M 7 (Letters of Acknowledging Orders, Requesting Payment,)

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Letters of Acknowledging

Orders and Requesting Payment

Acknowledging Orders
• To inform that the order had been accepted and it can be fulfilled.
• To inform that the delivery can be done after the payment
A. Opening paragraph

- We thank you for your order of …… and will despatch the goods
by …. Kami ucapkan terima kasih atas pesanan saudara tanggal………. dan
kami akan mengirimkan barang-barang melalui…….

- We are pleased to acknowledge your order of…… and will

despatch the goods by…….. Dengan senang hati kami terima pesanan
saudara tanggal…… dan kami akan mengirimkan barang-barangnya
melalui ………
- We acknowledge with thank your order No. …… of ……. And
enclose pro-forma invoice No. ……. Dengan mengucapkan terima kasih
kami terima pesanan saudara No…… tanggal ……. dan dengan ini kami
lampirkan faktur proforma kami No ……

- We are pleased to let you know that the good included in your
order No. ….of …… will be despatched today by….. Dengan senang hati
kami beritahukan pada saudara bahwa barang-barang yang tercantum dalam
pesanan saudara No. …… tanggal …… akan kami kirimkan hari ini melalui ……
B. Closing paragraph

- We have been very happy to serve you and look forward to

receiving your further order. Kami sangat senang dapat melayani saudara
dan kami menunggu pesanan saudara lebih lanjut.

- We hope we may have further order from you . Kami harap kami
akan menerima pesanan-pesanan lebih lanjut dari saudara.

- We are pleased to let you know that the goods will be despatched
Dengan senang hati kami beritahukan pada saudara bahwa barang-barang
akan kami kirimkan hari ini.
- We hope the goods will reach you safely. Kami harap semoga
barang-barang akan tiba pada saudara dengan selamat.

- We feel sure that you will find these goods satisfactory and
perfectly suited to your needs. Kami yakin bahwa saudara merasa
puas dengan barang-barang ini dan cocok sekali dengan apa yang saudara

- We look forward to receiving further order from you in future.

Kami menunggu pesanan-pesanan selanjutnya dari saudara di waktu yang
akan datang
23 Kyoti Boulevard
Tokyo 20001
Your ref: AM/L/2B
Our ref: WP/DC/22C Answer the following
25th October, 1993 question.
Mr Allan P Martadinata
Indonesian Modern Office Equipment Ltd
a. Who sent the purchase
35B Jln. Samudera Raya
Bandung 23001 order No. 365T?

Dear Mr Martadinata
b. What did they order?
Subject: Purchase Order No. 365T
c. Why did they enclose their
We are pleased to acknowledge your order of 15 October for:
100 units Silver reed Catalogue No. 254 pro-forma invoice?
50 units Brother Catalogue No. 126
100 units Canon
100 units Remington
Catalogue No. 232
Catalogue No. 211
d. How would the goods be
50 units IBM Catalogue No. 210
We enclose our proforma invoice as requested in your letter. The goods will be despatched by Japan Air Line on receipt of
your banker’s transfer. e. When would the goods be
Yours sincerely, delivered?
William C. Parker
Marketing Manager

Enc. 1
Language study
- We are pleased to acknowledge……
Dengan senang hati kami menerima…….

- We are pleased to advise you……

Dengan senang hati kami beritahukan kepada saudara…..

- We should be grateful if……

Kami sangat berterima kasih jika…….
Key words
thank/v berterima kasih advise/v memberitahukan
despatch/v mengirimkan collect/v mengumpulkan
today/n hari ini insure/v mengansuransikan
serve/v melayani insurance/n asuransi
service/n pelayanan freight/n muatan
further/adj lebih lanjut transport/ mengangkut
sure/adj pasti bill/n rekening
perfect/adj sempurna payment/n membayar
perfect/v menyempurnakan discount/n potongan
suit/v cocok
Now translate the following sentences into English.

a. Dengan senang hati kami menerima pesanan saudara No. 25AS.

b. Dengan senang hati kami terima pembayaran saudara tanggal 7 Mei.
c. Kami sangat berterima kasih atas kiriman saudara.
d. Kami sangat berterima kasih jika saudara memberikan kami potongan
sebesar 5% atas pesanan kami.
e. Dengan senang hati kami beritahukan pada saudara bahwa pesanan
saudara akan kami kirimkan hari ini.
f. Dengan senang hati kami beritahukan bahwa surat saudara tanggal 23 Juli
sudah kami terima.
g. Kami sangat berterima kasih jika saudara dapat membalas surat ini dengan
1. Write the sentences to advise the despatch of the following:
a. order No. 245DC
b. order No. 23DC and 45Z
c. the replacement of books damaged on delivery from order No.32B.

2. Write the sentences to acknowledge the following order:

a. February 14 order for 20 units television.
b. 23 July order for 200 units Fuji camera 80DL.
c. 21 October order for 50 boxes rapido pen and 60 boxes correction fluid.

3. Write letter from Victoria Cycle Work, 23 Broadway Street, Melbourne, Australia to
Indonesian Cycle Corporation, 13 Jln. Perdana Raya, Semarang 23001 Jawa Tengah,
Indonesia. Acknowledge order No. 23ZP for 250 units Remington bicycle and 300 units
federal bicycle. Enclose a pro-forma invoice and advise condition of dispatch on confirmation
of banker’s transfer.
Requesting Payment
• To send/ enclose invoices for requesting payments.
• To send a request of payment due date.
A. Opening paragraph
Sending out invoices
- The enclosed invoices cover goods supplied to your order No ……… of ……
Faktur-faktur terlampir mencakup barang-barang yang dikirimkan untuk memenuhi
pesanan saudara No. … tanggal ...
- We enclose herewith our invoice No ……….. amounting to $/Rp ……….. covering
against your order No ……….. of ……. Dengan ini kami lampirkan faktur kami No ……
sejumlah $/Rp ….. yang mencakup pesanan saudara No ….. tanggal ……
- Will you let us have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed invoice No ….
Amounting to $/Rp ……. to cover against your order No. ….. of …… Harap kirimkan
pada kami cek saudara untuk sejumlah faktur terlampir sejumlah $/Rp …… untuk
menutupi pesanan saudara No. …. tanggal ……...
- We are pleased to enclose our invoice No …. For the goods your ordered on … Dengan
senang hati kami lampirkan faktur kami No ….. untuk barang-barang yang saudara
pesan tanggal …
Sending out statement
We have pleasure in sending herewith a statement of account for all transactions in
March, 1993. Please check the entries and if you find them correct, kindly remit the
total of $/Rp …… to cover your orders No ….., No ……. and No …..
Dengan senang hati kami kirimkan bersama ini suatu statement atas semua perkiraan-perkiraan
saudara untuk semua transaksi bulan Maret 1993. Mohon diperiksa angka-angkanya dan jika ternyata
benar, mohon kirimkan uang sejumlah $/Rp ……. untuk menutup pesanan-pesanan saudara No. …..
No….. dan No……

We are pleased to enclose/send a statement of your account amounting to $/Rp ……..

for all transactions from May up to August 1993.
Dengan senang hati kami lampirkan/kiriman suatu statement atas perkiraan-perkiraan saudara
sejumlah $/Rp …. Untuk semua transaksi dari mulai Mei sampai dengan bulan Agustus 1993.
B. Closing paragraph
We should be pleased to receive your settlement.
Kami sangat senang untuk menerima penyelesaian saudara.

We should be pleased if you would send us your payment by return.

Kami sangat senang jika saudara mengirimkan pembayaran saudara

We look forward to your remittance by return.

Kami menunggu kiriman saudara secepatnya.
Answer the following question.

a. When was the order no. 23P

sent ?

b. What was enclosed with the


c. When would the goods be

despatched ?

d. What discount was given by

New International Paint Company?

e. How much should be paid by

PT. Maphilindo Raya ?
Language study

- According to our records …….

Menurut catatan-catatan kami ………….

- We enclose herewith ……
Dengan ini kami lampirkan ..........

- We would like to remind you that ……

Kami ingin mengingatkan saudara bahwa………
Key words

cover/v menutupi remittance/n kiriman

amount/n jumlah remit/v mengirimkan
cheque/n cek available/adj tersedia
account/n rekening stock/n persediaan
find/v menemukan reach/v mencapai
correct/adj benar copy/n salinan
correct/v mengoreksi remind/v mengingatkan
correction/n koreksi arrange/v menyiapkan
transaction/n transaksi record/n mencatat
settlement/n penyelesaian period/n periode
settle/v menyelesaikan
Now translate the following sentences into English.

a. Menurut catatan-catatan kami, kami belum menerima pembayaran saudara

untuk bulan lalu.
b. Menurut catatan-catatan kami, saudara belum menyelesaikan pembayaran
saudara sejumlah Rp. 5,000,000.00
c. Bersama surat ini kami sertakan satu lembar salinan perkiraan-perkiraan
saudara untuk bulan lalu.
d. Kami ingin mengingatkan saudara bahwa syarat-syarat pembayaran kami
adalah 30 hari.
e. Menurut catatan kami, saudara belum membayar barang-barang yang
saudara pesan bulan Mei lalu.
f. Bersama surat ini kami lampirkan satu lembar kuitansi resmi kami.
1. Write sentences remind your customers for the following
a. full payment must be made within 30 days on receipt of the goods.
b. that their last two accounts have not yet been settled.
c. that your terms are 30 days from receipt of invoice

2. Send their invoice for the goods to be sent to PT. Banjaran Abadi Raya, 22 Jln.
Mancuaria Raya, Jaya Pura, Irian Jaya. The order No. 22PP is for 100 x Cat Ref No. 3 at
Rp. 25,000 per unit, 200 x Cat. Ref. No. 65 at Rp. 32,000 per unit. There is a 15%
discount. Terms are 30 days with an additional 2.5% discount if the goods will be
despatched in three cases marked DC1/DC2/DC3 and will be shipped on M.V. Jaya
Tunggal Satu.

3. Send a statement to PT. Pollima Inti Jaya, 23 Jln. Sukadana Raya, Manado 12000,
Sulawesi Utara. The items are invoices No. 23T on 23 July for Rp. 23,500,000.00, No.
25B on 29 July for Rp. 14,750,000,00 and No. 63Z on 5 August for Rp. 21,000,000.00.
Terms are 30 days.

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