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Moscow Aviation Institute



"Rocket Engines"

60 years
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Department "Rocket engines" 60 years.



1. Formation and development of the department 202 MAI "Rocket engines" ....3 2. Head of the department

A.V. Kvasnikov ........................ ..............................................17 3. Head of the department

N.B. .Rutovsky ................................................ ..................22 4. Head of the Department

B.V.Ovsyannikov ...................... ......................................... 26 5. Head of the Department A.A.

Sergienko ................................................... .................................29 6. Head of the Department

V.K.Chvanov.................................. ................................................. 32 7. Head of the department V.V.

Chervakov .................................................. ...................35 8. Head of the Department S.F.

Timushev ................................................... ...................39 9. Professor

D.I.Abugov ...................... ................................................. ...............................42 10. The creative path of

Professor O.I. Kudrin................................................. .......46 11. Memories of Professor L.B.

Evangulov ............................................................ ..53 12. Professor M.S.

Stecher .................................................. ................................................. .57 13. Professor

V.D.Kurpatenkov .......................... ................................................. 60 14. Interrupted but not forgotten

directions .............................................. ................ 64

Compiled by: Associate Professor of the Department 202 Vorobyov A.G.

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In the last years of the Great Patriotic War intensified

attention to research in the field of jet aviation and missile

technology. The steel industry needs qualified

specialists in these relatively new branches of science and technology. IN

1945 at the motor faculty of MAI, a department was organized

"Special Engines", and on January 15, 1953. on the basis of the department "Theory
aviation engines" created department "Missile

engines. Professor A.V. Kvasnikov became the head of the department,

longtime rocket enthusiast.

The main directions of the newly created department were:

-creation of a laboratory base,

- development of curricula and new courses to be taught,

- writing textbooks and manuals.

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1st operating unit of the motor laboratory MAI "Adon"

8 losh. forces, 1932

For the period 1953-1961. were created: hydraulic pouring

stand, three firing stands for testing engines with thrust up to 500 kg ,

stand for solid fuel engines, stand for characterization

pumps and automation units, etc. A large role in the creation
material and technical base of the department played during this period professor
Lev Bogdanovich Evangulov, professor Mikhail Sergeevich Shteher, docent
Daniil Isaakovich Abugov, Viktor Alexandrovich Tselikov, Boris
Viktorovich Ovsyannikov, Gerakliy Nikolaevich Chilikidi, Vladimir
Alekseevich Suvorov.

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Bondarev G.I. and Shteher M.S. characteristics are taken at the stand
the engine.

The first textbook on LRE was the book of the former

postgraduate student of the Department of TAD (and later director of the Research Institute "Cryogenmash")

Belyakova V.P. "Liquid jet engines" (1952). In 1957

a textbook by M.V. Melnikov “Fundamentals of the theory of rocket engines” was published. In 1959

A.V. Kvasnikov's book "The Theory of LRE" was published, in 1960 - Vyacheslav's manual

Danilovich Kurpatenkov on the calculation of the rocket engine and a tutorial

B.V. Ovsyannikova “Theory and calculation of liquid-propellant rocket engines”.

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Installing an exhaust pipe when building a fire stand


In 1961, Department 208 was separated from the Department of Rocket Engines.
headed by its organizer - A.V. Kvasnikov. Department of "Missile
engines "began to lead for 12 years Professor Nikolai
Borisovich Rutovsky. During this period, the study of
non-stationary processes occurring in the propulsion system.

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Presentation of the Order to A.V. Kvasnikov

A firing vacuum bench was built for testing the MT LRE on

stable self-igniting fuel components, intensively
work was developed on the study of intra-chamber processes
(supervisor associate professor D.I. Abugov).

The direction for the development of nuclear

rocket engines, according to which the department annually produced a group
young professionals. Industry orders (KB Energomash, KB
"Khimavtomatika", etc.) for process modeling and control of the NRE
were the basis for the creation of new experimental facilities.

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Heads of Laboratory 202 in the period 1931-1952

In 1962, A.V. Kvasnikov, V.A. Tselikov, V.V. Ramodina together with

industry workers were awarded the State Prize
for the development of a method for model testing of elements and assemblies of RD on
heavy gases.

In 1971, the Mashinostroenie publishing house published widely

famous textbook by professors B.V. Ovsyannikov and B.I. Borovsky “Theory
and calculation of LRE power units.

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1950 poster. Development of the laboratory from foundation to 1950

A lot of work on the creation of methodological materials for the course

"LRE Theory" was performed by E.L. Berezanskaya, Senior Lecturer

Since 1973 to 1986 the department was headed by Professor Boris Viktorovich
Ovsyannikov. Textbooks have been published for almost all courses and
study guides. According to the instructions of the industry were conducted scientifically
research work on LRE power supply systems, sustainability
working process in the combustion chamber, blade machines, engines
low thrust. Professor Vyacheslav Danilovich Kurpatenkov, together with
co-authors from MVTU im. Bauman was awarded the State
Prize for the textbook edited by V.M. Kudryavtsev "Theory and calculation of LRE".

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The staff of the department in 1976

1 row from bottom, left. Gladkova Valentina Nikitichna, Shteher Mikhail Sergeevich, Dushkin Leonid
Stepanovich, Evangulov Lev Bogdanovich., Akopova Galina Pavlovna, Rutovsky Nikolai
Borisovich, Viktor Arsentiev, Elena Lvovna Berezanskaya.

2 row Kuznetsov Viktor Vladimirovich, Solovyov Evgeny Vasilyevich, Chelikidi Gerakliy

Nikolaevich, Kurpatenkov Vyacheslav Danilovich, Tselikov Viktor Alexandrovich, Kravchik
Nikolai Ivanovich, Mansurov Nikolay Petrovich, Abugov Daniil Isaakovich, Ovsyannikov
Boris Viktorovich, , Kuzin Leonid Alekseevich

3 row Kozlov Alexander Alexandrovich, Shepelev Valentin Efimovich, Ignatiev Vitaly Sergeevich,
Ershov Nikolay Stepanovich, Kesaev Jose Vasilyevich, Dushkin Andrey Leonidovich, Selifonov
Vasily Serafimovich.

During this period, the department actively developed the evening form
training for industrial technicians and graduates
secondary schools (dean of the evening faculty, associate professor Kravchik Nikolay
Ivanovich, who defended his Ph.D. thesis at department 202).

In 1979 and 1986 two editions of the textbook by N.B. Rutovsky and E.
V.Solovyeva (MAI), A.I.Babkina and S.I.Belova (Bauman MVTU) "Basics
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theory of automatic control of the RDU. In 1976. educational

Prof. M.S. Shteher’s manual “Fuels and working bodies of rocket
engines", and in 1982 - the textbook by H.V. Kesaev and R.S. Trofimov "Reliability
aircraft engines.

In 1979, the Mashinostroenie publishing house published a monograph by V.G.

Bazarov "Dynamics of liquid nozzles", and in 1985 - a monograph
V.V.Mikhailova and V.G.Bazarov "Throttled rocket engines", which retained their
significance to the present.

In 1986, the State Register of the State Committee for Inventions included
discovery No. 314 "The phenomenon of abnormally high
increase in thrust in the gas ejection process with a pulsating active
jet." The authors of the discovery were professor of department 202 Oleg Ivanovich
Kudrin, professor A.V. Kvasnikov and academician V.N. Chelomey.

From 1986 to 2001, a doctor of technical sciences was invited to head the department,

Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Sergienko. Graduates of the department

rocket engines on liquid, solid and hydropropellant

were the most significant personnel replenishment of the respective

scientific and technical areas in research institutes, design bureaus and NGOs.

In 1988 A textbook was published by the publishing house "Mashinostroyeniye"

"Power supply and control systems for LRE" authors A.A. Kozlov,
V.N. Novikova, E.V. Solovieva, and in 1991 - the collective labor of workers
departments V. G. Bazarov, S.S. Grigorieva, A.L. Dushkina, L. A. Lyulka and
who took an active part in the joint developments of the deputy. Main
designer NPO "Saturn" A.V. Andreeva "Dynamics of gas-liquid

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Until 1990, the department carried out a large amount of scientific

research work on the instructions of industrial and scientific
research organizations of the rocket and space industry. Apart from
training firing stands began to function research
firing stand, stand "Model" for the study of intra-tank
processes with a computer system for collecting and processing
experimental data, cold stage simulation stand

launch of gas-phase TVEL YARD.

On the instructions of NPO Energia, in the interests of 4 organizations,

designed, manufactured, tested in a flying laboratory and
the Volna-2 installation was sent to the Mir space station for
studies of fluid behavior under microgravity conditions. By
the results of the study of astronauts on the "Volna-2" installation were
4 intake devices for space rocket engines were tested, in addition, on
Department created a video film, which is now a great
scientific interest.

In 1990 Prof. Evgeniy Vasilyevich Solovyov was awarded

USSR State Prize for work in the field of space technology,
and Professor B.V. Ovsyannikov - USSR Council of Ministers Prize for scientific
work in the field of energy.

The theoretical foundations of acoustic-vortex analysis were laid

vibration activity of LRE turbopumps (B.V. Ovsyannikov, S.F. Timushev).

In the 90s, developed by V.G. Bazarov, V.I. Zhdanov and V.I.

Biryukov porous nozzles for ultrafine atomization
liquids were used in NIIAS at the installation for
dispersion of magnetic fluids in the shielding of space
devices. The installation was tested on a suborbital rocket and created
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a cloud with dimensions of 6 × 8 km at an altitude of 212 km. The results of this work were

reported to V.G. Bazarov at the World Space Congress in Rio de

Janeiro in 2000

In 1995, the department of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman and cafe. 202 MAI was released

the first problem book on the RD "Collection of tasks and questions on the basics of theory and

calculation of rocket engines". The co-authors were employees of the department 202
E.L. Berezanskaya, S.S. Grigoriev, A.I. Kolomentsev, L.V. Kudryavtseva,
V.D. Kurpatenkov, L.A. Lyulka.

In 1998, a new specialty "Engineering

environmental protection", in the organization of which he played a big role
professor of the department, doctor of technical sciences Tselikov V.A.

Great help in keeping the school of study and application

non-stationary processes in the nozzles were financed by
side of oil producers conversion development of methods and
devices for enhanced oil recovery of oil-bearing formations,
conducted in the 90s by V.G. Bazarov and V.I. Zhdanov. They were
documents of protection have been received confirming the priority of the MAI in
development of hydraulic vibrators (A.S. No. 1533080, 1989 "Method and
device for generating oscillations of the liquid flow”; A.s.
No. 1596835 (1990) "Device for wave treatment of the reservoir"; A.s.
No. 1621775 (1990) "Method for generating pressure fluctuations".

Since funding for research and development

side of the state practically ceased, the department had to
look for it abroad, in particular in China, Brazil, France, USA,
South Korea.

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In 2001, the First

Deputy General Designer of NPO Energomash named after
V.P. Glushko, Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir

Konstantinovich Chvanov. From 2010 to 2013 the department was headed

graduate of department 202, former dean of the faculty, professor Chervakov
Valery Vasilievich. Since September 2013 the department is headed by a professor,
d.t.s. Sergei Fyodorovich Timushev.

Deputy head of the department and head of NIO-202 all

these years and to the present is the professor of the department Kolomentsev

Over the entire period of its existence, the department has released more than 4600

specialists. More than 120 graduate students and applicants defended

candidate and doctoral dissertations, mainly on the subject of scientific

research work of the department. In the development of the experimental base

the heads of the laboratory Albert Ivanovich played a big role
Chernyaev, Vitaly Sergeevich Ignatiev, Alexander Ivanovich Kolomentsev.
A lot of effort and effort has been invested in the development of the educational laboratory base

Heads of the educational laboratory N.P. Mansurov, V.A. Ageev, V.B. Shimansky,
head of the instrumentation department Ph.D. Zhilkin B.D., as well as mechanics and
engineers N.A. Alekseev, A.I. Kalashnikov, P.A. Strelets, B.A. Gerasimov,
M.N. Kruglov, A.I. Goldoberin, N.F. Deikalo, V.Z. Mordovin, G.V. Smirnov, N.N.

A lot of postgraduate graduates of the department "Rocket engines"

became professors and researchers at their native department and
faculty. The year 1960 was especially fruitful in this regard. Before
to date, graduates of 1960 work:

- at department 201 - professors, d.t.s. Lepeshinsky I.A. and Krylov B.A.,

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- at department 202 - professors, d.t.s. Kozlov A.A., Myandin A.F.,

- at department 203 - professor, doctor of technical sciences Demidov A.S.

For a long time, graduates of 1960 worked at the faculty.

head of department 205 professor d.t.s. Vorobey V.V., at department 202, associate professor Ph.D. Kesaev

H.V. From later releases, associate professors worked at their native department
Shepelev V.E., Selifonov V.S., Grigoriev S.S.

Currently, the department employs prof. Kolomentsev A.I., prof.

Semenov V.V., associate professors Gladkova V.N., senior lecturer
I.A.Emelyanov, leading. researcher, doctor of technical sciences Bazarov V.G., leading. scientific

employee, Ph.D. Dushkin A.L.

The specialty "Engineering protection of the environment" is being developed.

environment”, the leading role in the organization of which is played by Semenov A.A.
Students with great pleasure learn relatively new and
modern profession. Organized practical and laboratory
work at environmental enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region.

However, despite the great difficulties, the staff of the department

continues to train students, graduate highly qualified personnel,
conduct scientific research.

Contract work is being carried out with NPO Energomash, firms from
Korea, China, Brazil. The group of Professor Kozlov A.A. created
modern firing stand for testing LRE MT on environmentally friendly
pure fuel components.

Through the efforts of Kudryavtseva L.V. and Kolomentseva A.I. created at the department

LRE museum with audio and video equipment.

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The course "Testing and reliability of RD", read by

Professor Kolomentsev A.I. for many years. In 2002 in
MAI published a monograph "Methods of functional diagnostics
aircraft engines "authors Kolomentsev A.I. and
Martirosova D.S. In 2006, the monograph "Testing and ensuring
reliability of rocket engines" authors Kolomentsev A.I., Kraeva M.V.,
Nazarova V.P. and etc.

Monographs by V.I. Zhdanov "Auto-oscillations in

centrifugal liquid nozzles "(2007), V.I. Biryukov and
A.A. Kozlova “Intra-chamber instability of the working process in
throttled LRE" (2007), E.N. Belyaeva and V.V. Chervakova
"Mathematical modeling of LRE" (2009), A.A. Kozlova,
A.G. Vorobyeva, I.N. Borovika, "Liquid-propellant rocket engines of small
thrust "(2013), V.I. Biryukov and S.V. Mosolova "Acoustics of gas paths
liquid rocket engines" (2013).

The last Ph.D. theses were defended in 2009 -

Kwon Min Chan (South Korea, leader Semenov V.V.), in 2010 —
Yakutin A.V. (supervisor Kolomentsev A.I.), A.G. Vorobyov (head
Kozlov A.A.), in 2011 — I.N. Borovik (head Kozlov A.A.), in 2013 -
YES. Gabrielyan (head Semenov V.V.).

Currently, young candidates of sciences are scientifically

teaching activities at the department, and new graduate students only
begin to comprehend the basics of scientific and educational work.

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Professor of Moscow
aviation institute

Alexander Vasilevich

Kvasnikov (1892-1971) from a young age

years connected his life with

aviation and astronautics. More

as a first year student

Moscow Technical

school, he participated in the work

mug N.E. Zhukovsky.

During the First World War, after the end of Khodynskaya

flight school, A.V. Kvasnikov as a fighter pilot participated in the battles

on the Russian-German front.

With the help of rockets mounted on his Nieuport, he shot down

German balloon, from which heavy fire was adjusted

artillery. Ensign A.V. Kvasnikov was awarded for military merits

six orders.

He completes his interrupted training in Tomsk

Institute of Technology in December 1918. In 1922 A.V. Kvasnikov

becomes the head of the department of "Heat Machines" there and in

1927 was elected professor of this department.

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In 1931, he, along with a group of his teachers and students

transferred to the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he leads
Department of "Theory of aircraft engines". From now on, his whole life
associated with MAI and aviation and rocket engine building. Behind
a decade before the Great Patriotic War, a theory was created
complex propeller installations and a laboratory where they tested
theoretical conclusions.

Alexander Vasilyevich Kvasnikov has always been interested in the development

jet and rocket engines. As a student, he
met K.E. Tsiolkovsky and became interested in the prospects of flying outside
earth's atmosphere.

In connection with the intensive development of jet and rocket technology

Alexander Vasilyevich in 1952 created the department of missile
engines AD-2. And again a decade of hard work with
a team of like-minded people to create a laboratory and educational
scientific base.

In 1959 one of the first books by A.V. Kvasnikov “Theory

liquid rocket engines”, which became for a long time
a basic textbook for students and a practical guide for
engineers working in engine design bureaus and research institutes. Created
by the staff of the department, the laboratory base made it possible to organize
educational process for the training of engineering and scientific personnel in
rocket engines.

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Book Kvasnikova A.V. "Theory

liquid missile


For work in the field of LRE to A.V. Kvasnikov, V.A. Tselikov and

VV Ramodina was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Anticipating the further development of rocket engines, Alexander

Vasilyevich oriented some of the staff of the department (mainly

young people) to master new sources of energy for the development

rocket engines with higher specific impulse. IN

cooperation with Moscow State University, the Institute of Atomic Energy and others
organizations, it organizes the training of young scientists and engineers in

areas of nuclear physics, plasma physics. At the same time, the department creates
experimental base for research in the field of electric rocket

engines and nuclear power plants. First in the USSR

The plasma torch with a power of 75 kW was launched at the AD-2 department in 1957.

Alexander Vasilievich came up with a proposal to create a

Faculty of the State Budget Problem Laboratory of Plasma and

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ion electric propulsion. Supported by industry and

departments (Ministry of Higher Education, State Committee for Science and Technology) in 1960. such

The laboratory was established with a staff of 56 people. All this contributed
allocation from the AD-2 department of a new department for the preparation of engineering and

scientific personnel on power and power plants of space

aircraft (now department 208). The last decade of its

vigorous creative activity of A.V. Kvasnikov remained

head of this department.

For his achievements in the field of aviation and rocketry

A.V. Kvasnikov was awarded two Orders of Lenin and the Order
Labor Red Banner.

Widely educated in various fields of science and technology

Alexander Vasilyevich always chose the right strategic goals
rocket engine development. In scientific discussions, he always
was correct and patient, never used the authority of an elder,
was always available to colleagues and subordinates.

As a student, I happened to listen to lectures by A.V. Kvasnikov in

1957-58 according to the theory of rocket engines. I remember my arrival in graduate school to

Alexander Vasilyevich in 1963. He listened carefully to me

literally by the hand and took him to Nikolai Borisovich Rutovsky,
head of department 202 (Rocket engines), saying: “Now this
the direction is led by this person, I ask you to love and favor. Although
I could just send it to the appropriate office. And such
a benevolent attitude towards the interlocutor could be confirmed by everyone who
ever turned to A.V. Kvasnikov.

High erudition, intelligence and attentive attitude to

colleagues and students - the distinctive qualities of Alexander Vasilyevich
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have always been valued by the staff of the faculty, institute, industrial
organizations and universities in the country. Its graduates are still
high leadership position in many sectors of the national economy
countries. And this is the best memory of the real Teacher -
Alexander Vasilyevich Kvasnikov.

Professor A.A. Kozlov

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In connection with the allocation of a new direction in rocket

engine-building-electric rocket engines (EP), headed by
Professor A.V. Kvasnikov became the head of the department in 1961 at MAI 202
"Rocket engines" was elected associate professor, Ph.D. Rutovsky Nikolai

Friends and buddies, as well as employees - Shteher M. S. and Rutovsky N.


The new manager specialized in regulation

LRE, which explores non-stationary (transient) processes in
engines, which naturally affected the subject of scientific

research work of the department.

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Even before the separation of the departments, Nikolai Borisovich set up an educational

the course "Automatic regulation of the LRE, in which he considered

propulsion system as a complex technical system consisting of

nodes and assemblies interconnected functionally and

parametrically. This made it possible to create a mathematical model of the rocket engine and

explore its dynamic characteristics.

List of labs used so far

course testifies to the theoretical-experimental approach to

study of the dynamics of the LRE:

- theoretical and experimental study of processes in

displacement power supply system for LRE;

- determination of the static and dynamic characteristics of the gas


- dynamic characteristics of the remote control system with

ballast unit (PRB);

- experimental determination of dynamic characteristics

links of the regulator: inertial and integrating;

- determination of the forces of dry and liquid friction in the elements


N.B. Rutovsky understood perfectly well that the management of space

aircraft is possible only through the creation

control moments relative to the centers of mass of the apparatus. Main

already implemented in space executive bodies of the jet

control systems (DCS) were liquid rocket engines

low thrust (LRE MT), operating in a pulsed mode.

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To study the processes in the MT LRE and their dynamic

characteristics in the pulsed mode of operation was required

specialized fire stand on stable

self-igniting fuel components. Considering toxicity

combustion products, the stand must be equipped with an afterburner and

neutralization system.

Created stand and qualified personnel of the department

served as the basis for obtaining contract work from industry

(TMKB Soyuz, Khimmash Design Bureau, Khimmash Research Institute, etc.). Using the

bench experimental results of five graduate students N.B. Rutovsky in

during 1965-1976. defended their candidate, and their leader

Professor N.B. Rutovsky defended in 1978. doctoral dissertation.

The rich experience of the research work of the department 202 has found its
reflected in the textbooks of 1979. and 1988 "Fundamentals of the theory of automatic
management of the RDU "authors: N.B. Rutovsky, E.V. Soloviev (MAI) and
A.I. Babkina, S.I. Belova (MVTU named after Bauman), and also in numerous
textbooks on "Theory of Automatic Control of LRE".

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Monograph "Fundamentals of
the theory of automatic control
of rocket propulsion systems".
Babkin A.I., Belov S.I., Rutovsky
N.B., Soloviev E.V. 1986

The scientific school of N.B. Rutovsky continues to develop it

numerous students and followers both within the walls of the Moscow
aviation institute, and in the rocket and space industry.

Professor A.A. Kozlov

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B. V. Ovsyannikov (1921 -
2007), professor, doctor
Engineering Sciences, Honored
worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation,

graduated with honors in motor

faculty of the Moscow
aviation institute in 1943.
Studied at the postgraduate department

"Motor Theory" from 1944 to


In 1948 B.V. Ovsyannikov defended his dissertation for the

degree of candidate of technical sciences. In 1968 defended his thesis on
competition for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Since 1946 continuously worked at the department "Rocket engines

assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor.

From 1972 to 1985 B. V. Ovsyannikov was the head of the department

"Rocket Engines". At the faculty of aircraft engines
MAI, under his leadership, a scientific and pedagogical school of
rocket pumping. With his scientific consultation 5 Ph.D., his
students - at one time graduate students, defended doctoral dissertations, 16
graduate students defended their Ph.D. dissertations.

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In the laboratory of the department 202, 6 experimental

facilities that allow experimental research

pumps of various parameters with a speed of 3000 to 30000

rpm and power from 10 kW to 2000 kW. main direction
scientific research in 1955-1980. was an increase
cavitation stability of LRE pumps.

The research materials and extensive teaching experience of the course were
summarized in a book published for the first time in the world on theory and calculation
pumping units of liquid rocket engines ("Theory and calculation
pumps for liquid rocket engines", Oborongiz, 1960).
further research was expanded and carried out not only on
pumping units, but also turbines to drive them, as a result, there was
published a book on the theory and calculation of turbopump units - "Theory and
calculation of turbopump units of liquid rocket engines "(M. -
Engineering, 1967), approved as a textbook for universities. One of
the latest editions of the textbook (total 4) in 1979. authors B.V. Ovsyannikov and
B.I. Borovsky was awarded the 1st prize named after the XXVth anniversary of the MAI for 1980.

B.V. Ovsyannikov, along with other industrial workers,

is the author of a monograph summarizing the experience of rocket
pump building, "High speed scapular pumps",

Engineering, 1975

For work in the field of increasing cavitation stability

pumps LRE B.V. Ovsyannikov and his colleagues in 1990. prize awarded
Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Scientific group of rocket pumping department 202 since 1980.

work was carried out to develop an effective cavitation
qualities of the propulsion pump for underwater jet vehicles.
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The developed propulsion pump has received industrial application. By

results of this work in 1986. as part of the creative team of B.V.
Ovsyannikov received an award from the Ministry of Higher Education for the best research work.

According to the scientific topics of the group, only for 1960-2004. published 5
monographs, received 20 copyright certificates and patents and wrote
more than 100 articles and abstracts of reports at all-Russian conferences.

Textbook B.V. Ovsyannikov translated into English and into

Chinese. B.V. Ovsyannikov read a course of lectures for engineers
European Missile Association (Vernon, France).

B.V. Ovsyannikov was the head of the regular

MAI since 1965 the seminar "Theory of turbopump units".

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Sergienko Alexander
Aleksandrovich was born on March 6
1931 in Kyiv (Ukraine) in
military family. In 1948
after graduating from high school
he entered the MAI, which
graduated in 1954

In 1954 Sergienko A.A. started his career as an engineer

designer at the design bureau of the plant p / box 2480, but after 2 months he achieved a transfer

at NII-1 of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (now the Center.

M.V. Keldysh), where he first worked as an engineer, head of a group and
sector, and then the head of the department.

In 1970 Sergienko A.A. defended his Ph.D. thesis

Specialist. topic, and in 1985 - a doctorate. Since 1976 he has been working on
part-time teacher at the department. 202. In 1980 Sergienko A.A.
was awarded the academic title of senior researcher, and in 1984 -
title of assistant professor.

Sergienko A.A. is world famous, large

specialist in the theory of liquid rocket engines and

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applied gas dynamics, in particular, in the field of design

jet nozzles. So, he is a co-author of the fundamental work
"Guide for designers on the profiling of supersonic
axisymmetric round nozzles of jet engines", which
are still used in design bureaus and research institutes of the space industry.

For great merits in strengthening the country's defense capability

Sergienko A.A. awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1971) and many
medals of the USSR, as well as he was awarded the Prize. NOT. Zhukovsky
(1963) and the State Prize of the USSR (1979).

In 1986 Sergienko A.A. was elected head of department 202 MAI,

where he worked in this position until 2001.

In 1988 he was awarded the academic title of Professor in the Department of Theory

rocket engines.

Sergienko A.A. was a member of the dissertation councils of NIITP,

MAI, MSTU im. Bauman, NPO Energomash. Sergienko A.A. prepared 3
Doctors of Sciences and 5 Candidates of Sciences.

He is the author of 242 scientific and technical reports and articles, including 63 in
peer-reviewed journals.

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Methodological guide "Choice

optimal dimensions and contour

round nozzle" authors Sergienko

A.A., Semenova V.V., Sobachkina A.A.

At present, Sergienko A.A. is on a well deserved rest.

although he did not stop his scientific activity. Yes, he developed
model of homogeneous turbulence in a fluid flow. New in work
lies in the fact that the author offers his own way of ordering and
systematization of random fluctuations of gas-dynamic variables.
Uses Fourier transforms resulting in matching
gas dynamic variables and their own complex spectra.
Transition from equations for gas-dynamic variables to equations
with respect to the parameters of complex spectra can allow

significantly reduce the amount of processed digital information.

Prof. Semenov V.V.

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Year of birth: 04/20/1936, in

currently First Deputy

executive director,

chief designer of OAO NPO

Energomash im. Academician V.P.


basic education
Chvanova V.K. is

Kuibyshev aviation

institute. In 1959 he received

mechanical engineer qualification

by specialty

aircraft engine building.

Academic degrees and titles: candidate of technical sciences (1970), doctor

Engineering Sciences (1989), Professor (1993).

Stages of scientific and labor activity: engineer (1959), senior

engineer (1960), lead designer (1965), head of department (1973),

chief designer (1992), first deputy. general manager and

general designer (since 1993); first deputy general

director, chief designer of NPO (since 2008); first deputy

Executive Director, Chief Designer (2010); By

part-time: teacher, associate professor, professor, head. Department of LRE

MAI (since 2001).

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Teaching activity: lectures and practical classes in

MAI and a branch of the MAI (since 1968).

Membership in other academies, honorary titles and titles:

full member of the Academy of Cosmonautics, full member

Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for Aviation

and space technology, member of two academic councils for the award

scientific degrees and a member of the section of the NTS of Rosaviakosmos of the Russian Federation, Honored

Scientist of the Russian Federation (1997), Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation (1981). Laureate

Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation (2012).

Honorary medals and awards: medals of the Federation of Cosmonautics.

academicians S.P. Korolev, V.P. Glushko, M.K. Yangel (1984), M.V. Keldysh

(1996), V.I. Kuznetsova (1993), Yu.A. Gagarin (1981), medals to them. P. L. Kapitsa

and Peter I (1996), Order of the Badge of Honor (1975), State. USSR Prize (1988), State.

Prize of the Russian Federation (2003), laureate of the American magazine Aviation Week

and Space Technologies» 2000. for the development of the RD 180 fuel tank.

Plenary presentations or lectures at international congresses and

schools: lectures at the International Aerospace University

(Moscow, 1996, 1998, 2000), reports at international symposiums and

conferences in: Colorado Springs (USA, 1996), Bordeaux (France, 1991),

Moscow (1992), Paris (France, 1998), Versailles (France, 2000),

Chattanoota (Tennessee, USA, 2003) and others.

Main scientific results: by the author and under his supervision

a number of major studies in the field of non-stationary

processes occurring in LRE units at startup. In particular,

comprehensive studies of the dynamics of launching oxygen

kerosene liquid-propellant rocket engine with a closed fuel combustion cycle.

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Range of scientific interests: methodology for the creation and development of LRE,

study of dynamic processes occurring in the LRE.

The total number of publications and inventions - more than 150 scientific

works: textbook, books: on non-destructive testing methods, applied

gas dynamics, 3 textbooks, more than 50 inventions, 28 articles, 33

project and about 70 scientific and technical reports.

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Basic education:
Moscow aviation
institute, mechanical engineer

specialties «Engines
aircraft "(1973, with
Academic degrees and titles:

candidate of technical sciences (1982),

doctor of technical sciences (2008);
Senior Researcher
(1990), associate professor (1992), professor


Stages of scientific and pedagogical activity: engineer (1973),

senior engineer (1974), leading engineer (1978), senior researcher
employee (1980), senior lecturer (1987), assistant professor (1989),
Deputy Dean (1996), Dean of the Faculty of Aircraft Engines
devices" (2000), professor (2000), head of the department "Missile
engines» (2009).

Member of the Moscow City Council (1971 - 1973).

Honorary medals and awards: medals of the Federation of Cosmonautics.

academicians S.P. Korolev, V.P. Glushko, Yu.A. Gagarin; medals "100th anniversary
V.I. Lenin”, “850th Anniversary of Moscow”, MAI 25th Anniversary Award.

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The range of scientific interests of V.V. Chervakov was associated with the theory and

designing turbopumps aggregates, mathematical

modeling of working processes in liquid rocket engines.

Total number of publications: more than 120 scientific papers, including

4 textbooks, 2 monographs, teaching aids, scientific and technical articles and

Chervakov V.V. had a unique pedagogical character:

showed an individual approach to students, always listened and gave
practical advice on educational and everyday affairs. So the students were born
interest in education, in the technical side of things.

Valery Vasilievich in difficult times managed to maintain ties with

leading industrial aerospace enterprises and universities

During the leadership of the department V.V. Chervakova established and

the specialty "Engineering environmental protection" was developed.
New training facilities for this specialty were purchased,
a training laboratory was installed, a methodical class on
course "Industrial Ecology".

Valery Vasilyevich had a difficult burden

restoration of the department after a fire at the faculty in 2009.
severe damage was done to classrooms and teaching staff
rooms of the department, destroyed a large number of methodological
literature, the cathedral museum of the LRE was badly damaged. As a result
the department was forced to settle in new areas,
to restore exhibits of rocket engines, to establish the educational process.

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Valery Vasilievich always supported the young staff of the department,

understood the importance of preserving and developing its future potential.
It was during his leadership that the need for rejuvenation arose.
teaching staff. Young graduate students
were involved in teaching first general, and then
specialized disciplines. The department has a trend towards
rejuvenation of the staff of the department.

Monograph Chervakov V.V., Belyaev

E.N. Chvanova V.K. "Mathematical

modeling LRE".

A large amount of work at that time was associated with the transition
education to new educational standards. With this task
the department under the leadership of Valery Vasilyevich successfully coped.
The electronic resources of the department have developed; discipline programs and
educational and methodical materials are translated into electronic format.

The department has a modern computer class with

presentation technology. Discipline classes are held in the classroom
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"Mathematical modeling of LRE", computational practice,

carry out laboratory work with the involvement of computer programs
"Astra", "FORD", etc., there is a defense of diploma and term papers.

Valery Vasilyevich left a bright mark in the history of the department,

outlining trends for its development already for their followers.

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Sergey Fedorovich
Timushev was born in Karelia in
in 1955. graduated

Faculty engines
flying devices
Moscow Aviation
institute in 1978. After
graduation institute two

served as an officer
technician in the Air Force.

Since 1980, he worked at Energomash Design Bureau in the TNA department on

problems of non-stationary processes in HP and reduction

vibration activity of turbopumps of the 11D520 engine of the Energia rocket
for the Buran system.

In 1983 -1986 Timushev S.F. developed a new method

numerical simulation of the generation of pressure fluctuations and
hydrodynamic noise in centrifugal pumps, based on
separation (decomposition) of pressure fluctuations in a compressible flow
medium into vortex (pseudosound) and acoustic modes. He first
developed a method for decomposition of boundary conditions using
complex acoustic impedance. In 1988, after graduating
correspondence postgraduate studies of MAI, Timushev S.F. defended his PhD
dissertation on this topic. The method he developed
currently successfully used in problems of determining

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noise level and amplitudes of pressure pulsations in blade machines with

subsonic flow.

In 1989 Timushev S.F. entered the MAI doctoral program, combining

work on a doctoral dissertation with a research
work at the department under the guidance of Professor Ovsyannikov B.V. WITH
1992, they successfully cooperate within the MAI with the French
by SEP (Societe Europeenne Propulsion) in the Ariane-Volcano project
(Arianne-Vulcain). At the same time, cooperation began to develop
with the largest scientific institute in France - CETIM (Centre
Technique des Industries Mécaniques), specializing in
vibration and noise problems. With dwindling support
research activities in Russia in the early 90s
this made it possible to actively improve and develop acoustic

vortex method (AVM) for modeling the noise of bladed machines,

applying it in different pumps and fans. Thanks to SETIM was
a detailed experimental verification of the method was carried out with
measurements of pressure pulsations in more than three hundred points
flow part of the model pump. These results showed
high accuracy of AVM, providing determination of amplitudes
pressure fluctuations, resonant behavior of the pressure field, detection
waveform and spectral composition of tonal components
pressure pulsations. The method was used in SETIM works with
well-known European companies SNECMA, KSB, FAPMO, VALEO for
problems of optimization of the flow part of pumps and fans.

In 1996 Timushev S.F. defended his doctoral thesis at MAI

thesis on modeling pressure pulsations in pumps and
fans. He worked as a professor at Moscow State University from 1997 to 2002. From 2002 to

2004 worked as a visiting researcher and professor at

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INSA (INSA de Lyon) within the framework of the European NORMA project on

noise reduction of high-speed propulsion vessel

mover. Published more than 50 scientific papers. Is a member

INSE/Europe, IIAV and ASME.

Since 2005, he has been constantly working as a professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute,

Head of the Computing Laboratory of SIC NT MAI. Since 2013

Timushev S.F. becomes the head of the department 202.

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Abugov Daniil Isaakovich

born March 20, 1908 in the village
Sormovo. His father was a craftsman
mother is a housewife. After
graduating from high school in 1926, he
entered the Faculty of Mechanics
MVTU im. N.E. Bauman. In 1928
the decision of the Council of People's Commissars was

aviation institute was created by

allocation from MVTU them. N.E Bauman.
DI. Abugov, along with others, became
motor faculty student

In 1930 he defended his diploma and in the same year entered graduate school
at the MAI, simultaneously combining from November 1930. work in production
- at the plant number 24 named after. Frunze as an engineer.

In 1934 DI. Abugov successfully defends his PhD thesis and

becomes a teacher, and later an associate professor of the department "Theory
aircraft engines. "A characteristic feature of that time was that
institute laboratories were then a testing ground
the latest trends in aviation technology. DI. Abugov together with
colleagues took an active part in the creation of experimental

stands of a research nature, as well as educational

laboratories. In 1936, he was appointed head of the scientific
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research group. And a year later, under his leadership

the division becomes one of the best in the country motor

laboratories according to the significance of the results of research work and

equipment of the material base. In 1938 D. I. Abugov is appointed

dean, first of the evening, and a year later, of the day motor faculty.

This period was characterized by intensive re-equipment

aviation industry, motor domestic direction

was created on the basis of foreign analogues (far from the best) and

needed rapid development, since the low power of the engines

was an obstacle to the improvement of aircraft of various

destination. The aviation industry was in dire need of

a sufficient number of high-level engineering personnel.

The leadership of the institute and its teaching staff at that time

requirements for the quality of training were set in a fairly strict form

aviation specialists, their number and at the same time increased

number of specializations. In 1941, by order of the People's Commissar for Aviation

industry D. I. Abugov is appointed executive editor

scientific and technical journal of the aviation industry: "Technique

Air Fleet". Requirements of the pre-war and further wartime

increased responsibility for publications, acutely relevant problems,

associated with an increase in the speed and altitude of flights, needed

timely lighting. In 1942, by order of the deputy. People's Commissar

aviation industry D.I. Abugov is transferred to Voronezh for

position of head of the department of technology and design of aviation

engines (Voronezh Aviation Institute). There he is, along with

was engaged in teaching research work. At

direct participation and under his leadership was developed

device "flame extinguisher-silencer" for ASh-62 motors

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LI-2 aircraft used as a night bomber. IN

1944 this device after successful state tests at the Research Institute
The Air Force was taken into production. At the same time, he is working on
the topic of boosting power and increasing altitude, they
an author's certificate was received, and later, in CIAM,
experimental research in the direction: "Improving
energy performance of motor fuel by adding to it
hydrogen". In 1945, Abugov D.I. returned to the MAI to the department "Theory
aircraft engines", where he teaches and works as the chief
experimental sector of the laboratory of aircraft engines.
The new era of jet aviation has set new tasks, first of all,
it was necessary to prepare a methodological base. In 1957 out of print
a book by D.I. Abugova: "Processes and characteristics of jet
engines", which was one of the first textbooks on the theory
jet engines. The rest of his life D.I. Abugov dedicated
teaching activities at the MAI at the motor faculty. His
high professionalism, a broad outlook was in demand in many
directions, he, being a professor of the department 202, led the cycle
Research work on the subject of intra-chamber processes in the rocket engine. His scientific

far-sightedness determined, 50 years in advance, the topics of work on

new types of engines designed for soft landing of spacecraft on
Mars and Moon. Under his scientific guidance for industry and
Institute prepared a whole galaxy of doctors and candidates of sciences,

specializing in the field of combustion theory. Some of them

were or are now production managers of enterprises
on this topic, many of his students now teach at the Moscow Aviation Institute and other
universities. These are Pikalov V.P., Niyazov V.Ya., Petrenko, Kartsev B.A.,
Ganovsky G.A., Karpov A.A., Bazarov V.G., Sunarchin R.P., Gorbachev N.B.,

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Kolotilov N.N., Suvorov V.A., Obrezkov O.I., Grigoriev S.S., Biryukov V.I.,
Zhdanov V.I., Panchenko N.N.

DI. Abugov actively worked in the "Knowledge" society, promoting

topics at the enterprises of the rocket industry, led
retraining of factory specialists within the faculty
advanced training of MAI. In 1987, D.I. Abugov and V.M. Bobylev
the textbook "Theory and calculation of rocket engines of solid
fuel" (ed. Mashinostroenie, 272 p.). The total number of scientific
works and inventions of D.I. Abugova exceeds 115 items. Behind
high performance and dedicated work
the government of the country awarded D.I. Abugov orders: Red Star,
"Badge of Honor" and a number of medals.

Textbook "Theory and calculation

solid rocket engines
fuel" by D.I. Abugov and V.M.

In 1989, after a short illness, Daniil Isaakovich

Abugov passed away.

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Oleg Ivanovich Kudrin was born on 11

October 1921 in the city

Essentuki, Stavropol Territory.

Graduated from the Moscow Aviation

Institute in 1946, Specialist in

areas design

jet engines. Graduate student

Moscow aviation

Institute (1947-1950). Senior

engineer, senior researcher

employee (1952) NII-88 MV USSR.

Senior Lecturer (1953), Associate Professor (1953), Professor (1977)

Moscow Aviation Institute. d.t.s. (1976). Professor (1977).

Corresponding member RANS (16.GU.1992). Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1995).

In 1939, at the Physics Olympiad at Moscow State University, O.I. Kudrin was
was awarded a commendable review, which gave him the right (with excellent

certificate) to enter Moscow State University out of competition. O. Kudrin nevertheless

preferred MAI, believing that its interests (related to space

tasks) will be more useful at the MAI. At the post-Olympiad meetings, O.

Kudrin had the opportunity to report on his school experiences with

home-made solid propellant rocket engine with burning the mass of the structure according to the idea of F.A.

Zander. These experiments became known to Academician A.S. Predvoditelev,

then the dean of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. The experiments themselves on motor effects

began to work, but they were abruptly discontinued due to

inaccuracy of another participant in the experiments. There was an untimely

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ignition of the charge, and at the same time O. Kudrin received severe burns to his face and

Graduation project O.I. Kudrin performed under the guidance

Professor A.V. Kvasnikov. In the problem of N.V. Inozemtsev and V. Sokolov
"Determining the volume of the combustion chamber for a gas turbine" Diploma
in order to reduce the number of settlement transactions used
integral exponential function. The work was approved by Nicholas
Viktorovich Inozemtsev, he also proposed to appoint Professor V.K.
Koshkin as a reviewer of the project.

The diplomat gave a clarification of the concept of the emergence

surge in a centrifugal compressor. To operate the machine without any
surge on the unstable branch of the characteristic, he proposed
introduce simple constructive means. Their effectiveness has been tested in
specially designed experiment. Proposed in the project
funds were recommended for use in the created in
laboratory of the department of TAD of a large experimental stand. On
protection of the project, O. Kudrin was recommended to enter
graduate school.

Remembering subsequently O. Kudrin's interest in missile firing

tasks, A.S. Predvoditelev in 1954 proposed to the head again
formed at MAI by the rocket department A.V. Kvasnikov participation in
joint with ENIN (with the involvement of O. Kudrin - already
engineer and Ph.D.) studies of the reflow of the apparatus when returning from
space into the atmosphere.

The work required the construction at the MAI of a larger scale

fire gas-dynamic stand. Carried out on it in 1954-1955.

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the experiments contained observations, including optical ones, at various

flow parameters up to M = 3.

Already in graduate school O.I. Kudrin involved in the educational process -

first of all at the department of TAD MAI (laboratory and practical classes,

lectures on the sections of the course A.V. Kvasnikov). Gradually O.I. Kudrin became
leading lecturer in the specialty of the department 202, including

faculties No. 1, No. 3, No. 6. For faculty No. 6 in the course material

engines organically included the course of electric power systems. Lecturer

emphasized the physical essence of phenomena, and also pointed out unsuccessful
or even erroneous passages in previous presentations in order to develop

future engineer of criticality and creative qualities. O.I. Kudrin before

education of the LRE department at MAI in 1952-1954. at the invitation of M.K.

Tikhonravova taught a course on liquid-propellant rocket engines at the Academy of Industrial Weapons. IN

MAI (already at the created department 208) O.I. Kudrin forms and reads the course
"Plasma Dynamics", creates a new course "Space engines, is

using solar energy. In collaboration with a famous astronomer

F.Yu. Siegel (with whom O.I. Kudrin met at lectures in

planetarium) participates in the construction of the course "Space Physics" and its reading.

In the works at the MAI and NII-88, the issues of creating and

improvement of thermal rocket engines of pulsating and

stationary action, the creation of Stirling engines, were studied

problems of using solar energy in high-temperature

space power systems.

Experimental stands were created (in total about

fifteen), mainly with high temperature working

chemical fuel combustion process, using powerful

high-density radiant streams (concentrated natural

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Sun, imitators). In order to revive students' interest in space in

collaboration with F.Yu. Siegel designed and built an important element

the office "Physics of the Cosmos" — the telescope system.

The most significant studies:

— clarified the concept of the occurrence of surge in the centrifugal

compressor (theory, experiment); suggested remedies for

surging at the designed large gas turbine stand at

department of TAD;

– the problem (theory, experiment) of direct heating was solved for the first time
gas up to 2000-3000 K in a system with a solar concentrator low

optical density; for the first time shown the possibility of obtaining

correct results when testing the concentrator system -

radiation source on powerful electric arc stands; in the analysis

phenomenon of selective absorption of solar rays is given an essential

for estimated quantities, a refined interpretation of Kirchhoff's law;

- proposed options for solar thermal rocket propulsion

gatel (STRkD); in particular (1967), the STRkD scheme with

afterburning of the working body heated by the Sun (widely advertised

mirirovaya now, including in the IC them. M.V. Keldysh);

— description of losses in the Laval nozzle has been corrected; received ana
lytic formula for calculating friction losses in the liquid-propellant engine nozzle,

given now in textbooks;

– a model of the Stirling engine was created with parameters (power,

efficiency) the highest in our country; for sterling engine

a new thermodynamic cycle and new schemes for its


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- on the instructions of the IC them. M.V. Keldysh conducted a study

the influence of the radiant flux on the burning rate of solid fuel;

– the registration of the invention on the solid propellant rocket engine of the original scheme was received.

In general, according to the results of the work, 15 inventions were registered;

— O.I. Kudrin was awarded the Prize. 25th anniversary of MAI, awarded
medal of the Federation of Cosmonautics of the USSR.

In 1986 O.I. Kudrin in collaboration with Professor A.V.

Kvasnikov and Academician V.N. Chelomey in the State Register
discovery No. 314 "The phenomenon of anomalously high
increase in thrust in the gas ejection process with pulsating
jet stream"; also issued a certificate of completion
discovery No. 314 precisely at the Moscow Aviation Institute (in the thesis of O.I. Kudrin); How

confirmation of the significance of the opening shown for taxiways direct traction
Effect. O.I. Kudrin received an additional diploma from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and

commemorative medal.

In the works of the direction under the leadership of O.I. Kudrina - ace
piracy, doctoral studies, just creative contacts like-minded

Lennikov, "Solar circle" - more than 40 people from

Russia and friendly republics. 15 dissertations were defended.
Some of the students of the direction are now leading
positions in specialized institutions.

In 2000, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences awarded O.I. Kudrin State

scientific scholarship.

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O.I. Kudrin at the 46th International Congress in Norway (Oslo) in

showroom (1995) before the report

O.I. Kudrin has been a member of the Knowledge Society since 1954. For lectures only
by space theme was repeatedly awarded
letters of thanks.

Over the years (from the 1960s to the present)

ideological ally and friend of O.I. Kudrina is his wife Valentina
Viktorovna Nikolenko, graduate of the institute, professor of MAI, doctor

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technical sciences. She co-authored many articles and

reports were made at international congresses in different countries of Europe
and America. She is a participant in experimental work in the field of new
heat-resistant alloys and "shape memory" alloys used in
solar energy structures.

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When in the late 50s we,

then students of Faculty No. 2,

listened to lectures on the course

"Testing rocket engines",

we had no idea that our

lecturer, Lev Bogdanovych Evangulov,

this overweight old man with a fuzzy
diction based on

knotted stick and with difficulty

climbing stairs

faculty marches, essentially

legendary person, one of those

the most "Red Baku

Commissars", 26 of which in 1919 the British arrested, took out

through the Caspian into the desert and there they shot him. And Lev Bogdanovich, who
At the age of 18, he served as Minister of State Security of the Baku

Republic, and the occupiers did not need to shoot him - he was beaten

half to death, breaking the bones of the pelvis, castrated and left to die in prison,

from where a compassionate Armenian woman rescued him and came out.

And he not only survived, but at the age of 30 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, received

in 1951 the Stalin Prize for the design and organization

production of hydraulic brakes - extremely scarce devices for

tests of piston aircraft engines, returned from

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industry at the MAI, in 1961 he became a doctor of technical sciences,

professor. And in the 30s he was one of the organizers of the heart
faculty number 2 - his motor laboratory.

Since during the war Lev Bogdanovich was the Chief

designer and director of a plant for the production of liquid

rocket engines designed by L.S. Dushkin for experimental

fighter BI-2, it is not surprising that when dividing the Department of Theory
Aircraft Engines (TAD) to departments 201 and 202, he moved to the department
rocket engines and founded the RKD test course. long time
L.B. Evangulov "fed" MAI, experimental plant and faculty No. 2
industrial orders for hydraulic brakes developed by him.

Lev Bogdanovich - essentially the same age as the century - he was born in 1901.
on the feast of baptism - January 19, according to a new style in Vladikavkaz. His
broken, mangled youth did not break his character and did not

hardened him. On the contrary, he was characterized by good relations in

family, caring for an adopted son and grandson. Among the graduate students of the department 202 he

enjoyed the reputation of a patron, "patron", as he jokingly

called, and this applied not so much to his own
graduate students. He helped everyone who was in a difficult situation, and
“strangers” even more than their own. His extensive connections in
aircraft engine building gave him the opportunity to "get"
scarce material, equipment, to make something that did not allow
make the material base of the EOS MAI. For example, graduate student Prof. DI.
Abugov, Nikolai Borisovich Gorbachev, a very talented and
mathematically well educated engineer, had difficulty with
manufacture of a source of intense pressure fluctuations for
conducting their experimental studies. Lev Bogdanovich
agreed with the management of plant No. 45 and the desired device was
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manufactured at the highest level of aviation technology. Graduate student

L.B. Evangulova G.A. Ganovsky, thanks to his help, significantly
enriched the firing and pouring stands with new equipment,
received from aircraft factories, and managed to develop an exotic method
measurements of high-frequency fluctuations in the droplet flux density
model oxidizer and fuel in the space of the mixture formation zone
by registering the secondary radiation of luminescent

solutions. This method, recognized as an invention, made it possible

determine the local and instantaneous values of the ratio of two liquid

components sprayed in the mixing zone, which would be

impossible without the help and assistance of Lev Bogdanovich. results
these hitherto unique measurements have established a dynamic
interaction between the injectors and the mixture formation zone in the LRE and
made it possible to develop a methodology for fine-tuning the LRE for stability,
using nozzles as a tool to influence the workflow.

Later, Lev Bogdanovich led the research

work related to the refinement of the oxygen-hydrogen forty-ton
RD-57 designed by OKB A.M. Cradles. A group of researchers, including
graduate student Larisa Arkhipovna Lyulka discovered something new for the system
mixture formation in LRE phenomenon - self-oscillations of the liquid veil in
gas-liquid nozzles, which, with quite stable operation
combustion chambers led during fire tests of the engine to

destructive vibrations in the oxidation path. It was the first

the case when the combustion chamber received damage not from
combustion instability, but from the hydrodynamic instability of the flow
injector components. To study this phenomenon, MAI urgently
a pouring stand with natural pressure (117 bar) was created in a pressure chamber
and optical observations of spray jets of a cluster of 3
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natural injectors. At the same time, studies of this phenomenon

were also carried out during full-scale full-scale tests of the RD-57 LRE in
NIIKhM (Zagorsk) on a unique installation, also recognized
invention, simulating the operation of the combustion chamber nozzles at
natural value of pressure on hot hydrogen. Instead of liquid
oxygen, water was used, so that the combustion process in the chamber was
excluded. These experiments established the true cause
excitation of pressure fluctuations in the oxygen tract.

Lev Bogdanovich was distinguished by democracy. Every year on January 19th

invited to his birthday party all those who participated in
research work led by him, from green
graduate students to doctors of sciences. There were also guests from Zagorsk
NIIKhM, the main test base for LRE in the USSR - now the Federal
State Enterprise of the Rocket and Space Industry (FKP
RCP) in the city of Peresvet, honoring the founder of missile tests
engines. Lev Bogdanovich passed away at a very advanced age
in 1986, leaving the kindest memory of himself with his colleagues.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher V.G. Bazarov

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Mikhail Sergeevich Stekher

(1906 -1986) was born in Tomsk

province and until the age of 16 he worked as a laborer in

local villages, then came to

city. Worked on the railroad

road, logging, loader.

Here was his Komsomol

youth: like all members of the Komsomol

was in CHON - part of a special

appointments at the Cheka. Fought with

bandits and bootleggers.

Liquidated several

moonshine factories and large

moonshiner gang.

In 1924 entered Tomsk University in physics

Faculty of Mathematics. He worked in the Komsomol bureau. Participated in

development of the first Siberian aircraft and its engine. It's a hobby

aviation determined his future life path.

In 1926 was sent from agitprop as an assistant to the head of the school

first step. Already an established propagandist, he joined the CPSU (B).

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Telegram about the transfer of Shteher M.S. in MAI.

From the first years of construction of the Moscow Aviation Institute

designed and supervised the construction of the engine laboratory,
which is still the largest laboratory
institute. The current builders of the new engine building with respect
inspected the floating foundations of propulsion systems, which
have worked for more than 70 years and protected educational buildings from vibration
loads. In difficult war and post-war years for the country
MS Shteher performed a number of scientific and experimental works.

Mikhail Sergeevich brought up more than one generation of engine engineers.

Delivered one of the most important courses of the department "Rocket engines" -
"Fuels and working bodies of RD". In 1972-1984 published at MAI in collaboration with
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Kesaev H.V., Kozlov A.A., Suvorov V.A. four parts of abstracts on

course, and in 1988. in the publishing house "Mashinostroenie" published his textbook
"Fuels and Working Fluids". Students of the Faculty of Aircraft Engines
devices” use this textbook at the present time.

In addition to reading theoretical courses, Mikhail Sergeevich

systematically organized and improved

laboratory base of the department. He set up a fuel laboratory for

reinforcements of the course of the same name. Labs such as
"Determination of the ignition delay period", "Definition

Corrosive Activity of Rocket Fuel Components” and others

included in the Collection of laboratory works on the course "Fuels and working fluids"
May, 1984.

An excellent methodologist, Professor M.S. Shteher has been

Deputy Head of the Department for Academic Affairs, attended lectures

young teachers. Detailed analysis of these lectures at the meetings

the department served as a real school for beginner lecturers.

The whole life of Professor M.S. Shteher is an example of honest and

selfless service to his people. For his work he was awarded

the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals.

Professor A.A. Kozlov

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Kurpatenkov Vyacheslav

Danylovych, (1922 - 1996),

fluid specialist
rocket engines (LRE).

Graduated in 1947 from Moscow

Aviation Institute (MAI)

aircraft engineering specialties

and jet technology. Began

work since 1945 in the field of rocket engines in

Institute No. 1 - NII-1 (former
Reactive scientifically

Research institute

- RNII, after - Research Institute of Thermal Processes

(NIITP), currently the Research Center named after M.V. Keldysh. Participated in many
studies of the working process in the combustion chamber and liquid nozzle
rocket engines (LRE). A number of works were carried out according to the assignment experimentally

design bureau S.P. Queen, as in part

research on the use of oxygen-hydrocarbon species in LRE

In 1955 he completed postgraduate studies at NII-1 and defended

Ph.D. thesis on the study of LRE nozzles. Many rocket engines of those
years had nozzles profiled on the basis of a technique developed in
this dissertation. For example, such a nozzle is on engines
launch vehicle "Vostok" and its modifications.
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Since 1952, he began working in the experimental design bureau (OKB)

for liquid rocket engines. Participated in the development and

the creation of several rocket engines, including those for aviation purposes.

The last position in the Design Bureau is Deputy Chief Designer, and

the chief designer was a veteran of Soviet rocket technology


In 1963, he moved to a full-time teaching job at the Moscow Aviation Institute,

where he had already taught since 1953 as a part-time student. First worked in

positions of associate professor, and then professor of the Department of Rocket Theory

engines. He gave lectures on the theory and calculation of rocket engines.

Vyacheslav Danilovich Kurpatenkov - the legend of the department 202. He was known and

respected in industry, in universities, graduating specialists in

the field of rocket engines. Scientific topics performed under it

leadership at the MAI were innovative and, in addition to implementation, allowed

prepare a lot of graduate and doctoral students. His name and authority

many of them opened the way to the specialty.

In 1960, he wrote the book "The Theory of LRE", published by the publishing house

"Oborongiz" and which has been used for many years in universities in

as the main textbook.

As part of a team of authors, I wrote several sections in the textbook

"Fundamentals of the theory and calculation of liquid rocket engines", which

was published by the publishing house "Higher School" four times (1st edition - in

1967, 2nd – in 1975 , 3rd - in 1983 and 4th (in two volumes) - in 1993).

As part of another group of authors, he wrote several chapters in

textbook "Design and design of LRE", published in 1989

Publishing house "Mashinostroenie".

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In addition to these fundamental textbooks, the MAI publishing house

about 20 separate works were published - textbooks dedicated to

various problems of calculation of LRE and conducting educational laboratory

edge after ZRD.

For the 3rd edition of the textbook "Fundamentals of the theory and calculation of liquid

rocket engines" in 1985, together with other co-authors,

was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

For the textbook "Design and design of liquid rocket

engines" in 1990, together with other co-authors, was awarded the 1st

awards to them. 25th anniversary of MAI.

For achievements in the field of rocket engine building in 1992

awarded with a medal. Academician V.P. Glushko.

For achievements in the field of research of the working process of LRE in

In 1956 he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

A clear mind, a rare understanding of the unity of science allowed him to see

the root of problems and solve them with the simplicity given only to talents.

An essential man, of honest deed and work, not very well dressed.

grandly, he did not want to seem like someone, he knew how not to lead, but to direct,

saying: The most important thing is not where you stand, but where you are going."

Everything came together: talent and deep knowledge, love for the profession and

responsibility for the case, the desire to teach not only screwdriver engineers,

but also to educate, to give what he has comprehended.

We all took it for granted while he was with us, and now

there is not much to ask, and it is too late to say much. teacher, master,
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Mentor - and now the important thing is that when we began to live without him, we

we live as he taught. Taking an exam with him heard distressed

voice: How are you going to raise children, what to feed when you yourself

do you study?" And his lectures were excellent, but when I saw his archive, I was

amazed that the material was perfected every year: new schemes, new

calculations, new data in order, tens

written notebooks.

The main classical course of the department in his presentation was very

rich and dynamic. Even using all his methodological

materials of this level can not be reached. And kept for many years

his disciples have the memory of the Teacher.

Great and interesting work was done, but it did not go away

warmth and harmony: a large beloved and loving family, with a rare

mutual understanding and care. And the children of Vyacheslav Danilovich, following the example

father, graduated from the department 202.

Everything was together: travel, beloved Seliger, even mountain

skiing got up with his son.

In the house of Vyacheslav Danilovich and Rufina Ivanovna there are always friends

there were many friends for life, and the children of friends were together.

How interesting it was to listen to B.A. Sokolova, S.A. Dubenza, A.S.

Dushkina, V.M. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Polyaev. These were living history lessons

techniques not retold, but experienced. Without pathos, very businesslike

this war-hardened generation worked for the Motherland.

Vyacheslav Danilovich worked until the last day, courageously

undergoing a severe illness.

L.V. Kudryavtseva
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Organization in 1953 of the department "Rocket engines" headed by

Professor A.V. Kvasnikov led to the need not only
revision of curricula, but also to expand the range of scientific
research work. Particularly since 1954. was singled out
group for the training of specialists for the development of nuclear missiles
engines (YARD). There were also contracts with industry for
similar topic.

Since the author of this article happened directly

participate in work in this direction, then you can trace it
development on the example of the release of the nuclear group in 1960.

Special subjects were read to us by well-known experts from

industry: course "Neutron physics" - T.N. Zubarev, course
"Heating apparatus" - N.N. Ponomarev - Stepnoy, course "Radiation
protection "- V.N. Stepanov and others.

Graduates of this specialty were sent to work in

organizations: KB Energomash, KBKhA, Krasnaya Zvezda, IAE them.
I.V.Kurchatova, NII TVEL and others.

The ideologist of the developments of the YARD was V.M. Ievlev, head
department of NIITP (now the M.V. Keldysh Research Center). Your graduation projects
we performed under his leadership in the group of A.B. Prishletsov. Nuclear
power plant consisting of a gas-phase nuclear reactor
(Diploma winner A.Volkov) and DC generator (Diploma winner
A. Kozlov), aroused genuine interest and a large number
questions that could not always be answered. After all, it was
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first attempt to present the design of a high-temperature nuclear

power plant (NPP).

A few years later (1962) we designed in the Salyut Design Bureau

setting the NRE "scheme A" (with a solid core) to the fourth
stage of the Proton launch vehicle being developed at that time in the department of V.K. Karraska (

department of ballistic calculations). Multigroup calculation of nuclear

reactor was carried out on mechanical computers.

Ballistic calculations were carried out on the Ural computer. In connection with
Due to the limited speed of the computer, calculations were carried out both day and night.

Initial data were entered using perforated cards. Think,

that modern graduates of the department are unaware of
computing facilities that existed at the time.

After separation in 1960. department "Rocket engines" department

202 (LPRE, YARD and solid propellant rocket engines) began to be led by Professor Rutovsky N.B.,

Department 208 (ERD) - Professor Kvasnikov A.V.

In the 1960s and 1970s, very

favorable conditions for fruitful cooperation
industry and universities: industry was interested in
training of specialists and university science, universities received
funding from industry and participated in promising
programs. Delegations of foreign universities that visited us
frankly envied our education system, including ties with
industrial organizations.

During these years, the first nuclear missile was developed at KBKhA.
engine with a solid-phase core (RD-0410), and in NPO
Energomash carried out work on the gas-phase NRE. Department 202 hosted
active participation in these activities.
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So the group of Professor V.A. Tselikov carried out work on

modeling of flows in hydrogen tracts of NRE on heavy gases
(freons), a stand with the appropriate measuring equipment was created.
This direction was subsequently awarded the State Prize

Under the guidance of Professor Rutovsky N.B. were completed

researches of control systems of YARD. Somewhat later, under his own
the leadership at the department created a vacuum test stand
LRE MT on self-igniting long-term fuel components,
which operated until 1990. In addition to research work on
The stand tested MT LRE produced by KB KHIMMASH and TMKB Soyuz.

On the instructions of NPO Energomash, in which the department of Glinnik R.A.

developed a nuclear rocket engine with a gas-phase active zone, a group of professor
Kozlova A.A. two contracts were completed:

- "Research of the gas control system of the YRD",

- "Investigation of the cold stage of launching a gas-phase NRE".

The essence of the second theme was to create a critical mass

fissile powder in a fixed volume and
maintaining this mass during warm-up after the start of the chain
nuclear fission reactions.

Of course, we did not work with uranium-U92235, it was simulated

similar in density to powdered tungsten, but physical
cold start requirements were maintained. Should have been entered into
cylindrical volume given mass of powder, evenly
distribute it by volume and store this distribution in the field

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I had to study and use theory in the filing system

fluidization and flow of a fluidized two-phase mixture along
pipelines and devices for blowing into the working cavity. maintenance
heavy powder in the gravity field was implemented using a powerful
emitter that created an acoustic field opposite to the strength

direction gravity. Acoustic field flow around solid particles

create lift to balance the force of gravity.

To control the density of powder distribution by volume

cylindrical cavity, a unique measuring
a system based on a radioisotope (Tu170) nine-channel emitter.
Three isotope containers were placed on three sections in height
cylindrical "TVEL". Each source had three channels in one
planes with ÿ-radiation receivers on the opposite side
TVEL. To ensure the safety of working with radioactive
isotopes, the entire installation was surrounded by a protective wall with
sliding door.

The results of density measurements were recorded on an analog

COMPUTER. After numerous experiments and correction of blowing units according to
direction of the introduced two-phase mixture was obtained
satisfactory density distribution of the tungsten powder.
Theoretical model of the interaction of an acoustic wave with solid
particles became the basis of the Ph.D. thesis of the leading engineer
L.G. Aleksandrov, who is now successfully working in the NPO. Lavochkin.

The latest work of the department in the field of nuclear energy was
project "Removal of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants into deep space
by means of rocket and space technology” (1994). Was designed
project of an oxygen-hydrogen upper stage with containers

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concentrated radioactive waste liquid circuits of nuclear power plants.

Preparation and equipment of containers was designed by R.B. Sharafutdinov,
employee of the Research Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

The upper stage was designed to remove containers from the Earth
and a long stay there for the decay of radioisotopes.

Taking into account the main components of the adopted concept

(safety, acceptable cost, project feasibility)
set of priorities, an upper stage for oxygen was chosen
hydrogen fuel components (P = 40 kN, Iÿ = 4750 m/s, md.c. = 2.8 kg/kN,
ÿVchar I = 4000 m/s) and pre-acceleration solid propellant rocket motor (P = 60 kN, Iÿ = 3100 m/s, ÿeng = 0.12,

ÿVchar II = 500 m/s). A pre-accelerating solid propellant rocket engine could be used to save

block of containers in the event of an emergency at the stage

launching the launch vehicle into a low reference orbit of the Earth.

Thus, the concept and technical

a proposal to dispose of highly hazardous and long-lived radioactive waste from nuclear power plants in

deep space with a cargo flow of 22.5 tons / year. Using

disposable launch vehicles of the Proton type for the delivery of containers
to low satellite orbit will require from 37 to 112.5 million dollars or from 0.12 to
0.4% of the cost of electricity generated by nuclear power plants.

The total cost of the project will be from 2.75 to

9.67% of the value generated at nuclear power plants and energy
electricity installations. Costs can be significantly reduced
using international cooperation. Economic
calculations were performed by M.A. Beck.

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At the same time, the problem of removing from the Earth especially
dangerous and long-lived radioisotopes and radiation
environmental safety.

The results of the completed project were published in the Bulletin

MAI, v.1 1994 and presented at the 22nd International Symposium on
space science and technology in Japan in 2000.

The second half of the 80s was not easy for the entire university
Sciences. Enterprises of the rocket and space industry were financed from
high stress and delay in payment for work already completed.
The department of "Rocket engines" also fell "under distribution". However,
thanks to our strong relationships with industry, we
received several orders for new developments. Among them were:

-development of the experimental installation "Volna" for

studies of fluid behavior in microgravity conditions;

-conversion development of environmentally friendly fumigation

cameras FK MAI-202.

The first work corresponded to one of the traditional

directions of the department - "Theoretical and experimental
study of intra-tank processes”. Experimental work
were carried out on the automated stand "Model" with hot
pressurized tank. Traditional customers were KB Salyut, research institutes
KHIMMASH (now SIC RCP). Mathematical models of intratank
processes were verified on their own experiments and
experiments of the Research Institute Khimmash on full-scale objects. RAVNUP program

for the calculation of intra-tank processes was registered in OFAP IOM

(industry fund of algorithms and programs). Great job in this

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direction was done by the leading engineer S.N. Chekryzhov, programmers

Yu.B.Elyanov, E.N.Zheleznikova.

The second work was funded and carried out for the benefit of three
leading organizations in the industry: RSC ENERGY, KB SALUT, NPO im.

The Volna installation contained two transparent

spherical tank mounted on a rotating rod, pump,
electric actuators, flexible pipes, valves, organs
management. Four capillary intake devices (KZU), including
KZU MAI, and measuring instruments were subject to testing under conditions
microgravity under various internal and external influences.
Manufactured and tested in bench conditions installation "Volna-1"
passed tests in weightlessness (13sec.) on a Flying
laboratories (IL-18 aircraft).

As a working fluid in experiments at the Flying Laboratory

ethyl alcohol was used. To our initial surprise
there were frequent spills of alcohol that required an additional supply
working body. Careful analysis of the situation explained to us the reason
"straits" and eliminated the need to look for leaks in
power supply system of the model plant.

The working stage of the operation of the Volna-2 installation was its flight
on the MIR space station (KVANT MODULE).

Cosmonaut S.K. Krikalev carried out a series of planned

experiments, which was recorded on a movie camera.

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"MIR" station, 1986

Cosmonaut S.K. Krikalev works with the Volna-2 installation.

The experiments allowed the developers to make adjustments to

design of the KZU, but we hardly found the necessary funds and
edited a video film with text and
sound accompaniment. Even after almost 30 years

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observe completely unusual for terrestrial conditions

fantastic pictures of the behavior of gas and liquid formations in
tank volume.

In the design and preparation for flight in space installation

"Volna" a great job was done by the leading engineer, Ph.D. Aleksandrov
L.G., junior researcher Shinakov D.M., engineer Mordovin V.Z. For D.M. Shinakov this
The work served as material for the defense of a Ph.D. thesis.

Experiment on the installation "Volna-2".

The late 80s and early 90s were extremely difficult

period for the country. The transition to a "market" economy manifested itself
a strong blow to industrial organizations, research institutes and universities.
Loss of funding, outflow of qualified personnel from universities
became commonplace in those years. Chair 202 also had to deal with

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conversion developments that are not directly related to

main specialty.

An interesting direction that has not lost its relevance until

present time, the development of an environmentally friendly

fumigation plant.

Fumigation unit FK MAI-202 is designed for

disinfection and disinsection in the environment of poisonous gases of a wide range


- museum exhibits (paintings, antiques, clothes, furniture, etc.),

- printed and handwritten products (books, manuscripts, documents and


- products of the woodworking complex (environmental

clearing the forest)

- products of the agro-industrial complex (vegetables, fruits, berries


- consumer goods (clothes, shoes).

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Fumigation unit FK MAI-202

As a result of processing, fungi and mold, insects are destroyed

and microorganisms that destroy the processed objects and, thereby,
their functionality is preserved.

Environmentally friendly Fumigation unit FK MAI-202

developed in 1991-1994 on the instructions of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR for
State Hermitage and with the participation of several organizations of the military-industrial complex

(NPO "LIGHTNING", TMZ). FC MAI-202 is the world's first environmentally friendly

clean fumigation plant. Assembly and technological testing

its components and assemblies were produced at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Significant financial

The project was supported by Atomenergoexport (and personally by A.S. Gavrikov).

Ecological cleanliness of FC MAI-202 is ensured by a closed

processing cycle and the presence of 2 subsystems for purification from methyl bromide:
freezing system and afterburner with the addition of a neutralizer

(K2SO3 solution).

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The full technological cycle of fumigation is provided by the work

12 different subsystems located in the control unit.

It is noteworthy that the manufacture and assembly of the hull of the FK MAI-202
were produced at the Tushino Machine-Building Plant, in a workshop where
the famous space plane "Buran" was assembled.

Subsystems FK MAI-202

According to the materials of development and experimental refinement

fumigation chamber FC MAI-202 postgraduate student of Professor Kozlova A.A.
NV Zosimovich defended his PhD thesis. Somewhat later
Brazilian graduate student Avandelino Santana Junior completed a series of
experiments on the FU afterburner and defended his thesis in Brazil
(ITA University).

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Currently, the fumigation unit serves as a training

manual for the new specialty department 202 "Engineering protection

The scientific direction founded by N.B. Rutovsky and E.V. Soloviev

on the study of working processes in liquid rocket engines of small
thrust (LRE MT) at the turn of the millennium was continued by a group
Professor Kozlov A.A. The virtual absence of domestic
support for university science forced to seek funding for

By organizing training for Brazilian propulsion engineers

programs, we have established contacts with the Brazilian Institute
space research INPE and aerospace institute IAE. IN
1998 we signed a contract with INPE for the development of 200N MT LRE for
high-boiling self-igniting fuel components. To that
time, the operation of the vacuum stand was stopped, engineering
the staff quit in search of a decent wage.

The basis of the design of an experimental engine for Brazil

interchangeable plate head, two-component
centrifugal nozzles and a jet curtain of fuel. According to the results
calculations drawings for production were made by Professor Abashev V.M.

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ZhRDMT MAI-200 engine and its split mixing head.

Multiple camera instances with plate head options

we were made at the NPO Energomash plant. Great help in choosing
mode of diffusion welding was provided to us by the Chief Welder of the enterprise,
.d.t.s. Semenov V.N.

Fire tests on standard components were successful

were held at the Khimmash Research Institute at the stand of A.Ya.Maslov. fire tests on
MMG and N2O4 components were also successfully repeated in INPE at the stand
ÿ Kashiera Pauliste.

It was the first MT LRE developed by our team for

foreign state. In 2000 at the Geneva Motor Show
received a gold medal and a diploma.

In the process of fulfilling the second foreign contract with

Chungnam National University (South Korea) we
modernized the firing stand in box 72 and started work on 500N

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engine, but already on environmentally friendly fuel components -

highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide and kerosene. Has been mastered

the entire cycle of development of experimental LRE MT: design -

manufacturing - hydraulic tests - fire tests.

The bench power system was supplemented with gaseous

oxygen and methane gas. Developed and implemented

automated control, collection and processing system

experimental data.

The project of experimental oxygen - methane 200N was completed

engine for Beijing Aerospace University (PAU).

Fire tests were carried out this time in Beijing.

Starting from 2010, there were contracts with domestic

organizations. However, the system of payment invented by officials

(unnecessary competitions, delay in payment for completed work, a chain of

State program - Leading organization - Co-executor - Final

Contractor) leads the End Contractor (in this case - MAI)

to the "final" amount of the contract, the rest is cut off along the way. All this from
incompetence (or uncleanliness) of the bureaucracy. But

that's another story.

The country's development priorities have changed, and

priorities of the younger generation. In these difficult conditions, the most

the main condition for the development of university science is the preservation and
augmentation of developed scientific schools and traditions, preservation of personnel

Professor A.A. Kozlov


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