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Pollution cuts across national boundaries.

The effects and impacts are not

localized in one place or within the borders of the source state. It is possible that
the people in the source state may not feel its harmful effects as pollution could
migrate several hundred miles; oftentimes, the harmful effects are felt elsewhere,
and this is unfortunate for those suffering the impacts never had any hand in the
generation of the pollution.
The more pressing problem at the moment is climate change. Climate change was
defined as “a change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human
activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in
addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.
One of the causes of climate change is the use of fossil fuels. Over time,
industrialized nations have used fossil fuels to prop up their economies and to
energize industry. Fossil fuels have high carbon emissions that contribute to
global warming.
Climate change is a complex problem that has the entire world scampering for a
solution for it may well be too late if humanity did nothing to stop its progression.
Its effects are universal and irreversible and could plunge humanity to a severe
crisis which the world has not seen for a long time. It may well upset the
ecological balance, resulting in the extinction of several species and the
disappearance of several small countries from the map. Thus, any step toward
reduction of carbon emissions will ultimately help, regardless of how little this
reduction could be.
Pollution cuts across national boundaries. The effects and impacts are not
localized in one place or within the borders of the source state. It is possible that
the people in the source state may not feel its harmful effects as pollution could
migrate several hundred miles; oftentimes, the harmful effects are felt elsewhere,
and this is unfortunate for those suffering the impacts never had any hand in the
generation of the pollution.
The more pressing problem at the moment is climate change. Climate change was
defined as “a change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human
activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in
addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.
One of the causes of climate change is the use of fossil fuels. Over time,
industrialized nations have used fossil fuels to prop up their economies and to
energize industry. Fossil fuels have high carbon emissions that contribute to
global warming.
Climate change is a complex problem that has the entire world scampering for a
solution for it may well be too late if humanity did nothing to stop its progression.
Its effects are universal and irreversible and could plunge humanity to a severe
crisis which the world has not seen for a long time. It may well upset the
ecological balance, resulting in the extinction of several species and the
disappearance of several small countries from the map. Thus, any step toward
reduction of carbon emissions will ultimately help, regardless of how little this
reduction could be.

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