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I. Instructions: Read the sentences, then change them to reported speech. (14pts)

1. Vanessa said, “I want to eat pizza today”

_Vanessa said that she wanted to eat pizza that day.

2. Hanna told me, “I am cooking.”

_Hanna told me that she was cooking

3. “My sister will study Medicine” Karla said.

She said that her sister would study medicine.

4. “Gina has drunk a lot of milk” Jenna told my mom.

_She told my mom that Gina had drunk a lot of milk

5. The secretary said, “My boss asked me to write a letter.”

She said that her boss asked him to write a letter.

6. The woman said, “I am going to read a new book next week”

_The woman said that she was going to read a new book the following week

7. Thomas told her father, “I passed my tests”

Tomas told his father that he has passed his test.

II. Instructions: Read the paragraph, then write 3 sentences using reported speech. (6 pts)

My name is Melissa, and I am so happy because I got good grades at school and my parents
are so happy. I also enjoyed the time with my friends. This vacation is going to be great
because I will take dancing lessons with my two sisters.

1. _She said that her name is Melissa.

2. _She said that these vacations were going to be great.

3. _She said that she would take dancing lessons with her sisters.

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