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SMK CYBERJAYA Bahagian Markah

NAMA : __________________________________
TINGKATAN : 4_______________________

Section A / Bahagian A
20 marks / 20 markah
Answer all questions / Jawab semua soalan

1. Diagram shows an organelle of a cell.

Rajah menunjukkan satu organel pada satu sel.

Which process only occurs in this organelle?

Proses manakah yang hanya berlaku di dalam organel ini?
A. Osmosis C. Respiration
Osmosis Respirasi
B. Diffusion D. Photosynthesis
Resapan Fotosintesis

2. What is the function of ribosome?

Apakah fungsi ribosom?
A. Synthesize lipids and phospholipids
Mensintesis lemak dan fosfolipid
B. Synthesize proteins
Mensintesis protein
C. Modifies proteins to glycoproteins
Mengubahsuai protein kepada glikoprotein
D. Traps sunlight
Memerangkap cahaya matahari


3. Diagram shows organelles found in a cell.

Rajah menunjukkan organel-organel yang terdapat dalam satu sel.

What is organel S?
Apakah organel S?
A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum C. Mitochondrion
Jalinan endoplasma kasar Mitokondrion
B. Golgi Apparatus D. Nucleus
Jasad Golgi Nukleus

4. Diagram shows a type of cell.

Rajah menunjukkan sejenis sel.

Which of the following organelles are found abundantly in the cell?

Antara organel berikut, yang manakah didapati dengan banyak dalam sel tersebut?
A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum C. Mitochondrion
Jalinan endoplasma kasar Mitokondrion
B. Golgi Apparatus D. Nucleus
Jasad Golgi Nukleus


5. Diagram shows the structure of rough endoplasmic reticulum.

Rajah menunjukkan struktur jalinan endoplasma kasar.

The process that carried out by X is

Proses yang dijalankan oleh X ialah
A. the synthesis of proteins C. the digestion of glucose
sintesis protein pencernaan glukosa
B. the transportation of lipids D. the production of ATP
pengangkutan lipid penghasilan ATP

6. Diagram shows a type of an animal tissue.

Rajah menunjukkan sejenis tisu haiwan.

What is the tissue?

Apakah tisu tersebut?
A. Epithelial tissue C. Muscle tissue
Tisu epitelium Tisu otot
B. Connective tissue D. Skeletal tissue
Tisu penghubung Tisu rangka


7. The flow chart below shows the cell organisation of a plant.

Carta alir berikut menunjukkan organisasi sel pada tumbuhan.

Cell Organ System Organism

Sel Organ Sistem Organisma

Which part of the plant does P represent?

Bahagian tumbuhan yang manakah diwakili oleh P?
A. Leaf C. Flower
Daun Bunga
B. Fruit D. Sclerenchyma
Buah Sklerenkima

8. Diagram shows a plant cell.

Rajah menunjukkan satu sel tumbuhan.

What is the function of structure X?

Apakah fungsi struktur X?
A. Excrete of waste product from the cell
Mengeluarkan bahan kumuh daripada sel
B. Maintain turgidity of the cell
Mengekalkan kesegahan sel
C. Control size of the cell
Mengawal saiz sel
D. Maintain the shape of the cell
Mengekalkan bentuk sel

9. The following statements are about organelle X.

Pernyataan berikut adalah mengenai organel X.

 Contain hydrolytic enzymes

Mengandungi enzim hidrolitik
 Eliminate worn out mitochondrion
Memusnahkan mitokondrion yang sudah lesu

What is organelle X?
Apakah organel X?
A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum C. Lysosome
Jalinan endoplasma kasar Lisosom
B. Ribosome D. Golgi apparatus
Ribosom Alat Golgi


10. The following are three types of plant tissue.

Berikut merupakan tiga jenis tisu tumbuhan.

 Parenchyma tissue
Tisu parenkima
 Collenchyma tissue
Tisu kolenkima
 Schlerenchyma tissue
Tisu sklerenkima

What is the tissue listed above?

Apakah tisu yang disenaraikan di atas?
A. Ground tissue C. Vascular tissue
Tisu asas Tisu vaskular
B. Meristematic tissue D. Adipose tissue
Tisu meristem Tisu adipos

11. Diagram shows the main structures of the plasma membrane.

Rajah menunjukkan struktur utama membran plasma.

What are X, Y and Z?

Apakah X, Y dan Z?

Carrier protein Hydrophilic phosphate Hydrophobic phosphate
Protein pembawa Fosfat hidrofilik Fosfat hidrofobik
Hydrophilic phosphate Hydrophobic phosphate Carrier protein
Fosfat hidrofilik Fosfat hidrofobik Protein pembawa
Hydrophobic phosphate Hydrophilic phosphate Pore protein
Fosfat hidrofobik Fosfat hidrofilik Protein liang
Hydrophilic phosphate Carrier protein Hydrophobic phosphate
Fosfat hidrofilik Protein pembawa Fosfat hidrofobik


12. What is the function of cholesterol molecules in the plasma membrane?

Apakah fungsi molekul kolesterol dalam membran plasma?
A. As membrane carriers to move substances across the plasma membrane by active transport
Sebagai membran pembawa yang mengangkut bahan merentasi membran plasma secara
pengangkutan aktif
B. To form protein channels for facilitated diffusion of mineral ions
Membentuk protein liang bagi resapan berbantu ion mineral
C. To join the proteins with phospholipid molecules
Menghubungkan protein dengan molekul fosfolipid
D. To stabilize the fluidity of plasma membrane
Menstabilkan keanjalan membran plasma

1. The following statements are about the movement of substances across the
plasma membrane .
Pernyataan berikut adalah berkaitan pergerakan bahan merentasi membran

 Transport large water soluble molecules following the concentration

Mengangkut molekul-molekul besar yang larut air mengikuti kecerunan
• Required carrier protein.
Memerlukan protein pembawa
What is the process ?
Apakah proses tersebut ?
A Osmosis C Active transport
Osmosis Pengangkutan aktif
B Simple diffusion D Facilitated diffusion
Resapan ringkas Resapan berbantu

13. Diagram 10 shows gaseous exchange in an alveolus.

Rajah 10 menunjukkan pertukaran gas dalam alveolus.

Diagram 10/ Rajah 10

Which of the following process occur in the exchange of gases X and Y.
Antara proses berikut yang manakah berlaku semasa pertukaran gas X dan Y?

A Osmosis C Active transport

Osmosis Pengangkutan aktif
B Simple diffusion D Facilitated diffusion
Resapan ringkas Resapan berbantu


2. Why does salted fish remain preserved after a few months?

Mengapakah ikan masin kekal terawet selepas beberapa bulan?

A The growth of bacteria is inhibited

Pertumbuhan bakteria tidak berlaku
B The pH of the solution used is low
pH larutan yang digunakan adalah rendah
C The water content in the fish is maintained
Kandungan air di dalam ikan dikekalkan
D Water molecules enter the fish cells by osmosis
Molekul air memasuki sel-sel ikan secara osmosis

16.A plant cell is immersed in distilled water for 20 minutes. It is then taken out and
immersed in 30% sucrose solution. Table I shows the observed condition of the cell.
Sel tumbuhan direndam dalam air suling selama 20 minit. Sel tersebut kemudian
dikeluarkan dan direndam dalam larutan sukrosa 30%. Jadual 1

Condition of cell
Keadaan sel

Type of solution Distilled water 30% sucrose solution

Jenis larutan Air suling Larutan sukrosa 30%

Table 1 / Jadual 1
If the cell is put back into the distilled water for 20 minutes, which condition of the cell
would be expected?
Jika sel tersebut direndam semula di dalam air suling selama 20 minit, keadaan sel
yang manakah dijangka akan dapat dilihat?



17. Potato strips were placed in 5 % , 15 % and 30 % sucrose solution. The initial mass of the potato
strips is 1.40 g.
Which of the following should the final mass of the potato strips in 30 % sucrose solution be ?
Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk menyiasat kesan kepekatan larutan natrium klorida terhadap
jisim jalur-jalur kentang. Jisim awal jalur-jalur kentang ialah 1.40 g.
Yang manakah antara berikut berkemungkinan jisim akhir jalur-jalur kentang di dalam larutan
sukrosa 30 %

A 1.14g C 1.58g

B 1.40g D 1.79g

18. Cucumber slices are immersed in 0.1% sucrose solution. After 3 hours, the slices are found to be
turgid and hard. Which of the following statements explains this phenomenon?
Kepingan mentimun yang direndam dalam larutan sukrosa 0.1%. Selepas 3 jam, kepingan tersebut
didapati menjadi keras dan segah. Manakah antara pernyataan berikut menerangkan fenomena
A The high osmotic pressure in the vacuole causes water to diffuse into the cell
Tekanan osmosis dalam vakuol menyebabkan air meresap ke dalam sel
B The cell sap is hypotonic towards the sucrose solution
Sap sel adalah hipotonik kepada larutan sukrosa
C The cucumber cell wall prevents it from shrinking
Dinding sel mentimun menghalangnya dari mengecut
D The cucumber cell wall allows the sucrose molecules to diffuse into the cell
Dinding sel membenarkan molekul sukrosa meresap ke dalam sel

19. Diagram 9 shows the intake of K into a root cell.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan pengambilan K ke dalam sel akar.

Diagram 9 / Rajah 9
The process requires energy. Which of the following is K?
Proses ini memerlukan tenaga. Manakah berikut adalah K?

A Water C Oxygen
Air Oksigen
B Sodium ion D Glucose
Ion natrium Glukosa


20.Diagram 13 shows processes X and Y which occur when erythrocytes are

immersed in distilled water and concentrated salt solution respectively.
Rajah 13 menunjukkan proses-proses X dan Y yang berlaku apabila eritrosit
masing-masing direndam dalam air suling dan larutan garam pekat.

Cell placed in distilled

water Cells placed in concentrated
Sel direndam dalam air salt solution
suling Sel direndam dalam larutan
garam pekat

Cell shrivel
Cell burst Sel mengecut
Sel meletus

Process X/Proses X Process Y / Proses Y

Diagram 13/ Rajah 13

Which of the following are processes X and Y ?

Antara berikut, yang manakah proses-proses X dan Y ?

Process X Process Y
Proses X Proses Y
A Haemolysis Plasmolysis
Hemolisis Plasmolisis
B Haemolysis Crenation
Hemolisis Krenasi
C Crenation Haemolysis
Krenasi Hemolisis
D Plasmolysis Crenation
Plasmolisis Krenasi


Blacken the answers for objective questions.

Hitamkan jawapan bagi soalan objektif.

1 A B C D 11 A B C D
2 A B C D 12 A B C D
3 A B C D 13 A B C D
4 A B C D 14 A B C D
5 A B C D 15 A B C D
6 A B C D 16 A B C D
7 A B C D 17 A B C D
8 A B C D 18 A B C D
9 A B C D 19 A B C D
10 A B C D 20 A B C D

Section B / Bahagian B
30 marks / 30 markah
Answer all questions / Jawab semua soalan

Diagram 2.1 shows the structure of a plant cell as seen under an electron microscope.
Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan struktur satu sel tumbuhan yang dilihat di bawah mikroskop electron.


Diagram 2.1
Rajah 2.1
(a) (i) Name organelles P, Q and R.
Namakan organel P, Q dan R.

P : ...............................................................................
Q : ...............................................................................
R : ...............................................................................


[3 marks]

(ii) Explain the function of organelle P in the plant cell.

Terangkan fungsi organel P dalam sel tumbuhan.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(b) The ribosomes in Q synthesize proteins to form hormone.

Explain the effect to the plant’s growth if the cells in the shoot tip are lacking in ribosomes.
Ribosom dalam Q mensintesis protein untuk membina hormone.
Terangkan kesan ke atas pertumbuhan suatu tumbuhan jika sel pada bahagian hujung pucuk
tumbuhan kekurangan ribosom.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(c) Diagram 2.2 shows a plant.

Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan suatu tumbuhan.

Diagram 2.2
Rajah 2.2

(i) State the level of cell organisation of part S.

Nyatakan aras organisasi sel bagi bahagian S.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Explain how the cell organisation is build up.
Terangkan bagaimana organisasi sel bagi S dibina.

[2 marks]


[2 markah]

(d) Diagram 2.3 shows a variegated leaf.

Rajah 2.3 menunjukkan satu daun beraneka warna.

Purple colour
Warna ungu
Green colour
Warna hijau

Diagaram 2.3
Gambarajah 2.3

Which coloured part of the leaf contains more starch when tested for the presence of starch ?
Explain your answer.
Bahagian berwarna manakah pada daun mengandungi lebih banyak kanji apabila ujian
kehadiran kanji dilakukan ?
Terangkan jawapan anda.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]


Disediakan oleh: Disemak oleh: Disahkan oleh:

Puan Faridah Binti Osman Puan Kosnah Binti Karnadi Encik Rashid Bin Abd. Rahman
Ketua Panitia Biologi Ketua Bidang Sains dan Matematik Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran
SMK Taman Megah Ria SMK Taman Megah Ria SMK Taman Megah Ria


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