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"I'm just an IRT, aka a housewife," answered one mother, who was less comfortable with her answer

when asked about her daily activities. We often hear that answer. From mothers in daily conversations.
At forum meetings. The feeling of discomfort in answering and feeling less proud of oneself will become
worse when the question is presented in a prestigious forum. A woman will be very proud when she can
list a list of activities with a busy and tired schedule. It would be more proud when in a meeting like that,
several times someone whispered something to remind him. The duties of a personal assistant. Indicates
that she is a very useful woman for many people. The women were proud when they answered that
they had very busy activities. "Yeah, if I don't take the time, it's hard for me to meet the kids." Returning
so proudly was conveyed in front of many people. That pride actually came at a cost. The payment can
be detrimental to the remaining age. Children who often find it difficult to meet their own mother often
protest. Many of them hope that someday they will not want to continue their mother's profession or
be involved in activities like their mother. Because they do not want a repeat of what happened to
them, will happen to their children. Of course, this is a very shallow decision. But can not be blamed,
because they are still children. And that is the bitterness that is felt in the midst of the mother's proud
smile in front of her community.

There are those who actually protest with words. Someone protested with a piece of paper placed on
his mother's desk. There is a protest scrawled in the diary that is more loyal to accompany him than the
mother who gave birth to him. But there are those who are not capable of all these ways. So that their
protest was spilled with behavior. His actions began to get out of control. Unmanageable. Cannot be
advised. Often left without caring and without communication. Wandering around like his mother! This
is what must be paid dearly behind the embarrassed answers of some mothers when they just stay at
home to be housewives.

This is by no means hostile to women's good activities. In fact, gentlemen should begin to realize that
there are women's work areas that they are not allowed to enter. But here, we are trying to highlight
generational output that is decreasing day by day. Where one of the vital factors in the household is the

Maybe the mothers were not aware when they issued the word (only) when answering about IRT
activities. But the word is just this, built on many philosophies and beliefs in life. So that the word is just
a knot that can be unraveled into a life journey. When it comes to beliefs and philosophy of life, this is
where the severity is when the belief is wrong.

Children born into a household, will receive word only from their mother. A word that implies an activity
at random, half-hearted and not optimal at all. And the result, of course, just grumpy at home.
Discomfort is created in such a way. And if that's the case, who wants to live in a house like that.

On the other hand, it's almost rare to say we've never heard a mother answer, "Thank God I'm an
housewife!!" Definitely very different from the first answer. This second answer describes a gratitude.
There is pride behind it. There is an expensive sincerity that radiates.

It is impossible to express this unceremonious pride without a good understanding of the importance of
the mother's role in the home. And what a great service a mother has for giving birth to a generation of
the world's great civilization, no one can compete with her. No dad. No school. Not university. Not
country. Because the foundations are built at home.
The mother is a madrasah for that. If the foundation of faith, the foundation of belief, the foundation of
logic and all other foundations is solid, then it's up to you to build it no matter how high the child is, it
can be done. However, if it is fragile, a child is just like a rickety hut that can easily collapse even in the
slightest breeze.

Pride is born from a sense of enjoyment of duty. And it will be difficult to be maximal in an activity if you
don't enjoy it. If a mother proudly calls herself a housewife, this means that she enjoys being with the
children at home to polish them.

Enjoying makes mom not tired easily. Mother has more energy for all her children. And indeed it takes
extra effort, extra energy to produce pious and great generations. This is where the key lies. If the
mother looks very frustrated hearing her child's cry, sees a messy house, activities that cause noise, then
the mother will choose to monitor her children by telephone to the maid.

The mother will choose to go home when the children are sound asleep because they are tired of
learning while playing. Mother came home and everything was in order. But mothers do not realize that
the hearts of their children are in a mess. This ummah should not be trapped in the trap that has tied
the feet of women in developed countries. America, Europe, Japan are examples of countries where
women start screaming from exhaustion outside the house. They begin to feel the pleasure of sitting at
home with family. But they couldn't do it. Because of the trap of progress and the demands of unlimited

Meanwhile this country, started walking towards that trap. If you're not careful, the result will be the
same. And when these developed countries will begin to improve their living systems by returning
women to their homes, perhaps at that time the women of this country will be screaming because they
want to return home. Always left behind. So, it's time as a Muslim to believe that there is no greatest
rule about family beyond Islamic rules. If it is returned to Islam, it will be born out of sakinah, mawaddah
and rahmah.

Will give birth to a generation that brings light to this earth that has helped lift the western world from
the mud of backwardness. This is the Divine command regarding the place of women.

َ ‫الص اَل ةَ َوَآتِينَ ال َّز َك اةَ َوَأ ِط ْعنَ هَّللا َ َو َر ُس ولَهُ ِإنَّ َم ا ي ُِري ُد هَّللا ُ لِيُ ْذ ِه‬
‫ب َع ْن ُك ُم‬ َّ َ‫َوقَرْ نَ فِي بُيُوتِ ُك َّن َواَل تَبَرَّجْ نَ تَبَرُّ َج ْال َجا ِهلِيَّ ِة اُأْلولَى َوَأقِ ْمن‬
‫َط ِهيرًا‬ْ ‫ت َويُطَهِّ َر ُك ْم ت‬ِ ‫س َأ ْه َل ْالبَ ْي‬
َ ْ‫الرِّ ج‬
"And settle (you women) in your homes and do not adorn yourself and behave like the people of
Jahiliyyah before and establish prayer, pay zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Verily Allah intends
to remove sins from you, O Ahlul Bait and clean you as clean as possible." (Qs. al-Ahzab: 33)

Allah says that the main place of women is the home. It should not be interpreted that Islam restricts
women. Because immediately, on the word after that, God hinted that he could leave the house. But
must pay attention to the appearance that is not ignorant. Prof. Dr. Adnan Baharits, one of the experts
in Islamic education at the Ummul Quro University of Makkah discusses specifically how women act
outside the home in accordance with the Sharia in his book: Dhawabith Tasygil an-Nisa' (243 pages).
Women are still given the freedom to be active even outside the home. But not from the point of view
of gender equality today.
So, mothers…

it's time to go home...

A great generation of earth leaders is waiting…

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