceive the aroma of a substance that is
inside the body of people and is very effective.

4. How early can the dogs recognize a passenger with Covid-19 before they have symptoms?

R/ Up to a week before you may have symptoms

5. Is the dog test available to everyone at the airport?

R/ Indeed. Since they control the entry and exit of passengers from the country
PCR test: the test that most people in the world are using to identify people with Covid-19.




5 Talking point

Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.

1. If this test really works, how much would it change our response to the Covid-19 pandemic?

R/ It would have greatly improved our response, since we could have had much more control over
the situation

2. In what other places could this test be used?

R/ Brigades could have been made in the neighborhoods and thus, identify people who were
infected with the virus and give them immediate medical attention

3. Can you think of any disadvantages or problems with using this test?

R/ The disadvantage is the limited number of canines needed to cover a city. Which leads to a high
rate of infections

4. Do you think dogs enjoy working?

R/ I don't think so, but they adapt to that lifestyle.

5. How do you think this animal is working to help people? Do you know any similar examples?

R/ It may be detecting or tracking something. Since mice also have a very good sense of smell and

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It may be like the case of the Colombian sniffer dog, which was looking for victims of the plane

1.1_ sheep dog

1.2_ Guide dog

1.3_ Anti Narcotic Dog

1.4_ hunting dog

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