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Article Review

Prepared By:
Sahitya Shrestha
School of Management
Roll No. 15

Submitted to:
Prof. Dr. Gangaram Bishwakarma

May 15, 2021

How to Change the World
Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas
David Bornstein
Oxford University Press, 2004
The word entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship gained popularity worldwide, few decades ago. In
Western world, it was introduced before Second World War (WW2) but got the headlines after
WW2. Likewise, social entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship are got the name and gained
popularity during those period only as the work of the social entrepreneurs were carried out
before the profession was named. There were the numerous social entrepreneurs before and after
20th century and had succeeded to gain the appreciation from the society but was merely popular
in the world. There was a myth or believe that only the politicians and the government can bring
the reforms in the society in an effective manner. And there are numerous examples of it too.
This is believable too because the good reforms made by them get the headlines. But the picture
of reality was curtained. The social entrepreneurs had done much more than the politician but
rarely been hot news. The article has presented the historical achievement of social
entrepreneurship. Social Enterpreneurs are the being with the leadership skill to lead and achieve
the social goal that they are trying to meet with the actors (experts, technicians, or professionals),
utilizing the available resources and managing the finance function through the operation of the
enterprise fast enough or longrun and give the continuity to the enterprise after the success too.

Reflection of the article

In the article, the author had made the strength of social entrepreneurs as the subject. Social
entrepreneurs are the public figure who act in the local but brings the impact in the global
scenerio. Entrepreneurs are the forces dedicated to the goals with the application of the new ideas
to run the business and make money. Social entrepreneurs are the subset of entrepreneurs. But,
there is the difference in goals. It runs with the eye on its primary goal i.e. bringing the social
change on which it has been targeting. The social enterprises are more successful in bringing the
reforms and change in the society eliminating the social constraints prevailing in the society. The
article had made clear that the social entrepreneurship is the leading edge of a remarkable
development in the society, country and whole world too. The characteristics of the social
entrepreneurs are visionary ideas, leadership skill, and commitment in helping others and are
dynamic as per the situation and the goals. Summing up the definations of the social
entrepreneurship of different periods, we can know that it is not the non profit venture. It can
manage the finance through its operation of the enterprise focusing on the social achievement as
the primary objective rather than the wealth creation. One should have the way or the idea that
can make the change in the society and the change can benefit the society. They should be so
focused towards the goal like a tiger towards its prey, so that in any cost and any how they make
a change. Yeah, its not easy but made easy by the entrepreneurs in any situation, in between the
operation of the enterprise. Social entrepreneurs are not only the being which make a social
change but are also the being who support (financially,co-opoeratively) to make the way to
achieve the change that others had started, like Ashoka Society. One donot need the huge
investment for a startup of the social enterprise, but need the commitment. It is also the quality of
a social entrepreneur to manage the finance or investor inorder to make the new sunrise. As
Gloria De Souza was able to make the infow of the investment and kissed the achievement being
a female.
The author had given the examples of different entrepreneur and their story to success from
different time period. The development of the defination and the expansion of its scope are also
presented with respect to the time. The conclusion from sifferent famous article has been picked
out and kept in such a way in an article which makes the readers to try out the article taken as the
reference to explore the power of the social entrepreneurs. Social entrpreneurs are the
changemakers and the catalyst for the socia; transformation

There are many prevailing social constraints and global constraints too, which exists as the
resistence in the development. The positive thinkers and the manpower like us should take ithe
condition seriously and put a step or make intension to bring the change as our small step can
save life of the people and the life of the Earth too. We can find the examples like Jean Monnet
whose movement and dedication had made the end of WW2 a year before. Social entrepreneurs
are the large scale reformers. If one brings the life back from the person about too die then he is
praised as God, but if a person saves the life indirectly amd unknowlingly still they are not
accountable. But in the real world, they are the real God. Social entrepreneurs are one of them.
The number of lives that s(he) had saved is in his account; looking on those account they enjoys
and they will not rest at the success too and give continuity to the journey then after.

Lesson learned.
If any one is dedicated to overcome the deficiency or the illness of the society, then s(he) doesnot
require the professionalism or expertism on that subject, s(he) can make the expertise and
professionals to support them in the way and make their participation in the mission. The only
thing is dedication; rest can be managed from the resources available. From the success stories, it
energizes us to move and not to worry about the resistence on the way. Constraints are certain on
the way of mission, like the life and death in living things. They are like appetizer which makes
us more dedicated and committed towards the goal. The management of the finance may be the
challenge for the startup but it is also the skill to make the inflow of the investment and the idea
too. If we figure out the problem on the way, we can collaborate with other organization to move
forward. These are the skills that the social entrepreneurs should have because they cannot
withdraw the mission pointing the unfavorable environment as the reason. They are liable to to
succeed once a started. The role of patience and the ability to find the way through challenges are
also the features that the social entrepreneur should have.
Small change makes a huge difference between the life and end of the existence of the creature
and nature too. We shouldnot give the importance to the mouth of credibility from others as we
know the truth how much we are credible. Aftermath of the change, the result will make us to be
happy, comfortable and credible too.

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