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Answer writing tips-

1. Introduction.
2. Example in box. 
3. Body 4-5 points.
4. Counter argument- 4-5 points.
5. Way forward- Any committee name.
6. Conclusion.

Increase the number of words you use- Currently using 65 words, So need to increase it
to 75. Steps required. Try to write 10 points. 4 in for, 4 in against and 2-3 in way
forward + Revision is important.

If you don’t know much content in any question- Make a box and draw a diagram in it to
fill the space, or draw a box and take out arrows pointing to content.

Acc to Down to earth report- Environment.

Acc to NITI aayog.
According to IPCC report on ocean deoxygenation, Acc to IUCN report on ocean
Acc to Arth niti report of Niti aayog- Economy.
Niti aayog export preparedness index- Export promotion, Infrastructure.
Niti aayog towards a clean energy economy report- Clean energy.
Niti aayog reports-
State energy index- Sustainable energy requirements.
Digital transformation index- Digital India.
According to Agricultural survey.
Economic survey.
Interdisciplinary committee of ministry of Aayush.
Transforming nutrition in India: poshan abhiyan report.
According to NFHS.
Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey(NNS).
According to Global TB report.
According to National aayush mission.
According to National education policy.
State of the World’s Children report by UNICEF- triple burden of malnutrition.
Recommendation of standing Committee on Chemical and fertilizer.
When you dont have SDG, FR, FD, good lines as conclusion, then you can use way forward
as the conclusion- Surrogacy be declared profession and be regulated, Instead of
removing means of livelihood for mother regulation is important.
According to World Economic system and Prospect report.
According to Gujaral doctrine, Panchsheel principle, NAM.

Government becoming e-government and citizens becoming e-citizens.

Whenever thinking about social- women, backward, disabled, poor etc, Economical- gig,
banking, service, manufacturing sector etc, 

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