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1.Ejercicios con el verbo to be en inglés Primero, unos ejercicios con el verbo to be y nada
más. No todas estas frases son exactamente presente continuo, pero casi...

A. Jim ________ eating ice cream.

B. The kids ________ playing in the park.
C. Birds ________ singing.
D. Henry and I ________ watching football.
E. Bees ________ gathering honey.
F. Tom and Karen ________ skiing.
G. Sam ________ washing her hands.
H. Tim ________ crying.
I. They ________ rowing the boat.
J. I ________ drinking wine.

2.Ejercicios con Presente Continuo: afirmaciones Pon la forma correcta del verbo to be y el
gerundio en los blancos.
A. Tina ___________ ___________ water. (drink)
B. They ___________ __________ to France. (travel)
C. Fred ___________ ___________ a pie. (eat)
D. The weather ___________ always ______. (change)
E. She ___________ ___________ pasta. (cook)
F. It ___________ __________ outside. (rain)
G. The lady ___________ __________ for the bus. (wait)
H. I ___________ __________ my aunt. (visit)
J. It ___________ ___________ cold outside. (freeze).
K. Jack and Jill ___________ _________ up the hill. (climb)

3. Ejercicios con preguntas en presente continuo Lo mismo de antes: pon la forma correcta
del verbo to be (según la persona) y también el gerundio en las siguientes frases.
A. __________ it ________ ? (rain)
B. __________ he ________ ? (smoke)
C. __________ the birds __________ ? (chirp)
D. __________ I __________? (dream)
E. __________ the wind ___________ ? (blow)
F. __________ the plants __________? (grow)
G. __________ the computer __________ the data? (process)
H. __________ we __________ now? (leave)
I. __________ the wood ___________? (burn)
J. __________ the kids ___________ ? (play)

4. Verbos
WANT TO (quiero…) HAVE TO (tengo que…) NEED TO (necesito…) I’D LOVE TO (me
encantaría…) I’D LIKE TO (me gustaria…) WOULD YOU LIKE TO (¿te gustaria…?)
Would + hate, like, love, prefer Cuando usamos would or ’d con hate, like, love, prefer,
usamos el infinitive TO. I would love to hear you sing. – Me encantaría escucharte cantar
They’d hate to cause a problem. – Ellos odiarían causar un problema
I’d prefer not to give you my name. – Preferiría no darte mi nombre
A). I ___________ to wear informal clothes but I ___________ wear this uniform.
B). A: ___________ you like a cup of coffee? B: No thanks, I prefer a glass of water I
____________ to take a pill.
C). I _____________ like to be in a restaurant but I _____________ be here.

5. Escoge entre much o many.

a) There isn’t many / much food in the fridge, I’m afraid.

b) Have you read many / much books in German?
c) There isn’t many / much rain in the summer.
d) There isn’t many / much coffee in the coffee pot.
e) You haven’t made many / much mistakes.

6. Completa utilizando How much o How many.

- .......................................................... time do you spend studying every day?
- .......................................................... months are there in a school term?
- .......................................................... money do you spend every day?
- .......................................................... days are there in a week?
- .......................................................... beer is there in the jug?
- .......................................................... fish do you usually eat?
- .......................................................... colours are there in the Spanish flag?

7. can, can’t. Say what you can do or can’t do. Choose can or can’t according to you.

a. I_____ speak Chinese.

b. I_____ sing very well.
c. _____ run 20 kilometres.
d. I_____ ride a bicycle.
e. I_____ play basket.
f. _____ swim.
g. I_____ understand my teacher of English.
h. _____ dance “sevillanas”.

8. Write the following words in order:

a. milk can please I the have? Can I have the milk, please?
b. school can’t to she go._______________________________________________
c. languages can other speak she? _______________________________________
d. can’t he letter a write. ________________________________________________
e. you under can’t water the run. _________________________________________
f. vegetarian she because meat eat she’s can’t a. ____________________________
g. come on Sunday to they lunch can. _____________________________________
h. have we taxi a can? _________________________________________________


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