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8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

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Natural Harmonization of Face Proportions


Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the

sphenoid bone
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Before moving on to mewing and interoral techniques, it is useful to work with the bones of the skull. 

These mild osteopathic techniques help to relax the sutures, to relieve cranial blocks and tension, improve blood flow and lymph drainage
from the head, and improve health. 

In addition, these techniques give mobility to blocked sutures, so the progress from the course goes much faster. 
Can be performed daily if necessary, it's nice to perform them before bedtime. ⠀

Superior chest aperture

Cranial sutures: 1/10
8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone


Releasing tension from the skull and relaxing the sutures

A very gentle, but effective practice to relax the bones and sutures of the skull.

It removes blockages and venostasis, relaxes the dura mater, allowing changes to occur more effectively. 

If there is a constant feeling of tension and heaviness in your head, it can be performed daily for the first time.

/*note from Lilia: My colleague Anna is still under craniodontic treatment, that's why her soft tissue is not in order. Anna regrets about her
decision to undergoing such a treatment as it worsened her appearance very much, she's waiting when all this will be finished to back
only to mewing and her interoral face pulling techniques to restore her face again/ 2/10
8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

* If you feel not comfortable phycologically or feel fear while performing the technique for the eye socket relaxation - just skip this
technique. It's important so that you feel total physiological and psychological comfort while performing this. It's additional technique, so
don't worry - it will not affect the final result. 

Relaxing the sutures of the upper jaw

The simple technique to relax the sutures. It helps to relieve tension and improve the mobility of the bones of the upper jaw, helps to
correct the asymmetry related to the rotation of the upper jaw to the side. Can be done every 2-3 days or once a week.

It is done gently, until you feel the movement of the bone. If you don't feel the movement, you can simply hold this position for half a minute
each side. 

Relieving tension from the sphenoid bone

The sphenoid bone is the most important central bone of the skull, influencing the position of all facial bones. Its position also determines
the level your eyes. That's why the correct swallowing pattern is so important (at the moment of swallowing, the strength of the tongue
affects through the palatine bone and the vomer on the sphenoid bone, which affects its correct position in the skull). 3/10
8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

The sphenoid bone is connected to the occipital joint, the so-called sphenobasilar symphysis. The sphenobasilar symphysis forms the base
of our skull, and the shape of our face. Various kinds of asymmetries and bite depend on the position of the sphenoid and occipital bones
relative to each other.

We have relieved tension from the occipital bone in lesson 4, and now we will learn how to work with the sphenoidal one. It can be painful
at first. The task is not to press hard anywhere, but simply to stand on it, to breathe, to visualize and to feel its relaxation. Can be done once
a week.

Once again - where are the processes of the sphenoid bone: 4/10
8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

To find them, the finger moves in this trajectory:

🧚‍♀️ You can also use your fists to gently beat around the temples to wiggle the
sphenoid bone!


Perform these techniques at least 1 time per week before the basic cycle. 

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8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

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Bryan ortiz (/pl/152808000) •

Wed 15 Sep 2021 (

Answer created Tue 27 Jul 2021

When I relax the sutures of the upper jaw, I do the rotation to both sides or only to the side of the facial asymmetry


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Kartik Sharma (/pl/194375212) 
i have the same question for the sphenoid bone technique
Wed 15 Sep 06:01 

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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
Kartik, we carry out the technique in both directions)
Wed 15 Sep 09:07 Like •

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Nicole (/pl/132980042) •

Wed 18 Aug 2021 (

• Answer created Tue 17 Aug 2021

I never noticed this lesson before for some reason but it seems really necessary!!

Maybe this is weird but these suture stretches give me a bit of a euphoric feeling 😁


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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
Nicole, that's great! wonderful feeling! life went to face)))
Wed 18 Aug 10:17 Like •

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8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

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Nicole (/pl/132980042) •

Wed 18 Aug 2021 (

• Answer created Tue 17 Aug 2021

These exercises relieve the tension in my upper traps and neck?? For some reason I didnt realize my cranium held so much of the tension.


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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
yes, these are great relaxation techniques🤗
Wed 18 Aug 10:18 Like •

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shelzy (/pl/113258077) •

Thu 09 Sep 2021 (

Answer created Thu 09 Sep 2021

I can’t tell if I’m doing it right with the sphenoid exercises. Fascinating that you can effect the sphenoid through the mouth. 😁


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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
the sensations can be very subjective, this place is not used to exposure. over time, the sensations will become more understandable
and conscious🤗
Thu 09 Sep 21:47 

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ivan (/pl/187721210) •

Wed 22 Sep 2021 (

Answer created Wed 22 Sep 2021

the sphenoid temple area is very tender on mine


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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
this area is very sensitive for everyone👌
Wed 22 Sep 09:19 

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8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

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ivan (/pl/187721210) •

Mon 27 Sep 2021 (

• Answer created Mon 27 Sep 2021

if my jaw feels its being pulled to one side is that lateral ptergoyd strain?


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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
the tension of the masticatory muscles, the pterygoid muscle can really pull the jaw. that's why we relax them as often as possible)
Mon 27 Sep 18:12 Like •

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Bella Adell (/pl/199158483) •

Wed 29 Sep 2021 (

• Answer created Tue 28 Sep 2021

Hi Svetlana,

you adviced me to only do inter oral face pulling until my palate expands cos it is too small at the moment.

Should I do the exercises of this chapter now with the interoral face pulling? Or should I start doind rhis chapter exercises later on when my palate is
bigger and I start with the mewing?

Thanls 😊


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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
Bella, you can perform the techniques of this chapter now)
Wed 29 Sep 09:44 

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Bella Adell (/pl/199158483) 

Ok 😊. Thanks
Wed 29 Sep 16:32 

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Margalit Koffler (/pl/193357355) •

Fri 01 Oct 2021 (

Answer created Fri 01 Oct 2021 8/10
8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone
Answer created Fri 01 Oct 2021

Videos don’t work for me on this page


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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
This happens. Try reloading the app. If the problem persists, please contact us🙏
Fri 01 Oct 11:27 Like •

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A (/pl/173676035) •

Mon 18 Oct 2021 (

• Answer created Sun 17 Oct 2021

For the eye socket relaxation is it risky to do?

What does physiological comfort mean exactly where it says "it's important so that you feel total physiological and psychological comfort while
performing this."?

Thank you!

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A (/pl/173676035) 
How come you don't perform it? Is it not that useful or important? Thank you Lilia!
Mon 18 Oct 08:26 Like •

Lilia (/pl/104444494)
You are welcome, Jay! This technique for the eye sockets is useful technique but it’s just additional. For the sphenoid bone is really
Mon 18 Oct 18:42 

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Layal1710 (/pl/126782155) •

Sat 30 Oct 2021 (

Answer created Tue 19 Oct 2021

how is the sphenoid bone related to beauty? does it have a relationship with facial structure? i never noticed this lesson before

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Layal1710 (/pl/126782155) 
I see, should it be performed daily or every other day?
Fri 29 Oct 18:07 

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8/13/22, 11:41 AM Lesson 18: Relaxation of cranial sutures and the sphenoid bone

Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
2-3 times a week will be enough)
Sat 30 Oct 08:32 Like •

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