Maratona Business English 0521

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Hello, parabéns pela sua participação na


Espero que o conteúdo nesse e-book te ajude

muito no seu crescimento profissional.

Se quiser se aprofundar mais no aprendizado de

Business English, conte com a ajuda de quem tem
mais de 21 anos de experiência nisso: EU ;-).

Conheça nossos cursos em:

Conheça também o Business Fluency, a única

plataforma de auto-estudo totalmente focada em
Business English:
1. You must possess
strong business acumen.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Business Acumen
É ter visão de negócios, conseguir entender uma situação de
negócio e saber lidar com ele trazendo ótimos resultados.

Strong business acumen, capable of solving customer needs

applying tech solutions.

I’ve developed strong business acumen after working with M&A for
15 years.

How can you develop business acumen skills?

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

2. We’re seeking a
seasoned executive.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

2. Seasoned

Seasoned executive with 20+ years of experience in the shipping


Karen is a seasoned leader.

Brian is a seasoned strategy consultant.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

3. The government must ensure a
level playing field for domestic

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

3. Level playing field

Level playing field (noun): um campo de batalha justo,

equilibrado que dá a todos a mesma oportunidade de ter sucesso.

The government must ensure a level playing field for domestic


This initiative aims to create a level playing field for women in


There isn’t a level playing field for foreign companies

in China.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

3. Level playing field

Level the playing field (verb): equilibrar, nivelar o campo de


It’s time to level the playing field for minorities.

The internet has leveled the playing field for small companies in
several segments.

They changed the recruitment and selection process

as an attempt to level the playing field.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. What are the key drivers of
digital transformation in retail in

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Driver
Driver: fator, agente que impulsiona, influencia, impacta,
direciona, faz algo acontecer

Digital marketing and social media were our main growth drivers
last year.

In this article, the author describes the drivers, benefits and

challenges of the open talent economy.

The biggest drivers of success are desire, hard work

and perseverance. Do you agree?

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

5. US Treasury yield slides after
last week’s surge.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

5. Yield
Yield: Rendimento (subs.)

US Treasury yield slides after last week’s surge.

Here are some high-yield funds to invest your money.

The yield of soybean crop this year in Brazil is expected to be the

highest one in the decade.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

6. Some businesses have
successfully pivoted during the

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

6. Pivot
Pivot (v) em Business: mudar algum aspecto fundamental do
negócio, da empresa, mudar de direção. Geralmente se refere a
um mudança grande, uma transformação. Não só um ajustezinho.

Some businesses have successfully pivoted during the pandemic.

We pivoted our business in 2018, eliminating all in-person classes

to focus on online classes.

YouTube started as a video-based dating service,

but the concept never took off, so the founders
pivoted it into a video streaming and hosting

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. 9 a cada 10 clientes estão
satisfeitos com o nosso serviço.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Out of
9 out of 10 customers are satisfied with our service.

(RH) 8 out of 10 employees are highly satisfied with the work


(PRO) We have problems with this machine, 4 out of 10 bottles

are defective.

(FIN) 1 out of 15 customers are not paying on time.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Também pode usar IN

9 in 10 customers are satisfied with our service.

(RH) 8 in10 employees are highly satisfied with the work


(PRO) We have problems with this machine, 4 in 10 bottles are


(FIN) 1 in 15 customers are not paying on time.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Out of

b. Fora de:

I’ll be out of office from March 1st to 20th.

His statement was taken out of context, making him sound


Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Out of

c. Sem algo:

This product is out of stock. It should be replenished next week.

They are running out of money and desperately need an investor.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Out of

d. A partir de:

How can we create value out of conflict?

Sara Blakely founded her company out of her own needs.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

2. A empresa sofreu durante a
crise, mas o bom é que
aprendemos como fazer mais com
menos recursos.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

2. Silver Lining
algo positivo numa situação ruim, o lado bom de algo ruim,

The company struggled during the crisis, but the silver lining is
that we learned how to do more with less resources. / how to be
more effective.

The lockdown forced everyone to work from home.

The silver lining is that people don’t have to
be stuck in traffic and companies realized
that it’s possible to have remote teams.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

3. O banco nos dará 5 meses de
carência nesse empréstimo.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

3. Carência: tempo a mais para
fazer algo
Grace Period

The bank will give us a grace period of 5 months for this loan.

Italy is giving UK Finance firms a 6-month post-Brexit grace period

to obtain a business license.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

3. Mas Carência: falta de algo


There’s a lack of competent professionals in blockchain.

Brazil suffers from lack of good infrastructure.

Small businesses are struggling due to lack of

credit lines.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. O maior diferencial da nossa
plataforma é que seu conteúdo é
totalmente focado em
necessidades profissionais.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Diferencial como vantagem
a. Advantage / Diferencial competitivo: competitive

The main advantage of our platform is that its content is

completely business-driven.

(SAL) Our main competitive advantage is our vast

experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

(PROC) We’ve analyzed the offers and we prefer

supplier A, it has the advantage of an account
manager that will answer all our questions
within 1 working day.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Esse é o nosso diferencial

b. xxx is what sets us apart / makes us unique

Being completely business-driven is what sets our platform

apart. / is what makes our platform unique.

(SAL) Our vast experience in the pharmaceutical industry is

what sets us apart.

Como você reescreveria a 3a. frase?

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Não use “differential”

Differential: diferença de valor, tratamento – fazer algo de

forma diferente

We offer a price differential to our existing customers.

There’s still a big salary differential between men and women

in Brazil.

There’s a big cost differential between

these two plants. Here’s the breakdown.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

5. As lojas online tem custos mais
baixos do que as lojas físicas,
portanto elas conseguem praticar
preços mais baixos.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

5. Mundo real x mundo virtual
a. Lojas, varejista, atacadista:
§ Virtual: Online
§ Físico: brick-and-mortar / B&M / physical

Online stores have lower costs than brick-and-mortar stores,

therefore they can offer lower prices to their customers.

Many companies are closing down their physical stores to become

100% online.

Our online sales increased significantly, from $50k

in 2017 to $650K in 2020. We’ll continue investing
heavily in this channel.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

Todos os cursos presenciais foram
cancelados por causa da Covid.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

5. Mundo real x mundo virtual
b. Cursos, aulas, treinamentos:
§ Virtual: Online
§ Físico: in-person / face-to-face / in-class

We only offer online courses.

All in-person courses have been canceled due to Covid.

I’ll have a finance for non-finance professionals

training next month. Excellent, is it going
to be online or in-person?

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

5. Mundo real x mundo virtual
c. Eventos:
§ Virtual: Online
§ Físico: in-person / face-to-face

Online events are popular now, but I miss attending in-person


NÃO USE PRESENTIAL class, training, event…

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

Analista Pleno
Engenheiro Pleno
Consultor Pleno
Gerente Pleno

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

6. Pleno

Júnior / Pleno / Sênior

Analista Júnior > Junior Analyst

Analista Pleno > Analyst

Analista Sênior > Senior Analyst

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

Outra coisa que pode acontecer são palavras que tem um
significado no General English e outro no Business
E se você só souber o significado no G.E., das duas uma:
1. Ou as coisas não farão sentido algum para você. Você vai
ficar boiando.

1. Ou você vai ter mal-entendidos,

o que pode ser um problemão!!
1. Ballpark

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Ballpark

Give me a ballpark figure.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

1. Ballpark

a. Valor aproximado, valor estimado (ADJ)

I need more information to calculate the exact costs, but a ballpark

figure should be around $ 200K.

How much does it cost to build this app? Can you give me a
ballpark figure?

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

2. Bear

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

Maratona Business English: Aula 1
I can’t bear all this bureaucracy.

When forecasting the costs, bear in

mind that the BRL fluctuates a lot.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

a. BEAR: verbo tolerar, suportar, aguentar algo negativo
(passados: bore / borne ou born)

I can’t bear all this bureaucracy.

Your boss is constantly disrespecting you, how can you

bear this?

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

b. BEAR: suportar, aguentar algo (no sentido de peso)

We produce excellent shelves that can bear up to 30Kg


Maratona Business English: Aula 1

c. BEAR: (formal) carregar/levar:
The company is distributing face masks that bear its logo.

I know that he’s the owner of the company as it bears his

last name.

We can’t bear the risk of losing so much money.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

d. BEAR THE BRUNT: sofrer as consequências

Small businesses are bearing the brunt of the crisis.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

e. BEAR IN MIND: ter em mente, levar em consideração,
se dar conta de algo

When forecasting the costs, bear in mind that the BRL

fluctuates a lot.

You have to bear in mind that this market is highly volatile.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

f. BEAR WITH someone: ter paciência e esperar
enquanto alguém faz algo

Bear with me for a moment, I need two more days to

finish the report.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

g. A (heavy) cross to bear: uma cruz (pesada) para
carregar, um fardo

Leading a team is exciting and challenging, however

there’s a heavy cross to bear: having to fire people.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

h. BEAR MARKET: momento da bolsa de valores onde
tem uma queda grande (de pelo menos 20% dentro de 2
meses) nas ações e muita gente está vendendo.

Many investors panicked at the beginning of the pandemic,

sending global stock markets into bear markets.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

3. Makeup

Maratona Business English: Aula 1


You need to make up your mind.

The company has a diverse

nationality makeup.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

a. Make up (for): compensar algo
Sorry for the missing goods, I will send you two new boxes
to make up for it.

They gave us an upgrade to make up for the booking


The success of product A made up for the

losses of product B.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

b. Make up: fazer as pazes

They argue a lot, but they always make up right away.

I’m happy to hear that you’ve made up with Anna.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

c. Make up: inventar (desculpas, estórias,… no sentido

He made this whole story up so people feel sorry for him.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

d. Make up: preparar
Please make up a list of all the things that need to be done
for this event.

We need to make up the meeting room for the board

meeting tomorrow.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

e. Make up: completar para chegar ao valor/quantidade

We’ve raised $3500 in our charity event. The company will

make up the difference to pay for the renovation of the
orphanage we support.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

f. Make up: compor, consistir
*make-up ou makeup: composição

This course is made up of 7 modules.

The company has a diverse nationality makeup.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

g. Make up someone’s mind: se decidir

Have you made up your mind about where to invest?

I’ve analyzed all the suggestions, but I still haven’t

made up my mind.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Charge

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

They will charge us for this service.

He’s been charged with fraud.

Who’s in charge of the finance


Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Charge

a. charge: cobrar ($$)

They will charge us for this service.

We can keep the container for 2 more days, but then the
shipping company will charge us $45 per day.

He charges $ 500 an hour.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Charge

b. charge: cobrança ($$)

There will be extra charges for the additional service.

Google offers ad consultants free of charge.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Charge

c. charge: ser acusado de algum crime

He’s been charged with fraud.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Charge

d. to be in charge: ser responsável por algo, estar no

comando de algo

Who’s in charge of the finance department?

Philip is in charge of issuing the invoices.

Brian is on medical leave, so Tina

will be in charge during this period.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Charge

e. Take charge: assumir controle, o comando

I took charge of the project in March.

Apple’s revenues soared 1 year after Steve Jobs took charge

in 1997.

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

4. Charge

f. Passa no cartão: charge the credit card

How much is it? I don’t have enough cash.

Can you charge it on my credit card?

Maratona Business English: Aula 1

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