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Aspiration- One of the most popular story about 

Hanuman is, One
day at very young age, he woke up early morning and by looking at
Red-orange sun, he thought it to be an apple and jumped leap high
to eat it. 

Another story is when it was known that Mother Sita was kidnapped

by Ravana and is in Lanka, one has to go there and confirm it. To
reach Lanka, Hanuman decided to cross the ocean.bBoth of these
stories are essentially centered to aspirational mind-set, to set a
goal which seems to be impossible, unimaginable or just too

Leaders must set goals which are difficult, had not been done
previously or prima facie looks impossible to achieve.

Execution Mind-set – Another popular story from Ramayana is

when Lord Rama and his brother Lakshmana were hit
by Indrajeet (Son of Ravana) from Amogh Shakti, they became

Now someone has to get the doctor,

Lord Hanuman brought Ved Sushen from Lanka in the middle of
night and upon knowing that to bring back them to
life, Sanjeevani (the nectar of life) from Mountain Himalayas should
be arranged in 24 hours, it is Hanuman  who gets it in time.

In the same way of professional life, there might be events of

leadership crisis, change management, reorganization of business
units and many more, but the front line manager must ensure the
execution happens on ground.

He has to be the one who leads from the front and not just give
orders. He must show his excellence of execution by examples and
not just memos. 
It is the successful execution of strategy or tactics that matters more
than just the plan and front line manager has the most important
role in this scheme.

Being the Catalyst of Win-Win: In the early part mid of story when
Mother Sita was captured
by Ravana, Lord Rama and Lakshmana were searching for her
and Hanuman arranged them to meet Sugreeva, who was ousted
from his kingdom by his brother Vali. 

Now, Hanuman had neither direct role nor any benefit in both
situations of either getting Sita back to Lord Rama or
having Sugreeva’s kingdom back, but he creates a situation of win-

Likewise, managers must create the situations actively across

groups, divisions or teams where a win-win situation can be

Even though there might not be any direct benefit of it to himself or

his direct team, actively seeking and pursuing those situations
derives a larger win for the organisations.

Versatility: Lord Hanuman as a personality is multi-layered. He

appears to be ignorant when it comes to find which specific plant
is Sanjeevni but he speaks in fluent Sanskrit when situation

He ensures to take evidence from Lord Rama of his ring before

meeting Mother Sita to prove his authenticity. Like he shows
presence of mind while passing through the mouth
of Surasa (demon guarding the ocean) or knowing the friend
among enemies (affection of Vibhishan, brother of Ravana) and
many more. Essentially, every tale of lord Hanuman can unearth a
novel flavor of different skill or personality.
Similarly, a front line manager should be able to play the multi
layered roles as situation demands.

Being a coach for a new joiner, or a hardliner for non-performers,

motivator for someone who is struggling or an opportunity provider
who has hunger to learn. 

A listener to someone who is going through a difficult patch in life

or turning around a customer engagement, an early adopter of new
technology or acknowledging a superior performer.

Every situation demands a customization of the skill and well-

crafted thought to address. Front line manager must utilize their
skills very carefully as template or generalization will seldom work.

In conclusion, leadership skills are subjective, very individual in

nature and keep evolving by time and non comparable. We as
leaders and professional must keep finding modes of getting
inspired every day.

Communication Skills

Hanuman’s exceptional communication skills could create trust,

impact and convinced Sita that he is the genuine messenger of Lord
Rama when he met her at Ashok Vatika initially.

Lesson:  Speaking skills not only assists you in building a good social
circle as a leader but, it also helps you in building reputation and
credibility among people.

Prioritize and Adapt

Hanuman’s sincere capacity to concentrate on the task at hand was

unmatchable. His war-winning tactics and skills saved the lives and
honor of many. Lord Hanuman lifted mountains and used his tail to
burn down Raavan’s Lanka.
Lesson: Adaptability is the key to successful leadership. There are
many circumstances where everything is going wrong around you. It
is during these trying times when you, as a leader, must prioritize
essential things and create a proper road map towards your end
goal. You will only win if you are tactical in your approach.

Unconditional Loyalty and devotion

Lord Hanuman’s only aspiration was to serve Rama, his lord. His
faith was courageous.

Lesson: Loyalty is extremely valuable even in 2021. We all grow with

different life-changing ideas and never ending goals in life. What
makes successful people different from the unsuccessful ones is
loyalty towards goals and ideas. Hanuman's life, devotion, and
strength inspired wrestlers in India.

Being Humble

Gods had sent Sursa to test Hanuman while crossing the sea. Sursa
tried to obstruct the way of Hanuman by stretching herself.
Hanuman too stretched himself into an enormous form. After that
Hanuman transformed himself into his original form. This elated

Lesson: Only having competence does not lead to victory. Being

humble and polite is equally important.

Finding Solutions to Problems

Hanuman went in search of the herb to cure Laxman. Unable to find

the right herb he lifted the whole mountain.

Lesson:  Instead of being dubious, we should try to find solutions to


Leading from the front

Hanuman built the bridge in the sea with his management skills that
could drive the playful monkeys and other animals in getting the
task done. During the Ramayan war, Hanuman led the army of
animals with his excellence.

Lesson: Don’t be an escapist. Lead from the front. Even during the

worst crisis, a leader will always stand in front of his/her team and
guide them towards victory.

Strive for the stars

When Hanuman was a child, he sprang into the sky thinking that
the sun was a fruit. To seize and enjoy the fruit in the sky, Hanuman
became larger and larger and consumed the sun.

Lesson: It is all in the mind and age is just a number. Aim for the
stars while building your organization. Don’t stop yourself from
taking the next critical steps as fear is never an option in leadership.

Lesson #1: Absolute and selfless devotion to a cause

It is well known that Lord Hanuman was a totally selfless devotee of

Lord Rama. Many images of Lord Rama show Hanuman at his feet.
It was this devotion and undying love which earned him the respect
of Rama and the other Gods.

There is a famous story which goes as thus: Goddess Sita once

gifted Hanuman a necklace strung with precious pearls. Hanuman
inspected each pearl thoroughly and then threw aside the necklace,
much to the surprise of Sita and all those present. Upon being asked
why, He replied that the pearls; precious as they were, did not
contain any trace of Lord Rama in them. And anything or everything
which was not associated with Lord Rama was useless to Him.


In the same way, be totally and selflessly devoted to your cause,

your career and your ultimate goal. Give your utmost to it. But do
it not for selfish means but for a satisfaction of a job well done: for
the benefit of your team and your organisation. And like
Hanuman, discard or cast aside anything which does not add
value to your career in the short or long term, no matter how
lucrative or attractive it may look to be. Continued dedicated and
selfless commitment to your profession will reap rich dividends in
the long run. Sooner or later, your work will surely be recognised
and rewarded. The good that you give away will surely come back
your way.

Lesson #2: In times of adversity, you will find your true


It is mentioned in the Ramayana that after Sita was kidnapped

by Ravana, Hanuman along with Angad, Jambavanth and other
members of the Vanaraa clan set out on the search for her in the
southern direction. Not a stone did they leave upturned in their

They searched day and night, high and low, deserts and mountains,
forests and valleys until they finally reached the sea shore at the
southern tip of the mainland. Disappointed that they were unable to
locate Sita and not wanting to return to Rama empty handed, they
decided to end their lives then and there. But just in the nick of time,
they were informed by the wingless vulture Sampathi that Sita had
been kidnapped by Ravana, the Lord of Lanka.

The Vanaras and Jambavanth were elated on hearing the news. But

their joy was short lived. The Kingdom of Lanka lay a
hundred Yojanas across the sea. And they did not possess any
physical means to cross over to Lanka. At this
moment Jambavanth remembered that Hanuman was blessed with
super human strength and could easily jump across to Lanka by
enlarging His form. The only problem was that Hanuman Himself
was not aware of His great powers due to the curse placed on Him
by the sage in His childhood. Therefore, Jambavanth gently
reminded him of the boons He had received from the Gods and
requested Him to make the superhuman jump to
Lanka. Hanuman was hesitant at first, but after realising that it was
the only way to reach Lanka for now, He accepted and then
discovered that He could increase His form to gargantuan
proportions. Roused by His newfound abilities, He made the
legendary leap to Lanka. The rest of the story is known.


In the same manner, all of us have some incredible hidden powers

within us. But they stay hidden as we are mostly unaware of them.
As humans, we tend to stay well within our comfort zone, avoid
challenges and thereby do not get a chance to exercise these
powers. It is only when we are pushed into adversity do we realise
our true strength and potential. The truth is that we are capable of
doing incredible things, if we have the strength and the courage to
not give up. So do not despair. When you are in deep distress and
adversity, remember that this is a test placed on us by God, who
wants us to come out of our shell and realise our inner strength
and power.

Lesson #3: Keep yourself surrounded with good


It has often been said that a person is recognised by the company he

or she keeps: and not without good reason. Lord Hanuman was
fortunate to have good and able minded friends and well wishers as


Just like how Lord Jambavanth encouraged Hanuman and

reminded Him of His great powers in the time of great emergency,
in the same manner you will need true friends and well-wishers
who will encourage you and pull you up during tough times. True
friends are your source of strength. They always wish for your
well-being and will pull you up during your tough times. False and
sycophantic friends will only crave your company for their own
selfish benefits and will not hesitate to abandon you when things
are not going well.

Lesson #4: Change your attitude and behaviour as the

situation demands.
When Hanuman needed to make that huge jump over to Lanka, He
changed His form to assume gargantuan proportions. After He
reached Lanka, He wanted to sneak inside Raavana’s palace to
search for Sita without attracting undue attention (though he could
have very well fought and defeated all the palace guards single
handed). Therefore, He changed His size to become as small as a
common monkey so as to go through undetected.

After meeting Sita, He was discovered and thereby ensued a great

fight between Him and the demons(Rakshashas). So valiantly did
He fight that the Rakshasha’s found it impossible to contain Him.
Driven by desperation, Ravana ordered his
son Meghnaadha(Indrajit) to let loose the Brahmastra (the most
powerful weapon in the universe - created by Lord
Brahma himself), in an attempt to subdue the troublesome
monkey. Meghnaadha complied. Hanuman could have well resisted
the weapon, as He was given a boon (by Lord Brahma himself) to be
invulnerable to harm from any celestial weapon in the Universe. But
He knew that resisting the weapon would be like an insult to
Brahma himself. So, with humility He allowed the weapon to subdue

After His capture, He was brought before Raavana. Hanuman

showed no remorse, nor any fear for His actions. This infuriated the
Demon King who ordered the Monkey God’s tail to be set ablaze, so
as to teach Him a lesson. Raavana did not know that Hanuman was
invulnerable to fire. But Hanuman chose to keep quiet about it. The
reason was that Raavana and his men were planning to parade
Hanuman all across Lanka in front of the people. Hanuman chose to
comply as he himself wanted to examine the city’s geography and
take a look at vantage points which could be useful later, during the
great war with Lanka.

The demons of course, were totally unaware of Hanuman’s

intentions and paraded him across the kingdom, thinking that they
had won a great victory. When Hanuman thought that He had seen
enough, He suddenly broke free from His bonds, and with His fiery
tail set the entire kingdom of Lanka ablaze.


This teaches us that we should not be overtly boastful of our

powers and our capabilities and behave as the situation demands.
Wisdom lies in knowing when to show your true strength and
when not to. Excessive and unrequited show of your strength,
especially against those who cannot fight back will brand you as a
bully and will make people lose their respect for you. Humility on
the other hand, is a virtue which helps us earn people’s trust and
respect. But when the time and occasion arises, do not hesitate to
show your true mettle.

Lesson #5: Strive to be in complete control of your

senses at all times.

Lord Hanuman was a celibate and always had supreme control over
His senses. Though He was blessed with boons which made Him
invincible, He always used them to serve other people and never for
His own selfish gain. He was never overtly proud of His own
strength, never lusted for power, Kingdoms and wealth. He seldom
came under the sway of emotions and anger and took rational
thoughtful decisions, even in times of high duress. He also showed
utmost respect to all, especially women. He therefore, earned the
respect and admiration of all his friends and mainly that of Lord


Strive to be in complete control of your all your thoughts, emotions,

desires and words. A person who loses self-control can be easily
manipulated and controlled by persons serving their own selfish
needs. A person who strives to keep control of himself or herself
does not make irrational decisions in haste to repent them later.
Furthermore, such a person earns the respect and admiration of
the people around him or her. Therefore, strive to be in control of
yourself at all times. Furthermore, respect begets respect. Only if
you respect people will you be respected back.

Lesson #6: Think of unconventional and innovative

solutions for solving problems

During the war against Ravana in Lanka, Lakshmana was grievously

wounded. To save His life Hanuman needed to obtain the
precious Sanjeevani Booti (herb) from a mountain high up in the
Himalayas. He proceeded without delay. Upon reaching the
mountain, He remembered that in His haste to procure the herb, He
forgot to ask how it looked like. Flying back again to enquire would
be a waste of precious time. Lakshmana’s life was hanging by a
thread and every second of delay would push Him(Lakshmana)
closer to death.

He therefore decided not to delay any further and without further

ado actually uprooted, lifted and carried the entire mountain all the
way to Lanka. Though unconventional, it worked out as the medics
were able to create the medicine in time, thereby saving
Lakshmana’s life.


In the same manner, when you’re faced with a challenging

situation and conventional methods do not work do not hesitate to
think of unconventional methods to solve problems no matter how
absurd or impossible they might look to be. Look to be innovative
and creative, as this will set you apart from the crowd. It’s worth it
if it gets the job done.

Lesson #7: Strive to live a simple life in the service of


Lord Hanuman and Raavana both possessed supreme mental and

physical powers. Both had been granted boons from Lord Brahma
which made them invincible. But both had totally opposite natures.
Raavana used his powers to satisfy his own ambition. His greed and
lust for power grew more and more to such an extent that they
overpowered his soul and led to his ultimate destruction.
Hanuman on the other hand spent His entire life in the service of
Lord Rama. Though He had great powers, He had no lust for
material wealth and luxuries. He was totally and selflessly devoted to
Lord Rama and answered to no-one else. This earned Him the
undying love and gratitude of Lord Rama and His kinsmen along
with everlasting respect and immortality.


We can choose to live our life in two ways, either to satisfy our own
greedy ambition and lust for power. The problem is that we will
not know where to draw the line. This relentless pursuit for wealth
and power will overpower our soul one day and will be the cause
of out ultimate destruction. But this does not mean that we should
stop our pursuit of wealth. We should pursue our ambitions by all
means, but look to earn fame and wealth using the right path, by
the means of virtue, by doing good to others and serving them. This
will earn us people’s respect and no-one will grudge you your fame
and wealth.

Thus, we have seen what powerful lessons we can draw from Lord
Hanuman’s life. Though we cannot be like Him (it is impossible for
any mortal human being to do so), we should strive to emulate His
deeds in our daily life. Then and only shall we live satisfying lives
and gain everlasting peace, respect and happiness.
हनमु ान जी ज्ञान लेने के लिए सर्यू के पास गए। वो सर्यू को अपना गरुु बनाना चाहते थे। तब सर्यू ने कहा शिक्षा के लिए मझु े रुकना
पढ़ेगा जो सभं व नहीं है इससे ससं ार का चलन बिगड़ जायेगा तमु किसी और को गरुु बना लो। हनमु ान जी ने सर्यू को कहा कि आप
चलते चलते ज्ञान दीजिये मैं आपके साथ साथ चलता जाऊंगा और ज्ञान करूँगा।सर्यू इस बात के लिए मान गए इस तरह हनमु ान
जी ने सर्यू से ज्ञान हासिल किया।
Life lessons from Hanuman in hindi : इस घटना से आप ये बात सीख़ सकते हैं कि जब हमें किसी से कुछ
भी सीखना हो या ज्ञान लेना हो तो उसके हिसाब से अपने आप में बदलाव लाएं और अपने जीवन को सफल बनायें। 
लक्ष्य मिलने के बाद विश्राम 
जब हनमु ान जी को लंका जाने के लिए भेजा गया तब रास्ते में मेनाक पर्वत जो समद्रु के कहने पर ऊपर आया और उसने हनमु ान
जी से कहा की आप थोड़ा विश्राम कर के चले जाइएगा, हनमु ान जी ने मेनाक पर्वत को छुआ और कहा कि मैंने आपकी बात रख
ली है परन्तु मझु े जो काम सौंपा गया है वो मेरे विश्राम से कहीं ज़्यादा महत्वपर्णू है, मैं विश्राम नहीं कर सकता।
Management and life lessons from Hanuman ji in hindi: इस घटना से हमें ये शिक्षा मिली की
जब भी हमें काम दिया जाये तो काम की समाप्ति तक विश्राम न किया जाए। हमें काम की महत्तता को समझना चाहिए। 
समय का सही उपयोग 
जब हनमु ान जी मेनाक पर्वत से आगे गए तब उनको सरु सा नाम की राक्षसी ने रोक लिया और हनमु ान जी को खाने के लिए आगे
आई। हनमु ान जी ने उसे समझाया पर वो न मानी। हनमु ान जी ने अपना विशाल रूप धारण कर लिया, सरु सा ने भी अपना मँहु बड़ा
कर लिया। जैसे ही उसका मँहु बड़ा किया हनमु ान जी ने बिना समय गवायें अपना रूप बहुत छोटा कर लिया और उसके मँहु में
जाकर वापिस आ गए। हनमु ान जी ने सरु सा से कहा “माँ मैंने आपकी बात को रख लिया है अब मझु े जाने दो ” .इस बद्धि
ु मानी से
सरु सा प्रसन्न हुई ंऔर हनमु ान जी को जाने दिया।
Leadership lessons from Hanuman Ji: इस घटना में हमने ये सीखा कि कई बार हमें समय खराब और
लक्ष्य से भटकाने वाले लोग मिलते हैं जिनको हम प्यार से या बद्धि
ु मानी से अपने रास्ते से हटा सकते हैं और अपना लक्ष्य पा
सकते हैं। कई बार हमें लक्ष्य हासिल करने के लिए कभी कभी झक ु ना भी पड़ता है 

असफलता के बाद भी लगातार निरंतर प्रयास 

हनमु ान जी लंका में प्रवेश हुए लेकिन लंका बहुत बड़ी थी, हनमु ान जी माँ जानकी को ढूंढ़ते थोड़ा निराश हुए और बैठ गए और
विचार किया की इतनी दरू मैं निराश और असफल होने के लिए नहीं आया हू।ँ उन्होंने प्रभु राम का स्मरण किया और फिर से प्रयास
किया और उन जगहों पर गए जहाँ उन्होंने नहीं ढूढं ा था। आखिर वो अशोक वाटिका पहुचं े जहाँ उन्हें माँ सीता मिल गई।ं
Best Life lessons from Hanuman in hindi : कई बार हम नई जगह जाते हैं तो वहां हमें कुछ समझ नहीं
आ रहा होता है और बार बार प्रयास करने के बावजदू असफल हो रहे होते हैं , लेकिन अगर अपने आप पर पर्णू विश्वास करके
निरंतर प्रयास करते हैं तो आपको सफलता ज़रुर मिलेगी। 
ताकत के बाद भी विनम्र रहे 
कई बार जैसे जैसे ताक़त आती है घमंड अपने आप प्रवेश कर लेता है ,हनमु ान जी के पास अविश्वसनीय और अनंत शक्तियां भी
थीं हर काम को वो अपनी ताकत के   ज़ोर से बड़ी आसानी से कर सकते थे लेकिन इसके साथ साथ उनमे विनम्रता भी बहुत थी।
ऊपर आपने पढ़ा कै से उन्होंने मेनाक पर्वत और राक्षसी सरु सा को बद्धि
ु मानी और विनम्रता से समझाया।
Lessons From Hanuman Ji : हनमु ान जी से हमें ये शिक्षा मिलती है कि जब आपके पास ताकत आये या आप
किसी महत्वपर्णू पोस्ट पर बैठे तो आपको विनम्र रहना चाहिए इससे आपके आस पास का माहौल खश ु नमु ा होगा और लोग
आपको पसंद करें गे। 

He teaches us these super interesting life and leadership lessons:

1. Aim high:
A fascinating story states that, when Hanuman was a child, he leaped into
the sky thinking that the sun was a large ripe mango. To grab and relish the
fruit in the sky, Hanuman grew larger and larger and swallowed the sun.
Indra shot him down. Vayu, the Lord of wind, who is also known as
Hanuman’s spiritual father, got very upset. He emptied the universe of
wind, and all the creatures started dying. Hanuman was not only revived but
also granted eternal life.
Thus, aim for a higher goal, and even if you get shot down, the universe will
work its way out for you.
2. Strength:
Ramayana is an evidence of Hanuman’s strength. He alone dared to leap
across the ocean and get into Lanka. When Lakshman needed to be revived,
Hanuman flew to the Kailash Parvat seeking Sanjeevani plant. Many stories
illustrate the umpteen strength and bravery of our Veer Hanuman.
So, if you want to be successful, have faith in your capabilities and be brave
to take decisions that are out of your comfort zone.
3. Loyalty:
Lord Hanuman was a loyal friend to one and all. He helped Sugreev seek
Lord Rama’s help to win his kingdom back from Vali. He assisted and helped
Lord Rama with unflinching loyalty in every way possible. He gained love of
the Lord.
Hence it is essential that in every relationship you stay loyal, honest and
supportive. Do not test the loyalty of your loved ones. Just stay centered
and committed. To gift something unique to your loved ones buy hanuman
soft toy online.

4. Selfless devotion:
After meeting Rama, Hanuman found a higher purpose in life. Rama’s
journey became his mission, and he worked towards it tirelessly, without
any selfish motive. Just like the other superheroes, it is his contribution to
more significant things that gave him a special place in our hearts.
Remember, greatness comes when you work in tandem for the betterment
of yourself and others. Your accomplishments might bring joy, but helping
others brings renown.

5. Adaptability:
One of the fantastic superpowers of Hanuman was his ability to adapt.
Within seconds he could turn into an ant, grow as big as a mountain, travel
by land, sea or air, travel faster than the gusting wind or higher than a bird.
He overcame all the hurdles with limitless power and flexibility.
In our lives too, we need to be adaptable in the same way. We should
develop the habit of looking at the things in details, growing large to get a
holistic view and settle our ego to find solutions. Through speed, agility,
and will-power we can sail through worst situations unharmed.
6. Fearlessness:
Hanuman embodied fearlessness better than any other modern
superheroes. He took decisions, risks, came past negative experiences and
gave his best fearlessly.
Fear limits ones capabilities. So act fearlessly centered in self belief and
faith and see what heights you can accomplish.
7. No excuses:
As mentioned above, Hanuman was a great manager. He believed in
teamwork and at the same time never entertained any excuses. From
getting into Ravana’s abode and meeting Sita single-handedly, to building a
bridge over the ocean  – Hanuman did it all, without giving lame excuses.
To accomplish your goals, stay focused and stop giving excuses!
8. Dynamism:
Lord Hanuman was dynamic and multi-faceted. He conquered immortality
and could achieve any feat with ease. Once, when Rama and Lakshmana
were kidnapped by Ahiravana and taken to Patala loka, Hanuman went to
their rescue. There he realized that to vanquish Ahiravana he must
extinguish five lamps in North, South, East, West, and Upward directions. At
that point, Hanuman took a five-faced form. This shows how dynamic he
In a normal life scenario, open your mind to learning, challenge yourself,
stay on your toes and welcome success and failure with stride. To keep
yourself inspired by hanuman buy hanuman keychain online.
9. Good Listener:
Hanuman was a great listener. It is due to this patience and good listening
qualities he was able to guide and show people the right path. For example,
his advice to Vibhishan helped him conquer Lanka.
Keep in mind, that unless you listen correctly, you won’t be able to give
10. Never Give up:
All superheroes and most importantly our original superhero – Hanuman
teaches us to never give up. He never shied away from responsibilities, took
charge and fulfilled all his commitments. To him nothing was impossible!
You too need to have faith in yourself and in the higher power, and face
everything in life…never give up! 
If you wish to imbibe all His qualities and be a real-life superhero, then
chant Hanuman Chalisa every day. Bring home his icons in the form of
diaries, clipboards, bookmarks, t-shirts, and toys. The more you stay in His
company, the more you act and be like him.

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