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1. HES with conventional source:

It refers to multi-source power generation systems. They are complex systems combining at least two complementary technologies: one or
more conventional energy sources, usually generators (diesel generator), and at least one renewable energy source. Renewable energy sources
such as wind and photovoltaic do not deliver constant power. When combined with conventional sources, they provide continuous power
1. Photovoltaic with conventional source:
This type of hybrid system is most often used in sites with a hot climate, such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, etc.
The objective of these systems, when working in autonomous mode, is to supply a building without interruption. These systems often
contain batteries and produce direct current. On the other hand, diesel engines can drive DC or AC generators .For that we distinguish
2 system configurations: serial or parallel connection.
2. Wind Turbines with conventional source:
These systems are more common on islands, where sea breezes and wind favors the use of wind energy for electricity production. In
these case, the hybrid system operates in autonomous mode, and when it’s operates in this mode, it often includes a conventional
battery storage because wind turbines are able to produce the same alternating current as the one produced by the diesel generator.
3. Photovoltaic + wind turbine + Diesel:
Such systems are designed to diversify the sources of renewable energy. So in this way, we’re looking to reduce the amount of fuel
consumed, since the renewable sources can complement each other and provide a greater amount of energy.

2. HES without conventional source:

These hybrid systems operate mainly in stand-alone mode in locations where diesel fuel connection to the electrical grid is difficult or even
1. Photovoltaic HES + storage (batteries):
The photovoltaic system must be connected to another energy source, so that it is possible to meet the load during the absence of
sunlight, so the presence of storage (batteries) ensures a better satisfaction of electrical loads during periods of absence of a
primary resource to convert into electricity.
2. HES wind turbine + storage:
The wind turbine + battery device allows to smooth the rapid variations of the electrical power coming from the wind turbine, or a role
of storage for long term, in autonomous regime to allow the supply of the consumer during the periods of low wind speed.
3. Photovoltaic HES + wind turbine + storage:
The major disadvantage of the hybrid systems is the lack of feed diversity because the primary resource used is unique. The
combination of several renewable energy sources allows to optimize the power generation systems as much as possible, both in
technical and economic terms.
4. HES photovoltaic + wind turbines (without storage):
This type of hybrid system is very rarely used, because it does not provide a secure power supply. It lacks either a conventional
source or a storage device.
5. Renewable source with grid:
In these systems, there will be one or more renewable sources with the grid. In most of these systems, they are without storage.

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