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Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

TRANSCENDENCE Live Life B eyond the Ordinary

Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Table of Contents

Welcome 03

Episode 1: What’s in Our Food? 05

Episode 2: Overcoming Fear & Stress 13

Episode 3: Beyond Belief 18

Episode 4: Whose Goals Are We Chasing? 26

Episode 5: The Art of Fulfillment 32


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Welcome to the
Masterclass and to the
Food Matters TV family
Our journey into health and wellness started 10 years ago when my father was diagnosed with

chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and anxiety. He spent 5 years bedridden on a cocktail

of medications, gained over 50 pounds, and was offered no hope for recovery. We refused to

accept his prognosis and started studying all we could on nutrition and healing the body naturally.

Our research quickly convinced us about the power of real food and the body’s own innate

healing capacity. One big problem we encountered was that my father didn’t take anything we

said seriously, mostly because we weren’t medical doctors. That’s where the idea for the Food

Matters film was born.

After filming health experts all over the world, we took the footage back to my Dad and helped

him get off his medications, change his diet, and turn his life around. Within 3 months he was off

the medications, 50 pounds lighter, running daily, and restored to health. The transformation was

unbelievable. We saw first hand that with access to the right information, you can make better

decisions for your health. We have since dedicated our lives to sharing this life saving message

with another feature film, ‘Hungry For Change’, books, apps, a superfoods range, websites, and

a health and wellness video subscription service (FMTV).

Fast-forward to January 2016. It was the start of a new year, and after spending time at a silent

ashram, I arrived home to an email that stood out like none other. It was from Jelena Djokovic,

wife of world tennis champion, Novak Djokovic, with a special invitation to attend a tennis match

and meet Novak in person.


Long story short, I was on a plane the next morning and after meeting them both, it turned

out that Novak and Jelena were huge fans of our documentaries, Food Matters & Hungry for

Change, and FMTV. We chatted all things health and wellness and Novak shared his personal

story, which quickly lead to the idea of making another documentary to share with the world.

Laurentine and I knew we had another documentary in us and not before long, we embarked

on the journey of capturing world leaders, exceptional athletes, nutritional doctors, and high

achievers to find out what it is was exactly that contributed to their ability to do the things they

do and how everyday people can too. We travelled to Spain, America, United Kingdom, and we

managed to pick up some interviews in our home country, Australia. TRANSCENDENCE was

born out of a deep passion to help people live life to the fullest. Sharing inspirational stories from

some of the world’s leading health & wellness advocates, doctors, entrepreneurs, speakers,

and athletes, the film series explores what it means to move from a life of pain, sickness, and

unhappiness, to abundant energy, vitality, inspiration, and a life of purpose.

We hope this docu-series

inspires you to discover
the art of never giving up,
thinking big, and living life
with purpose.
In good health,

James & Laurentine

TRANSCENDENCE and founders of FMTV


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Episode 1

What’s in
Our Food?
“We’ve been hoodwinked about sugar. We’ve had companies who rely on sugar like
the big soda companies, paying scientists to say that saturated fat was making us
unhealthy, causing heart disease, causing obesity, and not actual sugar. And so our
eye has been off the ball for many, many years having a different villain, but really
the villain has been sugar” - Vani Hari


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Removing Sugar, Gluten, & Inflammatory Foods

“​So really, all autoimmune disease is first caused by leaky gut, it starts in the gut lining. I really believe the biggest factors

that are causing this gut reaction are number one, it’s certain foods. Refined grain products. Sugar is a big one, sugar feeds

candida and yeast in your body which causes this issue. Genetically modified organisms that are wired with pesticides

and viruses which kill off beneficial microbes in the gut causing leaky gut and autoimmune disease. Also looking at

hydrogenated oils. Artificial sweeteners are a big one, all of these things contribute to leaky gut.” - Dr. Josh Axe

Many modern health conditions stem from chronic inflammation. Inflammation isn’t always bad though - it is actually

a defense mechanism which allows the body to temporarily create a localized immune response when we are injured,

which allows for healing. The danger occurs when the body is in a constant state of inflammation - this results in an

overactive immune response which floods the body with defense cells that then damage tissues.

Unfortunately, our modern diet contains a number of foods which promote inflammation in the body. According to Dr.

Josh Axe DNM, DC, CNS, the top inflammatory foods are:

• Gluten

• Sugar

• Refined grain products

• Hydrogenated oils (like cottonseed, soy, or corn oil)

• Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

• Artificial sweeteners

Which of the above foods or ingredients do you currently consume regularly?

Which foods from the list above could you swap out for a healthier option?


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Heal Your Gut & Build a Healthy Microbiome

“If there’s only one thing you could do to have a healthier body it’s have a healthier gut. Cause there’s nothing more

powerful to protect you than a healthy microbiome. There’s nothing more powerful to get optimal brain function than

having a healthy microbiome.“ - Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Top Foods That Your Support a Healthy Gut

There are two key components when it comes to eating for a healthy, robust gut microbiome - probiotics & prebiotics.

Probiotic Foods
These are foods which contain live beneficial bacteria. When we eat these foods, the beneficial bugs are transferred

to the gut where they can begin to colonise if there is enough food available. The key sources of probiotics are:

• Fermented foods - yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, natto, & tempeh.

• Fermented beverages - kombucha, kefir, & jun.

Prebiotic Foods
These are foods which actually feed the good bacteria in our gut. They all contain a form of indigestible fibre which is

fermented in the intestines to feed our good gut bugs. Some of the key forms of prebiotic foods include:

• Vegetables - especially Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, onion, leeks, & beans.

• Nuts & Seeds - especially chia seeds & flax seeds

• Sprouted grains - especially barley & oats

Which of the above foods do you currently eat or drink regularly? Which of the above are you going to try to incorporate

into your diet more or try for the first time?!


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Avoiding Toxins in Foods

“I found out that the majority of food that I’d been eating for most of my life was dead, processed food that had been

invented in a laboratory full of different chemicals not even tested for human use. No wonder my body was sick, because

it wasn’t getting the nutrients it needed!” - Vani Hari

We are surrounded by processed, food-like products that are filled with additives, preservatives, & chemicals that are

added to control color, flavor, aroma, nutrition, texture, & shelf life. The scary thing is, over 100 million of these compounds

have never been tested for long-term human safety according to the CAS Registry. Emerging research is now connecting

these compounds to developmental & behavioral issues in children, obesity, and many other diseases.

We encourage you to start to become curious about what is actually in your food, read food labels, and begin to replace

them with real food alternatives. If you have children, turn label reading into a game and get your whole family involved.

Education is empowerment.

Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid

1. Propyl Paraben (e216)

Used in: Used as a preservative in foods such as muffins, tortillas, & dyes.

Reasons to Avoid: An endocrine-disrupting chemical that has been shown to decrease sperm counts in rats. May also

alter gene expression within breast cancer cells, leading to accelerated cancer growth.

2. Sodium Sulphite (e221)

Used in: Used as a preservative in wine and dried fruit like apricots or sultanas.

Reasons to Avoid: According to the FDA, approximately one in 100 people are sensitive to sulphites in food. Individuals

who are sulphite sensitive may experience asthma, headaches, breathing problems, and rashes.

3. Food Dyes (e133 / e124 / e110/ e102)

Used in: Fruit cocktail, maraschino cherries, cherry pie mix, ice cream, candy, bakery products, American cheese, &

macaroni and cheese.

Reasons to Avoid: Artificial colorings may contribute to behavioral problems like ADD and ADHD in children and lead

to a significant reduction in IQ. Animal studies have linked other food colorings to cancer.

4. Potassium Bromate (e924)

Used in: Used to increase volume in breads.

Reasons to Avoid: Potassium bromate is known to cause cancer in animals. Even small amounts in bread can create

problems for humans.


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

5. Aluminum Additives
Used in: Main exposure is through food stored or baked in aluminum baking foil or packaging.

Reasons to Avoid: May have neurological effects upon behavioral, motor, & learning functions. Has been associated

with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions.

6. Sodium Nitrate (e250)

Used in: Hot dogs, bacon, ham, luncheon meat, cured meats, corned beef, smoked fish, or any other type of processed meat.

Reasons to Avoid: Sodium Nitrate is the chemical that turns meats bright red but it’s highly carcinogenic once it enters

the human digestive system. There, it forms a variety of nitrosamine compounds that enter the bloodstream and wreak

havoc with a number of internal organs; the liver and pancreas in particular. This toxic chemical is linked to many cancers.

7. Sulphur Dioxide (e220)

Used in: Used as a preservative in beers, soft drinks, dried fruit, juices, cordials, wine, vinegar, and potato products.

Reasons to Avoid: Sulphur additives are toxic. Adverse reactions include: bronchial problems, asthma, hypotension,

flushing tingling sensations, or anaphylactic shock. It destroys vitamins B1 and E in the body.

8. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG/e621)

Used in: Chinese food, potato chips, many snacks, chips, cookies, seasonings, most Campbell Soup products, frozen

dinners, & lunch meats.

Reasons to Avoid: MSG is used as a flavor enhancer but also affects the neurological pathways of the brain and

disengages the “I’m full” function which results, for many, in weight gain. MSG is an excitotoxin & regular consumption

may result in depression, disorientation, eye damage, fatigue, headaches, & obesity.

9. BHA and BHT (e320 / 321)

Used in: Used as a preservative in potato chips, gum, cereal, frozen sausages, enriched rice, lard, shortening, candy, & jello.

Reasons to Avoid: This common preservative keeps foods from changing color, changing flavor, or becoming rancid.

Effects the neurological system of the brain, alters behavior, and has potential to cause cancer. BHA and BHT are

oxidants which form cancer-causing reactive compounds in your body.

10. Aspartame (e951)

Used in: So-called “diet” or “sugar free” products, including diet coke, coke zero, jello, desserts, sugar free gum, drink mixes,

table top sweeteners, cereal, breath mints, puddings, kool-aid, iced tea, chewable vitamins, toothpaste, & cough syrup.

Reasons to Avoid: Aspartame is not your friend. Aspartame is a neurotoxin and carcinogen. May lead to a wide variety

of ailments including brain tumors, lymphoma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia, chronic

fatigue, depression and anxiety attacks, dizziness, headaches, nausea, mental confusion, & seizures.


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

This week, take some time to look at the food labels in your pantry. Write down some of the foods that contain these

compounds & begin to explore some natural alternatives.


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Getting Back to Basics

“Most people don’t understand that what you put at the end of your fork is more powerful than any drug you’ll find in

a pill bottle. That food is not just like medicine, it is medicine. Food is a better drug than most drugs. It works faster,

better, and is cheaper than any drug on the market, and it has no side effects except good ones.” - Dr. Mark Hyman

Food really is medicine and nature gets it right - wholefoods contain an abundance of nutrients which are essential

for optimal health. Food is one of the most studied areas in science, but science has so often got it wrong. This is why

we like to keep it simple and look at what our bodies are designed to eat based on what our ancestors have evolved

eating. This is essentially organic plant foods, with a small amount of wild animal products.

The top ancestral foods for health according to Dr. William Davis & John Robbins are:

• Vegetables

• Fruits

• Nuts & seeds

• Wild fish & shellfish

• Organic eggs & poultry

• Wild, organic, & sustainably raised meat and animal product

• Herbs & Spices

What are some of your favorite healthy foods and meals that you want to add more of into your diet?


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Get into the Driver’s Seat of Your Health

“When you’re on the diet that’s ideal for you, eating becomes effortless. It becomes a way of life, your cravings are

stabilized, your body is full of energy, your reliance on outside prescription drugs starts to diminish, your reliance on

outside therapy starts to diminish and you realize you can get just about everything you need from food. And until you

get to that point, I say keep experimenting.” - Vani Hari

We are huge believers that education is the first step to becoming happier & healthier. When we have the foundational

knowledge, we become empowered and are able to make better decisions for our health.

After this episode, what are your biggest takeaways and new lessons you wish to apply into your life?


Episode 2: Overcoming Fear & Stress

Episode 2

Fear & Stress
“Stress results in illness, how much illness? Over 90% of illness on this planet
today is based on lifestyle and stress, and not genetics.” - Bruce Lipton


Episode 2: Overcoming Fear & Stress

Identifying Your Fears

“Today’s world is 24 / 7 / 365 stress. Our biology was never designed to be in perpetual stress. I say, why is it a problem?

Stress hormones are shutting down the immune system. Fear is the primary source of the stress hormones. So fear

is the cause of today’s healthcare crisis.” - Bruce Lipton

Fear is such an innate part of being human, we all have fears - it could be a fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear

that we aren’t enough. If we let it, fear can inhibit us from reaching our full potential and keep us from making the

decisions that we want to. But it doesn’t have to be this way… Acknowledging and overcoming our fears is one of the

most powerful steps to achieving your dreams and living life to your full potential.

Take a moment to reflect on what your fears are, below. This could be a fear of letting others down, fear of being seen

as inferior, fear of losing someone, fear of pain, etc.


Episode 2: Overcoming Fear & Stress

Overcoming Stress
Our body’s have not evolved to be able to handle chronic stress. Our nervous system has two branches; the sympathetic,

which is our survival ‘fight or flight” mode, and the parasympathetic, which is our beautiful restorative “rest, digest, repair,

& reproduce” mode. When we are stressed, our body produces a hormone called adrenaline. Adrenaline communicates

to the body that you are in danger and switches on our sympathetic nervous system. Many of us spend a significant

amount of our lives in this state which can have huge health implications as this down-regulates our healing, digestive,

& reproductive systems. Once we identify stress triggers in our lives and why they matter to us, we can then work to

implement practices to reduce the burden that this stress has on our body.

Step 1: Identifying Stress Triggers

What makes you feel stressed? It could be your email inbox, finances, work pressure, etc. Write down everything that

makes you feel stressed, below.


Episode 2: Overcoming Fear & Stress

Step 2: Rethinking Your Perception of Urgency

What do you perceive as urgent in your daily life that may not be so urgent if you zoom out to look at the bigger picture

of life?

Also, what could you be grateful for in your life right now that you might be currently taking for granted? (for example

shelter, food in the fridge, clean clothes, a bed, friends or family who care about you, a child, a loved one, etc..)


Episode 2: Overcoming Fear & Stress

Step 3: Developing Stress-Busting Rituals

Your daily stress is unlikely to disappear so it’s important to make time for small rituals that help you to switch on your

parasympathetic system. This could be yoga, meditation, breathwork, a beautiful bath, massage, or a walk in nature -

whatever relaxes you. If you’re someone who has trouble sleeping, then try a restorative practice before bed.

Here’s some of our favourite stress busters…

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga and meditation are incredible ways to de-stress and instantly activate the parasympathetic system. If you’re new

to these practices, try browsing the hundreds of classes on FMTV to find one that you love!

And let it out! When we feel stressed, our bodies tend to breathe shallowly or gulp in more air than we expel. Therefore,
if we practice long, slow, and deep breathing, it is virtually impossible to feel stressed as this is in complete opposition

to a physiological state of stress.

Time In Nature
In a phenomenon known as ‘biophilia’, humans are naturally programmed to feel peaceful in nature. Simply grounding

your feet in a space of natural earth is a great start. Perhaps you can step outside for five minutes during your daily

lunch break and lift your face to the sun.

This one act can greatly decrease your stress levels and clear your mind. Take time to journal when you are stressed

and note what caused the stress, how it made you feel, and what you did to feel better. What we track, we can improve.

You may begin to see a pattern of times of the day or particular circumstances that cause you stress. Use these

indicators to begin eliminating these stressors from your life.

Daily rituals of self-kindness and small pleasures can go a long way towards stress reduction. So often we make time

to go above and beyond to help others out but fail to recognize -or make- small windows in our schedules to give

some TLC to ourselves.

Simply going for a walk, run, surf, swim, or playing a sport you love can be a great way to reduce stress in your life.

Exercise not only increases oxygen capacity in your body, but it helps to release feel good hormones to battle thoughts

of overwhelm and depression.


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

Episode 3

“Change our brain, we change our life. Change our brain, we could
change the world.” - Jim Kwik


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

Explore Your Subconscious Programming

“Nature created the first seven years of download hypnosis to observe other people, the parents, the siblings and the

community. Observe their behavior and directly download their behavior as the foundational download of behavior.” -

Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton explains that the best way to identify your subconscious programs is to simply look at your life, because

it’s made up of ‘your program’ 95% of the time. To do this, we’re going to look at two key factors - what you have in

your life that you love and what you have to work really hard at to bring into your life. Often times, when we struggle

to achieve something in your life, it is because the conscious mind is reaching for something, but the subconscious

program is holding it at bay.

Breaking through Your Limiting Beliefs

Step 1: Identify Your Positive Beliefs
It’s good to start with identifying where you are currently succeeding, celebrate your wins, and acknowledge that you’re

making progress in some areas of your life.

What are the things you have in your life that you love? (for example, good health, successful career, loving relationships,

balanced family life, etc…)

If you had to identify what positive beliefs you have in your life that have helped you to achieve these results, what

would they be? (for example, if you experience good health, could it be because “I believe that my body has its own

self healing capacity” or “I believe that health is a birthright” or “I believe I deserve robust health”, etc...)


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

Step 2: Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

“So when it comes to understanding whether or not we have limiting beliefs, one clue is to see if there’s a recurring pattern

in your life. If there’s something that you say that you want, but it’s not a reality for you, and it’s been true for years and

years and years, or even months and months and months, and you’ve been working on it. That’s probably a clue that there

could be a limiting belief under there that you need to investigate, and then consciously work on changing.” - Marie Forleo

What are you currently struggling with in your life? Things that you want in your life but you have to work hard at to

achieve? Or struggle over? (for example, poor health, chronic illness, addictive behaviors - food cravings or excessive

alcohol consumption, struggling at your career, not starting your own business, childhood trauma, struggling financially,

toxic relationships, etc…)


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

If you had to identify what limiting beliefs you have in your life that could be causing you to struggle in certain areas of

your life, what would they be? (for example, if you’re always sick or struggle with money issues or relationship issues,

could the beliefs be “I’ve always gotten sick, even as a little child”, or “Money doesn’t grow on trees!”, or “Every time I

open my heart someone leaves me”, etc...)

Note: If you’re struggling with this exercise, here are some of Tony Robbins’ top negative beliefs that he most commonly

sees in people. Do any of these resonate with you currently?

For getting healthy: “I don’t have time to get healthy”, “It’s too expensive to eat healthy”, “I don’t have the willpower”, or “I

don’t understand how to get healthy”.

For your relationships: “All the good ones are already taken”, “I don’t deserve love”, “I’ll never find prince charming”, or

“When I open my heart I always get rejected”.

For your career: “I couldn’t do that”, “I don’t have what it takes”, “I just don’t have the skills or talent”, or “Successful people

are just lucky”.

For your money and finances: “I’m just not good with money”, “You need money to make money”, or “I’ll never make

enough to retire comfortably”

Do any of these jog your memory? Do you think you may have some of the above or similar? Please write them down above.


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

Step 3: Fast Forwarding Your Story

“I always tell people this, that if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them” - Jim Kwik

How would your life look in 5, 10, or 20 years time if you keep holding onto these limiting beliefs that you just identified

above? What would this cost you? It’s important to go deep on this because if you can clearly identify the pain associated

with these limiting beliefs that are holding you back, it’s a lot easier to change them going forward. For example, if your

poor health continues, then you might develop a chronic disease which could mean you don’t get to enjoy as much time

with your family. Or if you stay in your toxic relationship, then you might miss out on experiencing a beautiful, loving

connection. Or if you don’t quit a certain addiction or behavior, you might not be a good example to your children, or

worse, pass on that same habit to them. Or if you don’t achieve your ideal weight, you might not have the confidence

to get out there and start your own business. Or if you don’t really focus on mending a relationship that you wish to

keep in your life, then you could lose the opportunity to keep your family together.


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

Step 4: Rewriting Your Story

“I think most people don’t realize that thoughts are things. They have powerful impact on our biology and our lives,

and that how you direct your attention and your mind determines the course of your health and the course of your

life.” - Dr Mark Hyman

Now that you’ve reflected on your positive beliefs, your limiting beliefs, & what they could cost you, it’s time to focus

on what you want to bring into your life moving forward! Once you have done this, then you can think about this during

your meditation / mindfulness practice. You can also print them out and put them up in your house, or on your fridge,

and create some positive affirmations that you can use to say to yourself in order to bake in your new beliefs and

values about yourself.

NOTE: You may wish to fill out your goals section in Episode 4 first before starting this.

Write down what beliefs you would

Write down the things you want to How would achieving each thing
need to have in order to achieve each
achieve in your life make you feel?
of them.


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

Daily Practices

Daily Affirmations
Once you’re aware of your limiting beliefs and thoughts, you can begin to replace these with the process of positive

affirmations. This simple practice can help to have a profound impact on your life.

For this exercise, we’re going to make a list of the positive beliefs you currently have from Step 1 and the positive beliefs

you would like to have from Step 4, above.

Once you’ve written these down, make a commitment to read these at least once a day. Some people like to carry

these around on an index card to read at lunch or on the morning commute. You can also print them out and put them

on your fridge or on your bathroom mirror. It’s also fun to say them to yourself when you’re going for a morning walk.

(NOTE: Don’t worry if this might feel strange or uncomfortable to begin with. This process can have a long term impact
on your life and can rewrite your future, so stick with it.)


Episode 3: Beyond Belief

The process of visualization takes the step of re-writing your beliefs to a whole new level. It’s essentially imagining in

your mind what it would feel like to be your future self with your new belief systems. It’s the same process Jon Gabriel

talks about in Episode 3. It’s very much about the ‘feeling’ attached to your new beliefs and outcomes. Now we’re going

to write down exactly how it would feel to bring this change into your life. Visualize yourself in that moment and write

down the experience in as much detail as possible. Now each day, take some time to rehearse this scene in your mind

as if it’s already happened. If you’re new to visualization, we recommend checking out our introduction to visualization

series on FMTV, here.


Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Episode 4

Whose Goals
Are We Chasing?
“We take goals that belong to society. We take goals that belong to
our parents. We take goals that we think, and justify and rationalize,
that we need in order to be happy.” - Philip McKernan


Episode 4: Whose Goals Are We Chasing?

Defining Your Dreams

“I think that we are all, all of us, without exception, sitting on top of mountains of untapped human potential, just waiting

to be unlocked and unleashed” - Rich Roll

Goal setting is fundamental to success because they allow us to grow, expand, & create the future we want. Effective

goals are ones which excite you & make you want to jump out of bed in the morning. When we set goals, we also want

to think about the purpose behind each one - why do you want to achieve this goal? How will it make you feel?

What lights you up?

“I think all of us get to think about what is the thing that brings us the most joy, the most passion, the most excitement

for life” - Lewis Howes

What makes you excited? What makes you want to jump out of bed? For example, it might be helping people to
improve their health, teaching people how to surf, planning someones beautiful wedding, or spending time in the ocean.

Whatever it is, write it down below!


Episode 4: Whose Goals Are We Chasing?

What are Your Goals?

“One of the keys to setting goals that are really gonna be incredible for you, is do they excite you? If you look at them

on that piece of paper, does it bring you to life? Does it bring you joy? Does it make you have that little mix of fear and

anticipation? You’re like, you can’t wait to dive into them.” - Marie Forleo

Define your 1, 3, & 5 year goals. For example, your goal might be to start a new business, run a marathon, go on a

family holiday to Greece, get married to the love of your life, move house to a new area, attain your dream job, or help

homeless people in your area have access to clean food, etc. You can even make them outrageous, because you will

have a blueprint of where you want to go.

1 Year Goals:

3 Year Goals:

5 Year Goals:


Episode 4: Whose Goals Are We Chasing?

How would you feel if you achieved all these goals?

Choosing Happiness Every Day

“The real trick to success in life is not to not set goals, it’s to have these goals but to untangle your happiness from

these goals. To be happy before you attain them, to use that happiness as a fuel in the day to day as you’re pursuing

these goals, which can get tricky, which can get challenging. That happiness is like your ally that moves you along, that

helps dampen the downsides of occasional obstacles or failure, that carries you forth, that puts you in an optimistic

level of mind so you attract the right people, you can work with the right people to pursue your goal.” - Vishen Lakhiani


Episode 4: Whose Goals Are We Chasing?

Reclaim Your Morning

“I can tell if somebody is trapped in conformity by looking at their first 60 minutes this morning” - Brendon Burchard

Morning routines allow you to start your day with intention. Be proactive about what you want to achieve. Here’s Brendon

Burchard’s top 3 tips for starting your day on the right foot:

Step 1: Break up with technology

Before you go to sleep, put your phone on airplane mode & try to not touch it for 60 minutes after waking. This will

not only boost your productivity for the whole day, but also allow you the space to set your own intentions for the day.

Step 2: Find a gratitude, mindfulness, or exercise practice you love.

Wake up and move your body to open up some health, open up some breath, open up some endorphins. This might

be a meditation, visualization, breathing exercise, or a walk in nature - find what works for you! Taking the time to re-

connect and be grateful for the things you already have is such a powerful way to start your day and set you up for

success. Top Morning Ritual Classes On FMTV:

• Morning Breathwork with James Colquhoun (15 minutes)

• 10 Minute Self-Love Meditation With Koya Webb (10 minutes)

• Morning Gratitude Practice with Laurentine ten Bosch(12 minutes)

• Visualisation For Abundance With Jon Gabriel (10 minutes)

• Total Body Power Flow Yoga With Koya Webb (26 minutes)

• Golden Heart Meditation With Tom Cronin (10 minutes)

Step 3: Set your intention for your day

Sit down with a piece of paper and say, what are my main projects today? Who do I need to reach out to and ask

questions of? So it’s first, plan your day. Ask what you want of it before you go and say what does everybody else need?


Morning Intention Planner

Day of the


1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
Name 3
things your
grateful for
3. 3. 3. 3. 3.

1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

Name your 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
top 3 things
you want
to achieve
3. 3. 3. 3. 3.

Episode 1: What’s In Our Food?

Episode 5

The Art of
“Knowing the purpose to your pain doesn’t make the pain go away. But it gives
you fuel to keep pushing forward and not want to quit, not want to check out, not
want to numb yourself. I’m on this planet to look human beings in the eye and say,
“I know it’s painful. I wish it didn’t have to be painful. But you have a choice. Are
you going to see it as a gift or a burden?” - Sean Stephenson


Episode 5: The Art of Fulfillment

What Is Your Gift or Purpose?

“Each of us have a gift, that we were put on this earth for a reason, that there never will be another one of us,

understanding that now is the time to take whatever it is that are our passions and our quirks and our visions and bring

them out into the world because we will never be here again. - Marie Forleo

Sometimes the pain you went through as a child or young adult can give an indication as to your purpose. Sharing this

story & helping others going through a similar journey is such a profound gift to others.

Some other questions you might like to ask yourself are: What makes me unique? What am I good at? What do I love

doing? How do I want to be remembered? What would I want my biography to be entitled? What pain or experiences

have I been through and learned from that I could share with others so they don’t have to experience the same hardship

I did?


Episode 5: The Art of Fulfillment

What Is Holding You Back from Reaching Your Purpose in

Life & Using Your Gifts?
• Loss pain: Loss pain means if I do that, I might lose something I like.

• Hardship pain: The process of changing will bring doubt, uncertainty, discomfort, it will bring hardship to me,

where I’m going to have to stretch, learn, and retool new things.

• Outcome pain: This is the feeling of, I’m scared that if I go through all that, I put myself out there, I try, I endure

the hardship, the grass won’t be greener on the other side.

Is pain holding you back? If so, which one of the above types of pain is stopping you from reaching your goals?


Episode 5: The Art of Fulfillment

3 Questions for Achieving Deep Fulfilment

What experiences do I want?
The first is human experiences and experiences are not necessarily things that money can buy. An experience could

be a kiss with someone you really love. It could be holding a child, your child, in your arms. It could be an extreme

sport or eating a food that you enjoy or laughing with friends. You do not need money for many of these experiences.

Write down what experiences you want to achieve in your life. A bucket list if you will.


Episode 5: The Art of Fulfillment

How am I going to grow?

The second thing that causes our souls to get fulfilled, is growth. I believe that one of the reasons we are here is to grow

and evolve. And this is where you want to actually make a list of all the opportunities and ways you want to grow as a

human being. It could be learning a new language, it could be learning a new skill, it could be learning public speaking,

learning to be a better parent, it could be learning mindfulness, meditation, creative visualization, or harnessing your

intuition, but we gain fulfillment from growth.

Write down a list of all the ways you wish to grow personally and professionally in your life.


Episode 5: The Art of Fulfillment

How can I give back?

If I was a human being who had all of these beautiful experiences, who has grown in all of these amazing ways, how

can I give back to the world? And giving back, or contribution, is the third step to fulfillment. You want to be happy?

Make other people happy. Contribution is where you make a list of all the ways you can contribute to pushing humanity

forward, whether it’s charitable giving or raising spectacular kids or volunteering or starting a company or building

something that can actually make an impact in the world. Contribution is that third step. So really, on the path to

fulfillment, ask yourself the three most important questions: what experiences do I want in life? How do I want to grow?

How do I want to contribute?

Write down a list of ways that you could contribute on a large or small scale.


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