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Antimicrobial peptides and proteins in the innate defense of the

airway surface
Sue M Travis, Pradeep K Singh and Michael J Welsh
Recent studies have advanced our understanding of innate airways are usually kept sterile. This protection results from
immune mechanisms that protect the airways and maintain a an elaborate and redundant defense network that includes
sterile lung. Multiple antimicrobial peptides and proteins have components of both the innate and acquired immune sys-
been identified in airway secretions and their roles are tems.
beginning to be established in animal models. Moreover,
evidence for coupling between the innate and adaptive When bacteria enter the airway, they encounter the innate
immune systems is beginning to emerge. The understanding of immune system (Figure 1). Mucus acts as a physical barri-
the innate airway defense system offers the opportunity for the er and binds organisms for subsequent removal via
development of novel therapeutic approaches. mucociliary clearance and cough [1]. Below the mucus lies
a thin layer of airway surface liquid (ASL) containing
Addresses antimicrobial factors that kill bacteria. In addition, roaming
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Departments of Internal Medicine macrophages engulf and destroy bacteria. In so doing, they
and Physiology, and Biophysics, University of Iowa College of and the airway epithelia release cytokines, recruiting neu-
Medicine, 500 Eckstein Medical Research Building, Iowa City,
IA 52242, USA
trophils and other circulating cells [2]. Surfactant protein A
Correspondence: Michael J Welsh; (SP-A) and SP-D, which arise from alveoli, bind to bacte-
e-mail: ria and fungi, further enhancing clearance by neutrophils
and macrophages [3]. When organisms are not rapidly dis-
Current Opinion in Immunology 2001, 13:89–95
posed of, they may activate receptors such as the Toll
0952-7915/01/$ — see front matter receptor on macrophages, dendritic cells and airway
© 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. epithelia, thus priming the acquired immune system [4,5].
ASL airway surface liquid Table 1 contrasts the innate immune system with the more
BAL bronchoalveolar lavage widely appreciated acquired immune system. The evolu-
CF cystic fibrosis
CFTR CF transmembrane conductance regulator
tionarily ancient innate immune system does not require
HBD-1 human β-defensin 1 previous exposure to pathogens or immunologic memory
LPS lipopolysaccharide although expression of some components increases during
SLPI secretory leukoproteinase inhibitor bacterial challenge. The antibacterial peptides and proteins
SP-A surfactant protein A
of the innate immune system are relatively nonspecific and
rapidly kill invading microbes. In contrast, B and T cells
Introduction proliferate and fine-tune the specificity of their response
Throughout the day and night, our airways are exposed to after pathogen exposure; thus, unlike innate responses,
bacteria by inhalation and aspiration. Yet, despite this, the adaptive responses are improved upon re-exposure. The

Figure 1

Mechanisms of innate defense of the airways.

Airway Mucociliary clearance
Bacteria that enter the airway are cleared by a
and cough
combination of defense mechanisms: mucus
acts as a physical barrier and binds organisms Macrophage
for removal by mucociliary clearance and Mucus
cough; below mucus is ASL that contains
antimicrobial factors (from submucosal gland Antimicrobial factors
cells, epithelial cells, neutrophils and other
cells); roaming macrophages can engulf and
destroy bacteria; and macrophages and
epithelia can release cytokines that attract
neutrophils and other cells. If invading
organisms are not rapidly removed, they may
prime the adaptive immune system.
Current Opinion in Immunology
90 Innate immunity

Table 1 a first line of defense against constant exposure to low

levels of bacteria.
Comparison of innate and acquired immunity..

Property Innate immunity Adaptive immunity Many antimicrobial factors have been identified in airway
secretions but the concentrations of factors differ substan-
Agents Peptides and proteins Antibodies and T cells tially (Table 2). Published concentrations should be
Expression Constitutive and inducible Inducible considered rough estimates because of difficulties in col-
Onset of effect Within minutes Within days lecting the minute amounts of ASL, uncertainties in
determining dilution factors, and alterations induced by the
Most effective Small numbers of bacteria Large numbers of
target numbers bacteria
collection procedure itself. In addition, liquid collected from
different parts of the airway could show different concentra-
Targets Broad-spectrum Specific tions of a factor. Nevertheless, the proteins, lysozyme,
Spectrum Fixed Variable lactoferrin and secretory leukoproteinase inhibitor (SLPI)
are by far the most abundant factors. Thus, we speculate
that these may be the most critical to lung defense.
antimicrobial factors in ASL are designed to control small
numbers of bacteria whereas the adaptive immune system is Antimicrobial spectrum
tailored to handle large numbers of bacteria and established The contribution of an individual factor depends in part on
infections. However, the adaptive immune response can its ability to kill the specific bacteria it encounters. For
take days and often produces inflammatory side-effects that example, LL-37 is more potent than HNP1 against a vari-
may damage the airways. Maintenance of healthy airways ety of bacteria including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
requires both systems. Here, we briefly review recent work Stenotrophomonas maltophilia [6] and HBD-2 is more potent
on a key component of the innate defense system, airway than HBD-1 against P. aeruginosa and Escherichia coli [7]. In
antimicrobial peptides and proteins. addition, killing may depend on bacterial growth phase.
For example, bacteria are more susceptible to secretory
Antimicrobial factors in airway surface liquid phospholipase A2 when they are actively dividing [8•].
Concentration and location These differences in specificity underscore the need for
ASL contains a rich diversity of antimicrobial proteins multiple antimicrobial factors in ASL.
and peptides; Table 2 shows several. Submucosal gland
serous cells produce the bulk of these factors, with airway The environment of airway surface liquid
epithelia and neutrophils contributing to the mixture. The environment of ASL probably exerts a major influ-
The antibacterial factors present in the airway include ence on the activity of antimicrobial factors. For example,
proteins, such as lysozyme and lactoferrin, and peptides, the activity of many ASL antimicrobial factors is dimin-
such as human β-defensin 1 (HBD-1), HBD-2, LL-37 (a ished in high salt concentrations [9–11,12••]. Such
cathelicidin), HNPs (human neutrophil peptides) and concentrations also disrupt the synergistic activity of
acidic peptides as well as other small molecules. lysozyme, lactoferrin and SLPI [12••]. In addition, some
Antimicrobial factors are not unique to ASL; they defend divalent cations strongly inhibit antibacterial factors [6,10];
the body wherever there is contact with the external killing activity is often most effective near neutral pH [13].
environment, including the gastrointestinal tract, the uro- Unfortunately, at present, absolute ion concentrations and
genital tract, eyes, mouth and skin. These factors provide pH in proximal and distal airways remain uncertain (see

Table 2

Antimicrobial factors in ASL.

Factor Sources Estimated concentration in human ASL

Lysozyme Submucosal glands, neutrophils, macrophages 250–500 µg/ml in nasal secretions [14••], 7 µg/ml in BAL fluid [50]
Lactoferrin Submucosal glands, neutrophils 80–200 µg/ml in nasal secretions [14••], 12 µg/ml in BAL fluid [50]
SLPI Submucosal glands, epithelia, neutrophils 10–80 µg/ml in nasal secretions [14••], 0.1 µg/ml in BAL fluid [51,52]
Secretory Neutrophils, epithelia 0.6 µg/ml in nasal secretions [53]
phospholipase A2
HBD-1 Neutrophils, epithelia ≤2 ng/ml in BAL fluid [7]
HBD-2 Neutrophils, epithelia 0.3–4.0 µg/ml in nasal secretions [14••], >0.1 ng/ml in BAL fluid [7]
Anionic peptides Epithelia 1.1 µg/ml in BAL fluid [54]
Cathelicidin LL-37 Neutrophils, epithelia Unknown
Antimicrobials in innate defense of the airways Travis, Singh and Welsh 91

below). Two other ASL components, mucus and elastase, Figure 2

do not inhibit activity of the abundant antimicrobial factors
[10]. However ASL is a complex mixture of proteins, lipids
and carbohydrates, and we have much to learn about how 100 Lactoferrin
its components might influence airway defense.

Bacterial survival
(% control)
Antimicrobial factors in airway surface liquid

L.U. % Control
50 Lysozyme
are part of an integrated defense system
Although most studies of ASL antimicrobial factors have Lysozyme plus
focused on their individual action, it is apparent that ASL lactoferrin
factors function together and with other components of the 0 2 4
innate and adaptive immune system. These integrated Time (hours)
actions are likely to increase antimicrobial potency and
provide mechanisms to recruit additional components of Antimicrobial action of lysozyme and lactoferrin measured by the time-
kill method. The graph shows the effect of combining lysozyme (at a
the immune system if initial innate defenses are inade-
concentration that kills approximately 50% of the bacteria after 4 hours
quate. Empirical support for the importance of multiple when used alone) with a subinhibitory concentration of lactoferrin.
antimicrobial factors comes from studies of nasal secretions Open triangles show antimicrobial activity of lysozyme alone; open
[14••]; antimicrobial activity in human nasal secretions was squares show lactoferrin alone; filled circles show the combined effect
of lysozyme and lactoferrin. Reproduced, with permission, from [12••].
reduced by boiling (among other effects, this removes
lysozyme and lactoferrin) and it could not be entirely
reconstituted by adding back the most abundant antibac-
terial proteins, lysozyme and lactoferrin. This result mechanisms may also increase the spectrum of organisms
suggests that the antimicrobial potency of nasal secretions susceptible to these factors and may prevent the emergence
may depend upon multiple factors and their interactions. of strains resistant to a given antimicrobial target. In vivo, the
presence of multiple factors may increase potency further.
The combined action of antimicrobial factors For example, secreted phospholipase A2 killing activity
Antimicrobial factors can work additively, antagonistically appears to be due to phospholipid degradation [8•]. It will be
(i.e. their combined activity is less than the sum of their interesting to learn if this activity is synergistic with other air-
individual activities) or synergistically (i.e. combined activ- way antimicrobial factors.
ity is greater than the sum of individual activities). The
time-kill method evaluates combined antimicrobial action Constitutive and inducible production of antimicrobial
by measuring the effect of a subinhibitory concentration factors
(i.e. less than that able to inhibit/kill bacteria) of one agent Some ASL antimicrobial factors are constitutively
on the killing ability of another over time (Figure 2). Using expressed, providing an ever-present defense, whereas oth-
this test, it was shown that three factors, lactoferrin, SLPI ers show little constitutive expression but then increase
and LL-37, had synergistic activity with lysozyme [12••]. rapidly with infectious stimuli [16]. The β-defensins pro-
Synergistic combinations were not only more potent but vide an example of both constitutive and inducible
also increased the rate of bacterial killing. This may lessen expression [17]: in airway epithelia, HBD-1 is constitutive-
the time available for bacteria to multiply and develop ly produced and inflammatory stimuli have little apparent
more resistant phenotypes, such as those associated with effect on its production [7]; in contrast, HBD-2 expression
biofilm formation. The mechanisms responsible for syner- is dramatically increased by the proinflammatory cytokine
gism are not known; however, factors with complementary IL-1β and, in some systems by TNF-α, mucoid P. aerugi-
mechanisms may be more likely to act synergistically. For nosa and bacterial LPS [7,18•,19•]. SLPI expression is also
example, lysozyme hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan layer regulated by inflammatory stimuli and SLPI secretion is
whereas lactoferrin deprives bacteria of iron and causes increased by neutrophil defensins [20•]. Antibacterial activ-
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) release from the outer mem- ity is also increased in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid
brane [15]. Synergy may result from lactoferrin damaging from individuals with pulmonary inflammatory diseases
LPS in the bacterial outer membrane, making the pepti- such as sarcoidosis [21•]. The increase in antibacterial activ-
doglycan layer more accessible to lysozyme. In contrast, ity may explain why these individuals rarely develop severe
the activities of HBD-1 and LL-37 are simply additive airway infections despite abnormal pulmonary function.
[12••]. Although their exact mechanisms are not entirely
clear, both peptides disrupt the bacterial membrane and A role for macrophages in regulating defensin production was
two factors that attack the same bacterial target may not suggested in a study that examined production of HBD-2
have more activity in combination. [22]. Production of this factor by differentiated human airway
epithelia increased 10-fold with cytokine stimulation but
The fact that ASL factors have multiple antimicrobial mech- heat-killed bacteria and LPS had no effect in this system.
anisms may contribute significantly to the enhanced activity However, when LPS was added to the surface of the epithe-
of some of these factors in combination. The multiplicity of lia in the presence of human pulmonary macrophages,
92 Innate immunity

HBD-2 mRNA increased 150-fold. These data suggest that, Although knockout animals deficient in specific airway
like other components of the airway immune response, pro- antimicrobial factors have not been reported, there have
duction of epithelium-derived defense peptides depends in been complementary approaches. For example, lysozyme
part on interactions with immune cells. was overexpressed in mice under control of a lung-specific
promoter [24•]. When bacteria were administered intratra-
It is interesting to speculate about the role inducible fac- cheally, the rate of clearance of bacteria was increased,
tors may play in lung defense. They would presumably not there was less systemic spread of bacteria and survival of
be present to kill bacteria when an organism first enters the mice improved in the transgenics, relative to control mice.
airway. Instead, they may be needed to help quell an Another study examined the role of overexpressed LL-37.
emerging infection, acting in concert with phagocytes and Overexpression of LL-37 in mouse airway reduced the
the adaptive immune system. TNF-α response to bacterial infection (which may reduce
harmful effects of inflammation); systemic expression of
Defensins link innate to adaptive immunity LL-37 increased mouse survival after exposure to bacteria
The signaling capabilities of the antimicrobials HBD-1 or LPS [25•]. A role for SP-A was shown in studies of SP-A
and HBD-2 were recently demonstrated in a study that knockout mice [26]. These mice showed defective uptake
linked the innate and adaptive immune responses. At sub- of bacteria by macrophages and showed decreased bacteri-
micromolar concentrations, HBD-1 and HBD-2 were al killing. A recent study of sheep airway defense
chemotactic for immature dendritic cells and memory demonstrated a role for lactoperoxidase, an enzyme that
T cells [23••]. It appears that the defensins stimulated generates the biocide, hypothiocyanite [27•]. In vivo inhibi-
these cells via the CCR6 chemokine receptor. This tion of lactoperoxidase slowed the normally rapid
intriguing finding suggests a mechanism by which the pulmonary clearance of aerosolized Pasteurella haemolytica, a
defensins could promote the development of adaptive sheep pathogen. Moreover, the clearance rate was normal-
immunity at the site of infection. This work also provides ized when exogenous lactoperoxidase was administered
an additional function for the defensins, which may be pre- prior to bacterial challenge.
sent at very low concentrations that are not bactericidal on
their own. However, it seems surprising that the constitu- Recent studies of intestinal innate defense demonstrate
tively expressed HBD-1 and the inducible HBD-2 were regulation of defensin production in vivo. In the intestine,
both chemoattractants with relatively similar potencies. Paneth cells secrete both an α-defensin (cryptidin) precur-
One might have predicted that the constitutively produced sor and matrilysin, the protease that cleaves the precursor
HBD-1 would not activate chemotaxis whereas HBD-2 to generate activate cryptidin peptide (Figure 3).
would be the better signaling molecule for this response. Matrilysin deficient mice failed to generate mature cryp-
Perhaps this puzzle could be explained if HBD-1 is secret- tidin [28••]. As a result, orally administered bacteria
ed exclusively onto the apical surface — then only with survived in greater numbers and mouse survival fell.
injury and disruption of epithelial integrity would it reach Interestingly, matrilysin and cryptidin production were
submucosal dendritic and T cells. Further work in this regulated in Paneth cells; addition of E. coli or bacterial
interesting area is clearly warranted. factors stimulated matrilysin and cryptidin production
[29••,30•]. It seems likely that this theme of multiple reg-
In vivo studies of antimicrobial factors ulatory steps will be repeated at a number of sites where
Nearly all studies of ASL antimicrobial peptides have been defensin function is important.
done using in vitro assays. This, plus the plethora of factors
in ASL, raises the question of which factors are important to Abnormalities of antimicrobial killing in disease
airway defense in vivo. Presumably all are important but evi- A genetic disruption of the antimicrobial defense system
dence to support this assumption is minimal. One way to has been proposed to account for chronic airway infections
study the importance of individual factors would be to gen- in cystic fibrosis (CF) [31,32]. Airway infections begin early
erate mice with disruptions in the genes encoding various in the course of disease with many different organisms, and
airway antimicrobial factors. We expect that reports of such then with time P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus pre-
experiments will soon emerge. However, there may be sig- dominate. In CF, the loss of the CFTR (CF transmembrane
nificant obstacles inherent in this approach. Because there conductance regulator) Cl– channel may cause a higher
are so many factors, it would not be surprising if deleting a ASL salt concentration that reduces antimicrobial potency,
single factor had little discernable consequence. It may be thereby impairing the innate immune system and predis-
necessary to disrupt multiple genes in a single animal to see posing airways to infection [31,32]. Using models of the
an effect. In addition, the applicability of the results to airway, several studies have shown that steady-state NaCl
humans may not be straightforward, given the variation in concentrations in ASL are lower than those in serum, and
ASL factors between species and differences in the ASL NaCl concentrations are abnormally elevated in CF
pathogens that infect various species. As an example of the [32,33]. However, uncertainty persists as to whether this is
potential difficulties, mice do not make neutrophil defensins the case in vivo in humans [34,35] because it is difficult to
and therefore would not provide a good model for some collect and analyze the small amount of ASL without intro-
human antimicrobial factors. ducing a number of artifacts [36].
Antimicrobials in innate defense of the airways Travis, Singh and Welsh 93

Figure 3

Cryptidin activation by matrilysin in Paneth

cells. (a) The cryptidin precursor is activated Intestinal
when cleaved by the protease, matrilysin; Paneth cells
activated cryptidin has antimicrobial activity. (c)
Mice deficient in matrilysin do not produce
mature cryptidin peptide and they are more
susceptible to bacterial infections [28••].
Expression of both (b) matrilysin and Cryptidin Mature
(c) cryptidin precursor is regulated by (+) precursor cryptidin
exposure to bacteria [29••,30•]. Cryptidin
Matrilysin Matrilysin


Current Opinion in Immunology

Unfortunately, this issue has also been difficult to evaluate govern potency may provide guidance in drug design. A
in mice; animals with a disrupted CFTR gene do not recent study of linear antimicrobial peptides suggested that a
develop CF-like lung disease, and the ion transport prop- hydrophobicity gradient in the amphipathic α helix was asso-
erties and ASL salt concentrations differ from those in ciated with increased potency [45]. However, this hypothesis
humans. Moreover the loss of CFTR Cl– channels in the needs to be tested directly with appropriately designed pep-
intestinal epithelium and the resulting intestinal disease tides. These and other observations are an important starting
and malnutrition may affect the airways; other mouse mod- point for future drug development.
els have shown that both malnutrition and intestinal
inflammation compromise lung defenses [37•]. The salt-sensitivity of most ASL antimicrobials suggests
another strategy to enhance airway defenses. It may be
Might loss of ASL antimicrobial factors disrupt airway possible to increase activity of endogenous antimicrobial
defense? Interestingly, a study of nasal secretions found factors by lowering the ASL salt concentration with a non-
that antimicrobial activity varies among individuals [14••]. ionic osmolyte such as xylitol. This osmolyte has a low
Some individuals were naturally colonized with S. aureus transepithelial permeability, is poorly metabolized by sev-
and their nasal secretions showed a reduction in the abili- eral pathogenic bacteria and, when applied to the apical
ty to kill S. aureus in vitro. We speculate that genetic surface, lowers the ASL salt concentration in vitro [46•].
variability in the production of ASL antimicrobial factors When sprayed onto the nasal mucosa, it also reduced the
may predispose some individuals to airway infections. number of nasal coagulase-negative Staphylococci. Although
Because of the redundancy in this system, the propensity an osmolyte such as xylitol might be of value in preventing
may be subtle, only observed with some organisms or only airway infections, it is not likely to relieve established
manifest in the presence of another injury to the airways. infections because endogenous antimicrobial factors are
more effective against small numbers of bacteria. Potential
Opportunities for new therapeutic approaches applications of this strategy may include prevention of air-
in the airways way infections in patients whose airway defenses are
The rapid emergence of bacterial strains resistant to conven- compromised by mechanical ventilation, by other injury or
tional antibiotics has hastened the search for new by CF. In regard to CF, aerosolized hypertonic saline and
antimicrobial agents that could be used in the airways and mannitol have been used to stimulate cough and clearance
elsewhere. Antimicrobial peptides are promising candidates: of mucus [47,48]; perhaps hypertonic xylitol would serve a
they kill a broad spectrum of microbes, they kill rapidly, they similar purpose and also enhance bacterial killing.
are relatively nonimmunogenic and resistant bacteria are
uncommon [38]. Potential therapeutic peptides could be Conclusions and future prospects
based on the defensins, cathelicidin-derived peptides or other It has been almost 80 years since Alexander Fleming
known antimicrobial peptides from a variety of organisms described the bactericidal activity of lysozyme in airway
[38–41,42•,43•]. Importantly, some naturally occurring pep- secretions [49]. The renewed interest in this area now
tides are salt-insensitive; an example is porcine protegrins poses several questions and presents several opportunities.
[44]. Such peptides make particularly attractive candidates for We do not know all the components of ASL and how they
pharmaceutical development. In addition, understanding the work in concert. ASL is a complex soup; we need to know
mechanisms by which peptides kill bacteria and the rules that what the ‘meat and potatoes’ are and how the various
94 Innate immunity

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Staphylococcus aureus. This is one of few studies that quantitates the lev-
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help in the development of new therapeutics. When the 15. Ellison RT III, Giehl TJ, LaForce FM: Damage of the outer membrane
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new ways to treat or prevent lung disease. In this thorough study of HBD-2 expression, the authors purified HBD-2
from airway epithelial cells, and showed that HBD-2 expression can be
increased by bacteria or cytokines.
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