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Read the questions and answer them using details (why, when, who, how, where

etc.). Say at least three sentences!

1. Who is your best friend? What is the most interesting fact you
can remember about him/her?

2. Who is the oldest member of your family?

3. What was the most interesting book that you read last year?

4. What was the worst TV show that you’ve ever seen?

5. Who is the wisest person for you?

6. The prettiest girls are usually silly. Do you agree?

7. Who is the most beautiful actress in the world?

8. What is the biggest shopping centre in your city?

9. Book is the best present. Do you agree?

10. What was the most expensive present that someone’s ever
given to you?

11. What is the strangest film you’ve ever seen?

12. What was the most boring subject at school for you?

13. Which animal do you think is the weirdest pet: pigs / snakes /
frogs / your opinion?

14. Which month is the coldest in your country?

15. What is the most difficult thing in English for you? What is
the easiest thing?

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