Grammar + Vocab Unit 2-3 Work Book

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2 We haven’t got time Language Summary 2, Student's Book pt16 2A Slow down! Work collocations @259 Kay You aren\ paid overtime! You “ought/'re supposed @ Pe sentences 3) in the comtect order. pat hte suk a Hi cut Do you live to work ... or work to live? promotion, too. Are you €allowed/suppored to work flexible hours? JAKE Yes, but we're “allowed/supposed to be at work benween ten and four kay And! what about working at home? "Can/Must you do that? allowed to/must work at home ~ but ft ask our manager first. But 1 won't be able to/can work at home until 1 get my hake own flat Kay Well, you "must/‘e able to stant saving! JAKE Yes, | know: I think 'm just a bit bored. axe Count the hours! Do¥ou ») [Jong hours? And weeke Jong hours is an early sign you might be work home with you or regularly work Kay Most work ism interesting, 'm afraid. some time off. Its good for you! Yout “can/ought to know that by now! Bae at ee oe © Rewrite these sentences with the words in brackets 2) [_] 50 hours at work every week? Do you wark 1. My advice is to ask for a promotion, (should) h) a few hours overtime? Of course, everyone has = : You should ask for a promotion, }) [Ja workaholic. Find time to plan a holiday shi and take 2 Wiwere you, Pd take a week off. (ought) under pressure at work, But working You ‘ 3 Fean't mect you tonight. (not be able to) Modal verbs (1); be able to, be allowed to, t ‘be supposed to 4 Its against the rules to work at weekends. @© Read the conversation and choose the correct (allowed) Ou form You 5 It isnt necessary to wear a tie. (not have to) You 6 Is necessary to arrive before 9 a.m, (must) You 7 The company should give us holiday pay: (be supposed to) The company Jae I'm really fed up with work. . kay Why? You “ /mustn’t take work home like me. JAKE know, but | “m able to/have to work long hours You and we're not *allowed/supposed to he paic 8 You aren't allowed to leave work before 4 pam. (usin) o 2B Ready, steady, eat jons with these words. a) Make que: 1 ought / do / we / about / What /t0 / overtime ? What ought we to do about overtime? 2 long hours / you / when you / have a / able / How are / to work / family ? 3 be / Should /at / of / work / we / pressure / lot / under ? 4 we /t0 /he's /a/ tell him that / workaholic / becoming / Ought ? 5 wear/ you / Are/ informal /at your /allowed / clothes / to / work ? 6 Do/to/ the summer / time off /in / take / we / have ? 7 before December /take /all our / Are / supposed / we / holiday /t0 ? In the kitchen (223 @© 00k at pictures 2)-1) and find dhe words in the puzzle. @ sorpo@®ROccorpo AEREDPEPPERCA ULTEPFREEZERU COVENSFRIDGEB ERUBBISHBINCE PRBLENDERGBOR ARCOOKERPRAUG NCARROTSEIRRI REBEEFUBALBGN TOASTERUSLEEE OFRYINGPANJTG BMICROWAVEUTE BWOKILAMBPEEK Choose the correct verbs. Sometimes more than one answer is correct. 1. bake (5) microwave food in a frying pan 2 fiyfboil/roast food in a wok 3 roast/steam/bake food in the oven 4 heat up/fty/microwave food in a microwave 5 boil/bake/steam food in a saucepan 6 grll/roast/steam food under the grill 2A and 2B b) Match questions 1-7 in 4a) 10 answers a)~g). 4) _ 1... Ymnot sure. Perhaps we should speak to the manager. » Yes, we do. 9 No, but sometimes stress is good for your work, 4 Yes, you are ° Yes. we should. I don't think he knows 9 1 get up early. a Yes, we are. 2B - Present Continuous and Present Simple a) Fill in the gaps with these words/phrases. lUse the Present Continuous. become make not eat not help grow work heat up 1 Good cooks are becoming... celebrities in the UK. 21 some soup in the microwave. 3 Ready meals, cnnenneens POOPIE t0 cat healthily 4 That smells good. What you 2 st Jong hours at the moment so i= properly. 6 The market for quick, healthy meals b) Write sentences or questions. Use the Present ‘simple. 7 [you often buy ready meals? Do you often buy ready meals? 8 /he know I'm here? 9 The Spanish and Italians / cook / more than the British. 10. Over 60 million people / live / in the UK. 11 He / not / work / on Fridays. 12 T/not/ think so, ©) Match the sentences in 3a) and 3b) to these uses of the Present Continuous and Present Simple. Present Continuous for things that are: a) happening at the moment of speaking lees 8) temporary and happening around now 6) changing over a period of time Present Simple for: 4) habits, daily routines, things we do every day/ week/year, etc. 7... , «) things we think are permanent or true for a long, time 5 1) verbs that describe states : © 2@ Read the first part of Alison's email and choose the correct verb form. From: To: Subject: We're making progress HiKete, | 'yperCin typing) this onthe laptop while | *sie/ ‘msiting in our new fied kitchen! We °do/'re doing lt of work onthe house at the moment and this ‘isis being our fist ‘irished room. It ‘alwaystakes/ ‘s always taking so long to do these things. “don't thnk/'m not thinking weil frish the fest ofthe house before Im a grandmother! "Ov you remember/Are you remembering te kitchen in our old house? | think the new people “stil try/are stil trying to frish that! bb) Read the second part of Alison's email. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple. Anyway, nowwe "have. (have) anew oven, fidge, freezer — everything. What's more, while 1? (wrt) to you, Michael (cook)! Surprised? ‘So am I! Usually Michae! * (ot understand) recipes untess they * (use) 0 microwave, Actually, he * (60) on talon ‘ooking course this year His teacher ” (sey) the secret is good quality, fresh ingredients. So we ‘ {try to buy organic vegetables trom local shops at the moment, ° YOU cnnnnne (Cat) ‘organic food? It all (taste) the same to me! Dinners ready! Speak o you soon, Alison x 2c Sleep (= @© Replace the phrases in bold with the correct form the phrases in the box. takeenap not sleep a wink have alie-in bea light sleeper have nightmares doze off get back to sleep be fast asleep take a nap 1. My grandparents often have-a-short-sleep after lunch. 2 I haven't had bad dreams for a long time, 3 [didn't sleep at all last night. 4 My dad often falls asleep for a short time in front of the TV. 5 I love staying in bed on a Sunday morning, 6 He often wakes up early, but he finds it easy to 40 to sleep again 7 You wont be able to wake him up. He's in a deep sleep. 8 Shhh! My brother wakes up very easily Reading @© Read the article and write headings a)-c) in the correct places 1-3. a) How much sleep do we need? ») Why do we sleep? «) What happens when we go to sleep? @ Read the article again and answer the questions. 1. What happens to your heart in stages 1 to 4 of sleep? It slows down, 2 Why is stage 5 called REM? 3 Why do we need stages 1 to 4 of sleep? 4 What happens during REM sleep? 5 Why is REM sleep important to babies? 6 Put these in order of the amount of sleep they need least to most): babies, adults, bats, giralfes, It’s a nightmare © The science of sleep Sleep is one of the body's most _mysterious experiences. Scientists don't completely understand the pracess, but it seems that all living, things need some sleep. And some need a lot more than others! There are five stages of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3, 4 and REM (rapid eye movement). In stages 1 (0 4 our body becomes more relaxed. Our muscles and heart rate slow down and our brain becomes less active. Stage 5 is called REM sleep. Our heart beats faster and our eyes move quickly in different directions. People dream during this stage and we cannot move at all — probably to stop us from doing the actions in our dreams. 2 —= : ‘An average person spends almost a third of their life sleeping! Is it a waste of time? Scientists believe that when the heart and brain slow down, the body is recovering* after the day’s work. They also think that REM sleep is important for memory and lea babies have twice as much REM sleep as adults. ‘On average an adult needs about 7-8 hours’ sleep every day. A baby needs 12-16. In the animal world, bats sleep for about 20 hours every day. But a giraffe sleeps for only an hour or two every night. “rapid « very quick srncover = get hack your strength Gradable and strong adjectives; adverbs (2) I in the gaps with these adverbs. More than one adverb is possible. really incredibly absolutely extremely 1 really hot 6 boiling 2 absolutely. shaucred 7 diryy 3 beautiful 8 tired 4 small 9 gorgeous 5 filthy 10 tiny Pete acl) ‘Showing concern, giving and responding to advice (EB Choose the best response for each sentence. 1 Clare’ had terrible insom: @ Oh, dear. What’s the matter? ) Yes, I see what you mean. Lean see why you're upset 2. Look at MikeS report, It terrible! 2), Oh, how awful! ») Ob, dear. What a shame Yes, 1 see what you mean 3 Mo’ in hospital with a broken leg. a) Yes, see what you mean. ») Oh, how awful! 6) Oh, dear. What’ the matter? 4 We started at the company at the same time, but he’s been promoted. 2) Oh, dear. What a shame. ») Lean see why you're upset 4 Oh, how awful, 5. Sally lost her jab last week. a) Oh, 'm sorry to hear that. b) Ian see why you're upset. ©) Yes, Isee what you mean. @ Match problems 1-5 to the advice )-e). 1. My children don't cat enough vegetables. .¢) 2 She's angry that forgot her birthday. 3 One of my best students doesn't do his homework. si 4 Lean sleep! My husband snores, so much. 5 My sister doesn't go out much because shes got two children. a) You should offer to babysit. ') Maybe you ought to see the doctor about i Have you tried giving them a choice of different types? 4) I'd have a chat with him and find out what the problem is. ‘© Why donit you send her some o© Aowers? LL Roe ce VaR o eee VM ol eM UML eo CCl MMC ol TUM Ted 2D What’s the matter? © Complete the conversations with the phrases in the boxes. ObedearWhat’sthematter? Why don't you Yes, ee what you mean I've tried that Have you tried Wel it’s worth a try 1 kita Mark seems really fed up at the moment. pavio ' Oh, dear, What's the matter?, RITA I think he’ under pressure at work. om : aa talk 10 him about it? ama err alhe says | don understand, 2 sam Tve got too much work at the moment ex A a aoe sam don't know where to start Le ~ - co asking your boss for help? gm : «1 guess You ought to I'm sorry to hear that that’s a good idea take I can see why you're upset might try that 3 ‘chs Pat and I broke up last week simon 7 ccrinis She wants to get back together, but I'm not sure SIMON some time off work and think about it. chris Yes, © 4 CHLOE It was really expensive and it’ already broken down twice. PAUL CHLOE Is new as well. rau" ~ write to the company. coe 1 . ‘Thanks, HF Reading and writing Portoto 2 p65 3 The tourist trade Language Summary 3, Student's Book pt19 3A Your holiday, my job Phrasal verbs (1 @ ravel [EXD Read the conversation, Replace the phrases in bold ‘with a phrasal verb from the box in the correct form. Present Perfect Simple (50 Fill in the gaps in conversations 1-6 with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple. 1 Shirley hasn't been, (not go) abroad. tooktorwardts see (somebody) off get around put up with pick (somebody) up check into set off get back Are you looking forward to MUM. ‘Are-youexcited-about omorrow? cass Of course. We're “leaving very carly, though. MUM I know. | still want to come to the airport to *say goodbye to you. cass Of course. Thanks, Mum. Mum And give ine a quick call when youve arrived at the hotel ASS Sure. Are you going to miss me? MUM. A bit, But at least I won't have to “tolerate your loud music cass And you wont have to give me lifts so | ean “travel about Mum No. That's true. So what time do you "return? ASS At one o'clock in the morning, um ‘That’ late! ASS I know, So I was wondering ... can you “meet me in the car? 8 You're joking! Not even to France? a you ever (work) in tourism? 8 Yes, Lwwas a waiter in a hotel a long time ago. * You never (bring) ime back anything from your holidays. 8 Yes, | have! I gave you a picture of Venice once. ‘& Wow! You two have got a good suntan. 8 Yes. We just (get back) from two weeks in the Caribbean. ‘A. HH, can I speak to Pat or Harry Skilton please? 8 Let’ see. I'm afraid they (not cheek into) the hotel yet ‘A The passengers are angry about the late flights, 8 know. 1 already (deal) with three complaints today. Are sentences 1-9 correct? Change the incorrect smtences, ‘ve known Tenew him since I was young, Wendy and Carl never saw our old house Weve run a bed and breakfast since three years. like your house. How long did you live here? Mark isn't here, He’s been to work. We've set off hours ago, but we're stuck in traffic We haven't had a holiday this year. Did you check into the hotel yet? No one has picked me up at the alrport, 3A and 3B © Fillin ihe gaps with the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets. José Guerreiro is a head chef in a restaurant for ,000 people. But it’s not a normal restaurant. It’s open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it’s always full, José Guerreiro trained as a chef in Goa, India ‘and ' spent.. (spend) seven years working in restaurants in Indian cities. Then he saw an advertisement which changed his life. ma {always love travelling so this seemed perfect,” said José. He was offered the job and it” (not take? him long to make his decision. Six months later he started work on a cruise ship, The Sea Princess. 15 years later, José is Head Chef on the same ship. cd (work) on four ships since 1° (join) the company. 3B Lonely Planet Phrases with travel, get and go on ~ @ 4 Fitlin gaps 1-3 with these bs. sraret get goon ) Fill in gaps a)-1) with these vords/phrases. taxi to work a journey cout of a car sogether (on your own acnise atrip a But this is the first time *_. Head Chef on a cruise. 1" (never feel so nervous in my life!” José shouldn't be nervous. in over 20 years as a chef he guesses he * _ learn) ‘cooking styles from over 20 countries. “I can't think of anything 1° _ {not cooks a . (deal with) every kind of special diet you can think off” he laughed. “We had one passenger who a = {not can) eat meat, fish, milk products or bread!” | saw José again at the end of the first week | asked him “What * . we (eat) so far, José?" *So far, you”... er) 5,000 litres of milk and 150kg of coffee. We a (roast about 1,000 chickens and made over 300 birthday and anniversary cakes. And no one ™. (complain) yet!” light > 2) ..together 8 on a bus 9 ° Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple @© Matec sentences with for or since. 1. They started going on cruises three years ago. the Present Perfect Continuous They've been going on cruises for three years. 2 Maria started giving guided tours when she was 16. 3 I started looking forward to my holiday six months ago. 4 Cambridge University Press published its first book in 1584. 5 We started going out together when | was 18. 6 You moved into this house two months ago. © choose the correct words. Sometimes both verb forms are possible. Philip Martin has never {Gedybeen having a permanent home. He’ 2travelled/been traveling round the world since he left university: “There are ‘over 190 countries in the world and Ive ’stayed/ been staying in about 85 of them,” he told me, At the moment he’s in the Gambia in Africa. Unfortunately Philip hasnt ‘felt/been feeling well for the last week. “Ive Stried/been trying a lot of different foods on my travels and I've never ‘had/ been having any problems before. But everyone has "looked after/been looking after me very well!” For the last ten years Philip has *kept/been keeping a diary of his travels and so far he’s published ‘been publishing two books about his adventures. Since he started writing, Philip hasn't “had/been having to do other work. He just "finished/been finishing his third book and he’s now planning his journey to South America. “Pve “explored/been exploring this world for over 15 years, but I've got a long way to go!” 3B Write questions with these words. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. 1 if 1 How long / Jane / wait? How long has Jane been waiting?. How many eruises / you / go /on? How many cruises have you been on? How many hotels / you / work / in? How any times / you /go/ ona package holiday? How long / he / take / work home? How many times / you / get / a taxi to work? How long/ you / study / English? How long / Tony and Maureen / be / married? lin the gaps with the correct form of the verbs brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous possible. We ‘ve been watching. (watch) a lot of travel programmes recently. Why didnt you eall me? How you (get around) with a broken leg? We (not go) on a guided tour of the city before, so we'd like to go. The sun (shine) all weekend. It’s wonderful! 1 E (go) on package holidays for years and I've never had any problems. Lindsay a (not take) any time off this year. She works so hard. you (know) cach other for long? 1 (not travel) first class hefore and I'm quite excited about it. Who is he? He (stand) outside for hours. RTE nC) or nouns adjective noun 1 adventurous. adventure 2 dangerous 3 enormity 4 importance 5 sed 6 seriousness 7 famous 8 modest 9 accidental Read the article. Choose the best answers, 1 Alan is from .. a) Nepal. @)the UK. ¢) Japan. 2 Alan Hinkes has elimbed .. 2) Everest 14 times, ») 14 mountains in Nepal and Pakistan «) the 14 tallest mountains in the world. 3. Alan climbs mountains because a) he loves doing it ») he doesn't like teaching any more. «he gets a lot of money for it. 4 Alan hurt his back 4) ina snowstorm. b) because he sneezed ) when he fell. 5 To pay for bis uips, Alar. 4) speaks about his adventures. ») makes films about climbing. ) both a) and b), 6 Inhis country, Alan is 2) very well-known +) a hero to some people. ¢) a schoolteacher. 3C Call that a holiday? Word formation (1): suffixes for adjectives and nouns (=) EP Complete the table with the adjectives © Read the article again and fill in gaps 1-9 with an adjective or noun from 1, Climb every mountain ... % a popular saying in Japanese: “There are two kinds of foo’ Those who never climb Mount Everest and those who do i twice” So what is Alan Hinkes? An ‘adventurous. fool perhaps? ‘This 51-year-old former geography teacher has climbed all 14 of the world’s highest mountains. More people have landed on the moon than have tried this extremely 2d achievement, ‘The world’ tallest mountains are all in Nepal and Pakistan, ‘They are over 8,000 metres high. At this height helicopters cannot rescue people and the physical demands are *e. oe When you finaly reach the fop of a mountain, there's no time to celebrate - it's to remember that you have to get down the mountain again. Alan’s been climbing mountains since he was teenager. “I'm addicted toi,” he says. However, there has been some s in his adventures. In 1995 he was climbing K2 with his close friend Alison Hargreaves, Near the top, they separated and Alan continued to climb alone. Alison and six other people later died in a snowstorm. One of Alan's most 's injuries on a mountain was rather unusual. He was eating a chapati~ a type of Indian bread - when the flour got up his nose and he sneezed, He injured his back and had to be rescued by helicopter. Despite his amaring achievement, Hinkes is not f «His ‘m ‘Means that people remember him more for the chapati a _ than the ‘mountains he's climbed. Each trip costs him about £30,000 and he raises the money by giving talks and selling videos of his climbs. Now, many people want him to receive a knighthood? from the Queen. Pethaps the ‘fool’ Alan Hinkes will soon be Sir Alan Hinkes ... I al fi *Jool = stupid person “sneeze = when you sneeze, air comes out of your nose and mouth {ma way you cant control “bnighthoad » an award fe something special the Queen of England for doing 3D A trip to India Review: prepositions with adjectives @© _ Fill in the gaps in the conversations with the [phrases in the boxes. Qj hoose the correct preposition. Sometimes more than on ier is possible. ne answer is pos: arethebest” ‘sthe best ‘d recommend 1 Um feeling very nervous @gbaudyat the Might sounds wonderful wouldn't go really useful next week, I'm really scared with/offat flying. 2 I'm fed up by/with/on my husband’ snoring and he 1 gets annoyed about/with/of me when I wake him up. ‘aneeYou've been to India, Loutse. What a The manager didn't sem concerned with/ahout/by ee ae our worries and we were so angry at/on/with him that we checked out early tous 1? “ _. Kerala ~in the south, Beautiful lakes, canals... its like paradise. ANN That? aan « What time of year co visit? 4. Nikki was very upset of/by/about splitting up with Mark, but she told me she was fed up offat/with him going out every night. = Louise. Well, 1°... os between Asking for and making recommendations (TES) September and January. It can be really wet then. @ a) Make questions with these words. ANN That's ® Ws y 0 / you? know / Do / any good / stay / places / 10 / you ? Tem VET Arnon know any good places to stay? Do you know any And is there 2. anything / worth /Is / seeing here / there ? e ANN good places to stay? 3 tips/ got / other / Have / you / any ? Louise Yes, but don't ® booking, in advance. Its cheaper to get a hotel there. 4 near / about / sea / places / What / the ? ANN Thats good ® —_ anything else 5 place /a/ the / to / What’ / best / car / hire ? weTiniO ing in the south? Louise Of course. India’s a big place. If you like 1b) Complete the conversations with the sentences beaches, you " Goa. in ta) 14 Doyou know any good places to.stay?. 8 Sorty, no, But 1 wouldn't recommend anywhere Fveheard And what about You really must It's probably best Have you got any near the station, : 2A 8 sn “ ANN money? 8 Id recommend one of the companies at the i = airport. tousse . to take cash, am Credit cards aren very useful outside hig cities. 8 Yes. You should definitely visit the cathedral. ANN Right. other tips? 4A a a Lourse Lots. a visit one big 8 It isnt really worth going there. The beaches are city. Indian cities are just incredible, quite ditty: * ANN Yes, that 5A Ce ea ee eR a On ee Re eR ed 8 Yes. You should learn a bit of the language. It

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