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Mafia boy is one of the names in the world of hacking. And that mafia boy is Rafi. Full
name is Rakibul Islam Rafi. He is a white hat hacker.

There are three types of hackers. 1. White hat hacker 2. Black hat hacker 3. Gray hat

White ones they do just fine. Stops bad hacking. Black people they just do bad things.
He robbed various banks and stole money from the company. And those who are gray
do both.

Then it is understood that Rafi is actually a good hacker. And good people. He works on
cyber problems in the society in different ways. On your own initiative. Trying to stop
illegal work. If there is a problem with someone online, he can fix it very quickly without
any fee. Sometimes he secretly helps the police. Of course, no one knows.
Only those in the hacking world know how terrible Mafia Boy is. How skilled. Where the
mafia boy goes, no hacker dares to say anything. Because they know, no matter what
they do, Mafia Boy keeps track of all the news.
But no one knows Rafi. An ordinary boy. A humble boy. No one knows this quiet boy is
the Dawn of the Virtual World.

Rafi's parents talk all the time, so they sit with laptop all the time. But no one knows that
the boy is doing well for the country.

Once Mr. DC's mail ID is hacked. Then the whole cyber department cannot recover that
ID. A lot of speculation but nothing can bring that ID back. Meanwhile, there is a lot of
secret information in the ID.

Then a DB came and said sir there is a boy hacker. Try it once?

DC- What did he say, people in my big cyber department couldn't do anything, what else
would he do.

DB: A lot has been tried. One last try.

DC: Well, before you call, let's see the boy.

DB called Rafi to come to DC office. Rafi immediately went to the DC office with his

DC: What's your name?

Rafi- Mafia Boy.

DC - What do you mean? Is it someone's name? Say a good name.

Rafi: I don't have a job with a good name for the job you call me, I need this name.

DC: Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds - d'oh! Let's see what you do.

Rafi took the laptop out of the bag and placed it on the table. DB asked what is the
problem now.

DB-DC Sir's mail has been hacked. Can't bring back.

Rafi: Well, I understand. Said the email id.

DB said the email id.

Rafi: Why do you keep passwords so simple? What is the need to keep your wife's name
and password. Here is your email id.

DC- is looking surprised.

DB- You see, I was not saying, sir, this boy can do it.

DC: What did you do so quickly?

Rafi: You don't understand even if you say those things. Change your email password
from there. Give something a little harder. There is no need to name the wife.

After packing the bag, Rafi went out with DB.

Rafi- Sir's wife's name is Rehena?

DB- Nato, why?

Rafi- What is her daughter's name?

DB: Hey, he doesn't have a daughter.

Rafi- Oh then I understand. Stay well. Call if needed.

Rafi came out.

Bara's rebuke started as soon as he went home. Only one son but there is no shortage
of reprimands.
Meanwhile, some of the classified data from the Government Defense Server is
transferred to an unknown server. The data is so important that these few files can
bring down the country's defense system and even the government. To make these
important data more secure, they were kept in military grade encryption that could not
be downloaded or copied until decrypted. And it will take a minimum of 3 hours to
decrypt this encryption unauthorized. The Cyber ​Division is trying to track those
unknown servers with top priority so that those files can be retrieved unharmed. 2.30
hours have already passed but the hacker or that server can't match any trace.
Suddenly the lead of the cyber division was lost, meaning either the unknown server
was taken offline or the server was down. Due to such irreparable loss, a mail came to
the Cyber ​Division just when there was a question about the competence of the Cyber ​
Division. An IP address, written below
Knight of My country,
Mafia Boy.
The encrypted data can be seen by accessing. The cyber division thought that the
Mafia Boy did not allow the defense of any patriotic country to break down. But who is
this mafia boy! Where the whole cyber division failed, how did Mafia Boy do it! The new
mission of the cyber division started with thousands of questions like "Who is this
mafia boy?"
Then the Ministry of Defense starts looking for Mafia Boy. Then DC started searching
with DBK.

9 p.m.
DB- Rafi, are you free tomorrow?

Rafi: Tomorrow is Friday, why is there an emergency case?

DB- I don't know. Sir called you to his bungalow at 10 o'clock in the morning.

Rafi: Then it seems to be a very complicated case.

DB- I don't know, but you forbade me to go with you. You have to go alone.
Just call me and let me know. So I informed by phone.

Rafi- Allai knows what to say. Well, brother, I'll be there.

Leaving the phone, Rafi wonders what could happen. Is there any new cyber crime in
the city? I fell asleep thinking.

The alarm went off at 9 o'clock in the morning


Rafi Tarahura got ready and went out with the bag without having breakfast. Dad is
talking from behind. I don't notice that. He went straight to DC's bungalow. At the gate
stood a bhuriyal daroyan.

Daroyan- where are you going?

Rafi- I will go to the bus stand.

Daroyan- is it nonsense?

From a distance, Mr. DC gestured with his hand to release Rafi.

Huge bungalow. Mr. DC lives alone. The family lives in Dhaka. A little empty space
inside the garden, there are chairs and tables.

Mr. Rafi saluted and took out the laptop from his bag. Just then Mr. DC stopped him.

DC: You don't have to take it out today.

Rafi said a little surprised to get his hand out of the bag
Rafi- Then why did you call me sir?

DC: Look, Rafi, I'm fascinated by your work ethic on the first day. I heard from DB officer
Masud that you are the white hat mafia boy, am I talking to the mafia boy whom
everyone knows as the mafia of cyber world?
Rafi - Sir, I don't know what Masood Bhai told you about me but everyone in the cyber
world knows me as Mafia Boy and in real life no one but you Masood Bhai knows that I
am Mafia Boy.
Mr. DC took out a form and handed it to Rafi. Rafi said sir what form is it?
DC - NSA (National Security Agency) is looking for a competent and skilled patriotic
white hat like you and your work has come to the notice of NSA. The form you see in
front of you is an opportunity for you. So far you have served the country on your own
initiative, if you want the cyber team of this country can use your skills to make the
country more secure.
Rafi began to pick up the form. NSA Cyber ​Division Firewall Engineer Recruitment Form.
DC - Don't worry about the form. That is just a formality. Your original job description
will explain it to you at NSA Headquarters.
So if you want to devote yourself to the service of the country, fill out the form and
come to my office on Sunday with the rest of the paperwork.

Everything about Rafi seemed to go over his head. Opportunity to work for an
organization like NSA to recover a small email ID !!!!!
Rafi can't even say anything. Rafi got up from his chair and went to the gate to greet DC
Sir. Just then Mr. DC called from behind.

DC - Rafi, if you take the opportunity, you will not be able to share this with anyone. Not
even with your parents. You will say that you have entered the ICT division as a
software engineer. And yes, how do you know Masood (that DB)?

Rafi- Masud brother is my friend's elder brother. Sometimes he was having a lot of
trouble with a cyber crime related case. I helped solve the problem by having a cup of
From then on, Masood Bhai used to call me in any case related to cyber. The work was
done by your cyber team. I would help a little.
Thus from Masud Bhai to DB Masud Bhai.

DC: Telling you so much knowing that you want to do something for the country.
However, there is no need to share all this with Masud. If you ask me anything, you will
say that I called you for my personal work.

Rafi- Well sir, thank you sir for everything.

DC- Go. Think carefully, I will be waiting for your positive answer on Sunday.

Rafi left. The doorman saluted him as he was leaving the gate. Then Rafi lowered his
hand from his forehead. Said

Rafi- Uncle didn't do anything before, then saluted.

Rafi left happy and surprised. But it hurts not to be able to tell anyone. Not even
parents. As soon as he entered the house, his father started crying.
Dad- where did you go to die on this closed day without eating in the morning. Which
will go, can not be eaten?
Rafi went to his father and suddenly hugged him. And said father you are very good.

Dad- what are you talking about? Need money? Or are you doing something outside.

Rafi- nothing dad. Where is mother? Ask me for breakfast. I'm coming fresh.

Rafi went upstairs to his room.

At the dining table,

Rafi- Dad, Mom come here.

Dad- what happened?

Rafi: I can have a government job, pray for me.

Dad- (silent for a while) what do you say. Where?

As soon as the mother heard this, she started praying to Allah.

Rafi - As Software Engineer in ICT Division.

Dad- let's make an arrangement then. A little peace now. The rest is your marriage.
Then I can live in complete peace. Tell me, Rafi's mother.

Rafi- jackfruit in gooseberry, gofe oil. All will be seen before then.
Rafi got a little embarrassed and went upstairs to his room.

Entered his own ID. As soon as he entered, he saw a news and Rafi's eyes rose to his
forehead. Mafia boy in the cyber division of the Ministry of Defense! Rafi is surprised to
see. He has never worked for the Ministry of Defense before. Then who did this with IP
in his name.
Rafi tried a lot, but got nothing but a code message. The message was
Rafi's forehead curl became longer. DC Sir's offer in the morning, now again in the cyber
division, such a big scandal of Mafia Boy Sage Mafia Girl !!!! Rafi sat for a while like a
hung computer.
Who woke up in the morning to see Car's face, so thinking again running his fingers on
the keyboard, Rafi sat down to do research. He was in such a bad mood that someone
took his name. Nah, you have to know about this Mafia Girl, why did Mafia Boy give
such a big job credit?
Rafi was a little surprised to see the research. This Mafia Girl is not very old but in the
meantime this Mafia Girl has hacked about 300 sites in Myanmar and about 100 sites
in India. And in every hacking, he has given only one coded message
Rafi had previously seen the site hacking in Myanmar and India, but did not pay much
attention to it because he thought it might be a patriotic white hat group. Rafi also gave
some messages to find this hacker but Rafi could not find the time to combine

Who is this Mafia Girl, a fan of Mafia Boy! Or a real mafia!

Rafi did not want to worry too much. He got busy collecting papers. But Mafia Girl JK
sat on Rafi's head.

Rafi reached the DC office early in the morning.
DC's assistant asked for an appointment. The assistant did not pay much attention.
After saying a few times, when the assistant was not responding, Rafi said, "Please tell
sir, Rafi has arrived."
After hearing the name Rafi, the assistant jumped up like a ghost.
Assistant - Are you Rafi?
Rafi - Yes, I am Rafi.
Assistant - You have an appointment, wait a minute.
After saying this, the assistant went inside the DC's office. After 20 seconds he came
out and called Rafi inside.
Rafi peeks inside,
Rafi- Sir Assalamu Alaikum. How are you
DC- Hey Rafi that. Come on come on.
Rafi went and sat on the side sofa
Rafi noticed that DC had sent his assistant out to say something.
DC - Then Rafi, come and sit in front.
Rafi got up and sat in front.
DC - What did Rafi decide? Do you want to take the opportunity?
Rafi- Of course I want to take. It is a matter of good fortune for me to do something for
the country.
DC - I knew you would be interested. Everyone from the Ministry of Defense to the Cyber
​Division is grateful to you for your recent work. You have hidden your real life identity in
such a way that if Masood or I had not known you, I would not have been able to find it.
Rafi's forehead went to Kuchke again, Ministry of Defense! Cyber ​Division!
Rafi didn't realize that the NSA gave him such a great opportunity today to the credit of
Mafia Girl's work! Rafi seemed very self-respecting. Rafi got this opportunity today
thanks to the work of Mafia Girl !? But Rafi himself wants to do something for the
country with all his heart and soul. Nah, we have to see the end of it (Rafi said in his
Rafi. . Rafi ????
Rafi was shocked by DC Sir's call.
Give me the form and documents.
Rafi handed over the papers, keeping his forehead folded.

DC- (looked at the papers for a while) Yes, all is well. Your training will probably start in
a month. You can find out your job description from NSA Headquarters. So long as no
one knows the identity of your job will remain. You will be given all kinds of training.
Maybe you should work as an undercover agent. Details will be given to you before the
training, I have already given a little hint.
Rafi- Well sir, don't let your head be down. Pray.
Rafi walked out of the office to friends. Feed them today. Thanks to getting a job.
She is being taken care of at home. But Mafia Girl is sitting on Rafi's head. Such a big
thing happened but Rafi did not know! This Mafia Girl is so expert!
Scientists don't seem to be as tense about the whole solar system as Rafi is now
worried about Mafia Girl.

After 3 days,
The message came on Rafi's phone. From the NSA. 2 days after his training. Straight.
Reported to NSA Headquarters.

10 o'clock in the morning
Rafi is sitting in the waiting room at NSA headquarters. With the necessary documents
and his laptop. A tidy office, but not at all like the other 10 government offices.
A beautiful Lalna assistant came and stood.

Assistant - Are you Rakibul Islam?

Rafi - Yes, I am.

Assistant - Follow me please.

Rafi started walking with the assistant. The assistant stopped in front of a door,
crossing several winding corridors in the office. The door is locked with a code. The
assistant opened the door with the password and told Rafi to go inside.

Assistant - You wait here. Direct Sir will talk to you shortly.
Rafi went in, a very large room, but the furniture was just a table and two chairs. As Rafi
looked back, the assistant came out of the room and slammed the door.
Rafi kept himself calm even though he was a little upset. He sat in the chair with the
door open. The room is soundproof, with a 360 ° camera on the ceiling and two CCTV
cameras on the two walls. The room has walls on three sides but reflecting glass on
one side. Rafi got up from the chair. Examine with fingers in reflecting glass. There is no
gap between Rafi's finger and the original Rafi's finger in Nah Reflection which means
not only in CCTV, surely someone is watching Rafi directly from behind the glass too !!!
Rafi realized it was going to be an exam hall for him. Rafi sat down in the chair again
while chanting the name of Allah in his mind. It was 10 minutes but no one came in the
room and meanwhile Rafi's pressure kept getting high.
Suddenly Rafi noticed someone opening a door. Two people came into the room.
Young, suit booted. As soon as they entered the room, they took a good look at the
room and stood on either side of the door. Soon a third person arrived. The seriousness
of the look and the heavy expression indicates that he will be the head of such a large
organization in the country.
Rafi stood up.
Are you Rakibul Islam? He sat down in the chair with a heavy neck and asked the

Rafi - Yes, I am Rakibul Islam.

Direct - I'll introduce myself later. Before you say it or you claim to be Mafia Boy, The
Mafia Boy! ?

Rafi - Sir that is my cyber name. Everyone in the cyber world knows me as Mafia Boy.
But in real life no one knows Mafia Boy.

Director - I see. Your reputation is a little too inconsistent with your age, however (say
put a file in front of Rafi.) Read the file.
Rafi picked up the file and opened it. Name of a website, some email id. With some
human details.

Director: This is a website of a militant organization through which they are spreading
misinformation to the youth of the country. We have some email IDs through which they
have threatened the big businessmen of the country. And with some details of potential
militants. I want you to secretly hack this website and find out the real culprits. I also
want the details of the email IDs. You will be given all kinds of resources. You have 6
hours. Let's see if Mafia Boy can maintain his reputation.
Rafi got a little worried. However, seeing the environment of this room, Rafi was waiting
for such a challenge.
Rafi: I would be grateful if I could do something for the country.
Director - Okay then, your clock is already ticking. Now you have less then 6 hours. (Ball
gets up from the chair and shows the other two) They will provide you with the
resources you need. You name it, they will bring it. See you after 6 hours. (Sighed and
left the room)
Rafi stood up with the director. He extended his hand towards the director but left
without noticing.
Rafi set the time on his clock timer, 2 hours 30 minutes. Rafi does not know what kind
of firewall or level of security protection may be provided in the website but he still
challenges himself to complete the 6 hour operation in 2.30 hours.
Rafi took the laptop out of the bag. In a fit of rage, I told the officers that I wanted the
fastest LAN connection and data server access.
One left the room, the other pulled a LAN connection from the side wall of the table and
handed it to Rafi.
Rafi likes to organize his work as he pleases, so he modified the network he used to
create multiple access networks, meaning Rafi could use 6 networks simultaneously
with this one connection and server access and jump Rafi's IP address every 3 seconds.
Will travel around the world so that even if someone realizes that the website is being
hacked, they will not be able to trace the mafia boy.
Two observers are watching Rafi's work closely from the side of the glass.

Observer 1- Kiri? What do you think? What can this little boy do? Direct Sir also gave the
boy the most trending and tough case.

Observer 2- If this boy is a real mafia boy, then this case is milk rice for him.

Observer 1- Then let's bet. 1000 rupees. This boy can't. All the teams of our cyber
division have been involved in this case for almost a week and their progress will be
around 0. And a boy will hack that website in 7 hours with a laptop. impossible
Observer 2- (Seeing the speed of the boy's keyboard, a latent belief was born. His 10
fingers are running smoothly on that keyboard) which is a bet. If anyone can, this boy

Sitting in the AC room, Rafi made a storm on the keyboard. One after another security
encryption of the website is going on top. Trying to get things done without alerting
website developers or security engineers.
30 minutes have passed, but sitting in the AC room, Rafi has accumulated a few drops
of sweat on his forehead. Rafi is a little more excited than usual. Today, he has the
opportunity to do something for the country, again becoming the country's largest
national security agency. Rafi is trembling with excitement.
Nah, not happening. Rafi's eyes now have a practice example of the proverb that Araihat
says of the palm tree. There is no way Rafi can cross the last firewall.
Rafi paused for a moment. He closed his eyes and thought, if Mafia Girl can find the
unknown server within 2.30 hours and bring back the classified information, then why
can't Mafia Boy hack this little website.
Rafi put his hand on the keyboard again. Rafi must make this mission successful even if
it is not for the reputation of Mafia Boy but for the country.
The storm hit the keyboard again. Nah, Rafi will not accept any more obstacles. Rafi
also cracked the last firewall by cracking complex binary encryption. Next comes the IP
address and access code of everyone associated with the website, including the
developer, admin, and Arthur.
Rafi took a long sigh of relief. Looking at the stopwatch, 49 minutes 53 seconds. Wow,
Rafi is impressed by his own timing.
Rafi started downloading all the data, and told the officers to inform the director sir, the
work was done.
The body language of the officers did not say that they were surprised but their eyes
were like seeing.
Officer 1- Job done! You must be joking.
Rafi smiled and turned his laptop towards the officers. Both of them leaned a little and
looked at the computer monitor for a while. In a state of shock, he met Rafi. Rafi
realized the wonder of the state in the eyes of both of them. An officer ran out. The
other stood with his forehead straight in his place.
On the other hand, in the office of the director
Officer 1- Sir that kid has done it !! (Said with surprise and excitement)
Director - What! Impossible! (State wonders with a frown) It's not even 1 hour yet
(pointing at the watch). Are you sure officer?
Officer 1- Absolutely, sir.
Director - lets check that out, shall we? (He got up from the chair and buttoned his suit)
The director rushed into the room, by which time Rafi had almost finished accessing the
email IDs. The director leaned over the table with both hands
Director - Show me. (With excitement)
Rafi turns the laptop over to the director again. The director's eyes glazed over for a
while. He slapped his hands on the table and said YES, Yes, yes ...
Well Done, MAFIA BOY, well done. Even today, the soil of the country is safe for smart
young people like you. The director put his hand on Rafi's shoulder with eyes full of
pride and joy. My name is Brigadiar Ezaz Mamun, Director of NSA.
Rafi's chest filled with respect and enthusiasm. He raised his hand and shook hands
with the highest official of NSA.
Director - Welcome to the Agency, Rafiul Islam aka Mafia boy.
Rafi - Thank you, Sir
Rafi regained his self-confidence. NSA may have offered her a job due to the success of
Mafia Girl but Rafi has taken his place in the agency with proper proof of his
Rafi is a little too happy today to regain his self-confidence even though he is annoyed
with Mafia Girl for challenging his qualifications.
DIRECTOR - What shall I call you?
Rafi - My nickname is Rafi. You can call me Rafi.
Ok young man. If you finished here, meet me at my office. We have some topics to
discuss with. Laughing, the director left the room.
Meanwhile, the first observer wanted to continue his betting as a mere joke, but his
colleague was ready to make a fuss about collecting the bet money.
Rafi thanked Allah in his heart for being able to overcome the first challenge of his
career. O Allah, grant me the grace to overcome all the obstacles of life in this way,
Rafi, giving the cyber team access to the website and email ID, followed the two officers
back to the director's office to take on a new challenge.


The three of them, Rafi and two officers, stood in front of the director's office. An officer
peeked inside and motioned for Rafi to enter.

Rafi - Assalamu Alaikum Sir.

Director - (speaking on the phone) Walaikumus Salam, come inside Rafi.

Rafi went and sat quietly in front of Sir. As Sir's phone conversation continued, Rafi
glanced at it. Neatly arranged room. One side looks like the office desk of many
government officials but the other side is completely different. Ultra high tech
conference hall with a small library.
DIRECTOR - Sorry Rafi (hang up the phone), tell me Hum Rafi? How did it feel to
complete today's task?

Rafi - Looks a lot lighter.

DIRECTOR - (with some curiosity) Looks light! ?

Rafi - Yes, today I feel very light to be able to fulfill one step of my long dream. Feeling
we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally.

Director - Wow. You have to appreciate patriotism.

(In the meanwhile the officer asked permission to come to room 1, as soon as he gave
permission, he came to the room and put a clipboard with some documents in front of
The director addressed the officer and asked if everything was done properly.
The officer nodded yes.
Direct Sir looked at the documents and then signed all the papers one by one. He
handed a piece of paper directly to Rafi.

DIRECTOR - Now read Rafi.

Rafi's chest began to throb again as he picked up the paper, I don't know if any new task
order came again.
But as soon as he looked at the paper, Rafi's eyes lit up at the sight of the two bold
Appointment Letter! !!!!!
Rafi began to tremble with excitement. Rafi wanted to thank Sir for not reading the rest
but the director gestured to Sir Rafi to read the whole thing. So Rafi started reading with
a bit of curiosity mixed excitement.
According to the appointment letter, Rafi has been appointed as a software engineer in
the ICT department under the Ministry of Information.

Director - This is your coverup appointment letter. So you don't have to face any
questions about NSA. Your attendance, salary, everything will be recorded in the
Ministry of Information through NSA.
For special ops training, you have to spend 6 consecutive months completely out of
your eternal world. No communication, no contact. In your absence, two of our officers
will take care of all the needs of your family. They will handle any emergency situation
except some exceptions which no one else can fill up except you, I think you
understand what I mean.

Rafi realized that he was referring to a death emergency.

Rafi sat with his head down for a while. If you want to do something for the country, you
have to do some sacrifice.

Rafi - (raising his head) I understand and I am ready for duty, sir.
Maybe the director didn't expect this answer so quickly, so he stared at Rafi for a while
in amazement.

DIRECTOR - Your training starts 7 days later today. Meet and talk to everyone because
you have to be completely separated from them for 6 months. Good luck, see you in 7
Rafi came out of the room shaking hands with the director sir. And he kept thinking
about how difficult his simple life was going to be.
Thinking about the loneliness of the next 6 months, Rafi wanted to spend the whole day
with his family and friends. After being out of the cyber world for 7 days in a row, Rafi's
thoughts towards Mafia Girl faded a bit.
On the 7th day, Rafi left with a smile on everyone's face. The mobile has deliberately
turned on the silent mode and pressed the pillow as if everyone had forgotten and left
the mobile. Everyone was looking back again and again on the way to go, I can't say,
God forbid if we don't see each other again after 6 months.


Meanwhile, a new predator codename Mafia Girl has appeared in the cyber world for
almost a year now. It is not a child's play to be so trending in such a short time. The
power and expertise of the Mafia Girl who made the Impossible possible has forced
everyone in the cyber world to believe that the Mafia Girl has come to reign in this cyber
The funniest thing about Mafia Girl is that a year ago Mafia Girl had no cyber history. As
if in a very clever way he has transformed himself into a ghost. Even the activities of
Mafia Girl catch the eye of the people when she wants to catch the eye of herself. This
mafia girl has left web developers and firewall experts in almost all the marquees.
Some people think that Mafia Girl was born with a golden CPU in her mouth after
learning complex coding from her mother's womb. Even if it is ridiculous, Mafia Girl will
take a few moments to find out all the information including cyber history of your life
and usernames and access codes of all online accounts (social media, bank, top secret
(!) Website and others) and even wrong Google search history. . In real life, if you are a
terrible introvert, you are a decoded open book to the Mafia Girl in the cyber world.
Did the smile fly?
The horror of Mafia Girl comes to the fore in the cyber world from the incident of a
world famous bank. The bank is said to be the safe locker of all black money in the
world. Mafia Girl selectively hacked the online accounts of a few show account holders,
transferring huge sums of money from their accounts to reputable charitable welfare
trust accounts around the world. Mafia Girl has crafted her coding so subtly that it
traces the transaction confirmation call and SMS, clones it from the account holder's
mobile, listens to the account holder's previous transaction confirmation call and inputs
the current OTP (one time password). Banks and transactions can confirm. In this
whole matter, the account holder does not even have to worry about this transaction.
This mafia girl does not allow the latest transaction confirmation message to reach the
mobile. A minimum of 11 zeros is required to write the total amount. Mafia Girl took
only 9 days to make such a big event happen and the victim of this incident is several
lakh account holders. Most of the account holders are famous politicians, drug and
arms dealers of different countries. Banks and account holders did not realize until their
last transaction balance and present amount at the end of the month that a few pairs of
their original balance had been reduced to zero. None of them could get legal help due
to being black money.

Some experts, however, have figured out a reason for Mafia Girl's ingenuity to venture
into the cyber world.

Maybe Mafia Girl has been able to create a next generation hybrid multi-headed worm
(Hydra) computer virus that is still a nightmare for coders and hackers and a nightmare
for cybersecurity and firewall experts.
Hydra is a type of computer programming or virus that simultaneously breaks the
security encryption of all servers, IP addresses, online devices, etc. on the connected
network and gives direct authorization access. Simply put, this whole cyber network is a
residential area where each house has an IP address of a personal or device or server
and each house is locked by a firewall or multiple security system. In such a residential
area Hydra is a master key with no door, window or backdoor lock that cannot be
opened in this residential area and therefore Mafia Girl does not have to knock on the
door. Hydra is a terrifying computer program that can crack the nuclear lunch code and
initiate lunch commands.

How much brilliance and coding mixed neurons can be such a formidable and terrifying
mafia girl is still out of the question.

Meanwhile, the militant group realized that their website had been lost. But so many
strong firewalls have been installed on the website that the authorized developers and
users of C-panel are not able to access the website even with their master key. Just
when all the militants were busy destroying all their hard evidence to avoid arrest, the
head of the militant organization received a call from an unknown source.

A computer generated female voice

- (calm throat) I can save you all, and also your website. But I want something in return.
- (laughs and becomes curious) Anything !?
- - (with excitement) YES, YES, ANYTHING ... WHATEVER YOU ASK.
- (Laughter) Ha Ha Ha Ha ....

The militant chief spoke on the phone for a while more. He called the second in
command to his room.
Chief - What is the status of our cyber cell? How active it is.
Commander - not active for a long time but always ready.
Chief - Activate everyone. Hire more black hats. we have works to do.
Commander - Any new missions?
Chief - Yes. Let's prepare for war, Cyber ​war.
Commander - but our website is compromised. The lives of all of us are now in grave
danger. Taking such a decision .......?
By gesturing to the commander to stop.
Chief - even if you don't think about it now. She called. She'll handle everything.
Commander - (surprised) She! Who !?
Chief - Mafia Girl.
Commander - The Mafia Girl!
Chief - Yes. Now go. Prepare for war.
An information came to the director of NSA, who or what had taken away all the files
related to Rafi's hacked website and the information contained in it. This is almost
impossible without any alert. Direct Sir felt the need for Rafi for a while.
DIRECTOR - How did such a big thing happen? I don't want to hear anything. Anyway,
find out who did this. Hurry up. !!!
2 days later,
The militant chief's printer ran automatically and started printing something. As soon
as it was printed, the chief's mobile phone rang. Unknown source.
Computer generated female voice
- (calm throat) Did you get the list?
- The chief picked up some paper from the printer. A list of several websites. The printer
has a private wireless connection with 6 home laptops and computers. The chief
thought that maybe there was someone in the house with whom he was talking. That's
when I ran to tell everyone.
- - (calm throat) Don't bother. I am not in your house but I know where you are. Did you
get the list?
- (Frightened throat) Yyeess, yes.
- - (Confidentially) Good. Then you know what to do. Start digging.
- - (calmly) I got your website and other additional data from the source. Don't worry.
Now finish my job or I will finish you.
- (with anxiety) Oookay, Consider it done.
- The line is cut.
Rafi came to a whole new world. If you look at the size and location of the training
center, who will say that this is where the state cyber warriors of the country are
formed. If you walk in front of the door, you will not feel that there is a training center
here. Rafi did not know that such secrecy could be done in a crowd of thousands
outside the cyber world. 80% of the training center is in the underground and the
entrance is the door of the 2nd locker of a state bank.
Rafi was given as many physical and human challenges as possible. Due to higher IQ,
Rafi did not have to get much speed to overcome the human challenges. However,
Rafi's favorite job in the whole training session was to finish reading the books in the
library. Numerous unpublished books on coding and hacking, written by well-known and
expensive authors, have been banned. Rafi did not want to miss this opportunity.
It goes without saying that Rafi had no connection with the cyber world during these 6
months and Rafi could not even guess what was waiting for him at the end of the
A new storm arose in the cyber world, provocative hacking began. One by one, 30
extremist sites in India were hacked. But surprisingly no country or hacker group has
claimed responsibility. In the same way, almost the same number of sites in Myanmar
went down and no group took responsibility for it. Thus, there were several attacks in
different countries but no one took responsibility, so everyone started seeing darkness
in their eyes. Despite all these attacks, no one has been able to find a reason to make a
confession without any responsibility. Eventually everyone assumed that perhaps a
powerful organization had carried out all these attacks. One by one, one country is
attacked by this cyber attack. Such aimless cyber attacks have been going on in
different countries for months. After a break of a month, the cyber attack started again.
Countries continue to be attacked in the same sequence as before, but the amount of
sites is doubled. This time the ordeal lasted for about two months. Even after doing a
lot of searching, it was not known who did all this and for what purpose. The
entanglement of speculation did not want to open.

Finally 6 months of suffocation came to an end. At the end of the training, Rafi took his
place in the merit list of NSA. One of the most brilliant Cadet on NSA history.
Finally, Rafi left for home as soon as possible. How long after I go home, how is
everyone? Thinking about it, the words of Mafia Girl also came to my mind. I don't know
what else has happened in the cyber world ...

On his way home, his office car picked him up from the road. Destination, head office.

When they came to the office, they first went to the director's room.
Rafi - Can I come, sir?
Director - (Ignoring files without notice) Come in.
Rafi - Assalamu Alaikum Sir.
Director - (notices to close the file) Hey Rafi .. I was looking for you in my mind, go to
the conference hall (said pointing to the other end of the office).
Director - (Telephone) Emergency Team Meeting. In my room in 5 minutes. Fast.
Rafi realized that Sirius had made an issue. So he went quietly and sat at the
conference table. He left the telephone and went straight to the conference hall.
DIRECTOR: Some things need to be fixed before everyone arrives. We have lost the
website that you were allowed to hack, along with all the downloaded copies related to
it. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Maybe someone
inside this organization can do this. so trust no one untilled you find out. Do you
understand my point Mr. Rafi?

Rafi - Yes sir. Understood.

At the team meeting, the whole team explained the status of the website, the status of
the downloaded file location related server, the firewall condition and Rafi at that time.
As a BCCAO (Bangladesh Cyber ​Crime Analyst Officer) Rafi will have to take Executive
Rafi went straight to the access panel's backdoor server to check who, when, where,
which server was used and what files were accessed. Rafi thinks there must be
something here. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.
Absolutely empty. How possible ...! It's as if someone intentionally deleted all the logs.
"Isn't that Mafia Girl?" Rafi's mind rang. Rafi quickly went and sat down with his laptop,
today after 6 months in a row Rafi sat down with his laptop.
Ghatte ghatate got a clue. Looks like MORSE code so Rafi starts decoding.
Decoded result was a few words,
# Useless, won't help
#cracking for you.
#Mafia girl
Seeing this, Rafi's head got worse.
 Why do you want to help Rafi? He will do whatever he wants to help! Absolutely hacked
NSA server!
  Suddenly some changes started in the MORSE code which Rafi did not ignore. "Does
the Mafia Girl have control over such an abandoned truck? Or did the Mafia Girl secretly
notice my presence because of the decoding?" Rafi began decoding. Rafi got a very
surprising message.
    #Here is your welcome back gift
     # 123.45. **. **. ***
     Rafi did not understand why Mafia Girl sent him the IP address. But the IP address
seemed familiar to Rafi. Seeing it well, Rafi Pudodantu became unprepared. This is the
address of the server from which the website details were stolen. I mean Mafia Girl is
still sitting on NSA's server. Rafi was forced to order all server systems offline. Then Rafi
entered the IP address with the server link. There is a new file called Present ... Surprise
shoots. When Rafi came to check in the morning, the file was not there. The creation
time of the file is 1 minute ahead, that is, the file has been created only 1 minute ago.
The server was isolated due to an investigation, but not offline. Rafi gets a little upset.
Fighter status and quite large. However, Rafi did not find any threat by analyzing the file
details. Opened the file, about 50 folders and the names of the folders in the name of
each country. Rafi looked around and saw the name of his country. Rafi opened the
folder on his forehead. I opened my eyes and saw all the details of the militant website,
including the small and big details of the website, the real names and pictures of all the
members of the militant cyber cell, the current address, the used satellite phone
number and all the personal details. The 50 folder contains the details of thousands of
militants and black hat hackers which is a huge breakthrough. Pello Rafi also found
some documents that prove the connection of this whole organization with the foreign
branch. This means that in a country like these 50, this militant organization conducts
its activities under different names, but they are not actually identical extremists! Only
one militant organization! Then who are their main!!!!!

Rafi found a folder at the very end of the present folder. He was not prepared to look at
what Rafi found inside the confidential folder, the money that was being circulated
around the country and the organization to run the militant organization came from a
once-famous refugee camp which is now known as a supergiant country. There are
thousands of documents here that verify this fact! This includes bank documents,
phone recordings, mission details, arms contracts, and many other top secret data and
direct collusion of high-ranking government officials.
Rafi is reclining in his chair thinking that this work cannot be done by anyone but Mafia
Girl. Rafi closed his eyes at a digital note. The file is called Mafia Boy. Rafi opened.
In the last 6 months, Mafia Girl has used the information of this website to carry out
cyber attacks by threatening the main hotas. And Mafia Girl continues to trace all the
hackers who are involved in many more militant organizations. In this way, Mafia Girl
traces their activities in 50 countries from one to two. And the main donors are the
various organizations and companies that have been doing business in the existing
taboos all over the world and the majority of their shareholders are the citizens of that
refugee camp and Hitler's two-eyed poisonous nation. In the name of various NGOs and
social welfare organizations, they set up their camps in different countries and carry out
these militant activities under the guise of their public service. Later, the Mafia Girl got
the connivance of the government of that particular country with these companies.
Mafia Girl presents Mafia Boy with all the information and proof.
Rafi finds the link to all the incidents that have taken place in the last 6 months, Mafia
Girl has given a complete description of the incident in the file called Mafia Boy
Rafi took the data and went straight to the director's room and explained everything.
Sir's eyes lit up as soon as he showed the data directly to Sir.

Director - Well done Rafi. I knew you could.

Rafi - Sorry sir, I didn't do anything, all the mafia girl did (indifferently).
Mafia boy wanted to show the note. But the file is lost. After hundreds of attempts, Rafi
and Mafia Boy could not find the note. One time readable file has been deleted
automatically after opening once.
Rafi could never convince the director that this was not his achievement.
The Director Sir contacted the Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Home Affairs and
Ministry of External Affairs directly to report the documents and highlighted the role of
Rafi, a new addition to the NSA Cyber ​Team.
Nah, Rafi is not working in his head anymore. Rafi took leave today and went home.
Meanwhile, Rafi's office informed Rafi's house that his son's training has been
completed today. Rafi will be delivered in the company's car tomorrow. The boy will
come home today so all kinds of cooking is arranged. But Rafi's arrival was in the
morning. It was getting late in the afternoon. Mother opened the door for Rafi and sat
down. That never lived alone except for the boy. The father who ruled all the time is also
sitting today with the arrival of his son.

As soon as he heard the sound of a car (taxi), Rafi realized that both his parents were
peeking through the verandah. At last the sound of Rafi's familiar footsteps was heard
at the door. Both parents rushed to the door, hugging the treasure of their hearts.
Mom - Dad! How long have I been waiting for you?
Dad- ahha, will you say everything at the door? (Rapping his hand on Rafi's head) Come
on, Dad
Mother- why don't you come in the morning. (He hugged and kissed her forehead) How
dry the boy is. Has this been a lot of trouble?
Dad- let him go fresh. Dad, you go. Come fresh and eat quickly.

Rafi- How are you? You don't let me talk.

Mom- Dad, I'm fine now. Without you the house would be empty. Bring me an aunt, and
it won't be empty. I will spend the whole day talking about mother and daughter.

Rafi- what? I could not come if you start? Mom, you can't (but went upstairs with the
bag, very angry)

Rafi's mood was a little bad today. About the Mafia Girl. Rafi doesn't like to take this
credit because he doesn't deserve it.

There are many stories of father, son and mother together at the dinner table. That is

Dad- what is your post? How is the salary? I didn't say anything. If you want to see the
girl, you have to tell her.

Rafi- Dad you started too? Software Engineer in ICT Division. I don't know the exact
salary but basic 18000 rupees.

Mother-son has become my senior officer. Now it will not be a problem to get a girl. You
have no choice? If so, tell me. I keep talking.

Rafi- mother, I will get up and leave without eating. Exclude all this?

Mom- Well, I left it out. When will you rejoin?

Rafi- Joining Dhaka after 7 days.

After eating, Rafi lay down on the bed. Rafi sank in a moment of extreme fatigue.

Woke up in the evening, got up and started looking for the phone that was left fresh. But
I can't find it. Later I went to my mother and got the phone.

Someone leaves the mother-phone like this. The road could be worn when needed. Why
are you so careless?

Rafi: Well, I understand, don't make me a cup of coffee, mother.

Mom- you're the one I'm bringing home.

Rafi is watching the afternoon fall on the veranda of his house, sipping a cup of coffee
and thinking about how to trace the Mafia Girl.
Thinking, he took out his laptop and sat down at his desk.
The IP from which the files were sent shows that the IP is disabled. It seems as if
someone has erased everything like a cyber avatar with deft hands, no name or target.

Thinking it can't be one's job. Again, no one else has a footprint. He wants to, so his
footprint is going to be traced. Otherwise it would not have happened. How this mafia
girl has so much power in the cyber world. Nah nothing comes to mind.

Today Rafi came home after so many days but Rafi's mind is not drawn to the house.
Mafia Girl is holding Rafi's mind. Rafi's thoughts on Mafia Girl's motives and activities
are increasing every moment.
Nah, you can't sit at home like this anymore. Mafia Girl must be traced. Understand the
psychology of Mafia Girl. Rafi knows that Mafia Girl may be doing something good but
that falls under the Cyber ​Crime Act. So crime in the eyes of the law. He looked at
himself again and realized that he himself has done a good job by breaking many laws,
where I am today is for Mafia Girl. Maybe Mafia Girl is also looking for an opportunity.
But what could happen. Rafi must know.
After 7 days of joining, but after 3 days, Rafi packed his bags. Rafi can't figure out what
to say at home, but Rafi won't be able to stay until he arrives at headquarters and starts
the investigation.
Everyone in the house wanted to know the reason, but Rafi did not tell anyone the real
reason. Rafi's father is not only Rafi's father, but also a very good friend. In the folds of
the boy's forehead, he realized that Rafi had lost sleep in a single thought; The boy
came to his house but the boy's mind did not return home.
At the dinner table at night
Dad - Rafi. Come and sit next to me.
Without saying a word, Rafi sat down in the chair to his father's left. Rafi's father pulled
Rafi's plate of food to himself and handed it to Rafi. Rafi was a little surprised but
opened his mouth and took the food.
Dad - Look Rafi, your mother and I have fought many springs of life, I understood that
your mother had a lot of trouble to take care of the family but she never let me
understand. Because of this sacrifice of your mother, I have never let your mother
understand any misery of my career. (Speaks up another Lokma)
Dad - you are going to work, keep one thing in mind, you are working for life, not life for
work. There is a solution to all the problems, you just have to find the way. If you get
upset with the problem, you will never find the right solution. (Lifting another Lokma)
My son is the wisest boy I have ever met.
Rafi was listening to his father in surprise and was eating.
Dad - I don't know why you're upset, but the next time you come home with my son's
mind. (Lifting another Lokma)
Rafi's mind was twisted unknowingly, how easily the grumpy and serious father
suddenly gave such a great lesson of life today.
Unable to hold back the tears, Rafi hugged his father's neck.
Dad - Areh crazy boy what are you doing, discount, all the food will fall.
Rafi - Dad you are the best dad I have ever met.
Dad - (Even though he is full of emotion, he gets a little serious by pressing it). So you
don't have to sing Safai. (Whispers) Your mother is very tense, explain to her a little, how
much more am I?
Rafi - (wiping his eyes) I won't go Dad, I'll spend the rest of the day with you then.
Dad - (angrily and seriously) I said the day I can come home with the mind will come,
my son does not feel like a man without the mind. Now finish quickly, the food is cold
(picking up another Lokma).
After eating, Rafi leaned on the bed and started thinking about everything his father
said. In fact, it is normal for parents to suffer if they do not recognize the boy they know.
Rafi's eyes caught thinking. Suddenly, with a touch on his forehead, Rafi gently caressed
his eyes.
Rafi - Hey mom why are you coming? If you called, I would go to your house.
Mom - why don't you come to your room?
Rafi - No, why would that be.
Mom - I came to talk. How long has your forehead not been touched?
Rafi put his head on his mother's lap. And Rafi's mother started distributing it in Rafi's
Mom - after how long Eli is home, will I leave now? Said I would stay three more days?
Rafi: Yes, mother. I will leave in three days. I don't like being without you at all. I have
been training all day and night for these 6 months, so I am a little tired.
Mom - Well, I'm going to put my hand on your head, you sleep.
Then for the remaining 3 days Rafi forgot everything and gave time to his parents, the
father told the story of many ups and downs of his life and mother cooked and fed
Rafi's best and favorite food in return.
Rafi could not understand how 3 days passed. 7 days ago Rafi came with a depressed
mind but today Rafi is going to join the job in a very cheerful mood.

Rafi entered the office just in time. The director went to Sir and finished his reporting
and sat down at his desk.
DIRECTOR - What's the matter Rafi? Want to say something?
Rafi - Yes sir but if you are busy then I will come later.
DIRECTOR - Something urgent?
Rafi - Yes sir.
DIRECTOR - (All attention is on Rafi) Sit down. Sit down and say.
Rafi - (sitting down) Sir, when I came to the office 7 days ago I noticed some cyber
security problem and someone had unauthorized access to our server but our firewall
security did not raise any alarm.
Director - What !! What are you talking about Rafi !!!
Rafi - Yes sir. So I want you to hire our entire cyber team to upgrade the firewall security
of our servers, because the road that has been identified can be identified by anyone
else if they want the road.
Director - Wow Rafi. Excellent. So how do you get started?
Rafi Direct explained the problems of firewall security to Sir and also explained how to
solve this problem.
Director - Excellent Rafi, Mindblowing. I'm really impressed about your presentation. I'm
calling a team meeting after lunch. Till then, prepare your presentation for all other
team members.
Rafi - ME !!!
Director - Yes you. Now go. Prepare for your presentation.
Rafi comes out of the room with a mixed reaction. Rafi will be able to fulfill such a big
At the meeting after lunch, Rafi presented his ideas to all his team members. Everyone
agreed on the security of the servers and they understood Rafi's ideas very easily.
Director Sir Rafi led the team in upgrading all NSA system software and firewall security
management systems.
Although there is some fear in Rafi's mind, this fear must be overcome in the interest of
the country. The work was progressing very fast under the direction of Rafi. Rafi's team
aims to complete the work within 6 months even though the target is 6 months.
Meanwhile, the government's foreign ministry conducts diplomatic talks with those 50
countries and shares files and data related to each of those countries. According to the
information provided, each country is able to arrest its own militant members and
confess its involvement in militant activities. Based on the evidence, 10 out of 50
countries agreed to sue the donor company and the state involved in the International
Court of Justice, which is quite sufficient.
Meanwhile, the work of the firewall is almost complete, and in the process of trial and
error, the firewall of the NSA's servers gradually became an invincible fortress. Finally
the firewall and system upgrade was successfully run. Now maybe Mafia Girl will have
to get up to speed to conquer this castle.
Direct Sir Rafi was happy with the team's great performance. If you can put the right
person in the right place, the work is 50% complete before the start. Today he got the
proof in front of his own eyes.
With the permission of Sir Rafi, a new team was formed which specializes in collecting
various information, no matter how small and subtle it may be. Rafi is now ready to
study about Mafia Girl.
Aiming at the team,
Rafi - Tim, today you will be given a new task. Codename Mafia Girl. Everywhere you
look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. I want each and every
information related with Mafia Girl on my desk within 3 days.
Team - (together loudly) YES, LEADER.
Rafi - (Confidentially holding the pen to the corner of her lips) Mafia girl, it's time to
know about you.


With the permission of Sir Rafi, a new team was formed which specializes in collecting
various information, no matter how small and subtle it may be. Rafi is now ready to
study about Mafia Girl.
Aiming at the team,

Rafi - Tim, today you will be given a new task. Codename Mafia Girl. Everywhere you
look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. I want each and every
information related with Mafia Girl on my desk within 3 days.

Team - (together loudly) YES, LEADER.

Rafi - (Confidentially holding the pen to the corner of her lips) Mafia girl, it's time to
know about you.

Due to Rafi's enthusiasm and extraordinary supervising ability, the whole team started
thinking and acting like Rafi. After taking a few instructions, a very good understanding
was formed between Rafi and the team members. Turning the pen a lot is like telling
the reason.

Each member of the team of 5 people was stuck behind an elusive ghost called Mafia
Girl. One by one the clues started to come out. Rafi forbade ignoring any clue, so all
sorts of incidents, big and small, were given priority. In particular, anonymous hacking
for which no one has claimed responsibility, or the capture of a large gang that is doing
anonymous group or person was also asked to be included.
After 3 days all the findings were combined, hair analysis started. The paradise of black
money owners The bank hacking incident revealed the Mafia Girl and donated the
money to social service organizations in different countries of the world. Surprisingly,
not a single penny went to any personal account. The list also includes the names,
addresses, bank names and account numbers of the companies, where their activities

Also, the police, press briefing at the press briefing, said that a phone came from Anon
Source and a computer generated voice gave some instructions such as GPS
Cordinance, a few phone names, with a country's extremists in Africa. , A wireless
frequency and some satellite imaging to take pictures of the truck loaded with
weapons, some passport details and some documents that were automatically printed
from the printer through which we can easily seize a huge consignment of extremists
and arms dealers. Before Rafi wanted to know, a teammate said that the anonymous
caller was not identified. Rafi was a little upset but a little happy, nah his team
understands his psychology. Rafi noted two incidents.

Rafi - Next?

A teammate wanted to say something to Rafi a little hesitantly, but Rafi started to say
as he was paying attention.

- Although there is no truth or proof of this, the rumor is that the most dangerous
weapon of the Mafia Girl is Hydra.
Rafi - (Leaning back in the chair and leaning towards the table) Hydra! What are you
talking about?
- It's just a rumor, the way Mafia Girl haunts the cyber world like a ghost is more likely to
be possible only for a hybrid hydra. Sounds unrealistic but not impossible.
- The question arises in Rafi's mind, is this why Mafia Girl has become untraceable on
cyber radar? Not really impossible.
Rafi - then?
- We have made a full diagnosis of our server access log as per your instructions.
Unauthorized access to an IP address was logged in for about 4 minutes. Then even
the IP address disappeared, but the most interesting thing is that the IP address has
changed its location about 120 times in these 4 minutes. That is 120 times every 2
Rafi - Wow, you got a great point. Then?
Meanwhile, a teammate hacked from the bank and sat down with a list of donated

Rafi - what's the matter?

- In this list we have a local company. xyz. It's an organization I know. It is a college-
based voluntary organization whose activities are directly related to colleges in every
part of the country.
Rafi - Yes, it can be. Conducting activities all over the country means a big deal, it is
normal to be famous.

- Maybe it's normal for 10 other organizations, but not for this organization at all.
- Rafi - What do you mean?
- I had activities of this organization in my college and I was also involved with this
organization. The main theme of this organization is that no public relations or
marketing can be done. This organization will run on the donation money of the
college's present and ex-students.
Rafi - Wait, are you saying that this organization of yours is not donated by anyone
except current and former college students?

- Sometimes the teachers would help but most of the help would come from the ex-
students as there was no marketing. Besides, there is no way for anyone else to know.
- Rafi's forehead is a little bigger! So how did Mafia Girl know about this company !!
Rafi - then Mafia Girl is someone from our country! Any current or former students
associated with this organization?

- Very likely! Because only the beneficiaries except the current and former students
know the existence of this organization. It is not possible for any foreign hacker to
know the bank account number and name of this company.
Rafi began to think that he thought this clue was the weakest clue, but Rafi did not even
think that such a broken tooth would get a breakthrough.

Rafi - Okay team, lets find out about this non-profit organization and give me details.

- There is a problem, activities or some special events may come online or in the
newspaper but most of the work of this organization is a little old style.
- - Rafi - (with frowning annoyed curiosity) How is that?
- For example, when the whole world is rapidly exchanging information via email, this
company still maintains communication by writing letters. The handwritten letter
comes from every college to Central and the reply to every letter from Central is
handwritten. Everyone communicates on mobile and decides when and where to meet,
if the time changes, it is also informed on mobile, but this organization sits in a meeting
and fixes the time and place of the next meeting. Maybe that meeting is 1 hour or 1
month later !!!
- - There was no more folding space on Rafi's forehead. What kind of company is still
old fashion of this size?
- Even then, Rafi's team did some online study. Some paper flushing and news portals
have nothing but the name of their organization and some special activities.
Surprisingly, it is not possible to get any information without sitting inside this
- Rafi - Well the account from which the money was sent must be donated as a new or
former student?
- That's right sir, a donation file like an analog sheet is kept. If anyone wants to donate,
they have to register first. And he was given a token number. Every time you donate, you
have to mention that number along with the name so that after receiving the donation,
the people of the organization can understand which college student made this
donation. If a regular donor mistakenly donates without a token number, it is refunded
no matter how large the amount.
- Rafi - (eyes exploding with surprise) What a rule! I can't donate even if I want to. Again
not possible without tokens! Who made this rule?
- I learned from the basic knowledge of the company that there were no such rules in
the beginning of the company, some dishonest people would donate 1 taka for cheap
marketing and promote 100 taka which would cause terrible disruption to the activities.
That is why the committee was forced to take such a difficult decision after 2 years of
its establishment.
- Rafi - How is this token maintained?
- It is maintained from Central. Like this is my token number 123 * 56 ***. The first 1
digit college of this number, the next 2 digit department, the next 2 digit batch and the
last 3 digit roll number. Separate account numbers are opened for each department so
that the number of batches of students of any department of the college can be known
on the basis of which donation has been received in which account.
- Rafi - (blinks) Then Mafia Girl must have donated using a token. Otherwise the money
should be returned. yess, it's time to find out who is Mafia Girl. Team, contact with this
organization and I want every financial details related with this.
- Team - (together) consider it done.
Rafi's teammates contacted the company's central office. Took an appointment with the
Accounts Department. With a former member of Rafi's team, things got easier.

The head office of the company is located next to a very famous college in the capital.
Rafi's teammate used to study in this college. The head office is quite tidy from the
outside. The building is quite old but has been reconstructed in an attempt to retain its
former appearance. They went inside and went to the accounts department. Timmet
introduced him and introduced Rafi as his cousin. Then he wanted to see the Foreign
Student Donation Log from a year ago, showing the reason for some of the
investigations. After much persuasion and requesting to be an ex-member of the
committee, the accountant was finally persuaded.
The accountant said as he took out the last year's logbook from the shelf

Accountant - Brother, you yourself were on the committee, you know what is being done
now is against the policy of the company.

The accountant handed over the logbook. After receiving the logbook, Rafi and his
teammates started matching foreign transactions with date and time. About a
thousand expatriate alumni donated that week. When asked about the reason for such
a large expatriate donation, the accountant said that it was X Student Festival Week, a
letter was sent to all the expatriate alumni donors, more or less regular regulars,
informing them of the purpose of our next program and a cost estimate. That is why
more expatriate students donated to the organization that week than at any other time
of the year. About 6 expatriate alumni recently sent donations through that special
bank. But the investigation revealed that the money was transferred to the company
from the accounts of 4 foreigners from that particular bank. But as far as Rafi
remembers, none of the four are natives, all four are citizens of four different countries
by birth, so it is by no means possible that they will study in any college in this country.
Rafi gestured to his teammate to take a picture of the details of those 6 people in the
logbook, the teammate pointed out that he had done that job long ago.

After finishing the work here, the teammate took out the name of their college, their
department, batch and roll number from the token number of those 6 donors. Of these,
4 are donors from the same college and 4 from different colleges in different districts.
Rafi addressed his teammate and said,
Rafi: Should we look for that special bank? Did anyone else send money in the name of
this organization from that particular bank during this Donation Festival Week?

- Of course sir, then it will be understood that someone has donated voluntarily or the
whole stolen money.
- Rafi - And you have to make arrangements to collect the details of the 6 people in this
logbook from your own college.
- Right away, sir.
- Rafi - Let's go back to the office.
- Meanwhile, after returning to the office, Rafi wanted to know if there were any other
clues from other teammates.
- Someone picked up a piece of paper and said maybe he got something.
- Sir, almost all those involved in arms sales to diamonds with extremists in Africa were
arrested. Apparently the matter is supposed to be resolved here but I have got the
affiliation of one of our compatriots with one of the extremists. The militant group we
caught a few days ago had direct links with the arms suppliers of that extremist
Rafi - So?
- So if the contract for that weapon was successful then maybe some part or all of that
weapon could have come to our country.
- Rafi - If we do not believe that this weapon is supposed to come to our country, then it
can be assumed that the Mafia Girl knew this news beforehand and gathered all kinds
of information to stop the shipment and handed it over to the government of that
- (Remember) Because so many details are not supposed to be in the hands of ordinary
people and no powerful country in the world shares information without exchange. And
Mafia Girl is the only one who has the technology to donate so much accurate
information for free and without credit.
- Rafi - Well then what is the lead in this incident?
- Not everyone on the team nodded.
- Rafi - ok, next?
The investigation by Rafi and his team continued, but no other incident has given the
lead that was found in the donation case of the voluntary organization. So Rafi asked
his team to emphasize this one more lead.
Rafi issued a government special investigation order to four members of his team and
sent them to colleges in four different districts to collect donor information, and Rafi
went to the college where four people donated on the same day.
The college is quite old, about 40 years old. Of all the old old buildings. The narrow road
has gone through the gap between the huge trees. Rafi went straight to the
administration room of the college. He went and showed the special investigation
Admin - Tell me, Mr. Rafi, how can I help you?
Rafi - Your archive should have records of all past and present students, right?
Admin - Yes, there are rules in all colleges, it is mandatory. But our archive has student
information for every batch starting from 1999 batch.

 Rafi was a little surprised and curious to know the reason why the previous batches did
not have records.
 Admin - In fact, a terrible fire broke out in the archive room of our college in 1996, as a
result of which all the documents and records before 1996 were destroyed.
 Rafi was a bit shocked because of the 4 students that Rafi came looking for, two of
them were 91 and the other two were 93 batch students.
  How is it that a clue gets so close and gets lost? Rafi thought to himself.
   Rafi - Well, is there any other way?
   Finding a list of old batch students?
   Admin - I let you know as much as I can. I have no other information other than this.
   Rafi - Thank you so much for this help. Coming.
   Admin - OK.
Rafi came out of the administration a little upset. Rafi glanced at a banyan tree next to
the cafeteria just as he was about to cross the campus. A girl is teaching a group of
young street children. Seeing the scene, Rafi's bad mood suddenly got better. Rafi
walked anxiously under the banyan tree. The phone call came from the headquarters,
while four other teammates collected information from donors from the college. All 4
teammates have now left for the headquarters. Rafi did not want to search the branch
of xyz company in this college but wanted to get the necessary information from the
company without looking for any other way.

Some students were chatting under the banyan tree. Rafi wanted to go to them and find
out about the company.
Rafi - (with light cough) Assalamu Alaikum.
Everyone from the chat looked at Rafi.
- Walaikumus Salam. (With curiosity) What do you want?
- - Rafi - Yes, if you don't mind, there were some questions.
- - Tell me soon, our meeting will start shortly.
Rafi - (without any pretense) Where is the college branch office of xyz voluntary
- (Now everyone looked together) Why? What do you need?
- - Rafi - I needed a little. What do you say?
- - Because you can't say no. Everyone turned their attention to the chat again.
Rafi - Actually I'm looking for some alumni, but all the alumni information was lost in the
fire at the college archives, they were also members of the xyz organization. So if the
company can be contacted then maybe I can get the information from them.
- (Everyone in the chat looks at each other's faces) We are the chairman of the xyz
organization's college branch committee and the one who is teaching the children in
- -At that time the children stood up and surrounded the girl and the girl was giving
everyone two horns. The word wow came out of Rafi's mouth even though he didn't
want to.
-After saying goodbye to the children, Master Madam came to the chat and everyone
else left the chat and proceeded towards the girl. Rafio followed behind.
--Others told the girl the purpose of Rafi, the girl noticed Rafi this time, looked at him
from head to toe and came forward to Rafi. He spoke to Rafi on his own.
- Disclosure of personal information of any member may be out of our policy even if we
have the information you want.
- Rafi - but the information is very ........
- - (Rafi raises his hand and stops) See if you want to know more. See you after the
regular meeting of our committee.
- Without further ado, Rafi sat down at the chair table outside the cafeteria and watched
their meeting from a distance. Meanwhile, Rafi called the conference of other
- - Rafi - Tim, tell me your progress?
- - I was able to collect the necessary information, sir.
- Ganjam was going on in the college but the mission was complete, sir.
- - - Done sir.
- I have the necessary information sir.
- - Rafi - Any problem?
- - (all together) No sir.
Rafi- very good team. See you all in headquarter.
Rafi cut the call and waited for the meeting of the organization to end.

The body language and presentation style of the president is different. He was giving
direction to everyone else like a leader.
After 2 hours everyone got up, Rafi realized that the meeting was over. Everyone went
on their way like that. Rafi followed the president with a little force. Rafi approached the
president and said -
Rafi - Excuse me?
The president looked around and said with a slight look of annoyance in his eyes
THE PRESIDENT - Oh, are you still waiting? See, it is not possible to deliver what you
want, outside the rules of our organization. As the president of this college branch, I can
never fulfill this unethical demand of yours.
Rafi tried in many ways to make it clear that the information was very important to Rafi
at his fingertips, but the president was also adamant that he would not provide any
information. Rafi did not want to show the Special Investigation Order but now the
situation is such that it is the only key to get information from the President. At last Rafi
sat down
Rafi - Look, I have come to your college for an investigation which is why I need the
information of some expatriate alumni.
The president frowned and took the order paper. The whole thing fell apart.
President - Here is the name of the college. The name of our company is not mentioned
and no order has been issued and forwarded by the Ministry of Information and
Communication. (A little curious) See your ID card?
Hearing the question, Rafi's eyes went up to his forehead.
Rafi - Why?
President - Every day no one comes to our office with an investigation order from the
Ministry of Information. Show your ID?
Rafi took the ID card out of his pocket without getting enough.

ID card of the Ministry of Information,

The name is very clearly written, Rafiul Islam.
Seeing the birthday, the president's eyes got stuck in the post.
(President himself) Software Engineer!
The software engineer of the government ministry has come to find information about
the government special investigation order! What is the manpower short in the
government office!
Rafi - Look, my name and surname are beautifully given in the investigation order. If you
want you can check.
President - that's for sure. I have to get out of an emergency right now so I don't have
enough time to give you. You leave a photocopy of your order. Our organization has
members in the Ministry of Information. I will call you once the order is verified. Then
you will get the information you need. And yes, don't forget to give your contact number.
Rafi is now in dire straits, not necessarily finding a way to give a copy of the
investigation order and mobile number to the president. The president dialed Rafi's
number from the office's landline number. Rafi thought the president might be calling
the information ministry right now, but when his phone rang and he heard "verify" after
receiving it, he realized she was a terrible girl. Of course, he deserves to be president.
Rafi - Anything else?
THE PRESIDENT - Nah, nothing for now. I'll be out. So Tata.
They both started walking out of the office,
Rafi - You left everything to me, Atlist, just say your name.
The president stopped running and turned back
President - Ruhi.
Where the wind became like a bird.
Rafi didn't think about it anymore and called Direct Sir and told him about the situation
in the company.
The director told Rafi to go back to the office as he was looking into the matter.
Rafi sat in the car and wondered if the girl was a father. Rafi has never seen such a
strict girl.

After completing the investigation like today, Rafi made his way to the quarters. Rafi's
mind is very restless. Rafi is facing one challenge after another. Sitting at the dinner
table at night, I remembered my father's words. Rafi seemed to hear every word of his
father's advice in his mind again. Nah, Rafi used to like challenges from his childhood.
No matter how complicated it may be, Rafi has never been able to suppress it. Rafi
finished his dinner and took a short walk. How can the information of those 4 people be
collected without letting the president understand the girl. Rafi went to bed after
thinking for a while.
Rafi arrived at the office in the morning. Upon arrival at the office, the receptionist
informed that the director had asked to see Sir Rafi. As soon as he entered the office,
the director called him and Rafi went straight to his room.

Rafi - Sir, did you call me?

Director - Yes Rafi, come on come on. Sit down. I wanted to talk to you about something

Rafi - Tell me, sir.

DIRECTOR: Look, Rafi, I've talked to the Higher Authority about Mafia Girl, as you say.
Higher authorities say Mafia Girl does not exist. Totally a coverup. There is no such
thing as a hacker named Mafia Girl.

Rafi - But sir we got a great lead that could reach our Mafia Girl.

DIRECTOR - Rafi, I know you are the smartest officer in our team and not everyone
agrees with your thinking but why are you forgetting that I also have to answer to

Rafi - But sir, this lead is very promising, we can find out something.

Director - Rafi, B. Practical. I know you have that desire in you but in reality do you have
any solid evidence that proves the existence of Mafia Girl ??

Rafi fell into a trance, because so far neither Rafi nor Rafi's team has any hard evidence
about Mafia Girl. The only evidence that the militant group captured the Mafia Boy note
was automatically deleted. Only Rafi found the trucks that Mafia Girl left behind and all
of them disappeared after decoding.

Rafi - but sir ...?

DIRECTOR - (seriously) No but. I am ordering you to drop this Mafia Girl case right now.

Rafi didn't say any more, Director Sir talked to Rafi about some more cases. Rafi sat at
his desk with the case files in his hand.
Rafi leaned back in his chair and put his hand behind his head. Why the higher authority
does not want to accept the existence of Mafia Girl! Everyone on the Dark Web knows
more or less about bank robberies. However, it is true that there is no institutional
evidence against Mafia Girl.
Rafi i.e. Mafia Boy is probably the only person with whom Mafia Girl communicates. All
these strange kisses leave a clue which does not catch the eye even if it is in front of
the eyes. Don't think of bank robberies like this, people all over the world think of xyz
voluntary organization as 10 other voluntary organizations but no one knows the basic
ethics of this organization except its members in this country and especially in all the
colleges which have branches. No one can donate here. Is this why Mafia Girl has left
this clue? As if Mafia Boy finds it? Everyone in the cyber world knows Mafia Boy's
nationality so there is no doubt that Mafia Girl and whoever knows it. So does Mafia Girl
want Mafia Boy Nick to follow her?

"Aaaaaaaa ............. Aaaaaaaa" Rafi held his head and chatted for a while. This Mafia Girl
will drive me crazy. However, it is not possible to proceed with this case officially. So
Rafi called everyone in his team and asked them to bring all the documents and data
related to this case.
Everyone was upset when everyone wanted to know the reason. Rafi said that an order
has come from the higher authority to stop this investigation.
Everyone submitted all the data and documents to Rafi. Rafi got a call to put everything
in order.
Unknown landline number, received by Rafi,

Rafi - Hello, Rafi speaking.

- (Coughing) Yes, I know.

Rafi - Who is this?

- Ruhi says, from the office of the voluntary organization.

Rafi sat motionless, what's the matter? This girl called now?

Rafi - Yes Miss Ruhi, tell me?

Ruhi - Hmmmmm, I found out about your order. Said special order, to help. Tell me how
can I help you?

Rafi chuckled and went away thinking. The Director Sir has asked to stop the official
investigation. Personally, Rafi can do the investigation where the information has given
the phone to Rafi himself.

Rafi: Yes, I need information from some old batch students. If you give us time, we can
discuss this subject face to face.

Ruhi - Government people, you, the heart of the country. If you tell me how to do pet
animals like us. Tell me when your advantage is.
Rafi - (eating a little vyabacaka) Respected or insulted! Will it be Friday time anyway? In
the afternoon? 4 o'clock or 5 o'clock?

Ruhi - Friday is your time of choice. (In contemptuous manner) Okay, come to the front
of our branch office.
He cut the phone on his face.
Due to the arrival of new cases, Rafi drowned in those cases without thinking. After
finishing work, Rafi sat down for coffee with his team. Seeing almost everyone's mind
dead, Rafi himself brought up the issue

Rafi - What's the matter, why are you all keeping your face like Bangla Panch like this?

With no response from anyone, Rafi started saying again,

Rafi - Did you make this look because the Mafia Girl case was dropped?

Everyone nodded yes.

Rafi - Well what do you want? What can be done about the case.
Everyone was curious and started giving a plan
- Sir, we can work on the case secretly.
- - - Now the cases that are in hand are not so difficult that you have to spend the whole
day in it.
- We have a lot of free time. We can continue the investigation if we want.
- Rafi - But the director has asked Sir to drop the case officially.
- - Sir, if you allow us, we want to solve the case unofficially.
Rafi - So you all want to work on the case unofficially?
- (all together) Yes sir.
- - Rafi was very happy in his mind but did not let anyone understand. Naturally the team
wanted to know
Rafi - Okay then let's reopen the case in your interest, what do you say?
Everyone said enthusiastically - of course sir.

Rafi - Then get to work. Well, what happened to the special bank I asked to find out if
anyone else had donated to the company that day?
- Sir, I mailed that day, they have replied, they will inform next Thursday.
- - Rafi. - Okay. Good. And what about the four people whose information was collected
from the college?
- - Yes sir, two have accepted the donation but the other two know nothing about it.
Asked about any discrepancies in their bank statements, they said no money was
stolen from them. They have not even given any financial support to this organization in
the last 5 years.

Rafi - Strange, their money was not stolen. There is no noise in the statement but how
did the money come!
- Sir, it doesn't matter if Mafia Girl really has a hybrid hydra.
- - Rafi - How are you?
- - Hybrid Hydra will do this effortlessly. Foreign transactions basically maintain the
electronic fund transfer protocol. Transaction confirmation is done through a mail or
SMS. Now if Hydra has already hacked the system then it is able to read and change
the content of every mail or SMS. For example, funds will be transferred from m x's
account to m y's account. In the middle of the transaction, if you change the Hydra
transaction content and set up an account of miz instead of mx, then m y will get
money from m x, but the receiver system will show that the money was not sent by m x,
sent by m z. In this case, the balance of MZ will not decrease, the system of foreign
bank will not show error because MX has sent money there and again it will not match
in the domestic account, it will only show that M sent money to MZ.

Although a very complex analysis, Rafi understood the matter. The money was sent
from the account of the foreigners in that special bank to the bank account of the
company but the money was deposited in the bank account of the company in the
name of those two donors who do not know about any transaction at all.
To Rafi, the power of the hybrid hydra seemed more than the distance between the two
banks of these two countries. Rafi began to guess how terrible they were after a virtual
If the Hybrid Hydra made by Mafia Girl is so powerful then there is no cyber place that it
cannot exist. Breaking a firewall does not matter to a virus that can crack an encrypted
transaction and allow two banks to hold two accounts. Rafi was a little scared, but
without letting anyone know, he wondered what could be done to deal with this
The next morning after completing the normal work of the office, all the teammates
gathered in one place.

Rafi - Mail is supposed to come from that special bank today, has the mail arrived?
- No, we haven't received any mail yet.
- Rafi - Well, Tim, what do you think Mafia Girl really wants?
- Almost everyone fell into tension. As much as everyone has ideas about Mafia Girl, it's
not enough to comment on her.
Rafi - It's not a test that you have to answer with 100% accuracy. Do your best guess.
- Sir, I think he is a patriot, he wants to do something for the country.
- - - He has made arrangements to eradicate their activities in all 50 countries using only
the militant organizations inside the country. Needless to say, he is thinking positively.
- Maybe he wants to change something, because maybe we still don't know.
- - Rafio wondered what he was looking for in Mafia Girl. To catch a criminal! Or to find
out why Mafia is helping the boy so much. Whatever the goal, the goal is the same, to
find the Mafia Girl.
- At that time the director called Sir Rafi to the room.
- - Rafi - Did you call me, sir?
- Director - Is this Rafi? He threw a piece of paper at Rafi.
- - Rafi picked up the paper and read it and saw that he had replied to the special bank
mail with a copy of it. On that day, a total of 8 transactions were made from the bank to
the account of that company.
Rafi - Sir actually .....

DIRECTOR - (angrily) Rafi, why are you forgetting that this is a government organization,
no official mail personnel are available here, some upper level emails are also kept in
CC and every mail is recorded. Drop what I told you to drop and get the ghost named
Mafia Girl off your head. Otherwise, your team members will have a full stop in their
careers along with you. Like last time, Drop this case.
Rafi was leaving the room without saying another word
DIRECTOR - (in a humble tone) Come here Rafi. My words are not over yet.
Rafi - Tell me sir (says sir went to the table)
DIRECTOR - Leave the paper.
Rafi was a little embarrassed and left the paper on the table and left the room. But he
got the information he needed. 4 unauthorized transactions and 2 authorized
Rafi came to the team members and said the whole thing. Then
Rafi - Look, I don't want to risk your job for this Mafia Girl. I will handle this case from
now on. I'll call you if I need any help. And yes, I will also inform the progress of the
case regularly. Now go, go and pay attention to one's work.
Everyone's mind was broken again. Maybe at this point everyone thought the price of
the job was more than the will. So without further ado, he focused on his work.
Rafi and the director were quite shocked by the words of Sir. He could not have
imagined that Rafi would get so angry.
Sitting at his desk doing other things, he was thinking how to find the Mafia Girl.
Suddenly I remembered that the information of the remaining 4 people would be
available on Friday. Let's see what happens.
The next day
Rafi has been standing in front of the college branch office of xyz for about half an hour.
4 o'clock on the clock! Rafi had left half an hour earlier with great enthusiasm.
Repeatedly looking to the right and left when the President Madam Uki gave. Just then,
President Madam was seen coming out of a Tong tea shop next door. Come closer,

Ruhi - Since when do I see you looking around and walking around in front of the office?
Matalsabatai yes?

Rafi - (hesitantly) see me with you ..

Ruhi - (without finishing) What's up with me, huh?

Rafi - (embarrassed) There was an appointment.

Ruhi - (seriously) I know. I was joking. Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself!
Rafi and Ruhi entered the office with Ruhi.

Ruhi - Tell me how I can help you.

Rafi took a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Ruhi.
Reading the paper, Ruhi's eyes became fixed. 4 token numbers.

Ruhi - How did this thing come to you? Donor token numbers are a lot like donor
passwords which sharing is completely against the law of the organization.

Rafi - Then you should also understand how important it is that I have come here for the
purpose of investigation.

Ruhi - But did you know that their membership could be revoked for compromising the
information on this token number?

Rafi - (getting a little serious) Do you know what happens to you for obstructing
government work?

Ruhi - (softening) I know, there is nothing to be so excited about. Wait, about 28-29 year
old student. It will take some time. Ruhi went to the next room and started handing over
the documents.

------------------ ------------------

At that time a phone call came to Rafi. The number is telling something urgent.               
Phone from the office. Urgent has been asked to go to the office. You have been told to
go straight to the office from where you are.
Such an urgent summons is also such a time. There is no need to call in such a way
without emergency.
I have to go now, so Rafi gave Uki to find Ruhi in the inner room. I went to the inner room
and saw that there was a whole shelf full of documents and Ruhi was sitting on her
knees, folding the documents from him near the floor. Seeing the girl searching with so
much dedication, Rafi thought that if he waited for a while, the Mahabharata would not
be defiled. Unable to finish, he said to Ruhi

Rafi - Miss Ruhi, I have to get out now. An emergency call came from the office.

Ruhi - (with annoyed look) It's nonsense !!!! Wait quietly, don't move anywhere until I find
the files. (With a searching mind) I am also helping you by leaving a lot of important

Rafi - Look at this country ........

Ruhi - (pausing) I know, I know, huh, patriotic great man.

Rafi had brought the car so he thought it would not take long to go. It would be better to
wait a while and take the file.
At that time a message came on Ruhi's phone. Ruhi took out the phone and checked.
Rafi stared at the phone. The girl uses the same phone as Rafi. Feminine Pink Color
Blackberry Glide.

Ruhi - (checking the phone) Well what are you saying are you busy?

Rafi - Yes, I mean from the office ...........

Ruhi - So go, there is no need to follow the call of the country. You do a job, send me
your mail id. I'll find the files and send them to you tomorrow. My Tunumunu is calling
me. I have to go now.

Rafi- Tunumunu?

Ruhi - Huh, stuck on a hard level playing games. Now if I don't help you won't let me
sleep at night. (Stand up) Give me your email id.
Rafi was a little annoyed but with some relief in his mind he gave his personal email id
to Ruhi because the case is now unofficial.
Ruhi took note of the email id on her mobile.

Ruhi - Then run now. The country is waiting for you.

Rafi - Then when .......

Ruhi - (pausing) Tomorrow morning you will get the information you need. Get out of
the office early now. I have to go home now, or I'll be tied up. (Gestures to Rafi to go out)
Rafi walked out without thinking. Ruhi closed the office and started running. Rafi,
thinking about what had happened in the office, got in the car and went straight to the
When he came to the office, Rafi's eyes went up to his forehead. Everyone is on the run.
When the receptionist asked Lalna the reason, she told him to go straight to the
director's office. The situation is serious.
Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Rafi went straight to Sir's room.

Director - (anxious and sad) Rafi, there is a lot of bad news. The country has suffered
huge losses.
Rafi - who or who stole a huge amount of foreign reserves from our national reserves by
shutting down the national reserve server and transferring them to anonymous
accounts in different parts of the world. Our servers are down so we can't track their
Rafi realized that the hackers had hit the server so many times with Distributed-Denial-
of-Service-Attack (DDoS) that the server went down and became inaccessible as it
could not bear the extra pressure. It will not be possible to retrieve any information until
the server is reactive. His Rafi reunited his old team. Two of the team were asked to do
a server damage analysis and the other two were asked to find out if anyone had
accepted responsibility for doing so.

Rafi - Ok guys, you know what to do. Get back to work.

After half an hour

Rafi - What is the status of the server now? How long does it take to reactivate?

- Maximum server damage, sir. It may be possible to reactivate somehow but it is

possible to make it 100% online by changing some physical parts.
Rafi - How long will it take?

- It is possible to reactivate within 2 hours or less after the physical parts change.
- Rafi - Locate the server and take the necessary steps now. Do it fast.
- Yes sir, consider it done.
- Rafi - (pointing to another team) Has any hacker organization accepted responsibility
so far?
- Sir, a group of hackers uploaded a message on their site which means Loss recovered.
Also, our server went down where we have not yet released any official press release.
Rafi - Then they check our target, background and report to me as soon as possible.
Rafi used two teams to try to reactivate the server.
After about 1 hour of trying, Rafi was able to reactivate the server but not for long. Soon
the server will be down again and after that it will not be possible to start the server
without changing the physical parts.
Rafi started downloading data as soon as possible.Especially access logs where
records of all IP addresses accessed by this server are kept. While the download was
going on, Rafi continued to do diagnostic scans of the survey to find a shortlist of what
data had been damaged.
When the download is almost finished, the system shows an unauthorized login to the
server. Rafi gets the message of that code again only when he can do the analysis. Rafi
has become very familiar with these coded messages in recent days. And to 10
analysts, these would seem like an error message, but Rafi knows very well that no one
does this kind of weird communication except Mafia Girl.
Rafi started decoding. The server went down after decoding. The decoded message is
a lot like this.
Rafi got a new server location i.e. IP address.
Rafi accessed the IP address i.e. the server. The server type is known to Rafi. Such a
server is normally known as a backup server.
These servers provide uninterrupted service by acting as secondary or backup servers
if ever the primary server is damaged. But the hackers carried out DDoA attacks on the
primary server so fast that the backup server did not get up until the time it was
activated. Rafi analyzes the backup server and sees that almost all the data of the
primary server is stored in this backup server except one file. The file is not included in
any list. Creation time and 10 minutes ago.
Rafi thought maybe Mafia Girl had left a clue for him. Rafi found some documents and
a programming inside the file. The documents are the history of some people's cyber
activities including their biodata. The other file contains details of how the hackers
succeeded and finally found a programming program called Use this virus to truck your
Rafi realized that the Mafia Girl had coded a tracking virus with the stolen electronic
money. That is to say, this little virus is coded by hackers with stolen money in such a
way that the original currency amount has been or is being transferred to how many
parts, how many countries of the world, how many bank accounts, where the currency
is being spent and how much money is being exchanged from which account. It will be
known all that is being raised in the domestic currency.
Rafi ran the virus and immediately started listing bank and account numbers of
different countries and the names of the account owners, various casinos and hotel
Rafi calculated that the virus was monitoring every penny and giving real-time updates
to the list.
Rafi ran to the director sir.

Rafi - (excited) Sir, Mafia Girl.

Director - (with questionable embarrassment) what! She stole the money !!

Rafi - (laughs) no sir, she saved it all.

Director Sir Rafi immediately left for the control room.
Rafi thought that today he would be able to prove that Mafia Girl has helped and has
been doing so for so long.
The director leaned over Sir Rafi's laptop and watched the virus's activity.
DIRECTOR - (applauds enthusiastically) Wow Rafi. You have created a tracking virus
with your own codename. Woah, Rafi. I'm truly proud of you.

Rafi shoked. Virus in your own name! The name of the virus was not Rafi or Mafia Boy.
He glanced at the laptop and saw that the virus had been renamed Mafia Boy. How! !!!!!
Rafi insisted that the name of the virus was never Mafia Boy, it was Use this virus to
truck your money. So how did it change?
After thinking for a while, a text came on Rafi's mobile. After opening the text and
seeing the message, Rafi sat down on the chair with wide eyes.
The text was
I FOUND YOU, Mafia boy.
Mr. Rafiqul Islam Rafi.
 Cyber ​Crime Analyst Officer (CCAO)
  National Security Agency
   Mafia Girl
    Rafi had no idea how it happened. How Mafia Girl caught Rafi !!!!
     Finally, after looking at the laptop and thinking for a while, everything became clear
to Rafi.
      Rafi was so excited to find the tracking virus that he ran the virus on his laptop
without running a safety diagnosis. And not only does the virus track transactions, it
also transmits detailed information about who is using the virus to the Creator Mafia
Girl. That's why Mafia Girl was able to track Rafi's original IP and enter the laptop and
change the name of the virus !!!!!!!
       Meanwhile, there was an uproar in the office about Rafi's success that Rafi was able
to track down the criminals and on the other hand Rafi was exposed in front of the
Mafia Girl and sat speechless.
        Everyone is coming back and congratulating Rafi and Rafi is also thanking him with
a dirty look.
         When the excitement subsided, Rafi came and sat in front of his laptop. Rafi
looked at his laptop and felt like himself. Today my identity has been compromised with
Mafia Girl for my little mistake. A lot of ghosts themselves threw Ojha out of the type.
Rafi looks at the screen and sees how the virus is sealing the list of thieves in his mind.
But after a while, a few bank accounts began to catch Rafi's eye. All the money is being
deposited in a handful of accounts by turning over the bank accounts of different
           At that time a mail came directly to Rafi Personal Mail ID. There is no mail id in
the sender. After opening the mail, the last fold of Rafi's forehead also fell.
           Ministry of Home Affairs and Finance of the country and Proof of the theft of
related conversations recordings of some high ranking officials of the National Reserve
System, proof of manipulation of some illegal documents, hiring of hackers, list of
foreign donors and some bank accounts of these high ranking officials with their
Rafi started reading the mail body. Written in it
"The guardians of the country are the eater. I have handed over all the evidence to you.
It is your responsibility to punish them. And yes, don't go to prove my existence, your
existence will be annihilated."

Rafi keeps checking the data one by one. Suddenly Rafi's eyes go to the mail body.
Mafia Girl's own written mail as if she herself had deleted it again with backspace.
Rafi was scared. So did Mafia Girl sit in my mail for so long !!!

Rafi pulled the LAN connection from the laptop with a jerk. Nah, the mafia boy who
ruled the cyber world like a mafia all his life, went offline like a chicken today for Mafia
Rafi doesn't know what to do or not to do. Never before in his life has there been such a

A moment of silence was broken and a beeping beep brought Rafi back to reality from
the world of thought. This strange sound is coming from the laptop. Rafi went to the
laptop and tried to understand the reason. The virus is no longer tracking because the
program is offline, so it is issuing a 15-second connectivity alert, meaning that if the
virus does not go online within 15 seconds, the money may no longer be traced. Rafi's
identity has been compromised and now if not connected online, it will be a huge loss
to the country. After thinking about everything, Rafi again gave the LAN connection to
the laptop. After loading for a few seconds, the virus started tracking again. Rafi wiped
everything else off his laptop, though he didn't know if it was necessary at all. Mafia Girl
can take all the copies if she wants. But Rafi will not have a problem. Rafi keeps a
backup of each of his files. Rafi won't lose anything even if he doesn't keep anything on
his laptop. And there is nothing that will put Rafi in great danger. Anyway, the laptop.
Being portable, it can be easily stolen. Rafi therefore did not keep anything confidential
on the laptop. Rafi's identity was gone.
It was 10 o'clock at night. The virus could not be taken offline, so Rafi sat at the
headquarters with the laptop. At that time a message came on Rafi's phone. The
message came from an unknown source whose body was
"If you don't eat at night, you will get sick. Dinner is waiting downstairs, have dinner."
Rafi was shocked to see the message. There is no dining facility anywhere in the office.
Then where will the dinner come from !!! Rafi left the desk and went downstairs to the
reception. A delivery boy came forward.
Delivery Boy - Mr. Rafi?
Rafi - Say yes?
Delivery Boy - Sir, your order. Raw biryani and borhani.
But Rafi did not place any order. Who ordered? However, when the money can be taken
out of the pocket, the delivery boy said that the payment has been made only after
Rafi is losing his speaking language. To Rafi, it was like slaughtering a chicken and
feeding it water. What will happen if the poor delivery boy is stuck. He said goodbye to
the boy with a pen.
The message came again,
"Kachchi from your favorite restaurant. Eat it so the body doesn't get bad."
Rafi did not have the ability to understand whether he should be angry or happy.
Scratching his head like crazy, he went to his desk and sat down. Rafi was really hungry.
Excessive tension has dulled Rafi's feelings. He looked at the laptop and saw if the virus
was working properly. While eating, Rafi glanced at the laptop screen,
On the screen came a large text,
"You look so cute when you eat, it smells like Halum"
Rafi swallowed food and swallowed. What happened! How did Mafia Girl know how I
feel when I eat! Thinking, the eyes go to the laptop's webcam. Rafi slapped his forehead
twice to say hi. Rafi lowered the lead of the laptop at the speed of shots. Normally Rafi's
webcam is covered from outside but lately he has had to use the webcam a lot for
office work. So recently the outside screen had to be removed. Rafi can't think of the
person whose face woke up today. One accident after another has been happening with
Rafi since this afternoon. Nah, you have to deal with the situation with a cool head.
Mafia Girl is taking advantage of every mistake made by Rafi.
Rafi realizes that the less he makes mistakes, the less Mafia Girl will take his chances.
Rafi has made a lot of mistakes for one day. No more. So Rafi left the laptop as it was
and left for the quarters.
The next morning Rafi entered the office as usual. Rafi went to the desk, covered the
webcam with one hand and took the lead of the laptop. Yes, the virus is still tracking.
Rafi sat down to work with a black scotch tape on the webcam. Meanwhile, Rafi started
collecting all the documents that Mafia Girl had sent yesterday, starting from the
identities of the hackers who were involved in the theft, Mafia Girl started analyzing all
the information in her documents in one place. Rafi confirmed the involvement of the
people involved by releasing a list of all the bank accounts that the virus has tracked.
With all the data, Rafi went to the director's room. Rafi asked permission to come in
with Uki.
Rafi - Sir, can I come?
DIRECTOR - Are you here, Rafi? Come on in. I was looking for you in my mind. If you
didn't come, I would have called you in 5 minutes. Then tell me the progress of the case.
Rafi - The case is a bit complicated, sir.
Director - Why? Any problem? You can tell me directly.
Rafi handed over the draft file of the case in his hand to Sir.
Rafi - A draft investigation of the reserve theft case, check a little sir.
The director was flipping through the pages of the case, showing a wonderful parade of
eyes and forehead.
Director - (with serious and humorous curiosity) Rafi? Are you sure Because the chairs
of those whom you are blaming are very high in the government system. It is not
possible to touch them without irrefutable evidence.
Rafi then handed Sir a pen drive that contained some audio evidence related to
telephone conversations and forgery. The director was stunned for a while.

Rafi - Sir, it is my firm belief that good governance will prevail in this country as long as
there are patriots like you.
Director - What's up with your Mafia Boy virus? Truck still?
Rafi's hut reminded me of Mafia Girl. He didn't do anything with a putty fish virus.
Rafi - Yes sir the tracking is still going on. We need to contact these countries as soon
as possible because the money is circulating in the banks of these countries.
Rafi handed over such a separate list to the director sir, so that there are bank names
and account numbers of several countries.
DIRECTOR - (looking at the list) Don't worry Rafi, I will handle the matter from the PM's
office because according to your evidence the Home and Foreign Ministries are
involved in this theft.
Rafi - Well sir. I'm coming now.
DIRECTOR: Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.
Rafi - Of course sir.
Rafi came out of the room.
Rafi opened his personal mail at the desk. I saw a new mail
Seeing the mail ID, Rafi realized that the mail was sent by Ruhi. Rafi thought in his mind
that he had lost his old documents with poor Ruhi for which he was trying to gather
Issssss .... Rafi bit his tongue. Before opening the mail sent by Ruhi, Rafi got a message
on the phone. Rafi closed his eyes and took the phone out of his pocket. He held the
phone in front of his eyes and opened his eyes. That's exactly what Rafi thought. Mafia
Girl sent a message from an unknown source.
"Who is this Ruhita? Why is he sending you a list of donor token owners? Are you
gathering evidence against me? But I will make your girlfriend disappear. Be careful not
to go near that girl. The result will not be good."
Rafi temporarily disabled the mail ID without checking anything. Rafi's phone is secure
but the phone network is no longer under Rafi's control.
Rafi calculates what control Mafia Girl has over Rafi, as long as the virus is working, Rafi
will not be able to disconnect the laptop or take any kind of safety measure. If the virus
stopped working for any reason, it would not be possible to find out where the
currencies finally came from. And the rest of the phone. We need to talk about how to
secure the number.
Just then Rafi got a call from Ruhi's landline.
Rafi - Hello Miss Ruhi.
Ruhi - (Question) Got the documents?
Rafi- I don't know. My email has been disabled. I will take the documents in hand.
Putting it now.
Rafi hung up the phone. I wondered if Mafia Girl had heard the conversation. Suddenly it
came to Rafi's head, or what? I am committing a crime or I have to do everything by
stealing. Not anymore. One must be prescribed.

Two days later.

When the tracking of the virus was complete, Rafi submitted the total list to the director
sir and sat down with his laptop. Rafi could not do anything for these two days thinking
that the virus would disturb him. So this time Rafi got rid of all the unusual
programming and strengthened the firewall of his laptop again. He also changed his
network system by changing the IP address. Rafi gave an upgraded LAN connection
while doing everything right.
Mafia girl usually appeared in a hurry but no trace is found today. Rafi breathed a sigh
of relief. Mafia Girl has released Atlist's favorite laptop.
Rafi sank into his work with some relief, the director had left the phone silent as there
was a meeting in Sir's room. Rafi had to check his mobile while going to the quarters at
the end of the office. He saw several miscellaneous calls from Rafi's house and that too
more than once.
They never call more than once during office hours from Rafi's house because they
know that if the boy is free he will receive and if not he will return later.
Rafi called home with some concern. The mind began to flutter every time it rang. Nah,
for the first time, no one picked up the phone. Rafi started chanting Allah's name on the
phone for the second time. May Allah be received.
Finally, Rafi's mother picked up the phone, and as soon as she said hello, Rafi jumped
up with a shower of words.
Rafi - Mother, mother, how are you? How are you Are you healthy Dad's body is good,
you have no problem?
Rafi's mother rebuked Rafi and stopped him
Mother- shut up fool. What will happen to us. Everyone is fine and today I was better all
Rafi - I was scared.
Mother: Yes, your father is angry with you. You have hidden so much truth. So.
Rafi - What do you mean? What a secret! What are you talking about?
Mother - shall I say nonsense, today our daughter came to our house. What a sweet
look, as if light is coming out.
Rafi thought he hadn't had a sister since he was a child.
Rafi - Where has your daughter been for so long? Lost or lost in childhood, never said. I
didn't even know I had a sister.
Mother - shut up son of a bitch. Why be your sister? I never thought that a lady would
come to my house so beautifully. And you never said that.
Rafi - (Surprised) Your grandmother! I will say! What are you talking about? The head is
gone. I'm going to say why.
Dad - Rafi! What is your mother saying? Rafi - (with salutations) Dad, what happened?

Mother - Song is being punished now! Wait, I'm telling your father (Rafi's mother started
calling Rafi's father away from the receiver, then Rafi handed over the phone to Rafi's
father complaining that he was pretending to be a good man) - will you say? Mom, is
that all there is to it from the beginning, father? Dad, I don't understand anything.
Hearing the words girlfriend and bastard in his father's mouth, Rafi played in the air. My
girlfriend! But I do not know! Where did it come from? Rafi - What are you talking about,
Dad? My girlfriend! I don't have a girlfriend, so where will the girlfriend come from? 77

Dad - you know that. Going around the house with the feeling that you don't know how
to eat the fried fish upside down. And so far on the floor.
Rafi - Dad, don't make fun of me, give the phone to mom.
Rafi's father handed the phone to Rafi's mother and said that his son was pretending
that he knew nothing.
Mom - (laughs) Yes, tell me what to say.
Rafi - Tell me what happened mother! I will not do vanita, I will say it from beginning to
Mom - what more can I say, your father and I were having breakfast and reading the
papers on the verandah in the morning, when someone came to the door. I saw a fairy
standing there with Uki, I was shocked to see, without opening the door I wanted to
know who, who wants? The girl called your name and said that you are already
acquainted, and she knows that you got the job and left and sent her to find out about
our condition.
This time Rafi's head started spinning. Who or what tried to enter the house also sent
Rafi saying that? Terrible.
Rafi - What are you talking about mom? I sent! Where I did not send anyone.
Mom - she said that's what you say, you haven't heard about it at home yet, that's why.
That's why I called you. You are very busy. Are you available on the phone?
Rafi - I was at the meeting. What happened then?
Mom - then what? If I keep such a cute girl standing at the door, it will be bad for this
Rafi stepped on a bench in front of the office.
Rafi - What happened then?
Mom - was she embarrassed, she was saying over and over again that she always
wanted to be with us, or that you were always bothering her, that you wouldn't say
anything at home until your job was done! (In a haughty tone) Why Ray? If we were told,
we would not do it!
Rafi - Mom, ask these questions later, tell me first then what happened?
Mom - what's next? He touched our feet and greeted us throughout the story, he was
your fan since childhood. I would follow everything you did, and I would consider you an
idol in my mind. You didn't pay attention to him from the beginning. Then seeing his
love for you or you also fall behind him. I don't understand how any boy can ignore such
a sweet and lazy girl.
Rafi - What happened then?
Mom - then what? The girl cooked the lunch with her own hands. She sat next to me. I
finished my lunch while the three of them were talking.
Rafi - I mean you two spent the whole day with that girl !!!!! Quickly check if something
has been stolen from the house. Well, do you feel sleepy? Didn't mix anything in the
food and give it again!
Mom - shut up. All the nonsense. Don't listen, I like the girl very much, your father too, so
I told the girl that we will take the proposal to their house tomorrow.
Rafi - Kieeeeeeeeeee !!! Your head is fine! There was no word, no message, who came
and cooked and ate it at noon and immediately got up and fell down to make her the
wife of the house. I do not agree. And now I do not have time to get married. New job.
Moreover .....
Mom - you don't have to worry about that. Your job will be to just come on the wedding
day and quietly confess three times. And yes, don't scold the girl. There was a lot of fear
that if you find out what to say. I promised the girl that you would not tell her anything.
The girl hugged me happily. I have decided that if someone comes to this house as a
wife, then that girl will come.
Rafi - but mother ..........
Mom - no but no. In one day the girl fell in love. I can't live without my grandmother. So
tomorrow I will go to their house, I will go and come back at once.
Rafi - You're gone! But mother, I do not fall in love with any girl. I don't really have a
Mother - I obeyed your words that if you do not love, then I will love. Isn't love after
marriage? Look at your father. And it is better not to have a girlfriend. I like my
grandmother very much. I don't feel good without him.
Rafi doesn't believe in magic, but the sudden fall in love with a girl is nothing but black
magic. But who is he, what is his name, where is he?
Rafi - that mother, what is your daughter-in-law's name? Where is the house?
Mom - why! I don't know! Well you don't have to know. Basarrate nis knowing. (He kept
Rafi - I was in great pain, look, mother, I am coming tomorrow, then I see what happened
to you all of a sudden.

Mom - Omg, (removes the phone) are you listening? Your son is not sleeping, he wants
to leave tomorrow. (Rafi can't hear his father's words) Listen Rafi, your father said you
don't have to come now. All right? I'll keep it now. Be well and yes, I am saying again, I
will not say anything to my wife, if I say it, I will know tomorrow. Now go straight home,
go fresh and have dinner properly. Keeping.
Rafi - Well mom, stay well.
Rafi hung up the phone. Rafi understood very well that now they have no desire to listen
to whatever their parents say. Rafi felt like a helpless miskin. Nah, I have to go home on
holiday tomorrow, no matter what my parents are doing, Rafi has to go home and stop
all that.
The next morning Rafi came to the office and went to the director's room for a holiday.
Rafi - (with salutations) Sir I can come.
DIRECTOR - (File Ghatte Ghatte) And yes Rafi, come on come on.
Rafi - Sir need a little .......
DIRECTOR - (Pause) Rafi: See if your report on reserve system theft is all right.
Unable to say anything, Rafi silently flipped through the file.
Rafi - Yes sir all is well. Sir, one word .......
DIRECTOR - If all goes well, get ready,An emergency meeting has been called at the
PM's office today. You have to present this case investigation details to everyone and
review the progress of the case. The meeting will start in 2 hours, in half an hour we will
leave for the office. so get prepared.
Rafi - (grinning) OK sir.
DIRECTOR - (File loss) And yes Rafi, what did you mean?
Rafi - (with a dirty smile) No sir. Nothing.
He left the office room. Rafi came to ask for leave and sat on his head with a huge
responsibility. O Allah, if you put me to any of these tests, Mafia girl in the office,
anonymous girlfriend at home ... Aaaaaaaaaaa, what is happening with my life. If I
could not ask for leave, then how can I stop my parents?
An hour later, Rafi and the director arrived at the PM's office. Half an hour before the
meeting started, Rafi's phone rang. Rafi's mother called to get Rafi,
Mom - Hello, Rafi? We are ready, your father and I will leave in half an hour for the girl's
house. Pray that everything will be fine.
Rafi - (somewhat loud) What will happen! What are you doing? You don't know your son.
Mother - (cheers) Sugar is my sweet father. Babusona could not say anything out of
shame. Work with the mind and do not create tension. Your father and I will take care of
Rafi - (in voice) Mother, don't give me this pain!
Mother - (getting a little angry) Look Rafi, when I have decided I will marry you and I will
marry that girl then you also put the matter in your head. My Rafi is not a boy like to give
up in the middle of love, and what else to worry about when we have given our opinion.
Rafi - (Leaving the hull) No worries mom. All that God does is for good. Putting it now.
Going to the meeting.
Mom - Well Dad, be careful, don't stress for us. We'll take care of everything. God bless
Rafi - Allah Hafez.
Rafi can't even dive into Akash Kusum's thoughts by cutting off the phone. Rafi himself
will present the report before the highest authority of the country today. From the
thought of this meeting, Rafi thought that it might be a little too easy to marry a
After 4 hours,
Everyone started coming out of the Prime Minister's Office, one by one they came and
informed Rafi about the congratulations after seeing his successful investigation
report. The Prime Minister assured that he would personally oversee the case and
asked Rafi to inform him directly in case of any need.
When Rafi was busy talking to everyone, he got a phone call. Rafi looked at the mobile
screen and lost his smile. Phone from an unknown source, Rafi did not understand who
Rafi - Hello Rafi.
- (Computer Generated Female Voice) Congratulations for your achievement, Mafia boy!
Report direct to the prime minister, not bad ..
- - Rafi didn't understand what he was supposed to say, so he hesitated and hung up.
- Rafi's phone rang again, this time he started receiving it without looking at the screen
- - Rafi - What do you want, why are you making my life hell?
- - Hello, Rafi? What are you talking nonsense, the head is right? Didn't get sick again.
Hearing the throat, Rafi became very familiar, he lowered the phone from his ear and
saw that his mother had called. He slapped himself on the cheek and said
Rafi - No mom, that color number is very disturbing. Then what is your news, where are
Mother - (smiling) This is a bad house. The wedding day has been fixed for next Friday
by the infinite mercy of Allah. You come in the day after tomorrow.
Rafi sat down with his hands on his head. Rafi thought that it would take a month for
the two families to get acquainted with each other. Now he is getting married in 4 days.
Rafi - Mom, are you crazy? I don't know, I don't know, you are going to start a
relationship with a new family in 4 days.
Mom - Oh no, you fool. We had planned from home that we would take a month. But
when we went to that house, we were completely surprised.
Rafi - Why are you surprised? Do you see ghosts?

Mom - Hey, nonsense, let's go and see Mr. Bayan, your father's school, college and
varsity life friend. And your mother-in-law was your father's batchmate at that varsity.
Your father knew both of them well. In fact, their love was given to them by your father.
(Saying burst out laughing) Beai said, the girl's choice is my choice but now I see my
choice is the girl's choice (laughs again)! Now listen, come tomorrow, the day after
tomorrow, everything has to be done. And yes, keep that in mind so that you don't get
caught up in any of your use of your dad and his friend. Putting it now.
Rafi listened to his mother's words, frozen like ice, only if his daughter had been
manipulated, but now the two families have reunited. Rafi sees no other way but to
sacrifice himself.
Rafi came to the office and informed the director about the marriage. Director Sir is
happy after all. But he was not happy about the wedding date.
DIRECTOR - What's the matter Rafi? If you are so proud of your marriage? Go home
today and pack your clothes. I'm arranging your vacation tomorrow. Go now. And yes,
congratulations Rafi. For your success and new life.
Rafi - Thank you sir. (Unintentionally) But you have to come to my wedding.
DIRECTOR - Who will run such a big office? You run the office and I go and eat your
wedding (laughs)
Rafi - What that said sir. Coming then.
DIRECTOR: Yes, come on then. Come tomorrow morning and collect the leave order.
Rafi - Thank you sir.
Rafi left the office like that day. Went to the quarters thinking of an uncertain future.
The next morning he came to the office and collected the leave order from the director
sir. Rafi invited everyone out and left for home.
When he reached home, Rafi's eyes became watery. Elahi arrangements are going on all
around. The old house has been repainted and the whole house has been lighted. Upon
entering the house, Rafi saw the faces of all the relatives of the clan. Everyone rushed
to see Rafi, along with Rafi's mother.
Mom - you're here Dad, come on.
Rafi's mother took Rafi to her room. Rafi was more surprised when he entered the
house. Replace all old furniture with new furniture, install AC, TV in the house. Rafi was
surprised to see these arrangements. Tired, Rafi fell asleep fresh. When he woke up in
the evening, everyone came out and saw the noise. Everyone is drowning in so much
joy and excitement but his marriage is upset. With whom Rafi is going to have a family
for the rest of his life, his face is far away, Rafi has not even heard a word or two from
his mouth.
And none of the Bersik people gave Rafi a chance to talk. Rafi finally left everything to
Allah. Yellow on the skin is very pompous. Rafi wanted his future granddaughter to
come and go through Uki once. For a while, I saw that Rafi's heart was chopped to give
a ladder to some ripe paddy of the girl.
After hundreds of attempts on the wedding day, Rafi could not see his wife's face. The
red benarashi, the veil on the head with bangles in hand, everything can be seen from a
distance but neither the appearance nor the words can be heard. When Kazi and his
daughter's family came in front of Rafi and read the cabinet letter and asked him to
confess, Rafi's soul wanted to shout, "I will not marry without seeing my wife's face," but
seeing the eager eyes and longing of everyone around, Rafi could not say anything
more. After all this time, she understood why her son-in-law had a handkerchief on his
nose. In the end, Rafi pressed a stone on his chest and listened to everyone and
accepted it 3 times. Which is the hope of Allah.
It was quite a night to finish all the arrangements. The house was full of guests so Rafi
stood on the roof. When he brought his wife from the community center, he thought he
would take a look, but in front of his father in the car, Rafi could not dare. After thinking
about the seven worlds sitting on the roof, Rafi entered the living room. As soon as he
closed the door, he got down from the bed, stomped on Rafi, and sat down on the bed
Rafi was a little surprised but did not get upset and stood in front of the girl. Before she
could say anything, the girl began to say,
- Look, I'm sitting here holding my breath. If all the formalities are over, can I change the
- - Rafi's throat looks very familiar. Rafi sat in front of the girl and removed the veil. Rafi
himself has forgotten seeing his wife's face.

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Rafi himself has forgotten seeing his wife's face. Rupa mashaAllah but this is it !!!!!!
Rafi - (Trying to recognize with small eyes) (softly loud) This is this! I know you, it
means I know you very well.
 - (gritting his teeth) gently. Forgetting why we are living tonight. People filling the
house. If someone listens at the door (puts a smile on his face)
 - Rafi - But you mean what are you doing here?
 - - Shhh, I'm your married wife. Why are you sharing my sins with me? And this is my
husband's house. I'll be here, did you expect anyone else?
Rafi says in his mind, girl, I didn't even get a chance to hope for anyone.
- What do you think? (With curious eyes) Am I so bad looking?
- Rafi came out of the world of surprise and wonder and looked at his wife. The girl's
face is very familiar to Rafi, her voice too. But I don't remember anything. Rafi has never
seen a girl so close. She looks like a fairy in the parlor's bride's outfit. Her eyes are deer,
but to Rafi, the girl's eyes look magical like the eyes of a cow. Rafi seems to be the first
man in the world to compare his wife's drawn eyes with the eyes of a cow. Improved
chin, small toll when smiling. Rafi has become a love at first sight after seeing his wife
for the first time in the night, but Rafi can say with a challenge that he knew Rafi by
knowing this girl. The voice is also very familiar.
- - Why are you looking at your wife, sir? I have come to your house for the rest of my
life. Not for one night.
Rafi felt a little embarrassed, removed his eyes and sat back a little.
 - Hey, hey. I am your wife, why did you leave. God will forgive me.
 - Although Rafi feels a little embarrassed about the girl's childhood, Rafi is starting to
feel better in his mind.
 - - Well, where's my gift? (Said looking at Rafi's two hands and pocket)
Rafi fell into another danger. No one reminded him of the gift. And Rafi knew that he
had to give some gifts to his wife in the middle of the night, but the risk of marriage got
everything in trouble.
- No gift for me? (Lips turned upside down in tears)
- Rafi - Areh doesn't cry. (Whispering in his ear) Basar said what would people think if
their wife cried at night.
- The girl suddenly raised her eyes, pressed her face and smiled. Rafi's eyes widened at
the friendly smile.
- - (Stubbornly) But I want a nightmare gift. I want to want.
Rafi gestured to the girl to shut up. It looks familiar, but Rafi is embarrassed because he
can't remember the name. I kept thinking what can be done. But Rafi can't find any way.
Rafi finally got up and opened the cupboard. Open the lock of the drawer and look for
something that can save the dignity. Looking back, he saw the girl cutting her nails with
her teeth and trying to look up inside the cupboard.
Rafi found a chain on the ghat. The chain is gold. I kept thinking in my mind whether it
would be right to give it or not. It is important to save the dignity before it happens. Rafi
sat down in front of his wife with the chain in his hand. In any case, Rafi must know his
wife's name. The trick fell into it.
Rafi - See the gift for you ......
- (Pause) Will you drag me to hell! (Leaning forward towards Rafi, he leans towards his
face and whispers) And once I hear you tell me the results will be terrible.
- He sat down where he was sitting. The girl suddenly leaned forward and Rafi took her
neck back a little. As soon as the darkness subsided and I sat down again,
- - Where? What are you saying my gift, what?
Rafi - (Disillusioned a while ago) Look, look, I'll give you a gift, but I want something in
The girl looked at Rafi with enchanted eyes, wanted to know with curious eyes,
- Wow, kaya baat hai jamairaja. (Comes forward again) So what do you want?
- Rafi's hands and feet are numb, this girl's gaze and expression are terrifying,
everything is random when you look into her eyes and forget everything when you hear
her voice in your ears.
- Rafi - Yeah, I mean. You (wife's eyes are red) I mean you, yeah I mean how do you know
me? You look very familiar but I can't match. I know you, I know?
- - (Desperate) Understand this is my gift? Lots of questions!
The girl said as soon as Rafi could say something
- Do you have ablution?
- Suddenly he was shocked to hear this question, but Rafi nodded.
- - Well, then take the preparation for the prayers, I have been doing ablution in a hurry.
 Rafi's wife pulled out the sari and the veil spread with her two hands and left the bed.
He took some clothes out of his luggage and crawled to the washroom. Rafi left the bed
and sat on the sofa. He gently closes his eyes and grips the past. School, college and
varsity are everywhere. But everywhere Rafi was so self-centered that no one ever
needed Rafi, but everyone came and lined up behind Rafi. Rafi was working hard on his
head but suddenly Rafi opened his eyes at the sound of theft. Two yellow table lamps
were burning on either side of the bed of the house, Rafi's basar decorated with
different flowers, Rafi's wife was coming out of the washroom wiping her cheeks gently
with a towel inside. Bauta looks very magical in the light of the room. Rafi cut the pinch
in his hand, is this girl really my wife! Rafi was in good pain. Nah incident serious, my
wife is in my bedroom now.
 Preparing himself for the prayers, he took out the Jain prayers from his luggage and
called Rafi.
  - Come on. Praise God tonight.
  - - Rafi got up and stood in prayer. The two of them prayed 2 rak'ats together.
 - Rafi's wife arranged Jainamaz and sat up on the bed. Rafi was sitting on the sofa
watching everything. Seeing the girl staring at Rafi, she gestured to Rafi with her eyes
"What?" In the literal sense.
 - - Rafi hesitated and got up from the sofa. He came to the bed and took out the chain
with his hand in his pocket. I don't know who the chain is but this is the only hope to
save the honor in this journey.
 - Rafi's wife jumped up,
 - - - It's for me (excited throat)
Rafi wanted to give a positive signal with a small smile. It is wise to avoid lying.
- Then put it on
- - said and went to Rafi. Turning his back to Rafi, he removed the loose hair from his
back and took it to the front with his left hand and started gesturing to put on the chain.
- The open back of a girl's hair removed from so close and with the fragrance of the hair,
Rafi's system hung, a kind of heart rate continued to grow like a horse race. What
should be said or what should be done disappeared from Rafi's head.
- - - Where? Give it?
Rafi came out of the abyss with his wife's words, closed his eyes, nose and ears and
quickly dropped the chain.
Rafi's wife started looking at the chain with her hand around her neck, a lot of thick gold
necklace at the wedding and maybe the girl didn't look so carefully. But Rafi has not yet
received his reply. What will be the answer, Rafi could not ask the question openly.
Rafi - Well there was a question?
He turned to Rafi with a light smile. Rafi was wounded again with enchanted eyes.
- Don't say. I will spend the night listening to your question. But I have a condition.
- - Rafi - (Stumbling) Condition? What conditions?
- - You must have heard my full name in the cabinet letter. If you can say my nickname
then I will answer all your questions.
Rafi's mind wanted to run along the wall with his eyes closed, which would happen.
Where there is fear of tigers, there is night. What kind of justice is this, if I got the
answer to the question, maybe there would be no need to ask any more questions all
night long. So Rafi said trying not to be upset
Rafi - Look, you can't hear the nickname in the wedding hall. And we didn't talk before
- What the heck. So you still can't remember my name! Can't remember me yet !!! Today
you will sleep on the sofa. The punishment is yours. Don't even try to get close to the
bed until you remember.
- - Rafi's face became scarred. She can't sleep without a bed. Sleep on the sofa is far
away, as soon as you lie down, the pain will start all over. During the last 4 days of hard
work, I did not get any sleep at night.
- Rafi - (in voice) Look, look, I feel so bad, I can't sleep on the sofa.
- - - No no no, until the name is said ..........
Rafi's mood deteriorated. The use of the wife began to seem a little extra.
Rafi - (Seriously and calmly) Maybe I forgot, I don't remember, I don't get involved in the
past, I will recognize you as soon as I say or see. I can't think right now. I will sleep.
Rafi turned his back on his wife and lay down on one side of the bed. Rafi fell asleep
due to terrible fatigue and weakness. Toha looked at Rafi's face with a little fear and
hesitation. It's still magical like before.
Rafi woke up very early in the morning. I felt like a prisoner on all sides. I woke up
seeing that I was holding my breath. Rafi tried to understand the situation. A face
covered with random hair on his chest, Rafi could scream for fear of being called a
ghost ghost.
Rafi wanted to remove the hair with one finger. But it was not done for fear of the
unknown. However, the girl looks much more beautiful in her sleeping face with random
hair. Rafi remembered the events of the night. Nah, Rafi could have heard the harsh
words at night. At that moment, her face shook and Rafio pretended to be asleep. She
was ashamed to see her husband hugging her unknowingly. The new bride wakes up,
finds herself in Rafi's chest and jumps up. Rafi's wife is looking at Rafi's face with her
fingernails. After a while, Rafi gets a warm kiss on Dangal. Rafi's wife ran to the
washroom with a small kiss of love. In the suddenness of the incident, Rafi was lying on
the bed like he was going to die after eating Vyabachaka.
After a while, a new sari with wet hair came out. That hurpari means Rafi's wife. He can't
even come to Rafi's head and call. He looked at Rafi's face for a long time with a look as
if he was ashamed to touch it. Then he moved away from there and arranged himself in
front of the mirror. Then he writes something and puts it in Rafi's comb and leaves the
room. Rafi sat up from the bed. He got up and took the note from the comb. A name in
two letters, "Toha".
"Binuni Toha" written on the reverse side of the note. Yes, Binuni Toha seems to be a
very familiar name.
In the second year of college, a girl was admitted to Rafi's college from where she flew.
Normally college girls do not braid their hair but the girl used to come to college very
smartly braiding her hair. That girl was the reason why almost all the boys in the college
except Rafi's heart was broken more than once. Then the chance in the same
department in the famous engineering varsity of the country, disappears before the end
of the first year. Out of the country with scholarship. I have never met that biluni.But as
long as he was, he used to stab Rafi a lot. While in college, the girl used to sit behind
Rafi and recite poems, with a very sweet voice. He used to do the same thing while
going to varsity. Before leaving, he followed Rafi to Rafi's house. But Rafi never looked
up and saw the girl well. Where is the time for people living with themselves to see the
people around them.
So this is that biluni toha !!!! Today, after so many years, Rafi is back in life with full
rights? But what is the point of writing the name in a note and sticking it in the comb
without saying it in the mouth? Rafi is also a little arrogant. Leaving the note in place,
Rafi got up and went to freshen up. After a while, after making breakfast, Toha comes
to the room to call Rafi. Toha got up early and went to look at the note and then Rafi
came out of the washroom wrapped in a towel in his old habit. Seeing Toha, she ran
back into the washroom, forgetting that Rafi was married.
Rafi - (shyly) Don't move my shirt a little?
Toha - yes no. I will not. (Disinterested answer)
Rafi - Do I know the reason?
Toha - If you have to remind me every minute that I am your married wife, when will I do
other housework?
Rafi - Well well, don't take my shirt off.
Toha - And don't say it in a better way.
Rafi - Who will tell you that you got married yesterday! Ahladi Buri is one. Go and get the
shirt, hurry up.
You don't notice that the note has fallen out of the comb. After handing over the vest to
Rafi, it was noticed that there were no notes in the comb! Your eyes widened. The note
was noticed on the floor but by then Rafi was out. You don't know what to do. Toha
thought Rafi might not have seen the note anymore so he was a little upset and called
Rafi to eat and left the room. He stopped at Rafi's words from behind.
Rafi - Nowadays it seems - don't braid your hair anymore. It doesn't feel bad, but you
have a beanie.
Toha - you remember. Babbah I thought ..........
Rafi - What did you think? (Speaking, Rafi turned from the mirror and stood near you)
Toha gently pushes Rafi's chest and runs towards the door, Rafi keeps looking from
behind. Toha looked back once more and called for food and left with a smile.
At that time Rafi's phone rang. Director Sir's phone.
DIRECTOR - (in a sad voice) What's up? How are you
Rafi - Alhamdulillah. (Out of curiosity) Sir, have you had anything? Why does your voice
sound like that?
DIRECTOR - You're off duty now. You may not be right to say this but Rafi your life is in
danger. Someone threatened me and other members of my family last night. Normally
these threats should not have happened to me but today my son was attacked. He was
taken to the brink of death and left saying, "Tell your father not to deal with the money
case, otherwise the result will be worse."
Rafi - What did you say sir! Where is your son now?
DIRECTOR: I'm in the hospital, okay! They may not have traced you yet. When you have
time, move your family to a safe place.
Rafi - but sir .........
Director - No, but not Rafi. That's an Order Rafi. If they find you, they will kill you for sure.
Rafi - I won't let that happen, sir. Lets hope for the best.
Director - Plan for the worse. Good luck.
Rafi understands that the law may punish the criminals, but the road to the law is long,
so thousands of people died on the way. Rafi did not think that the incident of theft of
reserve currency of high-ranking officials would take such a turn.
Rafi went to eat, Toha saw a black cloud on Rafi's face. Parents do not avoid the eyes.
Dad - Rafi! What happened to you? Why did you keep that face black!
Rafi: There is nothing like that.
Dad - then why did you make the look hutompecha!
Rafi- I don't want to eat. Dad, get out all your National ID job IDs. Come to the room with
them, and yes your cards too.
Mom - why what happened!
Rafi - Do what I say. Toha, don't stand still.
Toha went and stood beside her mother.
Just after drinking a glass of water, Rafi came to his room. Just when Rafi got a
message, Director Sir,
Trust no one.
Go to this address fast.
House x, Road y, 123.
After receiving the message, the phone rang from the office.
- Hello, Rafi sir.
- - Rafi - Guys.
- - There is bad news, the director had an accident a while ago. He died on the way to
the hospital.
Rafi - (sits with hands on head) what!
Rafi can't believe his ears.
Even then Rafi goes to the news channel from Sure. Toha came from behind and stood
beside Rafi. Almost all the news channels are spreading the news with huge breaking
Rafi's eyes go to Sir's message, something has to be done very quickly. Very little time
on hand.


While the world knows that Director Sir's death was caused by an accident, Rafi may be
the only one who can guess that it could be a cold-blooded murder. Rafi suffers from
indecision, what can be done! Should the Prime Minister be informed? For protection!
Nah, then one or the other corrupt person will know Rafi's location. If they intend to kill
Rafi then the task will be made easier. Marriage house, house filled people.
Rafi's eyes sparkled, perhaps because there was no attack or threat on Rafi. Because no
matter how autonomous the NSA is, it has to work in coordination with the ministry and
if that is the case then finding out Rafi's address does not matter. Maybe the
perpetrators are watching the house from a distance, maybe a lot of people are not
moving forward. Rafi tried to calm himself down. But the situation is not allowing Rafi
to remain calm.
At that moment Rafi felt the touch of a hand on his shoulder. Toha is standing looking
Toha came in front of Rafi and knelt on the floor. Toha met Rafi's troubled eyes. With
hesitation, he grabbed Rafi's two hands. Toha could feel Rafi trembling. Toha grabbed
Rafi's hand tightly. After so long, your face came to Rafi's notice. Eyes like the water of a
calm pond, like two cups of coffee in two cups of milk. Seeing this girl, Rafi's head
becomes empty, one analogy after another is formed in his brain. Even a while ago, Rafi
was drowning in the thoughts of the state. But seeing you, all thoughts seemed to
Toha - The excitement and joy I saw in your eyes when you left this room this morning
has faded away as you reach the dining table. Now seeing this news makes you feel
even more upset. Who is this gentleman?
Rafi's brain is completely frozen. He knows his true identity can't be exposed, but Rafi
seems to have found confidence in your gaze and his tightly held hand.
Rafi - The one whose accident is being aired on TV is my reporting boss and NSA
director Brigadier Ejaz Mamun. I work under him. Recently I got a big lead in stealing
government reserves where many high ranking officials were found to be complicit. The
day before coming home for the wedding, I went to the Prime Minister's Office and gave
a briefing but no case or chargesheet has been filed yet, even evidence and primary
level have been collected. This matter was handled by me and the director Sir. When I
left for marriage, I brought the Evidence and Investigation Report with me to the
Director Sir.
Toha - then your job in ICT division ...... !!!
Rafi - Coverup. Undercover can have 2nd identity.
Toha - tell me what happened this morning.
Rafi - After you call for food, I get a call from Director Sir. Who or what was threatening
him. The miscreants even beat up Sir's son.
Toha - What are you talking about !!! That means Sir talked to you a little before the
accident! !
Rafi nodded indicating yes.
Rafi - Even on the eve of his death, Sir told me to be careful and ordered me to move to
a safe place with my family. However, Sir himself gave his life in an accident.
Two drops of water fell on your hand through Rafi's eyes. It twists inside your chest, as
if someone has grabbed your heart and pulled it. You can't stand it anymore. Forgetting
all the shame, Toha pressed Rafi's head between her chest. As if he wants to protect his
love from all the dangers of the world. Rafio hugged you and jumped up.
After a while, when Rafi returned to reality from emotion, he found himself in your
bosom and was deeply ashamed. Wanted to get out but Toha hugged Rafi.
Toha - nothing will happen to you. I have come. I won't let anything happen to you.
He wanted to wipe his eyes loosely from his chest, then while chatting with Rafi, Toha
got an idea of ​what had just happened. She hugged Rafi emotionally, but when she saw
Rafi forgetting her tears and getting embarrassed, she felt terribly ashamed. Toha bit
her tongue in her mind, what a shame! He hurriedly left the two of them and tried in vain
to become normal.
Toha - (shyly slipping on the hem of her sari) So what are you thinking now?
Rafi wanted to speak as normally as possible, but he did not want to hear the
suddenness of the incident.
Rafi - (hesitantly) What do you mean, yes? Oh the threat. (Everything started to get
tangled up)
Toha grabbed Rafi's hands again and looked into his eyes.
Toha - Tell me what to do?
Rafi - (looking into your eyes calmly) We have to move to a safe place. Parents need to
be evacuated. I think the criminals are keeping an eye on our house.Many people call
marriage home anagona so maybe they do not have the courage to do anything.
Toha - then this marriage is our advantage and disadvantage.
Rafi frowned at Toha.
Toha - (Keeping an eye on the other side) If the criminal has become so powerful, he
will continue to destroy the whole house as an accident.
Rafi thought that there was an argument in your words, they would not hesitate to end
so many lives to save themselves.
Toha - On the other hand, today is our day. After a while, everyone will be ready and will
go out for the purpose of community center.We have to go out at the same time. But
without any alert.
Rafi - My father knows almost everyone in the area. Would it be okay to show him
around the house with him? Is there a new look around the house?
Toha - (somewhat surprised) Do you want to tell your father everything? Will that be
Rafi - Today is our day. And if I don't show up today, his values ​will be gone. You have to
tell him something.
Toha - then what is the plan?
Rafi looks into your eyes. Rafi is fascinated as much as he sees you. The girl has a
strange ability to adapt to all kinds of situations. When it is needed, it is there.
Rafi - Call Dad? I speak.
Toha went to find her father. Rafi then began to think how he would do.
After a while, Rafi's father left the people and entered. Busyness is working in both eyes,
today the boy's bauvat. He kept a close eye on the family so that there would be no
mistake in entertaining them with self-respect. In the midst of such a busy time, he is a
little annoyed to want to speak separately.
Dad - (busy and annoyed) What's the matter Rafi? Not ready yet? What time does he
notice? When will I be ready? When will I go to the center?
At that moment Toha comes to the room. Rafi gestured to you to knock on the door.
Seeing Rafi's gesture, Rafi's father looked at you from behind. After so long, the black
expression inside the faces of the two became clear in his eyes. He began to think that
maybe something had happened to the two of them.
Dad - (out of curiosity) What's the matter mom, you haven't gone to the parlor yet!
(Seriously) What's the matter Rafi! Why is my Amazon mood off? What happened?
Rafi took his father's hand and sat him on the sofa. Rafi's father could have guessed
that the problem was serious. I couldn't get married yesterday and today I got into
trouble. Toha went and stood beside her father. Rafi sat in front of his father and took
his hand. Rafi's father is now quite sure that his son has caused a big mess.
Dad - (serious and curious) Look, Rafi, the two of you got married yesterday. Manis or
Manis Tohai is now your wife. Don't do anything that would tarnish my image.
Rafi and Toha keep looking at each other. Toha realized that Dad might be trying to
figure out what the problem was, but because of the silence, Dad's gestures became
Toha - (with smiling face) Dad, I came to your house and married your son, I can't talk
about your son but I will not leave you anywhere.
Toha hugged her father's neck, Rafi hesitated and said,
Rafi - So when did I say I have a problem with this marriage! Before marriage, who is
your future wife ..
After saying so much, Toha gritted her teeth and signaled not to speak in this context.
Seeing Rafi stop talking, Rafi's father's forehead went numb.
Dad - tell me what you want, Rafi.
Rafi - Dad, I have always had a strong opinion in this marriage and after marriage that
belief is getting stronger all the time. I have no objection to this marriage.
Dad - what's the problem then? After a while Bauvat and what are you still sitting at
Rafi - Dad, a big problem in the office may have come to our house. (Showing breaking
news on TV) Together with this gentleman I was collecting evidence against the work
done by some corrupt people in the country. Sir was watching the work alone as I was
on vacation due to marriage, he told me to move to a safe place in the morning and
maybe after a while he had an accident but I am sure it was not an accident but a cold
head murder.
Dad - (surprised) What are you talking about? This is a fatal event!
Rafi - Since the two of us were conducting the investigation, I have a chance to be
attacked after Sir! Maybe the killers are roaming around the house. Maybe the
opportunity is waiting for additional crowds.
Dad - (worried) Well, got it. What do you want to do now?
Rafi - The whole family has to move to a safer place. To have public gatherings. This is
the plan for now.
Dad - (Thinking for a while) Hmmm, I have a friend out of the country, they have a flat
nearby, he gave me the key to visit from time to time. No one there will expect us.
Rafi - (snapping) Then you have to get out now. Before that, father, you explain to
mother who is out. Write me the address of the flat, I will meet you there. So you go with
your parents. Put the clothes in a bag, I'll pick it up and take it to the flat. And yes, the
three of you will come out of the house wearing burqas. We don't know if they know
everyone. Ricks cannot be taken.
Rafi's father understood all the plans of the boy but he was worried about the people in
the house and the income of Bauvat.
Dad - Rafi, listen Dad? Everything is ready, isn't it? So many people have come from far
away, it would be nice to see them go. I mean, we go out and tell them to go straight to
the community center. All arrangements have to be made there.
Rafi - Do what feels good, Dad, but I don't have time at all. And yes, don't call or take
someone with you, the phone can be tapped.
Dad - Yes, yes, I know, I watch two episodes of CID serial too.
Dad left the room. How the mind became looking at you. Rafi has to make a plan to
escape with the girl even though it is supposed to be a Bauvat ceremony today. As soon
as Rafi can say something, Toha starts saying,
Toha - You know Rafi, I had a hobby of running away and getting married since
childhood.That opportunity is no more, but I think I can escape after marriage, but I feel
Rafi saw the look of adventure in your eyes. Rafi felt light for this flexibility of yours.
Rafi - Done, hurry up and pack your bags. I will arrange to take them later.
Toha - I have my bag packed. I haven't done anything yet.
In the meantime, my father came to the room with two burqas. Before leaving the
house, the father took a walk around the house wearing a burqa. When he came back
he said not 2-5 people, about 10-12 strangers are watching our house. Dad came in and
grabbed a few packets of sweets and handed them to some cousins ​as if they were
outside. When the cousins ​started eating sweets, a medium-sized crowd gathered in
front of the house. On that occasion, my parents and Toha went out to the father's
friend's flat and I left for the address given by the director sir.
Rafi reached home according to the address. Quite a large building. The flat is on the
6th floor of the building. Rafi knocked in front of the door of the flat. There was no
response. Maybe no one is in the flat. How will Rafi get inside now! Rafi scratched his
head for a while and looked up at the things on the floor. Rafi finally got the key under
the rug. Rafi opened the door and went inside and turned on the light. Tidy drawing
Rafi went inside and looked around the room and wondered why Sir asked him to come
here. Rafi opens the door of the last room thinking about these seven or five. Seeing the
inside of the room, Rafi's eyes went up to his forehead. A small server room. The room
is full of several computers and electronic devices. Rafi sits at the computer. Is quite
surprised. Director Sir has made an offline backup of all his case related documents
here. Here is the update information for almost all cases. Rafi understood that the
director had guessed that an attempt would be made to clear the evidence in this case,
so even if someone had destroyed all the evidence in front of his eyes, he might have
asked Rafi to come here as if he had a backup. But now Rafi has to return. To parents
and to you.
At that moment Rafi heard the sound of the door opening, Rafi quickly turned off the
lights of the room and hid behind. Began to observe from behind who came. Seeing the
stranger's face, Rafi breathed a sigh of relief. Rafi's teammate Surya entered the flat. As
soon as Surya entered the flat, he realized that someone else had also come to the flat.
So he picked up a small pistol from his bag and started looking for the intruder. Rafi
calls out the name of the sun to avoid the accident,
Rafi - the sun? I'm Rafi.
Rafi raises his hand and comes out, but Surya does not lower the pistol. Rafi looks
confused looking at the sun.
Rafi - Direct Sir gave me the address here.
Still, Surya aims his pistol at Rafi. Rafi doesn't understand why Surya is not taking down
arms even after telling Surya. Finally the sun opened its mouth
Sun - password?
Rafi is in great trouble this time. Sir did not give any password in the message, then
what will happen now.
Rafi - the sun? I'm Rafi, you do not recognize!
Sun - I'll count to 3. What is the password?
Rafi - Surya me direct sir ......
Sun - 1
Rafi - I have no ........
Sun - 2
Rafi - the sun! I'm your boss you *** ........
Sun - 3
Rafi - wait wait wait, trust no one.
Rafi puts his hands up and closes his eyes and starts reciting Kalama because Rafi has
nothing but this. After a while, when no shots were heard, Rafi opened his eyes. By then
the sun had dropped its weapon.
Sun - you can relax now, sir. I'm not gonna kill you.
Rafi - What was going on?
Surya - I am sincerely sorry but this safe house is not for everyone. This safe house is
only for the trusted agents of the director sir. So no one is allowed here without
Rafi - And you?
Sun - I am the keeper of this safe house.
Rafi - Sir, what could be the reason for asking me to come here?
Surya - Firstly Sir believes you, secondly maybe he wants to finish his unfinished work
with you.
Rafi - I need some support, can you help?
Don't look at the sun.
Rafi - I don't know if my phone is tapping. can you check that out?
Sun - give me 5 minutes.
Surya sat down with his laptop, and Rafi went to the computer room again and started
looking for files.
After a while the sun entered the room.
Sun - Your phone is not tapped. You can use your phone.
As soon as Rafi opened the phone, 1 message came. From an unknown source
"Where the hell are you? Contract killers are looking for you"
Rafi received another SMS shortly,
"I made your phone and network secure. Nobody can tap your number or locate you
through your phone. I'll be in touch."
Rafi wonders why this Mafia Girl helps Rafi so much. What does he want?
Rafi bids farewell to the sun. Evening has come down. The destination is now Dad's
friend's house. Everyone is sitting in the way of Rafi.


Covering his body in the evening darkness, Rafi went straight to his father's friend's
house. Rafi saw his parents and Toha for the last time that afternoon. Why is there a
little too much tension with everyone today. But it was not clear whether the reason was
a risk to his life or the love he had for his newly married wife.
When he reached home, Rafi knocked on the door. No sound came from inside. Rafi
understands that the people inside want to be sure that it will be safe to respond.
Rafi - (in a light voice) Dad, I'm Rafi.
As soon as he said that, the door slammed open and out of the darkness, two hands
embraced Rafi. Rafi played a bit of vyabachaka but in that situation he entered the
house. There was no light in the house for so long. Rafi groped for the light switch in
the room but the man was hugging her in such a way that Rafi was having trouble
moving. Rafi knows who can hold him like that. Turning on the lights, Rafi said,
Rafi - (softly) holding his breath ...
After saying the word, he hurriedly loosened his hands. He started talking in a crying
Toha - where have you been so long! Do you know what my tension was? Both parents
have high blood pressure. Medicine is also left in all the bags. That's the way to
disappear! I don't even have a phone to look for once. Where was
Rafi is surprised to hear the allegations made by the girl. Before yesterday, the name of
this girl was not even mentioned in Rafi's mind, but now he is complaining as if he has
known her for generations.
Rafi - So many questions at once? Tell me which one to answer.
Toha - huh, you don't have to answer. Parents are waiting for you, go and see.
Toha then showed Rafi an inner room. Rafi went to the front of the room, knocked on
the door and peeked inside.
Dad - who? Rafi? Are you here, Dad? I was thinking too much for you. I didn't know when
you left, where you were or what you were doing.
Rafi - That's it Dad, I'm gone.
Mom - Come on Dad, come on my chest.
Rafi's mother hugged him. Toha came from behind and stood at the door.
Mother - I have known for a long time that government job is a safe job. If I hadn't seen
you, I probably wouldn't have known that you have to risk your life to fulfill your
responsibilities honestly.
Rafi - Life is not a big risk mother. Being able to do the maximum to stay with the truth
is the big thing.
Mom - Wow, after marriage I see my son has grown up.
Rafi's mother rubbed the boy's nose lightly. Toha was ashamed to stand behind the
Mom - Where's my lucky girl?
Toha came out from behind the door and stood in front of her mother.
Mother - this is my daughter. Listen, don't sit back and think that the marriage took
place and then the misfortune came to the family. Everything is God's will. He wanted to
put my family to the test. InshaAllah Allah will remove all the calamities.
Toha never thought that she would be able to take her place in the minds of her parents
so quickly in this world and it is not a new thing when such incidents happen that a new
bride is usually called a misfortune. You hugged your mother thinking about hundreds
of other such thoughts, and maybe 2 or 3 and a half drops of water rolled down your
Toha - I'm really lucky to have such a family. Millions of thanks to God.
Rafi - Wow, you got him and forgot about me, right?
This time Rafi's parents hugged Rafi and Toha together.
Toha - I go, go and arrange food.
That's when the calling bell rang. Everyone was shocked. Who will come to this house
so late at night!
Rafi got up and left the room and went to the main door. Who saw Uki kill with the silent
Dornab? The dress looked like a delivery boy standing in the doorway. Rafi got worried,
Delivery boy in this house! Rafi wanted to go to the room slowly to find out if anyone in
the house had ordered any food. That's when Rafi got a message. At this very moment,
Rafi got a little upset when he heard the sound of the message, but after seeing the
message, everything became clear.
The message came from an unknown source and was written in the message
"Dinner for your family.
 Get your laptop ASAP.
 We have works to do. "
 After reading the message, Rafi got a little angry, in the afternoon he said with a
message that no one can trace my location with my phone! And he himself is sitting
tracing my phone. Mafia Girl herself is out of "No one"! Rafi opened the door thinking.
Rafi took the food from the delivery boy. Everyone in the house was surprised to see the
food, so Rafi asked to make the matter normal
 Rafi - I ordered the food. What is there to be surprised!
 Toha - (out of curiosity) How did you order? Your phone is ...
 Rafi - (hesitantly) I mean I secured my phone. I ordered over the phone.
 Toha - but ...
 Rafi - (to avoid context) No but not. Extremely hungry. To eat
 Rafi sat down to eat with everyone. The food menu is also very picky. Both parents
have high blood pressure and sugar problems. There are no health risks in food items
either. Rafi doesn't understand the idea of ​this Mafia Girl. Everyone started eating but
Rafi's eyes went to you. Your face is a bit dry as there are not many glamorous items in
the food menu, but you are eating quietly realizing that it will be bad if it falls in the eyes
of your parents. Rafi seemed to be fascinated by your face. After the meal, Rafi was
ready to go out again. He had to rescue the laptop. Much remains to be done. Rafi got
out despite everyone forbidding him.9.35 pm on the clock. Rafi came to their house
with his body covered in darkness. For the first time in his life, Rafi has to steal his own
territory. There is no other way to avoid the unknown enemy. There are still some
relatives in the house. Maybe Dad asked one of the relatives to manage everything.
Before leaving the house, Rafi had left all his tidy bags in a room. But when the night
falls, you can see an ant walking in the light of the bright lamppost on the street with
the wedding lighting at home. And you can't even go out with bags. However, Rafi has to
bring out his laptop anyway. Rafi could not understand what to do. Thinking, Rafi's eyes
fell on the transmitter with the power pole. An intelligence emerges from the top.
Despite the considerable risk and the possibility of a catastrophic accident, Rafi saw no
further movement. Rafi found the open copper wire next to Bhangari's shop some
distance away. He tied a piece of brick to his head and threw it at the transmitter. As the
copper wire touched the open part of the transmitter, the whole area became dark with
a loud noise and light. People gathered around the transmitter and on that occasion
Rafi entered the room with satisfaction and speed. Rafi went inside the room and
picked up the laptop bag from the room. Rafi observed the environment for a while. If
there is no electricity, the house gets hot enough so everyone goes to the roof, belcony
or street as soon as the electricity goes out. Rafi realized he could take out the bags if
he wanted to. Rafi peeked out the window. Rafi saw a dustbin on the other side of the
road. Rafi dropped the plan again. Rafi left the bags near the main gate and stood
beside the dustbin. There are a lot of people on the street so if you go out with the bags,
you will be hit on the body. Earlier, Rafi had come out of the kitchen with a bottle of
kerosene. Rafi poured the whole bottle of kerosene into the dustbin and set it on fire. At
once the fire blazed. Immediately the baby ran to the fire and ran around the dustbin
and the adults started to stop them. And Rafi also got a chance to cut with his
  On the way, your face suddenly floated, the girl did not have to suffer any hardship
while eating dull food. Rafi goes to a fast food shop thinking about all this. Rafi ordered
a double cheeseburger and waited. While waiting, a message came on Rafi's phone, a
message from an unknown source.
   "She orders more then 300 ps pizza and 200 ps chicken fry online a year."
    Rafi becomes th. This unnamed source is not only keeping an eye on Rafi, but also
the people around Rafi. Rafi canceled the order and ordered a medium size pizza and a
bucket of chicken fry. He went straight home with the order.
     Toha opened the door herself. Your eyes went up to your forehead when you saw the
cloth bag neatly placed around your neck and with both hands.
      Toha - (with anxiety) You went home !!!! (Somewhat loud) Ammuuuuuu ???
       Toha ran inside the house. Nah, maybe the girl will go now and complain to her
parents. Rafi also had no other choice. Rafi was able to get a little speed to explain to
everyone but finally was able to explain the situation.
        Rafi - Look, the situation we are in now is not created by chance. Someone is trying
to erase the evidence of his injustice and corruption. If they succeed we will never be
able to live independently again, they will not let us live. I have to finish the unfinished
work done by Sir.
         Toha got angry and went to the next room. Rafi quietly went into the room with the
pizza and chicken fry. Your cheeks are swollen and sitting in one corner of the bed. Rafi
passed the pizza and chicken fry bucket in front of you. Toha looked at the food with a
heavy cheek. Rafi's cheeks were swollen for work even though there was a look of
happiness on his face.
         Rafi - (whispers) Do you spend your whole life inside these four walls or do you
have a hobby of honeymooning?
          Toha - What if something happened to you? Who would I go on my honeymoon
           Rafi - Are you back? I came back unharmed. Still complaining! I brought your
favorite pizza and chicken fry.
            Toha has controlled herself for a long time but it is no longer possible. He picked
up the packet of pizza and put it in the chicken bucket with one hand. He started eating
pizza and chicken fry like a child.
             Toha - (chewing with curiosity) Well, how do you know that pizza and chicken
are my favorites?
              Rafi - There was Lucky Guess. Eat quickly.
               Rafi went to the veranda of the room. At that time Timmate Surya's phone.
                Surya - Rafi. Bad news, some miscreants have gathered in front of your house.
Maybe your house could be attacked late at night. Get out of your house as soon as you
can. If you want, you can also take shelter in a safe house.
                 Rafi - All right, I'm leaving right now, thank you.
                  Rafi hung up the phone. Surya was not informed that he had left home long
ago. At that moment the message came from an unknown source,
                   "Local police are on the way to your house, they just know a robbery is in
                    Seeing the message, Rafi did not understand what to do. Rafi did not see
you when he came home from the belcony. There are no packets. Maybe I went to put
the packets in the kitchen. Rafi lay down without waiting for you. It has been a bit of an
adventure for Rafi for one day. Toha came back and found Rafi in bed. Raising his neck,
he looked at his face and saw that his prince was asleep.
                    You were scared to see Rafi go home but you know that Rafi can find a way
out. Thinking about all this in his mind, Toha gave him a sign of love on Rafi's cheek.
Half asleep Rafi, on the other hand, would have felt harder if he had received a warm
touch on her cheek. Nah, my wife is dangerous.
                     As soon as Rafi came out fresh in the morning, Toha handed the phone to
                       Toha - Look who's texting again and again.
                          Rafi picked up the phone without saying a word. Unknown source.
                              "Turn on the TV. You are in trouble."
                                   Rafi quickly turns on the TV, sees Rahi in a hurry and stands next to
Toha and Rafi. The finance ministry released their investigation report at a press
conference. Although they did not specify who was responsible, they did confirm that
someone involved in the investigation was trying to clear the evidence. One of them is
Brigadier Ejaz Mamun who died in a road accident and the other is Rafiul Islam Rafi
who is a fugitive.
                                         Rafi's head hurts after hearing the news. Toha ran to her parents'
room to call them. Rafi's phone rang again. The sun called,
                                                Surya - Sir, a special warrant has been issued in your name.
Living or dead. I hope you are in safe place. Good luck, sir.
                                                        Rafi didn't say anything. Rafi got a message,
                                                                 From Unknown Source "time to work. Connect your
laptop to internet and give me the evidence you've collected."
                                                                           Rafi doesn't know what to do, he removed
everything from the laptop for fear of this mafia girl. Also keep portable hard drive in
office locker. Now Rafi has no evidence. But that's how he'll tell Mafia Girl. Finding no
way out, Rafi sat quietly without doing anything. Rafi has no evidence.
                                                                                      Oops. The offline server of Director
Sir's Safehouse has updated info on all cases till Sir's death. Now Mafia Girl will be able
to help with the case just by making the server online. Without wasting any more time,
Rafi went to his mother and asked for her veil. Seeing Rafi getting ready again, Toha
cried, she somehow refused to let Rafi go out.
                                                                                                  Toha - No, no, you can't go.
Everyone is looking for you. If anything happens! No, you can't go.
                                                                                                               Rafi - (Holding your face
high) This is the only thing left to do. A very good friend of mine is waiting to help me.
My job is just to deliver the evidence to his hands. If I can't do that, then how can I prove
my innocence?
                                                                                                                             Your tears do not
stop. Rafi explained a little more and said goodbye to his parents. Unable to stop Rafi,
Toha enters the room and locks the door. Rafi sees your trunk and comes back from the
door. He gave an untraceable satphone from his bag to his father.
                                                                                                                                            Rafi - I'll
call you safely. Pray
The father returned home after proving his innocence.
                 After wearing the burqa, Rafi left for the safe house with his laptop bag. Rafi
did not have any problem on the road. Reaching the safe house, Rafi took out the key
from under the rug and entered inside. Then Rafi got a message from an unknown
                                   "Lock the door from the inside."
                                                      Rafi locks the door from the inside. Gives the phone
home. Rafi's father picked up the phone.
                                                                          Dad - Hello Rafi? Dad, have you arrived
properly, Dad? There was no problem!
                                                                                               Rafi - No, Dad, no problem. Are
you all ok
                                                                                                                     Dad - Your mother
and I are fine, but your mother seems to have suffered a little too much. You saw him
sitting in the room with the door locked, still sitting in the room with the door closed. It
won't be a problem, you just come back. That will be fine then.
                                                                                                                                            Rafi -
Well, Dad, I'll keep it. Pray
        Father - Fee Amanillah.
                                 After talking, Rafi went straight to the server room. Connect your
laptop to the internet. Floats on the laptop screen,
                                                           "Upload the evidence"
                                                                                      Rafi searches for a portable hard drive.
Rafi wanted to give information through hard drive without connecting Mafia Girl
directly to the server. At that time the phone came to Rafi. The number is very strange,
                                                                                                                  Rafi receives the
 Computer generated female voice
                 - Do you have trust issue? If I wanted to kill you or frame you, I could've done it
long ago.
                 - - - Rafi - why are you helping me?
 - - coz you wanted to take a stand against corruption and also wanted to save the
Rafi - you are also doing the same but ......
- You can question me later. Lots of works to do. Connect me to the server. Let me have
a look.
- - - Rafi thought for a while. The result of thinking is zero so Rafi took the server online
without wasting time. Mafia Girl scanned and copied Total Server.
- - you can make those servers offline now. I have everything I need.
Rafi - You change the language right now, I don't feel like speaking English.
- Okay, Rafi, you have access to the traffic surveillance camera. Evidence of the
assassination of Director Sir may be found here. There are many busy roads where Sir
died. There must be surveillance. I, meanwhile, continue to match the evidences.
- - - Rafi sat down with his laptop to hack traffic surveillance, if he wanted he could login
using NSA access code but someone could block Rafi by giving notice. As the firewall
systems of the government servers are more or less the same, Rafi did not have to go
too fast to gain access to Traffic Surveillance.
Rafi began to see Surveillance footage of Director Sir's accident spot and its
surroundings. Every surveillance footage was watched carefully. Rafi did not get any
surveillance footage even after looking closely. Either the accident took place in a blind
spot or the entire camera footage of the incident was lost.
Rafi saw the Mafia Girl still on the phone.
Rafi - Traffic Surveillance Completely Blind. No accident footage was captured on any
- that's almost impossible. Someone has done something. Doesn't matter. You give me
a list of all the establishments, houses, shops within 360 of Accident Point.
- - - Rafi - Wait a minute.
- said Rafi took out a list of shops or houses around the location of the accident.
- - - - Got it. Police investigation report is also required.
Rafi called Surya leaving Mafia Girl connected.
Surya - Sir you are still using your phone!
Rafi - No problem, my phone can't be tapped or traced, I need some documents.
Sun - Say it.
Rafi - Sir needs a police investigation report of the accident.
Sun - Where to send! In your email?
Before Rafi could say yes or no, Mafia Girl typed a very weird mail ID on the screen.
# ৳% & * @ - * ----. Com
Rafi gave the mail ID to Surya in Venture
Surya - Are you sure sir! Because I have never seen such a strange mail ID in my life.
Rafi - Send the report quickly.
Sun - I need something else, sir.
Rafi - I heard on TV that I have been declared a fugitive. But I'm officially on vacation.
Find out how it happened.
Sun - will be, sir. Good luck.
Rafi - thank you.
While cutting off the phone, Mafia Girl sent a bunch of CCTV footage to Rafi's PC. All
the footage is yesterday, that is, the day of Sir's accident. Rafi played a couple of
footages before asking anything. In the first video, it is clear that Sir crossed the road
leaving his car on one side of the road, entered a house, and after a while came out
talking on the phone. Just as he was crossing the road, a jeep came from nowhere and
blew him away. Rafi played other footage over time to show where the car came from,
where it was following Sir and even where the car was standing and waiting for Sir
before the accident. A real surprise was created in Rafi's eyes. How did Mafiye Girl
manage all this in just a few minutes? Collecting so many CCTV footage of different
organizations, shops! A few months of work in just a few minutes! Rafi could not
contain his enthusiasm.
Rafi - wow, amazing. But how?
- I have a very efficient partner. Do you have what we need on those footage?
- - - Rafi - Yes, I got it. But different cameras have different angles.
- - leave that to me. Now delete unnecessary footage and I'll collect the rest.
Mafia Girl and some surprising breakthroughs were found there.
- Director Sir has made a lot of work easier. Many cases have been made against these
same corrupt people before but before any irrefutable evidence came to light, the cases
were somehow blocked in the middle. Even then the director did not give up. Collected
evidence as much as possible. Rafi, we can finish what Mr. Director started. I'm
rearranging the evidence.
- - - Rafi- Now!
- - The miscreants broke into your house before the police left last night. And your
cousins ​thought they were robbers and took out stamps and bats from your cricket set
and beat them up. He also told the police who stole the bags from the house before the
robbers arrived. So they were already ready.
In the midst of this danger, Rafi got a big smile when he got such news. Rafi's cousins ​
are very strong gym body builders. Rafi kept thinking about the scenes and kept
Mafia Girl, on the other hand, discovered several clues. This corrupt clique has made a
mountain of black money in various ways and has deposited it anonymously in the
banks of different countries of the world. Not only that, they have done a lot of damage
to the country by exploiting loopholes in the law in various ways. Mafia Girl arranges all
the evidences one by one. The two of them are advancing one by one on the path of
eradication of the enemies inside the country.

The two of them are advancing one by one on the path of eradication of the enemies
inside the country.
But one thing Rafi doesn't understand is how Mafia Girl got these documents?
Unable to control his curiosity, Rafi asked Mafia Girl,
Rafi - I can't help but ask how you can get these documents so easily. Is it so easy to
get these? Guessing where and by whom these documents can be found is not a matter
of handing over these documents. So how?
- I told you before, I have a very efficient partner. If he has to find something, he just
needs a clue. Much like the Google search engine. Just like you do a word search and
find everything related to that word, just like that. But Google can only show public
content, but my partner? There is no public, private, secret, super secret, locked, hidden
blah blah file in the cyber world that can fool my partner.
- - Rafi - Your partner means Hydra!
- There was silence for a while. Mafia Girl broke the silence and spoke.
- - - I can drop all of this at once and let you die, if you insist.
Rafi - (with a cough of two) No, that's fine. I am out of curiosity .......
- Your curiosity can kill you now. I'm helping you doesn't mean you can question me like
- - Mafia girl hangs up the phone. Rafi became very quiet. In fact, Rafi may be a big
hacker but he doesn't have such a powerful search engine that he can find the evidence
of these cases so quickly and efficiently.
- Some time has passed. Suddenly, complete evidence of the theft of reserve currency
came to Rafi. With a call on the mobile. Dozens of egg numbers.
- - - Did you have it? The complete evidence?
Rafi - wait a minute, let me check.
Rafi struggled for a while. The evidences that Rafi collected before going on holiday for
the wedding were not linked. Evidence was involved, but it remains to be seen how. Rafi
found that the last pearl of Gatha Mala had been tied with one or two pearls and given
to Gittu by Mafia Girl.
Rafi - I think everything is fine.
- Now call directy to the Prime Minister. Tell her everything.
- - Rafi - okay. Thanks.
- - Thanks later but now take the laptop on your shoulder and run out the window.
Rafi - Why?
- The building's CCTV is showing the police entering the building. And there is no other
most wanted criminal like you in the whole building.
- - Rafi - I'm on the 9th floor now, how can I escape through the window.
- - it is a safe house, it always has a 2nd exit. I'm cutting the power of your building. Stay
on the phone.
Rafi - If they're still downstairs, I can go out the front door if I want.
- That has to be done because the CCTV footage of the building is showing and the sun
has called the police.
- - Rafi - Sun! !!!!
- Don't blame him. He is just following the protocol. He helped you till the end. If the sun
calls the police then all the exits will be secured.
- - Rafi - What to do now!
- - I am activating the fire alarm in the building. When the sprinkler is turned on, the
water will start spreading and everyone will try to get out of it together. You just have to
be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
Rafi wrapped his laptop in a lamination cover.
Rafi - I'm ready.
- Cutting the power, activating fire alarm.
- - The electricity went off in a hurry and the siren started ringing.
- The fire exit and the stairs became crowded. It is clear that none of them know what to
do in case of fire in the building. Some people were injured when they rushed out.
- - Meanwhile, the police who were trying to use the elevator got stuck due to power
outage and the people who were using the police ladder were forced to retreat due to
the people rushing down the building. Rafi came out of the building with his head
bowed in the crowd. When the police barricaded the main gate, so many people started
coming out with ladders and fire exits that they were forced to remove the barricade,
and Rafio got a chance to hide his face and come out through the main gate with the tip
of the police nose.
- Rafi was still on the phone with Mafia Girl. Rafi, realizing the situation around him, said
on the phone when he felt seemingly safe,
- - Rafi - I'm clear.
- - Not yet. Two persons are following you. It seems they are not sure about you but they
are following you from the building.
Rafi - What did you say?
- You go into the alley on the right. At the head of the road you will see a black Toyota
Alien. Registration number Dk m 12345. Connected from Ubar. Just get up. I set the
driver's GPS. Just go.
- - Rafi - Right. Sure?
- - I CAN SEE and my navigation system are absolute. Just go but act like its normal. Do
not alarm them with your wrong move.
Rafi - (with anxiety) How does Normali act at such a time? Anyway, I'm keeping the
- Good luck. Mafia Boy.
- - Rafi hangs up the phone. Rafi wanted to turn his neck around to see the two men in
the back, but that would make the two men Alberta. So Rafi restrained himself and
moved on.In front I saw the road on the right called Mafia Girl. Rafi quietly entered the
street on the right like a normal person. The alley is very narrow, two people have
trouble walking side by side. Rafi increased his speed a little inside the alley and wanted
to cross the alley quickly. Rafi kept looking for the black Toyota without looking back.
He saw a black Toyota standing a little in front. Going forward, Rafi also matched the
registration number. Seeing that it was okay, Rafi did not delay. Rafi pulled the door
open. The driver turned around and asked, "Rafi?"
- Rafi - (with busyness) Hey brother, fly your Pankhiraj.
- - - you got it boss.
The driver got busy to pick up the top speed of the car. Rafi can say something then
Mafia Girl's phone.
- You should fashion your seat belt. This driver has a bad reputation of fast and reckless
driving. More than 100 users give him 1 star because of his driving. I choose him
specially for this situation. Hold tight Mafia boy.
- - Meanwhile, Rafi's condition is known to come back. Couldn't figure out if he would
hang up the phone or pull the seatbelt. Somehow he pressed himself against the seat
and fastened the seatbelt. Then he picked up the phone.
- Rafi - and now you are telling me this! If I die I will kill you Mafia girl.
- - He cut off the phone and looked ahead in fear. Accidents can happen at any time if
the speed of the car is 100+ and if the car is running at such speed in such a crowd.
Rafi looked back. It is not possible for anyone to stick behind the car, that is, to follow.
At various alleys, the driver dropped Rafi at a distance from his house. Rafi's head kept
spinning as he got out of the car. The heart was going out of his chest. He stood in the
car for a while to reduce his dizziness. There is a big difference between being a driver
of a car at 100+ speed and sitting in the passenger seat of that car. When Rafi is a bit
normal, Mafia Girl gets a call.
- - Hows the ride? should I rate him 5 star?
Rafi - can't find any other option to kill me !!
Driver - Near my house, sir. Call if you need a car.
Rafi's voice is no longer coming out of the throat. Mafia Girl's counterfeit cut and took a
little breath. Rafi needed a driver who would follow the Athletes, even if he lost his life.
There is no speed without seeing the analytical power of Mafia Girl. Where the rider
gave 1 star to the driver over 100, the Mafia Girl found the rider just like giving the driver
5 stars!
Rafi stood at the door of the room, covering his body silently. Rafi became very tense
when no one opened the door even after standing for a long time knocking. The door
opened as soon as he could take out the phone and call the phone kept in the house.
You come and open the door.
Rafi - What happened? Why open the door after so long! My throat is dry with tension, I
wonder if you are in danger again because of me?
Toha - (in a haughty voice) If you are so worried about the house, why go out? Do you
know how much tension my father and mother had? None of the two of them got up
from Jainamaz all day today. All the while praying to Allah that you will not be harmed.
At this age, you can look at them now?
After so long, Rafi looked at you, he said so many things with clear eyes. Seeing the
eyes, it is understood that the Ganges and the Jamuna flowed very well in those
magical eyes like that cow. Strange, where does this girl have so much love? Maya
always falls with the eyes. And whenever Rafi looks into those eyes, it seems that Maya
is standing under the shower and eating chubni. In the midst of Rafi's wife, Allah has
given a strange power to make the world of religion forget. And every time Rafi sees
your face, he forgets that life revolves around his neck with the scales of death. Looking
at you, it does not seem that this girl is the current citizen of the most powerful country
in the world. Rafi has never seen such an enchanting look of a local girl with a foreign
passport. Of course Rafi has seen or how many girls. Rafi was a vegetarian on a
vegetarian basis, boy friend was less bad and girl !!!! They could not be seen in the sky,
they always kept the same distance. So maybe Rafi is getting involved in your magic
very fast. Rafi's imaginary disease has increased since the marriage. Nah, wife is his
terrible Mayawati.
Rafi handed the laptop to you and wanted to know where his parents were. Going to the
room shown by you, Rafi saw his mother prostrating and his father praying with both
hands. When the prayers of the two were over, Rafi went and sat between the two. He
let his parents and Manik close to his chest and shed tears.
Dad - (in an emotional voice) Come on Dad! Is everything alright? Didn't you have any
Mother hugged Rafi while he was sitting in Jainamaz and started crying.
Rafi - (softly) Look, I'm here. I have come to you in a very healthy and normal state. All is
well. You have no prayers with me. I will have nothing.
Rafi got a message saying,
"The CCTV footage is ready, did you contact Prime Minister? Time is running out"
Rafi returned to reality from the world of emotions. After seeing Rafi getting up with two
kisses on both foreheads of parents, Toha came to the door and stood. When Rafi
leaves his parents' house, Toha and Rafi follow him. When Rafi goes to the room to take
off his clothes, he sees Toha knocking on the door of the room and muttering
Rafi - (out of curiosity) What did you say, I didn't hear, would you say a little louder?
Toha - (mutters) Where is mine?
Rafi - (can't hear properly) What's yours?
Toha - (with haughty emotion) good?
If you pray for father and mother, then show them and I also pray that? Don't give me?
There is no time when Rafi does not like this girl. Rafi is in great danger now, he has to
run away but still your arrogance and small loves somehow pull Rafi out of all the
tension. Rafi couldn't help but think that a smile came from somewhere in the corner of
Rafi's tense gomra cheek.
Rafi - (with a mischievous smile) Well you want too?
As soon as he walked towards you, he ran away with a shy smile. Rafi thinks his family
has saved Rafi with oxygen in this day of danger. Rafi remembers the Mafia Girl while
thinking about saving. Rafi eats Vimri just to think about the way he kept Rafi alive.
Without Mafia Girl, it would not have been possible to come back from that maze today.
Rafi wondered if it would be right to call the Prime Minister now. Realizing that the
result of his thinking was zero, Rafi called the Prime Minister. Upon receiving the phone
call from the PM's personal assistant, Rafi identified himself as an NSA agent and said
a case-related discussion was needed. The assistant put the line on hold for a while.
After a while, Rafi got the signal to unhold. The assistant handed the phone to the Prime
The conversation went on for a long time. Meanwhile, Rafi reports that all the evidence
related to the murder of Sir Sir, the false investigation report of the theft of reserve
currency, the continuation of Rafi's official leave as a fugitive and the theft case have
been collected.
The Prime Minister assured to ensure Rafi's safety and also said that the Prime
Minister's own car would secretly come tomorrow morning and bring Rafi to the Prime
Rafi breathed a sigh of relief. Rafi feels a little relieved to be able to report to a high-
ranking athlete. Rafi goes to the washroom to take a long bath.
When he came back from the washroom, he saw Toha standing with a towel on her
hips. Feelings of guilt.
Toha - (Complaint) Be careful not to put wet towels on the bed today. I forgot to say it
again and again, so I am standing today so that I don't forget to say it again.
Toha said the whole words in one breath. Rafi looks at you with the maximum level of
surprise in his life. Toll falls on the girl's cheeks even when she complains.
Rafi - (Surprise) So many complaints for this one wet towel! Well, Dad, I'm sorry. Never
again will such a mistake be made.
He started wiping his hair with a towel from his hand. When he left the room, Rafi
changed his clothes and threw the wet towel back on the bed.
After a while a scream was heard from your room.
Rafi finished his dinner and sat down to watch TV, Toha was tidying up everything in the
kitchen. A message came on Rafi's phone.
"Don't get on that car tomorrow. Someone flash your contact with the Prime Minister to
the enemy. They know, you are coming."
Rafi was struck by lightning. Rafi fell into a great danger. Maybe Rafi would get justice if
he went to the Prime Minister but how will he reach? If there is a problem on the road?
Rafi's head does not want to work, at that time another message came to Rafi. More in
a mail ID and message,
"Only the prime minister has access to this e-mail, send those evidence tomorrow and
avoid the trip."
Rafi was looking for such a solution in his mind. It was as if a huge mountain had
descended on Rafi's chest. Rafi started smiling in a cheerful mood. Rafi sat up happily
on the sofa. Rafi's mind became so light that Toha came right next to Rafi's sofa and
was trying to understand Rafi's facial expressions by cutting her nails with her teeth
while lengthening her neck but Rafi didn't notice it. When he noticed, Rafi stopped
laughing and got down from the sofa with two or three coughs and sat up straight.
Hearing the sound of coughing, Toha straightened up and smiled and disappeared.
The next morning, Rafi sent a beautiful e-mail with his laptop to the Prime Minister's
email ID, adding all the evidence of the theft of the reserve currency and the proof that
Direct Sir had not died in the accident. Then Rafi called the Prime Minister again. Rafi
talked to the Prime Minister after crossing the Edge Usual personal assistant, Rafi
opened the details about the mail. At the same time, Rafi sincerely apologized for not
being able to appear in person. The Prime Minister assured that the culprits would be
punished after analyzing the evidence.
Rafi looked quite light. Looking back, Toha stood and watched and listened to
everything. Rafi turned around and saw Toha and gave a triumphant smile. It is as if you
have never seen Rafi smile with such a triumphant smile.
Toha - (emotional) You did it !!!!
Rafi - (laughs) No, we did.
After 2 weeks,
Despite the intervention of the Prime Minister and the propaganda of the media, many
high-ranking officials were arrested. A 10-member task force was formed to review the
information gathered by Rafi. And the warrant against Rafi was withdrawn.
Rafi and his family returned home. New quarters are allotted for Rafi so Rafi goes to the
new quarters with you. He joined the office the next day. Everyone informs Rafi of his
congratulations for his achievement.
After meeting everyone in Rafi's office, the director goes to Sir's room. Rafi sees a new
person in the chair
Rafi - I'll come in, sir.
Director - Come in.
Rafi - Assalamu Alaikum Sir, I am Rafiul Islam.
DIRECTOR - Oh yes, Rafi. The Rafi.
Rafi finds a tone of contempt in the director's throat.
Rafi - (politely) Just Rafi, sir.
DIRECTOR - (with contempt) The country is being rescued! What do you think of
yourself? Robin Hood? Or Tarzan? Let the country do the work of the country and let the
agency do the work of the agency. Now get back to work.
Rafi - as you please, sir.
The director came out quietly from Sir's room. Rafi did not seek appreciation from the
new director sir, but could expect a little better use. Rafi will miss that man very much.
The man who thinks of others on the eve of death is the reason why Rafi is alive today.
After getting acquainted with the new director sir, I remembered the boss better like
Rafi's friend. Tears welled up in Rafi's eyes.
Holding the railing of the corridor and staring at the sky,
Rafi - (in an emotional voice) Wherever you are, sir, you will be fine.
Rafi came back to his desk. He opened the laptop and started working. He has spent
quite a long vacation. A lot of work has been frozen. The work has to be completed one
by one.
Rafi sipped his cup of coffee as he finished his office work. Comes to the throat to drink
coffee. You make great coffee, in a word, the best coffee in the world. With the
exception of your coffee, now all the other coffee makers are in a dilemma. The way the
girl supported the whole time of the holiday. If he wanted, he could have flown away like
a sparrow to the land of his second citizenship. If you wanted to spend time free from
worries. But the girl was next to Rafi and his family with tears of coffee.
At that time a message came on the mobile,
From Mafia Girl
"Miss me? I know you don't miss me. But I do. In this whole world, I miss you more than
anybody else. If you don't need me, pay the price or if you need me, you must fulfill. my
needs first. "
Rafi is upset. Why did Mafia Girl suddenly say that? Mafia Girl wants the price that has
helped so far? What do you mean?
A chatbot also floated on the laptop screen.
- are you not interested to know?
- - Rafi - to know what?
- - the price or my needs?
Rafi - I'm really grateful for your help. Tell me, what do you want in return for your help?
Of course I have some questions before that.
- Shoot ..
- - Rafi - Why did you help me?
- - You are my inspiration. I have come to this kingdom following in your footsteps. Don't
look, I have named it after your name. you are my master of this path.
Rafi: If I am your Guru, then I deserve Gurudakshina.
- I gave you everything you ever dream, even I saved your life several times.
- - Rafi - That's why I'm indebted to you forever.
- - I don't like debts. Price must be paid in full.
Rafi - Ask your price.
- are you sure, don't you need me anymore!
- - Rafi wondered, what does the girl want for so much vanity? Is there anything that Rafi
has to think a second time to give!
- Rafi - If it's not out of my power, I'll make up for it.
- - - its within your range. Don't worry.
Rafi - Tell me.
Rafi gets a call. The name of the bride and the picture of the bride with the veil floated
on the screen. Leaving the chat, Rafi leaned back in his chair and received the phone.
Toha - (with curious pride) Don't you remember once a day? (Fopate Fopate) Don't ever
look for me. You're too bad. Rotten groom.
Rafi - (laughs) Today was the first day so I drowned in work. And even if you want to be
forgotten? Not in this life.
Rafi said and sat up straight. Rafi's eyes go to the chatbot of the laptop, Mafia Girl has
replied! Seeing the reply, Rafi's body, hands and feet became cold. Told you on the
Rafi - (Trying to hide his anxiety) I'll be home soon. Now do not finish the work quickly?
The sooner the work is done, the sooner I will be able to come home.
Toha - All right. Don't listen, can you bring ice cream when you come?
Rafi - (Anamne) Well. Keeping
He left the phone. And I wondered how Mafia Girl could do such a thing.
Mafia Girl replies in the chatbot with big spelling,
- My price and my need both are "YOU"
- - Rafi knows very well what this YOU means but still replies- Rafi - Me? What me?
- - - - My price and also my need is you. I want to marry you.
Rafi - Are you crazy? I am married.
- You can divorce her anytime.
- - - Rafi - are you mad! I can't do that.
- - But I can do a lots of thing. I can throw you back as most wanted criminal and
expose your true identity in the cyberspace. I can find lots of people who are interested
in Mafia boy, in real world.


Rafi freezes to ice. If the enemies of the cyber world move into Rafi's real life, it will be
difficult for Rafi to survive. And bigger than that, it's not wise to make Dangerous NTT
your enemy like Mafia Girl. Mafia Girl also helped Rafi at a time when Rafi's own agency
did not support Rafi.
But that's why you get divorced! You?
O Allah, if you put me to any of these tests.
In the chatboat,
- Look, there's nothing to panic about. So it can be said that I am quite beautiful. No less
than your wife.
- - Rafi - Even if you are more than you in all respects, why can't you compare with
- - So the help I gave, saved your life, these are worthless?
Rafi - Look, no one does for you what you did for me. You did and I will be forever
grateful to you for that.
- I told you earlier that I don't like debts and also I asked my price and its also in your
range. So are you going to repay?
- - Rafi - .................
- - I know you are there. Answer me.
Rafi - itz not possible.
- is it possible to live with your cyber world enemies in real world? That includes me?
- - Rafi - ................
- - what its gonna be?
Rafi - let me think.
- Take your time, but answer me before tomorrow.
- - Rafi knocked down the lead of the laptop. What is happening with Rafi again. Rafi
didn't even think that Mafia Girl would blackmail Rafi in this way. And you? Maybe a few
days of acquaintance, marriage but divorce you. Rafi pressed his own head. Rafi got
stuck in this jatakale.
After finishing the office, Rafi left for home. Toha knocks on the door back to the new
quarters and opens the door. The forehead, cheeks and throat are wet with sweat, the
sari. The area is narrow at the waist. It is understood that he was busy tidying the house
for so long. Seeing Rafi, Toha burst out laughing. Rafi has been killing that magical
smile every moment since marriage. Rafi will be in trouble even if he sees this girl
scratching flowers. And divorce! ! Rafi entered the house thinking about all this. 80% of
the house is tidy. The girl took care of everything alone! Rafi looks at you, smiles as
sweetly as possible, and goes straight to the room. Seeing you peeking out from
behind, Rafi turned around!
Rafi - (Curiosity) What happened?
Toha - (questioning curiosity) did not bring?
Rafi - (Curiosity) What shall I bring?
Toha - (with a dirty laugh) Nah, nothing!
Rafi noticed your dirty smile but the pain working on his head could not impress your
dirtyness. Rafi freshened up and lay down on the bed. When Toha came to the room,
Rafi left the wet towel on the bed again. Even though the family is only a few days old,
Toha knows that her husband will not leave this condition of the house consciously and
go to bed. Toha understands that maybe a big problem has come up for which Rafi
could not return home with his mind today. Toha picked up the wet towel and shook it
on the verandah. The view of the veranda is quite beautiful. Facing south, both sunrise
and sunset can be seen. In the late afternoon, sitting on the verandah with the groom
and wanting to eat a lot of ice cream, Toha forgets seeing Rafi's indifference. Toha sat
next to Rafi's head and began to cut Billy's hair. Rafi is awake but his eyes are closed.
Nah, Rafi doesn't like to see his wife's dirty smile. But your face was dirty or why? Did
you say to bring something? Rafi suddenly opened his eyes. He hurriedly sat down on
the bed. The wife asked him to bring her ice cream. How much housework has been
done on him alone. Rafi keeps on corrupting himself. He turns his head and sees Toha
by the bed. Rafi can't meet his eyes in shame. The wife has become so understanding
that she sees the line of thought on her forehead and no longer holds the ice cream.
Rafi got up from the bed. Toha was shocked to see Rafi standing up suddenly, he also
got up with Rafi. Rafi said nothing and left the house after a genji. Toha comes to the
back door of Rafi, but can't keep up with Rafi's speed.

After half an hour,

Toha knocked on the door and got up from the sofa. Rafi saw Uki slam through the
door. Toha slammed the door open. Rafi is standing in front of the door, drenched in
sweat, haunting like a ghost. Maybe there is a new danger in their lives. Rafi gasped and
pulled out an ice cream cartoon from behind. Seeing the ice cream, Toha was surprised
and happy like a little man and shouted "Aaaaaaaa" in a soft voice with her hands on her
cheeks. It's nice to be surprised, Rafi, the girl's eyes are burning like his, maybe you
forgot that she is an adult girl but the excitement of childhood is still in your eyes. Nah,
wife is her terrible beauty.
But seeing this situation of Rafi, a line of question arises in your forehead.
Toha - (sighs) Good thing you went to get ice cream, why did you do this yourself?
Rafi - (entering the house) I forgot to take the car on the way out, what did my wife eat if
she didn't run when she came? Ice cream or chocolate milkshake!
Toha - (Surprised) So let's run!
Rafi - (in a calm voice) I will give it, not 10 o'clock, not 5 o'clock, my only wife. What can I
do if I want to eat ice cream?
Toha hugs Rafi happily, hugs him for a while and leaves. Maybe shame, or the illusion of
melting ice cream
Toha - (with shy encouragement) Go quickly to the two chairs on the verandah. I ran to
the kitchen to get some ice cream.
Rafi is sitting on the chair and thinking that this is the fate of Rafi's birth. Rafi is
sometimes surprised, this girl used to follow Rafi in college and varsity life! After
thinking about these seven or five, Toha comes away, it seems that she has done a light
outfit, no no outfit, Rafi's wife has adorned herself with only one red tip on her forehead.
Rafi was already sitting in a chair. Toha handed the ice cream to two Rafi's. Then reduce
the distance between the two chairs as much as possible. Then he sat down and
leaned on Rafi's left side. Rafi's wife melted her right hand under the bottom of Rafi's
left hand. Without saying a word, Rafi rests his head on his left hand and starts eating
ice cream. Rafio ate nothing but ate ice cream and watched the sunset. Rafi seemed to
think that a little paradise on earth has been created in this small verandah today.
After dinner, Rafi got another message on his phone, "Mafia Girl, from an unknown
"I want the answer tomorrow. Bring your answer with you."
Rafi lay on the bed thinking. On the one hand, Mafia Girl, who can be called The Queen
of the cyber world, who has been helping Rafi unknowingly. Saved from great danger,
solved the mystery of a kind of impossible case, returned the lost honor of Rafi, even
the role of Mafia Girl in getting this job is immense. Today Rafi where his lion's share is
given by Mafia Girl.
Toha, on the other hand, has been in trouble for Rafi since the day after the marriage.
But for once he did not complain. Not even once did he sting. Silently Rafi was beside
and still is. He could have gone back to his country if he wanted to, but he didn't think
so. It is a matter of fate to get a wife like you. And Rafi is constantly falling in love with
you. Without you, the house will not feel like home. It would not be nice to see a wet
towel lying on the bed.
Rafi has made his decision. Now just waiting for the morning.
Rafi arrived at the office just in time in the morning. As usual, Rafi came to the office
and went to the room of the first director sir, but he did not want to start the day after
seeing the new director. So he went straight and sat at his desk. In the middle of the
work, the new director Sir himself comes to Rafi's desk.
DIRECTOR - (with hesitation) Yeah, Rafi! Dad, if you don't mind, can you come to my
Rafi is upset. Appreciation for Rafi's success is far away, the director who didn't even
speak a little better, Sir, is coming and calling Rafi himself and calling his father in his
cabin again !!! The incident is not taking advantage.
Rafi - Sir, why did you go to trouble? I should have sent the news. You go, I'll be back in a
After the director had left, Rafi was about to leave for Sir's cabin when he received a
message from Rafi, an unknown source. Rafi didn't want to, but Rafi opened his mind.
"Your bad boss case solved. He won't even try to disturb you again"
Rafi sat down in the chair again. This mafia girl has become the guardian angel of Rafi's
life. Even if he doesn't want to, he is helping Rafi with both hands. But the exchange rate
has become much higher for Rafi.
When the director went to Sir's room, he twisted Rafi in various ways and kept on
hinting to keep the matter inside (!). Rafi realized that when the blow hit Mafia Girl, it
didn't hit the flesh, it went straight to the bone. Since Rafio doesn't know anything, the
director wanted to say yes to Sir.
After leaving the room, Rafi, Mafia Girl and Toha received two messages.
At first Rafi opened your message.
"When will you come? Shall I cook tonight? Come home early."
Mafia Girl's message opened,
"Problem solved. Your time is up Mafia Boy. So what is your choice?"
Rafi comes to the desk and opens the laptop, a chatboat window is waiting for Rafi's
Rafi takes one look at the jumping of the typing pointer on the chatboat. Knowing that
the result of thinking is zero, Rafi touches the keyboard.
Rafi - No, I can't leave her for you and also I can't loose you.
- Ha ha ha ha. You can't be serious.You want both of us!
- - Rafi - ...............
- - ME or Her. Choose now.
Rafi -...............
- - Rafi - Toha. I choose Toha.
- A moment of silence. There is no rush to return message. Suddenly
- - - You are a good man Rafi. Toha is very lucky to have you.
Rafi - what?
The chatbot disappears as soon as you finish typing. Rafi doesn't understand what
happened, and what is going to happen in Rafi's life.

To be Continued

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