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Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan

Cauayan City, Isabela

Learning Feedback Diary

Name: Keneth Dave J. Aglibut Section: 1B

College of Nursing and Midwifery
Group: 1 Week: 14

In Week 14, Ma’am Fennilyn De Vera Pinugu she discuss about Skin Integrity and Wound Care is

considered to be our next return demonstration this serves as our protective barrier against foreign objects

including any sharp objects, however there are also factors that may alter and affect the skin of a person

thereby, leading to wounds. If there is an occurrence of penetration in the skin with any objects or pressure

ulcers, wound care is necessary to perform in order to avoid contamination of the wound and risk of infection

and complications will be low, as an addition, one of the purposes also is to fasten the healing process to

improve quality of life and have better health outcomes. There are a lot of risk factors that may aid in

developing wounds and acquiring wounds, therefore, being extra more careful is advised.

As a nursing student, I have realized how important it is to learn wound care. Being knowledgeable

about wounds and how to take care of these wounds are very vital since improper handling may lead to

infections and further complications. As I have watched the video and listened to the discussion, there are

different factors which may affect the skin integrity of a person. One of the most common wounds is the

pressure ulcer in which due to prolonged immobilization and to patients who are bed-ridden, wound care is

essential for them in order to keep the wound clean and improve healing and renewal of tissues. With all

these learnings, I am sure that I can be of great help to patients and assuring them that they can rely me in

taking care of their health.

As health care provider, we must be confident in cleaning and performing wound care to our patients in

order for them to trust us and allow us to provide them with proper care. All wounds of patients are unique

and may be challenging however, as health care providers, it will serve as part of our experience and helping

us become more competent while ensuring that we have provided the best possible care for our patients.

Knowing wound care will have benefit for us also since we can provide services in case of any emergencies.

Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan

Cauayan City, Isabela

College of Nursing and Midwifery

As person, we must also be knowledgeable about wound care since this enables us to know how is this

performed and for what reasons, if we become aware of the benefits and reasons for having this, then we can

provide cooperation to our nurses and providers therefore, these health care providers can provide us the care

that we deserve. In Conclusion, having the extensive knowledge also in wound care as a person will enable

us an individual to look out for ourselves if everyone is unavailable or if we cannot afford to go to hospital.
Wound care aids in the healing process of a person and improper care will lead to severe complications.

Having the knowledge allows us to be informed and aware on how to take good care of wounds based on

their severity and type. As a nursing student, a health care provider, and even as a person, wound care is

essential and improves better health outcomes. Knowledge and skills are important for the main reason to

perform good and correct wound care to patients.

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