Awareness Poster MYP

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Computer Art AWS 1O8 Name: _____________________________________

Awareness Poster

Learning Goal
Create an Awareness Poster on one of the following topics: bullying, animal cruelty, or an environmental
issue. Along with images, your poster will include a heading (topic), a sub-heading (slogan), and a paragraph
about the topic.

Step #1: Brainstorm (Process Journal) – _________________________________
q Choose a topic for your poster. Brainstorm different concepts for the topic. For example, if your
chosen topic is bullying, brainstorm different types: cyber, verbal, physical, emotional, etc.).
q Create a slogan for your Awareness issue. The slogan is a short, striking or memorable phrase used to
catch a viewer’s attention. Your slogan should be original and directly related to your chosen topic.
q At the end of the brainstorm process, recap your idea by listing the following:
o Topic idea
o Reason for choosing this idea
o Slogan

Step #2: Research (Process Journal) – ___________________________________

q Your poster must include a short paragraph of informational text. Using the Internet, research your
q The paragraph should be short (5-7 sentences) and should include factual information about your
q Remembers, this is an Awareness Poster! The point if the information is to bring awareness to your
q Collect all research in a Text Edit file or Word document. Save this file into the Poster folder.
q In your Process Journal, make a list of the websites you used to collect the information. You must
state the name of the website and the entire URL. This can be a printed document.

Step #3: Choose the Images (Creation) – _________________________________

q In the Poster folder, make a new folder called Images. Download all images from the Internet to this
folder. You may want to rename the photos so that they are easier to recognize.
q You will need a total of THREE images: one for a dominant image and two for secondary images.
q Consider cropping the images if you only want a specific area of the photo. Be sure that the crop
dimensions in the Options Bar are blank.
q Download additional images for background textures.

Step #4: Poster Background (Creation) – ________________________________

q Create a new Photoshop document:
o Size: 8.5in x 14in
o Resolution: 150 ppi
o File Name: Poster.psd
q Create the background. It could have a texture (image from the internet), a gradient, shapes, or any
q Limit your colour scheme to one or two colours only. Keep in mind that you will be using different
shades/tints of the colour(s).

Computer Art AWS 1O8 Name: _____________________________________

Step #5: Adding Images (Creation) – ____________________________________

q When adding images to the Poster file, consider the following criteria:
o Include ONE dominant image
o Include TWO smaller images
o Use asymmetrical balance
o At least ONE image must be colourized
Softly Fading Edges (Quick Mask)
q If you want to make the edges of your image(s) softly fade away, do the following:
o Be sure its layer is selected.
o The Colour Palette must be in default mode.
o The Gradient Tool must be selected.
o In the Options Bar, select the Gradient to Transparent colour icon (black fading to
o Click on the Quick Mask Mode icon.
o In the Options Bar, select the Linear Gradient option.
o Click on the image and drag.
o Exit Quick Mask Mode by clicking on the icon. Note where the dotted line appears
o Press Delete on the keyboard.

Step #6: Adding the Text (Creation) –___________________________________

q The text on the Poster must include:
o Main heading (the topic)
o Sub-heading (the slogan)
o Information paragraph
q Use ONE font style for all text, or use one font style for the main heading and a second font style for
the rest of the text (total of two fonts maximum).
q Use a strong, clean, readable font, like Arial or Helvetica.
q Group your text! Remember, the text must be treated like an image when arranging the composition.

Step #7: Final Reflection (Process Journal) – _____________________________

q Write a final reflection on the entire process. The final reflection should include your thoughts on the
following questions:
o Do you feel that your poster is successful in communicating awareness? Why/why not?
o What was your favourite part of the process? Why?
o Did you come across any obstacles? How did you overcome them?
o How did you use the Elements of Art to create a path of vision?

Step #8: SUBMISSION _____________________________________________________

q Submit the following:
o Rubric
o Process Journal:
§ Brainstorm
§ Research: Text Edit file or Word document of information
o Images folder file
o Poster (.psd) file

Computer Art AWS 1O8 Name: _____________________________________

Poster Evaluation
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding
Specific Criteria Achievement Level Descriptor
q Research has been 0 The student does not reach a standard
collected from three described by any of the descriptors below.
different sources. The student:
q demonstrates limited awareness of

1-2 the art form studied, including limited

q The text has been use of appropriate language
proofread, and contains q demonstrates limited awareness of
very few the relationship between the art form
spelling/grammatical and its context
errors. q demonstrates limited awareness of
the links between the knowledge
acquired and artwork created.
q Poster is the correct size
The student:
with appropriate q demonstrates adequate awareness
resolution, and images of the art form studied,
are resized without 3-4
including adequate use of
warping and pixelation. appropriate language
q demonstrates adequate awareness
q Photoshop tools and of the relationship between the art
form and its context
techniques are used
q demonstrates adequate awareness
correctly and of the links between the knowledge
appropriately to create a acquired and artwork created.
successful composition. The student:
q demonstrates substantial
q The layers palette is 5-6 awareness of the art form studied,
used correctly and including substantial use of
appropriately in order to appropriate language
q demonstrates substantial
add complexity to the awareness of the relationship
composition (i.e. between the art form and its context
opacity). q demonstrates substantial
awareness of the links between the
q All files are saved into knowledge acquired and artwork
the correct folder. created.
The student:
q demonstrates excellent awareness

7-8 of the art form studied,

including excellent use of appropriate
q demonstrates excellent awareness
of the relationship between the
art form and its context
q demonstrates excellent awareness
of the links between the knowledge
acquired and artwork created.

Computer Art AWS 1O8 Name: _____________________________________

Criterion B: Developing Skills

Specific Criteria Achievement Level Descriptor
q An asymmetrical The student does not reach a standard
composition has been 0 described by any of the descriptors below.
created successfully. The student:
q demonstrates limited acquisition and

q There is a clear use of 1-2 development of the skills and

techniques of the art form studied
the Elements of Art to
q demonstrates limited application of
create a path of vision. skills and techniques to create,
perform and/or present art.
q The colour scheme The student:
works well with the q demonstrates adequate acquisition
images and the overall 3-4 and development of the skills and
topic. techniques of the art form studied
q demonstrates adequate application
of skills and techniques to create,
q The background is perform and/or present art.
constructed using a The student:
variety of tools. q demonstrates substantial acquisition

5-6 and development of the skills and

q Images have been techniques of the art form studied
appropriately cropped q demonstrates substantial application

and edited. of skills and techniques to create,

perform and/or present art.
The student:
q Placement and q demonstrates excellent acquisition
appearance of text is and development of the skills and
effective. techniques of the art form studied
q demonstrates excellent application
of skills and techniques to create,
perform and/or present art.

Computer Art AWS 1O8 Name: _____________________________________

Criterion C: Thinking Creatively

Specific Criteria Achievement Level Descriptor
q The title, slogan, and The student does not reach a standard
information successfully 0 described by any of the descriptors below.
communicate the purpose The student:
of the poster. q identifies a limited artistic intention
q identifies limited alternatives and
q The research
q demonstrates limited exploration
successfully of ideas.
encompasses the The student:
importance of the topic q identifies an adequate artistic
and is written in a way 3-4 intention
that brings awareness to q identifies adequate alternatives
the topic. and perspectives
q demonstrates adequate
exploration of ideas.
q Concept for the The student:
background is interesting q identifies a substantial artistic
and unifies the different intention
components of the q identifies substantial alternatives
poster. and perspectives
q demonstrates substantial

q Selection of core images exploration of ideas.

The student:
is interesting and images q identifies an excellent artistic
work well together. intention
q identifies excellent alternatives
q Demonstrates capable and perspectives
problem-solving skills q demonstrates excellent
(does not always rely on exploration of ideas.
asking the teacher or
others for answers).

q Demonstrates curiosity,
self-motivation, initiative
and a willingness to take
informed risks.

Computer Art AWS 1O8 Name: _____________________________________

Criterion D: Responding
Specific Criteria Achievement Level
Level Descriptor
q The Creative Process is 0 The student does not reach a standard
complete and follows the described by any of the descriptors below.
criteria. The student:
q identifies limited connections

1-2 between art forms, art and context,

q The brainstorming of the or art and prior learning
topic has produced an q demonstrates limited recognition
effective and relevant that the world contains inspiration
idea. or influence for art
q presents a limited evaluation of
q The final reflection certain elements of artwork.
addresses the questions The student:
q identifies adequate connections
in depth and
3-4 between art forms, art and context,
demonstrates critical or art and prior learning
thinking. q demonstrates adequate
recognition that the world contains
q Reflects critically and in inspiration or influence for art
depth on his or her artistic q presents an adequate evaluation
processes and technical of certain elements of artwork.
development at all stages The student:
q identifies substantial connections
(from planning to
5-6 between art forms, art and context,
completion) of the project. or art and prior learning
q demonstrates substantial
q Uses carefully created recognition that the world contains
illustrations/screen inspiration or influence for art
captures to illustrate q presents a substantial evaluation
points/ideas clearly; of certain elements of artwork.
illustrations are not too The student:
q identifies excellent connections
7-8 between art forms, art and context,
or art and prior learning
q demonstrates excellent
recognition that the world contains
inspiration or influence for art
q presents an excellent evaluation
of certain elements or principles of

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