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Troubleshooting Guide



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Print No.: M4-030.840.11.01.02 English

Replaces: M4-030.840.01.03.02 Doc. Gen. Date: 09.06
2 Revision / Disclaimer
1Revision / Disclaimer

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The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of system
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Please contact your local Siemens office to order current revision levels.

The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified
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Table of Contents 3
1- 0Table of Contents

1 _______ Software _______________________________________________________ 4

Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
syngo MR start-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
syngo MR start-up (Win XP only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Check access to Disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Restart Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
DATABASE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
DICOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Log files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Process Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Determining problem type HW/SW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Import test images (NT and XP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Reinstallation of software fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2 _______ Index _________________________________________________________ 32

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Medical Solutions 09.06 SMMR
4 Software

This part of the TSG deals with problems regarding the software. Software strategy, pro-
cedures and repair provide the necessary information to successfully maintain the soft-
ware system NUMARIS/4

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Software 5

Strategy 0

In most cases the first question that comes up is:“ Is the problem caused by hardware or
Reinstalling the software will answer this question quite reliably, but eventually will cause
other problems such as loss of data (e.g. patient images, customer protocols, or site-spe-
cific data that have not been saved).
To make software troubleshooting as effective as possible, here are some procedures to
assist you in dealing with software problems!

General 0

NOTE When troubleshooting you should always start with the “Subject
list“. By following this flowchart table you are led quickly to the
unit responsible for your problem.

The “Software Strategy“ contains a flowchart in table form, the included software subjects
are listed in the table in the table to the right.

Necessary tools
• Password list, refer to the latest Speedinfo, Password List folder. Variable password

Definition of fonts used in the documentation

command ↵ All input by the user is indicated in bold and followed by a carriage
return sign.

Subject list

No Problem
1. “Syngo MR Application start-up“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
2. “Database“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
3. “Network“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
4. “DICOM“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
5. “Measurement“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
6. “Single options“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
7. “Exposure“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
8. “Licenses“, (Software strategy / p. 6)
9. “Determining problem type HW/SW“, (Software strategy / p. 6)

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Software strategy

Remember to return to the strategy page in use, after performing a partial repair/procedure action.
No Test Step Status Service Action Reference
1. syngo MR Appli- Customer message “Startup Start a local or remote service session Refer to (Eventlog / p. 25)
cation start-up failed - please call service“ is
displayed. Refer to (syngo MR start-up / p. 8)
Check if HD’s are available Refer to (Check access to Disks / p. 10)

Check that licenses are valid Refer to (Licenses expired / p. 28)

2. Database DATA-BASE not available at Check if database is up and running Refer to (DATABASE / p. 12)
Create a new empty database Refer to (Create a new empty database
• To ensure that no old images will (Win XP only) / p. 15)
be merged into other patients Refer to (Delete Images from E:\Image
produced with the new database manually / p. 17)
all images must be deleted manu-
ally from the pixel disk Med_Pixel

Import & view Service Images Refer to (Import test images (NT and
XP) / p. 29)
Page 6 of 32

DATA-BASE not available at Check Network connectivity Refer to (General Network

the MRSC connectivity / p. 20)
Check if database is up and running Refer to (Check if database is up and
running / p. 12)
Create a new empty database Refer to (Create a new empty database
(Win XP only) / p. 15)
3. Network Network problems to cus- Test network connectivity. Refer to (General Network

Medical Solutions

tomer nodes connectivity / p. 20)

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Medical Solutions
Siemens AG

Remember to return to the strategy page in use, after performing a partial repair/procedure action.
No Test Step Status Service Action Reference
4. DICOM DICOM problems Test network connectivity. Refer to (General Network
connectivity / p. 20)
Run DICOM tests, check addresses, Refer to (DICOM / p. 22)
port numbers, AETs
5. Measurement Measurement system and / Check connectivity to MPCU and Refer to (Network connectivity from MRC

or Imager not ready Imager to MPCU/Imager / p. 21)

Check configuration of the Measure- Refer to (Physical addresses of MPCU and
ment Network Imager / p. 22)
6. Single options One / some syngo MR func- Check Messages in Event Log Refer to (Eventlog / p. 25)
tion sporadically fails
/crashes Create a Extended MR log Refer to (Save Extended MR log / p. 24)

7. Exposure Exposure problems. Camera troubleshooting. Refer to Camera documentation at the

customer site
DICOM, configuration/test-tools Refer to (DICOM / p. 22)

8. Licenses Some / all Licenses (cus- Determine if problem is caused by Refer to (Licenses expired / p. 28)
tomer options) are missing expired licenses or defective dongle
Page 7 of 32

9. Determining Non classifiable problem. Determine if problem is caused by Refer to (Determining problem type
problem type software or hardware HW/SW / p. 28)
10. Re installation Installation fails Format the system DISK Refer to (Reinstallation of software
of software fails / p. 30)

8 Software

Procedures 0

The following procedures are provided for searching system-related error messages
(XP/NUMARIS messages), displaying system limits, and determining if a problem is hard-
ware or software-related.

General 0

Disable Auto login

In case you need to access the Administrator account, you need to disable the Auto login.
Press SHIFT during the “blue screen“ phase of the boot to access the XP login.

syngo MR start-up 0

MedcomMsgCard Startup failed

The application window is gray, customer message: "Startup failed - please call ser-
vice" is displayed.
• Start a remote or local service session. (full access is needed for remote service)
• Select Utilities, select CompMgr List in the Source pull-down menu.

Fig. 1: CompMgr List

The status of most processes will be NotExist or Running.
• Check if one of the processes remains in state StartUpInProgress. Most likely the pro-
cess hangs-up the system, note the name of the process.
If you are at a customer site, start the Csa compview as follows:
• Select Utilities, Escape to OS in the service platform, enter the command csacomp-
view , press ↵.

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• Select the process that hung in the status StartUpInProgress with the right mouse key.
A pull-down menu is displayed. Select Start process.
If you are working remotely
• Refer to (Restart Application / p. 11).

syngo MR start-up (Win XP only) 0

• Start a remote or local service session. (For remote service, full access is needed)
• Select Utilities, select Check syngo startup in the Source pull-down menu

Expected result when the syngo startup is OK

syngo StartUpCheck is running, please wait
checking user environment ...
checking system environment ...
checking current user ...
checking license file ...
checking general syngo license ...
checking database environment ...
checking for previous successful start up ...
checking for initial setup ...
checking consistency of hostname ...
checking accessibility of database host ...
checking database list ...
checking free space on disk ...
call C:\MedCom\utils\Startup_Check_MR.bat ...
environment seems to be ok, continue startup ...
CompMgr on the air, done
Success StartUp check done successfully at ...

• Click Reports, select “Process Diagnostics“ below “Startup Process“ and look for infor-
mation in all log files that were created at the time the error occurred.

Component Manager List

Check for processes that hang or fail.
• Start a remote or local service session. (For remote service, Full access is needed)
• Select Utilities, select CompMgr List in the Source pull-down menu.
The normal process state is “Running“. Ignore processes that have no PID (process ID).

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Check access to Disks 0

System disk check bytes free

Normally the system disk has approximately 5-6 free Gigabytes.

Output Input Note

dir c:\ ↵ Check if the system disk is accessible
Volume in drive C is MED_SYSTEM
Volume Serial Number is 40E4-18B0
Directory of c:\
05/08/00 07:23p 167 VERSANT.LOG
05/12/00 09:20p
28 File(s) 845,735,967 bytes
6,111,470,592 bytes free

DB disk access and bytes free

Select Utilities, Escape to OS.

Output Input Note

dir d:\ ↵ Check if the DB disk is accessible
Volume in drive D is Med_Data
Volume Serial Number is 309B-EF04
Directory of d:\
00/02/29 03:02p
1 File(s) 0 bytes
879,468,544 bytes free

In case the following message is produced: “The system cannot find the path specified“ or
the listing of the “Med_Pixel“ disk is displayed, most likely the DB disk is defect.

Pixel disk access and bytes free

Select Utilities, Escape to OS.

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Output Input Note

dir e:\ ↵ Check if the Pixel disk is accessible
Volume in drive E is Med_Pixel
Volume Serial Number is C0A5-6EAC
Directory of e:\
00/03/01 04:54p
00/02/24 01:33p
2 File(s) 0 bytes
14,797,856,768 bytes free

In case the following message is produced: “The system cannot find the path specified.“,
most likely the pixel disk is defective.

Restart Application 0

In case the syngo MR application crashed or is hung up, re-start the syngo MR application
as follows:

Output Input
Press simultaneously Ctrl - Alt - S
Click Restart syngo MR

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Fig. 2: System Manager

• Start a service session. ( full access is needed for remote service)
• Select Utilities, select System, click the radio button Restart Application, click GO.
• Select Utilities, Escape to OS

Output Input Note

RestartApplication ↵ Restarts the application


Check if database is up and running

• Open the service platform at the MRC, select Utilities, select Escape to OS.

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Fig. 3: System Manager

Output Input Note

dblist ↵

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Output Note
Failed to access database ID file Most likely the database disk is not
... accessible, refer to (DB disk access
and bytes free / p. 10)
VERSANT Utility DBLIST Version For single console systems, the fol-
Copyright (c) 1989-1999 VERSANT Corporation lowing databases are listed:
ID = 1 ArchiveStore@hostname
DB name = ArchiveStore@TDMRCNT Local@hostname
Creator = SYSTEM SchedulerStore@hostname
Date created = Thu Feb 24 17:54:37 2000 Exchangeboard@hostname
Db type = GROUP DATABASE If you have access problems from the
Db version = application, most likely a system
reboot will solve the problem
ID = 2
DB name = Local@TDMRCNT
Creator = SYSTEM
Date created = Thu Feb 24 17:55:52 2000
Db version =
ID = 3
DB name = SchedulerStore@TDMRCNT
Creator = SYSTEM
Date created = Thu Feb 24 18:00:18 2000
Db version =
ID = 5
DB name = Exchangeboard@TDMRCNT
Creator = meduser date
Created = Tue Feb 29 15:02:06 2000
Db version =

Check amount of free space at DB disk

• Open the service platform at the MRC, select Utilities, select Escape to OS.

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Fig. 4: System Manager

Output Input Note

txtexplorer -d Local listdb ↵ You can perform the com-
mand for each listed DB e.g.
ArchiveStore Local
Nr: Database Percent kBytes of FreeSpace SchedulerStore
========================================= Exchangeboard
1 Local 95 1512832

Create a new empty database (Win XP only)

If the syngo MR system has database errors, you can create a new empty database with
the remove database function.

NOTE All images and patient data will be lost.

• Start a remote or local service session. (For remote service, full access is needed)
• Select Utilities, select Database tools in the Source pull-down menu, select DB Re-
move, click Go.
The system reboots, the application start-up will take approximately 10-15 minutes longer
than usual since a new empty database is being created.
• To check for messages regarding the database creation, click Reports, select Pro-
cess Diagnostics, below Startup Process, look for information in the log file

Expected result at the end of the file: “create_all_gdbs.log“

create_all_gdbs: Removing any persistent locks from Scheduler-
Store ...
rti->signalEvent(DataBasesUp) done
create_all_gdbs: ----- Installation script finished correctly
03.03.04 18:20:12.015 seci: reconfigure() done

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Delete database manually

• Login as administrator
• Click Start, Settings, click Control Panel
• Double-click the icon Services, scroll down, select VERSANTD
• Click Start-up... , select radio button Disabled click OK.

Fig. 5: Disable VERSANTD start up

• Close the Services window, click Close.
• Re-boot the system.
• Login as administrator.
• Start the windows XP Explorer, navigate to Med_Data (D:) Database, click Database.
• Select all folders (mouse combined with shift) and file “osc-dbid“.

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Fig. 6: Delete database files manually

• Click with the right mouse button, select Delete.
• Answer OK for all delete acknowledgments.
• Click Start, Settings, click Control Panel.
• Double-click the icon Services, scroll down, select VERSANTD.
• click Start-up... , select radio button Automatic , click OK
• Close the Services window, click Close.

NOTE To ensure that old images are not merged int other patients with
the new database, all images must be deleted manually from the
pixel disk Med_Pixel (E:)!

• Continue with the procedure.

Delete Images from E:\Image manually

Output Input Note

Click the right mouse key on Start, select Start XP Explorer
Click the drive Med_Pixel (E:), Navigate to the Navigate to Med_Pixel
“Image“ folder. (E:)

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Output Input Note

Click one of the files in the right frame of the Select all files in the
Explorer, use the key combination Ctrl - A to “Image“ folder
select all files
Click one of the files with the right mouse key, Refer to (Fig. 7 / p. 18)
select Delete.

Manually Delete RawData from E:\RawData

Output Input Note

Click the drive Med_Pixel (E:), Navigate to the Navigate to Med_Pixel
folder “RawData“. (E:)
Click one of the files in the right frame of the Select all files in the
Explorer, use the key combination Ctrl - A to “RawData“ folder
select all files.
Click one of the files with the right mouse key,
select Delete.

• Confirm multiple file, Delete with Yes.

Fig. 7: Delete images manually from drive Med_Pixel E:\Image

• Re-boot the system, (Start, Shutdown, restart, OK)
• Login as meduser.

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NOTE The application start will take approximately 20-25 minutes longer
than normal because a new database is created.

• Perform a measurement and view the newly generated images.

Network 0

The syngo MR systems only supports TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol) as the network protocol.
The following section briefly describes the most common network components and their
role in a network.

A network consists of nodes interconnected by communication paths. Networks can inter-
connect with other networks and contain subnetworks.

DNS (domain name system)

The domain name system translates domain names into IP (Internet Protocol)
addresses.There is probably a DNS server within close geographic proximity to your
access provider that maps the domain names in your Internet requests or forwards them
to other servers in the internet / intranet.

A gateway acts like a entrance to another networks. A gateways may also act as proxy
server or fire wall. Gateways also involve the use of routers and switches.

A router is connected to at least two or more networks. It determines the next network tar-
get to which a packet should be forwarded.
A router is located at any juncture of networks or gateway, including each Internet
point-of-presence. A router is often included as part of a network switch.

A switch selects a path or circuit for sending a packet of data to its next destination. A
switch may also include the function of the router. A switch is simpler and faster than a

WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service), manages the association of workstation
names and locations with IP-addresses in the windows network. WINS automatically cre-
ates a computer name IP- address mapping entry in a table, ensuring that each name is

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General Network connectivity

Using the following commands, you can perform the elementary checks to test network
(Service level 7 and full access is needed for the following tests)
Select Utilities, Escape to OS in the service platform of the Host.

Command Note
ARP -A Displays current ARP entries by interrogating the cur-
rent protocol data. If inet_addr is specified, the IP and
Physical addresses are displayed.
(Only nodes in the local network can be listed)
IPCONFIG/ALL Display the local network configuration.
PING magic1.hospital.org To check low-level connectivity, try using the name
first. If that fails, try the IP address. If it won’t work with
even the IP address, blame it on the NIC (Network
Interface Card) drivers or routing. If ping works, but
something high-level won’t work, test with NBTSTAT
NETSTAT -rn To determine whether the local and remote hosts have
a default gateway specified.
NSLOOKUP magic1.hosp.org If DNS is used, find the corresponding Internet
address, reversed name lookup works as well (find the
host name for an IP address).
TRACERT Trace routing to a destination host (over a maximum of
30 hops).

IP Security (XP only)

The syngo-MR systems are protected with a service ipsec.
Other network nodes, like DICOM nodes, can only access the DICOM services that your
console provides if they are included in the “Generic Transport Filter“ of ipsec.
• To list nodes that are allowed to access your console, click Reports, select IP Security
below “SiteInfo“.

Adding host to IP security list

To add a node manually into the IP security list, use following procedure:
• At the MRC, simultaneously press Ctrl - Esc. Select Start, Advanced User, enter the
advanced user password; click OK.
• simultaneously press Ctrl - Esc, click Start, Run cmd, enter the command: runas /us-
er:administrator cmd, enter the password.
• In the newly started cmd tool you have administrator rights.
(replace the address ““ in the following example with the IP address of
your remote node)

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Input in the cmd window Expected output

ipseccmd -f (0+ ↵ The command completed successfully

Deleting all IP security settings

• At the MRC, simultaneously press Ctrl - Esc. Select Start, Advanced User; enter the
advanced user password; click OK.
simultaneously press Ctrl - Esc, click Start, Run cmd, enter the command: runas
/user:administrator cmd, enter the password.
• In the newly started cmd tool you have administrator rights.

Input in the cmd window Expected output

ipseccmd -u ↵ The command completed successfully.

Adding all configured hosts to IP security list

• At the MRC, simultaneously press Ctrl - Esc. Select Start, Advanced User; enter the
advanced user password; click OK.
• C:\MedCom\utils
simultaneously press Ctrl - Esc, click Start, Run cmd, enter the command: runas
/user:administrator cmd, enter the password.
• In the newly started cmd tool you have administrator rights.

Input in the cmd window

C:\MedCom\utils\SetIPSec.bat/install ↵
Expected output:
Setting dynamic security policy for details see “C:\MedCom\log\SetIPSec.log“.

Network connectivity from MRC to MPCU/Imager

Service level 7 and full access are needed for the following tests:
At the MRC: Select Utilities, Escape to OS, in the service platform.
Check low level connectivity with the “ping“ command (perform the ping command to both

Input Test failed Test OK

ping ↵ Pinging with Expected result: “Reply from
(MPCU) 32 bytes of data:Request bytes=32 time<10ms
timed out. TTL=128“
ping mpcu ↵ To check that name resolution is

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Input Test failed Test OK

ping ↵ Pinging with Expected result: “Reply from
(Imager) 32 bytes of data:Request bytes=32 time<10ms
timed out. TTL=128“
ping mrir ↵ To check that name resolution is
ipconfig/all ↵ Make sure that the subnet mask of the second ethernet adapter
is set to
Ethernet adapter E100B2: Description . : Intel(R) PRO PCI Adapter
Physical Address. : 00-90-27-CA-92-99
DHCP Enabled . . . : No IP Address. . . . . :
Subnet Mask. . . . : Default Gateway . . :

If the ping failed for both targets, most likely the NIC 2 of the MRC or the network switch
for the measurement system is defective.

Physical addresses of MPCU and Imager

List IP and Physical (MAC) addresses. (Prerequisite: ping is performed to the both

Input Expected output

arp -a ↵ Interface: on Interface 3
Internet Address Physical Address Type 08-00-02-0b-20-2e dynamic 00-e0-1e-ce-ef-e2 dynamic

The result displays the physical address of the MPCU and Imager.
Select Configuration, Measurement, Network. Verify that the correct physical address
is entered for the MPCU and Imager in the measurement network configuration.

Network connectivity from Imager to MPCU

Ping to MPCU from the Imager via VNC.
Check share of MRC.


Network nodes
Before you continue with DICOM Troubleshooting, perform the following steps:
• Check low-level connectivity to the remote node with “ping“ to exclude network prob-

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• Check your own configuration (host properties, AET’s, and services).

• Make sure the target node enabled all DICOM services required for your node. (Ask the
network manager)
• Read the DICOM conformance statements for the remote node.
• If the remote node is a SIEMENS equipment, see the help texts for “Configuration“ in
the service platform regarding AET’s.

DICOM test tools

Start the service platform, service level 4 is needed (remotely full access)
• Click DICOM.
• Select e.g. Verify Network in the pull-down menu “DICOM Service“.
• Select target in the menu “Host Name“.
• Select the logical name in the pull-down menu “Logical Name“.
• Select AET in the pull-down menu “AET“.
• Click Go at the left bottom to start the test.

Fig. 8: DICOM Verify Network

• Click the link in the result window “See DST Debug/Log File for details“ an extended log
file will be displayed.

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Fig. 9: DICOM Verify Network (DST Debug/Log File)

Measurement 0

If the measurement system suffers from performance problems, the reason may be that
too many activities (processes) are running in parallel.

Before you start to troubleshoot system-related problems, it’s recommended to check fol-
• Note all activities that are running simultaneously (e.g. filming, storage, 3D calculation
• Create an extended MR log tool “MrSaveLog.bat“, refer to (Save Extended MR
log / p. 24)
• Before you escalate the problem, make sure that the system is re-booted at least once
every two days.
• Refer to error messages in the Event Log.
• Read the known hints and bug list.
• Perform Imager tests, refer to (M4-030.840.12 / Imager tests).

Log files 0

Save Extended MR log

In case the system suffers from a sporadic problem that you can’t solve, use the tool
“MrSaveLog.bat“ to create a zip file with the most common log files, These log file can be
evaluated by the TD support organization in cooperation with the SW factory.

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• In the service platform at the MRC, select Utilities, Escape to OS.

Output Input Note

Click Go.

A zip file is created and filed at the system disk C:\MedCom\MriDiagnostic\ with follow-
ing naming: “MrLog_hostname_20xxxxxx_xxxxxx.zip“.
Transfer the file via rdiag to your remote diagnostic server or burn a CD with the Backup
& Restore tool in the service platform.

Output Input Note

Select Backup in the pull-down menu Command.
Select backup device, e.g. CD-R in the pull-down
menu Drives.
Select Diagnostic in the pull-down menu Pack- The save takes approxi-
ages. mately 1 minute.
Click Go.

The Event Log provides the following filtering criterias:
• Selection of one out of four Domains (Application, Customer Log, Security and Sys-
• Selection of one out of four Severity levels ( Error,Warning, Information, or All).
• Selection of one out of four Facility levels (Service, Developer, Customer and User-de-
• Display of extended message text.
• Display of XP messages.
• Search for a pattern in the message text.
• Search for the Source (process name).
• Search for the message ID.
• Display newest or oldest message line first.
• Limit the amount of displayed lines.
• Date and time to evaluate.
• Extract the information to a file.
• Display of user-defined facilities.

No access to Eventlog
If you don’t have access to the event log as meduser or via remote:
• Login as administrator, start the E xplorer.

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26 Software

• Enter the password for the service platform, start the “Event Log“.

NOTE If you are logged in as administrator, don’t perform any configura-

tion changes within the service platform!

Process Status 0

The normal windows XP task manager taskmgr can only display syngo processes as
With the “Csa Component Viewer“ (csacompview) the processes are listed with names
that refer to syngo applications.

Local Service
• Select Utilities, Escape to OS in the service platform, enter the command: csacomp-
view ↵.

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Fig. 10: CompMgr List

Remote Service
Select Utilities, select CompMgr List in the pulldown menu Source.

NOTE Remotely it’s not possible to kill single processes.

To generate an extended log, refer to (Save Extended MR log / p. 24).

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Determining problem type HW/SW 0

Re-installing software and restoring dynamic data would answer the question. Windows
XP file system “NTFS“ is a very reliable, stabile file system; the chances that system
software has been corrupt (overwritten) are highly unlikely.
Before you re-install software, check / perform the following:
• If the system suffers from low performance, make sure that the system is re-booted
at least once every two days.
• Check for error messages in the “Event log“.

Licenses expired
• Login as administrator
Use the “Notepad“ to read the licence file license.dat located in the following path:
C:/MedCom/config/Licensing/ check for expiring date(s) of the missing license(s).
Applications licenses are generated in relation to the flexid of the 7- (Dongle) with Census
Exception 8 - (if Dongle is plugged) all application licenses are generated in relation to the
MAC address.

NOTE If all licenses (customer options) including the service software

are not accessible, most likely the HW dongle is not correctly
plugged or it is defective!

NOTE Place orders only through TDHSC1 in Erlangen. A defective dongle

has to be directly escalated to TDHSC1 in Erlangen Phone No.:+49

Read dongle ID / host id

To check the functionality of the dongle, use the following procedure to read the HW don-
gle ID:
• Login as administrator.
• Click Start, select Programs, click Command Prompt

Output Input Note

lmutil lmhostid -flexid ↵
lmutil - Copyright (C) 1989-1998 Globetrotter Software, Expected result, if dongle
Inc. is functioning
The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is A unique HEX code will be

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Output Input Note

ipconfig /all ø
C:\MedCom\log>ipconfig/all Send the host id (physical
windows XP IP Configuration address) of the first listed
NIC to the license center if
Host Name . . . . . . ........ . . : MRC9 you have 8- Dongle
DNS Servers . . . . . . ....... . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . ........ : Broadcast
NetBIOS Scope ID. . . . ... . :
IP Routing Enabled. . . .... . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . : No
NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS : No
Ethernet adapter E100B2:
Description . . . . . . . ...... : Intel(R) PRO Adapter
Physical Address. . . . .. . : 00-D0-B7-E8-03-0C
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . ..... . :
Subnet Mask . . . ... . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . :
Ethernet adapter E100B1:

Import test images (NT and XP) 0

When the disk containing the database has been replaced/repaired, the system is up suc-
cessfully, use the following procedure to import images test images.
• Select Utilities, Escape to OS, in the service platform

Output Input Note

explorer Enter explorer into the
Click Go. “Parameters“ field

• Navigate in the Win Explorer to C:\MedCom\MriService.

• Copy the service images to c:\Temp.
• Navigate to “C:\MedCom\MriService“, select all “ServiceImage1-9.dcm“ files by simul-
taneously pressing Ctrl - A, right-click the mouse, select Copy.
• Navigate in Explorer to “C:\Temp“, paste the files by pressing the keys Ctrl - V simulta-
neously, close Windows Explorer.
• Close the Win NT Explorer.

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• Click the Viewing Tab, select Patient -> Browser, in the Patient Browser, select Im-
port from Off-Line.
A pop-up window will open, use the left mouse key with the Shift key to select the
service images “ServiceImage1-9.dcm“, click OK to import the service images.
Use the “Patient Browser“ to navigate to the folder “ServiceImages“ to view the service

Reinstallation of software fails 0

If the SW reinstallation fails e.g. due to an interrupt during the initial installation part of CD
1/6. The install software was partly portated to the system disk. At the next reinstallation,
the install SW supposes that the SW installation is already performed with a dead lock as
the result.

Formatting the system disk

Work around:
• Insert the CD entitled “syngo MR CD 1/6“ and reboot the system. Press Alt-Ctrl-Del si-
• When the screen with the error message is displayed, press CTRL-C to cancel the in-

Output Input Note

The DOS-Prompt a↵ If the drive letter is “C:\“, then change to drive
appears on the left A:\
side of the screen. MS DOS including FDISK is loaded on RAM
during the boot from CD 1/6. The ram con-
tent simulates a DOS floppy . No floppy is
A:\ cd utils ↵
fdisk ↵ Starts the partitioning program.
List of options ...

• Select the 4th menu item to get an overview of the existing partitions. Now check the
file system type of the first partition.
• Press ESC to leave the current menu.
• Choose menu item “3“ to delete Partitions.
• Depending on the partition type, choose one of the items 1 to 4 to delete your first parti-
tion. In case you typed in a false menu item, ESC will bring you back to Step 8. This
also applies, if the message “NO … PARTITION TO DELETE“ appears after choosing a
menu item.
• When you choose the right type for your first partition, the warning “DATA IN THE …
[1]“ appears. Press ENTER.

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• If a request for the partition name is asked, type in MED_SYSTEM, which will also be
displayed at the top of the screen.
• Continue with Y for “Yes“.

NOTE For some keyboard layouts the Z key will produce the Y in the DOS

• The message “…PARTITION DELETED“ appears.

• Exit the fdisk program by pressing ESC twice, press any key to reboot.
Try again to reinstall software, make sure that the “syngo MR CD 1/6“ is still inserted in
the DVD-ROM drive.
Refer to the manual of “Installation Software“.

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32 Index

Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
DICOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

E Eventlog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

L Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

M Measurement problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

N Network
problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Non classifiable problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
logfiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

P Password list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Process Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

S Servicekey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Speedinfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

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