NarrativeReview - Fluid Management in Children With Severe Dengue

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V O L U M E 7 5 . No. 1 . F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3

© 2022 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA Minerva Pediatrics 2023 February;75(1):49-61
Online version at DOI: 10.23736/S2724-5276.22.06935-X


Fluid management in children

with severe dengue: a narrative review
Mervin V. LOI 1 *, Qi Y. WANG 2, Jan H. LEE 1, 3

1Children’s Intensive Care Unit, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore, Singapore; 2Pediatric Intensive
Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 3Duke-NUS Medical School,
Singapore, Singapore
*Corresponding author: Mervin Loi, Children’s Intensive Care Unit, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 100 Bukit Timah Road,
229899 Singapore, Singapore. E-mail:

Dengue is a mosquito-borne arboviral infection of increasing public health importance. Globally, children account for a
significant proportion of infections. No pathogen-specific treatment currently exists, and the current approach to reducing
disease burden is focused on preventative strategies such as vector control, epidemiological interventions, and vaccina-
tion in selected populations. Once infected, the mainstay of treatment is supportive, of which appropriate fluid manage-
ment is a cornerstone. The timely provision of fluid boluses has historically been central to the management of septic
shock. However, in patients with dengue shock, particular emphasis is placed on judicious fluid administration. Certain
colloids such as hydroxyethyl starches and dextran, despite no longer being used routinely in intensive care units due
to concerns of acute kidney injury and impairment of coagulation, are still commonly used in dengue shock syndrome.
Current guidelines recommend initial crystalloid therapy, with consideration of colloids for severe or recalcitrant shock
in patients with dengue. In this review, we discuss the pathophysiology of septic shock, and consider whether any differ-
ences in dengue exist that may warrant a separate approach to fluid therapy. We critically review the available evidence
for fluid management in dengue, including the role of colloids. In dengue, there is increasing recognition of the impor-
tance of tailoring fluid therapy to phases of disease, with attention to the need for fluid “deresuscitation” once the critical
phase of vascular leak passes.
(Cite this article as: Loi MV, Wang QY, Lee JH. Fluid management in children with severe dengue: a narrative review. Mi-
nerva Pediatr 2023;75:49-61. DOI: 10.23736/S2724-5276.22.06935-X)
Key words: Severe dengue; Shock, septic; Physiopathology; Endothelium.

D engue is emerging as a disease of increasing

public health importance. Disease models
estimated 96 million clinically apparent infec-
tion (WHO), there has been recent fresh impetus
to control infection rates and transmission as part
of the sustainable development goals.5
tions globally in 2010, with a further 294 mil- The dengue virus (DENV) is a member of the
lion infections that were not picked up by clini- Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus. Dengue
cal surveillance systems.1 One study found evi- viruses are single-stranded, positive sense ribo-
dence of dengue infection in 128 countries, with nucleic acid (RNA) viruses, with the genome
a preponderance for Asia and the Americas2 and encoding capsid (C), membrane (M) and enve-
likely under-reporting in Africa.2 The disease has lope (E) structural glycoproteins, as well as non-
a predilection for the young, with 95% of infec- structural proteins (NS) designated NS1, NS2A,
tions involving children under 15 years of age.3 NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B and NS5.6 The E gly-
Infants and young children also seem to be more coproteins are involved in receptor binding and
prone to severe illness.4 Designated a “Neglected activation of the host immune response, includ-
Tropical Disease” by the World Health Organiza- ing that of neutralising antibodies.6 The four main

Vol. 75 - No. 1 Minerva Pediatrics 49


dengue serotypes, DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 nese encephalitis, yellow fever, malaria, lepto-
and DENV-4, share around 65% of their genome spirosis, typhoid, enteroviruses and measles.9, 19
and result in very similar clinical phenotypes.7 Whereas adult clinical manifestation of disease
All 4 serotypes are prevalent in the geographi- tends towards bleeding diathesis, children tend
cal regions where dengue is endemic, namely the to experience dengue shock syndrome (DSS),
Americas, Asia and Africa.8 The primary human with severity being greatest in young children.20
vector, the female Aedes aegypti mosquito, is Young children are also at greater risk of adverse
urban-adapted and contributes to endemicity and outcomes with secondary heterotypic infections,
outbreaks in dense, crowded populations.9 probably due to their intrinsic predilection for
Current strategies for managing dengue are vascular fluid leak.21
centered on reducing disease burden through The 1997 WHO guidelines for dengue classi-
preventative measures such as vector-control, fied the disease into dengue fever (DF), dengue
epidemiological measures and vaccination.10 hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and DSS.22 However,
Once a patient is infected however, treatment there were concerns about its utility internation-
options are limited. Trials evaluating disease- ally and across different age groups, as it was
specific treatment modalities including immu- primarily based on clinical characteristics of Thai
nomodulation11, 12 and antiviral therapies13, 14 children.23 Other criticisms of the 1997 classifi-
have not demonstrated clinical efficacy. Clinical cation were that it required repeated clinical tests
management is therefore focused on support- over a period of time, thereby precluding it from
ive therapy,15 of which appropriate fluid resus- use in some resource-poor areas.24 Furthermore,
citation is key. Robust evidence to inform fluid the emphasis on the presence of hemorrhage for
management strategies for dengue in children are DHF and DSS failed to adequately account for
lacking, with considerable variation in practice the fact that plasma leak leading to shock was of
and recommendations. In particular, some rec- more clinical importance than hemorrhage.25 The
ommendations emphasise the importance of ju- WHO classification was subsequently updated in
dicious fluid therapy, with concerns that dengue 2009, with disease classified based on categories
patients may respond to fluid overload more ad- of severity: dengue with or without warning signs
versely than for other causes of sepsis.16-18 In this (abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, volume
narrative review, we aim to describe and critical- overload, mucosal bleeding, lethargy, hepatomeg-
ly evaluate the available evidence for fluid man- aly, hemoconcentration), and severe dengue.19
agement in children with dengue, and consider Dengue with warning signs corresponded to
whether the approach should be similar to that DHF, and severe dengue was analogous to DSS.
for sepsis caused by other pathogens. Following a short period of incubation lasting
We performed Boolean searches on PubMed 3 to 7 days, symptoms begin with three distinct
and the Cochrane databse of systematic reviews phases of illness described, namely the febrile,
using the following MeSH headings: “dengue;” critical and recovery phases (Figure 1).19
“dengue shock syndrome;” “dengue fever;” Febrile phase: 3 to 7 days
“dengue hemorrhagic fever;” “dengue” ; “fluid
management;” and “pathogenesis”. We did not The febrile phase is marked by a high fever,
limit our search by publication type, and we which tends to be more pronounced in children
hand-searched the bibliography lists of review than adults. Other symptoms include headache
papers on dengue for further articles of relevance. with or without retro-orbital pain, vomiting, se-
vere myalgia and arthralgia, as well as a macu-
Clinical features of dengue lopapular to petechial rash. There may also be
hemorrhagic manifestations, such as petechiae
The majority of children with primary dengue and bruising, particularly around venepuncture
infections are either asymptomatic, or experi- sites. A tourniquet test for capillary fragility may
ence mild febrile illness. Other differential di- be positive. Blood tests show leucopenia, throm-
agnoses need to be considered, including Japa- bocytopenia and elevated liver function tests.

50 Minerva Pediatrics February 2023


Febrile phase Critical phase

Headache Hypotension

Fever Pericardial

Eye pain Pleural effusion

Mucosal Ascities

Swollen Gastrointestinal
lymph bleeding

Skin rash Recovery phase

and vomiting

Back pain


joint and
bone pain Figure 1.—Signs and symp-
toms commonly seen in den-
gue, based on the three phases
of illness.

Critical phase: 48 to 72 hours itor children for signs of significant vascular leak
around the time of defervescence; clinical signs
The majority of patients recover at the end of the
include severe abdominal pain, hepatomegaly,
febrile phase. However, some patients develop
persistent vomiting, pleural effusions, ascites as
vascular leak corresponding to the time of defer-
well as change in mentation. Laboratory investi-
vescence, leading to pleural effusions and ascites. gations often show a rising hematocrit, leucope-
As intravascular volume depletes, physiological nia, thrombocytopenia that may be profound, with
compensatory mechanisms take effect by vaso- an increase in partial thromboplastin time and a
constriction to preferentially maintain perfusion fall in fibrinogen levels. Hemorrhage risk is most
to vital organs, resulting in a narrowed pulse pres- prominent during the critical phase, with bleeding
sure. The 1997 WHO criteria for DSS included a assuming particular significance in children, in
pulse pressure <20 mmHg,22 which if accompa- whom it is often associated with profound shock.9
nied by clinical signs of hypoperfusion should act Liver aminotransferases may be elevated, par-
as triggers for more aggressive resuscitation. For ticularly with DENV-3 and DENV-4 serotypes,27
children in particular, hypotension is a late sign of along with hypoproteinemia. Organ impairment
shock and protends decompensation and deterio- including encephalopathy, myocarditis and liver
ration.26 It is therefore critical that clinicians mon- failure are rare complications during this period.

Vol. 75 - No. 1 Minerva Pediatrics 51


Recovery phase rating primary and secondary infections is also

a factor determining severity of disease, with
The phase of vascular leak spontaneously re- longer intervals being associated with more se-
solves after 48-72 hours, with concomitant im- vere disease.33 Secondary heterotypic infections
provement in symptoms. There is improvement within 2 years of the primary infection seems to
of appetite, gastrointestinal symptoms, pain and lead to milder disease,35 whereas a study found
cardiovascular status.19 A second rash may ap- increased disease severity with an interval of 20
pear at this stage, with characteristically macu- years compared to 4 years.33
lopapular erythema surrounding areas of normal One of the most widely-held theories behind
skin – so-called ‘islands of white’– which may this phenomenon is that of antibody-dependent
then desquamate.9 enhancement (ADE), which has two principal
mechanisms. The first is where viral entry into
Pathophysiology of dengue infection phagocytic cells that express Fc gamma receptor
IIa is enhanced by antibodies, and the second is
DENV gains entry into humans through bites by the augmentation of the inflammatory cascade by
infected mosquitoes, where infected salivary flu- immune complex formation or antibody Fc activa-
id is injected. It then proceeds to infect dendritic tion.36 Other viruses in which ADE has been ob-
cells in the skin, before replicating in regional served include respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)37
lymph nodes.28 and measles.38 In dengue, sub-neutralising levels
Viral presence and dissemination within the re- of antibodies form immune complexes with the
ticuloendothelial system leads to activation of the virus, leading to increased entry into phagocytic
body’s innate and humoral immune responses.6 cells leading to increased viral replication.39 In-
Apart from the E glycoproteins of the virus, it vitro and in-vivo studies have demonstrated in-
has also been shown that the precursor membrane creased viral loads in non-human primates follow-
(pre-M) and NS1 proteins are central to trigger- ing prior passive transfer of heterotypic antibod-
ing the host antibody response.29 NS1 glycopro- ies.40 This phenomenon has also been observed in
teins are produced in infected host cells, but do human infants, where those who get primary den-
not form part of the replicated viruses; rather they gue infections when maternal dengue-specific an-
are present in the circulation and on the plasma tibodies reach sub-neutralising levels experience
membrane of cells.29 NS1 may have an important more severe disease.41 Primary dengue infection is
role in pathogenesis of dengue, with animal stud- marked by a gradual increase in Immunoglobulin
ies showing that mice immunised with DENV (Ig) M, peaking at approximately 2 weeks follow-
anti-NS1 were protected from DENV encephali- ing the onset of fever, with IgG being detectable
tis.30 The ability of NS1 to trigger the complement after one week of illness.19 In secondary dengue
cascade may mediate vascular fluid leakage.31 infection, high levels of IgG that cross-react with
Primary dengue infections confer lifelong im- various flaviviruses are produced during the acute
munity to reinfection by the same serological phase, and continue to increase over 2 weeks.42
subtype.9 However, dengue infections also ex- This was demonstrated in a study of eight Thai
hibit an intriguing and unusual pathophysiologi- children with DSS, who all had secondary-type
cal phenomenon, whereby secondary heterotypic antibody responses that were most profound to the
infections caused by viruses of a serotype that initial infecting virus type, a phenomenon termed
is different from the primary infection results “original antigenic sin.”43
in higher viral loads and more severe disease.32
Various theories have been put forward to ex- Differences in the pathogenesis
plain this, but understanding remains incom- of septic shock and severe dengue
plete, in part due to the dearth of adequate animal
models. Severity of secondary infection has been As previously elucidated, in dengue, the time of
observed to be more profound with certain se- defervescence often marks the time of entry into
quences of infection.33, 34 The time period sepa- the critical phase. At this phase, patients develop

52 Minerva Pediatrics February 2023


vascular leak, leading to hypovolemia and fluid lated host response leads to direct endothelial
shifts into the extravascular space (e.g., pleural, injury with disruption of tight inter-endothelial
peritoneal and pericardial compartments). Ex- junctions through the actions of endotoxins and
haustion of compensatory mechanisms in hy- myocardial depressant factors.44 Endothelial acti-
povolemia would then lead to shock, a state of vation leads to neutrophil adherence to intercellu-
inadequate end-organ tissue perfusion resulting lar adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular
in cellular damage. This phenomenon is not dis- adhesion molecule (VCAM), thereby triggering
similar to that observed in septic shock. How- the inflammatory and complement cascades.44
ever, what is different in dengue shock is the Microthrombi formation ensues in blood vessels
pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction within due to dysregulation of the anticoagulant path-
the microcirculation, which has recently been way, which would impede blood flow. Severe
described in greater detail (Figure 2).44 dengue on the other hand, mediates its effects via
Recent human physiological studies into mech- NS1.44 The ability of NS1 to activate heparanases
anisms in vascular leak has shifted attention away and sialidases among other enzymes, which de-
from the oncotic pressure of the interstitium, to grade the glycocalyx, contributes to loss of integ-
the endothelial glycocalyx layer.45 The integ- rity of the membrane.47 In both cases, activation
rity of the endothelial glycocalyx layer has been of the adaptive immune system by the infective
shown to be critical in preventing albumin efflux agent via pathogen-derived molecular patterns
to the tissue spaces, which may rise by more than (PAMPs) or damage-associated molecular pattern
300% in septic shock.46 In sepsis, the dysregu- (DAMPs),48 would also lead to further inflamma-

Figure 2.—Differences in
Sepsis Dengue the pathogenesis of septic
shock and severe dengue.
In sepsis, bacteria and dys-
regulated host response
leads to direct endothelial in-
jury with disruption of tight
Microthrombi inter-endothelial junctions,
development due to resulting in plasma leak.
impaired anticoagulant
Plasma pathways Microthrombi formation en-
leakage sues in blood vessels due to
Activation of dysregulated anticoagulant
inflammatory pathway. In severe dengue,
NS1 activates heparanases
Glycocalyx damage and sialidases among other
enzymes, which degrade the
Activation of glycocalyx, resulting in loss
inflammatory Activation of innate of membrane integrity. In
mediators and adaptive both cases, stimulation of
immune system
the innate and adaptive im-
Dengue mune systems lead to further
inflammation and glycocalyx
Activation of innate shedding. Modified from
and adaptive McBride et al.44
immune system
Glycocalyx NS1 activates
shedding ezymes to degrade

Bacterium NS1 destabilizes

Plasma leakage

Direct endothelial
cell injury

Vol. 75 - No. 1 Minerva Pediatrics 53


tion and glycocalyx shedding (Figure 2). Interest- of the latest Surviving Sepsis guidelines, which
ingly, plasma leak seems to be more pronounced advocate “administering up to 40-60 mL/kg in
in dengue, compared to sepsis,49 suggesting bolus fluid (10-20 mL/kg per bolus) over the
perhaps a more prominent effect of NS1 on the first hour, titrated to clinical markers of cardiac
disruption of the microcirculation. This hypoth- output” in clinical systems where intensive care
esis would require further evaluation. With more support is available.53 Indeed, the early reversal
plasma leakage, patients with dengue should the- of shock has been shown to be associated with
oretically be more responsive to fluid resuscita- lower mortality in pediatric septic shock. A retro-
tion compared to sepsis. The potentially deleteri- spective cohort study investigating children with
ous effects of fluid overload remains a concern septic shock requiring critical care transport to
in dengue. It is not immediately obvious why pa- the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA, USA,
tients with dengue should be any more prone to found that resuscitative efforts by community
fluid overload than patients who are unwell with physicians consistent with the American College
other forms of sepsis, but it does suggest the im- of Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Advanced
portance of extremely careful clinical evaluation Life Support (ACCM-PALS), which advocated
of the fluid status of patients with dengue. During goal-directed resuscitation of shock using fluids
the critical phase, fluid resuscitation is required and inotropes, was associated with a lower mor-
to maintain cardiac output; however, in the reab- tality (8% vs. 38%).54
sorption phase, intravascular fluid overload can In more recent times however, this approach
potentially occur, especially in the context of re- with an emphasis on more aggressive fluid re-
nal failure from prolonged shock.50 Another co- suscitation has been called into question. One of
nundrum in the pathogenesis of plasma leak in the most high-profile studies that has led to this
dengue is the timing of the natural history of the re-examination has been the Fluid Expansion as
disease. The observation that fluid resorption oc- Supportive Therapy (FEAST) Trial.55 This was a
curs almost precisely within a timeframe of 48 multicenter, RCT in Kenya, Tanzania and Ugan-
to 72 hours does make one ponder the exact mo- da which initially set out to investigate the use
lecular mechanism of this temporal occurrence. of 5% albumin solution compared to 0.9% saline
solution in children with shock and life-threat-
Fluid management ening infections. A total of 3141 children were
recruited before the study had to be ended early
Fluid management in septic shock
because the control group, which were not ran-
Fluid management has been a cornerstone of the domized to receive any fluid boluses, were found
care of critically ill septic patients. An early land- to have the lowest 48-hour mortality of all the
mark study in children with septic shock showed groups (7.3%, vs. 10.5% and 10.6% in the saline
an association with improved survival in patients and albumin groups, respectively).55 This pendu-
who received in excess of 40 mL/kg fluid bolus in lum shift has also been observed in adult patients
the first hour (8 of 9 patients survived), compared with septic shock, with 2 large trials published in
to those who received less than 20 mL/kg (6 of 2014 (ARISE and ProCESS trials) showing no
14 patients) and between 20 to 40 mL/kg (4 of benefit to early goal-directed therapy.56, 57 Fur-
11 patients).51 Adults with severe sepsis or septic ther investigators have highlighted the risks of
shock enrolled in a randomized controlled trial harm of fluid resuscitation in sepsis, by exacer-
(RCT) showed improved in-hospital mortality bating cardiovascular dysfunction and impeding
and organ dysfunction scores with management organ function by fluid overload.58
aimed at quantitative restoration of hemodynam- Fluid overload has long been recognised to
ics, so-called ‘goal-directed therapy’, of which be associated with adverse outcomes in criti-
fluid management played a central role.52 Col- cally ill patients. Endothelial permeability, and
lectively, these studies have formed the founda- consequent pulmonary edema are mechanisms
tion of approaches to fluid resuscitation in severe implicated in the development of acute respira-
sepsis. This is reflected in the recommendations tory distress syndrome (ARDS); fluid overload

54 Minerva Pediatrics February 2023


resulting in an increase in pulmonary water may fluid management strategies in dengue and sep-
reduce lung compliance, thereby necessitating tic shock. The intriguing findings of the FEAST
greater mechanical ventilatory pressures lead- study have been re-evaluated, with suggestion
ing to further lung inflammation and impaired that the lower baseline hemoglobin concentra-
surfactant production.59 In a prospective study tions, lower bicarbonate and higher chloride
involving 113 patients, there was a correlation levels and base deficit seen in patients following
between achieving a negative fluid balance and fluid bolus, may point to bolus-induced hemodi-
improved survival in adults with ARDS.60 A fur- lution, hyperchloremic acidosis and deterioration
ther multicenter study involving 1000 patients in respiratory and neurological function.65 While
showed that a conservative fluid management the FEAST study did not identify dengue and
strategy was associated with a shorter duration analyse outcomes for this specific subset of pa-
of mechanical ventilation, although there was no tients, given the significant incidence of dengue in
significant difference in 60-day mortality.61 Sim- sub-Saharan Africa,2 and the as-yet unanswered
ilarly, fluid overload has been demonstrated to be questions about whether coexistent malaria66 or
associated with poorer outcomes in children with nutritional deficits may predispose to poorer out-
ARDS, postcardiac surgery,62 and those receiv- comes following fluid bolus, it is probably pru-
ing continuous renal replacement therapy.63 dent to pursue a judicious fluid replacement strat-
egy in these populations. An Indonesian retro-
Fluid management in severe dengue
spective observational study in 100 children with
The latest SEPSIS 3 consensus guidelines from dengue shock found no significant differences
the Surviving Sepsis Campaign defines sepsis in mortality, ventilator dependence or pediatric
as a “life-threatening organ dysfunction due to intensive care unit stay between children who
a dysregulated host response to infection.”64 received a restrictive versus liberal fluid resusci-
Dengue is therefore considered a cause of sep- tation.67 Another prospective observational study
sis; however, fluid management approaches in of 78 children with severe dengue showed that
dengue have conventionally been distinct from positive fluid balance >10% was an independent
that of general sepsis. Traditional approaches predictor of mortality.68 Perhaps, a more tailored
to fluid management in dengue has placed an approach taking into account phases of shock,
emphasis on judicious administration. Recom- namely resuscitation, optimization, stabilization
mendations from a medical facility in Thailand and evacuation, may help provide the appropri-
with extensive experience in managing dengue ate fluid management based on the time course
recommend “just adequate replacement of fluid of the patient’s illness.69 Certainly dengue, with
loss to achieve the optimal balance of resuscita- its well-described phases where plasma leak is
tion from hypovolemia,” and state that “patients most profound during a 48-72 hour period of the
with dengue respond differently than patients critical phase,70 with resolution thereafter may
with sepsis to fluid therapy.”16 A single-center benefit from such a phased approach.
Sri Lankan case series similarly concluded that The use of advanced hemodynamic variables,
large volume fluid resuscitation “is detrimental including information obtained through non-in-
in dengue patients with plasma leakage as sub- vasive hemodynamic monitoring, has been rec-
sequent fluid overload increases mortality,” and ommended in general pediatric sepsis.53 Howev-
recommend early vasopressors over fluid resus- er, this has not been assessed in DSS through ad-
citation.17 WHO guidelines recommend that flu- equately powered studies. The Indonesian study
id should be given “to maintain a just adequate comparing restrictive versus liberal fluid resus-
intravascular volume and circulation;”18 a 2011 citation in children with DSS discussed above,
update incorporating recommendations for the also reported hemodynamic parameters obtained
South-East Asian Member States further states using an ultrasonic cardiac output monitor.67 The
that “fluid resuscitation of DSS is different from investigators found no difference in preload, in-
other types of shock such as septic shock.”18 otropy, afterload and cardiac index between the
More work is required to elucidate optimal liberal and restrictive fluid resuscitation groups.

Vol. 75 - No. 1 Minerva Pediatrics 55


However, conclusions on the utility of advanced fluid in DSS once the critical phase of vascular
hemodynamic monitoring were limited by the leak has ended, including with the use of diuret-
fact that it was a retrospective observational ics or dialysis as necessary.72
study. In theory, the use of ultrasonic cardiac out-
put monitoring represents an attractive adjunct Choice of fluid in general septic shock and spe-
to the standard approach using basic vital signs cific considerations for severe dengue
and laboratory parameters. Additionally, a case The recognition of DSS and the need for fluid re-
series of 3 Thai children with DSS found that a plenishment has resulted in significant improve-
novel computational algorithm using continu- ment in clinical outcomes since the 1960s.73, 74
ous noninvasive photoplethysmographic (PPG) WHO guidance have remained largely unchanged
waveforms may be useful in determining circula- since 1975,75 and currently recommend the use
tory volume to guide replacement volume.71 The of crystalloids for initial fluid replacement in
ability to accurately quantify fluid deficit and DSS, followed by boluses of colloids in refrac-
requirements in DSS would certainly be help- tory shock.18 However, these recommendations
ful in reducing organ impairment and morbidity are not supported by strong clinical evidence,
from fluid overload. Indeed, the utility of these and are primarily based on limited observational
adjunctive hemodynamic modalities in guiding data and expert opinion.76
fluid therapy need to be formally assessed in pro- There has been considerable interest in the
spective controlled trials. It is also important that potential use of colloids for fluid resuscitation
any additional monitoring modalities be cost-ef- in septic shock, given their greater effect on in-
fective and easy to operate, so that it may also be creasing plasma oncotic pressure and theoretical
of benefit in reseource-limited settings where a benefit in improving intravascular fluid status.77
large proportion of dengue occur. Finally, in line Colloids in common use include human albumin
with the increasing recognition of the importance solution, as well as synthetic colloids based on
of “deresuscitation” in general sepsis, consider- starch, gelatin and dextran. Smaller molecules
ation should also be given to removing excess tend to have shorter dwell times within the circu-

Table I.—Summary of clinical trials comparing various colloids and crystalloids for fluid management in dengue
shock syndrome.
Study Population Intervention; control
Dung et al. (1999)95 50 Vietnamese children aged 5-15 4 fluid arms: 2 crystalloids (0.9% saline, Ringer’s lactate) and 2
Single-center RCT years with DSS (DHF with low colloids (dextran 70 and Gelafundin)
pulse pressure or unrecordable 20 mL/kg for 1st hour, then 10 mL/kg for subsequent hour
blood pressure, with signs of
circulatory insufficiency)

Ngo et al. (2001)96 230 Vietnamese children aged 1-15 4 fluid arms: 0.9% saline, Ringer’s lactate, dextran 70,
Single-center RCT years with DSS (Clinical DHF Gelafundin
grade III or IV) Study fluids given in 1st hour:
DHF grade III: 20mL/kg
DHF grade IV: 40 mL/kg

Wills et al. (2005)97 512 Vietnamese children aged 2-15 Study fluids: Ringer’s lactate, 6% dextran 70, 6% hydroxyethyl
Single-center RCT years with DSS (WHO criteria) starch 200/0.5
Fluid regime: 15 mL/kg in 1st hour, 10 mL/kg in 2nd hour
Moderate severity (pulse pressure >10 mmHg and ≤20 mmHg)
randomized to all fluids; severe shock (pulse pressure ≤10
mmHg) randomized to colloids only (dextran or starch)

Kalayanarooj (2008)93 104 Thai patients (mean age Study fluids: 10% dextran 40, 10% Haes-steril (hydroxyethyl
Single-center RCT 8.6±3.9 years) with DHF not starch)
responsive to conventional Fluid regime: 10 mL/kg/hr boluses
crystalloid solution

56 Minerva Pediatrics February 2023


lation, but exert a greater osmotic effect.78 How- in adults showed that hydroxylethyl starch was
ever, there has also been cause for concern with associated with higher requirement for renal
the use of colloids. Dextrans are naturally oc- replacement therapy80, 81 and increased risk of
curring glucose polymers produced by bacteria; death.81 The Colloids versus Crystalloids for the
there have been concerns about its theoretical ef- Resuscitation of the Critically Ill (CRISTAL) tri-
fect on decreasing von Willebrand factor (vWF) al showed no difference in 90-day mortality be-
and factor VIII,79 thereby worsening coagulop- tween critically ill adults who received colloids
athy. This would be particularly deleterious in (gelatins, dextrans, HES or albumin) and crystal-
severe dengue where hemorrhage is a particular loids (hypertonic or isotonic saline or Ringer’s
risk in the critical phase of illness; however this lactate).82 Albumin was not found to be associ-
interaction has not been found to be of clinical ated with mortality benefit compared to crystal-
significance in DSS.19 Other concerns include loid in fluid replacement for adults with severe
the increased risk of anaphylaxis with the use of sepsis or septic shock.83 The Saline versus Albu-
dextran.78 Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is a poly- min Fluid Evaluation (SAFE) showed that albu-
disperse solution of ethoxylated amylopectin, min and 0.9% saline were equally effective for
with a wide range of molecular weights. Its use fluid resuscitation in a heterogeneous population
has been associated with rare allergic reactions, of critically ill adults.84 A meta-analysis found no
as well as impairment of coagulation.78 Gelatins mortality benefit of colloid use compared to crys-
are polydisperse solutions mainly manufactured talloid in a heterogeneous population of critically
from bovine collagen, and have been associated ill adults, although there was an increase in risk
on rare occasions with allergic reactions. Gela- of renal injury with starches. Subgroup analy-
tins do not cause coagulopathy apart from its he- sis found that risks of mortality and renal injury
modilutionary effect.78 were primarily observed in critically ill patients
Several landmark clinical studies have been with sepsis.85 Consequently, crystalloids remain
conducted in the adult population to explore the first-line fluid for the initial resuscitation of
the potential role of colloids. Two large RCTs adults with septic shock.86 Similarly for children,

Outcomes and results Remarks

No difference amongst individual study fluids in duration Pooled comparison showed greater increases in mean hematocrit,
(P=0.36) and number of episodes of shock (P=0.46). systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure and cardiac index (using
Dextran 70 associated with greatest relative fall in doppler ultrasound) with colloids than crystalloids
hematocrit. No difference in side effects between study fluids, including
No difference in subsequent recurrence of shock or bleeding tendency
requirement of further fluid infusion amongst individual
study fluids.
No clear difference in recovery times (time till pulse Potentially confounded by unequal distribution of illness severity
pressure ≥30 mmHg) amongst individual study fluids due at baseline amongst the 4 groups by chance.
to potential confounder (see Remarks) Subgroup analysis: children with pulse pressure ≤10 mmHg
Recovery times longest for Ringer’s lactate (P=0.022). significantly quicker pulse pressure recovery with colloids than
6 children had allergic-type reactions (5 gelatin, 1 dextran)
No difference in requirement for rescue colloid amongst Colloid therapy associated with greater reduction in hematocrit
individual study fluids (P=0.38) initially, but followed by rebound vascular leak with no
sustained difference in treatment response.
No difference in coagulopathy amongst 3 groups.
More allergic-type responses in patients who received dextran (15
patients), although there was possible contamination of some
batches with nonendotoxin pyrogen.
No difference between study fluids in volume of fluid No significant associated impairment of renal function or
resuscitation required (P=0.138). coagulation
No difference between the 2 study fluids in hematocrit drop No allergic reaction to either fluid
after each fluid bolus (P=0.381)

Vol. 75 - No. 1 Minerva Pediatrics 57


the Surviving Sepsis Campaign has recommend- clinical trial randomized 50 children with DSS
ed the use of crystalloids in the initial resuscita- to fluid resuscitation either with Ringer’s lactate,
tion of septic shock in children, with a preference or a smaller volume of hypertonic sodium lactate
for balanced/buffered solutions where avail- (HSL) solution. The results showed no signifi-
able.53 The committee recommended against the cant difference in plasma expansion, hemody-
use of starches on the basis of adult data showing namic recovery and in-hospital survival despite
an increased risk of acute kidney injury (AKI), the HSL group receiving a smaller volume of flu-
coagulopathy and mortality with HES,80, 81, 87 as id.98 HSL use was also associated with a signifi-
there were no pediatric studies available. cant decrease in soluble vascular cell adhesion
In dengue shock however, the prominent role of molecule-1 (sVCAM-1, a marker of endothelial
capillary leak in its pathophysiology makes col- cell inflammation. The use of HSL shows prom-
loids a particularly attractive option due to their ise for DSS, but needs to be further evaluated in
oncotic effect on improving intravascular fluid an adequately powered clinical trial. However,
status.73, 77, 88 This may allow effective hemody- there have not been any controlled trials evaluat-
namic resuscitation with lower volumes of fluid, ing the use of albumin in DSS.99
thereby reducing the risk of complications from In summary, whereas colloids have fallen out
fluid overload.89 In addition, there is evidence that of favour in the general adult intensive care popu-
certain colloids such as fresh frozen plasma (FFP) lation, they may still have a role in fluid resuscita-
and albumin, may interact with the dysfunctional tion for DSS. Part of the reason why clinical tri-
glycocalyx layers to restore barrier function and als have shown different outcomes for colloids in
restrict ultrafiltration.90 Studies in burns patients, DSS, may be due to the fact that the main trials of
who also exhibit capillary leak, showed possible fluids for general septic shock tend to have been
benefit in the use of albumin solutions in reducing conducted principally in Western, well-resourced
replacement fluid volumes, the so-called ‘fluid settings where DSS is rarely encountered. Chil-
creep’91. There is however the alternate argument dren form a significant proportion of patients with
that colloid molecules may themselves leak out DSS, and they frequently have healthy renal func-
of the intravascular compartment, and exert an tion and coagulation profiles compared to the gen-
osmotic effect in the interstitium thereby wors- eral adult intensive care population. In addition,
ening tissue oedema.92 In practice some centers, capillary leak from DSS tends to resolve soon af-
particularly those in limited-resource areas, use ter the critical phase of dengue passes, and fluid
synthetic colloids in their management of DSS is required for a shorter and more defined time
(commonly hydroxyethyl starch and dextran so- period.73 Further well-designed studies need to
lutions) due to the high cost of albumin.93, 94 be carried out in children with DSS, particularly
Several RCTs have been carried out to inves- in those with severe disease and preferably in the
tigate the effects of colloids and crystalloids for settings where they are most commonly managed.
fluid resuscitation in DSS.93, 95-97 Taken together
(Table I), these clinical trials point to better hemo- Conclusions
dynamic effects of colloids compared to crystal-
loids, although these benefits do not translate into Current evidence supports the use of crystalloids as
sustained improved clinical outcomes. Dextran first-line fluids for replenishment in most children
was shown to be associated with an increase in with severe dengue, with colloids being reserved
allergic-type reactions in one of the studies, but for the children with severe DSS, or in whom ini-
synthetic colloids on the whole seem to be safe to tial fluid resuscitation with crystalloids remains
use in children with DSS. There might be more suboptimally effective. Perils exist in the event of
benefit for colloid use in children at the severe end both under- and over-resuscitation. Colloids have a
of the DSS spectrum, although the available stud- superior profile in improving hemodynamics com-
ies were unable to definitively demonstrate this. pared to crystalloids, but this effect is transient and
Other novel fluids have also been evaluated its impact on clinically relevant outcomes have yet
in DSS. An Indonesian prospective single-blind to be demonstrated. There are potential adverse

58 Minerva Pediatrics February 2023


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Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material
discussed in the manuscript.
Authors’ contributions.—All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
History.—Article first published online: October 25, 2022. - Manuscript accepted: October 11, 2022. - Manuscript received: April
26, 2022.

Vol. 75 - No. 1 Minerva Pediatrics 61

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