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Ramadhan adalah bulan Al-Qur'an, bulan yang Ramadan is the month of the Qur'an, the month

Allah turunkan didalamnya kitab suci ummat that Allah revealed in it the holy book of
manusia. saat datang bulan ramadha, dahulu mankind. when the month of Ramadan came, in
para sahabat nabi, lebih banyak berinteraksi the past the companions of the prophet,
dengan Al-Qur'an, begitu juga orang-orang interacted more with the Qur'an, as well as
sholeh setelah mereka. atas dasar contoh yang pious people after them. Based on the example
diberikan orang-orang sholeh terdahulu, kepala given by former pious people, the school
sekolah membuat program tilawah Qur'an principal made a program of reciting the Qur'an
dipagi hari. in the morning.

bagi siswa yang sudah bisa membaca AL-Qur'an, for students who can already read the Al-
mereka diharuskan membaca sebanyak- Qur'an, they are required to read as much as
banyaknya, namun bagi siswa yang belum bisa possible, but for students who cannot or are
atau belum lancar membaca, mereka not yet fluent in reading, they worship the
memurojaah hafalan Al-Qur'an yang mereka memorization of the Al-Qur'an they have.
This program was held, with the hope that
program ini diadakan, dengan harapan siswa students will love the Al-Qur'an more and more
semakin mencintai Al-Qur'an

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