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Systems Engineering Management: Group Project Task 4

Task 4 (a): Compile an Implementation Plan (Group Task)

Compile an Implementation Plan for your System/Product addressing the following aspects (the different
subjects can be addressed in separate documents or (some) can be integrated into a single document with
chapters/paragraphs addressing each of the subjects):

• Subsystem/Product/Component development/procurement strategies (for each component/

subsystem decide and motivate whether it can be commercially purchased/ manufactured or
developed) – also indicate who your selected supplier for each would be;
• Identify the critical Interfaces to be managed, develop simple Interface Requirement, Definition and
Control Documents for each and Explain how you will manage the Procurement Phase of the project
(including Interface Management);
• Develop and explain your System Integration strategy, including Verification and Validation actions
(include these in a TEMP for the project);
• Given the critical requirement of (low) cost, compile a Cost Report indicting the complete
breakdown of your first product, tenth product and n-th product (i.e. when in full production) – in
the Cost Report also indicate pricing for commercial-off-the-shelf products currently available and
motivate your cost reduction;
• Following the completion and Validation of your first fully operational Product/System, explain how
you plan the Transition of the product/system into full production and operation;
• Explain your intended Life-time management of the product – how do you intend to offer life-time
support and execute “-ilities engineering” where necessary/appropriate => which specific aspects
would you regard as important to monitor and maybe address where necessary during the product’s
intended life-cycle?
• Submit one copy of all relevant documents as a Group Assignment on UJ Blackboard

Task 4 (b): Compile a Presentation explaining your Implementation Plan (Group Task)

During the Final Assessment, you will be expected to present your Implementation Plan to the Review

• As Group, prepare a presentation that would cover each of the components of your Implementation
Plan (as developed in Task 4(a));
• The presentation will not be allowed to take more that 10 minutes and must cover all the important
aspects of the Implementation Plan;
• Submit one copy of the Presentation (together with all the documents produced in Task 4(a)) as a
Group Assignment on UJ Blackboard

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