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FF. Has Olmasea Integratler | Oneeki bilinlerde ele alelyprenre, Sons belicli intepralinde. G ¢ a vc bp yant Toteprasyon Sswlon, sonu seytordy ve. @e F. Cab) voerinde Srey ya ia streksi2 volsa bile. Simelyydt. Tamm: Yukenda veilen iki koouldan en o& bet Saplonm yorsa, Joes Integraline, has olmayan Jolepcat acy Necilir. Ve olerok, Bicincs Easulon, SSplonmadipy yant 5 ©e az-w Vergy b= oo old apy Wein olorak ise Liner Kevulun scglrmadipy yoni © £ Fontsipnucon — Lo,5} oraliPindali bic nalhada sxgu2 Scraks\al sabip dupa i dum ele alacaldie. © aaa (semen ertter) = Sa duumda Sar F Sin, Creda gi So fark has 2 alragyen, nigga” Re Rarasecat “Tenens 4) Ege, La Q) 2) Saainde sivebtiyse bu crore @&) POldx = Len PPG ax & Ss 0 oO elu. a ,b] therinde Srebliyse bu duamda *) EL, Ce, Poon axe Sev 50% dx| ol ) Gro ' a) Eger F, Greiede shrek se lor dowmdg Q) U) ve (2) ee F Eger Keith mecut dg (-a, «) o “eo §\ Poldx = f Pods +0 pogdx 0 00 eS oiler treucut oldgurda intepralere_yatsassthe Gils. Inlgrale \oksaltic denir. - luc. denic. — e oo (3) fee S food ve eo inkeprllerinty her ‘hist de vplinsale a x ne ingqratt Sakina sluc, Eger a Sf veya Tae Waksak tse fu duumda — (peddx has slmnayen ete \talsalche . Srnek. A? dodx it Nir Hesaplayym2. ect eee areata ca es (4) SMYgi gerdienngta c te dxe bin 5 Pde pave, Pa ear Bu eatiGin 35p torafinda olson intgeal hresplamic. Dare senca Se litt —alime = Py phan fx al “(41 ; re bom 2 ey Obatde, J 43 dx= 4 obp ZS > vesilen ae golunsatche. Seok 22 P tux ‘in’ hesaplayrnn2 —“— 3 re J Gaim: (4) den yorotlan malign? . aaa > b Zine fm (Ad = Din (2 |) = tm (Ed) =o baker. A boo 4 bro 34 Los00 is (Atreik te veut = Oharde, § xv dx imdegenli \caksakhe. Senet 3. Pax \ateyains hesaplayat2.- Gs2em% (3) jen ~ © keyfi clorok secilebildiginden CHA alinetbilic. By —elucys = Patax Yeklinde ysrabilici2. : -o ( anreprsiiay \olsale Salsl. obo Week2'de Ta Bana inced eng A Ss wget Valid Ceetenash mie a 3- 0 balde, econ integral? icoksekhe- ~o Samana Alans Eger La,c0), (-0b) ya da (—c0, 00) Uaerindelt tien x ler i¢in Amz O ise (1), (2) ve (3) Hei Imbeprallerin herbie’ \obegraller atanisk oUginda 0 or alilta Fin gufpr olinda edlan olarck pamiont Since 4 Pa ax inbenraling hessplayin’a ve. cick lack, rata. peice sek ee ‘ Gaim: (1) cen grerlonmehy 2. Baylece, ; an = Sim Gem dx afin (2%) =n (ee * +e) 4 bac -4 on, “1 bya =k = = Sac ¢€ © + & Nertlen ‘ndagesl yortisatche, ya da indggeal O( Frecuk | -= eye yotmar diphiice. Ter Soralgersa == georetsk yori: verilen iaigeel * bee 20 Roclgipnann SAiFinin alhrca olen alendie : ‘3 © Az=5§ e“dx=e duc. a x . ° Sinek StF cosxdx inegraling es aa “oo 982% (2) den Seretonenalgi2 eo S conte = = Bo ¢ conden Bin (sinx j ) = Bien oo sine) o--00 a” as05 5 = Bion (=sina)) (Gx ness) Sones atoret, [coorcle inteyali \calsatche. NSE ~e0 _ 5 ~ Binek & » ¢ = ales integgealin’ Hesaplagere. ~o Gsiim: cxO alam. Bu panel al den Rydalanacak, ial aaa S arts Se = dx= Tr T roktinde yarabilicia. on ae ‘We alors Ty Integrating ele Souant o cote sea dim [Ses fon ,(Mateso]) aa oa ano g ot (e) ahi — antes ealGen) BG vewtesete Gey Gye =4q2 balun. (Ty yakinsak Loa ace: SS b a fe S— & = Lion tof (tne) | +A baa Gg e+! = Liro (cer) <249) bse = co Pknuc. (L irabksak) Ay gets creak Th volsek oldqurlan veilen Fe dk integral easache. ~ae! * nad : Sek FH $a has al ‘ Vining yolunyalelis un incole i. JS ae storage oe inin yo! a) ot Bry c=O Sesetim. Ba dunmda veilen 1 Vebeprei yu : | sare oe 7 leg tat ara ee = T+], setkirde yorabiltcia. Ronee o | a oe 0 = Tm J rear in, © sie = Bim (onmnn|) @ : Oo = a » (orehano ~ exctone) ie b es) = > Ty Yalinsck t= 5; cada fin § oan ———— bac 0 han” ts = fin (ese \ ) = Sern (tacos) “3 Is DT _yetonsak O° bw © holde & to ax Inbeprett yeleanselehe ve. x rec Erben aluc. : tae? aa ae -5- GD P, Ca¥] Srerinde sonsuz bir sScebsiziipe, sehip ise b S f0)dx Wotepratics ele alalin. Staielar, gant o vee, Sanlu olsun. e Breade + fanesiyonu — Lo, 8] oralginda bir nalchada Sansu® sSretaiat i alon bic fankoi. olsun. Bu duomda §-fr)dx yine ras steroypeey bic Wnbepraidir Ve bx Notepeal Sch “te, fackh @ durum Ste Laragudur. Babsedtilen SBrevsialk naltasr a,b yo da ce (ab) zeklinde olobilte. By duomlar eels trommda ele alin alctacke. anne “Jeger F, Cap) Srerinde steele ve xb iken 1p lea te x duamaa $ xzb'de Sanz Drebsrl sehip » Eger f, (ab) caartrde stretli Ve xno then UG0|pe0 ie bx & Cm ax | luc. \ olor, Fy xza'da . Sonsu2 shrek SakGe Schip wn) Eger (a8) orahipedalt bic C icin xc iken MPWlom Be ve F, Low) isindeks dizer Kim nekboleda Srekli ise bu ciumda » b @) | Sande Fond + S$ F6adx) oluc. ° a co 5) ve dali lierser preucurr olcipurcla t Ne yokinsalehe deni 6 aoe Eger Wet meat ag intepale _itabsalehe denic. (F) dees S“Fondx ve S—Povdx Inbaprllerini her Wkisi de _yokinsele - e P aa < 3 Oldsgunda fF poydx Wntepeali uplunscde lure. ERE Spon dy Neya (faidx oo b e 'Yeksok ise { Feddx inbesreli Walack luc, “ ay 4 Ornek 3: J ca intepolin’ hessplanare . — xaot ilar fi)=Z a0 clmmbtatc. (6) con Qydalanarak ie SE bee Bien Ade = den (25% |") = Bien (4 -28*) = elee ere, a & ssots soot gs “ Sa0t (Gini eset) 5 4 , © holde See clup integral yakinsalehe, F e ornele 10% § Onx dx Integealin’ hesaplayima. o Erin. xa0% then FO) = Mx 3-00. clmalctache, G4 nedenle verden Tnkepesl has orien bir iotegratace-(6) don Pyjdataracak J tod fon (tora = Bin (Boe De fire (elne-e~ s8es+8) sacks vs (kom intagenge a) =D 5 (A~2ns) Sao” (ts Vint O.00 belits'2 feline sahiptir) (eatin 2 o a Sons, store nigel ydeanslhr ve FPanxdxs © toulunue. ° , 5 Orne HG pox gaint hempesnie Ge 1 Fae forksiygam x22 de sonsur Sreksialge sshiptic. A) ge bsrenarvens ee ' 5 2 od hur. ease Jes: x se T+ ou (es 9 inte oe ee Son "6 -2) Pee mea) * I) a >i \ehegeai, ystunsathr, 5 ee, Oh ; an 5 be Ses) saan s (2) ia 1) = Len 2 Cros Sen Ce 2.3” % 3 (5-2) a. 2 penn > Ty inggatt salensache. / Teve 2 inkagralierinin her “kisi de Sie olkBandan i 343 \ i a aaa Rehs -3+s- s skp veilen ‘ntepralde yalerralehe. ONEMLA NOT? Has amagan ntepeallerin hepst innit gastiongta caaileraidic. Aksi tekdicde Jools samiq elde edebiltri2. OrnaBin g 4 § +p : -2 x* Z i int aim, Bu i My z Imegiind ele alehin. & een ats z Aly ee ee ere z 6 dodun (k= -il- ines S85 ° g 2 Xe Z sedinde hesplaysrok — soncu -i ladmuy olurua. Ancok bu 3 Baten dea bie g32tm sggilaic. Pines eo Rbisigana z i ee aie X20 skdbsanda sansue Steokaaige aabp oldipendon x iobepral’ has aterayen bir Inlegraldie. Delays tle ST ) 2 eon elle adkilinest gerelir . Strndi epee gdms osapdoli Senate gbretinn - p y 4 SORE GF ax integriicn heaphanone Geen: By has almapn iC inleye\dir. Cla Sram nat) A 1 Ay ° 3 Q Aone § axe ( Lax 2 T+ 2 2* 2 x BR = x = SZ i= slime integer as seo fn free fm lk ie Pacts )a% ogee I eae & a Tr inlgaclint Nemdemaya gore ‘I 1 alee, 4 hex Intepralt rakselche. Diktet edesen® Snel nat Euminda yothpimi. “hesaple ‘nbepraln degerin’ =F clemk bdmatule. Anca alguns ction Yates ile iy Couahy else ete ld. ALUSTIRMALA R 4) g da indepatint hesaployinra. or : 3) = seme) Beh = By Sate tim (25 | atm G3 ots") ‘ ta ah ohep wesley inkgged) yolonselehO 3 2) Say ae xz bn 6 x axe Lan (5 areata |) ar-m Q Xtd pow VY us x4] = Lien (4 a dus GxPdx mane = 0 okp intgval Waksalehe, 3) ; 4 dx = Dion Seay Pb = Dow CED (Ce y Rex! Raat x-4 5 (metas boe se) = Lim eck L sy 1 )atoa oly 7. vralsalehe. ey Std = = C eet bee i ) wo QO ArcosXx n XET (Gln O cipal) =o en ay) =to [oe Inbeprel ifok hhc. e & 25 rm am k= ke 3 9 J gael POAC D. ; a Bien (3233s 3) =6 olp Sao Vevtegeal yekinsehe-

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