09-22-2011 Chalice

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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 3 No. 35 September 22, 2011

The Chalice

Worship - The Heart of Our Community

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
One of the joys of being back home with my church family is enjoying our worship together. While we were in Florence, we did attend worship, but being such a Catholic country, there was very little chance for us to go to a Protestant worship service. We found a small Methodist church not far from where we were staying and decided to go there. The pastor is a wonderful woman named Alison from England. I spoke with her before the service and she heard that I was a fellow minister on sabbatical. The service was bilingual, half-Italian and halfEnglish, conducted by Alison who spoke fluent Italian. She was also the pianist. About halfway through the service, she announced that the service would be different since this was the beginning of the summer. So we would divide into two groups and have a discussion based on the scripture reading. She said, Rev. Chris will lead the English speakers and I will lead the Italians. That was news to me, and she gave me a quick smile as she divided our groups. Evidently she was not aware that sabbatical means not working! Clearly I am a slow learner, because the next Sunday I went back. This time Alison announced that Rev. Chris would be running the power point projector and leading us in singing as she played piano. This time I had the privilege of singing in Italian and leading the Lords Prayer in Italian. I offered my best Italian language version of prayer and song, and luckily everyone understood me. It was exciting to return home to some changes in our worship service. I was happy to see that those came out of the Renew process. I am still getting familiar with our own service, so have patience, just as the Italians were patient with me. I invite your feedback to all of our leaders and staff. We want to have the most creative, dynamic worship we can. After all, the heart of our community is the worship of God, through Jesus Christ. However, I have requested that the worship committee not have any services in Italian Im not sure Im up to the task! See you in worship!

Extravagant GENEROSITY
Have you stopped by the Extravagant Generosity display in the rotunda to pick up your Prayer Calendar and your GENEROSITY wristband? Have you stopped to read the wonderful heart card display on the West wall of the Fellowship Hall?

Over this past Summer, we worshiped together as one, we renewed our love for our church and we listed out all of our wonderful dreams and visions things that we are passionate about. Now, which of these dreams and visions do you connect with? What is your passion? What inspires you to live fuller, love stronger, laugh louder? What encourages you to give more of your time, effort, financial supportof yourself? For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21, NRSV)

9:30 10:45 12:00 12:45

Sunday School UNIFIED Worship GRATITUDE Lunch Shorow Sabbatical Presentation in Sanctuary

RSVP by Monday, September 26, for Lunch online at


Gifts of Generosity
Gifts of Generosity come in many ways - spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, etc. Our church has been blessed with the generosity of those who came before and those present today. We often take those for granted, seeing them without truly seeing them. Recently the FCC library committee determined to rearrange furnishings and dcor to help us to better see a resource (the library!) through new eyes. In doing so, we discovered a hidden gift of generosity, a set of paintings, painted by our own gifted artist, Tommy Atchison and donated by Jack Clapp, former member, now deceased. These paintings form a collection entitled City Scape showing various Edmond city landmarks and representing our churchs deep connection with the City of Edmond. Our churchs history is intricately connected with our town and to the present-day through our outreach programs, large and small, BOB, 4th of July Festival, backpack Block Parties, the bicycle Bob service, and more.

by Kay Mades, for the Library Committee

It is also our desire that you would also discover the hidden treasures of books and resources in our church library to help you in developing a deeper connection with your faith, the church and most especially with From L to R: Bonnie Smith, Kay Mades, Michele Schlough, our Lord. Many of Margaret Hostetter, Glo Rehrig (Not pictured: Sue Archer, these resources have Bev Schmoyer, Karla Rowley, Jackie Stafford) been given through the Chapel area. Take time to appreciate generosity of our a gift of generosity to our church for members. generations to come. If you are looking for Tommys One of the paintings in this collection, paintings, they are displayed above the that of the outside entrance to our shelving of small-group, study guides Chapel, when the door was painted blue, which are available for use. is missing. If you know where it is located, These shelves are in the Fellowship Hall please let the church know. along the south wall entering into the

Two Opportunities To Serve With

Open Hands
Community Responding to International Students Program
U.C.O., Fall Semester
This program is designed to join families in the community with international students from the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO). These families spend time with an international student to learn from each others culture and to appreciate the diversity. Additionally, this is an opportunity for international students to experience the American lifestyle and the comforts of a family. CRISP is a one semester commitment and does not involve the student living with the family. Families commit to spending time with their assigned student at least once a month. Simply having the student over for a family meal is a popular activity. We desire to give these students the chance to feel the comfort of a home away from home. If interested, contact Brandon Lehman at 405.974.2448; blehman@uco.edu

Childrens Disaster Services Volunteer Workshop

Tulsa @ Bethany Christian Church November 4 & 5
Are you looking for a meaningful way to help children and families after disasters? Do you have a warm heart, patience, team spirit, a sense of adventure, and time to give? If so, consider becoming a Childrens Disaster Services Volunteer. Childrens Disaster Services, a Church of the Brethren Ministry, trains and certifies volunteers for specialized child care after disasters. They provide a safe environment and comforting presence for children impacted by traumatic events. If you are interested in becoming a CDS volunteer, a comprehesive training workshop will be held in Tulsa on November 4-5, 2011, 5:00 p.m. Friday till 7:30 p.m. Saturday. For more information, contact Myrna Jones at 918.749.6612 or 918.688.0240; myrnajj@att.net

Prayers of the People

OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Bart Rodr at Baptist Integris; Ed Berry at OU-Edmond THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Eldred Jennings (Janet Helms dad), Shirley Brown, Kathy Badger (Julie Buntons mom), Lura Wilson (Paula Baileys mom), Alice Birdsong (Charlanne Johnsons mom), Joe Samuels, Joan Grant, Bill & Mary Lou Womble, Roy Jackson, Nita Williams (Jeff Williams mom), Naomi Bell (Karen Walenciaks mom), Rose Marie McKee, Barbara Hall

Happy Birthday!
9/25 Campbell Christensen, Rob Farrah, Sydney Price, Aleene Self 9/26 Lynn Holzberlein 9/27 Karly Meadows, John Osburn 9/28 Brian Cavanaugh, James Larrison, Randel Shadid, Matt Williams 9/29 Jane Nay, Sarah Rogers, Alan Simpson 9/30 Dallas Ayers, Paige Lagasse, Dean Shipley 10/2 Raya Carpenter, Cooper Coil, Loretta Dodd, Barbara George, Kelly Jackson, Dante Little, Mason Marsh, Lorene Wilkinson

Please join us for a

Wedding Shower honouring

Ms. Ashley France fiancee of Mr. Brian Cavanaugh

Sunday, September 25, 2011, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, Fellowship Hall
Ashley is the daughter of Rodney and Betty France. Brian is the son of Jackie (Cavanaugh) Booher. Hostesses ~ Jill Alcorn, Kay Mades, Judy Freeman, Brenda Flesher

Feel like a champion.


Sign up now and join in on the fun - Sunday, October 9! Our old fashioned chili cook-off and our Follies talent show is tasty and entertaining fun! Bring your best chili and enter it in the annual chili cookoff which begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. No chili recipe? No problem! Bring a finger food or dessert to share. At 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary, enjoy an evening of FREE entertainment featuring some of the best talent in Edmond..our own FCC members! Get ready to show off your best stuff - register your Follies act and your pot of chili this Sunday at the Follies display in the rotunda, or online at www.fccedmond.org/ follies Questions? Contact Diane Ball at 341-3544 ex. 115; dball@fccedmond.org

The 5th Annual

Give blood!
First Christian Church

Fall Blood Drive

Sunday, September 25 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM On the Bloodmobile
Schedule your donation today in the rotunda. Questions? Contact Sherrye VanOsdol at sherryev2@gmail.com

The Visiting Nurse Association and the Parish nurses will be giving


Costs for the vaccinations are $25 for flu shots, $30 for flu mist and $65 for pneumonia shots. If you have Medicare Part B, please bring your card and we can file your flu and pneumonia shots with Medicare for you.If you would like to donate a flu shot to someone from Breakfast on Boulevard, please send any donations to First Christian Church and mark it Parish nurses-Flu shots for BOB. We will have a donation box at the table. Lets help keep our community flu free!

CLASSICS Fort Sill Tour

Thursday, October 6
Join us on a visit to Ft. Sill with Rev. Jerry Black as our host! Youll need to bring a photo ID for Base entry. Wear COMFY Walking Shoes! Contact Winnie Hall at 341-4297. Payment due soon!

Sunday, September 25 ~ Rotunda 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Its Time for Shoeboxes... Worship

at First Christian 8:15, 9 & 11am September 25, 2011
Message: Rev. Greg Bunton Rev. Chris Shorow Scripture: Mark 4:1-9 & Matt 6:33 Theme: Bucket Lists - Vision & Hope Are Inspirations of the Heart

for Operation Christmas Child!

We have a few opportunities for you to help out! There are two packing parties for Operation Christmas Child and they have been scheduled for: l Thursday, September 29, from 9 AM to 12 PM l Wednesday, October 12, from 9 AM to 12 PM We are still in need of the following items:
l l l l

October 2, 2011

UNIFIED Worship @ 10:30am Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Scripture: John 3:16 & II Cor 9:7-8 Theme: Declarations of Your Heart Extravagant Generosity

HARD candy (individually wrapped) combs or brushes small items of clothing flip flops

l l l l

toothpaste stuffed animals small toys shoe boxes

These boxes will find their way into the hands of children who would otherwise get nothing for Christmas. More importantly, each child will receive a booklet about Jesus and His love for them in their own language. You can be a part of this wonderful ministry! Questions? Contact Michele Schlough at 844-3214.


Shelley Regan, Editor sregan@fccedmond.org Read News Online @ fccedmond.org/news Submit Articles to news@fccedmond.org
If you havent had a chance to see the outcomes of our summer of re:NEW, check out the Themes & Dreams booklet online today!


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