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Name: Delim, Danica Anne P.

Course & Section: BSN-1 E

Date: March 10, 2023
Microbiology & Parasitology
Learning Activity No. 2
Watch the movie entitled "Outbreak." Write a reaction paper relating to the chain of infection

The fictional "Motaba" virus in the movie Outbreak is based on Ebola, an incredibly
deadly virus that has reemerged, mostly in Africa, on several occasions. The
Motaba virus in Outbreak centers on the transmission of the fictional "Motaba"
virus in the fictional Cedar Creek, a small town in California, USA. In the 1995 film
Outbreak, the Motaba virus is portrayed as a hemorrhagic virus with a 100%
mortality rate. This virus causes fever and severe internal and external bleeding.
Brigadier General "Billy" Ford and Major General Donald McClintock made the
discovery in 1967. It was so terrible that they set an army camp on fire with a
gasoline bomb.

A little rural village experienced a resurgence of the virus, which quickly wiped out
the entire inhabitants. In less than 24 hours, it causes death after 4 hours of fever-
inducing symptoms. Later, in the film, the symptoms were discovered. At a later
scene of the movie, the virus changes, becoming airborne as well as waterborne,
blood borne, and other carriers. An albino capuchin monkey served as the Motaba
virus' host. Because they were able to establish that the monkey genuinely
harbored both strains, they require the host to produce antibodies against the
second virus. This monkey was brought from Africa to the U.S. illegally aboard a
ship, and Jimbo then snuck it out after it had been taken to a lab for biological
testing. When James "Jimbo" Scott steals the monkey to sell on the black market,
he contracts the disease. Scott works at an animal testing facility. Jimbo visits Rudy
Alvarez, the owner of a pet shop in the coastal California community of Cedar
Creek, with the monkey. When the monkey scratches Rudy, he is unable to sell it
because Rudy contracts an infection. He develops symptoms on a flight to Boston
after releasing the monkey into the woods outside of the adjacent town of
Palisades, and infects his fiancée, Alice, at the airport. After then, a strange series
of circumstances leads to it infecting a few people then Cedar Creek. After he
unintentionally breaks the bottle containing Rudy's blood, a hospital worker in
Cedar Creek contracts an infection. A number of individuals become infected
infected by the virus in a movie theater when it quickly mutates into a variant that
can spread like influenza and become airborne. That is how they learned that it can
spread through the air. A great depiction of the Chain of Infection in an epidemic
and pandemic breakout of a disease can be found in the film Outbreak. The
demonstrates how quickly the illness spread and caused illness and a fatality in a
tiny town. Beginning in Motaba, Zaire. The White-fronted Capuchin Monkey, the
disease's carrier, hosts and reproduces this microbial organism as it develops. By
becoming airborne or coming into contact with the carrier, the microbe is
transferred and leaves the carrier through the nose or mouth. Humans will be the
susceptible hosts, and it will infect the person through the mouth, nose, or through
skin contact. Infectious Agent and Reservoir Host The movie is set in the Zairean
jungle, where an outbreak is already well underway. The pathogen was carried by
and lived on the monkey from the jungle. After being captured, the monkey was
kept in a government storage facility until being traded to a local pet shop in a
small town. The Motaba Ebola Virus was the pathogen.

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