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The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The Top Five Reasons Most Stage Hypnotists Fail to Reach High Levels of Success 1. No real hypnosis knowledge/bad hypnosis instructors. 2. No continual improvement or investment in training/books 3, People don't create their own show or persona 4, Lack of marketing knowledge 5. More than one mentor A Brief History of Hypnosis and Colorful Characters Hypnosis has had a very colorful, long history, which is much more detailed that what we will cover here. If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of the history of hypnosis, there are many good books out there that go into more depth on this subject. However, hypnosis has been a part of the human species since the beginning of time. The earliest examples of hypnosis can be found in tribal ceremonies of early humans, usually in healing ceremonies, or ceremonies preparing the tribe for war. Ifa tribal member were ill, the tribe would prepare for a healing ceremony usually involving the medicine man or the shaman. The ill member would lie in a hut with a fire buming awaiting the Shaman, while the rest of the tribe would make soothing sounds outside the hut, lulling the ill member into a relaxed state. Expectations of healing the ill member were very high by both the tribe and the ill member himself. The Shaman would appear in his healing costume and perform a healing ceremony. After the ceremony, the ill member would prociaim he was healed. Page | © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The earliest recorded documentation of hypnosis in use was found in an Egyptian tomb written on papyrus dating back to 1500 B.C. Egyptians used hypnosis for medical and religious purposes and eventually passed their knowledge on to the Greeks. Many religions today use hypnosis, and the medicine men in Africa also use it today. Many of the Kings and Pharos believed they were descendants of Gods because they could heal people during healing ceremonies. As time passed, humans began looking into science and alternative forms of healing, and hypnosis was pushed to the side. In the Dark Ages, using hypnosis, was considered evil. If caught practicing hypnosis, that person was declared a witch or a warlock and were tried and convicted of the crime. Hypnosis was all but forgotten for many years. Frank Anton Mezmer In the 18th Century, an Austrian named Frank Anton Mezmer was credited with the discovery of hypnosis. Mezmer believed all humans were surrounded by a magnetic field, and that for everything in life there was an opposite. Mr. Mezmer believed that when people were sick, their magnetic field was out of line. Mezmer was highly criticized by the medical community in Austria, and was forced to flee the country. However, he did find an exceptionally welcoming audience to his theories in France. Mezmer became very popular and built up quite a clientele. So many, in fact, he did not have time to see all of them, so he began to hold healing ceremonies at Page 2 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook his estate. As the patients arrived, Mezmer had musicians play soft music and had candles buming all around to create a very relaxing atmosphere. As the crowds anticipation rose, Mezmer would then make his appearance, dressed in long flowing robes. Mezmer also wore a large magnet around his neck and would walk through the crowds waving the magnet while shaking hands with people. While he did this, he assured the people they would find health in his great and magnificent powers, As time progressed, Mezmer realized that he could have his patients simply drink the water instead of actually stepping into the barrel. Later, he realized the water and magnets had nothing to do with the healing process, but believed he had been blessed with a gift he called “animal magnetism.” All that was needed to heal a person was for him to touch them. Because of his extreme popularity, Mezmer found himself hailed into the court, physicians of King Louis XVI. His high profile position brought much scrutiny from other physicians. An investigation was soon conducted by a group including Benjamin Franklin They concluded Mezmer did not have any special blessing or powers, and he certainly did not have any animal magnetism. They believed people were healed because of their own imaginations. A sick person believed they were healed, that became their truth, and their truth became their reality. Mezmer was disgraced, and died poor, ridiculed and believing he did have special powers. Page 3 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Notes Dr. James Braid It wasn’t until 1840 that a physician by the name of James Braid began to do research on the accomplishments of other physicians that hypnosis came back into the medical field. Braid studied Mezmer and his followers, and came to the ‘same conclusion Benjamin Franklin had: there was no magnetic field around the human body, so therefore, there was no such thing as animal magnetism However, Braid did find there was a trance like state patients experienced that was similar to sleep. Braid re-named animal magnetism, calling it nuerohypnotism, later shortening it to just: hypnosis, “hypo” being the Greek word for sleep. ‘As he continued his work, he realized he had misnamed the state because the patient was not asleep. In fact, they were very much awake and aware of what exactly was going on around them. He tried to change the name to monodeism because of the one on one association between the client and the hypnotist, but hypnosis stuck. Hypnosis was now starting to be looked upon in a positive light by the medical community Page 4 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Other physicians studied Braids finding and did their own experiments, their findings in agreement with Braid’s. In Germany, a physician by the name of Hippolyte Berheim also studied hypnosis and concluded hypnosis was a psychological process, not a physical or physiological process. Notes Dr. James Esdaile A physician by the name of James Esdaile of Calcutta successfully completed approximately 2500 surgeries utilizing hypnosis for anesthesia. His findings were presented to the medical community in Europe who once again, rebuffed them and insisted he cease using hypnosis. He returned to India to practice hypnosis successfully for years. Notes Dr. Sigmund Freud Page 5 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Ona visit to France in 1957, Sigmund Freud had the opportunity to see hypnosis in action, He was impressed with hypnosis and its uses to treat neurotic disorders. He putt into use immediately with his own patients, while at the same time, developed his psychoanalyst theory. He became agitated he could not put every one of his patients into trance, and became more enamored with his psychoanalyst theory, and tossed hypnosis aside. Notes Again, hypnosis receded from the medical community, but was embraced by carnivals and entertainment. During World War |, hypnosis was again adopted into the medical community, and doctors used it to treat soldiers with combat neurosis, as well as to replace anesthesia when supplies were low. This practice also was used in World War Il In the United States, Morton Prince made a discovery that brought hypnosis again under medical scrutiny. He found there was a separation of mental systems in people who suffered from multiple personality disorders, as well as people under hypnosis. His research showed people in the state of hypnosis could do two or more separate mental processes at the same time. Studies done in France by a gentleman named Pierre Janet also supported Princes’ findings. Page 6 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Ivan Pavlov, the same man who discovered the workings of Pavlov's Dog, concluded that during hypnosis, there continued to be neural excitation. The theory was widely accepted in Russian and Eastern Europe, and doctors used hypnosis in their psychiatric therapy with great success. In 1933, an American named Clark Hull studied hypnosis and agreed with previous findings that it was a state of hyper-suggestibility. Other looked into hypnosis and agreed there was nothing mystical about it. There was no need for magnets as Mezmer had used. Hypnosis was nota sleep state. Hypnosis was indeed a state of mind where the person is open to suggestion. British and American Medical Association Both the British Medical Associ declared hypnosis a useful therapeutic tool in the 1950s. tion and the American Medical Association Notes Religious Considerations Page7 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Although many religions practice hypnosis today in ceremony, itis not called hypnosis. You can find its use in religions that use chanting as part of their prayer service, or even singing. In addition, the Roman Catholic Church, one of the most conservative religions, recognized hypnosis as a natural part of our own ability as human beings, not the work of the devil. It stands by its claim today and gives it's approval for the use of hypnosis. Recent Hypnotic Discoveries PET Scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography You may be interested to know that in the laboratory setting, researchers have used hypnosis to create false memories, hallucinations and alternative behavior in people so that they could be studied and analyzed. (Over the last several years there have been significant advances in neuroscience, which has allowed us to more effectively study hypnosis. In fact, science has developed instruments for studying hypnosis. This has allowed hypnosis to come out of the dark ages and enjoy its current mainstream success. ‘One of the cutting edge tools that is used to study the hypnotic state is called a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan. It records an actual image of the brain, during the brains thought process. itis found that hypnosis produces a very specific pattern of activity within the brain. It shows an increase blood flow in the right anterior cingulate cortex. Using the PET scan, scientists have made some exciting discoveries regarding hypnosis. For instance, some people have concluded that hypnosis is simply Page 8 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook imagination. This is now proven to not be the case. It has been determined there is absolutely no relationship between hypnosis and imagination. While in a state of hypnosis, many people experience auditory (sounds) and visual hallucinations. This is the reason people often times connect imagination with hypnosis. Using the PET scan, researchers have discovered different regions of the brain are utilized during hypnosis, which differ from the regions of the brain exercised while using imagination. That means when a person imagines a sound, the activity is located in a different place in the brain. When that same person experiences a hypnotic hallucination, the brain activity is recorded in an entirely different area. Studies done at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada used a PET Scan to record the brain activity of hypnotized individuals who imagined a scene and then who experienced a hypnotic hallucination scene. Researchers found that auditory hallucination and imagining a sound are both generated within each of us. However the hallucination in hypnosis, like that of real hearing, is experienced as being received from an outside source. Researchers then tried to isolate the area of the brain responsible for this, different brain response pattern while in hypnosis. The University of Ontario studied eight subjects during this amazing session. During the session, each person heard the exact same audio track while the PET scan recorded the brain activity. The brain activity was studied during four different circumstances: 1. While they were listening in a normal waking state. Page 9 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning-All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook 2. While they rested and listened to the audio track. 3. While they just imagined to hear the audio track. 4, While they were in a hypnotized state responding to suggestion to hallucinate the audio track, although it was not actually playing. The research revealed the region of the brain called the right ant. cingulate cortex was just as active while the volunteers were hallucinating as it was while they were actually hearing the track. In comparison, the right anterior cingulate cortex was not active at all while the volunteers were imagining they heard the audio. Clearly something tangible is going on! Hypnosis had completely fooled the right anterior cingulate cortex area of the brain into registering the hallucinated voice as genuine. Page 10 {© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved, The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook What is Hypnosis? Most people are use to the image of hypnosis that is portrayed in the movies and on the television of a guy walking around usually doing so. This is a far cry from the actual state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that each of us experience every single day. Have you ever found yourself engaged by a project that focused all your attention on the task at hand and time seemed to fly by? Have you ever tried to speak with somebody who was working behind a computer keyboard and you had trouble getting his or her attention? That is a natural trance state. Here is my definition of hypnosis: “Altering someones belief or reality through suggestion” Notes Page 11 (© 2009 by Geoffiey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The Two Minds — Conscious and Subconscious. We also possess two minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. It is important to understand the function of each of these so we can understand how hypnosis works. Your conscious mind is your present or current awareness. For instance, in reading this, you are currently aware of the weight of the binder in your hand and the words on the page. What you may not be aware of is the sounds of the traffic ‘outside, the sounds of the air conditioner or heater, the walll across the room. The conscious mind can only hold on to limited information, or the information that you are currently focusing on. ‘Amount of information the mind can hold: 7 + or - 2 Four Functions of the Conscious Mind 1.Analytical 2. Rational Mind 3. Temporary Memory 4. Will Power Page 12 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.AIl rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Four Functions of the Subconscious Mind: 1. Emotions 2. Habits 3. Protective Mind 4, Permanent Memory Main characteristic of the Subconscious Mind: LAZY Hypnosis allows us to by-pass the critical factor (or the doorman/valet) If the conscious mind focuses on your current awareness, the subconscious mind represents everything else. Imagine yourself in a very dark room. You tum on a dull flashlight and shine it into a corner and walk over to that corner. That corner is lit by light, but the rest of the room remains pitch black. The illuminated comer represents your conscious mind, while the rest of the darkened room represents your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a memory bank, or a computer. It takes in everything we hear, see, feel and experience everyday and stores it. If we were to experience this on a conscious level, we would easily be extremely overwhelmed. It has been estimated that the nervous system receives two Page 13 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook million bits of information per second! And just like a computer, if you put garbage in it, you will get garbage out. The subconscious mind is also very lazy and does not like to change. tis very busy, so it is understandable. Between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, there is a doorman or sorts, called the critical factor. The critical factor will take what the conscious mind is saying, and then ask the subconscious mind if it is OK to allow that suggestion into the subconscious mind. We do not develop our critical factor, or our doorman between the conscious and subconscious mind, until around the age of six. This is so that we can experience everything in our lives up until that point and absorb it all, hopefully developing morals and understanding the difference between right and wrong. For instance, in the case of smokers, if the conscious mind says, “OK, | am going to quit smoking,” the critical factor will then tum to the subconscious mind and ask if that thought can enter. Remember, the subconscious mind is in charge of our habits. The subconscious mind will often say no, because it is simply too much work to change the hal However, all hope is not lost. When under hypnosis, we can by-pass the critical factor, and give suggestions to the subconscious mind to change our habits, our beliefs and our behavior. In essence, we can make the doorman take a nap so he can't do his job. Page 14 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The conscious mind and unconscious mind The conscious mind is: Analytical Sequential Cognitive Limited Focus Directs outcomes Thinking Waking Logical PC PNOARONS Deliberate Page 15 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The subconscious mind is: Unlimited Expansive ‘Active while sleeping and dreaming simultaneous Feeling Responsible for involuntary movements Knows solutions to dilemmas we cannot solve consciously PN OANA Intuitive Page 16 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Brain Wave Activity There are four types of brain wave classifications. They are: 1) Beta 2) Alpha 3) Theta 4) Delta Page 17 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Beta Alpha Theta Delta Beta waves are the normal waking consciousness state. As you read this book, you are in beta. Beta is a state where you are wide-awake and aware of your surroundings. Alpha waves are a slower pattern, which are found when people relax, listen to music or meditate. Theta waves are present just before and after you awaken from deep sleep. They are also present during the hypnotized trance state. Delta waves are deep sleep. Delta allows you to rejuvenate and dream. Consciousness (Beta) Relaxed / Hypnosis (Alpha) Before or After Sleep / Hypnosis (Theta) Deep Sleep/ dream (Delta) Page 18 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Signs of Trance state: Identifying the trance state will alow you to determine the direction of your induction and the state of your participants. 1, Breathing becomes easy and rhythmic 2. Noticeable muscle relaxation — no tension — hypnotic mask 3, Irregular blinking 4, Rapid eye movement may occur with closed eyes 5. Eyes may become bloodshot 6. Experiencing things on an internal level 7. Increase in body temperature 8. Eyes rolling in the back of the head 9. May appear sluggish or slow to respond 10. Trance logic takes over The Foundational Core of this Stage Hypnosis training: Page 19 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook These two pillars will allow you to reach levels of success previously unattainable with any other mindset. 1. These are the world's greatest hypnosis subjects 2. They will give me continual feedback so that | can provide them with the perfect induction they require to drop them into a deep state of hypnosis Page 20 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.Al rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Two Faci Characterizations of the Successful Hypnotist 1, Meaningful 2. With Expectation How to Powerfully Connect with Your Stage Hypnosis Participants The use of rapport development tools allows you to connect with your volunteers. Remember, It's never about manipulation; it's about getting in sync with someone. With rapport development tools you are able to: 4. Build Trust 2. Have a deep relationship with them Page 21 {© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook You can utilize the following items when applying rapport development strategies: Posture Breathing Facial expressions Voice — tone, tempo, pitch, vocabulary Habits ~ head, hand, fingers Eye movements Gestures NOOMRONS Mirroring: Simultaneously copying the other persons movements. People like people who are like themselves. Mirroring is a technique that allows you to utilize this characteristic of all people to the benefit of your stage hypnosis show. Page 22 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Matching: Similar to mirroring, but not done simultaneously. Instead it is done on a time delay Matching is another technique that allows you to develop trust and deep relationships with people. For instance, if the person you are talking to scratches their cheek, you may wait a few minutes and then do the same. Cross Matching: Matching movement with other body parts Matching the rate of a head not with a foot bounce Mismatching Intentionally breaking rapport Page 23 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Pacing Creating a yes set. Growing the relationship with verifiable statements Example: As you read this, you see letters on a page. The letters on the page form the words. The words then form sentences. Leading Follows the pacing statements and lead them in the direction you desire Example: As you read this, you see letters on a page. (pacing) The letters on the page form the words. (pacing) The words then form sentences. (pacing) The sentences become the knowledge you need for a successful career in stage hypnosis Ratio of Pacing and Leading Statements Initially, for every 3 pacing statements you should have 4 leading statement. Eventually, as you are doing the induction you can change that to: 4 for 1 Page 24 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook VOCAL QUALITIES OF A SUCCESSFUL STAGE HYPNOTIST You should adopt the following four vocal characteristics during your induction to successfully hypnotize people: 1, Rhythmic or flowing 2. Confident 3. Analog Marked ~ different tonality, volume and pitch 4, Slower tempo of speech Page 25 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook HYPNOSIS INDUCTIONS Conscious / Subconscious Dissociation Sit back, relax....that’s it...,just gaze at the wall over there... ) Your conscious mind can go ahead and sit in that chair, resting, feet on the floor, looking at the wall in front of you, listening to the sound of my voice, paying no attention to me, because I'm speaking with your subconscious .....and while your subconscious mind hears me fully... your conscious mind can attend to other things, it really does not makes no difference if you listen to me with your conscious mind or's your choice... And as | begin to count down from five to one you can just allow your subconscious mind to relax and leave your conscious mind be.... five... your subconscious mind easily learns all that it experiences... four... your eyelids getting heavier and heavier....relaxing with each number | say and every breath you exhale.....two...more relaxation.....your subconscious knows all the answers....your conscious mind tends to think in terms of cause and close your eyes and relax even more ...that's right.. 0) and consciously you think in a very sequential manner....if | were to ask you, if you were more relaxed with your eyes would be a simple yes or To...a logical response to the question....however, if | were to ask your subconscious the same question... it would instantly, fully consider the situation, simultaneously considering all the data and the full benefits of allowing you to rest peacefully...deeper...that’s right... Your conscious mind can continue to examine this...your subconscious already knows...take a nice deep breath and as you exhale......relax your facial muscles, your shoulders and all the muscles over your entire body all the way down to your toes ....and notice...your subconscious mind already knows it's true... Your conscious mind can just go down the way...for it’s your waking mind... your subconscious is your inner mind, your dreaming mind, your sleeping mind. That's right.... Deeper relaxed. Page 26 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved, The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook ‘And consciously you can move any part of your awareness where you desire...subconsciously your awareness is everywhere, always. Your conscious mind can try to figure out why you are so relaxed... the way you you sit in the chair and go down even deeper... your subconscious mind knows why... “ Your conscious mind is analytical...your subconscious is literal... your subconscious is fast, precise and all encompassing... and the better you feel the deeper you want to go...drifting...relaxing...and each time you enter a trance state you drop down deeper....feeling better...each and every time experiencing a pleasant trance, deeper than the previous. Taking in all that you desire while you consider that which you will gain from the time we spend together. all the wonderful outcomes that will come to you as a result of these new teachings ... it's so much to consider that it may just be left for you to know, now it is the truth. Awakening Script And in a moment I'm going to count from one to five and when | do you will awaken refreshed and energized. One, imagining that you are back at home resting now just like you are every single day.....your body temperature returning to normal Two, becoming more aware of these surroundings now Three, allowing the energy to spread throughout your body Four, taking a nice deep breath Five, noticing how good you feel and opening up your eyes only as quickly as you accept the suggestions you have been given. Testing Trance Depth Page 27 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Six Stage Scale of Hypnosis Depth Testing by Arons Stage 1: As you sit there with your eyes closed, you will notice that your eyelids are glued, stuck tight. In a moment, | will ask you to try to open your eyes, and you will not be able to. You will find that your eyelids will stay shut, stuck as if they have been glued down. You will find that the muscles around your eyes will move, but you will not be able to open your eyes. At the count of three, try to open your eyes, but you will not be able to. One, your eylids are stuck down, two, try as you might, they will not open, and three, try but you cannot open them. Now stop trying, and allow yourself to go deeper into this wonderful state of mind. Stage 2: 1am now going to take your arm by the wrist and hold it up. I want you to lock it at the elbow, and make it become like a bar of steel. It is impossible to bend. In a moment, | am going to ask you to lower your arm, but you will notice that you are not able to. Any time | push on your arm, your arm will not fall, but bounce back up. | am now going to count to three and you will try to lower your arm, but you will be unable to. One, your arm is a rigid bar of steel, two, you arm cannot bend, and three, try to lower it, try harder, and you find that you cannot. Stop trying, and unlock your elbow, rest your shoulders and allow your arm to fall into your lap. As your arm hits your lap, notice how you drop even deeper into this wonderful state of mind. Stage 3: While you are in this wonderful state of mind, you could speak to me if | asked you to. Ina minute | am going to ask you to drop deeper by slowly counting from 1-10 out loud. Between each number | will say the word DEEPER, which will allow you to dropper deeper into hypnosis. Begin slowly counting now. (Finishes) Very good. | am going to have you count from 1-10 again. This time you will forget the number six. (Subject counts) Good. Now | would like you to count from 10 down to 1, forgetting the number six again this time. Excellent. Even when | awaken you, you will not remember the number 6. You will do this until | snap my fingers twice. At that time you will be able to count from 1 to 10, and you will remember the number 6. Page 28 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.AIl rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Stage 4: Now I am going to take your arm by the wrist and hold it up. It will stay up comfortably. Please hold your hand out and extend your fingers. | want you notice how all feeling is leaving your hand from your wrist to your knuckles (lightly brushing clients hand while saying this). You don't feel a thing in this area. You don't feel anything (still brushing clients hand). You feel nothing (as you say nothing you pinch clients hand). Did you feel anything? A touch, but no pain (Allow for client to respond. If they say touch, then continue on) Allow yourself to fee! absolutely nothing in this area. You feel nothing....nothing...nothing. (If client responded that they felt pain, then stop. Whatever the client response, make sure to put back the feeling) Now allow the feeling to return to your hand (lightly brushing the area again). You feel this (pinch hand lightly). Stage 5: In a moment | am going to ask you to open your eyes and drop down even deeper. When you open your eyes, you will see @ clock on the wall in front of you. | would like you to describe that clock to me. You will do this on the count of three. Ready? One, two three. Very good. (Eyes open) It feels wonderful, doesn't it? Please look at the wall and tell me what you see. (Allow ample time for them to describe what they are seeing. After they describe the clock, or simply tell you they don’t see anything, continue). Now close your eyes and go deeper into hypnosis, feeling wonderful Stage 6: IN a moment | am going to count from one to three. When I reach three, you will ‘open your eyes, remaining deep in hypnosis, and you will want to take notes, However, you will notice that your pen is missing. You will not be able to find your pen. In fact, you may even accuse me of taking your pen. 1...2...3...0eS ‘open. You feel good! (Allow time for the scene to play itself out and for the hallucination to develop) Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and as you exhale you will drop down even deeper. Page 29 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.AIl rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook 1. Catalepsy: first three stages in varying degrees 2. Amnesia: divides the 3"/ 4" stages. The third stage is the inability to articulate number, the 4"" stage they will forget the number 3. Anesthesia: Divides 4/5" stages — Analgesia — no pain but pressure. In the 5" stage there is neither pain nor pressure 4. Positive Hallucinations: 5" stage/ negative hallucinations 6" stage Page 30 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Deepening Techniques 1. Count down from 10-1 2. Realization (as you notice....takes you down deeper) and eye catalepsy 3. CTD — Connect Deepening Technique (as you exhale..) 4. Leaf floating down 5. Staircase 6. Fractionation 7. Bird Overhead Page 31 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Two terms to know: Primary Suggestibilt: Suggestions to induce hypnosis Secondary Suggestibility: ‘Suggestions used to change environment, personality, etc. All other suggestions than those used to hypnotized. Page 32 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook EXTRA POWER TOOLS, STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE TRANCE Using different tools, strategies and techniques, such as representational overlap, stacking realities, incorporating and anchoring, during your induction will help you speed up your induction, and give your participants what they need in order to enter a deep hypnotic state. Representational systems Human beings process information in five different ways called the Representational systems. These representational systems allow us to process, remember and code information received through our five senses. We all develop a stronger preference with varying representational systems. This does not mean that we do not use all five, but it does mean, that we favor one of them over the others, The five representational systems are: Taste Smell Visual Auditory (hearing) kinesthetic (feeling) PRENS Page 33 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The common major representational systems are: 1. Auditory 2. Kinesthetic 3. Visual Clues to look for in deciding a persons representational system: When talking to people they are continually giving you clues, or feedback, as to what representational system is their dominant. Understanding the representational systems and what feedback to look for will help you to give your participants the most effective induction for them: Visual: Their vocabulary will be: ™ Watch me Check out this view ™ See what | mean? ™ Can you picture that? Write out other examples: Page 34 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Auditory: Their vocabulary will be: Sounds good Listen up Hear what I'm saying? How does that sound to you? Write out other examples: Kinesthetic Their vocabulary will be: Do you feel the same way? Can you grasp that? How does that make you feel? Get in touch with them. Write out other examples: Page 35 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Incorporation: Incorporation is a particularly powerful technique to use continually Use incorporation as a tool to incorporate whatever is going on around you and what your subjects are doing Example: One of your subjects moves his left foot. You say, “And as you move your foot you notice how good it feels and that takes you deeper.” Example: A waiter drops a tray of dishes making a loud sound. You may say something like, “And any loud sounds you hear will only drop you deeper.” Anchoring: Securing an action, emotion or behavior to a predetermined trigger Example: “Whenever | say ‘sleep now,’ your body will go lose, limp and relaxed’ or “Whenever | touch you on the shoulder, it will make you more relaxed.” Example: “Whenever you feel the need to curse, you feel your tongue become glued to the roof of your mouth.” Page 36 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook ‘Super Charging Your Trance Skills! HYPNOTIC LANGUAGE Using hypnotic language, such as nominalizations, pre-suppositions, use of time and numbers and awareness predicate, will also help you with your induction and make the hypnotic experience pleasant for your subjects. Hypnotic language is the foundation of hypnosis. Presuppositions: Words you say that lead to the action you desire. Example: “Wendy will find the trance state so relaxing.” This statement presupposes that Wendy will go into trance and she will find it relaxing Write out your own examples of presuppositions Page 37 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Subordinate clauses of time: Also a presupposition. Examples: Before, after, during, as, since, when, while. you go down deeper, notice your hand becoming lighter.” Presupposing that: and Cindy shuts her eyes, she will notice how relaxed she is.” Presupposing that: and the trance state, you become very relaxed. Presupposing that: and you take a deep breath, you will notice how relaxed you are.” Presupposing that: and ; you sit back in that chair, you will drop down to that peaceful place.” Presupposing that: and you notice your eyelids fluttering, it takes you down deeper: Presupposing that: and Page 38 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Use of OR: It gives the hypnotic subject a choice so they can choose which is more comfortable to them. Example: "I don't know if Cindy will feel her hand become lighter or her head heavier while she rests comfortably.” Use of Numbers This is maternally telling your subjects what they are supposed to do Example; "You may feel your right leg relax first.” Awareness Predicates: Words or statements that bring attention to what you are directing the subject to Example: “You may notice yourself already becoming more relaxed.” Change of time: “Wendy can continue to relax.” (Presupposes Wendy is already relaxed and will continue to do so) TRANSITIONS The use of transitions in your induction is very important. They are used to connect leading and pacing statements. These are listed from the weakest to the strongest. and as while when because makes demands requires PN OMRON > Page 39 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The more required of the participant, the more commitment on their part, the stronger the transition. Weak Example: “Your hand is resting on your thigh and you become more and more relaxed.” Stronger Example: You become more relaxed because your hand is resting fon your thigh. Embedded Commands: Embedded commands are disguised direct suggestion that the subconscious hears, but the conscious mind misses. Example: “When | look at all of you, | wonder when you will go into trance, it makes me realize what a nice group we have. Example: | don't know how soon you will rave about this training Page 40 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook ‘THE BASICS OF INDUCTIONS All inductions can be broken down into three categories: 1. Instant 2. Rapid 3. Standard (progressive relaxation) All inductions are either Maternal or Paternal Maternal : a more “motherly,” softer approach Patemal : a more “fatherly” harder approach People will favor either a maternal style induction or a patemal style induction. My experience shows more people are attracted to maternal style induction. In either case, the deeper your subject goes, the more paternal you must become. Page 41 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook RAPID AND INSTANT INDUCTIONS: Examples of Rapid Inductions: ‘The Handshake ~ this can be done a number of ways. You can do this induction by shaking the subjects hand while speaking to him, then pull on their arm while commanding “SLEEP.” Another handshake induction is to keep shaking the subjects hand while having him look you in the eye and giving the suggestion that soon the subject will want to shut his eyes and then his hand will be floating in the air. ‘Two hands induction — Have your subject push his hand (his on top of yours) against yours while looking you in the eye. Then pull your hand out from underneath him while telling him to sleep. Instant Inductions: Hand clasp_- Have your subject hold his hands directly out in front of him, arms stiff, Have the subject focus on their hands as you tell him that they are bonded, welded, glued together, and their arms are rigid bars of steel. You repeat this over and over, telling them they cannot pull their hands apart. Then ask them to try to pull their hands apart, and then tell them they won't be able to do it. Standard Inductions: Progressive Relaxation is the most common and widely used induction in hypnosis, ‘The Geoffrey Ronning Stage Hypnosis Induction Theory Page 42 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The Geoffrey Ronning Theory is based on the idea that a hypnotist does not go to a show with a scripted induction. Instead they go in with the knowledge and toolbox that will allow them to hypnotize the participants in the fastest, most entertaining manner possible. The EKG Induction Framework Benefits of EKG Induction Framework: Rapport development Flexibility to do what needs to be done as opposed to memorizing a script ‘association (a strong induction component) guised Depth Testing Structure the audience can follow Theatrical (not a snoozer like the PR) Speed SN OAR ON Filled with hypnotic language to maximize the inductions effectiveness Page 43 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook EKG Induction Framework Structure Deep breath and eye closure* Deep relaxation of eye muscles Challenge to open eyes (catalepsy test)” Physical relaxation (arm test)" 1 Mental relaxation — disassociation from physical self by losing the numbers ™ Fractionation by repeated inductions* *is both a disguised deepening and testing phase. EKG Induction Framework Script By Geoffrey Ronning (based on the work of Dave Elman and Gerald Kein) Place your feet flat on the floor your hands in your lap so they are not touching. From this point forward do not have any conversation with anyone unless | ask you to. In a moment we are going to begin the induction. Take some nice deep breaths while | tell the audience what to expect. (Geoff turns to audience) Folks we are going to do a hypnotic induction. During this part of the show is when | ask for your cooperation. Please refrain from any talking and no flash photography during the induction. Once we finish the induction, you can take all the pictures you would like, and you will want to take a lot of pictures. (Geoff turns back to volunteers on stage. His back is to the audience) If you are ready to be hypnotized nod your head. (All participants must nod their head or he will keep asking them one by one until ALL nod their heads.) | want you to know there is nothing on this earth that can keep you from being hypnotized other than yourself, but obviously you have volunteered so I'm sure you have a sincere interest. Page 44 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Take a nice deep breath with me, and hold it. A deeper breath, and hold it. And now the deepest breath of all, hold it. This time, as your release that breath, allow your eyes to close, listening to the sound of my voice. Direct your attention to the chair you are seated in, notice how it supports you you needn't do anything but relax....that’s right... (From here on out, Geoff is facing the audience 95% of the time) (Optional paragraph) We have more people up here then we can safely use, ‘so | will be looking for those individuals that can go into the trance state the easiest and fastest. If | ask you to retum to your chairs don’t take it personal, it just means tonight, you will enjoy this program out there, more than up here. Just allowing yourself to become more and more relaxed with each breath you exhale. Direct your attention to your right hand, notice how that hand rests comfortably. Perhaps you become aware of your left hand, and notice the way it feels. Direct your attention to your right foot, notice how it's completely supported by the floor beneath it and that drops you down deeper. Now direct your attention to your eyelids. Relax those eyelids completely to the point where they will not open. You are in control....In a moment Im going to have you test those eyelids, | don't want you to test them until your certain they will not open. | want you to test those eyelids on the count of three. 1,2,3, good, quit testing, relax and allow that quality of relaxation to wash over your entire body, from the top of your head, down to the tips of your toes. With each easy breath, allowing your to drop down deeper and the deeper. The deeper you go the better your feel. Page 45 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.Al rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Ina moment 'm going to come along and pick up your left arm That left arm should be lose, limp, relaxed. | know you could help me lift that arm, but don't. Let me do all the lifting today. Terrific, wonderful, fantastic, good, deeper, great... There are two ways we relax, mentally and physically. You are all doing wonderful with the physical relaxation, and it is now time to relax mentally Here is how we will do it. \ will begin counting backwards from 100. Each time I say a number I'm going to say deeper relaxed... I want you to focus on the number in your mind. You need not visualize the number. This has nothing to do with visualization, you just need to direct attention to the number I say. Make that number a burden that you want to get rid of, a burden you can get rid of by the time | get to 95 or sooner, and as you do, notice how good your feel, here we go. 100, deeper relaxed, and the deeper you go ...the more confident, the more secure you become, 98 deeper relaxed... 97 deeper relaxed... 96 deeper relaxed....that's right... 95 deeper relaxed, pushing all thoughts of all numbers out of your mind and as you do, noticing how good it feels. In a moment I'm going to count to 3, when I get to 3 not before, | want you all to be seated upright and open your eyes and look at the mike stand on stage. I'm then going to say two words, those two words are sleep now and | will snap my fingers. This is your invitation to return to this pleasant state of mind, allowing your eyes to close, and your body to go loose, limp and relaxed. Each and every time we do this it will drop you down twice as deep, so you can feel twice as good, twice as confident, twice as secure.....1,2,3, sleep now, snapping your fingers, 1,2,3, sleep now Going from maternal to paternal Page 46 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.AIl rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook 1,2,3, sleep now. ‘one more time 3, sleep now. Page 47 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook THE HYPNOSIS SHOW The majority of hypnotic shows are broken down in to six components. ‘Stage Hypnosis Show Structure: 1. Introduction 2. Pre Talk 3. Induction 4, Show Routines 5. BOR pitch 6. Finale Exceptions to the six components: Corporate Sensitive Groups Schools Page 48 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook You are the Show ~ Creating Your Character All stage hypnotists have a persona up while performing. Whether itis the sexy siren, the brooding hypnotist, the hypnotist that will take you through hell and back, or simply the guy next door, all personas have to be rehearsed. Focus on the following when thinking about your character as a stage hypnotist: + Character — what type of person do you want to portray up on stage? + Energy — what will your energy level be? High Strung? Mellow? Or perhaps somewhere in between? + Attitude - what is the attitude of your character? Easy going? Upbeat and personal? Hardass? + Expertise — how will you show your expertise to the audience? Consider the character you want to play on the stage and the venues you are interested in working. Do they match up? If so, consider all aspects of this characters history: his past, training, motivations, dreams, goals, desires. Ask yourself if this is a character the audience will connect with? Will care about? Will pay to see again and again. Answer the following questions for each venue you are interested in pursuing using the next worksheet. Your planning will be rewarded; don't skip this stage! Page 49 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Character Venue Worksheet Who is your market: Who is your Character: What is the characters background: What is the characters goals: Is this a compelling character worth exploring? Yes No Is there a match between character and venue? Yes No Page 50 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook PART I: The introduction The introduction is a crucial part of your show. It is imperative that you carefully plan it. Don't pre-record it! The 3 Rules for your Introduction: Your introduction should. 1. Get the audiences attention — You do not want to start your show with people milling around and everyone talking 2. Create Expectancy for your audience — Your introduction should make your audience excited to be there for the show 3. Establish your credibility for your audience — List media appearances and product development Your introduction to the audience should make it apparent that you are very successful and important, a hypnotic super star! Because after this training, you are! Page 51 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook PART Il: The S n Rules of Pre-Talk Your pre-talk must be very good. It sets the pace for the show and often times, especially with more conservative audiences, will determine if you have a show or not. Defining the Seven Rules of a Successful Pre-talk: 1 Relax the audience: The pre-talk should be designed to get your audience laughing, and it should also be used as a way to build trust between you and the audience. When the audience is laughing and they trust you, they like you. Audience Participation: The pre-talk is a great way to encourage audience participation in your show. This can be accomplished through pre-tests. By having the audience perform the pre-tests now, you are also making them compliant. They are doing what you want them to do. Demonstrate your skill: The pre-talk is also a wonderful time to demonstrate your skills as a hypnotist and a performer. Use patter that builds your image, and utilize terms to demonstrate your knowledge, but without making the audience uncomfortable or losing them in hypno-babble, such as talking about the differences of the conscious and unconscious minds. Ease your Audiences Fears: Most people are uneasy/atraid of hypnosis because they have seen unethical hypnotists or too many movies. Use your pre-talk to calm and soothe your audience. Let them know that they won't be doing Page 52 {© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook any embarrassing or damaging things up on stage**. Explain to them that it is impossible to get stuck in hypnosis. Give explanations of hypnosis in everyday life, something that most people can relate to so that they can see that hypnosis is NOT an unnatural state of mind. Explain to them that you will only be working with volunteers, therefore, getting rid of their apprehension. (**The exception to this is if you are performing an X rated show, or if you are performing in a comedy club or bar which requests a little more risqué show. People attending these shows know that they most likely will be embarrassed if they volunteer, and that is what they are there to do) 5. Before you call for volunteers, get your audience excited. Tell them that their experience with you up on stage is a once in a lifetime opportunity. There are very few chairs available. You know a lot of people want to be hypnotized. All of this builds expectancy within your audience. 6. Give the audience YOUR rules: Before you call for volunteers, give out your rules. Here are our rules: + You (audience members) must be a sincere participants * Don't come up on stage to resist hypnosis - you will be wasting an important chair + Demonstrate full control of audience 7. Give your volunteers a reason to be hypnotized Explain to them that they are the starts of the show, and they will fee! wonderful and full of energy after the show. While under hypnosis, Page 53 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.Al rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook they will be developing skills of their minds, and you will offer suggestions for improvement ** “(suggestions for improvement is optional and depends on your audience. A corporate audience may need this, but a schoo! will not) Page 54 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook During your pre-talk, itis important to use Hypnotic Talk. Salt and pepper your taik with presuppositions, and future pacing, Specific Pre-talk For Specific Markets: Rules that apply PRE-TALK RULES AND MARKETS Relax | Audience |Demonstrate| Ease | Get |Your | Reasons Audience | Participation ‘Skill Fears | Excited | Rules to 1 2 3 4 5 6 volunteer a2 7 Comedy Clubs v v v Corporate| Vv v v v v v v Fraternal | Clubs v v v v v v v (service clubs) _ Cruises/ Casinos v v v v v v v Fairs v v v v v All Schools: Middle v v v Schools, High Schools, Colleges Page 55 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Pre-Tests 1. Magnetic fingertips 2. Light/ Heavy Hand Page 56 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The Geoffrey Ronning Pre-Talk Framework The pre-talk, like the induction is not an event that occurs, but rather an experience that takes place between the performer and the audience. Spontaneity gives us the freedom to work to our highest levels and reach the specific audience that resides in front of us! The following framework is from the pre-talk Geoffrey uses, along with what is being accomplished. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show. My name is Geoffrey Ronning. By a show of hands how many people have attended alive hypnosis show before? How many have never attended a live hypnosis show?” BY THE AUDIENCE RAISING THEIR HANDS, THEY ARE GETTING INVOLVED, AND SHOWING COMPLIANCE “Well, for the benefit of those that have never attended let me tell you a little bit of what you can expect. First it’s important to appreciate that everything that happens up here is may not look like it but itis.” THE AUDIENCES DOUBTS ABOUT HYPNOSIS BEING SOMETHING MAGICAL AND MYSTICAL ARE BEING REMOVED. THEY ARE BEING EDUCATED ABOUT HYPNOSIS, AND THEY ARE GETTING COMFORTABLE BY LAUGHING. “In fact, hypnosis itself is a natural state of mind. Everyday everyone of us in this room experiences a natural trance state. It’s true. Have you every tried to speak to someone that is watching television and it is, hard to get their attention? They are in a trance state.’ AGAIN, THE AUDIENCE |S BEING EDUCATED, AND THEY ARE GIVEN A SCENARIO THAT IS COMMON IN EVERYDAY LIFE TO SHOW THAT HYPNOSIS IS A NATURAL STATE OF MIND. THEY ARE BECOMING MORE COMFORTABLE BY LAUGHING “Or perhaps you yourself have you ever been driving down the freeway, listening to the radio or lost in thought and just about miss your freeway turnoff? You were in a trance state! Some of us may even know people that never seem to leave the trance state, but that is a different program.” ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF HYPNOSIS IN EVERYDAY LIFE. AUDIENCE |S LAUGHING AGAIN, BECOMING COMFORTABLE WITH HYPNOSIS AND THE ENTERTAINER Page 57 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook “Now in a moment when we call for volunteers. Nobody is ever forced to participate.” THE AUDIENCES FEARS OF BEING DRAGGED UP ON STAGE ARE ADDRESSES AND EASED. “They will come up here, be seated in these chairs and we will do what is called an induction. That will put them into a nice deep natural state of hypnosis.” PRESUPPOSITION - PEOPLE WILL VOLUNTEER “In fact the people that volunteer for this show are the folks who have the greatest time of all of us!” PROVIDING REASONS FOR VOLUNTEERING “While they are in that trance state, we will change their environment, create new personalities and have a lot of fun.” PRESUPPOSING PEOPLE WILL VOLUNTEER, BE HYPNOTIZED AND THEY WILL HAVE FUN “In addition to that, while they are up here, all their cares, concerns and worries disappear!” MORE REASONS TO VOLUNTEER: “You become so relaxed in fact that you receive the equivalent benefit of a full nights normal sleep!” PRESUPPOSING “YOU" WILL VOLUNTEER AND GIVING MORE REASONS TO VOLUNTEER “Yeah, now everybody wants to volunteer...” LAUGH, MAKING AUDIENCE COMFORTABLE “Now one of the myths of hypnosis is that you must be weak willed in order to be hypnotized. Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact the stronger your will, the stronger your concentration, the faster, the easier you will go into a trance state!” USING AN EMBEDDED COMMAND: “Let me give you all a chance to discover the power of your imagination.” Optional Pre-test #1 is then used Page 58 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook “Give yourself around of applause for participating!” COMPLIANCE WITH APPLAUSE AND PRETESTS Optional: Pre-tests #2 “Give yourself around of applause for participating.” COMPLIANCE WITH APPLAUSE AND PRETESTS “All right so in a moment we are going to invite those who would like to participate up here on stage. Obviously we don't have a lot of chairs and I know we have a lot of people that want to participate, so we are going to deal with just the first people that get up on stage.” CREATING EXPECTANCY AND LIMITED AVAILABILITY “Now obviously nobody can be hypnotized against their wil come up just to resist. You will only be wasting a very impo up here on stage.” ESTABLISHING THE RULES “Now the people who volunteer for this show truly are the stars of the show, so as they are coming on stage (using these stairs right over here) let them hear you and applaud like crazy!!” MORE REASONS TO VOLUNTEER - THEY WILL BE THE STARS AND EVERYONE WILL APPLAUD FOR THEM “Not, yet. Wait until Wendy starts the music.” CREATING A SENSE OF EXCITEMENT AND LIMITED AVAILABILITY TO BE HYPNOTIZED “By the way, just before the show I was talking to some folks out in the hail, and they had a couple of comments. The first person said, ‘Geoffrey Ronning | want to experience this trance state, | have always been curious about it, but I'm worried! What if | get up on stage, I get put into the trance state, and | start barking like a dog? Or clucking like a chicken? Pretty soon I’m stripped down naked!’ | know what kind of show “this table” wants!” ADDRESSING FEARS, ANSWERING COMMON QUESTIONS AND GETTING EVERYONE LAUGHING! “Actually nobody will cluck like a chicken, no one will bark like a dog. I won't embarrass you and | won't even let you embarrass yourself” PRESUPPOSITION THAT YOU WILL VOLUNTEER, AND AGAIN, EASING FEARS Page 59 {© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook “I find we don’t have to do that in order to have fun. We will have laughs from beginning to end, but no one will do anything up here that they will regret!” FUTURE PACING AND EASING FEARS “The second comment was ‘Geoffrey Ronning | have seen your show before!” ESTABLISHING CREDIBILITY AS AN ENTERTAINER WHO PERFORMS A LOT “You hypnotized a friend of mine. He was up on stage, the audience was going crazy, they were laughing, applauding, it was great!’ ” MORE REASONS TO VOLUNTEER, THE AUDIENCE WILL LOVE THEM, FUTURE PACING “Afterwards, he felt fantastic! He was creative, had a lot of energy...For days, he was going, going, going. He threw out his Viagra!” MORE REASONS TO VOLUNTEER — THEY WILL FEEL FANTASTIC, THEY WILL BE CREATIVE, ETC..., ALSO CREATING LAUGHTER “Lwant to try it, but I'm worried. What if I get up there, get put into the trance state, and get stuck there?” CREATING LAUGHTER AND ANSWERING COMMON CONCERN “You know that happens so seldom, it's just not a valid concern!” MORE LAUGHTER “Actually, that is impossible! It cannot happen. Even if we were to leave you...” PRESUPPOSING "YOU" WILL VOLUNTEER “in a trance state you will merely slip into a natural normal sleep and wake up like you do every morning. So don’t have that fear. But tonight | will put you into a trance and | will also take you out!” EMBEDDED COMMAND OF HAVING NO FEAR OF HYPNOSIS “So, audience let me hear you, are you ready?” CREATING EXCITEMENT “Now remember the folks that volunteer are the stars so let them hear that applause!” MORE REINFORCEMENT THAT THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE FUN UP ON STAGE, THEY WILL BE THE STARS AND THEY WILL HEAR A LOT OF APPLAUSE AS THEY COME TO THE STAGE “Are you ready?” Page 60 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronni The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook BUILDING EXCITEMENT LEVEL “Wendy a little musi It takes about a minute for the chairs to fill, the audience applauds, and you are into a hot show! Page 61 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronni The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook PART Ill: Routining your show Your show routines are the bulk of your performance, It is best if you create your own unique personality and routine your show to fit YOU. We have found the best routines are to take the old tried and true and put your own style into it. For instance, taking a routine and adding contemporary music to it updates it and by adding your personality and twisting the concept, you can make it something special for your audience and something different than any other hypnotist offers. There are four different types of routines that you have: 1. 2. Single Person — using one person on your stage for a routine Multiple People — using more than one volunteer for a routine, but not all of them 3. 4. All the participants up on stage Involving the audience and hypnotized subjects Within these four categories you can have your subjects: 1 2. 3. 4, See Something Do Something Experience Something Say Something The key is to exploit your options to their fullest and combine that with your character and your show routines. Page 62 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Further Distinctions to Make Your Show More Successful ‘These are the traits that your participants will have: 1. Auditory 2. Physical 3. Creative For instance, if one of your routines is the pathological liar, you want to look for someone who enjoys talking (auditory) and who will answer your questions directly into the microphone. If you use dancers in a routine, look for those that are more physical than the others. Highly creative people (both auditory and physical) are good for any routine. Rules of Routining * Start your show with a routine that will be simple for your participants * Add variety to your show by taking routines and putting your own spin on them + Routine your show so that it flows seamlessly from routine to routine + The days of the old plodding hypnosis shows are OVER! All markets want a fast paced show, however, just how fast you go will depend on your audience. For instance, kids are used to things happening at breakneck speed (i.e. - MTV videos, video games), so you will most likely have to step up the pace of your show. A show for a group of senior executives will be a slower pace. Regardless, the pace of all Page 63 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook hypnosis shows must not be like it has in the past! You will lose your audience. * Do routines that appropriate for your audience and that work to highlight the skills of your subjects! A mistake | see a lot of people make, particularly those in the hypnotherapy field is that they think the hypnosis show should be "educational." If it is a show, it's a show. People want to be entertained and as a result of an entertaining show they will of course be naturally educated about the power of hypnosis, but when hypnotists feel they must explicitly "educate," problems start. You know the people who go on and on about....."and many doctors use this....blah...blah....and the mind is divided into ......blah...blah...blah." Those “hypnotists" are only there for their own agenda, and much like a selfish lover, they should have just stayed home. Also, | would not do a PR induction; itis not fast enough for stage shows and it's boring. Whatever induction you decide to do add some theater to it. Make it dramatic; remember it's a show. | don't know what skits you are planning on doing but if they involve anything older than a couple of years ago (any dances, characters, etc.) drop it. Keep it fresh and contemporary. Stay focused on what you are supposed to deliver, laughter, and you will do terrific. Routine Ratings: You cannot perform the same routine at a comedy club as you would at a corporate show. You can customize your routines to perform at different ratings: G, PG, R, X Routining a Show Page 64 {© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Routine your show for variety, seamless flow, and entertainment. Include routines that will have your audience experience a number of emotional responses. Get them laughing and amaze them with the activities of your volunteers up on stage. The flow of your show should have peaks and valleys as illustrated next Beginning of show Middle of show End of show Remember, the modern day audience wants a program that is fast paced (fast paced being a term that is appropriately defined by the market you are working.) Always treat your volunteers with the most utmost respect and feature them during your show. In my show, / personally do not take center stage as the ssfar, | let the audience applaud the volunteers rather than me. Always focus fully on entertaining your audience. Page 65 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Music Utilize as much music as you feel comfortable with and use music that is appropriate for the market you are working. For instance, you do not want to use rap or hip-hop at a corporate show, but definitely at a kids show. Utilize routines that allow you to get as much laughter out of the audience as possible! You do not want the audience laughing at the volunteers but with them! Even within the standard routines, seek to make your show stronger by combining and altering the routine to get the maximum enjoyment for your audience. ‘The three types of routines to always avoid! + Any routine that is potentially offensive to the market where you are working. For instance: vulgar, sexist or racist routines!** + Any routine that embarrasses or potentially embarrasses a volunteer.** + Dangerous routines where a volunteer or an audience member could get hurt (“The exception to these rules are a comedy olub or a bar where Just about anything goes unless you are directed otherwise by the ‘manager) ‘The Beginning routines of your show: We highly recommend you make your first skit a group skit for a couple of different reasons. First, you can see who is auditory, who is more physical, and who are both. Second, having a group skit first will help to relax all of your volunteers. Your first skits should also be very simple. Page 66 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook ile Routines: up routine types with group and single participants. Your volunteers should now be comfortable up on stage and more active. You can also slow down the routines and do some talking skits. Ending routines Use a routine that will get the strongest audience emotional response. Usually (but not always) a dance routine, or singer is a nice way to end with music and lots of applause. BOR Sales Pitch Audiences + Hypnosis Show = Profits At every program you and I do, we have people standing in front of us. They watch and are impressed with hypnosis, they want to make changes in their own lives and they want to hand us money to make that happen! ‘And if we don't have a system in place to help them, it's everyone's loss because we may never see them again. Either you put a system in place with a profitable back end product, or you lose the opportunity -- forever! Keep the pitch informational and short and you will be an amazing amount of money! The two exceptions to offering products are: 1. Schools 2. Sensitive Corporations Your biggest selling products will bs 1. Hypnosis audio products 2. Videos of that show Page 67 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning. All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook The biggest profit producing product offer you can have is: Multiple audio component back end — upsell product To Post -hypnotic or not? You can end a show in a number of different manners. Some are more appropriate than other endings depending on the market, + No post-hypnotics (1) You end the show after the last routine. + Light post-hypnotics (2) Such as when | say beverage you will shout “tastes great.” + Medium Post-hypnotics (3) Foot stuck to floor. + Heavy post-hypnotics (4) Having a volunteer kissing audience members (which we DO NOT RECOMMEND in any venue except a comedy club or a bar) or turning them into someone else. Page 68 (© 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook Write out some of your own Post Hypnotic Ideas Page 69 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.AIl rights reserved. The Modern Day Stage Hypnosis Handbook POST HYPNOTICS AND DIFFERENT MARKETS No Post Light Medium | Heavy Post Hypnotics | Post Post Hypnotics | 4 Hypnotics | Hypnotics 4 2 3 Comedy Clubs v v v Corporate* v v v Fraternal Clubs (service clubs) v v Cruises! Casinos | v v All Schools: Middle Schools, High Schools, v v v Colleges Fairs v v *Special Note: In some cases when working with corporate audiences your show is best received without post-hypnotics. The following type audiences ‘should be considered as non post-hypnotic audiences: CEO's & Doctors. Page 70 © 2009 by Geoffrey Ronning.All rights reserved.

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