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Do Jews Control The World? #flushyourmeds ...

By Judicial-inc-biz Website And Scott Barry ... ;
Scott Barry
Jul 13, 2023
Do Jews Control The World? #flushyourmeds ... ;
By Judicial-inc-biz Website And Scott Barry ... ;
by Henry Makow Ph.D. – October 9, 2007 ... ;
This question is the proverbial elephant in the room, the dysfunction
that members of the human family dare not mention.
So when Richard Dawkins remarked in "The Guardian" that the Israel
Lobby controls American foreign policy, Daniel Finkelstein, the Jewish editor
of the "London Times" "Comments" heard Nazi storm troopers banging on
his door.
Finkelstein Reacts In Horror
"So Dawkins, a liberal hero, believes, er, that Jews control world power."
Finkelstein sighed. "And, judging from /the Guardian/, it is now a part of
mainstream debate to say so. Perhaps you think I am over-reacting, but I am
a little bit frightened. All I can manage is, Oh My God."
Finkelstein's readers soon set him straight. Dawkins didn’t say Jews control
the world, just US foreign policy. And obviously, the Israel lobby and neo-
cons do control US foreign policy (as pawns of the banking cartel in my
These Are Powerful Newspapers
Finkelstein's outburst is ironic. Here is a Jewish media gatekeeper, employed
by a Jewish press magnate (Rupert Murdoch), shocked at the mention of
Jewish power, persuading the public that the very suggestion is in bad taste.
"The Times" is not just any newspaper. It has been the voice of the British
establishment for more than 100 years. Along with Chatham House (the
RIIA) and Tavistock, it is a principal instruments of the cabal that governs
England and most of the world. That cabal consists of Jewish central bankers
and British (European and American) aristocracy united by money, marriage
and a belief in the occult (Freemasonry.)
Anti-Semitism Springs From Jews Like Churchill's Mother
My objection is to the term "the Jews" when obviously we are talking about
very rich and powerful Jews who have intermarried with rich and powerful
Gentiles. Sid the tailor does not control the world. I do not control the world.
We are talking about rich Jews who most other Jews wouldn’t even
recognize: they are Freemasons. They worship Lucifer and think God is evil.
I represent that silent majority of average Jews, who have assimilated, and
support the national interest. Rich Jews want ordinary Jews like me, take the
fall when opposition grows to their predatory agenda.
Anti-Semitism never made any headway in Europe in the Nineteenth and
early Twentieth Century until rich Jews decided to sponsor it. There is no way
Hitler would have come to power without the backing of world finance. Hitler
was Time Magazine "Man of the Year" in 1938. Stalin, another Freemason
created by the Money Power, took the honor in 1939. Hey let's have a war
between the two!
The central bankers owned I.G. Farben, the backbone of the Nazi war
machine. Max Warburg was a Director until 1938. In March 1941 the
Warburg family and employees were spirited out of Nazi Europe by the SS.
Hitler so hated the Jewish bankers that he had them escorted to safety in a
private train.
Assimilated and religious Jews who did not serve the bankers' interests were
the main victims of Nazi persecution. Zionists, on the other hand, were
spared. These same Zionists put ordinary Jews on trains to Auschwitz telling
them they were being "resettled."
If the past is a guide, in an economic or social breakdown, the bankers will
focus blame on their pawns, Zionists or neo nons, or preferably Jews in
general. This is why patriotic Jews must disassociate from the bankers and
their minions now.
Anti-Semitism might be called anti-imperialism. At heart, it is opposition to
the plan of the central bankers, based in the City of London, to "gradually
absorb the wealth of the world" and establish a dictatorship masked as
"world government."
This involves stupefying and degrading society through faux education, porn
and violence; and bankrupting and brutalizing us through war, pandemics
and domestic repression.
It involves destroying "all collective forces except our own" which means
destroying all race, religion, (God), nation and family. They use social
engineering like diversity, feminism, multiculturalism and homosexuality to
accomplish these aims. (I like homosexuals & different races; I just don't
think they should be used as a weapon.)
The bankers have made anti-Semitism a no-no because they place cooperative
Jews in positions of control. The stigma attached to anti-Semitism is a form of
mind control. The banker media uses guilt and victimhood to place a cone of
immunity over their agents and their agenda. The Holocaust is used callously
to establish guilt.
If we think of anti-Semitism in terms of opposition to the bankers' political
and cultural policy rather than to a race, it can be justified. The key is to
distinguish between Jews who advance the New World Order and those who
do not.
Socialism and Communism are Jewish in origin, membership and character.
Throughout the past century, naïve Jews flocked to the Red banner. The
clarion call: "Capitalists have all the wealth. Communism will result in
This clarion call was just bait. The richest people in the world created &
financed Communism; their agenda was to further concentrate wealth.
Socialism is the same thing on a smaller scale, a way of electing world banker
lackeys and increasing government power. (Socialism may have some intrinsic
merit but this is not why they back it.)
The false conflict between "public" and "private"; Left and Right;
government and free enterprise; keeps the public in a political headlock.
Jews like Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein uphold this false dichotomy. They
blame everything on the private sector, on corporations, on US imperialism.
Left versus Right. Government vs Free Enterprise.
The truth is the corporations she vilifies own both her publisher and the
politicians Right and Left. Public vs Private is meaningless today because
Private controls Public (though debt.)
A recent profile of Klein in The Globe and Mail says: "Ms. Klein's left-wing
certainties, her refusal to ...accept the fact that the business mentality has
triumphed, are rooted in her family history: “I don't question being a leftist
any more than I would question being a
Jew – it's the culture I got taught as a kid.” Her upbringing, she believes, is
responsible for The Shock Doctrine's theme of resistance against the
privatized world."
The day when Naomi Klein advocates government take control of its credit,
or traces the Mossad role in 9-11, will be the day she disappears from the
mass media. She is an example of what many socialist Jewish dupes do best;
control the debate, enrich themselves and wax self-righteous as benefactors.
They are the company union.
In 2004, I wrote: "Anti-Semitism is not an irrational hatred or sickness in the
Gentile soul, as Jews imagine. It is a healthy defense mechanism of mainly
Christian and Moslem nations, cultures, races and religions that are
threatened by a gradual and insidious process of extinction (i.e. world
government.)" If anti-Semitism is opposition to the world banker agenda,
rather than to all Jews heedless of their role, then I see anti-Semitism as a
healthy sign. We cannot let them use this disingenuous ploy to outlaw
Resistance to Tyranny. Jews...everyone... must not be manipulated. Its not
Jews nor Gentiles but Satanists who "control the world."
Related: "Which Hidden Power Created Hitler?" and "The Zionist
Protection Racket" Makow Is Another Windbag Just Spittling Minutiae
He boldly uses the label 'The Jew', which puts him in the category of a good
Mench. He lets us know only Mr Big is evil, but the rest eat chicken soup and
attend their kid's little league games. The most under discussed subject is the
role of the Sayanim, and the viciousness of their reprisals. Once a person has
been determined to be a threat then any Sayanims around him will be
contacted to do their duty. Your financial records, legal, medical, etc are all
exposed. Who are these sayanims? Every single Zionists you have direct or
indirect contact. If you have a business, your accountants, your clients,
unions, newspapers, etc are Sayanims. Makow says "It's the big rich ones that
are trouble", but the truth is, it's their army of millions.
Deutchland, Fatherland, Germany, OUR WHITE PEOPLE … ;
—Scott A. Barry … ;

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