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Web Development and Database
Level III
Module Title: - Develop Website Information
Module Code: - EIS WDDBA3 03 1221
#Information Sheet

Prepared By:-Elsa .k
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

LO.1 Identify content needs ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Identifying Strategic intent of website are identified from business requirements and client
expectations ......................................................................................................................................... 10
1. Define your website goals ............................................................................................................. 12
2. Outline your on-site funnel ........................................................................................................... 12
3. Define your target audience ......................................................................................................... 13
4. Create or update your pages and posts ............................................................................. 14
Develop a website strategy to drive better business results ................................................................... 15
1.2. Information requirements are develop based on the website intent, intended audiences, types
of client interactions, and long- and short-term goals for the site........................................................ 15
1.2.1. Web Intents ....................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.2. intended audience ............................................................................................................ 17
1.2.3. types of client interactions ................................................................................................ 18
What is a Customer interaction? ........................................................................................................... 18
1.2.4. Long- and short-term goals for the site ............................................................................. 19
1.3. identifying required information and grouping into business schemes .................................... 19
1.4. Determining content requirements for each processes .............................................................. 20
LO2. Plan content structure ...................................................................................................................... 25
2.1. Understanding use of website design software and hardware ........................................................ 25
2.2 Clustering information and documents in related topics. ................................................................ 27
2.3 Developing hierarchy of information and checking data sequence. ............................................... 28
2.4 Ensuring that labels are clear, consistent, coherent and relatively intuitive for client to access .... 30
LO 3 Develop navigation system ............................................................................................................... 34
3.1. Building website navigation system ............................................................................................... 34
3.2. Ensuring ease of navigation and providing different ways of searching during feedback .............. 35
3.3. Ensuring navigational system to give users flexibility to find information ..................................... 36
3.4.Developing consistent and logical labeling system taking into account client demographics ......... 36
LO4. Showcase and sign off ...................................................................................................................... 37
4.1. Constructing prototype of information architecture design .......................................................... 37
4.2. Arranging for a subset of client to test prototype architecture meet client expectation ................. 5

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

LO.1 Identify content needs

What is a website?

A website is a collection of linked web pages (plus their associated resources) that
share a unique domain name. Each web page of a given website provides explicit
links—most of the time in the form of clickable portions of text—that allow the
user to move from one page of the website to another.
A website refers to a central location with more than one web page or several web
pages. For example, Computer Hope is considered a website, which contains
thousands of different web pages, including the page you're reading now. In the
above URL example, the website is, and the web page is "url.
What is a Webpage?

A web page is a single hypertext document available on World Wide Web (WWW). It is
composed of HTML elements and displayed on the user's browser such as Mozilla,
Firefox, Chrome, etc. It is also referred to as "Page."
Characteristics of a Web Page

Following are some characteristics of a Web page:

 A simple webpage can be created very quickly.

 It takes very little time to create a webpage compared to a Website.
 A web page and a website should be compatible with any device, such as Mobile,
Desktop, Laptop, etc.
 The search engine provides a web page through a link, and when a user clicks on that
link, it is redirected to the webpage of a website.
 A webpage can have any type of information including videos, and audios.
 It can be made up of only HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), or CSS, or JavaScript
for dynamic and attractive behavior.

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Difference between a Webpage and a Website

Since both Websites and Web pages are related to each other, some users may use them
interchangeably, but they are much different from each other. The basic difference between them
is that webpage is a single web document, whereas a Website is a collection of different web
pages. Here are some more differences between both of them:

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

How does a Web Page Work?

A simple web page is created using HTML, which is a markup language. However, we can also
use CSS and JavaScript to add more functionality and make it more attractive.

It is created using HTML, hence containing different markup tags that specify how the data
should be formatted on screen.

The webpage is contained within the webserver. To load this webpage, a client sends the request
to the server, and generally, the browser is known as the client, which can request the page on
the internet.

The browser sends the request for a page or a file via an HTTP request. The HTTP is
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, a network protocol that allows transferring hypermedia
documents over the internet between a browser and server.

Once the request reaches the server, the HTTP server accepts the request, finds the requested
page, and sends it back to the browser through the HTTP response. If a server is unable to find
the requested page, it returns Elements of a Webpage

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

The main element of the webpage is a text file composed of HTML. Apart from this, a

webpage can also have the following elements:

CSS: The CSS code is used to make the page more interactive and control its look and feel.

Scripts: The JavaScript code is included in a webpage to add interactivity to the page and add

more functionalities to it.

Media: It is used to include media components such as audio, video, and images.

Although every web page is different from another web, some components are common to

almost all the pages. Some of these components are given below; you can also relate these

elements by the given image:

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

1. Name of the Website: Each webpage includes the name of the website or company, or blog
to which it is attached. The name of the website and the logo are mostly situated at the top-
left corner of the page. The logo may also contain a slogan of the site or a brief introduction
to the site so that visitors can quickly identify what this site is about. It is one of the
important components of the webpage.
The website's name also has a link that can redirect to the home page of that site. The name
of the website usually includes at the header of the page.

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

2. Search bar: A search bar is also an important component that should present on each page of
a website or blog. The search blog allows the visitor to search related information on that
3. Navigation Bar: A navigation bar is a component of a webpage that contains links to some
important sections of the website. It helps the visitors to easily traverse some major sections
of the website. It is placed mainly on the top of the web page or the left side of the page.
When the user clicks on any link given in the navigation bar, it redirects to the page.
4. Heading of the page: Heading of the page tells the main information about the page, i.e.,
what this is all about. The heading is available on the top of the page, and it is included with
the help of the <h1> tag of HTML.
5. Content of the Page: The content of the page means the information of the page. As you are
visiting this page and reading this information, all the information contained within this page
is known as the page's content. It may contain below sub-elements:
o Paragraphs: A webpage can have different paragraphs as per their length. The
opening paragraph is crucial on the whole page, as it draws the attention of the
visitor. If the first paragraph is not interesting and not related to the topic, a user may
leave the page immediately. To create a paragraph <P> tag is used in HTML.
o Subheadings: A page may have different subheadings as per the topic, whether
related to information about something or a website's web page. In HTML from
<H2> to <H6> tags are used for including subheadings. Each page should be divided
into different subheadings to make it easier for the users to read and understand.
6. Feedback or Comment form: Different websites include a Feedback or Comment form on
each webpage. It is used to know the visitor's views about the information of that page and
any other feedback for the page or site. It lets to know the creator of the page that if the
information is helpful or not.
7. Social Share links: Social share links allow the visitors to share that webpage with their
friends on different social sites such as Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, etc.
8. Copyright Info: Each webpage must have Copyright information along with Privacy Policy.
This information is available at the end of the page or on the footer of the page.

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

9. Go to Top: On most of the pages, a Back to Top button or link is available. This option helps
the users to return to the upper section of the page.
10. Advertisement Banner: Whenever you visit any good website, you see different
advertisement banners on each site's page. These banners are used to displays ads in different
places on a page. These banners are used to provide monitory benefits to the owner of the
11. Previous and Next buttons or links: On most of the pages, previous and Next buttons are
available that help the user easily navigate to the previous and next page related to the topic.
A page can also have links to other pages.
12. Company Info: On the footer of the page, there is a brief introduction about the company or
website of that page. By this, visitors get to know about the company and can build trust in it.
There can also be some additional information and tools such as a button to print the page that
can also be helpful for users.
o Images: Each webpage contains images to make its content more attractive. To
include an image, <img> tag is used in HTML.

Types of a Web page

There are mainly two types of a Web page based on functionality:
o Static Webpage
o Dynamic Webpage
Static Webpage
Static webpages are those webpages that cannot be modified or altered by the client. These are
also known as stationary or flat web pages. They are displayed on the client's browser in the
same format and manner as they are saved in the webserver. Users can only load the page and
read the information but cannot perform any change on the page.
A static webpage is generally made up of HTML and CSS only.

Dynamic Webpage
As the name suggests, Dynamic webpages are dynamic, which means it shows different
information at different point of time.
The dynamic webpage shows different content each time it is viewed. There are two types of
Dynamic web pages, which are:

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

o Server-Side Dynamic Webpage: These web pages are created using Server-side
scripting. These pages are changed when they are visited or viewed. Some examples of
server-side pages are login pages, submission forms, shopping carts, etc. Various
scripting languages such as PHP, ASP.Net, JSP, etc., can be used for server-side
o Client-side Dynamic Webpage: These web pages are created using Client-side
scripting. These pages get changed in response to actions that occur within that page,
such as mouse or keyboard action. Scripting languages such as JavaScript, Dart, etc.,
can be used for client-Side scripting.

Apart from these two Webpages, there are some examples of common web pages that can be
found on most of the websites, and these are as follow:

Home Page: The home page of any website is one of the most important pages. It is called a
home page because this is like a starting point from where users can go anywhere on that
website. This page usually contains links to the important zones of the site. It can also be
known as the index page.

Feed Page: The feed page is usually found in those websites that update content. It is used to
provide information to users for the latest information that has been updated.

Menu Page: The menu page is created to accomplish the navigation goal. The page contains
a collection of different links that give access to different categories and zones.

About-us Page: This page contains brief information and details of the company, product, or
website. It allows the visitors to know the details of the website that they are using.

Registration Page: The registration page allows users to create an account by signing up,
and hence they can create a personalized account. It helps the company to know the visitor
and provide personalized offers and deals to them.

Contacts Page: This is a simple page made for the visitors to contact the website owner. For
any issue or any feedback, users can use this page.

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Landing Page: This is one of the special types of a Web page used as a core part of a
website or as an individual page. The main aim of creating this page is to convert the visitors
into the lead. It represents clear and focused content on a specific goal.

How to Create a Simple Webpage?

Creating a simple webpage is very easy; anyone with basic knowledge of computers and HTML
can create it. But before creating a webpage, you should be aware of the below points:

o A simple webpage can be created using HTML code only. Such pages are simple but not
interactive and have very little functionality.
o To make your webpage interactive and add functionality, you need to learn and use
scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, etc.
o A web page can also be created using Notepad, but it is recommended to use IDEs for
advanced uses such as Atom, Sublime Text editor, PyCharm,

Content website and information website

A content website and information website are created with the intention of
displaying unique content that is often related to a specific category. For example,
Computer Hope could be considered a content site with computer-related content.
Other categories could include a political website with content relating to politics
or a political view, or a religious website with information about a specific

What are the contents of the website?

What Is the Content of a Website? The content of a website includes the text, images, sounds,

videos, and animations that users experience on a website. Website content is the utmost

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

important tool you can use to achieve your marketing strategy and communication to your

customers about your brand.

What Does Web Content Mean?

Web content refers to the textual, aural, or visual content published on a website.

Content means any creative element, for example, text, applications, images,

archived e-mail messages, data, e-services, audio and video files, and so on.

Web content is the key behind traffic generation to websites. Creating engaging

content and organizing it into various categories for easy navigation is most

important for a successful website. Also, it is important to optimize the web

content for search engines so that it responds to the keywords used for searching.

1.1. Identifying Strategic intent of website are identified from business requirements and
client expectations
Strategic intent is the term used to describe the aspirational plans, overarching
purpose or intended direction of travel needed to reach an organizational vision.
Beneficial change results from the strategic intent, ambitions and needs of an


intent drives

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

organizations to maintain competitive advantage or seek a new one (i.e. change). The

strategic intent leads to the development of specific change initiatives within a portfolio

structure. Specific initiatives, aligned to the strategic intent, are selected on the basis of

available capabilities and resources that can be deployed.

4 steps to develop a website strategy

A website is good for business. But, a strategic website that aligns with your business

and marketing goals is great for business. Whether you are getting ready to launch a

website or you already have an existing site, your business needs to develop a website

strategy that elevates the effectiveness.

What is a website strategy?

It‘s not enough for your website to look good. It also needs to work well — and that

means successfully engaging audiences and driving them through a funnel that leads

them to take steps toward working with your brand. That‘s where a website strategy

comes in. your website and makes it more useful to you and your customers.

A website strategy is a plan of action that directs the content,

layout and funnel on your business website.
It considers your business objectives and then outlines the ways your website can align with those plans
to actively help you reach your goals.
When you develop a website strategy, you answer questions like:

 Who will visit our website? How will they find it?
 What do audiences need when they visit our website? What information are they looking for?
 What messaging would resonate with our target audience?
 What do we want people to do when they visit our website?

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

 How can we move people through the website page by page?

 How does the website move our business closer to our goals?
When you have answers to these questions, you can determine what content, messaging and
calls-to-action you need on your website so it can effectively help you reach your business goals.

How to develop a website strategy in four steps

Whether you are starting a new website or updating an existing site, here are four steps to
develop a website strategy that can make your website more effective. Consider these website
strategy examples as you lay out a plan for your site.

1. Define your website goals

It will be practically impossible to develop a website strategy if you don‘t know the goals for
your website.

If you don‘t know what you want your website to do, how can you set it up to drive action?.

Goals are the foundation that directs your website strategy. There are a variety of goals for a
website, and the type of goals you have will direct the approach you take with your website.
Goals in website strategy examples might be:

Goal: Drive sales and online orders.

Approach: Build an online store.

Keep in mind that there are many goals for a website. Don‘t be too broad with your goals, and
don‘t set too many.

Identify two or three primary goals, and optimize your site to

reach those objectives.
2. Outline your on-site funnel
An on-site funnel is a series of steps you present to website visitors to guide them closer to
working with your business.
Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

You want a website visitor to do something to help them on their customer journey before they
leave your site. This may mean entering their email address and becoming a lead or making a
purchase and becoming a customer.

Whatever your intended goal, create an on-site funnel that guides website visitors closer
toward doing business with you
Start with the pages that a new website visitor lands on and then use calls-to-action to lead them
page by page to where they can take the final action. A website strategy example might be a
lawn and garden business that wants to drive website visitors to schedule a service. The on-site
funnels for this site might be:

 A homepage that starts by funneling website visitors to either a residential or commercial

landing page that explains the details of the service and has a button to schedule.

 A blog post that speaks to homeowners about the best way to keep their yard properly
watered and ends with a call-to-action button to schedule a residential lawn service.

End each page on your website with a call-to-action that guides visitors toward the next step to
working with you.

3. Define your target audience

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Many businesses miss this step in their website development process. Or, they make their target
audience category too broad.

For example, a hair salon might say anyone who needs a haircut and lives near their business is
their target audience. This is a mistake. The salon likely caters to a specific type of clientele (it
may be kid-friendly, specialize in up-dos for women or great at razor cuts for men). The website
should speak to that specific audience.

Avoid filling your site with generic copy that speaks to all audiences.

Hone in on your ideal customer and create copy that resonates directly with them. When they
land on your website, let them know your business is the place for them and what they need to do
to work with you.

Related: Build and use your ideal customer profile and personas

4. Create or update your pages and posts

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Once you have your goals, on-site funnel and target audience, you can start the content creation
and optimization process. Start creating and updating the pages and posts you need to align with
your website strategy.

 Outline the pages you need on your site to guide website visitors toward the primary end goal
of your site (becoming a lead, buying something, etc.).

 Create content that speaks directly to your audience.

 End each page and post with a call-to-action that drives website visitors through your on-site

 Do keyword research to find terms that might attract your audience, and optimize your pages
to match those keywords.

 Remove pages that don‘t serve your goals or on-site funnel.

Also, consider if you need to modify your site structure and navigation to make it as easy as
possible for website visitors to find what they need, take the steps toward working with your
business and help you reach your business goals.

Develop a website strategy to drive better business results

Setting up a website for your business is more than buying a domain, setting up hosting and
building a few pages. You also need to develop a website strategy that guides the direction,
purpose and planning of your new site.

Follow the steps in this post to develop a website strategy for your business. Then, get to work
on updating your existing site or planning your new website.

1.2. Information requirements are develop based on the website intent, intended
audiences, types of client interactions, and long- and short-term goals for the site
Website Requirements
Website requirements are a list of necessary functions, capabilities, or characteristics related to
your website and the plans for creating it. There are several types of requirements that may be
defined during the process that come together to focus and prioritize the project plan.

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Types of Requirements
There are many different types of requirements documentation. At a higher level, most can fall
within one of the following categories:

 Business Requirements define the objectives and what problems the stakeholder intends to solve
with the product.
 User Requirements describe how user expectations and how they will interact with the product. Use
the features, functions, and content described in your scenarios to develop your requirements. Your
user scenarios should outline the tasks your users want to complete on your site.
 Functional Requirements provide details of how a product should behave and specify what is
needed for development.
 Quality-of-Service Requirements detail what characteristics a product must maintain in order to
maintain its effectiveness and any constraints.
 Implementation Requirements are used to detail changes in process, team roles, migration from one
system to another, etc.

How do I find the requirements for a website?

What are the requirements to create a website?

1. Domain name.
2. Web Hosting.
3. Business email address.
4. Logo design.
5. Favicon (Favourites Icon)
6. Images.
7. Text content.
8. WebDesigner.

Website Design Requirements

 Header and Footer

 Menu Navigation
 Search Bar
 Branding
 Color Palette
Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

 Headers
 Clear Labels
 Visuals and Media
 Calls to Action (CTAs)
 Whitespace

How do you write website design requirements?

A good statement of work should do the following:

1. Make clear the objectives of the web project.

2. Provide an accurate cost estimate.
3. Highlight the projected timescale of the project and completion date.
4. Outline any foreseeable issues (risk assessment)
5. Identify the key audience and understand why they are visiting your site.

Using Website Requirements

Website requirements only tell you what your website must have and what it must allow users to
do. Requirements do not tell you how to design or develop the site to have those features,
functions, and content. The other design steps help you figure out how to make sure that the site
is organized, written, and designed to satisfy the requirements.

1.2.1. Web Intents

Web Intents enable rich integration between web applications. Increasingly, services available on
the web have a need to pass rich data back and forth as they do their jobs. Web Intents facilitate
this interchange while maintaining the kind of loose coupling and open architecture that has
proven so advantageous for the web. They exist purely client-side, mediated through the User
Agent, allowing the user a great degree of control over the security and privacy of the exchanged

An Intent is a user-initiated action delegated to be performed by a service. It consists of an

"action" string which tells the service what kind of activity the user expects to be performed (e.g.
"share" or "edit"), a "type" string which specifies the data payload the service should expect, and
the data payload itself

Web Intents can be invoked flexibly through a light combination of JavaScript and HTML and
are meant to be opened in a new window.

1.2.2. intended audience

What is the intended audience?

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Your target audience refers to the specific group of consumers most likely to want your product
or service, and therefore, the group of people who should see your ad campaigns. Target
audience may be dictated by age, gender, income, location, interests or a myriad of other factors.

The ―intended audience‖ is the group of people for which the service or product is made. You
could also think of this group as the ―targeted audience‖ in another sense.
7 Ways to Determine Your Target Audience

To determine your target audience, you must spend time analyzing the data you receive from
consumer engagements, evaluating current buyers and purchase trends and optimizing as new
information is revealed.

The following steps should help you realize your target audience:
1. Analyze Your Customer Base and Carry Out Client Interviews
2. Conduct Market Research and Identify Industry Trends
3. Analyze Competitors
4. Create Personas
5. Define Who Your Target Audience Isn‘t
6. Continuously Revise
7. Use Google Analytics

1.2.3. types of client interactions

What is a Customer interaction?

The interaction between the company and the customer starts when the latter raises the ticket.
The recorded conversations whether through call, chat, tweet, or email between the customer and
the company prior to resolving the ticket, are equivalent to the number of client interactions
stated on a ticket.

Interaction with the client is a relationship with the client, which aims to satisfy their needs
and meet their expectations. However, it should not only end there, but should also be carried
out in a way that will build a long-term relationship with the client.

Types of customer service interactions

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Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

 Text/SMS messaging systems.

 Online chat boxes.
 Email interactions.
 Social media conversations.
 Mobile app contacts.
 Website contact forms.

1.2.4. Long- and short-term goals for the site

Growing a business requires setting short- and long-term goals. Often the short-term goals are
the steps necessary to achieve the longer-term goals. You can choose related areas such as
advertising and revenue, and base short- and long-term goals within these categories.
An example of a short-term goal is to increase your advertising budget each month for the next
three months. An example of a long-term business goal that the short-term goal helps achieve is
to double business revenue by the end of the fiscal year.

Website Traffic Goals

A long-term goal regarding web traffic is to increase traffic to your company's site by at least 50
percent by the end of the current fiscal year. Supporting short-term goals are to research and
purchase web traffic analysis software to better pinpoint current traffic trends, to hire a web
consultant for one month to propose and implement programming changes to make the site
appeal to a broader audience than your traffic trend research suggests currently exist.

Another example of a short-term goal is to select a medium for advertising your site other than
the Web, such as a bus campaign where you advertise your site address on the side of city buses
for one month, or billboards, where you lease a billboard in a conspicuous place in town for one

1.3. identifying required information and grouping into business schemes

How do you identify needs in a business?
Identifying your business needs consists of noting each business problem, goal, or scenario,
and the related progression of actions required to resolve it. For example, if your business
need is to process customer orders, you might note the following actions: Receive order.

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Information assets include documents, emails, web content, business data, images, video and
other content in both physical and digital form.

An information asset has a dominant and logical concept or grouping. It is not determined by a
physical manifestation. Although it is logical, it also has tangible business meaning. To
recognize the logical nature of an information asset, focus on its purpose, ignoring the underlying
applications and technologies.

Why manage information?

Effective information management results from having the practices in place to meet the
business needs of your agency.

GCIO is leading a program to assist agencies implement better management of their information
assets. This program provides support to agencies for the classification, storage, search, use and
exchange of information through policies, guidelines and tools.

To meet these needs agencies may be able to use existing records, document and content
management systems. However, needs change and a system implemented some time ago may
not be sufficient in the current environment.

The use of existing systems may be improved by integrating or interfacing them with other
business systems, procuring add-on products for existing systems, or procuring replacement
systems to undertake a number of tasks.

1.4. Determining content requirements for each processes

Your content requirements should provide rough estimates of the size of each feature: word

count for text features, pixel dimensions for images or video, and file sizes for downloadable,

stand-alone content elements like audio files or PDF documents.

Identifying Content in Existing Web Sites As the Web matures, more and more projects involve

architecting existing web sites rather than creating new ones from scratch. In such cases, you're

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granted the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of those who came before you. You can

examine the contents of the existing web site and use that content inventory as a place to begin.

Types of Content and Basic Requirements

Content types:
1. By purpose: Selling, entertainment and educational (informational);

2. By format: Text, graphic, video and audio materials.

Text Content
Includes product descriptions, various articles, reviews, announcements, and other similar

The main types of text content:


A text written by a journalist or copywriter from scratch. Represents unique content that is
preferred by both search engines and users. Authorship material increases loyalty to the product,
service and the company itself, its recognition, which is reflected in conversion and sales.


A modified version of the finished text. Replacing words from the original article with
synonyms and rearranging sentences that does not have a positive effect on the style, perception
and position of the site in the search results. However, rewriting with a changed structure and
information from several sources in quality is similar to copyright.

Adapted Material

Language translation of the article. It is considered unique content from the point of view of
search engines, since the translation creates author's material.


Copying an article from other sources without making changes of the text. Despite the ease and
speed of filling up the site with such content, copy-pasting is not recommended for use.

Consequences of such method:

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• Getting the resource under the sanctions of search engines;

• Violation of copyrighting law;
• Negative impact on the company's reputation.

Visual and Auditory Content

The advantages of this format in comparison with text content are greater attractiveness,
memorability and accessibility.


The graphic accompaniment of the text facilitates its perception and increases the possibility of
its complete reading. Graphic support means pictures, photographs, illustrations, diagrams,
animation, screenshots and slides. The most effective infographics are those that increase traffic
by 12% on average. Combine statistics and interesting facts not to overload the article with
numbers and improve its perception of the target audience. Data visualization works better than
textual explanations of complex concepts and processes, justification of the value and principles
of product use, etc.

Video and Audio Content

Filling the site with audio and video content allows you to extend the time that users spend on

the resources, which is taken into account when ranking.

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Educational (Informational) Content

Educational content strengthens the status of an expert in the field of activity, expands influence,

builds trust and attracts the target audience. Such materials are consumed by people who are

already interested in the company or its offers. Content accounts for about 50% of publications.

These materials are appropriate for posting on blogs, social networks, video platforms and other


User Content
User generated content provides publications and social proofs to potential customers for free.
The generation of publications by subscribers within the framework of the competition and other
activities works great on social networks. Regardless of the platforms used, we recommend that
you include custom materials in your content marketing strategy.

Blogging (Website, Social Media, Video Platforms)

The format is often used to drive organic traffic by creating content that matches general needs
of the audience. Blog posts are designed to educate audiences, build brand awareness, and build
a company's expertise in the marketplace and its offerings. Distinguish between guest and
internal blogging formats, as well as co-authorship.

The number of personal brands is growing along with their business performance. Consumers
prefer to buy from real people rather than faceless corporations. Personal stories replace or
supplement case studies and portfolios. People love stories of "ups and downs" in which the hero
finds a way out of difficult or even hopeless situations and achieves success. Personal opinions
on current problems or trends in the market, creative projects, etc. contribute to increasing
expertise and engaging the audience in the discussion.

Social Media Content

Social media platforms are evolving into brand-focused search engines. Social media posts allow
new leads to discover products and provide general and additional information about products
and services. Activity is maintained on an ongoing basis. Consumers are more likely to buy from
active companies that entertain and engage their audience.

Entertaining and Interactive Content

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Users come to social networks, first of all, for entertainment and only after purchase. Therefore,
entertainment content should account for more than 30% of the total. It's easier to work with
already interested subscribers in a good mood: The rest of the information will not be left
without attention.

Selling Content on Social Networks

Selling content on social networks is designed to create a need and push to make a decision.
Commercial posts make up about 30% of the total and meet certain parameters:

•Attracting attention with a creative headline;

• Description of the advantages, benefits of the proposal, the way of solving problems and
meeting the needs of the target audience;
• Offering additional value;
• Indication of prices, methods of payment, delivery or purchase;
• Inclusion of a call to action (CTA).

Informational (News, Reputational) Content

• Company stories: successes and achievements.

• Description of the characteristics of the goods, benefits from its acquisition (facts);
• Demonstration of how to purchase and use the product;
• Industry news, expert reviews and expert opinions, trend forecasts.

Educational (Training or Useful) Content

Educational content is used to establish the professionalism and expertise of the company, to
strengthen the trust of the target audience. We develop effective content marketing for search
engines, social networks, contextual advertising, corporate mailing lists and blogs. We will
establish contact points with your leads and increase conversions.

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LO2. Plan content structure
2.1. Understanding use of website design software and hardware
Web designing is the process of planning, conceptualizing, and implementing the plan for
designing a website in a way that is functional and offers a good user experience. User
experience is central to the web designing process. Websites have an array of elements presented
in ways that make them easy to navigate.

Web design software enables users to create and edit the front-end visualization of web pages or
website prototypes. These tools provide layout templates, a library of animations and
interactions, and vector graphic creation to create unique and customized websites.

Aside from a computer and an internet connection, most of the tools you need to build a website
are software programs, some of which may already be on your computer. You need a text or
HTML editor, a graphics editor, web browsers, and an FTP client to upload files to your web

What is a website hardware?

Web server hardware is connected to the internet and allows data to be exchanged with other
connected devices, while web server software controls how a user accesses hosted files. The web
server process is an example of the client/server model. All computers that host websites must
have web server software.

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More User-Friendly Than Before

Whilst it is true that building websites has become easier and quicker than it used to be, that‘s
not to say that it is ―easy‖. There is still plenty of skill, experience, knowledge, and tools
required in order to create a successful website. If you‘re just looking to build your own website
for personal use, then there‘s a good chance you can use tools available online, but anyone
looking to create a professional website to be used by a business needs to go that extra mile.

The Software Needed

As far as the software needed, this can be found online or perhaps already built into your
computer. Software is what makes it possible to create and edit the webpages themselves. Often
called text editors, some operating platforms offer their own free software, or you can choose to
go with a third party. Obviously the free ones don‘t tend to have as many tools and functions as
the third party options. Some of the built-in ones don‘t include webpage coding, which is
necessary in order to build the site.

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What Hardware Website
is Needed Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

The hardware that you will need is a bit more complex and will also be determined by the needs
of your website. Obviously you will need access to a computer and it is recommended it feature
more than 2GB RAM. If it is lower than 2GB then you will notice the process won‘t be as quick
and smooth as it could be. As well, you will need an external hard drive, which will allow you to
back up all your content.

Of course, it‘s impossible to build a website if you don‘t have access to high-speed internet.
High-speed connectivity is key so that you can transfer data and files quickly and without any
problems. A server is necessary in order to host your website. This doesn‘t mean you need to go
out and buy a server, what it means is that you need to shop around for a web hosting
company that will meet your needs. You will then be using their server.

If your website will contain videos and photos, which is recommended in order to make it more
appealing, then you will also need a way to shoot these videos and photos. A digital camera is
usually the best way to go, just be sure to look for a high quality one so the images look
professional online.

Lots to Consider
When people set out to make their own website they don‘t often think about all the extra tools
needed, specifically the hardware and software. This is exactly why so many businesses end up
turning to a professional website designer.

2.2 Clustering information and documents in related topics.

What is term clustering and document clustering?

Term Clustering allows expanding searches with terms that are similar to terms mentioned by the
query (increasing recall) documents clustering allows expanding answers ,by including
documents that are similar to documents retrieved by a query (increasing recall).

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What isUC:- Develop
the meaning Website
of document Information
clustering? Architecture YEAR:-2015

Document clustering (or text clustering) is the application of cluster analysis to textual
documents. It has applications in automatic document organization, topic extraction and fast
information retrieval or filtering

Clustering is used in information retrieval systems to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of
the retrieval process. Clustering is achieved by partitioning the documents in a collection into
classes such that documents that are associated with each other are assigned to the same cluster.

What is clustering in information system?

Clustering is used in information retrieval systems to enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of the retrieval process. Clustering is achieved by partitioning the
documents in a collection into classes such that documents that are associated with
each other are assigned to the same cluster.

What is a good example of clustering?

Here are 7 examples of clustering algorithms in action.
 Identifying Fake News. Fake news is not a new phenomenon, but it is one that is
becoming prolific. ...
 Spam filter. ...
 Marketing and Sales. ...
 Classifying network traffic. ...
 Identifying fraudulent or criminal activity. ...
 Document analysis. ...
 Fantasy Football and Sports.

2.3 Developing hierarchy of information and checking data sequence.

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Hierarchy of Develop
is the first Information Architecture
of our new series of blog articles based on
Design Principles in relation to e-learning design and development. This series will provide
insight into various principles explaining their importance and why they are required in
order to produce quality, well-crafted design.

The hierarchy of information is a universal design principle that should be used in all forms of
design, including e-Learning design. By definition, it is the arrangement of elements or content
on a page/screen in such a way that it reveals an order of importance (either ascending or

What are the principles of the Hierarchy of Information?

Design elements can consist of anything including typography, graphics, colors, contrast, weight,
position, size and space (including negative space). The trick is how you use these elements to
accomplish the order of importance that you want.

Take this article for example, currently it‘s fairly plain, but if you click here, you can see what it
would look like when the principles of the Hierarchy of Information have been put into practice.

I‘ve had a go at listing some guidelines for applying the hierarchy of information to your own work:

1. Make a list of the different points of information that you‘re working with and order them
2. Now make sure that number one is standing out a little bit more than number two, you can do
this by adjusting the elements of this particular point of information (i.e. its size, colour,
weight, etc.).
3. Carry on with this throughout the list and then you would have created a descending
hierarchy of information (do the reverse for an ascending hierarchy).
4. And remember it doesn‘t matter in which direction the document flows, just as long as it
flows in a specific direction.
The principles of the hierarchy are actually pretty simple and easy to implement, but can have a
massive impact on how your message is perceived and received.

Why is the Hierarchy of Information Important?

The hierarchy of information design principle allows the designer/developer to point out to the
viewer what he wants the viewer to see first. This is very important in today‘s society as most people
are in a hurry, even on the web. With the hierarchy principle, a designer can ‗shout out‘ what he
thinks is most important on the page/screen before the viewer gets bored and moves on.

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2.4 Ensuring that labels are clear, consistent, coherent and relatively intuitive for client to access
What labelling means?

Labelling or using a label is describing someone or something in a word or short phrase.

Labeling, in the most basic sense, is a type of representation. On the web, we use labels to
represent larger chunks of information simply because we can’t crowd every page with all of the
information on the entire website – it’s just not practical and it doesn’t look very nice.

How to improve your labeling

 Write a list of your labels to get a visual representation of them
 Use your website’s search log to see what people are looking for
 Look at your competitors – does their labeling make sense? Why or why not?
 Plan for the future. Try and account for future labels your site may need as best you can
 Use Questions to survey a representative sample of your users

Here’s some more guidance for improving your labeling:

 Make a list: Before doing any work on your labels, write a list of all of them to get a
visual representation of what you‘re dealing with. This will help you to identify any
potential double-ups, overlaps or strange outliers that don‘t really fit or make sense.
 Use your search log: Your website‘s search log is a goldmine of labeling guidance.
Access will depend on the platform your website is built on, but you‘re often able to see
exactly what people are searching for – useful when assessing whether your own labeling
lines up!
 Look at your competitors: It doesn‘t take much time and it‘s also free. Head over to the
websites of your competitors and look at their labeling systems. Do they make sense?
Why? Why not? Are they doing anything useful or interesting that you could adapt for
your own labeling system?
 Plan for the future – as best you can: While it‘s not essential that the labeling system
you build now account for any future adjustments, understanding how it could change
will make your life much easier in the future.
 Run a survey: Using a survey tool like Questions, run a survey with a representative
sample of your users to work out which labels make sense – and which don‘t.

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UC:- Develop Websitethere
Information Architecture YEAR:-2015
In website design and development, are essentially three different types of

 Document labels
 Content labels
 Navigation labels

All three of these labels are important to both users and technology. A label can communicate to
users what content is about. A label can be used to describe a section of a website. And a label
can also convey information scent. The scent of information addresses the following questions:

 Where can I go? (clear navigation)

 Where am I now? (orientation)
 Can I tell that I have arrived at my destination? (arrival)
 How can I get to the destination that has my desired content? (route selection)
 Should I click on this link? (content value)

Document Labels
A webpage is a document. So is a graphic image and a video. A JavaScript file is a document, as
is a style sheet. Each document serves a purpose on a website. A document label should
communicate what each document is about.

Some document labels include:

 File name
 Titles

Please note that the document title and the meta-tag title are not the same item on a webpage. A
webpage title is coded like the following:

<title>Page title here</title >

The meta-tag title is coded like the following:

<meta name=‖title‖ content=‖Page title here. /‖>

Search engines use the page title, not the meta-tag title, to determine relevancy of webpages. For
a PDF, I recommend writing a meta-tag title, as shown in Figure 1 below:

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Content Labels
Content labels are very useful because of the support scan ability, especially if a webpage‘s
content requires scrolling. Content labels include:

 Headings (or headlines)

 Subheadings
 Taglines
 Image headings and captions
 Video headings and captions

Where can I go? (clear navigation)

Where am I now? (orientation)

Can I tell that I have arrived at my destination? (arrival)

How can I get to the destination that has my desired content? (route selection)

Should I click on this link? (content value)

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Figure 5: A closed card-sort test or a tree test can help you determine if your navigation
labels communicate clearly to users.

Ultimately, the goal of effective website labels is communication and conversions. An effective
labeling system will help your target audience locate and discover desirable content on your

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LO 3 Develop navigation system

3.1. Building website navigation system
Web navigation refers to the process of navigating a network of information resources in
the World Wide Web, which is organized as hypertext or hypermedia The user interface that is
used to do so is called a web browser
Website navigation is the act of clicking and looking through resources on the internet, such as
the various pages that make up a website. Users navigate websites using a web browser and
clicking on links that transport them to other pages when clicked. There are two kinds of links
you might use for website navigation:
Internal links: Internal links connect to pages within the same website.
External links: These links connect to other websites.
A website navigation menu is an organized list of links to other web pages, usually internal site
pages. Navigation menus appear in page headers or sidebars across a website, allowing visitors
to access the most useful pages quickly.

Types of web navigation

The use of website navigation tools allow for a website's visitors to experience the site with the
most efficiency and the least incompetence. A website navigation system is analogous to a road
map which enables webpage visitors to explore and discover different areas and information
contained within the website.

A complex web site often includes several types of navigation systems. To design a successful
site, it is essential to understand the types of systems and how they work together to provide
flexibility and context.

Hierarchical website navigation

The structure of the website navigation is built from general to specific. This provides a clear,
simple path to all the web pages from anywhere on the website.

Global website navigation

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Global website navigation shows the top level sections/pages of the website. It is available on
each page and lists the main content sections/pages of the website.

Local website navigation

Local navigation is the links within the text of a given web page, linking to other pages within
the website

A navigation system consists of many elements – buttons, menus, and tables of

content. There are four main types of navigation:

Hierarchical – shows the information hierarchy from main elements to their sub-
categories. An example is drop-down menus for large websites.

Design of web navigation

What makes Web design navigation difficult to work with is that it can be so versatile.
Navigation varies in design through the presence of a few main pages in comparison to multi-
level architecture. Content can also vary between logged-in users and logged-out users and more.
Because navigation has so many differences between websites, there are no set guidelines or to-
do lists for organizing navigation. Designing navigation is all about using good information
architecture, and expressing the model or concept of information used in activities requiring
explicit details of complex systems.

3.2. Ensuring ease of navigation and providing different ways of searching

during feedback

6 Easy Ways To Improve Your Site’s Navigation

Just about every website has some form of navigation. Unfortunately, not every website‘s
navigation is good. Most of the time, a website‘s navigation is put together by Web
designers who know a lot about making pretty websites, but very little about marketing a
website or creating a website built for the customer

How To Improve Your Website Navigation

 Keep it consistent. Consistent navigation – in both how and where it appears on your site –
promotes ease of use and increases your visitors‘ ability to find relevant information more

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If yourDevelop
navigation isWebsite Information
constantly changing Architecture
from page to page (except where absolutely
necessary), visitors lose their on-site bearings and must reorient themselves constantly.
 Divide categories clearly. If your navigation contains multiple sections, categories or sub-
categories, these categories must be clearly and visually defined. In other words, category
headings must be separated visually from the sub-categories, even if the categories are links
 Make all navigation elements clickable links. When using multiple categorical divisions in
your navigation, all heading elements should be clickable links. This is true even with drop-down
menus where clicking a sub-category link may be the natural inclination of the visitor.
 Use accurate navigation titles. Visitors should have a general idea of what they should find on a
page even before clicking any navigational link. This is true whether it‘s a main navigation link
or an internal text link. Use accurate text to describe the linked page so visitors know what
they‘re going to get. Cryptic or misleading navigation text confuses and annoys visitors, possibly
to the point of site abandonment. Make sure all link verbiage, whether textual or in an image,
accurately portrays the corresponding pages.
 Ensure every clickable image has ALT text. This is true of every image, but even more
important for images that link to other pages. Be sure to include the ALT attribute with
descriptive text. This ensures that everybody knows what the link is, regardless of how they are
viewing your site.
 Ensure your search feature works. When using an in-site search feature, the search results page
must always produce relevant results. It must compensate for misspellings, show related items
and even produce results for products you don‘t have while displaying similar products you offer.
Never produce a search result as ―no products found.‖

3.3. Ensuring navigational system to give users flexibility to find information

What is navigation system in information architecture?

These navigation systems provide access to the content on a specific page of the site.
They are aligned with the local content. They are usually placed on the left hand-side of
a page. Contextual Navigation Systems. Contextual navigation systems provide links
specific to a particular page, document, or object.

3.4.Developing consistent and logical labeling system taking into account client

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LO4. Showcase and sign off

4.1. Constructing prototype of information architecture design

Gathering requirements
– The first stage of any web designing project

– Is the process of understanding client‘s requirement in a detailed manner?

– Sources
• Users • Forms
• Reports • Procedures

– Techniques
• Interviews • Observation
• Questionnaires • Document

– Objective of Gathering requirements

– Establish a deep understanding of the intended users and their environment
– Identify users‘ unfulfilled needs
– Specify which of those needs should be met

– To clearly and thoughtfully understand the key goals, mission and derivatives of
the project

– To have a right picture of target audiences

– To make the client-company relationship trusted
– To reduce the chances of delivering unfocussed business solutions.

– To eliminate project rework possibilities

– Requirements gathering may occur throughout the product lifecycle. Traditional
processes establish the requirements at the beginning of the process.

Information organization and architecture

• Information architecture
– Is the art of defining the structure, organization, navigation, labeling and indexing
of a Website.
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– Develop
focuses on Website
the structureInformation
or organization ofArchitecture
a web site YEAR:-2015

• How the different pages of the site relate to one another

– The person who decide how a site should be structured, what kind of content it
should host, and how to accommodate future growth is called information

• The role of the Information Architect

– Clarify the mission and vision for the website;
– Determines the information structure and functionality of the website;
– Defines the navigation, labeling and searching systems;
– Defines how the website is will accommodate to future changes.

• Information architecture
• involves such activities as
• Organization and Clustering of the pages
• Labeling, search techniques, and navigation design

• Information Organization & Clustering

– Information organization
• The most important step in developing your website is organizing your

• Steps to build a usable information structure:

• Divide the content into logical units;

• Chunk the information into sections and subsections (clusters);

• Think about which sections are more important;

• Think about how the sections relate to one another;

• Build links between related sections.

• Labeling Systems
– Labels are concepts that represent chunks of information.
– The About us page of a website, for instance, may include:

• background information;
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UC:- Develop Website
• Relevant Information Architecture
addresses; YEAR:-2015

• Other contact information.

– Labels must be clear and intuitive to be effective.

• Navigation Systems
– Navigation concerns
• Location
• Where should the links be placed on the page?
– Global Navigation : appear in every page and enable user to quickly jump
between sections

– Local Navigation : can be list of topics, menu of choices or list of related items

• Searching Systems
– Searching
• When designing a searching system for a website, the information
architect have to consider the following points:

• The level of searching skill users have;

• The kind of information users want;
• The type/format of information being searched;
• How much information is being search

Example of Architectural Blueprint :

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• Effective information architectures enable people to quickly, easily and intuitively find
content. This avoids frustration and increases the chance that the user will return to the
system the next time they require similar information.

Information visualization
• Information Visualization is the science of transforming given information into an easily
perceivable and illustrative form.

• Visualization links the two most powerful information processing systems known—the
human mind and the modern computer

• A process, it transforms data, information, and knowledge into a visual form.

• visual properties

• Position • size
• color • Font etc.
• Effective visual interfaces enable us to observe, manipulate, search, navigate, explore,
filter, discover, understand, and interact with large volumes of data far more rapidly and
far more effectively to discover hidden patterns.

Evaluating Web Resources

• Criteria in order to Evaluate Web Resources
– Authority – Accuracy

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Objectivity Website Information Architecture
– Coverage YEAR:-2015

– Currency – Design

• Authority
– Is there an author or sponsoring organization?

– Is the page signed?

– Is there a link to information about the author or sponsor?
– Is there a way of verifying the legality of the page's sponsor? That is, is there a
phone number or address to contact for more information?

– What is the website‘s extension?

• .com
• .edu
• org
• .gov

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• Accuracy
– Is the information accurate?

– Facts documented or well researched

– Is the information reliable and error-free?
– Is there an editor or someone who verifies the information?

• Objectivity
– Purpose
• What is the purpose/objective of the website? is the purpose of the site
• Public service
• Educational

– Advertising
• Is the information free of advertising?
• If there is any advertising on the page, is it clearly differentiated from the
informational content?

• Currency
– Is the page dated?
– If so, when was the last update?
– Have the links been kept current?
• Coverage
– Relevant
• Is the content relevant to my topic?
• Is the information useful?
– Complete

• Is there an indication that the page has been completed, and is not still
under construction?

– Compare
• How does the website compare in content to similar websites?

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022

1 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

• What does this page offer that is not found elsewhere?

• Design
– Navigation
• Are the links clearly labeled?
• Can you move from page to page easily?
• Can you find information easily?

– Interactivity
• Does the user engage with the site?
• How long does it take to load?
– Appearance

• Is there good use of graphics and color?

• Can the page be read without excessive scrolling?

The Nature of web design

• browser version
– One of the biggest challenges in designing for the web is dealing with the
different browsers.

– In the past browsers were so incompatible that web authors were forced to crate
two separate sites one for internet explorer and one for Netscape

– Things have improved dramatically now that browsers have better support for
web standards by the World Wide Web consortium (W3C).
– Nearly all browsers in use today support HTML 4.01 And XHTML standards
with only a few exceptions.

• coping with various browser versions

– Stick with standard
– Start with good markup

– Don‘t use browser specific (x)html element

A web page, step by step

 Step 1: start with content
 Step 2: give the document structure
 Step 3: identify text elements

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022

2 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

 Step 4: add an image if any

 Step 5: change the look with a style sheet

Step 1: start with content

Rules Naming Conventions
– Use proper suffixes for your files:- HTML files must end with .html (some servers
allow .htm).

– Never use character spaces within filenames

– Avoid special characters such as?, %, #, /, :, ;, •, etc.

– Filenames may be case-sensitive, depending on your server configuration
What Browsers Ignore
– Line breaks (carriage returns)
– Tabs and multiple spaces

– Unrecognized markup
– Text in comments
• Anything you put between comment tags (<!-- -->) will not display in the
browser and will not have any effect on the rest of the source.

Step 2: give the document structure

• Elements are identified by tags in the text source.

• A tag consists of the element name (usually an abbreviation of a longer descriptive name)
within angle brackets (< >)

• The tags added around content are referred to as the markup

• It is important to note that an element consists of both the content and its markup
< element name >content here</ element name >
E.g. <h1>black lion </h1>

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022

3 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Step 3: identify text elements

• Block-level and inline element
– Block-level element: - each block-level element begins on new line and space is
also usually added above and below the entire element by default.
e.g. header(h1-h5) and paragraph(p)
– Inline element:-do not start new line :they just go with flow.

Step 4: add an image

• If there is an image add an image to the page using the img element <img>
Empty element
– Empty elements are do not have text content b/c are used to provide a simple
e.g. image element(img)
line break(br)
Step 5: change the look with a style sheet
• change the layout of the page By using CSS
When good web page go bad

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4 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

• The following are same typical problem that crop up when crating web page & viewing
them in browser

– Problem:- When I reload the page in my browser it look the same

Cause: - if you didn‘t save your html document with proper suffix .html or .htm
this problem may occur.

– Half of my page dis appeared

Cause: - if you didn‘t put close bracket after the element name or you miss
closing tag this problem may occur
– Image put using img element but all that shows up is a broken graphics icon
Cause: - if you didn‘t proper suffix for your image or you didn‘t give proper path
of the image this problem may occur.
What is prototype website design?

What is a website prototype? A prototype, in terms of web design, is an interactive mockup of

your web design. While it may not have all the bells and whistles of a final website build, it can
give you a really good idea of the functionality, user journey and flow through a website.

A website prototype is a preliminary website model used to test different aspects of the website
before it is created. This can include the layout, design, function, and user experience.
When we say HTML prototypes, we mean a website comprising HTML markup, CSS for
presentation, and JavaScript for additional interactivity. It may be a simple HTML website, or a
website that runs on a framework or content management system (CMS).

4.2. Arranging for a subset of client to test prototype architecture meet client expectation

Prototype testing consists of creating a design mock-up or a feature prototype and

gathering feedback from your target audience on what works and what doesn’t. It helps
teams—be it UX teams or product marketing teams—to identify potential issues or
validate product decisions.

Prototype testing can be helpful throughout your entire product lifecycle. Read on to
find out the benefits of prototype testing, and how you can gather key insights
throughout your product development process.

Compiled By :-Elsa.K Web Development and database May ,2022

5 Administration
Level III
Victory College D/birhan Campus SHEET
UC:- Develop Website Information Architecture YEAR:-2015

Why prototype testing is important#

Prototype testing is important for creating research-informed products. It’s a way to

gather insights for your current product and learn how you can modify it to best meet
your users’ needs—whether that’s a product walkthrough or added in-product widgets.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of prototype testing.

Wrapping up on key steps to prototype testing#

Prototyping should be a go-to method for gathering insights for your design process—not just
when you‘re starting out, but throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Take these steps to ensure successful testing sessions and a solid decision-making process:

1. Know what you‘re testing and why

2. Define the target audience for your test

3. Create a prototype

4. Choose the usability testing technique

5. Decide which tools you‘ll use

6. Evaluate the test results and implement changes

All in all, creating and testing your prototype is only half the battle. You also need a quick and
easy way to implement changes and create a better product experience for your users. The results
of your prototype testing don‘t always require a complete redesign or major changes—
sometimes all it takes is streamlined guidance.

4.3. Ensuring site content correctly formatted in business and client technical environment

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6 Administration
Level III

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