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KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2021) 25(7):2350-2359 pISSN 1226-7988, eISSN 1976-3808

DOI 10.1007/s12205-021-1427-5

Construction Management

Optimization of Construction Material Cost through Logistics Planning

Model of Dragonfly Algorithm – Particle Swarm Optimization
a a a
Pham Vu Hong Son , Nguyen Huynh Chi Duy , and Pham Ton Dat
Construction Engineering & Management Department, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Bach Khoa University),
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh 700000, Vietnam


Received 12 August 2020 Managing a construction project is challenging because of cost, time, safety, and quality
Revised 6 January 2021 considerations. In the most projects, the cost of construction is one of the most critical aspect
Accepted 17 February 2021 because material cost alone accounts for significant ratio of the total project. Therefore, the
Published Online 12 April 2021 cost of construction materials should be controlled. In this study, we proposed the use of
material requirements planning (MRP) to control the cost of construction materials. After
KEYWORDS determining the demand for the materials required for construction, we estimated both the
quantity of materials required and time taken to deliver the materials to the construction site.
Construction logistics planning Although economic order quantity models have been applied to analyze construction material
Optimizing material costs, they do not accurately reflect concerns related to material cost. Therefore, we used the
Inventory control material supply chain model (construction logistics planning) to analyze material costs. To
Dragonfly algorithm
optimize MRP according to the current progress of a project, a novel approach combining the
PSO algorithm
dragonfly algorithm (DA) and particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) was proposed. To
Optimize delivery schedules
verify the advanced searchability of the DA–PSO algorithm, the algorithm was compared with
Time to import construction materials
the gray wolf and the genetic algorithms.

1. Introduction in warehousing at the construction site. The issue of increasing

the warehousing area is not feasible because the site layout is
Cost is one of the four critical factors that determine the success mainly for construction (the warehouse area only accounts for a
of a project, the other three being time, quality, and safety. The small part of the site plan). Besides, when too many materials are
cost of construction materials accounts for more than half of the ordered, the storage time is prolonged, leading to quality deterioration
value of a construction project, so the management of material (additional costs). Hence, the problem poses a need to balance the
cost is one of the essential criteria on which the success of the construction materials to meet the actual construction schedule and
project (Polat and Arditi, 2005; Georgy and Basily Sameh, 2008). storage size of the site.
To adequately control the cost of construction materials, there is The purpose of this paper is to find the best material requirements
the need to accurately and reasonably carry out material requirements planning based on the construction schedule. Managers can save
planning (MRP). costs when they adopt good MRP, which increases the project
In the construction phase, the time is limited and construction profit and competition in the current construction market (Behera et
contractors are only concerned about human resources and al., 2015). To verify the suitability of combining the DA-PSO
construction methods to meet the schedule, while paying little algorithm and the CLP model, we will compare the CLP model
attention to construction materials. Therefore, negative consequences processed by the grey wolf optimization (GWO), the CLP model
are prone to happen – delay and waste of human resources and processed by the genetic algorithm, and the CLP model processed
machinery when materials do not meet construction needs. Also, by the DA-PSO algorithm.
worry about the shortage of materials may result in the ordering This research focuses on developing and setting up a model to
of more materials than needed; this may lead to many difficulties find suitable material requirements planning and appropriate

CORRESPONDENCE Nguyen Huynh Chi Duy Construction Engineering & Management Department, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
(Bach Khoa University), Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh 700000, Vietnam
ⓒ 2021 Korean Society of Civil Engineers
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2351

warehouse sizes. procurement and supply decisions on construction labor productivity.

Ala-Risku and Kärkkäinen (2006) presented a potential solution
2. Literature Review for managing the material logistics of construction projects. The
solution consists of a shipment tracking-based approach to provide
Economic order quantity (EOQ) model is the ideal order quantity inventory transparency, and a pro-active material delivery approach
a company should purchase to minimize inventory costs such as for timely material availability. Min and Sui Pheng (2005)
holding costs, shortage costs, and order costs (Bose et al., 1995). introduced use of just-in-time (JIT) and economic order quantity
The EOQ model uses the following assumptions: demand is (EOQ) purchasing in recent years. From there, compare the
continuous and constant; the process continues infinitely; and strengths and weaknesses of each method. Georgy and Basily
there are no quantity constraints (on order quantity or storage Sameh (2008) used material requirement planning (MRP) systems
capacity). Construction is generally considered prone to many and genetic algorithms to optimize material cost, but warehouse
risks. Construction is generally considered to be prone to many size was fixed and unit price of material not including discount.
risks. If we use the EOQ model with the above assumptions, it Mao and Cheng (2010), presented the last planner system for
will not be feasible and cannot be applied to the site. managing the material logistics of construction projects. Despite
The construction logistics planning (CLP) model were developed the significant contributions, these studies did not investigate the
to optimize construction costs with warehouse constraints and critical and mutual interdependencies between warehouse constraints
material demand (Hsu et al., 2018; Nolz, 2020). The supply chain of and material demand. Said and El-Rayes (2011) used the material
construction materials is divided into four main components: 1) supply chain model and GA algorithm to optimize construction
ordering and shipping costs (ordering cost – OC); 2) financial material costs. However, the article has limited use of GA
cost (FC); 3) cost of delay (stock-out cost – SC); and 4) cost of algorithm that easily leads to local optimization (Not the best
transportation and site layout (layout cost – LC). Some advantages results). Jaśkowski et al. (2018) used economic order quantity
of the CLP model over the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model and proposed mixed integer linear programming model is
model are the discount in material unit prices and the cost of minimizing the total inventory management cost. The economic
delay and shipping of materials (Roach, 2005; Jaśkowski et al., order quantity model has many limitations mentioned above;
2018). Moreover, to determine the material requirements plan, does not reflect sufficient material costs during the construction
the time between material purchase orders (fixed ordering period process. Besides, Mathematical Methods (linear programming)
– FOP) is considered (Mao and Cheng, 2010). Every stage of does not give good results by the method of Meta-Heuristic (GA;
construction poses changes in demand for materials and warehouse PSO; DA, etc.).
size, so the FOP at each stage is flexible. This research will combine This study proposes to use the hybrid algorithm, the dragonfly
the FOP and optimal warehouse size to suit each construction algorithm (Mirjalili, 2016) and the PSO algorithm (Marini and
stage, with the objective of cost optimization. Walczak, 2015), to optimize the optimization of construction
Genetic algorithm (GA) is a random search algorithm based material cost with the hope of improving the search results. Also,
on the natural selection of matching individuals. GA consists of this study gives contractors a choice of considering the time
three important steps: selection, crossover and mutation. Then, between material purchase (FOP) and warehouse size to find the
an initial population is randomly initialized and the fitness of most suitable solution for each construction stage. This study
each chromosome is assessed against the objective functions. will validate the results of combining the DA-PSO algorithm by
Based on adaptability, a selection process is conducted and new comparing them with the results of the grey wolf (GWO) and
candidate solutions are created through a process of crossbreeding genetics algorithms (GA), which hopefully will establish the
between parents to create a new generation. During a mutation, accuracy and reliability of the hybrid algorithm.
genes are changed at a number of randomly selected locations.
Then a new population is created for the next loop (Zheng Daisy 3. Model Development
et al., 2004).
The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is also This study proposes a model for material requirements planning
another well-regarded SI paradigm. Eberhart and Kennedy (1995) using a hybrid algorithm, the DA-PSO algorithm, to find the optimal
proposed this algorithm with an idea mimics the foraging and material demand plan in terms of cost for the project. The
navigation behaviour of bird flocks. The main inspiration originates effectiveness of this model will be proved using specific examples.
from the simple rules of interactions between birds: birds tend to
maintain their fly direction towards their current directions, the 3.1 Construction Logistics Planning (CLP)
best location of food source obtained so far, and the best location The construction logistics planning model classifies material
of the food that the swarm found so far (Eberhart and Yuhui, costs into four main components:
2001). The PSO algorithm simply mimics these three rules and 1. Ordering Cost (OC): This is the cost of purchasing and
guides the particles towards the best optimal solutions by each of transporting materials to the construction site.
the individuals and the swarm simultaneously. 2. Financing Cost (FC): When buying in bulk, the contractor
Thomas et al. (2005) investigated the impact of material gets a high discount from the supplier. However, in return,
2352 P. V. H. Son et al.

the CLP model will have additional financial costs – the (t) is built as a fixed-time ordering system (FOP) that replaces
cost the contractor spends in advance to buy large quantities of inventories at the beginning of fixed intervals when there are
materials therefore capital is tied up in materials inventory new orders to meet the demand for the next period.
(Mitsel et al., 2017). FOP is divided into 2 main types:
3. Stock-out Cost (SC): The cost of delay (Panova and FOP = 1: The trend of day-to-day supply of materials is equal
Hilletofth, 2018). to the demand for the daily use of materials, i.e., the materials are
4. Layout Cost (LC): This is the cost of transporting materials ordered just in time. With FOP = 1, the inventory will be discarded
in the construction site. Therefore, we can see that construction because each day the material is provided by demand.
logistics planning (CLP) reflects correctly and thoroughly all FOP > 1: The trend of ordering materials within a particular
kinds of costs during the management of construction time in advance. With FOP > 1, the inventory will appear.
materials, which helps in striking an appropriate balance
between the different types of expenses (ordering costs, 3.2 Implementation Process
financial costs, stock-out cost and layout cost for storage and This section presents a detailed description of the search and
construction site). Using the construction logistics planning analysis of effective material requirements planning to optimize
model to analyze the material cost (objective function) is material costs. The construction logistics planning (CLP) model
entirely reasonable and objective. Therefore, we conduct is used to review and analyze material costs with input parameters
searching and optimization of material demand plan at and constraint conditions. Input parameters and constraint conditions
different stages with the CLP model and the DA-PSO include construction progress, quantity of materials used for each
algorithm. task, material unit price, and exchange rate coefficient. The DA-
Fixed Ordering Period (FOP): Planning the procurement of PSO algorithm will then be used to determine the material
supplies and transports in the model is done by determining the requirements plan that will minimize the material cost.
optimal ordering time for each material that changes flexibly to
consider the demand for materials used throughout the project. 3.2.1 Simulation Process
As shown in Fig. 1, the procurement of materials in each phase Step 1: Determine the minimum required material use per day.

Fig. 1. Types of Fixed Ordering Period (FOP) (Said and El-Rayes, 2011)

Table1. Daily Use of Material for Each Task

Dec-2018 Jan-2019
Task Start Finish
24/12 25/12 26/12 27/12 28/12 29/12 30/12 31/12 01/01 02/01 03/01 04/01 05/01 06/01 07/01 08/01 09/01
A 24/12/2018 08/01/2019 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 0.0
B 26/12/2018 01/03/2019 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
C 29/12/2018 26/01/2019 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
D 31/12/2018 24/02/2019 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
E 01/01/2019 10/01/2019 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1
F 03/01/2019 12/01/2019 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1
G 05/01/2019 14/01/2019 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1
Daily demand of materials 5.1 5.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.8 8.8 10.5 18.6 18.6 26.7 26.7 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 29.7
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2353

Before developing a suitable material requirements plan, we cohesion; f is the food factor; e is the enemy factor; w is the
need to determine the minimum daily need for materials. In this inertial weight.
paper, we use the Last Planner System (Khanh and Kim, 2016) The avoidance of the static crashing of an individual into other
to determine the minimum daily need of materials by following individuals in the neighborhood, which is known as separation, is
these steps: calculated by Eq. (4):
1. Based on the construction schedule, we list all tasks that N
will be accomplished using materials whose use needs to Si = −∑ ( X − X j ) , (4)
be optimized (Olivieri et al., 2019). j =1

2. We determine the duration of each task (in the same unit: where X is the position of the current individual, Xj is the position
day, month or year). of the j-th neighboring individual, and N is the number of
3. We determine the quantities of materials used for each task. neighboring individuals.
4. We determine the daily quantities of materials for each Alignment, which refers to the matching of the velocity of an
task. individual to the velocity of others in the neighborhood, is computed
From the approved construction progress, we proceed to the by Eq. (5):
above-mentioned steps. We will accurately determine the minimum N
required material use per day at the construction site as in Table 1. ∑
1 , (5)
Table 1 shows an example of the process of listing all project Ai =
activities and the amount of material used for each task. From N
there we can determine the exact amount of material used for the where Xj shows the velocity of the j-th neighboring individual.
project on each construction day, which will be done for each Cohesion, which is the propensity of individuals to be attracted
material in this project. towards the center of mass of the neighborhood, is given by Eq. (6):
Step 2: Declare the input parameters. N
The necessary data for the required CLP model are ∑
, (6)
1. OC costs: Material unit price; transportation cost; Ci = −X
2. FC cost: Material interest; N
3. SC costs: Late schedule penalties; where X is the position of the current individual, N is the number
4. LC costs: Cost of transport equipment; change in site of neighborhoods, and Xj is the position of the j-th neighboring
layout. individual.
Constraints: Fixed time limits between material needs (FOP); Attraction towards a food source, computed by Eq. (7), should be
warehouse size limit. the main objective for any swarm to survive:
Step 3: Initialize the first population. Initializing a population
F = X+ − X , (7)
by a random method of the algorithm helps ensure the objectivity i

of the population. The population in the study is the amount of where X is the position of the current individual and X+ shows
material in each material requirements plan during the period. the position of the food source.
Populations are directed to more energetic areas if they find Distraction of an enemy, which is computed by Eq. (8), is
potential prey and, conversely, they will look for new search another survival objective for the swarm:
areas if the current prey does not look promising enough.
E = X− − X ,
Each population will be checked for conditions of warehouse
size and material inventory. Each population is calculated to find where X is the position of the current individual and X − shows
the best population in each loop as shown in Eq. (1): the position of the enemy.
CLC = ∑(OC + FC + SC + LC) . (1)
Vi (t ) = w(t ) ×Vi (t − 1) + C1r1 ×[X iL − X i (t − 1)] + C2 r2 ×[X iG − X i (t −1)]
Step 4: Improve the population. During the optimization (9)
Xi (t ) = Vi (t ) + X i (t − 1)
process, the populations are constantly changing and updating
based on the optimal parameters and equations of the DA-PSO 1. i = 1, 2, ..., P where P is the total number of individuals in
algorithm. The DA-PSO algorithm is a development algorithm the population
combining the PSO (Jia and Guo, 2016) and DA algorithms as 2. t = 1, 2, ..., T where T is the number of limited generations
shown in Eqs. (2) and (3). (or number of iterations)
DA Algorithm: 3. X Li = { X Li1, X Li 2, …, X LiM } represents the best position the
individual achieves after (t − 1) loop (called pbest)
ΔX +1 = (sS + α A + cC + fF + eE ) + wΔX , (2) G G G G
t i i i i i t
4. X i = { X i1, X i2, …, X iM } represents the best position of
the whole population after (t − 1) loop (called gbest)
X +1 = X + ΔX +1 , (3)
t t t
5. C1 and C2 are the learning factors
s is the separation weight; α is the alignment weight; c indicates the 6. r1 and r2: changes from 0 to 1 are random standards
2354 P. V. H. Son et al.

Table 2. Input Parameters

Steel Unit price
Unit price of materials (ton) (million VND / ton)
purchased 0 --- 50 15
50 --- 100 14
Steel Unit Price
(ton) (million VND)
0 --- 30 5.5
Material shipping unit
30 --- 60 11
60 --- 90 16.5
90 --- 120 22
Daily interest rate 0.1% / day
Late schedule penalties 61.5 million VND / day
Tower crane unit price 2.08 million VND / day
Tower crane productivity 17.34 ton / hour

stop searching if they cannot improve the results further or when

they reach the maximum number of iterations. This study uses
the maximum number of iterations as a stopping condition for
the proposed model.
Fig. 2. Flowchart of the Optimal Algorithm

4. Model Validation and Applications

regenerated for each updating velocity
7. w(t) is the inertial weight, used to control the effect of the The proposed model was validated by comparing the simulation
tire loop rate on the current loop rate; w(t) helps to balance results of the model with those obtained with the genetic
local experience with practical experience. algorithm (GA) and the gray wolf (GWO) algorithm for a high-
Step 5: The optimization process ends when the conditions rise apartment project in Ho Chi Minh city. The duration of the
are met. The user can set conditional parameters. In fact, objects project was 199 days (December 24, 2018, to July 10, 2019).

Table 3. Daily Project Demand for Materials (steel)

From 24-Dec 5-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 22-Jan 27-Jan 2-Feb
To 4-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan 21-Jan 26-Jan 1-Feb 10-Feb
Daily demand of material (Tons) 5.1 5.5 9.8 4.7 8 3.7 0
From 11-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb 2-Mar 5-Mar 6-Mar 14-Mar
To 23-Feb 24-Feb 1-Mar 4-Mar 5-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar
Daily demand of material (Tons) 3.7 11.8 8.5 8.1 16.2 8.1 16.2
From 15-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 6-Apr 7-Apr
To 22-Mar 23-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 5-Apr 6-Apr 12-Apr
Daily demand of material (Tons) 8.1 18.2 10.1 20.3 10.4 20.3 10.1
From 13-Apr 14-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 27-Apr 28-Apr 4-May
To 13-Apr 19-Apr 20-Apr 26-Apr 27-Apr 3-May 4-May
Daily demand of material (Tons) 20.3 10.1 20.3 10.1 20.3 10.1 20.3
From 5-May 11-May 12-May 18-May 19-May 24-May 25-May
To 10-May 11-May 17-May 18-May 23-May 24-May 29-May
Daily demand of material (Tons) 10.1 20.3 10.1 21.7 11.6 23.1 11.6
From 30-May 31-May 5-Jun 6-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun 17-Jun
To 30-May 4-Jun 5-Jun 10-Jun 11-Jun 16-Jun 17-Jun
Daily demand of material (Tons) 23.1 11.6 23.1 11.6 23.1 11.6 23.1
From 18-Jun 23-Jun 24-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 5-Jul 6-Jul
To 22-Jun 23-Jun 28-Jun 29-Jun 4-Jul 5-Jul 10-Jul
Daily demand of material (Tons) 11.6 23.1 11.6 23.1 11.6 25.1 13.5
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2355

Fig. 3. Relationship between the Material Cost and Warehouse Size in Fig. 4. Relationship between the Material Cost and Warehouse Size in
Phase 1 Phase 2

The project comprised 1 basement and 22 floors. Steel was the

material of choice for the study. Construction materials were first
transported to the construction site and then stored properly to
avoid any effects of weather. Because the building is in the city,
the limited warehouse area was a concern. The objective of the
study was to help the contractor compare various fixed ordering
period (FOP) and warehouse size options to design the optimal
material requirements plan (MRP).
The project was categorized into three phases according to the
site plan:
1. Phase 1: Structure basement from December 24, 2018, to
February 24, 2019 (63 days).
2. Phase 2: Super structure from February 25, 2019, to May Fig. 5. Relationship between Material Cost and Warehouse in Phase 3
20, 2019 (85 days).
3. Phase 3: Finishing from May 21, 2019, to July 10, 2019 (51 Summary of results after optimization:
days). The red line represents the relationship between the material
The input parameters were as follows: cost (left vertical axis) and FOP; the blue line denotes the
Optimal results by DA-PSO algorithm: relationship between the material size (right vertical axis) and
Phase 1: From 24/12/2018 to 24/02/2019 (63 days) FOP. As displayed in Figs. 4, 5, and 6, for each phase, an inverse
Phase 2: From 25/02/2019 to 20/05/2019 (85 days) relationship exists between material cost and the size of the
Phase 3: From 21/05/2019 to 10/07/2019 (51 days) material storage; when the cost of materials decreases, the size of

Table 4. Warehouse Size and Material Cost (Phase 1)

FOP 1 3 4 5 7 9 11 14
Warehouse 11.8 20 40.2 60 78.9 79.3 80 82.3
CLC 6,414.3 4,824 4,581.4 4,535 4,218.1 4,183.4 4,083.6 4,000.25

Table 5. Warehouse Size and Material Cost (Phase 2)

FOP 1 3 4 5 7 9 11 14
Warehouse 21.7 46.8 56.4 76.2 85.3 113.2 127 165.8
CLC 17,246.0 14,949.5 14,419.0 13,648.5 13,516.8 13,424.2 13,379.3 13,371.6

Table 6. Warehouse Size and Material Cost (Phase 3)

FOP 1 3 4 5 7 9 11 14
Warehouse 25.1 70.6 85.9 93.8 115.8 126 139.6 198.1
CLC 12,685.4 10,560.4 10,327.4 10,262.1 10,162.0 10,100.0 10,080.7 10,062.5
2356 P. V. H. Son et al.

Table 7. Result of the Project

1 2 3
Fixed Ordering Period 4 4 3
Duration (day) 63 85 51 199
(24/12-24/02) (25/02-20/05) (21/05-10/07) (24/12/2018-10/07/2019)
Demand of material (Ton) 270.2 918.8 695.1 1,884.1
Warehouse size (Ton) 40.2 56.4 70.6 70.6
Material Cost OC (Ordering Cost) 4,135.5 13,696.5 10,003 27,835
(Million VND) FC (Financing Cost) 11.35 32.26 24.28 67.89
SC (Stock-out Cost) 430.5 676.5 522.75 1,629.75
LC (Layout Cost) 4.05 13.78 10.42 28.25
CLC 4,581.4 14,419.0 10,560.5 29,560.9

the warehouse increases, and vice versa. This phenomenon is construction site. Therefore, the warehouse selection, cost, and
reasonable. To obtain a high discount from the supplier, the FOP are critical. The relationship diagram enables managers to
contractor buys larger quantities of material than actually required, take optimal decisions.
which results in more inventories. Therefore, large warehouses Currently, for most projects, contractors have to spend money
are necessary. on construction first and then claim the money from investors.
The intersection of the warehouse-size–FOP and material Because the cost of a construction project is high, contractors
cost–FOP relationship curves is considered optimal outcome and typically borrow from a bank. Because contractors have to buy
provides optimal FOP results, warehouse size, and corresponding materials in large quantities to avail a high discount from suppliers,
costs. The optimum research point is the equilibrium position considerable money is invested in the material inventory. Therefore,
corresponding to the minimum values of the material cost and unreasonable revenue and expenditure plans are risky and may
warehouse size. However, the decision-maker may choose different result in considerable amounts of losses for or even bankruptcy
optimal goals according to the perspective of the manager or the for contractors if the purchased inventory is not utilized. Therefore,
situation at the site. For example, if a warehouse area larger than in addition to OC, other cost-related factors should be controlled
the construction site is not a feasible solution, the decision-maker to optimize construction costs.
should consider a reasonable FOP to achieve the most beneficial The optimal FOP results in phases 1, 2, and 3 are 4, 4, and 3,
results based on the relationship curve. respectively. The FOP is in the range 3 – 4, which indicated that
The relationship curve chart indicates that the further a point materials were ordered every 3 or 4 days. This approach presented
is from the optimal point (increasing FOP), the lower is the cost the following advantages:
reduction and the higher is the increase in the warehouse The proposed method approach minimized capital spending
capacity. For example, in phase 1, the FOP increased from 4 to 5. on inventory, which reduced the amount of money borrowed
Therefore, for a material cost reduction of 46.4 million, the from the bank and resulted in the availability of additional money
warehouse capacity must increase by 19.8 tons; in phase 2, the for investment in other areas, such as efficient construction methods,
FOP increased from 11 to 14. Therefore, for a material cost to improve project quality and expedite development; thus, the
reduction of 7.7 million, the warehouse size must increase to brand of the company was enhanced. Furthermore, the cash flow
38.8 tons. However, this approach is not optimal because the plan of the project was controlled.
warehouse size increases excessively, whereas the cost benefit is This approach eliminates the necessity of large storage spaces.
negligible. Therefore, the approach facilitates the use of small warehouses
Purchases and shipping (OC) accounts for the highest proportion in construction sites. Currently, most construction projects in big
(90%) of material costs, SC accounts for the second-highest cities (Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang, and Hai Phong) have
proportion (5%), and FC and LC account for the rest. Therefore, limited construction sites. Thus, small warehouse size is the
to reduce material management costs, contractors focus on OC primary constraint in the site layout. The FOP value that corresponds
but not on other costs. To minimize OC, managers negotiate and with a small warehouse is selected to address this constraint.
purchase materials in large quantities to obtain the highest Furthermore, with advantages such as reduction in bank loan
discount from the supplier. When the volume purchased is larger costs, a short FOP is critical for construction enterprises in
than the volume required, it leads to an inventory surplus. setting up material supply plans for the construction site.
Therefore, a large warehouse is required to store this inventory Moreover, a short FOP maintains low surplus of inventory
surplus. However, the size of the warehouse is a problem that the because new materials are purchased when required. The quality
contractor cannot control because it depends on the size of the of such fresh products remains superior to those stored for a long
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2357

term. When stored for too long, the quality of the material may guarantee the optimal solution, which is the major drawback of
be easily degraded by the surrounding environment. In many the GA because the population that could have been closer to a
cases, the quality of the material has to be retested because better position is inadvertently disturbed to obtain optimal
materials have been in stock for too long. Reinspection of quality results. Therefore, the convergence chart of the GA tends to have
is not recommended because it directly affects the progress of the many long horizontal lines because the optimal position could
project. not be determined due to this disturbance (Li et al., 2020).
Therefore, decision makers should be flexible and consider In the GWO algorithm, optimization is performed based on a
factors, including objective and subjective factors, before taking hierarchy of alpha (best), beta (second best), and delta (third best)
final decisions. solutions. The next position is updated based on the positions of the
The results of the analysis indicate that the approach was three solutions. Thus, alpha, beta, and delta estimate the optimal
reasonable and practical. To verify the feasibility of these results, positions and other solutions update their positions randomly
we compared results of the dragonfly algorithm (DA)–particle around the current optimal positions. Therefore, the GWO algorithm
swarm optimization (PSO) model with the GA and the GWO exhibits a strong advantage in the exploitation stage compared
algorithm. with other algorithms. The expansion of the search area relies
only on the vectors in the optimal equation, which results in a
Comparison of DA–PSO with GWO and GA
lack of diversity of the population; the limited expansion of the
We considered phase 2, the phase with the most demand for
search area is a drawback of the GWO algorithm. Therefore, for
materials, for the comparison.
a problem with large search spaces, the GWO algorithm easily
According to Table 7, the DA–PSO algorithm outperformed
falls into local optimization (Hatta et al., 2019).
the GWO and GA algorithms in terms of cost and warehouse
The DA can easily expand its search space. The algorithm is
optimization. The optimized material cost obtained using the
based on the behavior of a dragonfly, which often changes
DA–PSO algorithm was less than those obtained using the GWO
direction suddenly. On combining with the Levy algorithm, the
and GA algorithms, which were 4.1 million and 10.2 million
search area can be increased rapidly, rendering the search space
dollars higher than the DA–PSO value, respectively.
of the DA algorithm larger than those of other algorithms.
Figure 6 displays that with 500 loops, the DA–PSO algorithm
However, the optimization capability (exploitation) of the DA is
provides better solutions than those of the other two options
extremely slow and easily leads to local optimization. The PSO
The reasons for the superior performance of the DA–PSO
algorithm was combined with the DA algorithm to overcome the
algorithm are discussed.
shortcomings of the DA. The PSO algorithm is an excellent
Because of hybridization, selection, and mutation, the GA
spatial exploitation algorithm because it regularly updates the
exhibits an extensive search area. However, scrambling by a
best location of the population, directs the individuals to the best
random mechanism and not following specific rules does not
location, and updates the best location of the population in each
loop based on the optimal function. Thus, in the DA–PSO model,
Table 8. Result of the Project
the DA is used to expand the search (exploration) space, whereas
Material cost Warehouse the PSO algorithm is used to explore the space that has been
(million VND) (ton) searched by the DA. Therefore, the DA–PSO model outperforms
DA-PSO 13,516.8 85.3 the GA and the GWO algorithm.
GWO 13,520.9 87.5
GA 13,527 88.4 5. Conclusions

Cost management is critical in a construction project. However,

construction material costs are not optimized in most projects.
Contractors have to purchase construction material first and then
claim the money from investors. Because construction projects
are expensive, contractor often borrows money from banks. If the
cash flow (revenue and expenditure) is not planned, then contractors
may incur losses and go bankrupt. Therefore, to effectively manage
material costs during the construction process, in addition to the
ordering cost, other costs such as financing cost, stock-out cost,
and layout cost should be considered. The proposed model helps
project contractors to properly manage project costs to achieve
the highest profit.
Contractors cannot control the problem of the size of the
warehouse because the size of the warehouse depends on the
Fig. 6. Convergence History in Phase 2 construction site. Therefore, the warehouse size, cost, and FOP
2358 P. V. H. Son et al.

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