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1.1. Marketing Process
2. Introduction to Digital Marketing
2.1. Definition Digital Marketing
2.2. History and Evolution of Digital Marketing
3. Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing
3.1. Definition Traditional Marketing
3.2. Benefits of Traditional Marketing
3.3. Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing
3.4. Digital and Traditional Marketing in Organization
3.5. Comparison of Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing
4. Benefits of Digital Marketing
5. Digital Marketing Objectives
6. Types of Digital Marketing Approaches – Pull and Push Digital Marketing
6.1. Inbound Marketing
6.2. Features of Inbound Marketing
6.3. Outbound Marketing
6.4. Features of Outbound Marketing
6.5. Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

7. Digital Marketing Channels

The buying and selling of a product or a service is called Marketing. Marketing is the process
of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging products to customers and clients. The
aim of the people working in the company’s marketing departments is to get the attention of
the target audiences and to ensure profitability.
Marketing strategies of a company are enhanced using slogans, packaging design, celebrity
endorsements, and general media exposure having value for customers, clients, partners, and
society at large.
Everything a company does to gain customers and maintain relationships with them is referred
to as Marketing.

Marketing Process

The Marketing process is a never-ending series of actions and reactions between the customers
and the companies that create value to meet their needs. It includes situation examination,
identifying opportunities, strategy formulations, plan execution, and result monitoring.
Situational Analysis:
Situational analysis is done to identify the marketing problems and getting solutions to them in
order to satisfy unfulfilled customer needs.
Marketing Strategy
After identifying the problems and needs of customers, a strategic plan is developed. The best
available option is chosen to develop the strategy from it.
Marketing Mix
This step includes Product Development, Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion made for the
parameters of the marketing mix.
Implementation and Control
The selected marketing plan is executed and its outputs are monitored to adjust the marketing
mix as per the market changes.
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is a modern form of marketing. It uses internet, digital technologies, digital
platforms and devises such as computers, laptops, mobiles, and tablets. It is used to promote,
help and support –products, brands and services to the consumers. The progress in the area of
Digital Marketing has changed the manner brands use technology for marketing.
The Digital Marketing makes use of the online channels and means, to help the businesses
observe and study their marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing gives ‘real time’ results,
which helps the businesses to understand and explore its success and failure.
Digital technologies and digital platforms are fast growing. We see them increasing day by
dayin the marketing strategies and the everyday life of the consumers. Therefore, consumers
today are now well aware of the digital devices such as computers, mobiles, tablets etc. For
example, ifa person wants to buy a good laptop, he/she can find and read all the information
regarding its features, purchase and price. He/she can search for it online and purchase it on
Amazon or Flipkart. He can also contact the available brands on their respective website or
social media handles, instead of physically visiting the markets and shops for it.
The Digital Marketing campaigns have become well-known in the recent years. These
campaigns use the following strategies namely, Search Engine Optimization (SEO),Pay-Per-
Click, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing, Content
Automation, Campaign Marketing, Data-Driven Marketing, E-Mail, Social Media Marketing,
E- Commerce Marketing, Direct Marketing and Social Media Optimization. We shall
understand and discuss these strategies in detail in the later part of this chapter. Non-internet
based channels for example - TV, Mobiles (MMS and SMS), cold calls, and on-hold mobile
hello-tunes and ringtones are all a part of Digital Marketing.
Digital marketing can be simply defined as:
Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital media, data and
Digital Marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that promote your product or brand
using electronic devices or the internet. It leverages online marketing tactics like search

marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing to connect

with current and prospective customers

• In 2000, the ‘Smarter Insights’ (a publisher and an online learning platform), defined
Digital Marketing as - ‘Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital
technologies’. That is to say Smarter Insights stressed on the use of digital technologies
by companies to help them realize their Marketing objectives.
• Kotler and Armstrong, well-known marketing gurus defined Digital Marketing in 2009
as – ‘A form of direct marketing which links consumers with sellers electronically using
interactive technologies like emails, websites, online forums and newsgroups,
interactive television, mobile communications etcetera’. Kotler and Armstrong stated
and explained that digital marketing directly connects the customers with the sellers, by
using electronic devisesfor communication.
• In 2011 Bains et al. defined Digital Marketing as - ‘It facilitates many-to-many
communications due to its high level of connectivity and is usually executed to promote
products or services in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner’. This
definition highlights the ability of digital marketing to connect, communicate and
promote to multiple people in a personalized manner at a reasonable cost.

• Chaffey, 2012 defines Digital Marketing as – ‘The application of the Internet and related
digital technologies in conjunction with traditional communications to achieve
marketing objectives’. This definition emphasizes on the application of a combination
of digital technologies and the existing traditional marketing methods to effectively
succeed in business.
• The Chartered Institute of Marketing in 2015, defined Digital Marketing as – ‘the
management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
requirements profitably’. The definition refers to Digital Marketing as a management
process which successfully helps in satisfying the customers by identifying their
• Kingsnorth, 2016 defined Digital marketing as – ‘basically applying all marketing
techniquesto digital channels. Different sources can be used to promote services and
products like SMS,search engines, email, websites, social media and mobile devices.
The digital nature of this marketing method makes it a cost-effective means of
promoting one’s business’. The definition clearly emphasizes on Digital Marketing as
a cost – effective way of marketing a business with the help of websites, SMSs, emails,
social media and Search Engine Marketing.
• The American Association of Marketing defines Digital marketing as – ‘the use of
digital or social channels to promote a brand or reach consumers. This kind of marketing
can be executed on the internet, social media, search engines, mobile devices and other
channels.’ The definition recognizes the use of internet, search engines, social media,
mobiles and other digital channels to promote brands among the consumers.
History and Evolution of Digital Marketing

• History of Digital marketing started in 1900 when the Archive query forum (Search
Engine) started. And through this first digital marketing began in the world.
• In 1993 first clickable web ads and banner ads were introduced.
• In 1994 digital marketing changed when yahoo launched. And first, e-transaction was
• In 1996 there were many alternative search engines were introduced in the market.
For example, Alexa, chatbot, and look smart.
• The first social Network was founded in 1997, which name is sixdegree.com. And
search engine optimization was introduced in the same year.
• 1998 was the crucial year for digital marketing because Google and MSN (The
Microsoft Network) were introduced.
• Google launched its google Adward in 2000. And now this is ruling the internet.
• In 2001 mobile marketing and mobile campaign were first started. And that name is
universal music.
• In 2002 LinkedIn was launched, which is very popular now.
• In 2003 WordPress was launched, which later revolutionized the website industry.
And the same year, myspace.com was launched.
• Gmail and Facebook were launched in 2004. And this year, Google has open to the
• In 2005 YouTube was launched, which you see is the largest video content provider
in the world.
• In 2006, 6 billion searches done in 1 month. And then marketers start realizing the
strength of digital marketing.
• In 2007 Tumblr was started, which is a microblogging platform. And Hulu web
streaming platform started. And also UI/UX introduce through iPhone. So that it
changes the user experience of the world.
• In 2008 china moved ahead of the USA in terms of internet users. And this year,
Spotify and Groupon were launched.
• Google introduced real-time searching in 2009, which gives results in real-time.
• 2010 is a critical time for social media like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Google Buzz.
• In 2011 google panda was launched, which revolutionized content marketing
and content writing. And this year web users number increases than T.V. users.
• In 2012, the social media budget increased by 64%. And first time google knowledge
graph launch.
• In 2013 Yahoo acquired Tumblr. And E-commerce website amazon has spread all
over the world.
• In 2014 Mobile users increased than P.C. users. This means people prefer mobile
devices than P.C. and Laptops.
• In 2015 Snapchat launches its Discover feature. And most companies launch their
analytics tool.
• In 2016, data-driven content marketing was started. And people first analyze the data,
and then they create the content.
• In 2018 most of the companies focus on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
And started focusing on customer behavior.
• Influence marketing has started. Marketers create funnels, and then they sell their
products and services from influencing.
• In 2019-21 most of the people focus on Voice Searches. For example, you will see
content is more optimized for voice searches.

Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing

Marketing, before the digital era, meant popularizing the products by using various available
methods such as radio, newspapers, magazines, print advertisements, word of mouth etc. With
the advent of online marketing, it has been bifurcated into Traditional Marketing and Digital
Marketing. Traditional marketing refers to any type of promotion, advertising or campaign that
has been in use by companies for years, and that has a proven success rate. Methods of
traditional marketing can include print advertisements, billboards, flyers or pamphlets, TV,
newspaper, radio, etc. 8 Digital Marketing History can be traced to learn about the methods
adopted in traditional marketing. Ancient Egyptians used papyrus to make posters to sell
products and promote candidates, but the methods that bear closer resemblance to those
recognized today were spawned by the Industrial Revolution, which lasted from the mid-19th
century to the early 20th century in the United States. By the 1940s, “the goal of any company
was to persuade the consumers to buy their products and services and also to convince them in
believing that their products were superior to products offered by other companies. It is a
conventional mode of marketing that helps to reach out to a semitargeted audience with various
offline advertising and promotional methods.
Forms of Traditional Marketing
Traditional marketing is a type of marketing that is hard to ignore. It includes the traditional ads
one encounters on a daily basis. Many of the common and most tried offline marketing tactics
come under the following major categories
• Print (magazines, newspapers, etc.)
• Direct Mail (catalogues, postcards, etc.)
• Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.)
• Telephone (telemarketing, SMS marketing, etc.)
• Outdoor (billboards, fliers, etc.)
• Referral (Word of mouth)
• Print: This form of marketing technique refers to the use of newspapers and magazines
to reach out to customers. Print marketing is used both in mass marketing as well as
specific marketing or niche marketing. Through printed advertisements, wide variety of
prospective customers can be reached who may be interested in the product.
Advertisements in magazines cater to a specified segment such as women, teens etc.
• Direct Mail: Advertising of the product is also done through postcards, brochures,
letters and fliers through direct mail. This form is a targeted or specified marketing
strategy as details about the product are sent to specific category of customers. This
form of strategy can be expensive as the firm needs to keep a separate budget for
designing and printing of brochures.
• Broadcast: The two widely used and very popular forms of traditional marketing are
television and radio. However, advanced the world may become but people still like to
switch on their radios, while driving or relaxing to get the latest updates. The interesting
advertisements on radio still catch the attention of people and they became interested in
knowing more about the product. Television is yet another, very popular form of
marketing, the advertisements shown have a visual effect on the minds of people, they
also bring authenticity to a product especially when it is shown to be used and liked by
their popular actors. Television and radio both reach a large segment of society.
Messages broadcast through radio have a shorter lifespan vis-avis television. Both these
forms are costlier when compared to other forms of marketing.
• Telemarketing: Telemarketing is the process of using the telephone to generate leads,
make sales, or gather marketing information. Telemarketing can be a particularly
valuable tool for small businesses, in that it saves time and money as compared with
personal selling, but offers many of the same benefits in terms of direct contact with the
• Outdoor (Billboards, fliers etc.): Outdoor marketing refers to advertising campaigns
that employ outdoor media such as billboards, transit vehicles and other types of outdoor
signs, including the signs on the outside of businesses. It also includes efforts to promote
the company’s products on its own vehicle fleet, even if the effort is limited to brand
displays. Outdoor marketing that uses several different media is usually coordinated for
maximum impact and is targeted to display in areas where the target audience is located.
• Referral: Referral marketing, also known as ‘word of mouth’ marketing, relies on
customers to spread information about products or services. Referral is not a strategic
or planned marketing activity, but it might help a business build a loyal client base. It
also costs close to nothing for the business. However, a business shouldn’t rely primarily
on referral marketing; it should combine this with the other types of marketing to reach
a wider target market.
Benefits of Traditional Marketing

• Traditional Marketing helps to target the local audience. For example, a radio ad is
limited to one location in your city or region while mailbox flyers will go to households
in a select number of suburbs.
• A copy of Material can be kept. The audience can keep the hard copy of materials
which they can read or browse through over and over again.
• It’s easy to understand. One can easily understand it as they are already exposed to
this kind of strategy.

Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing

• It provides limited interaction between the medium used and the customers. It
focuses more on providing information to the public that the brand itself with the hope
that the public will help to patronize the brand.
• Print or radio advertisements costs are very high. Printing materials are expensive
and one needs to hire people to distribute these.
• Results are not easy to measure. Based on these marketing strategies, it is not easy to
decide whether the campaign was successful or not?

Traditional marketing versus Digital marketing

TABLE 1.1 Differences between Traditional and Digital Marketing

Particulars Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing
Meaning Traditional marketing refers Digital marketing is the
to any type of promotion, management and execution
advertising or campaign that of marketing using
has been in use by electronic media such as
companies the web, e-mail, interactive
for years, and that has a T.V. and wireless media in
proven success rate. conjunction with digital data
about customers’
characteristics and

Availability of information The customers can retain Consumers do not access to

hard copies in the form of hard copies as the
pamphlets, fliers, leaflets, information is available only
brochures for easy reference online which they can
and can pass on to others. browse as and when desired.
24*7 access Traditional marketing does In digital marketing,
not provide round the clock consumers have 24 * 7
access to physical products access to products offered
as the customers need a by different business firms.
physical outlet to purchase All they require is
the products over the connectivity to internet.
Saving and cost Traditional marketing in the Digital marketing is cost
form of printed effective as the use of social
advertisements is a costly media websites does not
venture and separate budget involve any cost. It involves
has to be kept aside for it. very little expenditure where
So, it is an expensive form paid ads are given but is still
of marketing. much cheaper than
traditional marketing.
Measuring results In order to stay competitive As against traditional
and profitable, it is very marketing, digital marketing
important for the business offers easy accessibility to
firms to collect and collate online information about the
information on consumers’ success of their products and
behaviour, their campaigns. Tools such as
expectations, needs and pay per click, google
wants. But to get the desired analytics can be used to
results, marketers need to measure the effectiveness of
hire statisticians to analyse the campaign.
and interpret the data and
give conclusive results. The
results may not be very
realistic and may have
Scope The scope of traditional There is no such restriction
marketing strategies is in terms of region, time or
limited to a specialized location in digital marketing.
group of customers located
in a specific region and also
at a specific time.
Target audience. Traditional marketing Digital marketing is highly
proves to be more successful suitable for customers who
with people who have no have easy accessibility to
accessibility to the internet internet on a regular basis.
daily. In other words, the
consumers find internet
practically out of reach.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing offers various powerful and unique benefits like:

1. Users
Digital Media attracts a large number of users from the demographic, geographic &
psychographic profiles. In order to meet their needs, users regularly scroll through multiple
digital media platforms. Since, users are always active on social media, it can reach and
engage users with appropriate content and help them find what they are looking for.
2. Inbound
Digital Marketing also known as Pull Marketing works as an Inbound Marketing Channel. The
interested customers reach out to your website to buy products & services online. These users
are proactively searching and browsing on Digital Media platforms which can help you target
them easily generating their interest in your content, product and services. This will help you
get users easily on your platform, seeking information about your products and ending up
buying your products.
While Outbound is just opposite to inbound marketing as it involves Business which
approaches customers involving both relevant and non-relevant people. Outbound marketing
can lead to wastage of efforts with higher marketing cost.
3. Precise Targeting
The Digital Media platforms help collect and track accurate user information i.e age, gender,
education, income, occupations, interest, locations etc. This information is provided easily to
the marketers through the Digital Media platforms in the form of target options. Therefore, it
help marketers select a very precise audience i.e whom they want to target resulting in higher
conversion at lower costs and efforts.
Marketers can start communicating with the user who search and browse on digital media
platforms. The communication can be in the form of Listing, Ads, Posts or any other format.
The communication is linked with your blog, website, app or with any other Digital Identity.
This help users to immediately click and proceed to the extent they wish to or completing the
purchase online. Digital platforms and your communication linking with your Identity makes
Digital Media fully actionable for users.
5. Performance-Based
Digital Media platforms provide varied advertising options like Cost Per View (CPV), Pay Per
Click (PPC), Cost Per One Thousand Impressions (CPM), Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) etc.
Marketers have to pay to these platforms only in case when a desired action is initiated by the
users making Digital Marketing, a Performance-Based advertising and marketing channel for
Digital Technology can help capture every single action taken by the users through
user analytics. Various analytics tools like Adobe Analytics, Google Analytic etc if installed
on a website or an app help capture visitor information and processes presenting before you in
a meaningful Analytics. Digital Marketing efforts, engagement ration, conversions and ads can
be traced and measured which help calculate the accurate Returns on Investment (ROI).
7. Flexible
Changes, updations, improvements, deletion & optimization can be done as many times as
desired which makes Digital Marketing work highly flexible.
8. Independent
The Digital Marketing ecosystem provides Digital Tools like simple Content Management
Systems (CMS), Apps & Softwares etc. These tools can be easily used by the people with
a non-technical background to make their Websites, Blogs, apps, Pages, Profiles, images,
videos etc for Digital Marketing.
9. Automation
Digital Marketing Platforms & tools provide many automation facilities like blog/article
publishing, running of ad campaigns, social media postings, generation of analytics reports etc.
10. Free Options
Digital Marketing system provides plenty of free options like Identity creation, communication
and analytics free of cost. Some examples of free marketing options in the Digital Marketing
system are Youtube Channel, Facebook and whatsapp, Google My Business Profile, Linkedin
Profile, Twitter Profile etc.

Digital Media platform offers large number of marketing options with plenty of user base
suitable for all kinds of marketing needs of Business, Professionals, or an Individual.
All the above-mentioned benefits of Digital Marketing make it more powerful & unique.

Digital Marketing Objectives

Every Business must prioritize their Digital Marketing goals as per their business category
using Digital Marketing campaigns.
1. Qualified Leads
Generating Qualified leads using digital marketing campaigns are used by businesses dealing
in high involvement or non-standardized product categories. The Sales team of these
organizations with such business categories always looks for qualified leads. The more the
number of leads the higher the number of sales.
Such business categories cannot have more chances of Online product sales if the lead
generation is low. Once you generate the leads through Digital Marketing channels, they can
be pursued and converted offline/online after analysing the customer buying behavior of a
Usually for the product categories with High-value, generating Qualified leads is very
important. This is also referred as Lead Generation focused by the majority of B2B campaigns.
For example sectors like Real Estate, Automobile, Commercial Generators, Industrial
Engineering Equipment etc.
2. Online Sales
Online sales is referred more by businesses dealing in low involvement or standardized product
categories using digital marketing campaigns. This technique doesn't require a Lead Generation
process. Usually, the target customers purchase product online because the product price is low
as compared to offline purchase or they are sure about the product they want to purchase.
These type of Business/product categories are also called as E-commerce categories used by
many B2C organizations like the E-commerce sector. Generation of Online Sales is the
ultimate goal of Digital Marketing campaigns promoting such product categories online for
example Grocery, Gift, decorative items, edible items, Electronic Devices etc.
3. Monetization
The need for Content creation and publishing is increasing on the internet. The Digital
Consumers hunt online to meet their ongoing content needs. Their need for content is fulfilled
by content creators available online. Their primary offering is Content creation and publishing
which means content is the sole product which they can offer to the consumers. In return,
content creators and publishers need revenue to keep their business on. So, for them
Monetization is their primary Digital Marketing Goal.
Content creators promote their Website, Blog, channels etc in order to generate and monetize
more traffic through sources like ads, paid promotion and various other monetizing options
available. For example, VegRecipesofIndia Blog, Nisha Madhulika Youtube Channel etc.
4. Positive Branding
Positive Branding is a common goal for everyone organization. Before buying any product or
service online customers usually prefer product reviews and opinions on the internet. The
reviews could be both positive and negative. Therefore, you need to manage your Brand
image by closely monitoring the discussion about your brand on the internet. A perfect Digital
Marketing campaign makes sure that your brand is positively perceived and remembered by
the customers.

Types of Digital Marketing Approaches – Pull and Push Digital Marketing

Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is a type of marketing where marketers try to “pull” potential customers
with engaging content. It involves blog creation and using social media, eBooks, white
papers, infographics, email newsletters and various other content source customers are
interested to read.
Customers read and share your content and land up with a positive impression of your brand
which can influence their purchasing decisions later. You can naturally attract inbound traffic
by aligning the published content as per the customer’s interest. Recently, Inbound marketing
has a lot of promoters.

Features of Inbound Marketing

Spreading Brand-Awareness
Inbound marketing is a two-way communication and content delivery strategy to solve your
customers’ problems. This type of marketing helps build strong relationships with customers
as the right content builds your authority in the marketplace.
According to the research the inbound marketing costs is 62% less per lead than outbound
marketing. As we all know, setting up a website is not too expensive and creating content is
basically free making it cheaper than outbound marketing.
In the Right Place at the Right Time
Inbound marketing is unintrusive which means it provides relevant content when a potential
customer encounters a problem, i.e. when they are looking for a solution.
Outbound Marketing
Outbound marketing is a kind of traditional marketing using “push“ tactics. It is interruptive
and enforces itself onto a specific audience. For eg. TV, radio, telemarketing, billboards,
newspapers, magazines etc. It uses mass media to spread your message to as many people as
possible, with the hope that a certain percentage of users will get interested and become your
Outbound marketing is widely being used in the online sphere in digital formats like emails,
banners, ads, spam messages, PPC, etc. It does not take the buyer’s journey into consideration
which leads to its failure. Still, the outbound marketing has certain benefits which is why many
marketers still stick to this strategy.
Features of Outbound Marketing
Faster ROI
Outbound marketing campaign, if set up in the right way, can show a return of
investment almost instantly. If your ad appears in the correct place, it can help in lead
generation in no time.
Easier to Measure
This is probably the most important reason why many marketers still turn to this type of
campaigns. Online advertising, for example, comes with a detailed set of analytics showing
you everything you want to know about your audience and the quality of your ads.

Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing uses push tactics while inbound marketing uses pull tactics which means
outbound marketing is interruptive and seeks attention from people. While inbound is
● Outbound marketing seeks out customers and Inbound marketing looks for brands not
● Inbound marketing focuses on creating valuable content for attracting visitors using
modern communication technologies for development like Internet, mobile
phones, social media etc to attract consumers. Inbound marketing tries to attract
specific audiences who are looking for information instead of attacking the entire

Table 1.2 Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Outbound Marketing
Permissive Interruptive
Pull tactics Push Tactics
Draws in customer Seek out customer
Two-way communication One way Communication
Marketers provide value Marketers provide little to no value
Written for customers need Written for products need
Cheap Expensive
Channels: Search engines, referrals, social Channels: Print ads, TV ads, Radio,
medias Telemarketing

Digital Marketing Channels

As per the Business dictionary.com digital marketing channels are referred to as
“The promotion of products or brands through one or more forms of electronic media. For
example, advertising mediums used as the digital marketing strategy of a business includes
promotional efforts made through the Internet, social media, mobile
phones and electronic billboards etc.”
Anything that gets your product or service in front of your target audience and with all the
people accessing online service daily across the world is known as the Digital marketing
channels. These channels help improve brand awareness and increase traffic to your website.

Most commonly used digital marketing channels are as follow:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Content Marketing
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Pay Per Click (PPC)
5. Affiliate Marketing
6. Marketing Automation
7. Email Marketing
8. Online PR
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization is a process of optimizing your website to help you"rank" higher
in search engine results pages which increases the amount of organic traffic your website
receives. The channels benefited from SEO include websites, blogs, infographics etc.
In order to generate qualified traffic to your website there are a number of SEO approaches
mentioned below:
On page SEO
On page SEO focuses on the entire content which exists "on page" while looking at a website.
You can easily answer reader questions and rank higher on the search engine results pages
(SERPs) by researching the related keywords along with their search volume and intent.
Off page SEO
Off page SEO focuses on all activities taking place "off the page" to optimize your website.
You might have a question "Which activity not on my website could affect my ranking?" The
answer to it is the inbound links, also known as backlinks. The number of publishers linked to
you, and the "authority" of those publishers, affect the rank for the keywords you care about.
Technical SEO
Technical SEO focuses on your website backend and how your pages are coded. It includes
Image compression, structured data and CSS file optimization which help increase your
website's loading speed which is an important ranking factor in the eyes of search engines like
2. Content Marketing
Content Marketing refers to the creation and promotion of content assets for generating brand
awareness, increasing traffic, lead generation and targeting customers.
The channels which play a vital part in your content marketing strategy include:
Blog posts
You can easily demonstrate your industry expertise and generate organic search traffic by
writing and publishing articles on a company blog. Thus, providing you with more
opportunities to convert website visitors into leads for increasing your sales.
Ebooks and whitepapers
You can educate website visitors with the help of Ebooks, whitepapers and similar long-form
content. It helps you exchange content for a reader's contact information, generating leads and
moving through the customer’s journey.
Infographics are a kind of visual content which help website visitors to visualize a concept you
want to help them learn.
3. Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing helps promote your brand and content on various social media
channels in order to increase your brand awareness, drive traffic and generate leads for your
The channels for social media marketing include:
• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
• Instagram
• Snapchat
• Pinterest
4. Pay Per Click (PPC)
PPC helps drive traffic to your website by paying a publisher every time a customer clicks your
ad. The most common type of PPC include Google Ads that allows you to pay for top slots on
Google's search engine results pages with a"per click" price of the links you place.
Other channels where PPC can be used include:
Paid ads on Facebook
It allows users to pay for customizing a video, posting an image or slideshow, which will be
published by Facebook to the news feeds of people matching your business's audience.
Twitter Ads campaigns
Twitter Ads campaigns allow you to pay for placing a series of posts or profile badges to the
news feeds of a targeted audience, dedicated to accomplish specific goals for your business.
These goals include website traffic, increasing Twitter followers, tweet engagement, app
downloads etc.
Sponsored Messages on LinkedIn
It allows users to pay for sending messages directly to specific LinkedIn users as per the
industry and background.
5. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is a type of performance-based advertising which provides you commission
for promoting someone else's products or services on your website.
Affiliate marketing channels include:
• Hosting of video ads through the YouTube Partner Program.
• Posting of affiliate links from your social media accounts.
6. Marketing Automation
Marketing automation act as a software serving to automate your basic marketing operations.
Most of the marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks which can otherwise be done
manually like:
Email newsletters
Email automation helps you automatically send emails to your subscribers. It can also help
compress and expand your contact list to make sure that your newsletters only go to the people
you want to see in their inboxes.
Social media post scheduling
In order to grow your organization's presence on a social network, you need to post regularly.
Social media scheduling tools place your content to the social media channels for you so that
you can spend more time focusing on content strategy.
Lead-nurturing workflows
Generating leads and converting those leads into customers is a long process. The process can
be automated by sending specific leads mails and content that fits certain criteria like when a
user downloads and opens an eBook.
Campaign tracking and reporting
Marketing campaigns include millions of different people, emails, content, webpages, phone
calls etc. Marketing automation helps you sort everything you are working with the help of the
campaign it's serving and then track the campaign performance depending upon the progress
of all these components made over time.
7. Email Marketing
Email marketing acts as a way of communicating with audiences for many companies. It is
used to promote content, blogs, discounts, offers, events etc and to attract users directly toward
the business's website.
The types of emails in an email marketing campaign include:
• Blog subscription newsletters.
• Follow-up emails to the website visitors downloading anything from your website.
• Customers welcome emails.
• Holiday promotions to loyalty program members.
• Tips or similar series emails for customer nurturing.
8. Online PR
Online PR is a way of securing earned online coverage using digital publications, blogs and
various other content-based websites. It's similar to traditional PR, but in the online space.
The channels used to maximize your PR efforts include:
Reporter outreach via social media
Interacting with reporters on social media platforms is an easy way to develop a relationship
with the press providing earned media opportunities for your business.
Engaging online reviews of your company
When a customer reviews your company online, which can be good or bad, your instinct might
be not to touch it. The engaging company reviews help in humanizing your brand and
delivering powerful messaging which can help protect your brand reputation.
Engaging comments on your personal website or blog
The way you'd respond to your company reviews and the people reading your content help you
generate productive conversation about your business.

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